This year’s IAS event is going to be “virtual.” It’s a fundraising catastrophe for scientology as this is their biggest single event for raking in cash.
Undaunted, they put out a “press release” on a paid news service. Of course it gets no pickup in the media at all, as it contains no news. But you can find it online.
Below is the full release, 100% hype and bs. The back-patting “quotes” are from themselves. And their big accomplishment is apparently that some agency in Spain includes the IAS event as a scientology holiday in their “educational calendar.” Wow, that is an astonishing feat! Scientology so badly craves ANY sort of “recognition” that they take any mundane action by “wogs” and turn it into something worthy of a standing ovation. It’s comically pathetic.
BRUSSELS/MADRID, BELGIUM/SPAIN, October 7, 2020 / — October 7th, 2020. IAS members will virtually gather during this month to learn about the achievements of the last 365 days on the name of humanitarian drives, and to work on the planning “much still needed efforts” to help bring the world back to “improved normality” says the European representative of Scientology. The Spanish government’s foundation Pluralismo y Convivencia includes the anniversary as a holiday of the Church of Scientology, on the educational calendar in Spain amongst those of other religions.
Born in 1984, a time where Scientologists had to unite in a single organization to help protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists from attacks of biased government and social agents, 36 years later counts with having contributed to safeguarding the Scientology religion around the globe and supporting some of the biggest private initiatives worldwide on drug prevention, education of human rights, literacy and disaster relief.
According to Ivan Arjona, the representative of the Church of Scientology at the European institutions and the UN “This last year has seen the strength of what members of the IAS can do in a combined and coordinated effort to contribute tackling a worldwide disaster. Scientologists have been taking care of the most immediate needs of those helping citizens heal. They took the time to provide sensible information so that at least 5 million families, if not more, would have the needed knowledge to keep themselves and others well” and “This would have not been possible without the support of all members of the IAS”.
The Fundacion Pluralismo y Convivencia (Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation) of the Spanish government under the Ministry of Presidency, recently published a video listing all religious holidays for the month of October. As it is now tradition, it also includes the Anniversary of the International Association of Scientologists, which its members
“We are proud of the relationship we have with many civil society organizations and government agencies as it allows us to help in these times of need, and so it is comforting to see nations recognize not only our good intentions but our actions” said Arjona when asked about the fact that October 7 is officially recognized for example in Spain as a religious holiday.
The Foundation Pluralismo y Convivencia according to its website “is a public sector institution within the Ministry of the Presidency of Spain. Its mission is to anchor the recognition and acceptance of religious diversity as basic elements of peaceful coexistence, dialogue, and thus the complete guarantee of religious freedom in Spain”. It supports the implementation of religious and denominational projects. It also collaborates with the representative bodies of the religious denominations in order to guarantee for their members the unrestricted practice of their religion under the protection of religious freedom.
In its social and educational work, the focus is on raising awareness and tolerance of religious plurality; it is a cooperation with society as a whole, for the promotion and better understanding of religious diversity and thus contributes to the development of an informed public opinion.
On their part, the IAS is often making grants to fund public information campaigns aimed at addressing key societal ills, including according to their website “The world’s largest nongovernmental anti-drug initiative, reaching tens of millions annually. The world’s largest nongovernmental human rights campaign, broadly promoting the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Global literacy programs helping tens of millions of underprivileged students in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Scientology Volunteer Minister program bringing emergency relief to more than 10 million people at every major disaster site throughout the last decade”.
IAS grants have funded new Church facilities in Harlem, Inglewood, California, Johannesburg, New York, Madrid, Hamburg, London, Rome, Washington, DC, Brussels, and elsewhere. The IAS, the official membership organization of Scientology, open to all Scientologists from every nation, was formed in 1984. The purpose of the IAS is to unite, advance, support, and protect the Scientology religion and Scientologists in all parts of the world so as to achieve the Aims of Scientology as originated by L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology): “A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.”
