The Young Turks is a VERY popular source of news for millennials (and others) on YouTube.
This is their take on SuMP — and while they still repeated some of the falsehoods that appeared in the Mail Online story, their take on scientology in general is a pretty good reflection of how it is viewed in the world. You will see they recommend everyone view Going Clear.
Miscavige’s Latest Ribbon Yanking
Though the Underground Bunker covered the ribbon yanking in Clearwater this morning, I had a couple of points to note.
I happened to drive by Flag yesterday on my way home and was surprised to see people on the streets – including a lot of staff in “civvies.” It could only mean one thing — a ribbon yanking event was imminent. And sure enough, surrounded by bushes, imported trees and erected tents and protected by a phalanx of Clearwater PD and serious looking large men with earpieces, a Miscavige-Yank was about to take place at the WB and Lee Arnold buildings.
This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. These days he will do anything for a video opportunity. I thought it had reached the bottom of the barrel when he made a big deal about the “grand opening” of FOLOs in UK and EU. But this is really absurd.
The Westcoast Building (WB) is the old office building that housed David Miscavige’s Offices. He moved out to the SP Building. They fumigated the place, fixed the parking lot, planted some trees, replaced the carpets and furniture and now put up one of their big, weird ribbons to be yanked with all the pomp and circumstance only scientology can muster for such a lame event. This is an old, crap office building that used to be a cheap hotel. Like Flag needs more office space. The Coachman was completely emptied of all public delivery. The Clearwater Bank Building no longer houses the crew galley and dining (the only function it really performed other than housing the OSA Flag office in the front 15% of the building). They “opened” the empty Potemkin Village storefront for all the front groups so they no longer need any office space anywhere. So, the WB is another empty building — one that isn’t good enough for Miscavige to work from, but all the same he will announce it as a magnificent stride forward in the international avalanche of expansion.
And to double the fun, he opened ANOTHER white elephant next door. The old Lee Arnold building. Completely unnecessary for ANYTHING other than so Miscavige can proclaim it is “proof” of the massive, straight up and vertical expansion at Flag (see the ACTUAL stat graphs of the GOOD stats they announce). Mark my words, there will be some statistic presented at the end of the year of “ideal square footage opened” and it will include these buildings. Even though they have NOTHING to do with “ideal orgs.” But the ideal org horse is pretty much dead. This building is claimed to house the “administration offices of Flag Crew.” That is astonishing since the “administration” functions are virtually nothing — they cook, clean rooms, do gardening and run the buses and vans. Even on the scientology website, there are virtually no photos inside either building. They put new furniture in the ground floor of the WB lobby and conference room but otherwise it looks the same as it did 20 years ago. They have a single shot of a reception desk and one other space in the “21,000 square foot Flag Crew Administration building.”
The funny backstory about the Lee Arnold building is that they purchased it after they heard it was going to be bought by supporters of the “independent scientology” movement and turned into a delivery center. I had been contacted by someone I was certain was a plant, and I told him this story, explaining how there were secret negotiations ongoing for the purchase of the building and space planning was being done. His eyes lit up with this information (he claimed he had wealthy chinese investors who wanted to fly me to China on their private jet to consult with them about distributing hundreds of millions of copies of WTH — one of the lamer stories any plant has ever used) and soon thereafter the church had purchased this white elephant (the building had been destroyed by a water tank on the roof braking, collapsing all the false ceilings and filling the building with mold). Miscavige is now the proud “owner” of an absolutely useless office building. And that’s what your donations buy….
Lee Arnold probably owes me a commission.
Oh, and they also sent up their empty tents for each of the front groups that already have empty offices along Ft Harrison in the park that is catty-corner to the WB. While not a single member of the public will go in — they will herd some of the staff over there to mill around for a while and catch plenty of video footage that they can insert into their montages of “VM Tent” activities around the world.
A Miscavige-Yank? Isn’t that what he does to his Lil’ Miscavige when stats go up? He must be pretty damn frustrated lately…
The story of the Lee Arnold building is hilarious. If your comments are what spurred the acquisition of this derelict, it is really telling about how off the wall Miscavige is.
