Perhaps the boldest admission yet that “events” are merely chum in the water for the circling sharks.
And the tone of this, commanding whoever it is addressed to, that “there IS to be highest ever fundraising” is pretty remarkable.
I expect this is someone’s (Quinn is that you?) idea of “Tone 40”.
Sort of reminds me of the Vikings or perhaps Genghis Khan “There is to be complete destruction and maximum rape, pillage and plunder. Nobody shall be spared.”
Those sharks just love to dine on clubbed seals.
Hi Mike
Its a sad day indeed when you read the current managments obsession with Ideal Orgs and this insane fundraising system.
The worst thing is this crap about “getting higher in status”.
I remember there were people I worked with who went into some fawning cringe type behaviour when they met or spoke to someone who had done some OT levels.
Perhaps my Grade 0 was flat as I had no problem communicating with people whatever their case level.
I read the usual replies to this post and feel sorry for some people who made it all go so wrong in their lives, sorry existences I should say.
So much Natter and so few real engrams run out leads to this state of “all is bad”. To quote “He came, found it bad, left”.
I appreciate the work and time you put in to supplying this data to us, but this blog is becoming like the the Ex-SMB full of carping, raving, lunatic and untrue remarks, always from the same people, who are only interested in trying to stop Scientology.
They NEVER will.
This usually happens when someone receives squirrel Tech and then gives up on all of it.
There are more squirrel versions of NOTS around these days than you can shake a stick at.
You have to put something in to get something out.
You put a lot in yourself and ask for nothing in exchange.
Don’t let the exchange degenerate into a bunch of anti -Tech looneys posting entheta all the time.
We should relax and laugh abit more at the current Org’s games not become the effect of them.
I totally agree with your sentiments here. I’ve tried to convey what you’ve succinctly written here so well.
On the other hand there are critics who post here who post here with awareness and sensitivity to the ethnic here. Such as Fred Rice and Mark Bunker and Cat Daddy and Alanzo and several others.
Of course the occasional troll is going to get through.
Personally I think Mike does his best in trying to filter out the rabid nut balls ala ESMB, OCMB and ARS.
My opinion.
But I do get what you’re saying.
thank you
I cannot claim to understand the sensitivity to ethnic remark you made though.
Don’t do ethnics only Ethics.
As I have said before. If the Tech did not work for someone thats too bad.
They should perhaps do the following for a start
1) Go and get some standard repair action from a proven professional not some squirrel who claims he’s OT8 and Class 8 hooked on booze and nicotine like some Euro loonie I know too well.
2)Handle forever the bypassed charge and start to get some gains in life.
3) Start actually reading rthe Tech and applying it. Too many professional PC’s in and out of the Org cause trouble.
4) Write up OW’s it does actually work.
5) Get word cleared Method 1 and do the KTL course
6) Get out lists sorted VERY important
7)Trying to Stop all the time is the basis of insanity.
8)Stop moaning about LRH because what the hell did they come up with instead, er that would be entheta and natter, its pathetic beyond belief to be wittering on about how the Tech does not work LRH was this he was that yip yap yip.
If someone feels like this why not go and shoot themselves and stop bothering others with their wishy washy bypassed charge all the time.
We have a phrase here put up or shut up.
If none of the above help then thats it,
One is actually an SP and nothing is going to work so they should please piss off from this blog and go stir the shit somwhere else.
Thats my advice to the raving twits who cannot accept that the Tech does work when its applied correctly.
Mike does excellent work here some of his posts are so bloody funnny and his choice of phrases very droll.
They always give me a good laugh and too be honest I don;t actually trust people who don’t know how to have a good laugh.
Sid Solid is being too serious.
I look at what Mike gave up to leave the current Org system and I doubt many who post crap in here ever went through what he did.
OK I mysef would not have put up with so much for so long but I had no 2d or close family in the Org at the time so maybe I got of lightly.
Whatever one feels if Scientology doesn’t work for someone OK,why burden others for whom it works perfectly with your horrible case problems every time Mike does a good post.
