Yes, you heard it here first. Planetary Clearing is happening for realz. Edy Lundeen says so.
Massive, monumental, universe shattering news. The theta/entheta ratio is being tipped.
They made “Highest Ever Ever!!!!!!” Solo NOTs completions in 2015. 436, or more than one a day. OMG!
And with that they cracked the 6700 barrier.
And so, of course it follows that in 2015 they ARE going to make 3300 more. 8 times as many as last year. No reason is given for this optimism. It just is going to happen this time. It’s taken 30 years to get to 6700 and now it will be 1 year to do 3300.
Maybe this is where the 47X comes from… Comparing what we did previously to what we plan to do in the future.
It’s the power of positive postulates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like Gavin Potter teaches in his seminars.
Rejoice. The planet is almost cleared. At least according to Crazy Edy.
Her email follows:
Hello,LRH stated:“If the combined power of all of us and all organizations were exerted as a shoulder-to-shoulder effort, we would take this planet just as we are and with no more than we know.” – LRH, HCO PL 29 October 1959, Issue II Service
From the Western United States here is the Honor Roll of our completions for 2014: |
Mark Anderson Linda Archinal Cindy Bamforth Maureen Bird Caroline Boswell Bob Carroll Julie Carroll Donna Casselman Rosser Cole Bette Cotter Rick Dickson Michael Doven Ramses Erdtmann Carol FarrTerri Fitzgerald Avner Golan Howard Gross Carolyn Harrison Lynda Hubbard Kathy Ikeda Mary Jane Jewell Annette Jonsson Bernie Kirsch Bruce Kobrin Michelle Kugler John Larocca Scott Manley Murray Marvin Val Miller Kendrick Moxon Katia Nelson Thomas Niemi Kieran O’Leary Joel Phillips Randy Plasch Lori Prescott Adolfo Quintero Karen Renna Robbie Robinson Joan Roeschke Barbara Rubio Debbie Russell Gilbert Schrock Laurel Sherrie-Harvey Chuck Shinnerman Andy Staffer Suzanne Stedman Art Stein Hirochika Suganuma Dennie Tabor Judy Tanner Leland Thoburn Tyrone Tomak Vera Tweed Angelika Voss-Quinn Rodger Warner Tony Wyant Jennifer Helgeson Zipfel |
Robert Anderson Mike Austin Lisa Benest Phillip Bosserman Cass Capazorio Gail Carroll Rob Carter Danny Chadwell Patty CotaBob Dahlquist John Doughty Paul Drozdiak Bud Farr Beatrice FindlayYolanda Franson Shannon Gow Maxine Hansen Dianne Hilly Mary Jo Hyland David Jensen Hansa Johnson Amporn Kingdon Sandra Lynn Kleiman Emilie Kong Mary Ann Langenfeld Debbie Lewis Dan Manson John Massey Dan F. Mitchel Vivian MudgeVicki Norton Jennifer Pantermuehl Geoffrey Pick Gary Plaskett Larry Price Jasmin Renna Matthew Roberts Nelly Rodriguez Mark Rost Barbara Russell Connie Saunders Mary Schuerger Megan Shields Linda Siegal Brad Stark Keith Steffens Eden Stein Nicole Tabibzadeh Dori Talevi Robert Tardi Diana Tomak Tami Tressel Steve Van Hoomissen Cass Warner Carol Whitworth Hanna Zetzer |
Why are so many OTs being made and completed at the Flag AO?How we are completing the 10,000 Target in 2015!!! Mr. Clive Rabey, D/Captain Flag AO is coming to LA to do two special briefings: Friday evening, January 30th at 7 pm: Field Briefing at AOLA Atrium ******** Saturday evening, January 31st at 7 pm: An OT Briefing for Clears to OT V’s RSVP Call 323 953 3230 ML, Edy Lundeen |
I love this blog.
I’ve learned so much about how to think…
-the danger is in believing,
and how to act.
Here we have a church which claims to be the absolute authority, the path to personal freedom.
Well, right there, the church is destined to ultimately be shipwrecked.
Of course the premise is wrong, at least seriously flawed, and LRH knew he better have some structure of defense or else destiny would happen sooner than later, the ending being like that of Rome.
And in this blog we don’t claim blame or victimhood.
We expose the truth, best as we can figure it out.
And that is a noble cause, being out to do the right thing, no matter what is what, just what is the right thing to do?
Let it be known, the Church of Scientology is falling on its own sword. It has become a band of lawyers,
lawyers only know lawyer-speak, and the fight is won when the false premise is exposed.
The church exposes itself, again in the here and now, by using the word legal to support their stand on the moral high-ground. What is the church offering the world? All it has.
After a half-century of existence, the answer is reduced to a legal argument.
Says a lot.
