Well, it’s always good to know that there IS good news. You can just imagine it: “Thanks to your support of the IAS [$10 million collected in the last month] we have provided disinfectant to 3 teams [and one video crew to film them before they were asked to leave] who have been bringing order in the chaos in Burkina Faso [not a peep from Pasadena or N. Hollywood]”
This is how we “can be at cause over our 4th Dynamic”…
They are so delusional.
And more good news, apparently LA Org has decided they can get 10,000 onto extension courses.
Flag has been trying to get 10,000 onto or through Solo NOTs for 30 years.
LA Org couldn’t round up 10,000 scientologists in all of California or even all of the western half of the US. And that is where the vast majority of scientologists on earth are located.
Here’s a dilemma they will have to confront sooner or later. When social distancing is over, people are going to start parroting back their promo to them: “I don’t need to come into the org, I can get the answers to the mind, spirit and life right from the comfort of my own home. In fact, I already read all of this so I have ALL the answers. What more could I possibly need?”
I don’t care about 10,000 on or through. For me it’s silly. But, I’m still a Jedi Night…. I mean Knight.
“the greatest movement ever with 10,000 people”?
Bernie Sanders would be disappointed if a rally of his drew only 10,000. The Grateful Dead broke 100,000 attendance once, with throngs outside. Heck, there are high school football teams with larger fandoms.
The largest Dead show I ever attended drew 600,000 people to Golden Gate Park. They had the same size crowd at Watkings Glen, NY, in 1973. One generation after they broke up and sadly without Jerry in the lineup, a three-day reunion run in Chicago generated over a million ticket requests.
With 10 million (to pick a number among the cult propaganda which has claimed anywhere from 8 to 15 million adherents) members, 10k is what they are HOPING to get (and most assuredly won’t) for their “BIGGEST movement.”
Hahaha! They probably have 20,000 members in the entire world but they would love for us SP’s to believe they have millions. They do have minions but not millions. Lots of empty real estate, lots of big mouth lies and of course all bullshit and brainwashing.
I apologize for my ignorance; I have never heard of Tiger King. I have snorted genuine Freewinds Blue asbestos ( The most deadly kind). I drank a bottle and a half of 151 proof rum at the 1981 Bosuns party at the Sandcastle and around 10 beers after that. It was s failure. I failed to self-terminate.
In the Sea Org one is assumed to be an all-knowing OT; even if his case level is scorched meat.(like mine).@ If you find yourself ” wondering” where your money went; you know damn well where it went; you gave it to them to do what they damn well pleased with it. In Scientology (and particularly) the Sea Org) It is better to be a knowing criminal then to say you didn’t know if.e you were incompetent.
As Vincent Price said: And grisley ghouls from every tomb; Are closing in to seal your doom.
That would be the “Church” boiled down to one sentence.
What will DM do when 10,000 public scientologists finally scratch that entheta itch and enter ‘scientology’ into their Google search fields, revealing what the world truly knows about Dear Leader and his sinister, criminal cult? Could this pandemic lead to the greatest modern exodus of Organized scientology as a result?
What do you think Mike?
Doesn’t sound like 4th Dynamic to me; sounds more like 1st dynamic: Giving DM enough cash so he does not cut your balls off, not that you have any anyway.
Mike, you’ve made an excellent point. Scientologists could well use a “work-from-home” approach to requests to go into the org. They have known some freedom.
Sounds good but also sounds like a thing in Scientology known as Technical Degrades” .
They will be happy to rake all the cash in they possibly can from the extension courses.
But no cockaroach ever went Clear or OT from doing Extension Courses. It is like the OTVIIIs doing objectives to become more OT. I’m not saying that it couldn’t be done- I learned how to be exterior to my body doing OT TR0. I had to. A corpse propped up in a chair tends to fall on the ground when you let go of it. I did that for at least 300 hours when I was dying of AIDS and was on PRO TRS in 1999.
They will just say that the SP who told these people that all they had to do was these extension courses has been declared and YOU need to come back into the org or lose your eternity forever. Of course, these SPs who told them this were commended and promoted for bringing cash into the org.
I read the weasel-wording as probably referring to 10,000 in all of Scientology – which may be yet another clue about the actual number of active members left planet-wide.
It’s their typical propaganda technique: they start by mentioning the local org, but then they throw out a claim or statistic that’s poorly defined – hoping people will make a mistaken assumption that gives the org too much credit, without their having outright lied. I attribute it in part to local staff having enough humanity left to have some compunctions about outreight deceiving their fellow human beings – though it’s also a game of evasive wording typical of children at a certain stage of development, and perhaps it’s just another way in which Scientologists have reverted to juvenile behavior, mistaking abandonment of appropriate internal self-regulation for being “clear” or whatever.
Well, PeaceMaker, I don’t know whether or not you have been declared yet, but you just denigrated the State of Clear; which is a High Crime. Welcome to the Club.
