As they become more desperate, the crazy becomes absurd.
Their “successful action” is apparently to hold “potluck dinners” (success is, of course, a relative term).
So, with typical scientology “enthusiasm” (Hubbard coined a term for this: “glee of insanity”) they proclaim how excited they are to have a VIRTUAL potluck dinner where people share pictures of what they are eating.
If The Onion ran a headline and article about virtual potluck dinners it would not seem out of place. That these deadly serious thetans are NOT joking and this is not a parody, is just sad.
Involvement in scientology addles the brain.
Down to crazy solutions now to get stats up and traffic in. When you see Scientologists have rubber ball juggling events along the interstate, know it’s just about game over …
I was just surfing the web here and there. Orgs aren’t gonna open soon, okay. No events, okay. Leah and Mike with a new podcast without filters telling the truth about fair games, okayyyy.
And then I found a note about a huge delivery of boxes of McCallan 12, 36 and 72 in the area of Riverside County, California, near San Jacinto; and Hemet.
What the hell is happening there?
To: Looshing(hic) my relizhun
From: David Mishcavizh(hic) Shee Oh Bee Ahrr Tee Shee(hic)
Re: Whuzh goin’ on zhere?
Whuzh goin’ on, you esh pee(hic) ish zha Shcottish Rundown, whish azh an esh pee(hic) you will nevur find out abouuuut(hic)!
Now if you will excuzh me(hic), I have to get back to zha academy. I shtill have to reash(hic) Eee Pee and Qual myshelf on zha meter!
Zhish should get me a (hic) real Eff Enn an you don’ need(hic) shree shwipez of zha needle on zhis rundown!
To: Loosing My Religion
From: Alcoboy
Re: Drunken Dwarfs.
In other words, today was scotch delivery day at Gold Base.
Peace and Blessings
Dear Alcoboy. Peace and blessing to you my friend.
I was just laughing loud when I saw your email. Too much.
I posted something similar also yesterday.
I personally believe DM is starting to be surrounded of many situations that are stuck. Orgs closed, no events, people waking up, Masterson hot potato, and now this damn podcast with these 2 guys well determined to reach a goal.
While he can just reaches the next bottle.
Do well!
Thanks. And all good to you as well.
Sunland has been a virtual or ghost mission for years now, having lost its space and ended up as more a “group” (a convenient amorphous classification that CofS PR uses to claim vast numbers of associations) that finally landed in the home of a couple who seem to have boundless energy for trying to promote Scientology and revive the mission – though apparently not quite enough commitment to put themselves on the hook for paying for it to have a publicly accessible space of its own again.
I checked, and the couple has put themselves on the corporate record for the mission, though the corporation is currently suspended by the state and not in good standing. I can’t tell if they’re really even missionholders – the mission isn’t officially listed by Scientology – or just stepped into the breech when the mission imploded, as they may not want to be on the hook to the CofS (which would probably still want them to pay the still mission holder package fee) either.
This is a telling example of not only the remnants of the mission holder network, but the state of Scientology. The location is in an area that I’ve heard said has one of the highest concentrations (relatively) of members in the LA region, and one of the people involved in the mission – it may be one of the current couple, I can’t recall – said that he thought that about half the people in the area were Scientologists, which is perhaps telling about how insular and delusional some of the remaining diehards are.
I suspect that quite a few more missions will soon end up reduced to circumstances like this, resulting from the fallout of the pandemic and economic dislocations.
Just a note.
“the secret to create new scientologists”. Laughing.
Perhaps was more correct
“the tricks to scam people making them to believe to have answers about something they were wondering about, lying to them that you have the answer”
This ot 8 has sold ‘thousands’ of books. How many to be precise?
If not utterly underlined as scn does usually, they could be I guess 2.000 max.
And math says in 50 years of dedicated dissemination about 1.3 each week.
What a impressive production!
In my earlier times in the cult I was in div 6 body routing and selling 2 books each evening as average.
The cult is beyond the no return point. Creating new scientologists is just a desperate postulate that won’t stick.
Here’s an ironic similarity to virtual eating. It’s not being done over a computer screen but you can see the ironic similarity if you watch all of this clip.
I don’t tknow where this Org is located, but it is probably part of the California governer New-whatever’s closures of religious buildings. This is definitely part of the Damage Plan. You know, when it all has gone to hell and you have to clean up the pieces? Like when executives blow or when you can’t con Public out of MORE MONEY.