No one can say what is right for you. Only you have that power, knowingness only you possess. If you recognize wisdom then give the person or that philosophy the appropriate trial, for as long as it works. But, don’t believe. Soon as you do, you are giving yourself away. There is not one human being that is not to some degree brainwashed. Now, I know you know all this stuff. It is good to speak. I love this blog. It is good to be in good company. That’s why I’m here. I saw Mike’s title first, something can be done, indeed. That’s how to act.
I’m not so sure!
If we had accurate statistics for L. Ron Hubbard’s 1958-59 Scientology compared to today, I have the inkling that the hype back then in Hubbard’s day, was way off ratio compared to the then reality of membership of Scientology compared to today’s hype that today’s Scientology is big and reaching tipping point theta injection capacity to start spinning earth in a theta direction. (I personally don’t believe Scientology has any impact, other than to the degree that Janet Reitman says it has in her book which I would have thought Scientologists would at least read her book and appreciate what praise she gave and allowed Scientologists.)
There’s probably more statistical backing behind today’s dismal small Scientology community showing that it at least is bigger than the 1958-59 worldwide total of Scientology, really, so today’s hype is slightly more realistic compared to Hubbard’s 58-59 type at least.
It just gets old, the hype gets old. Older members get saturated with it, new members can’t even understand the hype, why hype when it’s so untrue.
All through Scientology history the hype just gets old to those that have learned to accept it, and it offends newbies.
But LRH clearly says “….not enough hype…..” in one of the ASI advices to the early 1980s ASI staff responsible for promoting either BE or ME or another one of LRH’s properties.
Never enough hype.
Hype is LRH policy, it’s timeless tech.
Getting used to the hype, is an acquired Scientology piece of timeless tech people have just got to put up with.
The Scientology bigger problem, really, is their KSW failure to deliver real OT people. There’s no OTs. And that’s not their fault, it’s the problem that there are no OT superpeople to be made since the theory behind Scientology cannot produce superpeople. People can’t become superpeople who can fly out of their heads like LRH supposed people could like in his old “Be 3 feet back of your head” process and then the “Grand Tour” process of Creation of Human Ability book that supposedly directs a person to “go to the surface of the Moon” etc. It can’t be done, other than in a person’s imagination.
If Scientology could produce some real OTs who could exteriorize at will and do things as exteriorized beings, for real, like Caspar the Ghost, then the world would be transformed already, we’d have real OTs, we’d have a whole different civilization already.
We don’t.
Scientology fails. LRH admitted failure, people need to re-read, or read in the first place, Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear….” final pages where LRH admitted failure to his close friend at the end of LRH’s life.
Let’s see if 6700 OT VII’s can all combine their powers and stop one single film from playing at Sundance. None of them have 1/1000th the power as one single SP. This has been proven time and time again.
There is no Santa Claus, there are no OTs.
Scientology’s really just a long drawn out Santa Claus/Caspar the Ghost sales operation, to adults.
Once you see there’s no Santa Claus, and that the Santa Claus believers are doing a group dream number, you are infinitely more powerful than the Santa Claus believers.
Still on your side,
Or a reat Freudian slip!
As an AOLA Solo C/s in the “before time” – each completion was counted ONCE. Even if they came back to flatten off a level.
As a never in I applaud you for telling and I am puzzled about what it all means.
Mike Rinder has my respect, he is relentless, has compasion and is very smart.
Aw shucks.
And a penchant for sarcasm, which always wins me over.
Just to pipe in my 2 cents for the record I am not nor have I ever been a Scientolgist.
Mssrs. Rinder, Rathbun nor Ortega are or have been rude or condescending to anyone on their respective websites unless it is duly called for in my opinion. It is unfortunate when Mike has to comment on those who attempt to derail a positive discourse on relevant subject matter.
Far from being rude today for instance Mike had the time to write a short reply on the OT process “OT Made” . He was not rude or anything of the sort. I always welcome when he has the time to explain matters more fully. Marty has been nothing but cordial to me on all occasions. Tony O, one has to realize has a full-time job as I am sure does Mike they all have family members to feed. Also Marty tries to start a new life and his loved ones are attacked incessantly. Run them into the ground are OSA’s orders.
As to who or who does not possess a hard-copy degree what true difference does it make. Mike for one is a skilled writer, teacher, Father and one whom I believe would prove to be a devoted friend if one were so lucky to know him.
Why does he along with the others stated above do what they do, certainly not for monetary gain. Mike & Marty have had their lives turned upside down and now they are rebuilding. Mike has a personal stake so he takes time out of his busy life to inform both the Ex as well as the public of what is really going on.
If Scientology where to give up it’s destructive practice of disconnection Mike might reunite with some family members and quietly go away. However the megalomaniac DM will not stop until he has rung every last penny out of all those who fall within his grasp of demonic rule.