I’ve heard reports that the nationwide supply chain being so adversely affected as it has because of coronavirus, that a very serious situation has arisen.
The little man is running out of MaCallens. Please, please, if you have any spare bottles you could donate you would be making a huge contribution to saving the planet and every man, woman and child in it.
When it comes to IAS, the pressure rises. And stays up.
Anyone who refuses to contribute or participate in an event and makes a seemingly not too positive comment can receive a knowledge report. Fascism tech.
And it’s not clear what the heck they do with the money if the members are diving.
Just look at the ARIS 1990-2008 reports.
In the Sea Org one is assumed to be an all-knowing OT; even if his case level is scorched meat.(like mine).@ If you find yourself ” wondering” where your money went; you know damn well where it went; you gave it to them to do what they damn well pleased with it. In Scientology (and particularly) the Sea Org) It is better to be a knowing criminal then to say you didn’t know if.e you were incompetent.
I have a question that has intrigued me for quite some time. It concerns the IAS.
In Italy, as I think everywhere, we have a law relating to transparency. Although here in my country for what I understand the non-profit associations are not forced to report income from private individuals and how they then spent the money. However almost all of them make the reports available and clear.
Now it is obvious that if a public asks the IAS for a tracking of its donations, it ends up running in Hco and then on the meter for a long time.
My question: is there any way for a public to know where their donations actually went?
By law is the IAS supposed to issue a public report with specifics (apart their usual PR and marketing)?
Or is it a black hole where even the sunlight disappears?
No, the IAS in the US was granted tax exempt status. They are not required to report anything to anyone.
Thanks Mike. That was my point: none of those who contributed have way to knwo if that money went for that purpose. Meanwhile they keep collecting money with falsehoods.
To ask where the money went is like demanding to know where Shelly is. You don’t have the fucking rank to ask where the money went. You should be happy that DM has allowed you to see the dawn. If you want to live, don’t push it.
Bill take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
I have the rank to ask as I served that crap for nothing and it is a scam to save others from.
Note. Before the cult we were (me and my friends) dealing with people that were little bit more nasty and sociopathic than anybody else I ever met.
It s always the way you take it into you that makes the difference.
“Flag has been trying to get 10,000 onto or through Solo NOT’s for 30 years!”
Hey! Give ’em a chance. They won’t get there, but, it will be fun to watch!
Scientology is failing and always has been! They’re not going anywhere!
WoW that concept made me laugh my ass off: 10,000 through the endless march of the Bt’s going on for 30 years. I was one of those-wow just wow.
HEY! Don’t bag on my BTs! There just trying to make things go right. Give ’em a break.
Yep! BTW, Drimmer, my BT friends are just that. They hang out all the time! But you ought to know that they can be a little pissie when they get drunk.
Reading their missive sent out, they make it seem like there are already 10,000 on and doing the extension courses. What a joke. How obvious they pulled that number out of their asses. There are not even 10,000 Scns in all of the US at all, much less in the LA area to do extension courses. The total blatant stupidity of the figures they pick to use in their lies is just mind boggling. I read that in the world there are no more than 15,000 to 20,000 Scns worldwide. And they think people will believe that 10,000 localites are on extension courses?
If there are not 10000 Scientologists in the US I’ll bet that there are 10000 former Scientologists in graves in the U.S. With all the corpse-hours that have gone to keep Central Files in PT they must know where they all are. They should send their local chaplain to recover them and get them back on the Bridge.
I am sure that the “bring back to life assist” is on the Chaplain:s full hat.
And, if for some reason it is not. LRH says ‘ You can and you do know and any other statement is ptetense.
So, if the Chaplain fails to raise the dead. He is just not wearing his hat. ,(unless he was told by DM to leave the person dead.
Maybe the Chaplain can rehab the overrun to raise the dead. That’s in their scripture too.
The huge out point is that, since 2007 (if I remember correctly), when the Golden Age Knowledge was released, are there member that have not yet completed doing it? After 13 years?
That is an alarming down statistic.
What scientology is suffering of the most is a pandemic of delusion thanks to the virulent spread of cult ideas by miscavige.
Someone made a good point maybe not go after the Cults Text exempt status but instead go after transparency who could argue with that what Church wouldn’t agree with transparency want to comes to donations
Wayne. Yes the point was about this. Still to be seen how to set it up. But it can take an interesting form.
Now I suppose that the IAS (even if it is tax free) for any donation MUST still have issued some receipt to the person. And whoever made a donation did so in the face of some situation they told him.
Now technically a single person or group of people could officially and politely ask about that money if the cause for which it had been raised had been resolved and had information / evidence on it.
Of course, nobody is required to respond but it can become a media case.
