This showed up yesterday.
Wonder why?
Almost certainly it’s the result of Miscavige having a hissy fit about the imminent release of my book, A Billion Years: My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology
I’ve seen it many times — Miscavige screaming at his underlings that he is “being attacked” and “nobody ever does anything to protect him.” (Add some expletives of course)
They frantically rush off to “do something” and a pathetic press release like this results. No doubt there will be other “handlings” — more articles on the STAAD website, more nasty tweets from anonymous nobodies, more claims on Taryn’s site about the serious bodily harm I inflicted on her mother. But this is what they send out to the world to convince them what a kind and gentle, benevolent leader Captain Miscavige is. But it is SO lame, it is wonder that anyone believed this was going to do anything? He said hello to members of the band… Wow, that is mind-blowing! And that is apparently the extent of the interaction Vince Hurley (a Sea Org member in the UK) had with the great man. Oh yes, he also studied a course that it “turns out” Mr. Miscavige “put together.”
This extensive knowledge of Captain Dave is worthy of a press release intended to persuade the world he is a vindictive, violent sociopath?
Scientology has descended into parody.
“One thing I noticed about meeting Mr. Miscavige was just how friendly he was,” said Hurley. “And how he was interested in everyone.”
Hurley describes how David Miscavige was speaking at a huge international event for the Church of Scientology. Yet he took the time to come over and thank the band personally.
“I met him as part of the group,” he says. “Obviously, I’m performing with the band. And I remember when we were performing a concert—a big concert that the Church was putting on and Mr. Miscavige was there. He was speaking at the event. And he took the time to come and say hello. He took time to come and say hello to all of us individually. Shook all of our hands. And you could really feel the warmth and friendliness. The fact that he really was interested and cared about what we were doing.
David Miscavige invited the band to record an album at the Church’s studio
“Mr. Miscavige invited us to go and record at the L. Ron Hubbard Studio in America,” says Hurley. “And it’s such a beautiful studio for the Church of Scientology and so much care has been taken to put that together. It was just an amazing thing for the band. And yeah, we got to produce an amazing album and it’s helped us get to where we are now.”
Mr. Miscavige put together a course that the band got to study
Hurley describes how Mr. Miscavige gave the band the opportunity to do a very special course. And it turns out Mr. Miscavige put together the course. It included references that L. Ron Hubbard wrote about music and performance and art.
“We got to study this stuff,” he says. “And it really did change and improve a lot of things we were doing. It really helped the band to consolidate the art of what we were doing. And we’ve really taken off from there.”
The Jive Aces are featured in an episode of Meet a Scientologist on the Scientology Network.
Looking forward to the book hugely Mike. About bloody time! On the Amazon page “Customers who viewed this item also viewed” a book about the Daleks comes up. Coincidence? (Dr Who fans will get this).
I only ever met Miscavige twice. First time I was serving behind the bar at Int and he asked for a scotch and some tortilla chips. When I hesitated because I didn’t know what they were he looked me straight in the eye and without any warmth or humour informed me I didn’t have a f***ing clue what I was doing. The second and – thankfully – last time was years later at St Hill and I reminded him of the earlier encounter. Again, no warmth or humanity, he told me I should be selling the SHSBC for a living as I was in sales. Well I think I’d be pretty skint if I took up that advice. Another time on the ship I saw him berating some poor Finance exec who had had the temerity to answer back to him. There was pure hatred in his eyes. When I finally learned the full truth of his abuse and violence in 2009 I knew it to be true. It all made sense.
The part about how Miscavige personally put a course together that helped improve the quality of the recording sessions is reminiscent of something that another psycho totalitarian dictator does. North Korean supremo Kim Jong-Un frequently goes on “guidance tours” of candy factories, military bases, or whatever. He issues “suggestions” for how they can improve whatever it is that they do, and they grovel in thanks for his unmatched brilliant insights into their business. In other words, his personality cult does these things to convince the rubes that he’s the Smartest. Guy. Ever. Sound familiar?
I wonder if you and Leah (and many others, of course) have any real idea of how much impact you’ve had. There’s no real way of quantifying but I hope that you both take great comfort in knowing that you’ve rescued so many and how many hundreds OR THOUSANDS of people you’ve helped to avoid getting involved with Scientology to begin with.
“Psychopaths are often likable on the surface. They’re usually good conversationalists and share stories that make them look good. Psychopaths may be funny and charismatic as well.”
Merriam-Webster defines a psychopath as ” a person having an egocentric and antisocial personality marked by a lack of remorse for one’s actions, an absence of empathy for others, and often criminal tendencies.”1
…can anyone (besides TC) say that was their impression of DM?
First impression, yes. He has a slick social veneer.
David Miscavige walked over to the Jive Aces, said “Hello” and shook each band member’s hand.
Indeed, what more evidence could one possibly require?
So much for COB not being a humanitarian of the highest order.
Can’t wait for your book, Mike!
Probably going to sound funny – I have not had many interactions with Miscavige but, in truth, none them involved any screaming or abuse. When we did the first ever satellite broadcast (remember that, Mike) he was with a couple of people, I was just playing a minor role of cuing each speaker when it was their turn to get up on the stage. The only other time was when he was telling me to go take over OSA Int for a little while in the wake of the Christofferson verdict. Unreal exchange but politely done.