He really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. In the “Ideal Bottom of the Barrel” category, I have another one he can do: there is a little generator building and a garage in the parking lot at the HGB. Those could be gussied up pretty cheaply and they could do a grand opening of each, or the parking lot as a whole. There is also the “motorpool” yard at the PAC base that could be redone pretty easily. All the need to do is repaint all the large dumpsters they have in there.
Desperation, thy name is Miscavige. It must suck being a narcissist with a total overestimation of one’s limited talents, a continual, avid craving for admiration and nothing to offer that any sane, well informed person would or could admire. Sometimes I envy this man his money but its possible that the cliche about money not buying happiness is true after all, that all his millions, or bilions really don’t make him happy, though his vast well certainly affords him the ability to be totally miserable and unhappy in comfort. Seriously.
Edit: “vast wealth, not ‘well'”.
Not a Picnic for Shelly also. ( under 24 hour watch)
Hi Jose Chung, That 24 hr watch makes my blood turn to ice-cubes.The Cult at Work! Xo
David Miscavige: Epic and vertical masturbating his own ego.
And the most gullible marks in the entire known universe keep handing over their credit cards … truly remarkable … while the “church” pisses away hundreds of millions of dollars that the idiot schnooks could be using for their own actual dynamics … and Kaye Schlitz will be issuing her giddy and almost drug induced like pronouncements about all the wonderful “expansion” and humongous wins … and the one stat that apparently no longer has any significance in Scientology any more when it comes to “clearing” the planet … number of new auditors made … go figure … another day, another opportunity for me to enjoy life and I have no one to blame but myself if I don’t.
Kaye Schlitz, Daughter of BAGHDAD BOB ?
No, daughter of Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s Heros. She changed her name by switching the ‘u’ for an ‘i’ so that the Public wouldn’t make the connection.
Baghdad Bob has a new gig, he’s now working for Great Cthulhu
Rlyeh Bob on Twitter</a!
I follow him, and he's hilarious, especially when he gets into flame wars with the Daleks.
Mike I’d love to know how you think the B.E. book relaunch idea was hatched. Of all the epic fails this universe has seen the movie of that book has to be one of the finest. Yet it was long enough ago to have more or less been forgotten. So reminding us of that with the book relaunch was kind of a foot bullet wouldn’t you say?
Sure – an unparalleled disaster. But think if you were in charge of ASI and were supposed to make money on sales of LRH Fiction books. No matter how hard they try to gussy up those “pulp” stories they are really childish fluff. Final Blackout, Fear and Battlefield Earth (Mission Earth is pretty embarrassing and a reflection of the author’s state at the end of his life) are about the only REAL books they have. So, it’s not a huge surprise that BE gets a redo and big push trying oh so hard to make it into a bestseller again, but that seems to have failed. I think Ron Miscavige’s book probably sells more copies each week…
……thank you for this. Mission Earth was simply awful. I dutifully bought all of them but read just the first few. I didn’t mind the first one, was disappointed in the second one, revolted by the third, and fully mortified by the following ones. I quit about book 7/8 and forever harboured the “secret shame” that I’d “quit due to MU’s” – when I really also thought they were just terrible books.
My attempt to rationalize it all was that they were designed for ‘wogs’ who NEEDED to be hit over the head, over and over with the same lame message, that psychs and media was bad etc – but that as a Scio I was already aware of blah blah blah and thus I felt the books were simple, trite, repetitive, boring, cringe-worthy and embarrassing.
I finally said screw-it, I don’t have to like his fiction – and I gave away my “first edition set” for free. Long before this recent awakening and bolt away and freedom.
It’s lovely to just say they sucked and not wonder if I’m about to be killed for saying so.
Keep saying it Secret. Get up every day and smile, look around at your free, independent life and say “LRH, your fiction books SUCKED!” just because you can. 🙂
No one owns you or your thoughts so enjoy those little freedoms that give you pleasure, like being able to say a book sucked and not worry about the consequences someone else will put on you or the guilt you’d be forced to put on yourself.
You have nothing to feel bad about, those books do suck.
Thank YOU! 🙂 🙂
One of the greatest things about this process of Out is how I can allow my natural inclinations towards other people – of friendliness, acceptance, interest, and enjoyment to just run free and to expand my circle. To just go out in the world and experience people.
So often as a scio I found myself defending this inclination. My “ability to confront wogs” was used against me as I should be utilizing that to “get them in”. Otherwise why was I wasting my time with the clueless.