Press Office
European Office of the Church of Scientology
According to the late Father Malachi Martin,Lucifer and Satan are two completely different entities.They are just two along with a myriad of other demons.That is if some people believe in that.And Anton Levay was just a former carnival worker and con man.About as full of b.s. as Mr.Hubbard was only Anton Levay actually admitted he was full of shit.
“… Where Man is free to rise to greater heights.”
If it were possible for any man to rise to a greater height, Little Dwarfenfuhrer would be all over that.
Most reports indicate he is only 4’9″. His greatest desire must be to grow to a greater height.
But it won’t happen using the “tech” because the “tech” doesn’t work and it has never worked.
Wow,even my daughter at five feet is taller than Der Furher,uh,I meant to say Mr.Miscaviage.
It is good that the victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology are not going to be made to jump through hoops to travel and then attend an event which definitely would have super-spread financial misery if not Corona virus.
Looking forward to leaked video – but be reasonably careful (as Bruce Ploetz outlines).
I haven’t been protesting IAS events for some years, now, but I’m happy to stay at home with a clean conscience 🙂
Of course, there has been ZERO progress in clearing the planet.
In fact, progress has been NEGATIVE as the population has exponentially outpaced the Clears and OT’s produced (made up and never achieved states of being).
The IAS is a joke and scientology is a joke.
To the OSA drones monitoring this board – Continue wasting your life. The ONLY person that loses is – YOU.
As the late George Carlin once said,”The planet is fine.It will cleanse itself.The people,however,are fucked.”
The IAS was formed in 1984. Hubbard by then was mired in illness, drugs and medication. The power grab was moving forward. If Hubbard was well he would not have allowed it. Per KSW the IAS is the ultimate squirrel policy.
“…the ultimate squirrel policy.” Indeed the ne plus ultra.
I would guess that a “virtual” fundraising event would make it easier for people to duck out and avoid being forced to make donations. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Or is there still some way the cult masters could exert pressure on these people (above and beyond the prison of their belief)?
WOW! They’ve “helped” less than 0.001% of the world’s population!! WOW!!! Just…WOW!!!!
You’re missing about 20 0’s after the decimal point.
Or just put a minus sign before the whole thing.
They never had much to tell at these events other than inflated stories always altered and seasoned with a lot of PR. All stories, among other things, of which then nothing has been heard anymore.
But this time they are really eagerly starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
The real WHY for the IAS meeting being virtual is so that Defendant Miscavige can bloviate from an undisclosed location where process servers cannot get to him.
Will IAS members watching from their computers stand and applaud each and every time Defendant Miscavige announces an amazing statistic such as the massive increase in Scientologists arrested for white collar financial crimes in the past 12 months?
Bloviate from an undisclosed location, LOL, LOL, LOL. I had to look that up . He must have altered his e-meter to give immediate applause. Warning MIscavige to much bloviating may cause asthma.
Dave likes things to stay the same as they were last time – except with more money coming in.
Lots of the other events are small, staged affairs which are securely distributed to the orgs as DVDs to prevent them leaking. Scientology knows how to do this already. They are also desperate to persuade members who have stayed home due to the pandemici to come back to the orgs before they drift away altogether.
I think it’s quitel likely that the IAS ‘event’ will be compiled in a studio and released to the orgs as a DVD in order to:
a) Bring people back to the orgs
b) Enable the regging of groups that can’t now happen at Saint Hill
c) Prevent the material leaking.
I’d like to be wrong, because a more networked, ‘live’ approach would inevitably leak but I dont see Scientology they can create something that will work and be convincing at such short notice.
Even if they could, they won’t havethe iron control over it that they need during an ‘event’ whose focus is extracting money. That has to be done by face-to-face social pressure and intimidation, in the orgs.
