Here is the first promo for the Warehouse Mark VIII.
Funny that something that has sat in a warehouse for 9 years is presented as “the future has arrived”…
The over the top claims are as ridiculous as they sound.
This is an E-Meter with the cutting-edge technology to take you up the Bridge to Clear and OT with astounding speed and unprecedented certainty.
This is why they sat, unreleased, for nearly a decade. Because Miscavige couldnt get an event together where He would be able to SELL ENOUGH. Speed and certainty of auditing played NO role in this. Otherwise they would have been released many years ago. The FSO have been using the Warehouse VIII since the first prototypes — the guts were simply put in Mark VII cases so the public would not know. It’s funny to read “successes” now about “how incredible it is now that my auditor is using a Warehouse VIII”. They have been using them for years!
…reads that are 50,000 times clearer…
Right…. This is really a bit confusing as I was told the reads were 47,462 times clearer. Or maybe it was 472,620? Or maybe it was a million times “clearer”. Wonder how you measure “clearer”? A needle you could see one foot away with a Mark VII can now been seen at 50,000 feet with a Warehouse VIII? Bizarre.
The Mark Ultra VIII raises technical standards and speed of case gain to heights never before attained.
Which is why we kept it in a warehouse….
Ownership or use of the E-Meter by anyone not in good standing with the Church of Scientology is prohibited.
I doubt anyone outside the RCS would WANT one. But it begs the question about how He thinks He can control ownership of a meter. He could say “we will not sell you one unless you are in good standing.” But that is not the same thing as “you are prohibited from owning one.” Typical Miscavige. It’s like His assertions “she is no longer a Scientologist” because she is no longer submitting to reg rape and disconnection in the RCS.
Ron’s vision of a fully OT meter for all Scientologists… Now realized The First Digital E-Meter The Hubbard Professional Mark Ultra VIII. This is an E-Meter with the cutting-edge technology to take you up the Bridge to Clear and OT with astounding speed and unprecedented certainty. It’s the culmination of everything Ron envisioned and planned. Knowing that his specifications for an ultimate meter were beyond Earth electronics of the day, Ron directed how to implement requirements for a fully OT E-Meter in the future. With the 21st-century digital age came the realization of Ron’s prescient vision. In session, you’ll find it unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Its responsiveness is lightning-fast, smooth and exact. The result is an unprecedented level of comfort, ease and usability, focusing your full attention on the preclear. For Solo auditing sessions its use is second nature. Your attention is focused on your case—where it belongs. Now you can experience it for yourself. Designed for the Perfect Session The Mark Ultra VIII is the perfect meter for the perfect session. Its intelligent, ergonomic design enables you to take in everything in a single glance. Needle dial, digital display—all vital information perfectly positioned. It self-calibrates every time you turn it on. In seconds you’re ready for session. Moreover, it will remain in perfect calibration. That means there is no need to send in the meter for updates or calibration. Annual certification and any future software updates are easily done online. Perfect calibration is a constant. Meter Reads 50,000 Time Clearer Astonishing precision and clarity. A powerful computer chip lies at its core. Advanced computer technology eliminates all electronic interference. The result is reads that are 50,000 times clearer—the most accurate ever imagined. With this level of accuracy, you can zero in on the exact charge, no matter how submerged or miniscule—with total certainty. It’s a state-of-the-art masterpiece. Laser Precision at 1/1000 Accuracy Cutting edge optical technology delivers exacting performance with the ability to observe the smallest Tone Arm changes at the lowest sensitivities. The Mark Ultra VIII meter’s Tone Arm responsiveness is laser precise—because the Tone Arm positions are read by light. The Remote Tone Arm uses identical technology for perfect Solo sessions. The Tone Arm will never go out of calibration, lose accuracy or wear out. Accuracy is guaranteed forever. The Perfect Connection The Mark Ultra VIII combines form and function—precision-designed electrodes uniquely coated for greater purity and more precise tolerances. Five standard sizes for preclears. Their ergonomic design is lightweight for total comfort and perfect accuracy. Specifically engineered electrodes for Solo auditors meet the same standard and deliver the same comfort. The result: flawless connectivity with the meter. Perfection achieved. Function is Everything Solid support for maximum gains. The Mark Ultra VIII meter’s shield provides a smartly designed support for references and dictionaries of virtually every size. This extra functionality lets you focus 100% of your attention on your preclear—for steady progress up the Bridge. The smallest details are managed for maximum gains. Your Guarantee of Total Freedom The Mark Ultra VIII raises technical standards and speed of case gain to heights never before attained. In session with the Mark Ultra VIII you will experience not only the highest standards of technical perfection, but also the most spectacular gains and speed up the Bridge. Total freedom—true to Ron’s vision. A Technology Revolution The Mark Ultra VIII—an entirely new level of perfection. The most extraordinary meter you will ever experience. It’s unequaled precision, clarity and ease of operation are here for you—with accuracy guaranteed forever. ● Response at the speed of light The future has arrived. To order your New Hubbard Professional Mark Ultra VIII E-Meter, please respond to this email or call our direct ordering line: (323) 899-1034. The Hubbard Electrometer, or E-Meter pastoral device is intended for use by Scientology ministers, ministers-in-training and other qualified parishioners, as a guide in Confessionals and counseling to help locate the source of spiritual travail. The E-Meter, by itself, does nothing and is neither medically nor scientifically useful for the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease. Ownership or use of the E-Meter by anyone not in good standing with the Church of Scientology is prohibited.