“They’re not even on the bridge”.
It’s a wide wide world full of wonderful things. 🙂
Poor dears didn’t know they were the “clueless” that you were dealing with. Damn it’s great to have you out here, free and happy. 🙂
May your journey continue to be beautiful. ❤
Battlefield Earth: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #347,340 in Books
• Used from $0.01
• Ruthless: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #8,950 in Books.
34 Used from $9.00
Mike: Thanks for the Sunday funnies. I love your backstory on the fLee Andmold building! Having half empty structures in the Florida climate where you can’t afford or don’t want to pay for aircon and dehumidification is a recipe for ideal mold- and insectarium habitats and subsequent healthproblems for people working there. But the silver lining will be selling more sauna and B12 tech to remove mycotoxins and cure insect faeces allergies.
You OT VII? You know about the f*cking MOLD growing all over the Most Secret and Salvation Saving OT VI packs? Anyone who’s done OT VII, OT VI, been in that course room, has held them. They may not have realized what that shit was.
Yeah, those wonderful vital and most important documents on the planet, the most vital secret save-your-ass-eternity packs were covered in some special gunky mold shit. When you forgot to lock your case and had to do lower conditions, one of the groovy amends project was to use a special cleaner (vinegar?) (something non-toxic because, you know, we’re afraid of the world) clean them, page by page.
the pages were this thick weird plastic shit, old as hell, and it would be all grey at the bottom and around the edges with this….gunk.
The Course Admin told me it was MOLD. It was special Flag Florida F*cking mold growing on them and we had to be “careful” the way we handled them and cleaned them.
Every break time I’d beee-line to the washroom to clean my hands.
Now we have the Golden Age of Alter-Is Fantasy- BS II, so now there are new packs.
Sadly, (haha) I won’t be visiting that course room again to see how long before the new packs are covered in that special Flag Mold.
Wow, what a story. Around 1990 Andrew Stevens came down from Int to put me on post as FBO AOLA after Allison had just blown. When we walked into the FBO office on the 4th floor AOLA SW corner, there was several trash cans up on the desks and a few on the floor …. catching water that was leaking from the current rain.
Mind you these leaks were likely caused by crew using the roof for BBQs when the estates org hadn’t been paid and was feeding us rice and beans. The womens uniform included high heals, disaster to tar and graveled roof 🙂
Hi secretfornow, What a post! I can see you cleaning those packs of horrible mould with vinegar or my popular weapon was TSP which seemed to include the miracle cure for all cleaning problems because Ron Said So.That was fine as it went,but what you encountered and what I rooted around in at The H’wood Inn, Asho, BB and the two dining areas The SO had in my day,most of the dust and mold and insects needed a more potent punch.You are one tough spirit doing all you had to,and getting out to be free.Love U.Ann B.
Enjoyed the news, your view and pics very much. Mark Bunkers video isn’t out yet! I could have shown up but since they most likely expected me, I declined to go. Boring anyway to be sure!
I’m thinking that D.M. lives for events like this. Any time he can take center stage and speak and have people listen to him, followed by yanking a giant red bow, that’s what he enjoys most. So since there are no new (empty, unused) ‘ideal orgs’ to open, he has to manufacture a reason for a stage & bow yanking.
… And applaud. Don’t forget the applause.
CSW: I was thinking of spending a weekend in Clearwater this year. DATA: To visit some old haunts, and see what has changed in town in the neighborhood I used to live in. Then I read about this event and I thought “Is it really worth the trouble to go to downtown and have to confront this?”. SOLUTION: Trip cancelled! 🙂
so many times- so very many times, I’ve secretly rejoiced due to no longer having to write a stupid bloody CSW to take a day off. Oh happy sweet gentle jesus.
Laughing my fool head off at your deception of the plant about the Lee Arnold building. Good thing it is Sunday and I’m the only one at work today.
But I have to disagree with the Young Turks panelist who said the Church of Scientology does not help the poor.
On the contrary, the Church of Scientology has created more poor people than any organization in recorded history, unless you consider the Black Plague to be an organization.
Any employee of the Church at any level qualifies as being below the poverty line. Most do not make enough to be required to report their earnings to the IRS.The exceptions being the crush regges like Jeff Pomerantz. And the close friends of Dave Miscavige.