The only stat he cares about is the balance of the bank accounts he controls. THAT is a constantly-rising statistic. Can’t go down UNTIL he liquidates them in his move to Bulgravia; or Columbia, or wherever he feels safest at that moment. He really can’t do better than the current situation, living and “working” on a building with two entrances which don’t connect with each other internally
Jeffrey- great work always. I’m the Underground Bunker there was posted a Flyer indicating the number of Sea .Org members (extrapolated to be about 6,200). I’m wondering if you might have an approximate breakdown of where those members would be assigned – orgs, missions, rtc, ias, osa, ias, archival locations, LRH houses, Tom Cruise staff, etc.. Of course, the number is likely inflated and may very well include Sea Org members who are retired/not on active duty and those taking a 21 year hiatus (dead) until their next posting. I figured if anyone might have such a breakdown it would be you. Thanks for all you do.
Perfectly Clear, they likely have ME on their “roster”, even though Flag threw me away as garbage 40 years ago. And probably a whole host of us conversing through this blog. Most likely, any numbers they release are someone’s fabrications that just have to be bigger than the last ones, so that anyone paying attention THINKS they’re actually growing, instead of being virtually a corpse, barely twitching in the throes of its decrepitude.
Right, Mr. Augustine! The Dwarf is still in hiding…makes sense. But a virtual event will be a washout it will be for donations! Good Lord, I’d ESPECIALLY hate to be a staff member now.
Change is a part of life and it’s only the dead that never change.
I apologize for this long digression into NOI – stop here if you like.
The NOI hardly interests me, but for once I chose to read this one. Note: The three dots on the right have ‘Transcript’ under them. You can read instead of listening. I find reading to be quicker.
00:26 CALLER – help me understand the connection between scientology and the nation of islam
00:39 RIZZA – absolutely well the first thing i say the majority of what you hear is absolute lies from people who know nothing what they’re talking about
So, just like Lyingtology, Pizza I-Slam starts by claiming you have been hearing all lies, and by corollary you will now be hearing all truth. Uh uh. That is not a proven relationship, nothing of the sort.
Pizza claims he’s been studying Scilontology for over 15 years. What a waste.
01:49 He quotes from a cover page of Dianetics (perhaps a later edition, because it mentions Scientology). He twists the “collection
of over 50 000 years of thinking men” into “ah so an
honest white man who admitted that he got this information from the black man” to which I can only say “Huh?”
03:10 “matter of fact in that book it talks heavily about how the white man has used manipulations of psychology to destroy the original man constantly throughout that book everywhere i never talks about how the evil of the white man has destroyed the original people of the earth period”
(Note: ‘original man’ and ‘original people’ refers to black humans)
So, as usual for the NOI, this is a screed about evil whites bringing down black people. An honest researcher like Pizza learns about Scilontology to find its valuable tech and tools, even if white men invented them like cell phones.
Pizza has learned the lessons of Lyingtology well, and so through all this short 12 minute video he rambles, hitting his talking points while he conflates, distorts, denies, and uses several other tricks like re-defining words. He even changes Hubbs’ definition of the word Scientology!
In the end it’s just the same old same old: whitey is bad, blacks are not only good but the original people of the earth. You could change Pizza’s words here and there, do some re-phrasing of white to black and vice versa, and most of this entire transcript could be adopted by some angry Proud Boys militiaman in a rant against the evils of black people.
I will grant one thing: archeologists and other scientists believe humans all came out of Africa, and later spread across the world. Back then all homo sapiens had dark skin to help protect against the harsh sunlight of the African savannah. Whenever I encounter a rabid race-hating whitey on the internet I like to remind them “we all came out of Africa”, but so far no one has responded to that comment.
I want to provide the source of the quotes. The quotes come from the video Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam Addresses His Scientology Affiliation:
I discussed the video in an earlier post today. My intention here is not to criticize or undercut the post that I am replying to; on the contrary, I welcome it. Like I said, I just want to provide the link and the context.
Ammo – Excellent post!
Ronnie Steven Islam aka
The mighty “Brotha Pizza I-Slam-the-White-Man” is a crim!