it sounds to me like they are trying to go towards a subscriber-type setup. ie you would own the emeter but would be required to subscribe to a emeter “service”. think about it like this, when you buy a cable/satellite box instead of renting as soon as your no longer subscribed it becomes useless without the actual digital cable/satellite service its useless. you still own the box(emeter) but without subscribing to the service its essentially useless. now where or not this “new” old emeter is able to do this or not Im not sure. but if it really is able to be hooked up to a computer for updates it would be a simple matter of adding a small amount of code to make it subscriber based.of course this would require a server on the other end but if it actually does have update capabilities this really isnt very hard at all to do. if they don’t do it with this emeter and assuming CoS survives till the next big even Id bet money the next emeter will be subscriber based. of course the church may not be smart enough to figure it out but it is possible definitely.of course this is assuming that they have a proper user agreement I dont think it would be legal to do this via a software update in future id imagine it would need to be disclosed at the time of sale as well.
To Mike Rinder,
Sorry for the confusion. I was in the balcony, in the last section towards the end. This section was empty, except for maybe the first 2-3 rows and not all the way across the auditorium either. You could look at the Shrine Auditorium seating chart online too.
Yes, I definitely believe there were less than 4000 people there. There pockets of empty seats/rows throughout.
I read two-thirds of all of these intelligent posts…thank you all! I will read the rest later, after my Solo VII session. Has anyone wondered if they will hide RFID “tags” inside these new “digital” meters (Radio Frequency Identification chips)? That way they can know where your meter is at all times and know where it is being used. Then, if the C of S is still around in 3 years, maybe as you upgrade it each year the church will try to learn how much Tone Arm Action was gotten, , and how many Rock Slams your meter had, etc.
OK, here’s the clincher — my guesstimate as to why the C of S can never again make their Ultra L-8 meter any more advanced after 8 years of cold storage annual updates…the C of S would then be VIOLATING the PATENTS of all of the currently existing and more advanced — truly digital — Independent E-Meters that sell online daily to auditors for a fraction of the price of the Ultra L8 to non C of S auditors! Oh, and for the record, you do not need a tone arm nor a trim knob on a truly digital meter. They can have both, but the TA can be reset auto-magically microseconds before the needle falls off the left OR right side of the dial. That’s 50,000 times faster than the human hand can move a Tone Arm. So, take that, Ultra-L-8. (Note: That is pronounced “Ultra L8” as in ultra late.)
One Point Won,
Regarding RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags: In order to obtain info from them, they must be scanned (interrogated) by a RFID Interrogator.The battery powered tags may be read from a distance of hundreds of meters but the more common un-powered tags can only be read from a few meters away. (See Wikipedia article for more info:
The CO$ would have to bring an RFID Interrogator into your neighborhood in order to obtain information from a RFID tag embedded in your E-meter.
A more practical solution would be to embed GPS circuitry in your E-meter. Even then, embedded cellular circuitry would also be required to contact the CO$. (Your cell phone likely includes such GPS & cellular circuitry, which enables your phone provider to track you.)
To Jane Doe,
Miscavige was referring to the “recovered” Objectives co-audit for everyone at any point on the Bridge now, OT’s included. It seems that anyone can originate that they want to redo/flatten their Objectives and voila.
I am also unclear on this point as to how someone can be on Objectives and “decide they want to do more”. It sounds to me like people can program their own case for Objectives, or least have a lot of leadway in doing so.
Miscavige gave an example of his staff at Flag, who get or have gotten little auditing and said that they really wanted to make the most of it so they kept auditing on it for an extensive amount of time.
He mentioned without actually saying what exactly, that there’s some “interesting” Objective processes towards the end and some people have the interest to do those, to see what they are, or to experience them, so they stay on it. Also, because they saw others doing it and wanted to too.
I checked this point out with a friend is an old-school auditor and CS and that person wasn’t so sure either but told me that there is a CS series (46, Declares?) regarding what to do if the PC feels he has not made the EP.
Someone on the processing lineup for GATII would have a better explanation but I really have no interest to contact anyone about it because then I’ll never be let alone after that. You know, “I reached for it”.
Mike Rinder,
Was the Shrine full?
Pretty much. There was a much better turn out than I expected to see. I sat at the very top tier of the auditorium and that wasn’t full. Only the first few rows. The bottom was full. The second level I cannot say because I didn’t walk around there.
I did go out during the first break and there was a large crowd.
I didn’t see anyone in a SO or staff uniform. All of the staff were dressed as public and generally, I saw a lot of younger people and am assuming they are actually staff members, not public.
