The mighty Valley Ideal Org — the biggest and best ideal org on earth (according to their own hype — is, like all other “ideal orgs,” empty.
How do we know?
As has become normal — they have announced it on social media.
They have to resort to Facebook to find a twin for someone on Objectives? They don’t have any other students available in the org?
This ‘ideal org” that sits in the middle of the self-proclaimed “largest concentration of scientologists on earth” in the biggest Class V org (square footage wise) on earth and the midst of “unprecedented” levels of expansion and never before seen overwhelming demand for scientology?
How can these people not see reality?
In the real world, an Ethics folder full of commendations and $4 will buy you a cup of coffee. In the Cult, it will buy you a trip to the Reg office.
A commendation will go towards your eligibility!!??!!??
So, one has to fork over a ton of money AND “earn” commendations in order to be eligible to receive the “service” they’ve already paid for!!??!!?
WAKE UP you idiots!
No way anyone is going to do THAT Glenn! It requires someone to be aware of being aware!
Yo Dave,
Are you aware of the level of Scotch in yer bottle??
Might be time to stop by and wish Danny a happy new year in his new digs! Just sayin’ good buddy!
LOL as usual, Newcomer, and Happy New Year, Mike and lovely family and a very Happy and healthy New Year to all the lovely people on this blog.
I have a feeling that something is going to happen in 2024, something good, something really good. What can I say? Its just a feeling. But in my old age I’ve learned to pay attention to these things, when they occur, seemingly for no reason…
Back with y’all in the New Year.
How can these people not see reality?
Thought-stopping? Brainwashing? I also wonder if self-selection isn’t at work, and the remaining members are in many cases those with actual lack of discernment plus tendencies towards magical thinking.
What’s the next course typically taken after SRD? You’d think they want to get the student through, done, and into regging for the next thing.
Yes everything Mike says about Valley Org is true. I knew a woman who was on staff there in the finance division. (not sure if she is still on staff there now). She told me in confidence that Valley org couldn’t even pay it’s light bill or its heating bill. So in order to get money for that the org resorted to opening the org up for a price to outside groups who wanted to rent it for a party or meeting or big get together. It’s kind of like they pimped out the org to pay their light bill. Also when I drive by there, I only see one or two cars in the parking lot. Heck maybe they should rent out their parking lot and have outsiders pay to park there.
Where is the voice of Bart Simpson when you need him (or her)?
If Kathy Morrow is still the IC of OSA then she better start finding the who and git those damn stats up.
And it sounds like there are lots of opportunities for the resident Oh Teas to practice their abilities on finding parking places, hell, everyone should feel Oh Tea at Valley!
Yo Dave,
WTF good buddy?????? You have reached a new level of downstat! Git on it!!! You could always rent parking space to Waste Management for dumpsters ……… and see if you can get Crest to sponsor a dumpster scrubbing for Oh Teas contest.
Great comment Coop. Yes, now the OT’s can send in their parking spot wins to Advance Magazine when they come to the Valley Org parking lot.
While the Valley Org may be empty, this email may only be that they want someone not on course to come in and one way this child and they don’t want to use someone who is already there as they would then not meet their completion targets for other courses. This way they get an additional body in shop and more student points. Even if org was full, they might try to do this – anything to get more people in who they can reg for more services and money. The strange thing is that the supervisor doesn’t just pick up phone and call some people who he or she knows might be available who already did the (non)survival rundown. With a big booming org, they should have a number of those people around. Sending out an email is just a sign of a lazy person who does not care but who is pretending to care. With any luck, no one will volunteer and this child will be spared the mind numbing effects of the processes.
EX, you make some good points here, but in my experience this is not the case. Back in the day when I was ensnared in the cult at a mid-sized mission, it was routine to pull people off of the HQS course to do ‘assists’ and ‘audit’ fellow students. There were plenty of people available to do this and there was never a problem with lack of student points or course completion targets. I always dreaded having to do ‘TRs’ with someone rather than study or do and ‘assist’ rather than study but it was just the way it was and no big deal. This Facebook post just screams desperation.
Your points are definitely valid and certainly could indicate a lack of public in org- which is actually a good thing, even if hard to wrap one’s wits about after decades of thinking Scientology was a good thing.
Do you think they still have an HQS Course?
There is probably an HQS course, but few or no HQS students. I have to say, when I did it, the HQS course was actually sort of fun. It got me fully involved with the cult and things just went downhill from there. If I weren’t such an idiot at the time I would have bailed out during the Comm course. Some of us are very slow learners but when we FINALLY get it, we get it and get out for good.
One of the changes Davey brought in: They were losing people on the Student Hat course because so many couldn’t get past the big words and photo nomenclature and things where LRH used very big, obscure words. So Davey changed it by taking out much of the hard stuff and some of the tapes, making it easier to pass the checkouts on the tapes. I think LRH would roll over in his grave if he knew all the ways Davey squirreled the tech and the courses and auditor training he did away with.
Maybe LRH will come back one day and tell Davey, “I just came back to whip your ass, little man!”
Amen to that Ms. B. I qualify as one of the VSLs. Just glad I was not in the VVVSL group!
Yo Dave,
We have something in common good buddy but as usual, You are way better at it than I am. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and award You with the very, very very very slow learner student of the century.
Have you learned of the why that the COS is shrinking??? Not likely as you may need to add another ‘very’ onto your new status. As for me, I learned that the Cherch of Shit is currently composed of those with severe learning disabilities and led by One who is in a whole new stellar category of its own. Happy New Year Dear Leader!
Don’t staff members sometimes ‘twin’ for these SRD things? How empty is that place?
During my time in the cult, I never saw a staff member act as a twin. Of course, back then there were actual students being supervised by staff members. Now days, if blogs like this are to be believed, a scientology group would be hard pressed to have even a barebones staff let alone students so maybe a straggler student would need a staff member to step in and twin. Not really a bad thing for the staff member. While they were sitting there for hours on end doing TR-0 they could be daydreaming about finding a moonlighting job and the poor student would be none the wiser.