Note; the 33756 Area code where FLB resides has an estimated population of around 30 thousand. They cannot even clear their own area code let alone the planet.
I now step down from my soap box and wish this site and all those who visit peace and happiness in their lives.
That is very kind Taylor. Thank you.
OK, let us break this number down. 1241-436 (OT VII completions) = 805 OT completions.
The remaining OT completions consist of OT I – OTVI.
If they did all this in one year we are talking at a minimum 805 : 6 OT levels = 134 individuals that accounted for that statistic. In practice I think not everybody moves from OT1 through OT VI in one year. Often people come to Flag and stay for OTI through OT VI and then another stay for OT V through going on OT VII. More likely is therefore an average of 3-4 OT levels per person per year for the levels of OT I –OT VI.
So 805 of these completions would translate to a very realistic number of 200-250 people accounting for it.
So out of the 15,000 active members maybe 14,000 are not on OT VII (the rest of the OT VII got smart and got out). At a rate of 200 individuals per year it will take 70 years just to get the active Church members through OT VI.
It also means while 436 cleared out from being on Solo Nots even a very optimistic estimate would indicate maybe 150 new individuals were added this year. So the number of Solo Nots (20k services and accommodation revenue per year) is reduced roughly by 300 heads which translates into an annual revenue loss of $6 Mio. Increasing expenses for fancy buildings and declining revenues explain why 250 FSO staff show up in LA Org.
Now if we take (just for fun) the Number the CO$ is throwing around of 10,000,000 Scientologists worldwide. Flag proudly announced above it managed to get 0.002 % of all Scientologists through OT levels in one year at this rate with a claimed 47x expansion it will only take 50,000 years.
Even the staunchest pessimist will have doubts the CO$ will have that much time left.
Unrelated to today’s topic, but does anyone know if the SO has taken over the Tampa org? I’m curious because I saw a flag bus pulling out of Ybor City this afternoon around 3:30 that was full of miserable looking slave labor…
Not to get too far afield on the thread but how do you suppose a guy like Mike Ellis (IJC) gets up to 315 lbs on rice and beans? (TOs blog today).
A: Eat lots of it! ……….. or feast on Daves table scraps?
I would send Janet Bertinot an email on that right now and ask her but she disconnected from me. (Yes I did in fact know her well when she was thin before she joined the SO and really started to “survive”)
Joe, I know Janet Bertinot, and that is the best thing that could have happened to you to have her disconnect from you.
Rice and beans of course CAN certainly be a great meal. I used to work a lot in New Orleans and “red beans” was one of my favorites local dishes. Yes there was usually some spicy and tasty sausage and all sorts of good stuff in it which are probably not in the SO version of beans and rice (though I still think fondly of ASHO’s “Frito pie” – cheesy meaty and oh so good with the Frito crunch). Anyway, I think NOLAgirl could speak more expertly about red beans than I could.
But, wait a minute, Coop! I heard the asthmatic dwarf on Nightline say, “Scientologist don’t get sick,” So, why is this Ellis character full of medical hardships? I…I don’t understand! Does that mean the tech doesn’t work? Or…is he just lying? Either way, at his weight, unless he does something about it, he’s headed for a heart attack. The human heart is the same size in everyone. At 315 lbs, his heart is working overtime.
Hey, I thought that when you became a $cientologist that your heart got bigger. Then when you join the Cee Ogre your mouth caught up. When you arrived in Hemet, the only problem left was how to balance the alligator mouth with the hummingbird ass.
Yo Dave,
How did you do it good buddy?
Scientology today reminds me of this dialog:
Businessman: How much is 2+2?
Accountant: How much do you want it to be?
(snort, giggle, laugh). Now that’s some funny shit!
Indy Mindy’s statements about Tony, and Deixler’s questioning of Marty, are so off they must have been hatched by bouncing the truth off the same Funny House mirrors Miscavige uses. Indy Mindy, you missed the point. Deixler was so poorly briefed by Miscavige about Marty, he did not expect the answers he got to his questions. There are brilliant leaders in business who don’t have college degrees, the lack of a degree is not the problem. Deixler’s attempt to embarrass and demean Marty by bringing up his education was a huge foot bullet for Deixler who clearly did not know Miscavige was a high school drop out. Deixler’s feigned shock over Marty’s education has caused the discussion of Miscavige’s complete lack of education to go viral in the Internet. No decently briefed lawyer would humiliate his client this way. This event demonstrates how self-destructive Miscavige is; by focusing so intently on humiliating Rathbun, and failing to brief his attorney properly, his efforts backfired, big time.