Since the Church vacuums cash from its parishioners with no discernible benefit, it also tends to make the rich poorer, moves the middle class into poverty and makes the poor destitute.
While there are probably less than 20,000 active Scientologists, there are many times that number who have been impoverished by Scientology.
They have no savings, no retirement fund and no resume. Who wants to hire someone who worked for room and board for 25 years?Their job prospects are pitiful and their retirement without Social Security or Medicare will not be pleasant. Some have worked outside the Church or got free soon enough to work enough years to qualify for Social Security. Others are too old or too unemployable to do that.
So, while more former Scientologists line up at the soup kitchens every day you cannot say that Scientology has done nothing for the poor.
This might be the most truthful comment I’ve ever read on Scientology culture. Very well said.
Thank you B.P..
Bruce, they’ll go on welfare and then be making more then many of us.
Huh. Scientology creates poor people and then leaves them for Catholics to help.
Thanks for this news, Mike. On a different subject, I saw that Dr Megan Shields died. On Tony’s site it was said that her son was shot in the same year her daughter committed suicide. Does anyone here know the circumstances of the shooting of the son?
yes, I saw that too – nothing like being OT to ensure your survival. I didn’t know the lady but can only hope that her passing gives others pause.
Hi secretfornow, Thank you for your sensitive post.xo
<3 <3
The problem with the new high definition flat screen television sets is that a penguin cannot be placed on top. So the penguin on televisions stat can no longer be counted.
You can if you place them when they’re small!
Yea, when I saw the picture of the crowd for the viewing of the unveiling, I figured many of those were SO members told to wear their civvies that day. What a joke david miscavige has become. When will he actually realize that we are in what’s called The Information Age.
You can’t stop it Dave; get rid of KSW (which is all about saving you and your church); stop micromanaging the individuals’ lives (get rid of EO’s and MAA’s and use chaplains and actually succor people); get rid of the absoluteness of The Bridge and confidentiality of anything (IT’S ALL OUT THERE – The Information Age); get rid of the PTS/SP Course and just have everyone read The Psychopath Next Door and then shit-can Disconnection and if you can’t service someone who is being beaten by their husband or some such then so be it – maybe you can help them by just listening (auditor or chaplain); and oh yea, concentrate on just helping the individual and if you can’t, admit it and give them their money back. And while we’re on the subject of “shit-canning,” shit-can into oblivion the IAS.
There were an awful lot of staff vests in that crowd. Also, a lot of people had the SuMP symbol on their backs too — or they’d been equipped for WiFi.
Hear the immortal words of David Miscavige:
“What???!!!!! Shit- can my cash cow???!!!!! Do you realize how much moola I take in from the IAS? ?? Go f**k yourself, douschebag! !!!!!”.
Let’s give three cheers for COB!
“These days he will do anything for a video opportunity.” Tee hee! Great minds…
I like the Potemkin Village. I reminds me of a very creepy Disneyland with evil clowns….
Hi OSD, A night light for me to- night.I will now dream of The Potemkin Village filled with evil clowns, (I’m so scared of clowns) which are actually marionettes,no robot clowns,worked by zombie eyed Sea Orgers.And passing out WTH booklets all at the same time!XO
Mein Fuhrer, the Russians are at the end of the street.
OK we will have a couple Ribbon cuttings and start 24 hour delightful T.V. programs !!!!
They run away defeated !!!!!
Fuhrer Mscavige does it again.
“Lee Arnold probably owes me a commission.,,,,”
Steady there!
In my opinion the only side “good” Scientology is doing in human history is the backhanded good of renovating buildings for “no good reason” and cities where Scientology parades their empty “Ideal Orgs” only benefit is Scientology’s recycling their dupes’ money donations into city buildings upkeep!
Scientology’s dupe’s money upkeeps cities’ real estate, that’s the best Scientology’s money is doing.
What is truly historical is that Scientology’s money gravitates to real estate, and per the long range historical economic thinking, it is real estate where money gravitates.
This “new religion” Scientology wealth moving towards real estate fits in with that human history economic treand.
Rather than Scientology the new religion benefiting the moral compass of human society, the new religion Scientology’s “power” in terms of money/wealth rather tags along the trend of where human wealth goes chasing.