I left only 20 minutes after the second event started, so I have no idea what the evening looked like. When walking outside, I saw other people walking back to the parking area for the event, which was at USC across the street.
Thanks Pepper.
I am confused about the difference between the “top tier” of the auditorium and “the second level”?
If the “top tier” is the balcony, and only the first few rows were full this means there were less than 4000 people there. That is pitiful when the whole of PAC, the Int Base, all orgs from San Diego to Santa Barbara staff and public were expected to be there.
But perhaps I misunderstood what you were saying…
Uh-oh. LA pulled in more people than the Dwarfenfurher did in CW. Is the circus tent coming to LA next???
Now it makes sense! They had to sit in the warehouse until wog technology caught up with the brilliance of this futuristic, super deluxe, beyond the cutting edge to the fringe of technology, e-meter. Why, of course…… It’s not like anything and everything in 2013 is internet connected, like my phone, my music player, etc.
Were you aware of efforts back in the 90s to prevent resale of meters on Ebay? They were claiming the FDA efforts to restrict the sale of meters gave them special rights to take down auctions.
Use a laptop and software. These days you can plug a guitar into an iphone with an inexpensive interface. At least put a raspberry pi in one so you can surf the web as your PC nods off from the “new” tech. USB port, ethernet out, wifi, etc.
Well, stupid me. A bunch of other commenters made the same “automatic failure” suggestions I did. I didn’t read all the comments before posting.
Funny about the “optical” tone arm. Back in the late 70s, Dan Carlson was working on the Mark VI, and recommended using an optical encoder be used on the tone arm. But no, that wouldn’t be good enough! So here we are 30 years later and what is the latest? An optical encoder on the to warm!
I also think they built in a remote disable function. If your IAS isn’t current, if you are not on the “approved” list, it will turn into a $5000 brick. You try to update, and suddenly it’s dead. Or has a timeout, that is reset on the Certification “update”.
Quite a surprise for the budding apostate.
Oh Gott, what a circus!!! I am truly sorry for the current Cof$ member lol…
I don’t see any reference to what kind of batteries they are using. If NiCad’s, then it will be back to the same old problems.
I seem to remember that the old Mark VI was advertised that it could be plugged in re-charging, and used at the same time. There was no need to have a second one available. (If properly designed, this would not be a problem. Hell, I could design that myself.)
Knowing what I know about the “net nanny”, I would be hard pressed to plug in any device to my computer that was linked to Co$. I’m sure these “software upgrades” will cost you a bundle, so you are basically paying them for spyware.
Here is the second part of the 2000 patent There is no U.S. patent for the e-meter that is more recent than 2000.
Thank you for doing this research, SOYS.
Spot on, Still On Your Side. Thanks for the links.
Audit the PC, not the meter. The meter makes it faster, but you could audit a PC without one. It requires more attention on the PC, more checking with him, and some procedures would have to be revised, but laws of listing and nulling point out that what the PC says is senior to anything you get on a meter. Heck, if you really look at it all, the PC is senior to the auditor who is just there to help. Auditors tend to be very unassuming people. It may be that too many auditors become “meter dependent” and there area lot of Clear and OT e-meters floating around.
Quite right, Carcha. As many of us know, there is nothing more frustrating than watching and waiting while the auditor counts the number of needle swings. PC indicators have been thrown out in favour of an electronic gadget.
In Davey’s church, a thetan is a MEST thing he’s trying to squeeze into a coffin. In his eyes, we must be right pesky blighters.
The patent [No. 6,038,470] for this “brand new” e-meter was granted to the Church of Scientology by the U.S. Patent Office in 2000, and it was filed in February 1998. The story gets better, because this patent for “a training system for simulating changes in the resistance of a living being” is a continuation of a patent that was applied for in May 1996. Further, the language of the 2000 patent makes clear that ability to discern and recognize “changes in a living body” that Hubbard theorized became “routinely available” with first e-meter that was granted a patent in 1966 (there also was a second patent granted in 1984).
This means that the “future” was “here” in 1966. Even if you were to argue that the 2000 patent is for a better e-meter, that was still filed almost 18 years ago. 1966 or 1984 or 1996, all well within the 20th century. Miscavige did not have to wait for the technology of the 21st century to fulfill Hubbard’s wishes, (but what’s a lie or two or two thousand among “friends,” right?)
The patent also includes much language about the “training” operators of the device need, stating
“With the advent of Lafayette R. Hubbard’s device for measuring and indicating changes in a living body, the possibility of discerning and recognizing small changes in the resistance of living body through an electrometer device has become routinely available. Mr. Hubbard’s inventions and various improvements are described and illustrated, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,290,589[1966] and U.S. Pat. No. 4,459,995. [1984]
Through the use of such devices, various patterns relating to changes in resistance occurring in the living body were discovered by Mr. Hubbard. Such patterns, also known as “reads,” have been categorized and labeled in numerous publications. Operators of such devices are trained through the use of training films and training session to recognize such patterns.”
The 2000 patent is found here:,038,470.PN.&OS=PN/6,038,470&RS=PN/6,038,470
The 1984 patent is found here:,459,995.PN.&OS=PN/4,459,995&RS=PN/4,459,995.
