Here is an indicator of the desperation to convince people to dip their bloody toe in the shark tank. Sort of on the otder of: “It’s OK, they are vegetarian sharks…”
It must be becoming incredibly difficult to get people to show up for events. A few by now have probably even answer somewhat honestly to the after event surveys and the word is making it back to “international management” (David Miscavige) that people don’t enjoy being endlessly regged and recruited at every event. Thus, they are trying this new approach to get people to come in for any reason. They cannot promote no regging at the normal “Int” (Miscavige) events as there is ALWAYS a sales quota with EVERY event. But if they could just get them in for SOMETHING they might come in again for the next real event….
But this email is a bit of a mystery. What would be the reason to show up? To hear something unimportant from someone way down the command chain? It HAS to be unimportant or old news– they have just completed 4 weeks of Miscavige MV events where evedry soingle tiniest piece of anything was scraped together for his use.
No, it must be because there is an auditor “who is available to help you with anything”??? Who would want to show up for an event where the criteria for being there is “I need help with something?” Exclusively losers.
But on the other hand, they do add a PS “You really don’t want to miss this one. It’s absolutely incredible!” Never heard that before… Should entice everyone to show up. 🙂
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014
From: The Founding Church of Scientology <[email protected]>
Subject: In case you missed it- You’re Invited To A Talk to Remember
FCDC is excited to welcome a very special Sea Org Goodwill Project that has just arrived from Flag. Projects like these are headed to Ideal Orgs on request from RTC.
As part of our project, we have the amazing pleasure to have one of the very best disseminators on earth, who has gotten more than 8,000 people on the Bridge. With him is a Class IX Super Power Auditor, who is available to help you with anything.
This project is not here for recruitment, not here to Register anyone or even to get anyone to Flag. They are here totally and only to help the org and the field.
Those who attended our last talk were so excited they nearly floated out of the Chapel. So we’ve scheduled two more nights!
Some of the reasons you should come:
– Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why and get data that will give you the confidence and desire to disseminate.
– Hear data about Scientology and our future you have never heard before. It will really gives you a whole new viewpoint on what’s happening.
– Get an in depth briefing on the key part of Golden Age of Tech Phase II that is causing thousands to say, “now I have the full gains of my past auditing”.
– Did you ever feel that clearing this planet was impossible? Find out exactly how it will be done and the plan to do it. You will be amazed by what you hear.
– You will have an opportunity to meet with the Class IX Super Power auditor and/or get any questions answered regarding your next step on the Bridge.
– Drilling from one of the top disseminators on the planet.
See you then, Chrisitie Hillestad, D/ED DC Day Liz Clapp, ED DC Foundation
P.S. You really don’t want to miss this one. It’s absolutely incredible!
JOIN US Wednesday, 23 July – 7pm in the Chapel
I expect they did float out of the chapel as they were not fleeced of every penny they had.
What a relief for them.
If only the dwarf could snuff it now that would be an event even I would attend.
What a great opportunity to get a few more wrong whys piled up, yikes!
After years of begging, nagging, demanding, cajoling, shaming, hounding, harassing and button pressing their public for straight donos, with credible success, it can now be assumed that the same-ole-same-ole is no longer working. So, the RCS is now ready to try a different approach, they’re going to “care about the person in front of them”. VERY well done on this cognition. It IS what most people need, want and to what most people will respond.
Not so fast, though, because its a cynical move on RCS’s part.
Its like a player/womanizer type guy who has gone thru life successfully hitting on women with the same pick up lines, with good success. This goes on for years but at some point the women don’t seem to be responding anymore. The player redoubles his efforts but his once successful actions are no longer getting him any action. Finally he goes into serious think-mode. He starts rolling back a number of conversations with women…a similar thread emerges. He gets a brite idea. “WAIT a minute! I’ve GOT it! What if – what if, instead of convincing women that I’m the greatest thing that ever happened to them – what if I act like THEY are the greatest things that ever happened to ME? What if I act like I really – you know – CARE about them? Whoa, I gotta TRY this!”
My bet is they will get as many people in the room as possible and then make them all sign up as FSM’s for the org (oh goody). They will then be routed onto the Dissem course (hey its free, so we only half lied about you not being reg’d for something). The auditor will be there to go over some failed purpose BS pep talk with everyone and bingo- The target to “activate the org’s field by doing some ass-clown event” will be accomplished (yeah right).