G E P, the mission is one that lost its storefront space years ago, and now nominally operates out of a couple’s home. From what I can tell the original missionholder disappeared from the corporate paperwork around the time it lost its space so there may have been some sort of upheaval.
I suspect from a couple of similar cases, including a couple of missions that remain open but have turned over ownership 2 or 3 times recently, that missionholders are balking at having to subsidize operations whose business has declined to the point that they can’t pay expenses like their rent, and are ending up in conflict with CofS management that expects them to “make it go right” and is unwilling to be “reasonable” about changing financial realities. As I wrote in another comment, I expect that eventually we’ll see the fallout of quite a bit more of this happening as the result of the pandemic and its effect on business operations.
You make a good point in calling it business operations. Since when has it been right to turn the craft of spiritual enlightenment into a for-profit business? It is not, and I am glad that Leah and Mike brought it up on this week’s podcast. It shouldn’t be a for-profit business. It is sad that when I was in the org, they never turned on the HVAC yet were extracting hundreds of thousands of dollars to send up the chains. Like you said, the management pressure to make it goes right ends up with unpaid bills or HVAC and other utilities being shut off (or moving into residential buildings to keep costs down).
Regardless, why are these religious buildings being run as a for-profit business? Why did they get the PPP loans for a few Church affiliated entities? Volunteers are not paying their living expenses from this work. Sea Org get paid a fixed puny amount of peanuts. It comes down to poor management, promoting the least able beings, and favoritism / meritless promotions (most likely). I could go on and on. (I actually agree with the meritless promotions, as jobs shouldn’t be a reward for good behavior as it implies the bulk of employees perform poorly and also introduces subjective bias, but that is a philosophy debate for another day)
The name “POTLUCK” is very appropriate for $cientology FundFrauding.
$cientology will take you POT and your parents POT and you will need luck Recovering from the gaslighting and bankruptcy of the scam.
Our Field is broke and bankrupted. The few survivors have been sufficiently brainwashed into believing it’s ok and normal. They are not renovating the building after 13 years of fraud fund raising.
They figured they did not need it after all. The Org is empty.
A bunch of robots who can’t think for themselves.
Does anyone have any info on how to tune in to the upcoming podcast? Is it live, or do we watch it any time? Do you have to subscribe? Would love to see it. Don’t know how to go about doing it.
Overrun. Save this Link. You are gonna find it here once a week starting from 21th July every Thursday.
Sorry Tuesday I meant.
Thanks LMR. I bookmarked it.
OIC. Welcome.
Thank you for that, the link works.
Weather watcher. Welcome. I can’t wait.
Thank you LMR…..not too tech savvy…..appreciate the link! Stay well, stay stay safe stay happy!
Ballet Lady. Welcome you won’t believe it but all what you wished is happening, lol.
Do well girl!
Not sure, but I assume Mike will post a link here to help us find it. Hope so – I’m not very tech-savvy!
Briget. Sure he will. Otherwise someone will do it for the others.
O/T. Yesterday, 7/18/20, Nationtown TV rebroadcast the 4/11/18 lecture by Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad entitled, “Why The Jews Hated Jesus… And Why They Hate Farrakhan.”
In the lecture Minister Tony Muhammad features the anti-Semitic book series, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.” (The books have been banned from Amazon.)
ESMB Redux post:
Instagram post:
Wow. Well they need to be making money somehow…somehow…they never give up…everything is always glorious, always have to be uptone…so lets pretend = glee! How well I remember.
Maybe the SO members can show a picture beans and rice.
Peggy. Laughing loud!
Peggy, now that is funny!!!!!!!
LOL, Peggy L!
Is John Cowdon a newly minted OT VIII, or is the rank now called New OT VIII?
I think for this event they should use the other meaning of potluck.
“Potluck” is used in reference to a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable. For example:
“he could take potluck in a town not noted for its hotels”
“they could take potluck and hope the webinar isn’t just another regging event.”
“They discovered it was just another way to reg them for money, but they should have known they were taking potluck before they even signed up.
Chances that this is all about somebody making money? 100%.
That isn’t called potluck, that’s called a sure thing.
But how many attendees would they get with an honest blurb: “Sign up now for the Second Saturday Fundraising Event! No need to bring your credit cards – we already have them!”