Medi Cal fraud
His entire family are haters and racist crims
NOI is a cult that teaches black people to hate
In Hubbard’s day it was thought that humans had been in Europe for about 50,000 years, so “thinking men” is probably actually a white supremacist reference to Europeans after they left behind the sort of supposed unthinking savagery, that he refers to in some of his racist writings about Africa. So once again Rizza’s ignorance and failure to really study or analyze things, lead him to jumping to completely incorrect assumptions.
Thanks for that analysis, it’s a particularly good point about how Rizza uses scientological propaganda and indoctrination tricks – though some of that is common to cults in general.
Truly a disaster for the diminutive despot.
Normally they would have thousands of marks in one place. A salesman’s paradise.
The event makes it seem like Scientology is making a big difference in the world. They send out camera crews all over the world to find someone who is doing something that can be shot to make it seem like something actually happened. Thousands of leaflets distributed! Some famous religious figure met with a Scientologist! Tents were set up for quack therapy at disaster sites! Something! Anything!
The classic example is someone who vacationed on a South Pacific island. The camera crews showed up and set up some fake shots about it – suddenly a new Freedom Medal Awardee was born! South Pacific tiny island freed from the evil Psychs or something!
The whole point of all that transparent propaganda is to get the crowd pyched up at the event so the lesser sharks (IAS field staff members) can work the crowd and make their commissions, Every event has a donation quota, every year it is higher than the year before. I remember hearing numbers in the millions of dollars back in the 90s.
While the crowd gets their pockets picked, the big sharks head for the offices in the basement of the Castle for an all-nighter. In the early nineties all these event were broadcast live by satellite, so all over the world psyched up marks would be softened up for the sharks. The shark smoke-filled boiler room would cold-call every Scientologist on the mark list and rake in millions. Probably not credit cards over the phone, just pledges.
Next day the sharks big and small have all day to call in those pledges. They hold little seminars and demonstrations all Saturday to get the marks back to Saint Hill. Then in the evening everyone there wants to be able to go up on stage with the Diminutive Desperate Despot and get their remodeled bowling trophy. They call it the Patron’s Ball. You can’t even get in unless you or a family member have ponied up $50,000 at some point.
Sometime in the late 90s the live events became delayed live events on the same night, then became local events that showed the video weeks later. So that blunted some of the impact. But you would still have the crowds at Stain Hill.
Now they are going to do it all at once again, but no crowds and no Patron’s Ball.
Will the sharks in the boiler room still be able to tear it up for the multi-million dollar “Mission Accomplished Sir!” of past days? If there are really only say 20,000 left, and maybe 10,000 of those are penniless Sea Org or staff members, that’s some $200 each. But that assumes that every single Scientologist tunes in and gets contacted, pretty unlikely. My guess is it will be in the hundreds of attendees and won’t even pay for itself.
Sounds like it will be a total bust to me. Good.
And a Total Bust would be something NEW? scientology has been a total bust from day one, AFAICT.
Bruce, your comment broke my heart. To think that Dave is being deprived of all that income that would be used for the betterment of mankind is extremely sad and illustrates how the psychs have brought about the whole thing, just like they did in Nazi Germany. My condolences to COB and his whole family, er inner circle.
That’s very interesting. Thanks for sharing that
I guess the Mercy Ships need to speed it up – Reaching Those in Need – In Sub-Saharan Africa, there are only 2 physicians per 10,000 people. And because 50% of the population lives near a coast, our hospital ships are the best way to reach those in need.
Oh, how about the Salvation Army?
Or the Red Cross?
Oh! Doctors Without Borders?
St. Jude’s Hospital?
Geeze, there are so many others who need to study what scientology’s IAS has done and how they do it! Shame of them for not reaching out to them.
Hmmm, I did a quick search of other humanitarian organizations and it’s just so doggone odd that the IAS didn’t even get a mention.
Don’t confuse Mercy Ships, a Christian charity, with United States Naval Ship MERCY, which was recently in NYC on a covid relief mission.