ROFL! These fucking crooks have AT MOST some 15,000 remaining customers world wide and the crooks wants to make their few surviving customers think they’re some how “expanding.” Love the sheer lunacy of the typical criminal IQ. 🙂
You know, VM, you might be right on the money with your 15,000 remaining Kool-Aid drinkers. I can’t help but believe that there are so many flying under the radar because of other family members still involved. Also, your number may be too high!
Watch for Duggan to start buying orphanages as a last ditch effort in His membership drive.
Nice to see Laurel Sherrie-Harvey on the list. Poor thing had to take a special excursion from Flag to Portland as part of eligibility to disconnect from her SP blind sister. Glad it paid off.
Can’t believe some of the people on this list. Get off the hamster wheel!!
Why are so many OTs being made and completed at the Flag AO?
By making everyone re-do the level? Again? and again, again?
Lisa — an “OT Made” is counted when someone completes OT 1 or OT 2 or any OT level and probably ALSO when someone completes the theory course for each level and certainly when they complete “OT 6”. It’s another of the stats designed to sound good, unless you know how it is defined. Like “Intro Course Completions” which counts anyone that watches a Div 6 film or listens to an intro lecture. Or “Student Points” which are probably now inflated arbitrarily to 1000 points per Clay Demo and 200 points per page for GAG II courses “because they are so much better.”
Nothing the church promotes to prove their incredibleness is what it seems.
Nice to see you here.
It’s all so pathetic. All redo’s because they can’t get anyone new in. They can’t seem to grasp that while they stand in their empty orgs trying to show everyone how pretty the frosting is on their cake, the whole world knows that underneath the cake is made of dog shit.
No one wants your cake anymore Dave.
Most dogs are really pretty nice. I think underneath the cake is really made of ………Daveshit, which usually leaves a very poopy aftertaste. I guess it’s kind of like $cientology in that respect.
I also stand corrected. I had forgotten the redefinition of Daveshit. Which is all they’re selling these days.
I once said there is no such thing as bad cake.
Gimme a glass of milk and let me at it.
I stand
Or their Kool-Aid, NOLA girl.
Gotta have something to wash it down OSD. 🙂
Well it will likely be more brown drool …………. and that ain’t rootbeer when there is a COB (cock on board ……….. albeit a small one as has been noted elsewhere!)
It’s not dark beer either btw!
The code of a Scientologist is: “I’ll believe your bullshit if you’ll believe mine.”
That was before GAG II. The new revised code is I’ll suck your c@^k if you’ll suck mine. Except when you get into management strata …………… then it just sucks.
10,000? Make that 470,000! Now that’s 47x expansion. Or should I be dividing by 47 to get the real figure? Damn, I really should have completed high school.
I am wondering about the 10,000 we have been hearing about for years. Do they take off the ones that have been declared and are off the level, or are just black tagged (off the level). or does anyone who has ever been on the level, living or dead, still count?
I really hope Indie Mindie’s comment reflects the current reading comprehension level of OSA members. It’s such a bad interpretation that it’s funny.
Ridiculous boastings from the people. Indeed, the girl nicole Tabibzadeh was alreadyin OT III since 2011: I wonder therefore how she could be only on solo nots… unless now, they teach people to solo-audit after OT III?
This 10,000 goal has gotten very tired as fewer and fewer people are able to do it with all the stops, can’t haves, dev-t and expense, even if they really want to. With the vulture culture stress, 3 swing FN out tech, clear inval, overrun of objectives & purifs, excessive, inspection before the fact sec checks, wrong indications about what you can/can’t say and who you can/can’t associate with, wrong whys in ethics, no wonder it is crawling along. This is not the way to make a meaningful spiritual journey, where you are gaining knowledge of yourself and your well being is improving. There’s no way you can have personal integrity and keep it in, when what you think is a problem or creates a problem.
Edy Lundeen, one of the most manipulative and vile people I’ve ever come across. So glad I don’t ever have to have a conversation with her again.
The picture had me laughing out loud! Absolutely perfect!
Ditto. Lovely to begin the morning with a big laugh.
Forget planet earth, or places like Saudi Arabia or Iran, just ask yourself a simple question; how long would it take for CoS to clear Clearwater or LA? 10 years, 20 years, 100 years? Why is there no city, or even a small town on this planet Earth that has ever been cleared? The reason is because clearing the planet is a fictional idea, that can not be attained in real life.
They can not even clear one individual zip code. Not even 33756, which is the one Flag is in. They never will clear zip code 33756- it’s impossible- but they are far too fanatic to realize that.
Hell they can’t even clear Beverly Hills 90210.
Now Davids, you’re not going to tell me it’s all make believe, are you? That would just crush me. You mean there’s no Homo Novi? No Target 2? No Super Powers? Just ENDLESS donations? You just blew my mind…
OSD, can you just imagine a billion years from now, all the people of cleared planet looking at Duggan’s humongous medals and statutes and singing how great a humanitarian he was. What would $10 million or even $100 million mean in 1 billion years? There was a time not so long ago when $100 could buy you a lot of things. Today, do we even remember or commemorate anyone who contributed $100 to the Church?