I hope this is of use in some small way.
Mike, this promo is parroting the modus operandi of Brandy Shaw who has been expounding this fundraising tech for a while now. I heard her give this lecture at Joburg Org two or three years ago – but with two interesting additional points:
1. The orgs were to create statuses and “make them important to the public” (this we know); and
2. Don’t buy the lie that the public don’t have money. They do. The way you can tell is that the prospect keeps changing the reason that he cannot donate. If he sticks to one reason why he cannot donate then you can leave him alone. (But obviously, you would need to harass a person a while to determine whether the excuses are changing or not.)
Lurkers and UTRs. If you must go to these events go ready with ONE reason why you “can’t” donate. The best reason of course, is that the ideal org programmes are crap – but that won’t stop the harassment or the sec checks/roll backs/ethics chits.
Best solution is just don’t go. For some reason they’ve stopped bothering me. I kinda miss the game of fending them off!
“The best reason of course, is that the ideal org programmes are crap – but that won’t stop the harassment or the sec checks/roll backs/ethics chits.”
From personal experience giving reasons like it’s off policy, out tech and it defies common sense is usually the best way to end up being harassed, sec checked, roll backed and ethic chitted in the Bizarro world of the so called “Church of Scientology” these days.
Squirreling the tech any more than its been squirreled is somewhere down the list probably only because you’re going into direct competition with RTC.
Is it just me or does it seem a bit creepy to anyone that nearly every photo op coming out of Scientology Litt all they show are smiling faces?
Come on cult or no cult.. People/human beings have good days and bad days. You can’t be 100% all the time. Yet in Scientology pics they always have these tense plastic and fake smiles.
That alone creeps me out (putting aside everything else.)
I wonder who is the intended audience for this document? EDs in the Western US? Or maybe other org staff as well? OTCs, or just OTC chairs?
Surely this was not meant to be seen by anyone in the field at large, because those poor souls are the targets for “closing” and “preregistration.”
It’s truly a remarkable text, as it spells out so blatantly the whole sordid truth: that raising money is the ONLY purpose of these MV events, and that the addresses (whoever they may be) are under orders to get “every Scientologist contributing and moving up in status.” EVERY SCIENTOLOGIST. There’s something rather chilling about that.
This certainly deserves the widest possible distribution among people still active at any level in the church. The fact that it’s an official church document, not the work of some bitter apostate, makes it all the more damning.
Dave, take note: Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe #TED :
Maybe of topic,
I took my wife shopping, after we went to an upstat cafe, she tells me about
the towels she bought. Some Egyptian cotton and explained differences with Turkish cotton and Indian Cotton etc. I reply that David Miscavige buys Egyptian Cotton shirts at $500. each (as this is over the top lavish expense) She tells me, Your wearing an Egyptian cotton shirt right now she says ! I was stunned.
When I was a die hard Kool Aid drinker we were so poor we couldn’t afford new towels or go out to eat.
I’m so happy to be out.
Life in the fundraising World of D.M. is so close to North Korea you cannot imagine.
How do they do fundraising at an MV event? Right after the video? As it is right out in the open that these now are ALL fundraising events, how do they keep getting any audience? I can only repeat what I have said previously – that whatever good these people have experienced in Scientology, there is sort of a “bell curve” and they are now on the downward curve, probably clinically mentally ill – they can no longer determine what is a real value and what is a scam anymore. The CoS is taking advantage of some very sick people. I do see that the emphasis is now on “pre-event” closing, which means the incessant phone calls and the door bell ringing at all hours and maybe even surprise visits at work as well. Do y’all think that any current “churches” have devised any strategies to get out of all this? (or are they too mind controlled at this point to analytically resist?)
In my last line above, I meant to type “CHURCHIES” (folks still in), not “churches” as it came out.