There is simply no way Flag is going to send out a mission (sorry, project) if there is nothing in it for them- it just wouldn’t be Scientology.
“With him is a Class IX Super Power Auditor”
I don’t know how this Auditor made it to Class IX so quick. Gat II and the new Meter just came out months ago.
If even 20 people show up, how is this Auditor going to handle all of them? If the Auditor even does Sec Checks with the statement “I’m not Auditing you”, it would take weeks let alone any ARCX handling or two way comm.
I vote reg cycle: come to Flag for some “Case Cracking Auditing”.. etc., buy 1st, then find out your an Illegal PC or OT now in the GAT II era.
Hi, we’re from RTC and we’re here to help you.
That is the exact reason I never go anyone in. I could deal with the regges but I sure as hell didn’t want to subject anyone else to it.
Whenever I considered disseminating to someone I always thought, “How will he/she handle the regging, the pressure, the phone calls – the insanity that I’ve learned to expect and deal with but which still drains and annoys me?
Mentally I would run this possible selectee thru the gamut, and always, I would begin to cringe. It always felt like an overt. At the same time I really wanted the person to have the tech. The consideration of it being an overt always won. I couldn’t see my way to hauling in some live, trusting prey for this organization. I avoided what in my universe was the greater overt.
Exactly. I think most of us felt that way.
If their big disseminator got ‘more than 8,000 people on the Bridge’ – where are they now?
And to really pile on and have even more fun, I would originate that I had a suppressed win on my Bacon and Egg moment and if it would be OK I’d like to write a success story for my folder.
Damage Control disguised as help. I’d say Danger is too high, and that enough Dangers have gone unhandled so that they’re doing Non -Existance now or at least their perverted version of it, because they cannot and will not deliver what their publics really need and want. Instead, they’ll use the data they glean to weed out any disaffecteds and convince the rest that GAT II is their answer. Fly, meet Spider.
Mike, thank you so much for sharing this insightful piece. NOW they are ready to help the Orgs and the Div 6 people. I wonder how many still in will look at this and think: Wow. Finally, and it is about time.
How many more will say, yeah, where were they 5 or 10 years ago.
Totally off topic but has anybody noticed that if you type Mike Rinder into Google that a lot of photo’s show up and under Jenna Miscavidge Hill’s photo it says she is Michele Miscavidge?
Heather, if they’re saying Jenna Hill is Shelley Miscavige, that is 1.1 trying to make it look like DM’s wife is alive and well and here is proof — a picture of her! How dastardly.
Hi Cindy – You could be right. I am sure Jenna would not appreciate it. I pointed it out as I don’t know how to get it corrected, and I thought maybe somebody else on here would. I checked today and Google has not corrected it. (at least in Canada, I don’t know if it shows up the same other places.)
“Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why and get data that will give you the confidence and desire to disseminate”.
OK, here it is in a nutshell. These days it’s embarrassing to even admit you have ANYTHING to do with the COS.
The reason people are not disseminating Scn. is because if they do, it makes them look bad; hurts their reputation. Now, that’s the problem you need to work on. Why most people can’t stand Scn. It’s not that they’re just not interested; it’s that they think it’s a money grubbing cult, that brainwashes people. Most people think that.
Go ahead, do a survey on the general public. Very simple one, one question. “What do you think of Scientology”? Get the results and work on correcting that.
I worked at that org. I do not miss it. The staff experience fueled my departure from Scientology. Scientology is neither a religion nor a philosophy and was not created with an intent to help or free beings. That is the conclusion I have reached after much reading and reflection. For the greater good of humanity, I hope the cult fails utterly.
Was Steve Lower there when you worked there? I cannot count all the times he called me trying to get money out of me.
Yes, I worked with him.
“- Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why and get data that will give you the confidence and desire to disseminate.”
Again, they act all nice to get you in the door. And then it’s “The real why is you pulled it in, you cheap
sonofabitch! Now pay up!!”
Christie thinking to herself…..
I really don’t know what CL means……I see
that now and then. There are always numbers,
sometimes roman numerals, after CL. A guy
at the coffee shop told me it means a person
with CL and a number are quite experienced at
getting people to understand command intention.
I have seen this command intention and how it makes people sorta glassy
eyed and gullible… that’s cool.
The higher the number the more experienced they are.
This is good I can use these people to confirm the lies
that I tell all the guppies that show up.