Davids, if someone DARED to contribute a measly $100, they’d be sec checked for years!
Every journey starts with but a single step. Clearing the planet starts with a single Clear person. Now, where is that Clear? Must be hiding around here somewhere… Behind the couch? In the apiary? Under the Buick?
Out of the first 10 Clears, I believe most were declared. I think only one of the first 10 is still in. Hopefully he or she will wake up soon.
The main problem with clearing anywhere is the desire of the people in the area to want what you are offering them.
If I were to stand on a street corner and hand out $100 bills, my main problem would quickly become who had already received theirs. Word would spread so fast that the ability to give out the money would fast exceed the desire to collect that.
IMHO, The inverse is true of Clear.
Well downtown Clearwater has been cleared of anyone not in the church, but I’m not sure that was the stat you were looking for.
NEWS FLASH – The Power of Positive Postulates.
David miscavige has decreed that you are not Clear – and so it is.
He also decreed to OT8s they are unfinished on OT7 – and so it is.
He has also decreed the SRD and Brdige re-runs are the way to go – and so it is.
He decreed the Basics for everyone or no desert – and so it is.
He decreed 10,000 through Solo NOTs (psst but Sir we haven’t got that many people on the level)
“Well, how many have we done so far?”
“So what your problem you mfcs. 3300 it is then. See… Do I have fix all your problems for you, you stupid mfcs. Go hole yourself.” (yes Sir, right away Sir)
10,000 through Solo NOTs in 2015 – and so it will be.
“OK, what else needs fixing?”
I decree that DAVID MISCAVIGE is a violent, moncy obsessed, evil asthmatic dwarf…and so it is. Gosh, that was easy!
To be fair OSD you ought to list to list a few of his bad qualities as well.
OSD you are not allowed to decree those things. An “attorney” (and I use the term loosely with that waste of skin) must feed you your beliefs like he did to Marty Rathbun in deposition.
Coop, you’re right! He also picks his nose and eats buggers.
“Go hole yourself.”
ROFL! I love the sheer intelligence of the criminal mind. Miscavige is such a fucking insane criminal, he literally thinks he’s getting away with it all.
Unfortunately 10,000 on OT 7 is a lie.
There is no public, Edy Lundeen is reading graphs standing on her head.
Nice picture of the Pastafarian.
Unfortunately this means that Flag now has 436 NEW referrals for FSM commissions on 436 new RE-DO’s of CCRD, Grade VI, NED, Grade VII, Objectives, OT V & VII, not to mention Solo Auditor re-treads and re-trains. 2015 May very well exceed 2014 statistically if “policy is applied”.
Sad to see Edy Lundeen trotting her spavined self out in public trolling her ignorance behind her
For anyone in the Sea Org – I’ve got a $10.00 that says it doesn’t happen. Oh wait, sorry, I forgot you don’t have any money, and no way to get in touch with me.
You’re so mean, Ronn! You gotta know that if some SO member reads your post, they’re going to be salivating over that $10 in their mind for years to come!
Doing a quick check on some of the names of completions in 2014, many/some are completing for the second time like these 2
Ramses Erdtmann NEW OT VII SOLO NOTS COMPLETION Source 64 1988-11-01
Ramses Erdtmann NEW OT VIII Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
Rosser Cole NEW OT VII SOLO NOTS COMPLETION Source 63 1988-09-01
Rosser Cole NEW OT VIII Freewinds 1 1989-12-01
I suppose they will count these guys twice.
Anyway, I would guess that their total number has actually gone down, if they subtracted the disaffected and declared…
Most of these completions from WUS are re-do and, some of them have been on the level for more that 8-9 years (based on seeing them for their 6 months check when I was still there-for one specific take Moxon).
The 47X comes by multiplying twice or thrice the re-do of the re-do of the level, divided by number of years, plus the amount of donations to the IAS. Then, and only then you get a sort of 47X.
On the other hand their math is still lacking, but the lies keep going straight up and vertical: Out of those 6,700 many have withdrawn publicly or quietly, others have passed away, or were classified as “ethics particles”. Go figure what is the real number.
The problem now comes for FSO: lets assume they had all these completions, but factually there is NO new public coming in. What will you do with the 45+ auditors waiting to deliver 6 months checks? Better leave the sad stories for another time.
Since the GAT I and GAT II came out the collapse of honest delivery (statistics) has been plummeting ever since and you don’t need an Einstein to figure that out.
Agreed Silvia,
There are names there that I recognize from way back that were either on 7 or have had to redo it. Lynda Hubbard was on OT 5 for at least the last 15 years.