The text of the 1966 is not online, but there is some information found here:,290,589.PN.&OS=PN/3,290,589&RS=PN/3,290,589
● Response at the speed of light
The meter has an analog meter. The “speed of light” claim is bogus. In fact, electrical circuits operate at a small fraction of the speed of light.
● Advanced digital technology
Well, it does have a processor chip. Big deal! …or does it still have an analog Wheatstone bridge for the meter? This might refer only to the ancient LCD display.
● 50,000-times-clearer reads
How does this cumpute? Davie modifies the basic needle swings at will. How does that work?
Does this e-meter have a Davie subroutine that can be modified at his will to define needle swings?
● Tone Arm accuracy to 1/1000 division
So how does the auditor benefit from this? The result is still subject to the auditor’s whim. Who has the ability to discern a 1/1000 division anyway? Does the meter store needle swings and swing rates so that Davie can invalidate the sessions?
● Laser-precise engineering
Every plastic device is designed with Laser-precise engineering.
● Self-calibration
This “might” be an advancement, depending on the calibration standards, that Davie can change at a whim. Of coiurse, Scientology has never had defined calibration standards, given the hand cream and had pressures on the cans.
● Ergonomic design for maximum comfort ??
I am sitting on the meter? Is this a sex toy?
● Automatic tracking of session length
Good if the subject will be able to track session length. Probably not. Only Davie will be the interpreter of session length. What does “session length” mean to the subject? It obviously means billing $$ to the subject, but does the subject have access to session lengths to challenge the billings?
● Customizable time zones
Cool, 10.00 USD clocks have had this for at least 20 years. Where is automatic calibration of time? Not there: it would have cost another 1 USD per unit.
● Multilingual display in 16 languages
What can I say other than $cientology claims offerings in many more languages.
● Elimination of electronic interference for ultimate needle accuracy.
Standard electronic design eliminates external electron interference.
● Annual update that can be done online—no need to send in your meter ever
This is the ultimate and hidden capability. The unit apparently must have the ability to store and report time-based usage. This MUST match with the Kult’s records.
As I understand, these meters were constructed with RS-232 interfaces. How the hell are these meters to communicate via the Internet? No wireless, no modern networking? Telephone modems??? I don’t think that I could find a viable telephone modem even on eBay!!
● Ultra Lightweight cans with a unique coating process for optimum connectivity
So this eliminates the skin’s electrical resistance and capacitance that requires the use of hand cream to compensate?
● Sleek, ergonomic, state-of-the-art carrying case.
This a HUGE improvement. When I carry this case in public, everyone will look at it and instantly realize that I am a Scientologist and defer to my every utterance. No one will advance on me within 6 ft because I can kill with a glance.
I just got a touch tone phone today.
Its the latest in straight up and vertical tech…lol
In the text of the E-Meter Mark VIII Patent document is the statement:
“The devices are utilized to detect small changes in the electrical resistance of the audited person as that person looks at aspects of his own existence in order to improves his ability to confront what he is and where he is.”
We know the ‘where he is’ comes from the Confusion Formula, but the ‘what he is’ is new.
The formula for Enemy is ‘who you really are’ and for Treason is ‘that you are.’
Maybe Davey knows something we don’t: an ethics condition called ‘Everybody,’ the formula for which is: Find out what you are.
This whole GAT II stuff reminds me of Peanuts cartoons where Lucy holds the ball for Charlie Brown to kick. Lucy pulled the ball away from him several times before, but THIS time she won’t do it. Promise…
You got that so right. Wonder how much longer Miscavige can play Lucy?
Wonder how much longer the sheeple will play Charlie Brown?
“Ron’s vision of a fully OT meter for all Scientologists… Now realized”
Oh yeah right as if Slappy the Squirrel has achieved Ron’s vision somehow after all this time.
Actually the Mark 6 and even the Mark “Super” VII before it was screwed up with the Quantum “upgrade” work just fine for OT auditing.
Maybe Slappy here is channeling Voley here instead of the Ol’man. Just for fun read the HCOB “A Dissertation on Emeter Cans” to see what’s really been going on with meter “develop” like the Golden Age of Squirreling most “improvements” since the Mark VI are pretty much unneeded and unwanted.
Who needs a meter that “calibrates” itself?
I’ve never seen even a Mark V never mind a VI or a VII ever go out of calibration in all the thousands of hours I’ve audited.
Meter reads that are 5000x clearer????
Who needs that?
I mean even the old Volney main line meters would show an accurate fall or a tick. Christ even a Voltmeter will do that!
All you need is a meter that will show the above which pretty much all of them do.
Then the cans or electrodes.
Tin plated soup cans work the best and always have. Not the platinum, gold or possibly Du plated cans they’re probably selling for big bucks that don’t work as well and never have.
(I know because when I was on the GAT internship auditing in the HGC we tried the “newest and the latest” at the time that felt like they were made of tin foil.)