We in RTC have stopped pretending that this is about anything except the money. After all, the group must survive and that takes money — particularly with COB’s legal bills these days! In happier news, beatings are down at Int Base by 53% over last year. This marked improvement is due to COB having unenturbulated massive enturbulated theta through his new program of making SP’s disappear into that new Sea Org RPF in Canada. RPF’ers there report acceptable working conditions in the salt mines
Thanks for the heads up. You guys are doing a bang up job. Not since Torquemada have I seen such religious conviction. Keep the riff raff in line and Dave’s income soaring. Believe me, I know how it feels to be misunderstood. From one big being to another.
PS – I’ll be shipping a case of your favorite Scotch to tide you over in these suppressive times. Cheers!
What is is the stat on garbage can dumping’s ,Debbie Cook style?
BIG NO REPORT !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now c’mon Jose, let’s keep it theta!
‘Invite your alliance org”? Why?? Not enough money left in your devotees??? Have these mOrgs run out of local whales? Now the mOrgs are competing against each other. Woe unto them who don’t get the check first, for they shall see the RPF firsthand.
I do have to give some (not much) credit to the clams for actually selling ‘status’. No BMW or Mercedes required, no McMansion or big boat, but a big bowling trophy will do the job.
Dave gets all the good stuff!
Stevie Wonder reinvented:
People stop pretending
Stats are vertical, but downtrending
Bullshit never ending
No it won’t be too long
Davey keep on lying
While your people keep on dying
World keep on turning
Cause it won’t be too long
I’m so darn glad I left the cult with my friends
Cause the E/O said I lived a whole world of sin
I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on trying
Till I reach the higher ground
OSA keep on hating
Punish speaking out and masturbating
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too long
Oh no
Believers start to question
Find the time for reflection
Ideal Orgs just misdirection
No it won’t be too long
Oh no
I’m so darn glad I left the cult with my friends
Cause the E/O said I lived a whole world of sin
I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on trying
Till I reach the higher ground
Sheesh. It’s almost a Monty Python skit. I can visualize Eric Idle or Graham Chapman addressing a crowd of Vikings dressed in animals skins:
“There will be MAXIMUM pillage and rapine. Put some effort into it fella’s, our stats were down on that last expedition….”
Thinking back to the days I regged on planetary dissem lines, this kind of overt demand only comes when things are real bad.
I can just picture those fence sitters jumping off that fence, running into their home, locking the door and hiding under their bed clutching their wallets!
Y’know, for years now I haven’t had my usual quota of degrading comments and invalidation usually aimed at me with a high decibel level. I sorta miss it. I think I’ll head on down there, dress up all rich and “upstat-looking,” and see how much I can pull in to make up for lost time!
Mike, hope you don’t mind my asking, but that picture is photo-shopped, right? That’s a shark with that little seal shooped in front of its open mouth – right? (I know I’m being silly. Its why I can’t watch nature shows where lions are taking down wildebeests and so forth.)
Nope. Watch BBC’s Blue Planet, you will see amazing video footage of this.
Thanks, Mike. I can’t watch those things. Happy to take your word for this. I was hoping it was a shoop. I have almost no confront on this aspect of “nature”. I must have huge overts 🙂
Empathy is not an overt.
Gawd what a bunch of gibberish.
Looks like a piece of promo that Amway would put or some other MLM. My suspicion is that most of this “lost tech” they keep “finding” wasn’t written by L Ron Hubbard but by Ebert Hubbard and Dale Carnegie instead with a little Werner Erhard Seminar Tech ™ thrown in for good measure.
It wouldn’t surprise me if they reduced everything down to DeGrimston’s “Process”.
Whatever it is it ain’t Scientology. In fact they don’t mention the word once in that entire piece of nauseating “promo”.
Say what you want, but Erhard and the deGrimstons never created as something as morally repulsive as Ethics Tech and the RPF. L. Ron Hubbard did.
Oh right locking a people in a seminar room for hours while they pissed and shit their pants until they eventually got it wasn’t “morally repugnant” at all.
And how ’bout that cute lil’ swastika for the process?
Makes a great religious symbol. Don’t it?