Exactly. And there are names I recognize on there who already did OT VII and VIII once before, so this is second time through and some of them third time through it all. Talk about overrun! These are just the same old OT’s they’re recycling through the mill again.
And did you notice the hole in the list where there was no name? Maybe that person was Declared an SP and was removed from the list? Makes you wonder. I think they publish the names of the completions to prove that there really are some completions. But they shoot themselves in the foot when some of us who have been around recognize those names as people who already did the level one or more times through already. It is recycling names. So maybe to get 10,000 auditing on Solo Nots, we really just have to have 5,000 of them do it twice.
Cindy, we can all blame the asthmatic dwarf! This crap about finding stuff Hubbard wrote here and there that had been hidden for so long is just so much bullshit! They didn’t find shit! It’s all about making members take courses they’ve already done. Over and over again. That’s all they have left. Same with the basics. Nothing new! Just re-treads!
Aha! The 47x expansion explained. You must do each level/course/process 47x in order to expand.
Something in Edy’s email doesn’t make sense.
Didn’t LRH indicate that OT VIII is the first of many levels required to get a being up to the state described as OT.
Edy seems to be falsely characterizing Solo NOTS completions as “OT’s made”.
But SOLO NOTS (OT VII) isn’t even an OT Level.
You are totally correct. The OT levels are really pre-OT levels. You are only OT after you have attested to OT VIII. And then you are a baby OT with no OT powers. And there is no OT IX or OT X to give the baby OT any OT powers because they don’t exist, unless DM squirrels something together to get the money. But if DM were to do that he knows that no OT powers would be the result so to get the money, he will make the baby OT start with Objectives processing once more and re-do all the OT levels. And lo and behold, when the baby OT does Objectives processing then being more OT than before he will get huge gains from it and squeal in delight and give gushing Success Stories which means the earlier processes were left unflat. So they finally get to finish OT VIII and become a baby OT again and then they they are told to do their Bridge all over again and they will get even bigger wins on Objectives processing that dwarf the previous wins.
Can you imagine any University in the world telling it’s Phd graduates that the Phd degree they obtained at the university is totally useless, and for that reason they have to start studying again from level 1 / grade 1, or elementary school to get back to Phd level. To make it even worse, the Phd graduate has to pay for his or her entire education all over again because the university claims that they are not responsible for the mistake, and that it is the student fault for not receiving proper education. Essentially this is what the Church seems to be claiming. In other words we told you that you are OT, but we don’t think that you are OT, therefore we want you to pay us again to train you to become OT.
Don’t you see what is going on here? The Church has run out of new recruits and in order to keep making money, they are asking people to re-do courses that they have already done. The only way to convince people to re-do courses is to tell them that the courses were never done properly in the first place. Does this mean that all these years the church was using squirrel tech? If the tech was not proper to produce good OTs, then whose fault was it?
Outstanding post, Davids! Are you are absolutely right! They have, in fact, run out of new raw meat. I keep an eye on the Pasadena (CA) Idle Morgue. Every time I walk by, the staff are different. When all you have are old timers re-re-redoing courses they’ve already completed because the asthmatic dwarf says squirrels got to them, it’s really, really tough to make a living. There use to be someone standing just outside the front door. Now? Nothing. Last time I was there, no staff could be seen. Hey, it’s got to tough to here “no” over and over and over and over again. That has to impinge on them.
new OTVIII is not an OTlevel either. Was made with pieces to meet the false claim of Truth Reveal, and handling amnesia. It doesnt handle amnesia and no truth is revealed at all. I think RJ 35 which announce thise famous “upper OT levels”, “actual OT level” is a forgery.
As John Rafanello stated: Postulates do work for someone operating above tone 22. In my attempts to intend (magic) I have found this to be the critical factor in getting the intention to work.
Sadly I haven’t seen too many pics of Org staff in that tone range
Good luck with that!
Is it just me or is Tony Ortega a backstabber? Today, he ridiculed “people like Rathbun” (education) and used a picture of him that is anything but flattering. You haven’t got a college degree either, Mike. You were in charge of OSA, even higher up that Rathbun. You are “people like Rathbun”, are you not? Ortega is making fun of both of you. Quite a friend…
No, it’s just you.
Indie Mindie, you just got schooled, baby! Blow your OSA post and enjoy a raucous, sweaty shag, a full night´s sleep, and a hearty breakfast! Cheers:)
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Now that’s some funny shit, Indie Mindie! You made my day. Wait…what? You were serious? Seriously? You were seriously serious? My bad. For a second there I thought you did stand-up comedy like me.
Mike, dam, you’re so cool.
