This event today is another “milestone” — celebrating the idea that they will attain their target of 10,000 started on Solo NOTs (not completed…)
They have been postulating this for a very long time now. In fact, just this week I came across this issue, from April 2002 — 19 years ago now:
This is so long ago, that they are talking about 10,000 people ON Solo NOTs at one time, all going in session 6 times a day (they revised that target ten or more years ago to being “on or through” as they knew they would never get at the same time even if people were on the level for 10 years).
Read this issue today and you see the incredible unreality and delusion these people operate on. The “gargantuan boom” never happened. And never will.
If you were to attend this event today, you would hear the same things that were being said in 2002 about how “we are doing it” and are “closer than ever”…
What would be really incredible is if they ever DID make this target and absolutely NOTHING changed.
After all, despite them having at least more OT V II’s today than there were in 2002 (one would assume), scientology is experiencing its greatest era of contraction ever. Maybe when they finally reach the 10,000 the whole thing will just vanish?
I hardly know how they keep this up year after year, except that the slaves of the sea org and local staff know that the “beatings will continue until morale improves” principle will be applied to them if they don’t keep up the irrational optimism. some may just not have big picture awareness, particularly due to being chronically sleep deprived and overworked – there are reasons that high control groups or cults typically keep people in such a state.
Yes, if they reach 10.000, they will “as is” the whole subject and thereby vanish scientology altogether. 😉
Happy Birthday Mike!!
“Maybe when they finally reach the 10,000 the whole thing will just vanish?” This reminds me of the great Arthur C. Clarke story, “The Nine Billion Names of God.” Co$ take heed!
As a former lifer Sea Org member, it was always, all my years, frustrating that we never simply even knew what OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 addressed.
Those upper levels, OT 3 through 7, address the “body-thetans” that Xenu deposited here on earth, and these “body-thetans” infest all humans, and only the exorcism procedures of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, will supposedly eventually cause one’s infestation of these “body-thetans” to leave one’s body, and one is then supposedly spiritually really rejuvenated fully.
Just so frustrating that Scientology’s 5 exorcism levels are never simply explained. It would have been so helpful to simply understand what all these “upper levels” and the first and second Wall of Fire were all about. (Simplest important piece of info I’ve learned since leaving Scientology, is that Xenu caused the Wall of Fire, which truly is a breakthrough simple piece of info to learn.)
The procedures of OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are simply exorcism. Exorcism of a person’s individual load (your “OT case”) of the “body-thetans” which Xenu dumped onto earth during the original “Wall of Fire” “4th Dynamic Engram.”
Thus, this explains what even this supposed “Second Wall of Fire” really is. It’s just more, much much more, exorcism to really dig up and find all of a person’s additional “body-thetans” that they didn’t even notice they still had after doing OT 3.
OT 4, 5, 6 and then OT 7 which is even more high volume exorcism procedures, are just more and more (“Second Wall of Fire”) exorcism.
This extra exorcism is just hyped as the “Second Wall of Fire” to deflect off the disappointing fact that it is just more exorcism.
And why is all this exorcism done. Because Hubbard thought it was needed.
He was still battling some “body-thetans” at the end of his life, and he was apparently still auditing himself on OT 7 in his final year of life.
The people who are Scientologists need to not drown themselves in their misleading language which doesn’t allow them to even see what they are doing in their movement.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are just a whole lot of exorcism.
Futile exorcism.
A key word ex Scientologists ought to look up, is “snipe hunting” when they get to the point of doubting if doing all this exorcism was a good thing or not.
I think it’s clearly “snipe hunting.” But Hubbard seems to have been a diehard believer in his own theory of “body-thetans” and in his standard exorcism procedures, which he tried to use on himself to the bitter end of his life.
Chuck, You explain the OT levels very well and I should have had that briefing in 1972 when I asked the questions. Hubbard knew how to keep a secret in the early days before the internet. It took me me more than seventeen years and more than $100,000 to prove that Hubbard was insane.
Fortunately for them, there is a quick turnover of $cientologists. That way they can keep coming up with the same expansion and “we’re almost there” arguments. Maybe they even rely on this rapid turnover to keep too many people from realizing that nothing is going on.
Actually not Patrick. There are almost ZERO new people. Most are old timers that prove the old adage from Mark Twain as true, “It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled”
It’s like The Truman Show except that Truman is every single Scientologist who have a really shitty life being owned as a member of the Church of Scientology.
Even the Aosh EU in DK is perhaps pushing something similar by rallying all possible Scandinavian clears and OTs.
But this figure of 10 thousand will surely also have to count all the OTs that have gone offline in recent decades.
Otherwise they don’t have the math to get there.
And even if they do get there, nothing will happen.
10,000 OTs will be enough to offset the “entheta” of almost 8 billion?!?
Do they know the level of ‘entheta’ possible existing outside the bubble?
For them, hearing that scn is too focused on money is already very entheta.
Happy birthday Mr Mike Rinder!
Thank you for all your efforts in recent years to highlight the true hidden side of the cult and for how this has helped so many people (I’m one of them).
Well I sure know of one, “on OT7” that will never complete – me. It’s incompletable anyway, it’s based on pure make believe and in it’s never ending hype – they are yet to produce anyone with supposed OT powers. Lot’s of success stories and about being able to find your car keys, but cause over life, what a farce!
It made them money once by the bucket full, but it was all based on deceit, for because that’s all the scientology organization has to offer – deceit.
I Yawnalot,
Your mention of the level that would never complete reminded me of my experience.
Mine was just like Jason Beghe. We both went exterior doing TR0 and discovered just how good and able we truly were. Earth shattering achievement and realizations.
I wanted to make that stable. But every registrar pushed me to just do the next step on the bridge and of course demanded more money. Well after 4 decades of never getting what I wanted (stably exterior) I thought maybe I need to do the training side. So at Flag I asked two of the TRs Course supervisors if I would reach my goal on the TRs course. Each of them “wiggled and waggled” then one finally said she could not assure me of that. I realized well I am not going to get the ONLY result I truly ever wanted so I crawled back up the rabbit hole I tumbled down all too long ago.
L Ron Hubbard’s formula for “clearing the planet” was increasing the Theta within the “Entheta to Theta Ratio”.
Almost 70 years of Scientology’s clearing the planet and it gets a big FLUNK.
Scientology is getting CLEARED of people. Thanks to Mike and Leah and so many others. Scientology does nothing to help the planet. Scientology is proven to be an evil cult that destroys lives, shatters families, causes financial ruin and LIES, DECEIVES and MANIPULATES people into it to trap them for eternity.
I would like to report that we now have MORE people that feel more entheta for L Ron Hubbard, Scientology, Dianetics, David Miscavige and the minions that Keep Scientology Working than we have people who feel theta towards any of it or them.
Stick a fork in it.
Scientology is done.
In 1987 I started Solo Nots at the Sand castle. They were talking about 10,000 on the level and that was more than thirty years ago. The problem with Solo Nots is that it is essentially a worthless mental activity with an e-meter. The only benefit I received was when I spent endless hours in session, I did not go out drinking. Solo Nots does not produce any OT powers which is the failed promise of L Ron Hubbard.
Hubbard’s lie just gets larger every year. Hundreds of us followed him up the Bridge only to eventually realize that he was in reality Satan. Even Hubbard saw Satan as a mythical figure. Hubbard was really saying that Satanism was the only reality possibility in this universe. In his distorted mind that was truth.
Never thought of reverse engineering OT7. Yeah, kept me off the booze too. Made up for it now though.
Satan, yeah there’s plenty of those around hey? Hubbard just happened to be a good one with the gift of the garb, con-man that he was.