As Scotty said in some Star Trek movie way back “you can upgrade the plumbing so much that you end up stopping up the sink” or something to that effect.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not a Ludite or anything like that and I love my Mavericks OS but there comes a point when “improving” anything beyond a certain point is pointless.
Point well made, remoteviewed. You can get so you don’t see the wood for the trees. LRH evolved the bridge up to OTVIII on a 1966 Mk V.
That’s very true Poet.
Well, for 1/10 the cost I got a program that turned my laptop into an E-meter that also shows a graph of the needle movement. When you see a sine wave on it you know it is an F/N.
I wonder if a microphone could be added so the voice wave could be shown lined up with needle wave. Then if the end of a statement lined up with a read, you could see whether it was instant in a measurable way.
Dan Koon, can you tell us who made your meter and where we can buy it and the price?
Too easy too hack. Even the toughest Blu-ray copy protections were ripped out by cracking groups less than 24 hours after its release. No more difficult that breaking the password for the BIOS/CMOS. But then who cares, we don’t use CO$ crap out here. However, any securities the Mark VIII’s might have precede Blu-Ray, so even easier to nullify.
I think that’s a pretty good summary.
You can continue to use it, but they also have a place you can send it to for “Retirement”, ie. trash it. (Why pay packaging, postage and waste your time on what drops quickly into a GLAD garbage bag? At least it tells us what they actually think of the Mark VII Quantum and what I have said all along … they’re complete junk.
Evidence of IAS rape will probably do.
Next … the “Golden Age of Optometry” … lol.
At the event another E-meter was shown that was the result of Hubbard’s auditing on OT 12 and this emeter can be used to audit Thetan Exterior or with no body, and can be used in outer space. I swear I am not making this up. I believe this went over the audience’s head as the volume of data and sound was at maximum already.
What???? I wish I coulda been there. Next you will be able to audit people remotely. And maybe they will be able to run processes on us SP’s with out us even knowing. Oh wait, I don’t get case gain. So what would be the point? 😉
Would be nice to get a hold of a contract copy which supposedly comes along with the invoice and warranty papers. I read someplace, can’t remember where that they would have the right to recall the meter and seize it from you anytime at all. In other words, it’s not really yours, a lease kinda deal and is supposedly legally enforceable. I guess they are worried the ‘squirrels’ will get a hold of it who should not be having any case gain in the first place. Remote Tone Arms are like so passé. Can wait to see an “Ergonomic F/N” though … lol.
If this meter were so advanced, why not run it with a footpedal? Why keep moving Hand & Arm back and fro between the paperwork and the Tone Arm? I guess the left needs to be exercised too between wads shot during hyped events … lol.
Won’t make any difference since oils coat the cans shortly after pick-up. The conductivity of virtually any soup will more than suffice. If it prevents corrosion, then great, but all that has been resolved long ago.
There has to be a charge for this though? If this meter is so perfect, what state could it possibly be updated to?
I bet that when the buyer signs license agreement, they keep the one copy of it just like the membership and routing out agreements.
I wonder what protection they have against just resetting the clock and rolling the year back?
It’s hyperbolical-licious!
GLEE Meter
“Annual certification and any future software updates are easily done online.”
Oh, I guess He didnt want to cut that income line to Gold. I wonder how much it costs to update and cert your meter online?
I’m sure Daveyboy would like to think they can control who owns these things, and I’m sure that exact same warning came on the previous Mark VII about only members in good standing being able to own or use them. But look, there’s Mark VIIs on ebay! Heavily discounted too! Even discounted they are a ripoff versus their cost, but I can’t blame Scis for trying to recoup some of their money. Are the church lawyers going to stop these sales?
And when they say only members in good standing can buy and use these decade old meters, I’m sure what they really mean is that you’re not in good standing UNLESS you buy and use these decade old meters.
I have several grand on account at the local org (I put it there to keep the money out of the hands of IAS and to train….how my training went is another story.) Since getting the money back would probably involve lawyers and law suits, something I’m not in the mood for, I was thinking of getting one of these meters. Not a good Idea, I guess. Any suggetions on what to do with the cash on account?
Why not buy a meter with your money on line?
If you don’t want to do that, just survey the Indie public and auditors as to what they need and want that you can buy and then sell to them. For instance, sets of cans is a needed item, leads, etc. But there may be more people want you to buy for them and then resell to them.
Around 5 years ago, I met with the owner of a manufacturing company about a product I was developing. He traveled from China to meet with me & as we sat in our living room talking, my wife asked him what the most interesting project was that he ever worked on. He asked us if we’d ever heard of Scientology & continued with his story of manufacturing this “new meter” in Taiwan. He said it was very unusual as it was a very big rush, continually changed, was extremely remunerative & when completed was sent to a warehouse to sit. I believe he said it was in 2003/2004.
That is cool, Mat. Nice pull. I wonder if the meter says “Made in Taiwan” on the back!
Indeed. How I would love to know the factory in Taiwan that makes them.
Matt, can you get in touch with him again, and see if the source code is still available? (for academic reasons only, of course.)