Indie, I like you. Courageous, to throw a spear at Tony, from inside our theater. Keep us all on our toes, Mindie. You do make me want to go see, find out what the heck Tony was trying to say, the guy I gotta give credit to for breaching the wall of intimidation built by the Scientology empire, awaking and encouraging the hungry journalists of religion and philosophy, and myself, and actually expose for the world what the SAM HILL is this ‘church’ trying to convey? Raise your goblets and toast…
To The Pursuit of Truth!
ROFL! Love it. What was so “unflattering” about the photo? Nothing, that’s what.
Also Marty R. did excellent in the leaked video deppo, he allowed himself to get angry at the abusive lawyer, but that’s q good thing, these filthy Scientology criminal lawyers need a little come back.
Awesome response!
Indie Mindie, I read the article you are referring to about Tony’s comment, and also watched Rathbun’s deposition video. What I believe is that Tony was actually trying to point out the fact that CoS attorney was trying to portray Marty as potentially unqualified or having the education necessary for the post of Legal Officer. The attorney did not realize that in order for him to say that Marty did not have the education necessary or ability to hold the post of legal officer, one would have to ignore the fact that he was appointed to that post by DM.
The attorney wanted to use the opportunity to discredit Marty only to realize that by doing so, he was actually discrediting DM himself by suggesting he appointed unqualified person to a post. It seems to me that the trend has been to suggest that those critical of the organization, either never held any important posts, or were very bad at their jobs.
Davids: ……and were fired for malfeasance which is a lie. NO they escaped at the time they were ready and able. The Church tried like hell to haul them back.
The whole argument is ridiculous considering that the ecclesiastical leader of the fastest growing religion on the planet is a high school drop out.
As well as a psychotic sociopath, Mary, who beats his staff and imprisons his execs. And who once smacked his PC. Now that’s what I call real auditing!
I respectfully disagree with Tony Ortega’s wording and him using the alleged lack of education of this friends as centerpiece of his article.
Be that as it may, if Mr. Rathbun and Mr. Rinder aren’t insulted by those words, it is alright with me.
If I am not mistaken, Scientology employs many lawyers who are consulted by OSA and other staff members. Does it really matter, Mike, running OSA or a legal department and not being an attorney but a high school grad?
You and Mr. Rathbun come across rude at times, but I don’t think any one of you is uneducated. But this is what Tony Ortega is saying.
Is Ortega a new cult leader who can’t do wrong even if he does?
Well, I don’t mind anyone making an issue that I didnt go to college. I didn’t. I’m not insulted by it. I doubt Marty is insulted either, he wrote about dropping out of college in his book.
Sorry if you find me rude at times, I am sure I am.
As for Tony Ortega being a new “cult leader”, I bow down before him and thank my lucky stars that he doesn’t believe in beating people, breaking up families or taking others’ money. I think I have found a good guru to follow now (he told me to say this and his wish is my command).
David S you summed it up well. Tony was not bashing Marty. That deposition was all setting him up to discredit him. That is the church’s whole game plan: just discredit witnesses so the case will be dropped, lost or dismissed. And irony is that DM doesn’t have a degree either. And LRH makes fun of going to college by saying the longer you are in college the stupidier you get. The SO uses that to make themselves right for not having degrees, some not even having high school diplomas. My own kids even parroted that church line to me and told me they were dropping out of college. So many kids’ lives ruined by the RCS.
I have more reason than most to be pissed at Tony Ortega. But not even I would attempt to Dead Agent him the way that you’ve tried, and at the same time, Dead Agent Mike and Marty by repeatedly citing their “lack of education”.
You sick piece of shit. Pulling Lesson #1 out of the OSA Playbook is just a sign that you and your masters are terrified of Ortega’s upcoming book, Mike’s evisceration of your cult’s precious NYT ad on Friday, and Marty’s depo (not to mention Mike’s). If I were your masters, I’d be in full Damage Control mode right now, trying to counter the nuke that’s about to hit with the documentary. But all you can do is try to distract us with Dead Agenting of Ortega, Mike, and Marty. Sad, in a way. Laughable, in another way.
Your pathetic working of an old, discredited methodology has caused me to break the vow I made to stay quiet after Ortega banned me. For making me do that, I’ll have to say a few words that have become emblematic of my tribe: We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Normally I don’t agree with this statement, but in your case it works well:
“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid, then to open it and remove all doubt”.
overrunincalifornia, who were you directing your comment to?
of course it was a reply to Indie Mindie
hey, that’s my girl!
It’s a frameshot from his depoItion, frames like that seldom flattering.
I think you are completely missing the sarcasm- he was making digs at Deixler.
I made my comment before I saw indiemindy’s second comment. Hey OSA- I think you need to revamp your troll tech, just sayin.
I think that Tony supported Marty well. And that Marty held his own. Smart men — both of them.
IMHO – it’s just you. It’s okay. Look at it from another point of view. They both have to be very aware and wary as they make their next moves.