Well, Miscavige has it set up that all eggs are thrown in this bottomless pit basket. The sheeple can’t stop now. Win or die in the attempt. He really is a suppressive asshole. He’s an expert at taking advantage of others good will. He’ll break most everyone, then the rest will just follow down that spiraling drain. Bail now. You’ll have to bail later anyway.
Bail now or you won’t have money for bail later when the last culties left standing are rounded up and prosecuted for fraud.
Wow. Just contemplating how that could roll out is alarming. All these people waking up to the truth and ending up prosecuted for crimes that they committed when they were following their dear leader, DM. — just because they “didn’t know.” That would be shocking to the legal system and the media watching. Like picking up a big rock in the forest… and seeing all the bugs start to scatter underneath. The shock of finding all those RPF-ers and unraveling all those stories while those loyal Sea Org guys are being awakened out of their stupor and facing criminal charges. They were in jail once… and now end up in jail again for being so willing to go to jail.
Aye, there’s the rub.
It doesn’t get any better than this.
Same old bullshit,different day
You know, if it really worked, and the organization was considered ethical and upright, everyone would be telling everyone else to go get auditing. There would be no need for fundraising pitches. That seems to be how the independents function. I don’t see them begging for money.
If auditing was the miracle it claims to be, e-meters would be sold at Walmart. People would be lining up around the block for services at Scientology processing centers.
If Scientology was ethical, Orgs would audit for free, because there would be NOTHING more important than creating a clear and saner planet. .
And just how would the auditors make a living? And rent be paid? As for creating a clear and saner planet, I’ve never gotten an answer to my question: Who in hell asked us to?
Auditing can easily BE the miracle it claims to be. Many of us got life changing wins and gains and better lives. You don’t believe that? So what? I would not trade those many years in, the gains *I* got nor the friends who are still friends…for anything. Great experience. That it’s become a shamble is too bad. It’s called life. And it really is no worse than the screwing our pols give us every day. Much higher cost, too. 🙂
Right. I said the same thing about products and opportunities from network marketing companies. If it’s really that great, wouldn’t the media be all over it?
Well, Davey says he has discovered super powers but needs another $25milion for the building; says people need to redo their hat because the tech had transcription errors; says there are 22 million members (no other religion founded in the 20th Century has more than 1 million).
I consider it more ethical for competent auditors to be paid a living wage. Something being free does not guarantee ethical. The fact that dm and the rcs is sitting on billions is evidence of the fact, of the efficacy of Scientology at one time. The selfless generosity of so many is truly a remarkable thing. I believe we’re at the end of that era. Shame on these wealthy few, who have made it possible to continue this pretense that somehow, money is more important than the spiritual well being of the average parishioner.
Hi jgg2012 –
The reason that the media does not support network marketing is that network marketing by-passes the media. The media gets paid for by advertisers – now a great majority of them on TV are drug companies. That’s what commercials are about. You have very sophisticated think-tanks of advertising guys trained to manipulate our minds, then they pay production companies millions of dollars (literally – I did over 250 commercials in my acting career)… and then they hire the perfect actors and pay them a lot of money to be filmed making the commercial (whether the actor ever used the product or not)… and then they do all the fancy special effects before they deliver the final product to the station. By the time it gets to the “media” it is glossy and pure. I actually did a commercial for Kool Aid (funny, in this context) when I could NOT have sugar of any kind because I had a severe allergy to sugar and could not imagine telling moms to feed their kids sugar. I felt really guilty about it. That’s when I started questioning if I ethically wanted to do more commercials. I’m glad I’m not doing commercials now, with all the drugs they are pushing on tv.
In network marketing real people are sharing the real results they have had by using their own products. You can’t fake that. No makeup and lighting. No hairstylist standing by to make sure you’re perfect. The media won’t touch that. They don’t want to lose their advertisers. They are in 2 different worlds.