Pretty much everyone in Scientology is broke…so good luck trying to $ell these at $5450 a pop and everyone must buy TWO! I know people that have had their meters for 10 plus years and never even opened them…and a few couples that have 4 in their household because they were good little clubbed seals that did everything they were told!
This surely will cause more blowage in the Cult!! Continue…well done Miscavige…please continue!!
The Orgs will be forced to purchase new meters and they are already hurting with no money and no one coming in…can’t wait to see the side effects of the new GLEE Meter!! LOL
How much do the orgs pay for E-meters they sell to the public? Do orgs pay full price? Forgive me if this is a stupid question.
As others mentioned you can own the device butnot the software running it. Which brings up another point. How old is the current software and what level of security would it have from a hacker?
The only ones in need of this “new” e-meter is the Student Hat word-clearer…
One more quick observation regarding the Shrine event.
When talking about Objectives (which is for everyobody now), Miscavige mentions that the time frame completing Objectives varies and depends on what the person wants to do (really?). This is co-auditing Objectives. So not to worry about the cost of being on it for a while, the financial burden is on the org delivering the service.
Wow, he actually had the nerve to point out the ‘exchange factor’ of the CoS! To promote the idea that the CoS is so abundantly in exchange with the public. ‘Giving away’ hundreds of hours of auditing.
Now that one really got me. A stunning example of propaganda.
Pepper — was the Shrine full?
Pepper, Miscavage said,
:…the time frame completing Objectives varies and depends on what the person wants to do…” What did he mean? Was that
depending on whether you coaudit it or whether yo pay professional rates for it?
But to say you’ll be on the Objectives as long as you are, depending on what you want to do????? so do PC’s just now decide when they’re done and the CS is no longer needed?
More detailed, distracting crap to occupy your mind, so you don’t look and see the real picture.
I went to the LA event at the Shrine yesterday for a short period of time, only seeing about 2 hrs of the actual event (which was about nine hours).
I will only say that I heard a lot of generalities, mixed with lots of invals of previous bridge and auditing done and evals regarding how it wasn’t right, an SP changed it, or now the real tech has been “recovered”. Each long sales pitch ended with Miscavige emphatically saying it was now, a “Done!”. This was the signal for the audience to stand up and clap and cheer loudly, which they did.
I particularly noticed that many figures were blatant lies; such as people took anywhere between 500 to 700 hours to complete expanded Grades. I never saw such a thing in my time in Scn. He also used a similar comparison to completing the tapes on the Student Hat course; hundreds of hours. Many of the numbers were blown up and just plain exaggerated.
I always say that whenever I see someone talking too much, explaining something too much in detail and going on and on, I always tend to think they are in fact, covering up something. My bullshit detector alarm sounds. It was ringing at high pitch yesterday.
Miscavige droned on like a lawyer, giving a literal dissertation to back up or defend anything he was talking about, or trying to sell. Well, it was pretty obvious to me that this was a big, hard sell to him and very important that everyone in the audience ‘gets it right’.
It is still very time consuming and expensive. The average American must work full-time and doing the bottom Bridge will take months to over a year, easily on a part-time schedule. This is only looking at time, not cost, which I think is out of reach for the average person on an average salary. This will only result in more debt and pressure on people.
Another epic failure to get the tech available to the average Joe. More people will leave or just give up and more will never even start.
Wow where to start…
“in good standing” – this is interesting. I spent quite a bit of time with org terminals to find an on-policy definition of this term. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn’t exist. The closest I got, from the MAA, was “whatever we determine it to be”, which if you think about it, is pretty close to the truth.
“Knowing that his specifications for an ultimate meter were beyond Earth electronics of the day…” – plaaaleeese. Obviously taken from Ron the Galactic Engineer series. These people wouldn’t know good technology if bit them in an ass.
“unprecedented level of comfort…” – for Christ sake, it’s a freaking meter not a Cadillac!
“50,000 times clearer—the most accurate ever imagined…” – wait a minute – I just now imagined 100,000 times clearer. Clearly they do not have much of an imagination.
“Tone Arm accuracy to 1/1000 division” – good Gawd man, what kind of auditor (or C/S) requires this kind of TA accuracy?? Answer: no one.
“Automatic tracking of session length” – yeah, its called a Stopwatch.
Man these guys are really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Why not say “it’s got knobs!” and “cool blinking lights and stuff” or “its the perfect fashion accessory to go with your new IAS honor status”.
LOVE your sense of humour, Statpush! Got the giggles about halfway through 🙂
My first thought when I read the blurb was why would anyone need 2 of these if they are so perfect? Surely it can’t malfunction in the middle of a session?
And here’s my suggestion for the Mark IX guys – DO AWAY WITH THE CANS ALREADY!!! Then pcs and auditors won’t have to worry about grip, sweaty/dry/oily/tired etc hands. How about those little pasty thingies the medical profession uses for their highly sophisticated equipment? Now there would be comfort – not to have any attention on how you hold/squeeze the cans!
They forgot to mention that it turns into a $5,000.00 paperweight if you don’t toe the line…
Hi what happen with the old ones? ah yeah right YOU MUST BUY THE NEW ONES that is going to be the new statement!”….The pressure is going to come, ilegals sells are coming, who knows…
So, the promo says: “Its intelligent…” of course, because the leader is stupid.
