Who said Narconon is not expanding?
The proof: they opened a new building out in the countryside in South Africa. It’s “Narconon Africa” — the only one in the entire continent.
It’s an impressive looking place from the pictures, though it is entirely unclear WHY this is needed?
My best guess? They have a bunch of money tied up in exchange control in South Africa and the only thing they can do with it is invest in property (holding onto S. African currency has not proven to be a wise investment). They already have all the “ideal” properties for every Class V org in South Africa and Zimbabwe though they haven’t opened one since Pretoria in 2013 and they bought a building for an Advanced Org which services people from other AO’s at cheaper rates due to the exchange rates.
No doubt, this will be touted as a “Model Narconon” like the one they opened in Ojai CA. Saving the world from the scourge of drugs, one high roller at a time.
As for NN expansion: By the end of 2005, scientology claimed there were 183 Narconons around the world. Today there are 29 according to their website (and who knows whether some of those are actually operating).
But they will clap and cheer for another building, while being told they are “salvaging an entire nation.”
Scientology is just a dog and pony show at this point.
The never-ending puzzle of the Scientology’s financial spreadsheet. Sigh…
Their income isn’t based on business exchange but rather manifests itself as a legal/financial obligation to justify and maintain donations. Their motives along with the reasons why a particular type of person continues to give them huge amounts of money will always be murky. Crime coupled with stupidity is kept intentionally murky below the glossy surface of Scientology. Criminals and their victims within Scientology share common attributes. Best example I’ve seen of an actual GPM.
I wonder where the next manifestation of excess money and assets will express itself.
Haha, “what your donations buy,” I sure Hubbard wrote that with a wicked grin. He knew Scientology didn’t work. He did not write KSW1 to express honesty.
Are they going to pull Clark Carr out of mothballs to run this Narcanon? Oh, but wait — he is in hiding in Mexico because of lawsuits against the American Narcanons he ran in which people died and families sued.
All new buildings and properties are due to the Golden Age of Admin after Miskiewizs had personally found and corrected m-a-n-y mistakes. Example:
Hubbard Policy from 27 Dec 1963 on THE “MAGIC” OF GOOD MANAGEMENT:
“The atmosphere of Scientology is a lot more important than new buildings and modern furniture.”
corrected to:
“New buildings and modern furniture are a lot more important than the atmosphere of Scientology.”
-.- The planet will be cleared any day now -.-
The Ideal Org program can be described as:
An “empty building fetish” as they are all empty shortly after opening
A scam
I’d say that ole Davy needs a quiet place off the crossroads of the world to send his new downstat recruits.
He’ll need to have it complete far enough ahead of time to get his witnesses protection program all set up ahead of the Masterson civil suit.
BTW Mike,
Calling the Cult a dog and pony show is really pretty upbeat. It appears more like a viper pit from this side of the room!
:)) … plus, it gives a bad name to dogs and ponies.
AAAAaand it gives a bad name to vipers.
There are no words to describe this vile group with its lowest-form-of-life leader.
Off Topic Specifically But Not Generally:
I just came back from reading Tony’s most recent article about the top donors to Scientology. One couple who donated 20M to Scientology exclaimed, “There has been so much expansion. We are winning and creating a great future!”
Now, you Data Series graduates, let that statement – from a couple wealthy enough to donate 20 million dollars – sink in.
I am trying to process how this makes any sense at all, from any angle.
Seriously, how can anyone be SO rich, and, at the same time, so incredibly deaf, dumb and and/or blind to actual facts?
It blows my mind.
Its not the amount per se. Rich people exist who give away huge sums of money. Nothing new about that.
Its just that, with the amount being so large, one would THINK that SOME attention, some honest observation, would be paid either by this person directly or via employees to the actual statistics of the recipient organization. One would THINK.
But no. The statement is, “There has been so much expansion. We are winning and creating a great future!”
Blows my mind, I tell you. I mean, how dumb can you get? IF they’re on the level, and they actually believe this, how deaf, dumb and blind could anyone this uber-rich actually BE?
Thanks for reading my rant. Back to the topic at hand which I haven’t read yet.