One of the reasons I didn’t dislike him from the get go was that my friend John Nelsontold me what a good guy he was – and John’s recommendation meant a lot to me back in the day.
Right Mick. He isn’t an insane raving all day every day. He can put on a good PR front and bd very charming if he wants to.
John Nelson was betrayed by him in the end. Same story with everyone. His true nature eventually comes out…
So I heard (about John Nelson) much later. Unfortunately I have never managed to catch up with John to find out! Talking about it reminded me that I got the phone call from Miscavige for John to tell him that he was now CO CMO Int. LOL.
Gawd, what a mess. So many good people have been hurt.
Looking forward to your book, Mike, glad you wrote it.
LMAO. This is so lame.
Of course Mr Mismanage is going to be nice to the Jive Aces, because he benefits greatly from this.
They are so delusional if they think they are fooling anyone.
You can see easily see how toxic the Sea Org is and at the top is this very psychotic toxic nut job.
And where’s Shelly?
I’ll bet you will get Book and TV interviews out the kazoo when your book comes out.
The Miscavige beatings era I hope dooms Miscavige, you having first hand received probably more than anyone.
When you get interviewed on this Mike, I hope you have some suggestions, how to answer this.
How can society stand to have a “religious leader” who literally beat up his top staffs for so many years, and got away with it, and still to this day, it just shows how a closed group, cannot deal with their leader going berserk.
How can society topple such a horrible leader to any group, and how to get Miscavige gone from his perch at the top of Scientology?
I just hope media come through, and hear you out, especially on this important issue, of a cult leader, who engaged in so much staff beatings and demeaning behavior, how can society help?
Miscavige would be gone from any other sane group in the world. Not Scientology. Why?
“how to get Miscavige gone from his perch at the top of Scientology?”
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Miscavige is bringing himself down and the CoS along with him. And good riddance. Not worth salvaging. Only the people left inside should be our concern.
All these could be compiled into a movie called “Springtime for Miscavige.” lol.
“Warmth and friendliness.” Riiiiight. That’s why anyone who has ever worked directly with him hates him with a passion. That’s why ALL of his immediate family hate him. ‘Cause he’s such a great guy! He’s a control-freak sociopath who likes to control people with threats, emotional abuse and even physical abuse. But of course no Scientologist would ever speak out against him as they FEAR him.
Warm and friendly? Only if there’s an angle for his advantage. An evil, hateful person can appear pleasant to the unsuspecting but don’t be fooled. What goes on behind the scenes?
“Mr. Miscavige invited us to go and record at the L. Ron Hubbard Studio in America,” says Hurley. “And it’s such a beautiful studio for the Church of Scientology and so much care has been taken to put that together.
It NEVER fails! Every time a scilon extols the virtue of his/her cult, the conversation turns unerringly to real estate. Still, it’s confusing what the big deal about the studio assignment is. The JA’s music is being distributed by a cult-owned label. So what is unusual about an artist recording in a studio owned by their record label?
What IS unusual is the ownership that the cult exercises over this band itself. As all of the Jive Aces and other sea borgs, Hurley is basically DM’s personal property to do with as he wishes. So if he wishes that Hurley publicly extol his virtues then that’s what happens without fail and without plan b.
Seaborgs & Scilons!
Seriously, this is weirdly unreal. It’s indistinguishable from the goofy stuff you see on the Onion and Babylon Bee. Only a myopic and devoted scn crackpot could possibly believe any of this is true. Well, the COS has brought all of the public backlash on to themselves, and they still don’t know how they’re perceived by the outside–aka “real”–world. Lotsa luck. . .you weirdos.
Reminds me a bit of Amber Heard. She’s very popular at the moment, too.
This reminds me of the other DM, Danny Masterson. When rape accusations first surfaced the cult flooded the investigating police office with “affidavits” of testimonials to his goodness and benevolence. Even if those were truthful it’s hard to imagine how “well, he didn’t rape ME” helps sort through other actual allegations.
With all of their comm “tech” THIS is truly the best they can do? This is not even a one-trick pony. More like a one-trick horse’s ass!
Just goes to show that confirmation bias overrides observation when you’re in a cult.
I just pre-ordered several more copies to hand out of Mike’s book to friends who are avid readers. Reviewing drone footage of CST facilities, checking Mike’s and Tony’s blogs, listening to Fair Game, and waiting on SCOTUS to not issue a writ to protect CoS……..these are very entertaining times.
This beats any reality TV anywhere as the CoS gets its first of many comeuppances long over due. Hope you have plenty of single malt in the vaults Davie!
Violent psychopaths are often able to be extremely charming when it suits them – it’s part of their deceptive toolkit of manipulation, entrapment and abuse, that they can get victims or those whose alliance they need, to feel safe and appreciated, when they’re actually the most dangerous and ruthless people. They often get away with what they do, precisely because they trick and bypass the internal judgment mechanisms that people rely on.