You are right civmar, I wish I had pointed that out. Thank you for doing it.
Peggy, like all the rest of scientology, NOT one aspect of the international enterprise is as effective as they tell themselves and try to tell everyone else. Their “wins” are illusion and delusion. (or, if you prefer, smoke & mirrors.) Studying the IAS or other “scientology” division should only be done as an example of the way NOT to go about it UNLESS you’re a criminal enterprise trying to improve your public perception. By now, scientology hardly has a public perception as it’s shrunk so tiny and ceased trying to actively recruit new members. The new all-passive Div 6s aren’t pulling people in, they’re turning those who might visit OFF, turning them away.
Seems like Davey-boy LIKES everything small.
“Their “wins” are illusion and delusion. (or, if you prefer, smoke & mirrors.) ”
Any of those work for me Jere 🙂
If they ever were to attempt to go public, as in TV ads, etc. I think that might just be one of the biggest mistakes they could make, which would be delightful. Can you imagine how many WOGs would do some research and become part of the ever-growing number of people, oops WOGs, who see sciengology for the sham it is.
I wonder how many ‘virtual’ dollars the ‘virtual’ event will raise? Now every active Clam will be hustled down to the mOrg to watch and rege. Yeah, that’s a $cientology holiday.
$cientology needs a symbol or some other marker to set themselves apart from the wog masses. Something like a tree that is always green and smells nice. And put a star on top to symbolize the Marcab Confederacy. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
There is probably someone who reads this blog that will have access to this event.
Very important: DO NOT comment with the access codes, web site, times etc. If you do, they will just be changed. You will probably lose access. And maybe your Sea Org kids too.
If you are in this very privileged category, and are willing to risk being outed as an under-the-radar type I suggest emailing Mike or Tony using a hushmail account.
I am sure someone can set up a recording using your credentials. They are not going to let you download it of course, but if you can get it playing on your screen you can record it directly. Techsmith Snagit, many other low-cost or free tools can do it. If you do it via a VPN there is no danger that they will trace it back to you using your IP address. Ideally it would be done on a two-screen desktop system with the video in full screen on a 4K monitor while the capture software is open on the other one. That will get you the best resolution possible.
If they do it as a Zoom or something your personal camera may be in the screen, or even your audio. If so, just act naturally. Then get someone with Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere to wipe your personal data out of it. If you end up sending it anywhere, (wink-wink nod-nod) be sure to wipe out the metadata too. Lots of export options also export the metadata which could include your location etc.
Sorry to get so technical on a Saturday morning, but this is a golden opportunity if played right.
great advice!
Religious holiday…do they get the day off? Ya, right! 🤣
Kim, “religious holidays” are when you don’t have anything else to do but empty your, and everyone else’s, pockets for the good of the cause. It’s similar to the Roman Catholic Saints’ days, when the faithful were herded into the cathedrals to listen to get another boring, interminable sermon, JUST like Davey’s long-winded puff pieces which everyone is ordered to give a standing O.
“They took the time to provide sensible information so that at least 5 million families, if not more, would have the needed knowledge to keep themselves and others well”…”
Here it is, the virtue signaling for the fleecing!
The info they provided was and is already provided all over, it’s non-stop communicated on every media channel and everywhere. They just jumped on the band-waggon to use their virtue signaling to manipulate (as usual).
“Narcissists and virtue signaling”:
If, and it’s a big IF, scientology spent as much money on actual humanitarianism as they do on OSA activities, private investigators, harassment lawsuits, endless promotional mailings, bogus annual events, goofy trophies, empty buildings, idle media facilities, etc. – then maybe, just maybe, they could create some public goodwill.
The ‘church’ has absolutely no credibility, never has, and now it cannot buy its way out.
It’s just not in their nature to selflessly help others…Hubbard considered the needy and downtrodden to be trash, PTS, WOGs and degraded beings who ‘pulled it in’. As far as I know, he never parted with his ‘hard earned’ cash to help anyone else. His narcissistic, one way concept of ‘exchange’ is ingrained into the Green and Red volumes forever.