I couldn’t agree more with your take on the scene Aqua.
The rich cherch donators are the canary in the coalmine. Our whole society is moving in lockstep with them. Look at the trillions we print out of thin air, which then goes to military spending so we can bomb and kill people who we think need to be bombed and killed.
It’s like our president decided to tell our ethics department to declare Putin an SP, along with Hussein, kadaffe, Assad and all of the others we have decided are unfit for living a decent life and need to be ousted.
We have lived with the absolute highest standard of living of most all of the people of earth. Five percent of the worlds population consumes 25 percent of the worlds wealth. We want MOAR!
How deaf, Dumb and Blind could anyone this uber-rich actually be? I think Scientology represents a lot of what our country and our society sadly has become. I think the whole thing stinks to high hell!! We are surrounded by cults.
End of rant.
Rant away! It has always boggled my mind those that turn a blind eye to the truth and worse, those who know the truth and still support this group and its leader – like my son.
And my daughter, and my son, and my nephews and my ex. Sheesch!!
Mary and Newcomer,
Yes, I agree that Americans in general are becoming more and more prone to cult-like ” thinking” (if one could even call it that) and as a group, less and less capable of analytical thought. Its sad, and horrible and it bothers me a great deal that so many Americans it would appear, are no longer capable of making distinctions between things, and instead, think in almost total identities.
My heart goes out to both of you, as well as to all others here like Cindy and Geoff and of course, Mike, as you each in your own minds, hearts and souls continue to confront the blindness, the obtuseness, the stubborness and pride in ignorance of those closest to your heart who have turned their backs on you. The ongoing pain of that coupled with what is the tragedy of the fundamental SENSELESSNESS of it all – its just – well, its just too much, that’s all. I’m so sorry. Its all just so stupid and sad and continually painful and tragically senseless. I don’t know how you stand it. I don’t know how you cope. Obviously, you do stand it and you do cope, and quite well. Whatever you’re doing, and however you’re doing it, my hat is off to you in affection and respect, and quite honestly, in a kind of stunned admiration of your strength.
Thank you Aquamarine. Very kind, understanding and empathetic words that show you get it – this is one way I cope – knowing that there are people such as yourself that understand – calms the soul.
Mary, you’re welcome, and oh, I get it alright. There’s a long rant I could easily unload now but I’m going to limit my response to a Ghandi quote and a recommendation of a film that has helped me understand much better how good, well meaning people can support atrocities.
Ghandi quote:
“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth”. In other words, even if only a minority is standing for the truth, the majority, believing lies can never make what they believe the truth.
Fim recommendation:
Judgement At Nuremberg. An amazing film, directed by Stanley Kramer, every performance simply perfect. It won best picture of 1960 but that’s not why you should see it. I’ve watched it at least a dozen times. I now have far more insight into how and why decent people in Scientology can support Disconnection EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW how unjust and painful it is to those being disconnected from. (And just for the record I am NOT inferring that the tragic consequences of Disconnection are on a par with the unspeakable atrocities perpetrated on millions of people during the Holocaust. I recommend seeing the film because it plumbs the minds and hearts of JUDGES who UPHELD THE LAWS of the Third Reich – in brief they DID THEIR JOBS in accordance with the laws of Hitler’s Germany AT THAT TIME. A very powerful film and I heartily recommend it to anyone who is the victim of Scientology’s Disconnection. Not to give anything away but in particular watch and listen to what Spencer Tracy’s character says to one of the judges at the very end of the film.)
Everyone here has had to come to grips with the reality that there are injustices in the world and sometimes they end up on your doorstep. For a long time I thought that our favorite cult had a corner on the market of deception. Today I realize they hold a very minor position in a world full of it.
I enjoyed listening to TC when he spoke at Wilmington last month:
Whatever strength you see I think is only a reflection that people are happiest when they can maintain a level of integrity that is acceptable to them. That is why I visit this site. Happy New Year Aqua.
Newcomer, analytically you’re right, and analytically I do know that injustice can befall any of us, and does, and that that’s the nature of the world, but in my heart I can’t accept severe injustice and have never been able to do so. I let a lot of things slide because they’re just not worth it, but if its REALLY wrong…Oh, well.