Wow! Take away the daily fundraising propaganda and what do you really have? A bunch of empty suits in empty buildings, holding on to a big ole empty bag of nothing! Sad….Indeed
When short stuff finally holes up somewhere in Utah with a few hundred million and a small army of the best lawyers money can buy, and then turns on everybody, then the brainwashed set will be set free. And of course after a few hundreds of hours of intensive Psycho-Therapy too.
“In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself.” ALBERT EINSTEIN
We used to not get hit for the IAS donations until their part of Maiden Voyage, when we could conveniently have business in Iceland that week, or a death in the family (probably could dig up a great aunt one more time), but now it looks like IAS regging is part of every one of the MV summer events. Oh, goodie.
You can milk sheeple. Who knew?
After searching the planet for “lost LRH Tech” -ha!- they’re now ‘borrowing’ tech like from MLM, Multi-Level-Marketing to increase donations. Is this the last donation sweep to fill Dave’s pockets before he rides off into the sunset, forever?
At least with MLM, there’s the pretense of an even exchange. Scientology has gone from its early founding of overpriced quackery to its current incarnation more reminiscent of an intimidating mafia shake down.
I am a independent distributor for a MLM and I can tell you, there is no comparison. I provide a product as well as training and opportunity that can be utilized or not, it is completely up to my organization members. -What we see here is nothing more than a scam which ought to be on the computers of FBI and IRS agents nationwide. I am a never in but have followed the downfall of Scn for years as I have a particular disdain for religious hypocrisy and cults. It is quickly becoming apparent that they are getting sloppy in their desperation to get whatever cash is left from those who are willing to get on the spaceship (Heavens Gate) and not even pretending to be anything more than a cash raising machine for DM’s swiss bank account. Please, if you are lurking, please know that there are those who will help you leave and you can “disconnect” from this cult and achieve happiness and success! I read about those who have left and can just feel how WHOLE they are, once they are free. Begin to imagine yourself in your new life, it is the first step. Namaste, Annette
I am a distributer for an MLM and it has given me my life back…. My health and a LOT of money. Unfortunately I gave a lot of it to CoS, however my company has integrity and I am making it up and then some. In my humble opinion, when you find a great networking company and treat it with respect you can transform your life.
Just like there are good spiritual paths and those that take you off a cliff (like CoS) there are good MLMs and bad ones. Also there are good and bad banksters as there are good and bad corporate entities. It’s about human beings, and our willingness to be aware and help each other. In my 50s I had 46 cents in the bank. As a result of a fine MLM I have made well over $1 million. I have to say this because of how grateful I am for the opportunity and to honor the profession when done correctly.
More power to you Zana!
Shameless! I like the sentence saying “capitalize” on the maiden voyage events. They really couldn’t be more crass and less spiritual. I smell desperation as the patience is wearing thin on the money/people not flowing in. My hubby & I have gotten several mail and email particles this week, pretending to be interested and having the facts wrong, after quite a long period with nothing. I only become prouder of my sp status, as I stand up to the corruption of the tech and misuse of funds, with my lovely, funny friends, who speak their minds so well.
I am so glad that I don’t have to go to any of those money hungry events anymore. Always trying to think of excuses on why I can’t donate or getting other people to donate. I knew one 70 something old man who looked like he might have brain damage. He got regged for 100k for the Idle Org then the IAS got a hold of him and wanted their pound of flesh. I think they got another 50k or so out of him. I found all this out when I saw him on the street and he told me all of this and that he now couldn’t pay his bills and was desperate. Great job you money hungry assholes.
lets find him and post a youtube interview
The reason this kind of thing happens is because a human being is vulnerable to the leaders of a religion that he has committed himself to, and which he believes – if he does what it says – will give him a better life, or even bring “salvation” to him as a spiritual being.
A person will trust his chosen religion with his life.
When his religious leaders tell him that he needs to do something “for the good of mankind” or “for the good of his eternity”, he believes them.
He is vulnerable in that way, like a small child is to his parents.
L Ron Hubbard knew this about religions, and about human beings.
And that is why he created the Church of Scientology.