The following also applies to many of the notoriously murderous political leaders of history, who were often engaging in person and charismatic in public, and rubbed the heads of children and petted dogs, while ruthlessly engineering the sacrifice and deaths of millions behind the scenes:
“Jeffrey Dahmer. Ted Bundy. Hannibal Lecter. These are the psychopaths whose stunning lack of conscience we see in the movies and in tabloids. Yet, as this report makes abundantly clear, these predators, both male and female, haunt our everyday lives at work, at home, and in relationships….
There is a class of individuals who have been around forever and who are found in every race, culture, society and walk of life. Everybody has met these people, been deceived and manipulated by them, and forced to live with or repair the damage they have wrought. These often charming—but always deadly—individuals have a clinical name: psychopaths. Their hallmark is a stunning lack of conscience”
“Superficial charm (or glib charm) is “the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile.” The phrase often appears in lists of attributes of psychopathic personalities”
Nothing about this article makes any sense. Dave has not given large speaking events for at least two years. So at the latest this meeting could possibly have happened was maybe in 2019, at the IAS Event in the UK. Or the New Year’s event. He is just today writing about it??
Their discography shows a double LP recorded at Golden Era Productions called “Diggin’ the Roots” – in 2017!
Not exactly breaking news. More like what you get when you go trolling for compliments with a baseball bat in true Miscavige style.
Vince Hurley should really start wearing a lightning-conductor outdoors, if he’s going to tell such shocking lies.
I once sat down on a stream bank while fishing. I didn’t notice immediately, but in the grass beside me was an eastern brown snake warming itself in the sun, nicely coiled & really well camouflaged. Nothing much one can do when you’re that close to one of the deadliest snakes on the planet, with an nasty attitude to match, except just stare at it. Longest 1/2 minute in my life!
It didn’t bite me! It just moved its head a little, flicked its forked tongue out of couple of times tasting the air and stared at me with those shiny, beady little eyes. I stood up slowly & very carefully and moved quietly away. Therefore, per DM’s social logic, I can only conclude that eastern brown snakes are warm & friendly creatures.
Vipers get such a bum wrap…
To say that DM is warm and fuzzy is like saying that water is dry. But then I’m a Never In, what do I know?
You actually know something, never in is a blessing. The same cannot be said for a Scientologist with any practical life application as to what they are doing or has any useful observations attached. They are trained to hate their own minds and are severely punished if they ever try to use them. That’s what command intention, ethics conditions, sec checks, PTS/SP & disconnection tech plus the dribble in green vols is for – to police the reader’s thoughts and actions. The biggest solution encapsulated in all the previous mentioned references has one thing in common – NO!
Of course executive C/Sing takes care of anything that slips through. Oh, last but certainly not least and is of course DM’s & OSA’s favorite – PC folder blackmail!
What’s next? ‘The Love and Passion for Justice of Adolf Hitler’? I hope the writer got a big check and didn’t sign an NDA about that experience.
Yep, theres nodoubtaboutit, L’il Dave deserves a nomination for warmest and fuzziest in the world.
Yo Dave,
thought I’d mention how much we appreciate yer fine ASSets good buddy. As we enjoyed a fine summer day overlooking one of yer CST compounds a few weeks ago it was noted just how beautiful the view was and how much You must enjoy looking at it through all those security cameras.
Such is the life of a cult leader. Always worried, always pissed, no decent help to be found anywhere, never enough money, no one around anywhere who can do anything right, stats always down, down, down …… whats not to like about yer life Dave?
0 friends 0 people he can trust.
I trust your life is still good and filled with love Coop and I’m very happy for you considering what you suffered at the hands of dave.
Two days ago pictures on FB popped up of happy times and travels with my husband since we have been out. It served to remind me how much better our lives are now that we are out from the cruel dictates of david miscavige even though we still miss our son.
I am hopeful one day he’ll come home. I’m even more hopeful that david miscavige will continue down his own dwindling spiral of insanity.
A kind, generous, friendly leader doesn’t have to promote himself as such.
Yep, Life is very good these days. The kids are always welcome and hopefully they can remember where the house they grew up in is. Hard to say how things will work out.
We celebrated Moms B-Day last month. She turned 101 and is doing great; takes no meds and enjoys each day. She does feel for the kids and the life they have chosen. She worries about her granddaughter and how her life will work out since she is still in the SO.
I think it is pretty obvious how it will work out for anyone who continues to remain in a cult, whether on staff or not. If you guys are out this way the door is always open!
Thanks Coop. It sure would be great to see you and Frankie.
Happy Birthday to your mom.
Best to you.
Miscavige: the warmth of a cobra basking in the sun. The friendliness of a scorpion.
Likely the Cobra is warmer and the Scorpion much friendlier.
I have had Davey Boy scream at me and this was when he was still a teenager and had just become a commodore’s messenger. It was very clear he is a heartless, self serving, control freak. The messengers back then came to inspect all our rooms Saturday afternoon once we had “clean shipped” them. Once Davey Boy chitted my wife and I because his white glove got a bit of dust on it when he wiped it across the top of the room’s entry door. Getting a chit from him usually blocked us from a “liberty day” the following Sunday. Even if our stats on post were up. Despicable.