Thank you for the link to Tucker Carlson’s speech; I will listen to it, I suspect that you and I are on opposite ends of American politics but I will listen to it but without clicking on this link. I hesitate to click on it because I’m quite sure it will spider to Donald Trump’s various donation websites, and the only things I would willingly donate to this individual would need to be extracted from sceptic tank.
I agree with you as regards the concept of Scientology not having the market cornered on deception. We in America are swimming in lies; there’s very little truth out there to build on, operate on.
I also 100% agree with what you said about peoples’ strength being a reflection of the happiness they derive from maintaining their integrity at levels that are acceptable to them. Quite profound, actually. In fact, at any given time, this might well be our only real strength. Happy New Year to you too 🙂
Aqua, I take no sides in American politics. I purposefully listen to both sides and do not agree with either of them. Full disclosure: I am not affiliated with a political party.
Personally, I think the purpose of our democratic system is to keep both sides at each others throats. Meanwhile, our political oligarchy prints and spends our money on exactly what both sides think is appropriate. Anyone who disagrees gets a short but sweet load of bombs dropped on them. 475 elected people in congress dictate to the rest of us (330,000,000 million) how best to live our lives.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the plebes argue about who the best candidate might be. In the cherch they like to pit the scamologist against the wogs and the psychs.
I may not like it but I do have to admit that the method (divide and conquer) seems to be very effective. My family all went along with it. I thought that it would never happen (family is stronger than the cult) ….. then it happened. I used to think I was pretty smart! Now I know the truth!
Fool me once ….. it’s an accident.
Fool me twice ….. it’s a coincidence.
Fool me three times …. definitely enemy action and you had better pay attention!
Once I got to that point and drew my line in the sand, everyone scattered, esp. those cherch staffers that were working hard to get my ex to spend $$$$$ and keep it on the QT.
Yo Dave,
Howz yer good buddy Paul Miller doin these days. Stats up???? I thought Paul was an honest guy for a long time. He really did a good job on his drills. By his third try I was wanting to believe he was giving me the straight scoop. He could look me straight in the eye, good tee are’s, smile on his face ………. and tell me a complete untruth. He’s not as good at it as You are though! Congrats good buddy!
Thank you, Aqua. To know that both of my kids got married in the last two years, and to not be able to go to the weddings or even see pics of it, that is hard to take. I hope I live to see the day the church crumbles and maybe we’ll get our kids back.
So sorry. I’m with you.
Your wish is the best for so many.
Thank you Mary. I know you are also suffering from disconnection. The end can’t come soon enough.
Aquamarine, I wrote an answer to your comment but it seems to have disappeared. Thank you for your kind and empathetic words. You do get it. When (and IF) I tell Non Scns about why my kids are estranged from me, they look at me like I’m a bad mom and that I should just keep writing, calling, showing up and doing whatever it takes to get them back. No one but a Scn can really understand the whole disconnection thing. And it hurts when you find out that your kids each got married within a year and I wasn’t invited to the weddings and couldn’t even finds pics of them. That’s a product of Scn. I hope I live long enough to see the church crumble and fall, and that my kids finally see the truth and come back to me.
Oh my goodness… I’m speechless Cindy. I sincerely hope the downfall of Scientology and the disbanding of the SO is even quicker now to put the odds in favor of not only you but getting all kids and loved ones back with their families.
What a wicked cult Scientology is!
Thank you Yawn. We all are postulating for that to happen, (ie the fall of the C of S). I hate to even use that Scn word but couldn’t think of a different one to use.
I just got back to the blog after nearly 3 days. Your first answer came thru along with your second one above so I’m responding to both.
You know the saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”?
Well, its true.
And your kids, Cindy, are on the road to their own hell. Their own personal hells.
With the best of intentions.
Now, you don’t wish this on them. Don’t think I’m inferring that this is your wish or your desire.