Thanks to COB for creating these CL people.
Wonder why that other guy didn’t think of this?
Oh well no need to fret about the past because
COB keeps us all in amazing present time.
“Ever had a failure or back off running into the line of fire? Find out how to doge bullets and live!”
The scientology brand must be one of the most toxic in the Western world. It is unbelievably notorious for such a tiny group.
3. All refund requests from public are paid in full ..
oh my dear, the church has cut all lines about yet ..
Did they ever pay Larry Anderson?
This is a lame attempt to “clean up the field(s)” – to get the dribble that WILL come in and “talk” to ‘fess up about who or what has been influencing them and then turn ALL of their heads around so that hemmorhaging of the orgs will stop.
This is what this email really says:
“The field is totally fucked up and if you come in, we have a Class IX auditor that will sec check you (and anyone else you talk to) and help you see the errors of your ways. The church’s lack of expansion is due solely to YOUR transgressions.”
Excellent translation….
Thanks, that IS Exactly what it says!
After reading the email about the fundraising event for Mario Fenninger, I wondered if we were witnessing a new tactic – raising money by raising money for others. Since close to 50% of funds raised for Mario went to rental fees (paid back to the Co$ no doubt), it would be different than the usual muggings. Now the Co$ can appeal to all the “humanitarians” out there and sucker people to come to events in order to help others. The only catch to this is explaining to the sheeple why Co$ members need help. After all they are the masters of the universe, how could they be broke? This also explains the snarky remark about Mario getting his ethics in. The reason Mario is broke is not because he has had all his money pilfered away by his “church” but because he needs to get his ethics in.
From: The Founding Church of Scientology
Subject: In case you missed it-You’re invited To a Talk to Remember
(what this guy is really thinking)
FCDC is excited to welcome a very special Sea Org Goodwill (what the fuck is that?) Project that has just arrived from Flag. Projects like these are headed to Ideal Orgs (What the fuck is so ideal about them! Hey, they’re fucking empty!) on request (yeah, right. More like on DEMAND) from RTC.
As part of our project, we have the amazing pleasure (amazing PLEASURE??? In this cult???) to have one of the very best disseminators on Earth (How come I’ve never heard of this dude!) who has gotten more than 12 million people on the bridge. With him is a Class lX Super Duper Power Auditor, who is available to help you with anything (like mowing my lawn? Painting my home? Getting me out of this sick cult?)
The project is not here for recruitment (Bawhahahahahahah!!!!), not here to reg anyone (BAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!) or even to get anyone to Flag (Stop it! You’re killing me!!!! Now that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever heard in this cult! Whew, my sides hurt!)
Those who attended our last talk were so excited (that they shit their pants?) they nearly floated out of the Chapel (Nearly???? I thought we all had super powers now!! What do you mean “nearly?”) So we’ve schedule two more nights (Oh, fuck me! I’ve got to hide in the basement!)
Some of the reasons you should come: (As if any of them are valid! God damn but I want out of here)
-Even had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics & Scientology? (I’m sorry, was that rhetorical???? Seriously! When people find out I’m in the Cult of Scientology, they laugh and walk away. Quickly! Some kids throw eggs at me!). Find out the REAL WHY and get data that will give you the confidence and desire to disseminate (Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!! The REAL WHY is that we’re a really hateful, vengeful cult that destroys families and locks up their own members in slave labor/Re-education camps! Get a fucking clue!)
-Hear date about Scientology and our future you have NEVER heard before (REALLY??? Data I’ve NEVER HEARD before???? I’ve heard everything!!! Over and over and over and over and over again! Get real!). It will really give you a whole new viewpoint on what’s happening (Oh for fuck’s sake, I know what’s happening! The leader is a prick of monumental proportions! He beats his staff. He’s richer than God and live like a rock star while I eat beans and rice!)
-Get an in depth briefing on the key part of Golden Age of Tech Phase II that is causing thousands to say, “now I have the full gains of my past auditing.” (Hmmmm. Let’s see, I was FORCED to redo the purif for the 9th time. I had to redo the Student Hat…for the 5th time. The Cause Resurgence made me puke. And now, finally, people are actually getting their wins of their past auditing??? I guess LHR really never did know what he was talking about!)