As Mike would say ‘Ruh-roh!’ Looks like you just outed yourself, most likely as an SO lurker? You mustn’t be one of the new clears Edy’s getting excited about though as surely the amazing IQ boost would’ve propelled you way beyond the inept blunder you just made? And would have enabled you to see how pathetic your attempt to create antagonism between mike and tony really was!! Unless of course ‘clear’ makes no difference at all?!?!? Nah that’s just crazy!
Oh my we did make a muck up didn’t we!! Think you should change your name from indie mindie to blunder wonder!
“..surely the amazing IQ boost would’ve propelled you way beyond the inept blunder you just made?”
ROFL! It’s amusing. The IQ of criminals is low, but their dimwitted customers have to be even lower.
It would be better if you could quote the exact passage in question and demonstrate what bias or poor reporting Tony Ortega displayed in his post about the deposition. Raising the question of bias is a serious charge.
As for believing in someone’s infallibility, or lack there of, not only will I state for the record that I don’t believe in anyone’s infallibility, let alone Tony Ortega’s, COB’s or my own.
Does that mean Mr. Ortega is a cult leader? “Some people say……….”
Indie mindie: I no longer post at Tony Ortega’s blog. He did not ban me, I left because he was rude to me. However, I find your pathetic attempt a “culling a pc folder” amazing laughable. I read the post you were talking about. He was not rude to Mike or Marty. If this is the best Osa can come up with, no wonder the IJC is afraid to have his own deposition taken.
The ridicule was coming from Scientology attorney Bert Deixler, who wanted to hammer that point home, while ignoring that David Miscavige never completed high school and that limited education is standard for people who join the Sea Org at a young age.
Note to Bert: It’s no big deal, really! The “medical officers” in Scientology organizations frequently don’t have any medical training either.
Try not to filter everything you read through hubbard’s view of reality. Push your mind away from the hubbard box and read the article again.
Nice to see a troll show up on the site for a change. I thought they had all taken their balls and gone home.
Cooper! Balls? What balls?
Yeah, I agree with Mark Foster, Coop. What balls? I do believe all male SO must be emasculated before starting on Estates. Besides, for those males who are single and have to sleep with 40 other guys around them, they won’t have to worry about masturbation coming up in sec check.
I must have lost it guys! Of course you are correct. Their balls are right where they dropped them, it was their twisted knickers that followed them back to Hemet so Dave could inspect the damage.
like cockroaches coming into the light so is OSA’s desperation.
the facade is so cracked and chipped, half hanged and dangling, the only thing left is for the body to drop.
yes it is true, scientology is clearing the planet……of scientology.
“have fun storming the castle”.
A message for Indie Mindie from the “Urban Dictionary”:
“Being taught the proper way to perform an action, via extreme ownage and embarrasment. This requires the schooler, who is always of such a high level of skill that the schoolee has no chance of saving his reputation, to utterly dominate and show no remorse. If remorse is shown, it is done in a cool and laid-back way, as in to say ‘You’re not even worth the effort of my pinkie finger,’ which. ironically. is just as brutal as an all-out ownage.
“If you ever find yourself being schooled, it is wise to not bitch about it. Doing so makes you look like a tool.”
You know, I have always wondered, If there is a powerful entity or being out there that caused this planet to exist, why would he or she need a powerless being to toil for a billion years to clear / fix the planet. Wouldn’t this be very unkind / inhumane thing to do to another being especially if you have the power to cause a planet into existence or destroy it in a whim? Just curious,
What if everything is actually perfect the way it is? What if the Divine is actually dancing and this circus is part of the beauty that is bringing us all back to our own deep connection with Source and Enlightenment itself? Perhaps there is nothing to “fix”… except our own point of view and what we express into the world moment to moment? To me, that seems to be what all the Enlightened masters are saying. That would put the whole war that Scientologists and Sea Org members are waging (against everyone who is not a Scientologist) a total waste of time and one’s life.
I love Zana.
….there’s nothing to fix – – – save for our own point of view…
Well, she’s got me going, and,
a certain calm comes to me, thinking that being a little uncomfortable with my way of thinking might be the best way to be, after all. Question reality, yes. Consider the source, always. Give authority only by the force of your own reason. Moment to moment. Knowing how crude our tools of perception truly are in the grand scheme of things, means knowing how easy it would be, to be shipwrecked, perhaps behind the very next wave. How do I know, that I am not brainwashed and just another fool, washed upon the shore of humanity? A long as you ask the question, what am I missing, what is going on that I don’t quite get, well, the guarantee of buoyancy surrounds you and your conscious body. If your own feelings reign higher, highest, closer to truth and knowledge than the word of the messiah, well, my lovelies, you are saved.
You just gave every ethics officer on Teegeeack a heart attack!