The Way to Happiness was the only redeeming part of Scientology, Precept 20 mostly, and “Joy of Creation” idea, are the only redeeming aspects of Scientology.
All else is moral erosion that comes out of Scientology, and proof of Scientology’s low moral standards towards wealth accumulation, Scientology’s real estate care-takerism gravitation of Scientology’s dupe’s money, is a sad major long historical trend also noted by famous US intellectual Gary Will’s in his unappreciated book review in the NY Times Book Review, of Janet Reitman’s “Inside Scientology” great book:
“Mark my words, there will be some statistic presented at the end of the year of “ideal square footage opened” and it will include these buildings. Even though they have NOTHING to do with “ideal orgs.” ”
I wonder if David Miscavige keeps actual “post statistics?”
Since no one has for decades ever crammed or audited Miscavige, no one even upkeeps his standardness as to following Hubbard’s staff member rules, like having and upkeeping one’s “major” and “minor” statistics, on which one’s whole performance is guaged.
I do wonder if the ex RTC staff who’ve defected, ever remember what were Miscavige’s actual post stats?
Mike, do you have contacts with some of the old RTC secretaries who might know what were Miscavige’s actual COB RTC statistics?
My old OEC/FEBC Course Supervisor viewpoint on Miscavige was always that he seemed to follow quite a large number of LRH’s Author Services Inc “advices” in terms of pushing things that followed LRH’s statistics required of each ASI staff member which LRH laid out in advices to various ASI staffers in the LRH non-existence despatch answers that LRH gave to a number of ASI staffers, like LRH used to do when LRH was more on management lines. LRH would answer up to his personal office staff who wrote to LRH their non-existence formula requests to LRH asking what LRH needed and wanted of them.
When I personally witnessed David Miscavige order that ALL of the COB ASI traffic be fully removed OFF of the ASI computers, when I was the ASI Computer Room guy, I executed that order (I non complied by leaving a version of the LRH COB ASI traffic still on the ASI computer hidden, thinking that even though I was ordered to remove it, because that order was illegal per Hubbard’s policy rules, I removed the COB traffic from the known location, but left it in some hidden places).
I gathered, from my years at ASI, reading and re-reading the bulk of the lower position traffic from LRH to lower ASI staffers, and then I did get to proofread the 20 or so “COB ASI” despatches, and none of them laid out Miscavige’s “statistics” that he was meant to keep.
I never read any “non E” response that specifically related to the COB ASI role, which seemed at the time of it’s creation more of a perfunctory necessary role, but a position that had NO direct LRH detailed normal non-existence formula answer from LRH, compared to other ASI positions that had more detailed non-E answers from LRH, if you know what I mean.
Anyways, I wish I had the time and others who worked close to Miscavige over the years had the time to detail what exactly he actually over the years counted as his
post statistics.
All staff at the higher levels ALWAYS had their major and minor stats.
Miscavige ought to have been upkeeping his also, but possibly his own major and minor post stats never were a think he judged himself by.
Mike, do you know who might know of what statistics Miscavige may have used for his own major and minor stats over the years?
Chuck — the official stat of RTC was Advanced Courses VSD. They generate their income by taking a percentage of Ad Course VSD from all AOs, FSO and Freewinds. This is why there are “RTC Reps” in those places. That is Miscavige’s official stat. The stat he REALLY operates on though it total reserves — Sea Org Reserves plus IAS plus CST and anything else. Nobody else has that. WDC Chairman has total SOR. President IASA has IAS Reserves. CO CST has CST Reserves. He is the place where they all meet.
“The stat he REALLY operates on though is total reserves”
So dave has a cumulative, not weekly stat. All he has to do is put the money in the bank at a couple of percent and he would be upstat. Cushy, no wonder he is the 2nd biggest being of the universe!
YEs, and it is why money is NOT spent on helping the needy or victims of natural disasters (that money is gone forever) but IS spent on buildings (because a building purchased is still an asset that remains on the “Total Reserves” statistic.
Thankyou for those very important answers.
At ASI, when I ran off the LRH Trust Statistics graphs, about 20 graphs, there were the all important two total cumulative wealth statistics graphs. One was the SOR total cumulative wealth and the other was the LRH Trust total cumulative wealth, as two comparable weekly stats, I recall.