-Did you ever feel that clearing the planet was impossible? (Well of course, shit for brains! We’re down to maybe 25,000 members worldwide and shirking as I type this! Our reputation is just a shade above Jonestown! People hate us around the world! Get a fucking clue!). Find our exactly how it will be done and the plan to do it. You ill be amazed by what you hear. (Bawhahahahahahahahahah! Now that’s some funny shit! Oh, what? You’re were serious?)-
-You will have an opportunity to meet with the Class ix Super Duper Power auditor and/or get any questions answered regarding your next step on the Bridge. (Hey, I thought there was no regging??? What the hell is this all about? My next step is to blow and live in Hawaii. But I have one question you can answer for me: Why are people in the cult so fucking stupid??? Huh? Answer that, big shot!)
-Drilling from one of the top desseminators on the planet. (Huh. One of THE TOP desseminators you say? How many people has he brought in in the last year? Two? Maybe less?)
See you then, Christie Hillestad (Yeah, Christie, see you in my nightmares!)
P.S. You really don’t want to miss this one. It’s absolutely incredible! (Really, girlfriend? It’s absolutely incredible? Just like the the other 500 events that were “absolutely incredible? Hey, you’ve seen one, you’ve seem ’em all. Change the first sentence to: You REALLY want to miss this one! (Now that’s truth in advertising!)
Hmm, sounds like you need the t-shirt I’m wearing today.
“I may not be smart, but I catch on slowly”
Absolutely Brilliant ! I applauded your creative talent as I ran to the bathroom Dude.. I almost peed my pants laughing so hard! xo baby
“… a very special Sea Org Goodwill Project that has just arrived from Flag ….”
It really makes you wonder what they can possibly be computing.
“Sea Org Goodwill Mission” sent chills down my spine. In the backwards world of Scientology, those of us who have been on the giving or receiving end of a “goodwill mission” know exactly what that means. Line up to be sec checked within an inch of your life. Great thanks for your wallet, never mind the sec check, you are a good person. Carry on. See you next week.
“Sea Org Goodwill Mission”
That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.
Please attend!
Must be able to bend over and touch your ankles.
Bring your own lube as we do not provide accessories.
This is an uptone event, no squealing allowed.
Be on time, our staff is dwindling and service could be delayed.
This will be an experience to be remembered!
You WILL like it……….trust us.
Sounds like a giant Roll Back event to weed out the disaffected and “handle” any reasons they felt “back off” on disseminating. What a laugh. This is one gigantic ethics action wrapped in fluff. I hope no one shows up.
You said it BballJane, “Ever felt any hold back disseminating?” Yeah, when wog friends showed me South Park and the story of Xenu. Then showed me an article on Sea Org slavery horrors. And another time a story about a girl named Lisa. Then there was the story about a couple in Texas…
“Well, the answer to that is simple: stop seeing these people, and your former friends who have been declared. What, you say that would be all your so-called friends outside the Org? Hmmmm, ever thought about joining staff?”
I really enjoyed this one, I remember Liz Clapp and her husband Tom from around 1991 when I went to FCDC. The first Clears I had met in person. For two supposed Clears I was not impressed. They were both clinically obese and didn’t seem to have any great abilities to me. I recall one time being able to overhear their staff meeting from the waiting room. All that was discussed was how much money they could get from the public.
There will be NO GOODWILL until
1.David Miscavige resigns
2.the IAS is disbanded
3. All refund requests from public are paid in full
4. Criminals in the Sea Org including Narconon stand trial for murder and extortion
5. Cancelation of all SP Declares under Miscavige and a general amnesty for all Scientologists.
6. An immediate 50% reduction in donations for auditing, training and materials pending a review of even further cuts.
Seems about right!
Also IAS and Idle Org donations put back into auditing staff in the HGC as paid hours (which will ensure it gets done) (and I don’ think the idiots should get their money back!)
50% reduction???????? Deliver the product and let a person donate based on their gains. That would be a true donation ………………. rather than a forced extraction.
If Dianetics and Scientology can truly do this or that …………………………..then do it or shut the fuck up. All this of course is only my opinion and should be regarded or disregarded as one sees fit!
“With him is a Class IX Super Power Auditor, who is available to help you with anything” – isn’t this why the org is there – to help its public with anything? I mean, it IS an Ideal Org after all, why do they need to import someone?
“Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why…” – no chance in hell they are going to divulge the REAL Why. No mention of the appalling PR and crimes committed by the church and the goddam internet.