You LOVE them. You want the best for them, now and always. Because you LOVE them, and there’s nothing – nothing, no consideration, no postulate, no hidden, neurotic evil purpose countermanding your love for them so as to make you want anything but the best for them, and for them to experience the least amount of pain WHEN THEY FINALLY WAKE UP.
Which they WILL do. This WILL happen. They WILL wake up, and realize how wrong they were, how completely and utterly wrong, and along with this will come the dreadful knowledge and mantle of guilt associated with their crime in turning their back on you, an innocent person who is or was their loving mother.
This IS their fate, your two kids. A future personal hell.
And all because they’re doing what they are CONVINCED is the right thing, the ONLY thing to do.
They’re operating on a rock solid CONVICTION that they are doing NOT ONLY WHAT IS BEST FOR THEM BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY (they believe) WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU, along with, of course, what’s best for Scientology. But make no mistake, THEY BELIEVE 100% THAT WHAT THEY’RE DOING IS WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU – THE ONLY THING THAT’S TO DO FOR YOU.
Now, how can anyone argue with that kind of conviction – rock solid as it is?
The answer is you can’t.
Oh, sure, YOU will forgive them. IF you’re still alive when this realization comes to them, YOU will forgive them. You’ll take them back, help them, understand them, let them know you understand why it all happened, and that they didn’t irreparably damage you, etc., There’s no doubt that they will get forgiveness from YOU.
But they’re good beings, fundamentally decent, so their problem will be being able to truly forgive themselves. When they look in the mirror, they’re going to have contempt and loathing for themselves. And there’s nothing that YOU can do about that, because if they violated their own integrity levels very severely, they’re not going to forgive themselves no matter how understanding and kind and forgiving and generous etc., etc. etc. you are with them.
And man oh man if you’re NOT alive when they finally know the truth, its going to be really, really rough for them.
I almost pity them, and you should too, while respecting their wishes and keeping your distance (and your money) away from them.
In brief, they’re so convinced that they’re right, and the truth is they’re just completely wrong, and operating on lies and on the road to their own hell, all paved with the best of intentions for themselves AND you!
Their conviction of the utter rightness of their decision keeps them on this disastrous road which will culminate in extreme guilt and frantic regret. And there’s nothing you can do about it because they are who they are and they’re creating their own lives and will continue to do so at any given moment.
Like Newcomer advised all of us, your strength is in your happiness with own integrity and if you’re happy with that, you’re on firm ground and have all the “certainty” you need. Peace and Happy New Year, Cindy.
ps, Sorry for all the caps 🙂 I get carried away sometimes!
Aquamarine, Thank you for your compassionate and well written encouragement to me. And I agree that Coop summed it up well with this insightful statement: “Whatever strength you see I think is only a reflection that people are happiest when they can maintain a level of integrity that is acceptable to them. That is why I visit this site.” It’s why I visit this site too. To all of us! Make this the best year yet!
I do think is is becoming more and more difficult for those still in to continue the charade. I’m hoping for all our kids that change continues to enlighten them. Happy New year to you.
My son just had a second child, a baby girl. Don’t know her name yet but maybe, just maybe, there will come a time when I might meet her and her 2yr old brother. We’ll see.
Yo Dave,
Better git on it and see if You can git a See Ogre contract ready fer signature. In another 15 years yer gonna be way short on staff. And those Ruskies are not particularly happy with yer misson thingies you’ve been peddeling. Somethin bout lyin, cheatin and stealin goin on!???? Maybe you could show up in Gaza and give some religious visas to those in need?? At lease get some of those pamphlet thingies spread out for gawds sake!!! WTF have You been doin anyway, talkin shit at the Shrine and other stupid stuff like that while people need Calm!!!! What a loser!!!!
Thanks Coop. You must have some insiders who give you info so you’ll know your son had a baby and now a newborn. Good for that person telling you what they’re doing. And funny but true that they better get the SO contract signed now, to activate in 15 years, cuz no one is joining the SO now cuz word’s been leaking out for years about what a lying scam they are. When lii Davey dies, I think the church will fall apart cuz he, like LRH, never groomed anyone to take over. Wonder how they’ll find and get their hands on all the hidden money?