“Sign up now for the Second Saturday Fundraising Event! No need to bring your credit cards – we already have them!”
Ammo. Laughing loud!
I agree with you that:
>Involvement in scientology addles the brain.
and that a virtual potluck is silly. However there is a whole genre of videos on social media known as mukbang, where you get to watch other people eat. For examples, do a search on youtube for the term mukbang. For some extreme examples of mukbang, search on youtube for videos by: nikocado avocado. For tamer videos with less psycho-drama (compared to nikocado), search on youtube for videos with the term: vegan what i eat in a day. My point is that a virtual potluck is pretty tame compared to some of the mukbang videos.
For their next successful action, why not try Bingo? That way they can also better pretend that they’re a legitimate church.
Here, have a virtual 20 dollar bill.
That’s nothing! I’ll write you a postulate check for your virtual 20 dollar bill and I’ll use all of my vast stores of intention to get it to you by 2:00 this Thursday. Stats will be up across the board!!!!!
That could be the start of a fabulous trend. People should promise to make donations a la virtual style from now on. After all, if seeing a picture of some food is supposedly just as good as eating, then …
The earlier levels of auditing don’t deal with body thetans and they aren’t told about it until way later. Their initial goal is “going Clear.” The OT levels follow. Getting rid of BT’s is like getting rid of parasites so the person can become the only thetan running his life.
I’ve been out for 40+ years. I’m not a fan, just trying to explain it in terms that might clarify it to a never-in.
Showing pictures of food to the flock is probably the highest “level of exchange” the Cult has ever obtained if one uses Hubturd’s policy on exchange to measure it.
Sometimes I can only shake my head. Sometimes there’s nothing illuminating to add. Sometimes I can offer nothing more than, “This is just stupid.”
There is a Reddit group called “I Ate This” which attracts about 4 posts a month. Imagine how popular it would be paired with a MLM seminar.
‘glee of insanity’ is a very real phenomenon in scientology. Any ex-scientologist is very familiar with this and when it is recalled they most likely feel overcome with embarrassment.
A “potluck” where you don’t chow down … You look at PICTURES of what people are eating (don’t they know what Ron says about the abberative quality of an affinity for pictures?) … Uhm … Right …
Anyone got a picture of a lasagna? I’m plumb starving …
Dishwasher Lasagna….
Ballet Lady. I am sorry. I could last 10 secs. I am italian. Lasagna is senior dish.
It would be like watching someone cutting spaghetti with a knife. Laughing.
Hello LMR. I am so envious of you. It has always been my greatest life desire to visit Italy and also France to taste the fabulous food.
Here in North America, we have been raised to believe there is no food more delicious than food from both Italy and France. But there are some places in Italy that are supposedly the very best in the world. I’m thinking of Tuscany and there is also one city. Is it Naples? Or maybe Florence? In any case, before I die, I sincerely hope I will one day come to visit you and maybe you will show me a good restaurant and allow me to buy you a meal. Best wishes to you and I am drooling with anticipation of this lifelong dream.
Skyler, I’ve made three trips to Italy (and I live in SE Asia, long ways away). First time was on the Rome, Florence, Pisa, Venice run. Next time I spent my whole time in Naples and Sicily in the south. And last Oct, I went to the north to Milan, Genoa, Bologna and Parma. Absolutely loved Genoa and Bologna and they are short train trips from Florence and Venice .
Each city has its own special cuisine. For example Genoa is renowned for its pesto and foccacia , Bologna for its Pasta Bolognese and Naples for its pizza. All have great pasta and gelato of course.
Happy travels.
Skyler! Of course you absolutely must come!
Obviously, as far as I’m concerned, Italian food is the best. Its preparation is also a pleasure in itself.
There are several places you could visit besides the ones you mention. So it would be advisable to organize a trip that lasts a little longer and that covers various destinations. Here from region to region many things change. When you decide to do it, warn me. I can also give you some advice and point out excellent restaurants with local cuisine and good fish.
And why not, if you pass around here toast with good wine. It is worth. Do well my friend.
OMG! Thank you so much. I am drooling at the prospect. I just hope we will one day look at COVID as a thing of the past. I would love to visit. But I fear I will have to wait until the COVID problem is solved.
I really appreciate your comments however. I will dream of Italian food tonight.