“now I have the full gains of my past auditing” – are they going to indicate to the public that they have been PTS to the church for years? Blowdown, success story.
In all my years of doing event call-in the ONLY time we did not have to twist the public’s arm is when Norm Hamilton (NOTS Auditor AOLA) rolled into town. The patter went something like this:
“Hey, , Norm’s coming”
“Great I’ll be there”
Ah…the good ol’ days 🙂
“…..With him is a Class IX Super Power Auditor, who is available to help you with anything…..”
Interesting. Now RTC is sending a recovery team straight to an Org. When they tried to recover me it was at a Starbucks with a file folder of crap about how Anonymous was paid by the Psychs. WOW. Very telling indeed. Apparently people have been staying away in more than “droves”. The empty orgs must be creating such a vacuum that it is collapsing in on itself. Perhaps the recovery team (they won’t call it that) would be willing to meet with some people in the parking lot since some people are apparently unwilling to actually go inside the building. This is all very interesting to me Mike, thanks for posting.
Screw me once shame on you screw me twice shame on me, then I should leave. Screw me three times and more I will become a sheeple, and need help from the CLIX at this event.
Mike, do you find yourself cringing when you receive these mailers and see the desperation bleeding out? They almost make me blush.
You really don’t want to miss this one. It’s absolutely incredible! Yeah sure, it is all incredible ..
Ok, now. I’m definitely going to this mind-blowing event now! LOL!
I almost fell asleep reading her drivel.
You have to be careful about that. A person can drown in just two inches of spaghetti sauce.
I have the “amazing pleasure”….no wait
it is my “amazing pleasure”…..hmmm wait
it is amazing how much pleasure we have
to present…..okay that’s good.
And once all of you attend a CL IX will give
you such “amazing pleasure” that you will float
out of the chapel thinking that you now have
your full gains of your past auditing.
You will be amazed by what you hear and it will
give you a “whole new” viewpoint on what is
Hmmm should I tell them what is really happening?
Why not, they don’t listen anyway…..I can say shit
is dumping on their heads and they will run for toilet
paper….crap now I have to get some toilet paper in the
bathrooms…maybe I won’t say that.
I know, I will tell them what is really happening isn’t
really happening and to go see the CL IX to get their
thinking back in shape….that’s good I like that.
ML Christie
“- Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why and get data that will give you the confidence and desire to disseminate.”
Who is this great disseminator? Why no name?? Tom Cruise had so much fun disseminating that his studio told him to shut up and lay low for a few years. Every one who disseminates shuts up very quickly when they are connected to CO$. The downside of such public proselytization always produces a backlash. The CO$ brand name is irretrievably broken and nothing can save it.
Does anyone believe that there won’t be any fund raising at this shindig? If so, I have some swamp land in New Jersey that I can let you have really cheap.
If you could get still-in Scns to talk openly and honestly about why they don’t disseminate, I bet a large percentage would say that they don’t want to subject their friends to what happens at the church.
“Would you want someone else to experience the crush regging, out-tech, exhorbitant pricing, culture of self-censorship and heavy-handed ethics that you’ve experienced?”
“Did you ever feel that clearing this planet was impossible? Find out exactly how it will be done and the plan to do it. You will be amazed by what you hear.”
I would indeed be surprised… nay, gobsmacked… if they had anything approaching a plan to clear the planet. They can’t even plan for their toilet paper needs.
They would be lucky to be able to pull off an ass scratching convention……………and not because they are short on asses!
“Did you ever feel that clearing this planet is impossible?”
God, I really pity the people who are going to fall for this one.
How I wish I could be asked this by someone on this Flag team so that I could reply in a very matter-of-fact tone,
“Yes, once, on December 8, 1989, at 8:15AM. It was a Friday morning and I was eating breakfast before heading off to work, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, and for no particular reason, came this thought that maybe clearing the planet wouldn’t be possible! But then I poured myself a little more OJ and finished my bacon and eggs, and, as my blood sugar came up I realized how ridiculous this was, and the thought just completely disappeared! Since then I have never harbored one single doubt about the possibility of planetary clearing! Today I think of this as my Bacon & Egg moment. It was a huge win!”
How I would love the opportunity to give an answer like this to one of these wolves in auditors’ clothing, with a totally straight face.
That’s one of the funniest posts I’ve ever read. Beautiful.