And all that bullshit about giving his hard won research and discoveries over to scientology for free. ‘The work was free, keep it so.’ and don’t look while I stash the cash in my Swiss bank account. If I had to characterize LRH in one word, it would be Liar. As for DM…Evil.
“scientology holiday”? Nobody gets a holiday in scientology! This brief breath blah blah blah.
Also somebody can’t count – 2020 is a leap year so there are 366 days.
“1984, a time where Scientologists had to unite in a single organization” – what was wrong with the Hubbard Association of Scientologists?
“IAS grants have funded new Church facilities in …” sounds like this was all new this year, except it’s old news puffed up to make them look like the fast growing religion.
The IAS once sent a couple of boxes of books to the Chief Probation Officer’s office in Oakland CA. She opened it then hid it away in her closet. The gift being considered “public property” could not be dumped in the trash (as it should have been). Instead it lay gathering dust in her closet. Personally witnessed this. Yep, governments LOVE Scamtology alright.
Ridiculous statement do you really believe all white skinned are devil s you are delusional with no eyes ears or a brain🙀
Sam, they MUST believe all whites are Devils, or their scam falls apart. HAVE to have an enemy to unite against, of course.
Until he had an epiphany that we humans of all races, religions, skin colors, etc. are all brothers and sisters ( whereafter he was assassinated) Malcolm X called ALL white people “devils”, i.e, “white devils” and/or “blue-eyed devils”. During Malcolm X’s regime (and again, before his pilgrimage to Mecca after which he completely reversed himself about hatred of whites and began steering the NOI on a different path) Jews were lumped in WITH Christian whites under the heading of “devils”. Under Calypso Louie the targeting of whites appears to have been narrowed down to Jews who trace their ancestry back to Europe.
Hi Dear Mike,
Would like to ask a question and quick statement. As a really able being that you are you did a excellent credible job for the church I think you deserve a big VWD with awards! But I myself have seen staff that sacrificed much to help and worked long hours and get possibly 1 day a month off to do laundry!
I ask did you ever get bridge auditing to any completion?
Do you believe people can have engrams?
And that past track mishaps can affect the present ability! I don’t know if you will answer these statements but if you have no reality of empirical experience on this the church is to be held accountable for letting you and other deserving beings not get a reality and real auditing result have committed really high crimes to be suppressive on all the known dynamics especially the 7th dynamic!
WOW! a PERFECT opportunity to blow off a non-event.
There will be no new news of course; nor any truth, except by accident.
ETA: you don’t even have to TRY to log into the virtual event. If they notice you weren’t there, your computer was on the fritz, or couldn’t run the software(prob zoom, I guess). And if you want them to REALLY feel good, you got an error message that the server was overloaded with all the other people logged I, and when you tried again later, there was no response. Another ploy is to log in identifiably so they know you were there, but turn the monitor off or put it to sleep as you catch up on your own shuteye.
O/T. Yesterday, I posted the video Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam Addresses His Scientology Affiliation:
Today, I would like to highlight just a bit more information. In the video Rizza Islam also says:
“We know the White man is the devil per his nature. We know that like that’s just period.”
Note: Besides watching the video, I also downloaded the YouTube caption to double-check the quote.
Wow, Rizza, racist much?
Hubbard was Lucifer and Satan per his admission and his nature. Those who reject Hubbard are clear.
That always gets me, the OT 8 first rounder course takers got the Lucifer honest Hubbard admission, and then they censored that content. What a continuing disaster of lousy content Hubbard put out.
It’s a group snipe hunting operation, where no one inside their operation is allowed to admit it’s a snipe hunt.
I cannot believe I wasted so many decades thinking “we” were making OT super-people. We were making people into super fakers who didn’t reveal lit was all a snipe hunt.