Scientology is a very despicable thing.
Dear Leader is so terrified that has created this fundraising strategy before he deems is time to go and hide; the more money he gets the ‘safer’ he would feel (or so he thinks). Plus, why spend his own money in defending himself from lawsuits if his loyal-undivided followers fund legal costs and what not?
Per LRH policy all this hurly-burly is a criminal activity because of total lack of exchange, I wonder how my former boss in OSA would contradict me on this one. Training and auditing aren’t necessary anymore. Why bother if you can make people cough piles of money for idiotic statuses in return?
Now they are expected to host dinner parties the night before the event. What a fun evening of enlightenment. That would be like going to the dentist’s house the night before to find out all about your root canal appointment the next day.
Wow, note the use of the sales terms in there…..”closing” and “prospects”.
This isn’t a religion, this is Glengarry Glen Ross.
It’s a sales based religion. They ought to dump Hubbard as their messiah and switch to Og Mandino.
Nope. Mandino had both integrity and ethics. As well, he delivered the actual product. 🙂
Indeed. You might even describe him as a solid citizen — something Hubbard could not abide.
Man they don’t even try to disguise what Scientology has become. Could they be any more crass?
All that’s left are the “beliebers”…well, them and the whales anyway. Normal public on course don’t exist anymore. This to say DM and his brass can be crass…the ones still writing checks have the same ability to creatively think outside the bubble as your average North Korean party member. They literally can’t imagine their life outside the bubble, so it’s death or Scientology. DM is leading the Scientology Death March, cracking the whip and laughing maniacally as only the most brainwashed are able to keep following along and writing checks.
With Heath Ledger gone, who will play DM in the biopic I hope I see in the next 10 years?
I’ll do it. I already know all the joker’s lines from The Dark Knight.
I’m thinking Danny Devito ala the Penguin in Batman Returns
I really think Seth Green would be a great choice… seriously. Check him out in The Story of Luke sometime.
I realize that “who will play DM?” is probably a rhetorical question, but there is an actor named William Fichtner who I believe would be a plausible choice. You can check him out on Netflix (and other places, I’m sure) in a series called Crossing Lines. There are other candidates but this guy bears a striking physical resemblance to David and seems to have the acting skills that will be needed to portray a sociopath.
This is flabbergasting. The greatest ever? Has anything been put out to this degree before? A naked, headlong, go-for-broke shakedown that will drive more away and cave in those remaining. “We haven’t cleared the planet ’cause you are a stingy, greedy, little being.”
Preregister (herd the sheeple) so you can sheer ’em again. Be sure to get the little ball of fluff on the tail…
Out of self-preservation. members are going to have to block and delete without opening emails and phone calls.
Lurkers, whatever you do, don’t let ’em corner you in a room. Get you family and blow this crap. God, how disgusting.
I just wrote a few paragraphs about this
then deleted it……..
Really I’m speechless.
MJ how about some words to The Who
song….Who Are You.
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I threw up at an Int Event
The regges all knew my name
They said “You won’t be going home tonight
You ain’t ever gonna walk away”
I tried to extricate myself
As their screams blew back my hair
I remember all those punches
Being pinned down in my chair
Well, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you? (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
‘Cause I really wanna know (Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I took the Metro to my home
Back to my humble place
When I finally reached the door
A recruiter blasted in my face
I thought back and I wondered
And looked back on my busy day
Locked up with Tom Cruise videos
God, there’s got to be another way
Who are you?
Ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa ooh wa …
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
Who are you?
Who, who, who, who?
I know there’s a better place
Far from this mad disease
My pocketbook is empty
From these vain attempts to please
I tried to be a sheeple
But it’s faded in the mist
You call this a religion
Tell me what the fuck is this?
Nice! I hope you are (or someone is) keeping all these lyrical gems in one place. I foresee the future coffee table book, “Joking and Degrading: Chronicling the Fall of Scientology”, having a special section just for these hilarious lyrical adaptations!