As anyone could imagine, those stats rise automatically, no matter what, since cumulative stats are the easiest types of statistics to keep going up each week, and thus ensuring whoever has as their “major statistic” a “cumulative statistic” is guaranteed always being upstat!
And thus your answers point to why Miscavige would always consider himself “upstat” weekly, for the whole time he’s been in office at the top.
In 1994ish just before Norman and Maria Starkey were demoted out of ASI, and at that point the LRH Trustee Office collapsed never to reform again since then, the two total money graphs were roughly equal, one was about 10 millions bucks or so above the other, I forget which was larger in amount, I think the LRH Trust total cumulative money was the 10 million bucks higher over the SOR total cumulative money graph.
When the Starkey’s fell from grace, I stopped having to print off the LRH Trust graphs weekly, as I recall. I’m not sure who even upkept those LRH Trust stats, possible Markus Wuetrich, I don’t know.
Mike, question.
DId you ever think that the LRH Trust wealth was accumulating into that pile that it developed into, did you understand that to be an LRH intended wealth accumulation for the purpose of bailing the “church” SOR money pile out, in the condition that the church LOST to the IRS?
My imperfect reading of the 1980s traffic from LRH, including to ASI, I gathered LRH wished that money split for not just LRH’s benefit, but that LRH’s thought was always to will that LRH Trust money BACK to the corporation which CST became, I remember distinctly one ASI advice specifying to do that. Once CST corporation got the IRS tax exemption, then the LRH Trust money could technically ALL go over to CST’s control (which per the corporate gobbly gook I don’t understand still means Misavige never ever lost control and top decision maker over that money anyways). But while LRH was worried about “losing it all” to the IRS were Scientology to fail to get tax exemption from the IRS, then the SOR stash of wealth would be lost, but the LRH Trust (which turned into the CST stash) would be protected from IRS nabbing it.
That was my question, and was a long term imperfect grasp of things as I observed from my lower level perch, but with access to the LRH Trust graphs that also contained the SOR cumulative total wealth pot stat, I inferred that LRH intended to have that LRH Trust stash somehow secure to keep the show going should the SOR stash be sucked up by losing to the IRS?
That seems like it should be the subject of several posts.
No matter what happens, the money will be Miscavige’s to play with, unless some very clever class action lawyer finds it.
If Miscavige puts it all in Bitcoins it could be beyond all legal recovery.
Jerk-off Update:
Lose the ribbons, they blow your cover every time.
Dave answering back: (Dave dancing like a ballerina) But, but….I love my ribbons! I like to wrap myself in ribbons at night and pretend that I’m a big present. I love yanking on my ribbons too! I also play with my ribbons in the shower. That’s why my showers last an hour, because I tie myself up with ribbons and pretend that I’m someone’s prisoner…..
Boy,Dave,are you a fruitcake!
Much as I dislike using the word “junk”, here goes: (Davey boy interviewing himself in the full length carnival mirror that makes him look as tall as Tom Cruise), “What’s your favourite night time activity CoB?”
“I love to put my junk in a box then wrap it in pretty paper and tie it with lots and lots of red ribbons. Then I go to sleep and in the morning I get a surprise when I excitedly open the present.”
” He moved out to the SP Building. They fumigated the place, …………..”
That of course would be the correct action for any location Dave has occupied. Glad to hear the cult takes cleaning up after Dave seriously!
Holy shit, spot on with the “ideal org square feet” figure; he had that exact stat at last night’s Maiden Voyage.
Speaking of which…
I saw Andrew Rinder in it…dressed as a penguin. No joke. This is the second consecutive year he’s been in Maiden Voyage so I’m starting to think Miscaviage just puts him in to spite you, Mike.
Also, this year’s new ideal orgs will be San Diego, Auckland, and Budapest.
That’s sad. 🙁 Miscavige is a despicable person. Someone who is clearly an awful person who does vindictive things is not a “leader” that anyone should trust. When are people going to wake up out of their self-induced stupor and look around and ask themselves – who is this person that is leading the “religion” I am a member of? Is this really a person I should look up to and trust? If the answer is no, you should know what to do.
Not Valley? Her great vast empress will be so disappointed. But, hey – at least another year of desperation fundraising! Woohoo!
so enlightening! thanks for the true