George your confirming the Lucifer content of the originally released version of OT 8 is the best historical anti climax raw contribution to proving Hubbard was nuttier than us lower level scientologists weren’t “high enough case level” and in the right spot at the right time, to see. Thank-you endlessly George. You are truly an historical standout in Scientology “Truth Revealed” history, LOL.
Chuck, you are very welcome. I really enjoy reading your posts.
Hubbard was Lucifer AND Satan? I got kicked out of Sunday School for being too rambunctious or something so I never learned too much about Christianity so that confused me. I checked a wiki article about Lucifer and I guess for some people the names are synonymous.
Anyhow there was this section about Luciferianism:
Luciferianism is a belief structure that venerates the fundamental traits that are attributed to Lucifer. The custom, inspired by the teachings of Gnosticism, usually reveres Lucifer not as the devil, but as a savior, a guardian or instructing spirit[113] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.[114]
In Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible, Lucifer is one of the four crown princes of hell, particularly that of the East, the ‘lord of the air’, and is called the bringer of light, the morning star, intellectualism, and enlightenment.[115] The title ‘lord of the air’ is based upon Ephesians 2:2, which uses the phrase ‘prince of the power of the air’ to refer to the pagan god Zeus, but that phrase later became conflated with Satan.[citation needed]
Author Michael W. Ford has written on Lucifer as a “mask” of the adversary, a motivator and illuminating force of the mind and subconscious.[116]
Hubbard probably LOVED defining himself that way. You can’t get much better than that!!
Richard, you got kicked out of Sunday School? I did too. I was nine and asked the Sunday School teacher where Cain’s wife came from. The Book of Genesis says therewas Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel.., and then Cain went and got a wife…from where? Where did she come from, if there was only Adam, Eve, himself and his brother? Simple enough question, I thought. But apparently not. Sunday School teacher got upset. Told me I had to “have faith”. I did not consider that an answer to my question and said so. (I was the only child of older educated parents and encouraged to ask questions when I didn’t understand something.) She hemmed and hawed and then I thought of a possible way and said, “Wait! Wait! Maybe Adam and Eve ALSO had a daughter and Cain married his sister!” (I didn’t know anything about incest at that age fyi) Well, she pretty much splattered like an egg on concrete and told me I should not come back to Sunday School until I had “more faith”.
Then she changed the subject. At home I asked my mother where Cain’s wife came from. She was distracted about an angel food cake she was making that was not rising and said, “Yes, of course, you want to know that. Ask your father”. I ran to him. I knew he would tell me the truth and not be angry with me for wanting to know. By this time I was a little frantic, though. I blurted out the question and told him about what had happened at Sunday School. He turned to me and gave me a long look and said, “I don’t know. No one knows. Nobody knows where Cain’s wife came from. But don’t worry about it because its not important. Its not important AT ALL. Let me tell you what’s important. Follow the 10 Commandments and do your homework and get good grades. Brush your teeth and help your mother when she asks you to. Don’t worry about anything else right now and don’t ask that woman that question anymore because she doesn’t know and its only going to upset her because even though its in the Bible she doesn’t know and even I don’t know and nobody knows and nobody cares either.” Hmmm…I digested this. HANDLED 🙂
Also from wiki:
Satan,[a] also known as the Devil,[b] is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as either a fallen angel or a genie, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons. In Judaism, Satan is typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or “evil inclination”, or as an agent subservient to God.
and . . . In Christianity, Satan is known as the Devil and is sometimes also called Lucifer.
Hey George – Over the last few years your comments have often put me on side studies to my benefit and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Thanks! 🙂
Good to hear from you, Richard. You are very welcome. Remember you are the one who started me into the Occult.
George – That needs a bit of clarification, haha. I posted a music video which had some Occult symbolism which reminded me of scientology and caught your interest. You jumped down the rabbit hole and I followed. Madam Blavatsky here we come!
“…We know that like that’s just period.””
I have a headache now. Where’s Gumby the brain specialist when you need him.