“Projects as requested by RTC”. So, Flag is getting emptier and emptier. We had figured that some months after the release of GAG II it would not take long to get through the few sheeple that are left. By now the rest has decided to not cooperate anymore to the scam and abuses the leader has perpetrated for so long.
Good will tours were actions of the past and honestly meant to do something for the Org. by inspecting courses, getting auditors trained and pcs audited; actions that have ceased years ago.
Now they are politely begging for people to come and the demand for it must have come with “RTC” shouts and threats on the Flag Execs and dramatized on its way down the command channels. Before – early 90s- it would have been impossible to get a Class IX out of FSO as this one was full with students and pcs.
Maybe they are now in propitiation, Flag down on its knees begging for people to show up. Bad scene man.
“Ever had failure or back off disseminating Dianetics and Scientology? Find out a real why…” Are they going to admit that the “real why” is that if the Great Wog Unwashed think about Scientology at all, which is rare, they think Scientologists are batshit crazy and don’t want to hear about it? Here’s a clue: no one wants Ron’s brand of Scientology these days, regardless of how “Ron’s brand of Scientology” is defined. Certainly not enough to maintain the viability of the philosophy.
“Hear data about Scientology and our future you have never heard before. It will really gives you a whole new viewpoint on what’s happening.” So they’re finally going to admit that CoS is dying? That would give the Kool-Aid Drinkers a “whole new viewpoint”, as in, “Do I go down with the sinking ship or scuttle off like a rat?”
“Get an in depth briefing on the key part of Golden Age of Tech Phase II that is causing thousands to say, “now I have the full gains of my past auditing”.” In other words, the Purif. Hey, that liver damage won’t cause itself, you know!
“Did you ever feel that clearing this planet was impossible? Find out exactly how it will be done and the plan to do it.” Given that they can’t make new Clears faster than Earth’s net population increase, yes, Clearing The Planet is impossible and will never happen. Therefore, the plan to do it has to involved nuclear weapons or the Ebola virus. That would guarantee that everyone would be amazed by what they’d hear.
Useless. Simply useless.
Espiando, you’ve hit on some fascinating little admissions here — dissemination failure, despair over planet-clearing. This comes pretty close to acknowledging the elephant in the room: that none of this stuff we’re doing is working, people don’t want to hear about it, and we’ve reached the point of just giving up. There’s something almost pathetically heartfelt in here, stripped of its usual cover of false enthusiasm and multiple exclamation points.
Again I’m wondering if this rare outburst of honesty is confined to the DC org or actually reflects some broader realization at a higher level. (Or maybe I mean a lower level, height-from-ground-wise.)
One does not “clear” or “help” someone without first valuing that individual. If one considers them a “wog” or “less than I am/we are” or, worse still, a target for regging or extorting money, there will be less desire on the part of the individual to improve. At the heart of great auditing (and I’ve had a goodly share of it prior to the early 80s), is not only the *desire* to help, but the love of doing so. I can specifically recall that feeling flowing at/through me when being audited by numerous auditors. One of the very best I ever “felt” that from was a Cl 4 auditor, a guy who *lived* to audit. He adored every pc, anyone who sat down and picked up the cans. When a session went well, he beamed like sunlight. He was far better than most Cl VIIIs I ran across. It wasn’t the “tech” getting results, it was a caring, loving human being who wanted that other being to improve. THAT was the feeling I had in the missions and orgs back in the 60s and 70s. THAT was, to my mind and heart, the reason for the early successes of scio, NOT the inanimate tech.
Like the abusive husband who promises it will be different if you come back and just give him one more chance. “I swear I won’t hit you (reg you) baby, I swear I’ve changed, just give me another chance, you’ll see. I know I said that last time but I just get so crazy sometimes because I love….AWW FUCK IT, I KNOW YOU HAVE MORE ROOM ON THAT CREDIT CARD AND YOUR KID MUST BE AT LEAST 16 YEARS OLD BY NOW WHY THE FUCK ISN’T HE SIGNED UP FOR THE SO YET YOU WEAK LITTLE FAGGOT….oh no I’ve done it again haven’t I?
Meant to say, rolling on the floor laughing so hard my stomach’s hurting!
“They are here totally and only to help the org and the field.”
Yea but I thought that was what you were supposed to be doing all along? So now you tell me that regging,recruiting and peddling your latest bullshit release is not really for that purpose?