“But it begs the question about how He thinks He can control ownership of a meter.”
Mike: this e-meter requires an “Annual certification and any future software updates online”. That makes it easy to control ownership. Actually, you can own it, but once you are not in good standing they can cancel your cert and the software stops working. It can easily be done, and I will not be surprised if they actually done it. You need a user and password for the online updates and certificate.
“Annual certification and any future software updates are easily done online.”
I mentioned it on another blog already. To me it seems that your emeter will be disabled when you try updating it and you are not in good standing. The cult could also install software on the emeter that is not properly working …. to harm the SP. (And who knows what spyware the cult installs on your computer.)
The Mark VII also had problems that were not discussed at all. When you show a small read as a large one – and correct me if I misunderstand something here – then you cannot really tell that you had a read of the same size. So how can you follow the same read along a time track incidents?
One more problem (unrelated to this topic) can be found in the book evolution. Why are you discussing semicolons? When you translate books into other languages, then the punctuation gets lost anyway. The rules are entirely different in other languages. Eg. English uses much less commas than other European languages. You can for instance have no commas in an English sentence whereas the translation has 5. (Sorry, I am not precise here – I have to stay incognito.)
Therefore you can add semicolons in English texts, but all other languages are probably unaffected.
The big “semicolon” issue was really only with SOS.
„Knowing that his specifications for an ultimate meter were beyond Earth electronics of the day…“
I did back in 1975 build a gas-phase chromatograph that did detect some 3 or 5 atoms in a million of atoms. But Earth electronics is so bad….
“with accuracy guaranteed forever.”
Is this legally binding as a guarantee?
Since the new OT 8 meters have been used at Flag ( innards transferred to Quantum meters)
Has this reflected as a positive boost in stats ( case gain and completions) of OT 7’s
Yes or no , that’s all.
Unfortunately your question wasn’t clear enough. “Stats” as defined by DM or real world stats?
Actually, there are people outside of the RCS who would want one. There were some Anons who made some fascinating videos a few years ago about the guts of the e-meter, and I’m sure that an update is in order. Of course, there were also videos with Anons performing “solo auditing” with the cans, but not in the way you get trained on the Pro Metering Course…
“Ownership or use of the E-Meter by anyone not in good standing with the Church of Scientology is prohibited.”
Really? what are they going to do about it? Come steal it? That would be prohibited by THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Culties forget that those exist.
Well duh, Scientologists in good standing are above the law. All 3 of them that are left. I hope since he is above the law, WHEN the hard light of justice is in his face, DM gets a bottom bunk with a 6’8 “really friendly” guy as his cell mate.
And I hope the two of them bcome as close as two men can get without exchanging jewelry!
“It self-calibrates every time you turn it on.
In seconds you’re ready for session. Moreover, it will remain in perfect calibration. That means there is no need to send in the meter for updates or calibration.
Annual certification and any future software updates are easily done online.
Perfect calibration is a constant.”
Do they actually read this stuff before sending it out? (How much do they want to charge for an unneeded upgrade / certification?)
Is the 3 swing F/N detector included, or an upgrade?
A couple of observations on the Mark VIII.
This is the meter Marc spoke of I believe he has stated there were only 10K manufactured and stored at Int base?
Not to sound disrespectful however why is there still a Large Analog meter? That easily could have been digital, even emitting different audible tones or light for Pass, Fail, Test etc with much higher clarity.
Also with a fully digital meter it would read lighting fast no need to wait for a needle to move in a session.
If it Self-Calibrates why would anyone need the Trim or other dial?
If it Self-Calibrates and Accuracy is Guaranteed forever. The Tone Arm will never go out of Calibration and doesn’t need to be sent in annually for it’s Cert why are they still pushing Annual certification or Software Updates?
This Mark VIII is supposed to be Source’s ultimate vision. He thought of everything and now we have the electronic technology available to build LRH’s vision (via the literature).
Are they going to want every member to have 2 of these like earlier models?
The Big standout is there are only supposed to be 10 thousand of these I find that telling.
Uh, define “digital”! What a farce!
Is it just me or does it look like a compact for birth control? So ridiculous. I can’t believe anyone would buy this thing. It doesn’t even hav full color screens!! I mean even the smallest, most generic, something you buy at 7-11 MP3 player has a color screen. They can’t even do that for the display? Talk about “antiquated” tech.
Wow. You’re right. You “buy” it and it’s only rented. I didn’t put all these pieces together… as I have no intention of buying one. I guess I won’t be able to sell the 2 Mark VII e-meters in my closet. Whew.
Any opportunity to suppress the 2D!
“Annual certification and any future software updates are easily done online.”
My predictions:
1. You will still have to pay for your “Online Silver Cert” once a year, which will be done by connecting to an online certification service that takes your IAS card number and your credit card number for the price of “certification” and then “certifies” your meter running an automated test and extending the meter’s expiration date in its software.