Thanks shannester. Perhaps Mike has a way to make them easily accessible. As a rule, I don’t engage in joking and degrading, but in the case of the perversion and greed I see in the church, I make an exception.
MJ, this is it. Its time for a satirical musical revue; The Scientology Follies. You are our in-house, Indie Stephen Sondheim. Let’s get busy with this. Remember what Robert DeNiro’s character said in “A Bronx Tale” about wasted talent!
Thanks MJ….that made my day!
I’m not sure if Quinn Taufer wrote this or not. It sounds like Quinn, but someone must have corrected his grammar and edited it for brevity if he did write this.
So let me see if I’ve got this right… “Here you can give them one-on-one enlightenment and gain their commitment to moving up in status for the event.” This sounds to me like they are setting up their shills in advance. Nothing like a little of the ol’ one-on-one to loosen the purse strings before the big event and get your shills in place. As every ex or indie knows all too well, if the ol’ one-on-one doesn’t work, it is no problem to move up to two-on-one, or three-on-one or whatever it takes to squeeze every last nickel out of the “select public”.
South Pacific for the wusses:
Happy talk, keep talking happy talk,
Talk about those you’d like to screw,
You gotta go ideal, if you don’t go ideal,
How you gonna have this shit come true?
MJ – fantastic lyrics – here and before. Before long you might be able to put on a full musical comedy. Hilarious!
Thanks much Wendy.
Wendy! How can I ever sing that song again with a straight face??? You devil! LOL
Sorry to ruin it for you but I just couldn’t resist!
LOL, THGM77 – but the blame for that falls squarely on MJ.
Guilty as charged, and proud of it!
Uh…training? Uh…processing? (Not that they are my bag anymore) Whatever happened to the 2 valuable final products of orgs? And, no, I’m not really asking for answers. I think we all know.
Flunk, Myrklix! You’re out ethics! How dare you doubt Dear Leader! You must immediately hand over $100,000! You don’t want to be a DB all your life, do you?
I am always impressed when businesses can adapt and evolve. In 60 years from DMSMH for a little bit of money from a lot of people getting something in return to now. A lot of money from a few people for nothing!
Never have so few given so much for so little.
That almost sounds like a Churchill quote…
Excellent. As the level of brain washing necessary increases (almost exponentially) to overcome the ever shriller screeching cognitive dissonance this crazy cult creates in its devolving journey to the singularity of fund raising (there’s barely a pretense of providing services), fewer and fewer minds have the necessary elasticity to expand without exploding back into the sanity of reality.
Miscaviage is a like blind man filling up balloons who refuses blame every time one goes POP!.
Good observation.
Looking over the entire history of the institution, from the initial publishing of Dianetics (which Hubbard briefly publicly trashed when he lost control of it) to the founding of Scientology, and throughout the various organizational evolutions, the true malevolent nature of the impulses behind the creation are laid bare.
Scientology has ALWAYS been out exchange with its public, in all it’s incarnations. The larger promises about the states of first Clear, then OT, have never been demonstrated, even if there was sincere effort by some to make them come true.
Hyperbole and bombast are in the DNA of Dianetics and Scientology, both from the language used by the founder of the subjects and from an organizational promises-versus delivery standpoint.
What is currently manifesting is simply the original hidden and malevolent intention (the accumulation of personal wealth at the top) stripped of anything subtle about it’s disguise. Fancy buildings and furniture have little to do with delivery of spiritual enlightenment, but the accumulation of personal wealth WAS important to Hubbard and it is now for Miscavige.
If the the 64 year pattern plays out fully, there will eventually be two remaining demands on public, with no intermediary window dressing:
1) Give Scientology ALL your money and time, for no exchange
2) Report to ethics until you are willing to do Number 1 above.
Absolutely, totally, exactly spot on!! You’ve summed up in a few paragraphs the whole thing!
Brilliantly put!
so sad, and so true.
The picture you chose sums up the whole thing. The shark getting ready to chomp down on the seal. Perfect visual.