No problem, fortunately I managed to figure that out on my own and yes, I am very sorry to say it took a lot of years but then again, the cult never accused me of being smart and able!!!
Yo Dave, You miserable piece of hammered rat shit …………. not sure why you are bothering to ‘help the field’ at this late date but if you watch your stats closely, yes the real ones, you will see a continued contraction and remember, it speeds up at the end! So here is a stat for you; I have received calls from more than one ‘old friend’ this past two weeks who I had not heard from in over 20 years. They saw my name on this Blog and called to say hi and discuss the scene with your cult. They are flying below your radar. They could be the bastards that continue to leak your OTC stats, I don’t know.
But you should know this, your sheeple are leaving. For any other old friends out there, you can call me at 209-928-4822. Have a great day and may the most recent event you attended be your last! And don’t forget to plan your EXIT STRAT.
Under the radar peeps, please do consider calling Cooper, or any one of your now disconnected friends for advice and words of encouragement. We are thinking of you all and will never give up on you until you are safely out.
On Tony Ortega’s blog today, ‘Prim Torturer’ has posted the following, which might be helpful. With love, Betty.
The phone number of the FBI for aid for human trafficking victims such as ex-sea org members is 1-888-428-7581.
The U.S. government is trying to stop a very serious problem—the problem of human trafficking. We are giving you this information because we want you to know that everybody in the United States has rights and is protected by our laws. Freedom is one of the most important rights. In the United States, no one—matter how powerful that person may be in the United States or in another country—has the right to force other people to work.
No one can:
Force you to work against your will;
Collect a debt by using threats or forcing you to work to pay the debt;
Force you to work using threats to harm you or your family;
Force or pressure you into prostitution or to do other sexual acts;
Use you for any kind of sex work if you are under 18;
Take away your passport, birth certificate, or identification card to control you or your movements.
If any of these things has happened to you, you might be a victim of a serious crime.
You are not alone. Please talk to us. We can help you.
Your Safety…
We want you to be safe. Remember, you are now away from the people who hurt you, and we can help you plan how to be safe. We may also be able to help your family if they are in danger from the traffickers.
We can help you find:
Emergency medical assistance;
Emergency food and shelter;
Translation services;
Counseling and legal assistance.
Every federal law enforcement agency has someone who can help victims and answer questions. If you are a victim, this person can tell you about community agencies and programs that can help you. You can find the address and phone number of your local FBI office on this website.
Great catch, Cooper and Mike. That really is such a revealing line, isn’t it? And it seems to hint at a growing awareness — albeit a belated one, as you’ve noted — that all these years of crush regging have sapped the morale and esprit-de-corps of the field. I wonder if this insight is a local DC thing or whether it actually reflects some change of tactics at a higher level.
Ol’ Copper doesn’t mince his words does he? Very funny – had me rolling up! Stick it to him Cooper!
I know with a sawed-off ecclesiastical leader is but I have no idea what hammered rat shit is…………Still I found it pretty damn funny!
1. Having one end sawed off: a sawed-off shotgun.
2. Slang- Short; runty.
I loved the line: “Get an in depth briefing on the key part of Golden Age of Tech Phase II that is causing thousands to say, “now I have the full gains of my past auditing”.”
Nothing to make you feel like a loser when you are now being told your past auditing sucked and Gat II will make it all better.
Isn’t that a form of regging? I guess he can’t even tell when he is telling lies in his email. Another sterling product of Gat II.
Yea that one stuck with me too as a bold faced lie. More like GAT II causing thousands to say… “what the fuck is this?”
But they have million of members! How is it possible that only a small fraction of those millions, “thousands of members”, have experienced the amazing success of realizing “the full gains of past auditing” due to GATII? That statement only demonstrates the failure of GATII rather than it’s supposed value.
They can’t even keep their lies straight.
They can’t even keep their Super Power auditors busy at Flag. They are now being sent to all the idle morgues to try and scrape the bottom of the barrel. At the expense of said morgues no doubt.
“Those who attended our last talk were so excited they nearly floated out of the Chapel.”
That was all the hot air you gas-bags put out that floated them out of there.
Vegetarian sharks…..Ha ha ha………beautiful!
All the better to eat the blood from the turnips my dear.
“- Hear data about Scientology and our future you have never heard before. It will really gives you a whole new viewpoint on what’s happening.” …. Mike, are you going there?