2. The meter will probably be rendered non-functional using its software at the expiration of its 1 year certification unless connected to the online service to report home to the church that it is still owned by a card carrying IAS member who is willing to pay for another year of using it – in order to prevent a second hand market.
3. Unlike the “old” Quantum with its bi-annual Silver Certs, this brand new miracle of technology has to be re-certified every year (surely makes sense to anyone on a steady diet of Kool Aid). So Miscavige figured out how to make the sheeple pay more often, also eliminating any work that is done at each payment. So in actual fact you don’t even own the meter. You are RENTING it from the “church” – after you have paid the retail price that includes a healthy 50,000% profit margin.
What has an inanimate object got to do with the speed of gains? Isn’t that the province of the individual being audited?
Exactly Peter! Next they’ll be claiming that the meter can audit people all by itself. Such a technical degrade.
Now you’ve gone and leaked GAT III. Sheesh.
Ah but quantum mechanics… 😉
“Your Guarantee of Total Freedom”……Yeah right!! Lol.
“Knowing that his specifications for an ultimate meter were beyond Earth electronics of the day, Ron directed how to implement requirements for a fully OT E-Meter in the future.”
There are times when the phrase “bat shit crazy” just seems soooo inadequate.
Yes, many questions: why wait 8 years to release them? Why charge $5000 plus tax? Why force people to buy two of them? Who will spend $10,000+ for this?
People like Craig Jensen?
Who will spend $10,000+ for this? Those same people who were incredibly stoked by the greatest event in the church of scientology’s history. ^^ Especially the guy who commented that he looked at all the grand buildings and realized they were no longer a small church. >.< They need one, sorry two, in order to clear the planet.
The whole thing is an exercise in absurdity. But a couple things strike me:
1.) If you are supposed to own two of these things in case one fails in session, why don’t they have a carrying case that holds two? That would make it much easier to switch over to the backup e-meter in case the primary one catches fire in session.
2.) They say that the carrying case is “ergonomic.” What, precisely, is ergonomic about the case? That it has an actual handle?
3.) “Ownership or use of the e-meter by anyone not in good standing … is prohibited.” Bet this wouldn’t stand up in court. It’s like a book or DVD. You buy it, you own it. And that includes the right to re-sell it, which courts have held cannot be given up by legal terms on the book or DVD. It would be an interesting test case to see if the RCS actually tries to take an e-meter away from someone who is no longer “in good standing.”
4.) I would be interested to see a teardown of one of these done by an electronics guy, as someone did with an old Mark VI on YouTube. I bet there is nothing even remotely based on light or lasers or anything else in there.
5.) I wonder what airport security would make of this thing, particularly the “cans,” if someone tries to bring two of these on an airplane.
#3- This happened to me. The church lost. I still have the meters to this day. When it comes down to it, it’s criminal, indictable theft if they try and take your property.
Perhaps their angle is that the software that you “update” every year is only licensed, and after a year it expires. If you are not in good standing then you can’t buy another 1 year license.
They could try that. It would be interesting to see what the courts would say about it. A physical device that self-destructs after a year might be frowned on.
Maybe the nine years was to draw up the contract full of hooks and catches?
“Ownership or use of the E-Meter by anyone not in good standing with the Church of Scientology is prohibited.”
As a Wog, I am truly crushed.
Like John P, I would very much like to see an engineer/computergeek/electronics type deconstruct this emeter. I laugh out loud every time I read Mike write “Warehouse IV”!
While this meter was sitting in the warehouse, I wonder why COB wasn’t looking at current trends in the Real World ( I’m actually being facetious there) and noticing that TINY and LIGHT and HAND-HELD are where technology is going.
Has COB ever been inside an Apple Store?
It’s nearly 2014. A truly “cutting edge” e-meter would be no larger than an iPad, have wireless connectors as “cans”, and be able to fit into a briefcase.
Behind the times again, Davey. I believe you are stuck in an electronic incident that happened in 1989, as evidenced by your aesthetic sense as well.
Correction, Warehouse VIII.
So if someone falls out of good standing they can turn in their meters for a full refund?
Actually weird as it sounds, someone I helped get close to $100k back last year was told by CC INT they had to turn in their meter and they were indeed refunded what they paid for it!
Let’s see 50,000 X 3 Swings = 150,000 Swing FN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 50,000 Exclamation Points! Oh Ya, That’s Logical!
SO ridiculous! +1
Can’t wait for someone to get ahold of one of these and tear it open for analysis.
Online software updates? I doubt it has any updatable software, much less any software other than what might be in a chip.
Need to get one to these folks:
Miscavige’s concept of “the future” looks like how the future was envisioned in the 1930s, ala the Buck Rogers movies. That’s what this thing looks like to me. What a dope that guy is. No, 9 years ago the future should have looked like an iPhone or iPad. This would have been a real innovation: an app on your iPad that served as an emeter. Or something like that. And that certainly wouldn’t cost $5000. What a greedy, stupid jerk.
Does this mean that all the “new, new” OT 7s and 8’s are doing it again to pick up what was missed on those crappy old Mark VIIs?