Let’s say that a group of people form an association to help children in Africa and I give them money for a school or certain medicines, they may NOT be required by law to give me specifics, but if I ask for it in public form they will have to do it, otherwise can give public opinion the idea of a scam.
So it would be a request for transparency as a courtesy.
These things are very interesting to many people even if they never made donations to the IAS.
As we know there are many associations and groups that make scams in the field of donations. Some even ended up in legal cases.
I say let’s turn on a light. It can be an entry point.
Loosing, if you ask the IAS for specifics on where your donation went, you will still get already designed PR in return detailing all the wonderful things they are doing. And you can “TR3” all you want . You’ll never get anything but bullshit as an answer … After all, that’s their specialty .
Thank you Joe. I know they would bring their PR to me on a silver tray. Their great specialty.
The point was to see what an entry point could be, it always exists.
I do not delude myself. The point was only if one could also get a nice range of PR trays to get an idea of how much they then spent and how much is left in their pocket. All right. We will talk about it as needed.
I hereby request forgiveness for those overts which I have committed and for those which I am about to:
It is my observation that a number of people on this blog have never seen the inhumanity to one’s fellow man that I ( and others) have seen.
This is probably a good thing that you still expect some good things from the ” Church” There is no pro-survival result in running R-245.
Giving the idea of a scam? They already know damn well it is a scam. LRH said ” There is a point where stupidity ends and TREASON begins. Anyone who says they are not a scam is just pretending they are not a scam while supporting the out-ethics.
Who could argue with that?
Have you never heard of Out-Security? TREASON is the minimum Condition that would be assigned. I myself was Declared Suppressive for merely stating what the organization knew occurred.
Bill sure. See previous answer to Joe P.
“… so that we can be at cause over our 4th Dynamic!”
There are missing somewhere the words:
“Maybe if we are lucky it would be the first time that happens to us.”
I really dislike the current overuse of the term ‘existential threat’, but a lot of home confiment should cause some introspection for everyone. Clams are just as susceptible to introspection as anyone else.
Now would be a great time to rerun Aftermath. With a little promo work on other cable stations, viewership could be through the roof. Plus I dislike Tiger King.
I dislike Tiger King as well. But “dislike” may not be the best world. A better word might be “creepy”.
I find Tiger King to be “creepy” and not in the kind of way like a traffic accident where everyone wants to stop and stare. When I turn the channel and find Tiger King on my TV, I have no interest in stopping and staring. I want to just change the channel to most anything else. Even a TV test pattern is preferable. Or the goldfish channel. More interesting than Tiger King.
I would suggest that anyone who is interested in starting a new program to compete with Tiger King could take a camera and sound crew for a walk in the country and turn over ever big rock they find and then examine all the creepy crawly life forms they find under that rock and discuss them. If you want to add a Reality competition element, you could have a few contestants along and hold a competition after each rock. The loser would have to eat one of the bugs and the winner gets to choose which bug they have to eat. Say what you will about the merits of this idea. But I believe it would still be a whole lot more interesting than Tiger King.
Yeah I couldn’t figure out why everyone was so enthralled with ‘Tiger King’…then I realized a huge number of people love to watch a train wreck happen right in front of their eyes.
I don’t know what the fuck “Tiger King” is but if you are promoting it to get others to watch it you should report to cramming.
“Right from the comfort of your home…”
Another supreme CoS footbullet. Maybe the last one. I wonder how el Cobbo will respond to get people back in his buildings. Actually, I wonder why they are not all living in the Morgs already – empty and huge as they are, every member could fit inside and have a room, maybe two, of their own. But if the forever TP shortage persists, and if there is a lack of showers, it would make members leery about staying overnight even at a huge Morg.
Scientology Ideal Morgs – the solution to the homeless problem, one empty building at a time.
His traditional style would call for “inviting” 10 to 20 victims into one of the building and then hold a game of hide and seek. The victims would all hide and the last one found would be the winner.
The winner would then have to choose one of the other victims to be expelled from the scam. That person would then have to start all over under the bridge and pay for every single course until they make it back to their previous theta level.
But I have one question. Under the rules of this game, and given the temperment of Pope PeeWee, many of the victims would find themselve in the negative scale – for example: Operating Theta -4.
Does anyone know how much it would cost to get back to one’s current level if they have to start froom Operating Theta -4?
I know! To get back to my level from any level you just need one process; R2-45. The bookstore will henceforth sell 45ACP meters for this Rundown.
I will try it myself as soon as the bookstore gets its stock of 45s. But then, there is no point in me doing it as I am already there. 6 medical doctors and Captain RA Mike Napier have already signed my cert.
Good luck.
Hey, I gots me an idea. Since the planets Ruin at this time seems to be a shortage of toilet paper, DM could save the planet by ordering the Pubs Orgs to produce toilet paper instead of LRH books. Then those poor dumb bastards would not be forced (by his ass) to use signed leather limited edition LRH books to wipe their asses