Skyler. Okay. Italy is here. Let hope this pandemic disappears. My daughter’s father in law is a real chef that knows how to cook fishes from tradition and he make a pasta with part of fishes that you get addicted. A unique taste.
Hope this can happen. Imagine good wine, toasts and laughs.
Do well.
My dear friend!
I LOVE Lasagna & I make a delicious home made Lasagna….AND LOVE ITALIAN FOOD……I make stuffed shells, pasta & meat balls with both or either Sweet or “hot” Italian Sausage….Baked Ziti…..Italian Wedding Soup…etc…..Ricotta Cookies…
BIG laugh…My husband DOES cut his spaghetti up with a knife….honest!
Yes! Tutte cose buone (all good stuff!) As I said to Skyler in another comment, preparation also becomes a pleasure.
I don’t know if you know it but there is a TR (training routine) exercise only for Italians. It’s called TR0-SC bullbait.
It is the famous TR0 Spaghetti Cutting bullbait.
One must sit without reacting while the coach cuts the spaghetti with the knife (or with the spoon, even worse as it inflicts more agony on the spaghetti).
So far no one has ever passed it. Most all have the same emotional pain reaction “Hey man stop it!! What the f**k are you doing!?!?!?”
Do well!!
We look at my husband and shake our head. MOST times I make Spaghetti (thin normally) or Angel Hair with shrimp scampi since I like it better that way, Fettuccine or Linguine for Chicken Alfredo….sometimes Shrimp Alfredo.
Then I will make a separate Ziti or Rigatoni for my husband so we DO NOT HAVE TO ENDURE watching him cut up Spaghetti….lol! Odd thing is my son in law IS half Italian…he does NOT LIKE Ricotta Cheese….that drives me nuts. His FULL Blooded Nona made pasta with Mozzarella & munster cheese…..eeewwww!
When I was working we’d have “pot luck”..>REAL FOOD….I normally made meat balls…MINE were the FIRST to be “cleared out”….same with my baked ziti altho’ others brought in similar food…mine was gone first!
Hope you’re doing well….take care friend!
Wow….I would probably jump out of my seat & rip that video to shreds….NO WAY would I EV ER Pass that test either….
Ballet Lady. You really made me laugh. Okay but a spoon can be very helpful to help rolling spaghetti with a fork. In Italy many does it. It is publicly approved!
Horoscope From The Onion
Your combined proclivities towards paranoia and depression combine when you start to think a race of alien lizard-people are controlling life’s lowest echelons from behind the scenes.
As a never-in I still have problems with the utter convolution of SCI terminology. If a new SCI wants to get audited to get rid of his thetans how is that at the end of the process he is to be an Operating Thetan?
This seems so much like Orwellian double-think.
Andy. One come to know about these body thetan (BTs) only when he reaches clear and steps on the ot levels. Before that point nobody knows about it.
These BTs are like spiritual parasites. Affecting him negatively. They are degraded thetans (what’s funny is that everybody is considered to be a degraded being until doesn’t get at the top of ot levels).
So if one would have really these BTs could consider himself very lucky: he could have been instead a BT!
Hummm, Many for the explanation so you are saying BTs are a good thing, but I understood SCIs were trying to rid themselves of BTs or have I read this wrong.
Andy. The last part of my answer was purely sarcastic.
I meant in case one believes these BTs and knows how they came about then one is lucky to have them on him more than be one of them. But it is just ironic.
Andy. The last part of my answer was purely sarcastic.
I meant in case one believes these BTs and knows how they came about then one is lucky to have them on him more than be one of them. But it is just ironic.
In the mid 60s hubbard didn’t had made yet a clear that wasn’t still ‘reactive’. So he had to go backwards to find the reason. OT levels and BTs were his (wrong) answer .
After OT VIII but before Miscavige started beating up people, six of us actually discussed dropping out bodies to do OT IX. It was that sick in Scientology. Now the expectations are lower and it looks like pizza.
Sounds like Heavens Gate! Thank God foe pizza.
Huh? The foe must be pretty tough! Do you get to take pizza home?
Sad, pathetic and desperate.
Not even if I would be drunk (with cool rock’n’blues music in the backgrounds) I could become enthusiastic about virtual potlucks.
They are ‘glee of insanity” about anything that comes from “command intention”. Really sick.