Here is the latest “shout it from the rooftops” announcement from Jeff Mintz with “good news” from Flag.
Still, week after week, “Flag” produces more Objectives completions that Super Power Comps! Though they seems to have increased the Running Program completions to vie with the Objectives. The “no auditor” rundowns seem to get priority at Flag.
Interestingly, after 8 months of GAG II and constantly announcing how they have more than 200 people on auditor training line-ups, they still don’t seem to register any COMPLETIONS. And yet everyone completes every course in checksheet time?
And pull out the exclamations — 9 clears in a week!!!!
Which sort of highlights the reality of what he is shouting about.
IF these were the stats of an “ideal org” (say Tampa as that is in a medium sized city) how would 9 Clears a week match up to the idea that “we are making planetary clearing a reality”? So, let’s give them 500 Clears a year. At that rate they should have Tampa wrapped up in a little over 20,000 YEARS. Now, that is making clearing a reality for sure….
But Mintz isnt crowing about Tampa or a little Class V org, he is talking about Flag, which rips public off from all over the world.
And at 6 OT VII completions a week its going to take them 30 YEARS just to make their 10,000 target… Woohhoooo. Shout it loud and proud.
I suppose they don’t even notice, but just keep patting each other on the back and saying “we ARE making planetary clearing a reality thanks to the leadership of COB” and they are mighty pleased with themselves.
Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2014
From: Jeff Mintz <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Good News from Flag!
W/E 3 July 14
* 21 Survival Rundown Completions!!
* 10 Super Power Completions!!
* 21 Cause Resurgence Completions!!
* 17 Ls Completions!!
* 9 Clears!!
* 6 OT VII Completions!! (From the WUS: Rob Tardi, Elke Jaeger, Barbara
Rubio and Murray Marvin!!!)
There were a total of 19 OTs made!! 3 OT I’s, 2 OT II’s, 5 OT V’s and 3 OT VI completions!!
There are also 211 public training through Class IV and 267 public moving on their Golden Age of Tech II Training!
Call your Flag Service Consultant:
Jeff Mintz (323) 893-6690
So the point of the image is the nuts are screwing each other?
Coincidental, is my guess. These are images found on the net(?), not specifically designed. Funny image, though. Pro-active, pro-creative peanuts.
Good ol Jeff Mintz. The lies and promises he made to my ex and me years ago regging us that she, upon doing OT 5, 6 and 7 at Flag would not only handle her case but mine also. We bit.
After $1000s later, divorce and no case resolution for me and little for her.
She eventually make it to New Ot 7 broke.
What a prick.
I’ve been reading your site for a while, and getting more and more angry. YOur comment prompted me to write. Who does Miscaviage think he is calling other people peanut thetans! If thetans are ‘nuts’, then he is a small version – like a pip. His arrogance is unbileevable.
And are these “OTs” then real OTs? I always remember the story of a German guy who apparently did OT2 in a couple of hours in the Church and then went around boasting about it and disparaging others who had taken (as of course they would) – much much longer.No one in the Church pulled him in and looked at his obviously flakey “OT2” folders – which would have been correct in this instance – until I suppose they needed some new “PCs” (but ironically enough this was probably one of the only ones that did need to redo his Bridge). Swings and roundabouts as they say – one year it is “speed” then another year its “let’s put people through another unnecessary mill”. If only they had done it correctly in the first place! My point here is that are these people completing these levels now really complete or overrun cases – or both? I leave you to draw your own conclusions.
That’s so true Foolproof. If people were treated like individuals and their real needs assessed, and then, those needs fully addressed, for the benefit of that individual, they would have lots of business. I audited a lot of people who had attention on this or that from past auditing and it was easy to handle, when there was no preconceived idea of what was wrong or what the outcome had to be. Sometimes a person would have a complaint and we’d do our work, and it would point to an unflat action and we’d resolve the issue. No matter what the case level, the person’s reality is of paramount importance as well as, a non judgmental atmosphere. People want relief, they want to be understood, acknowledged and yes, loved. This en masse C/Sing and auditing is gross evaluation and is gross out tech. Add to this mess the brutal and unreal pricing and I’m surprised anyone can stand to keep going. The golden goose is stuffed and in the oven.
We were creating 50 OT’s a week back in 2002 at AOLA. Doesn’t this make them downstat?
Thank you for that data. Do you by chance have more data for earlier periods?
Especially when you consider that some of these stats are actually backlog stats, such as people who paid for Super Power years ago. Also many if not most of the trainees are from other orgs and will go home at some point, crashing the stats until GAT III.
I’m surprised to see Barbara Rubio is still on
lines and participating in the out tech.
IMHO these can’t be Clears, by any definition. A clear would not stay in a situation that is eating him alive !
Unless they are getting something from it. Like a “cleared” criminal.
But even a cleared criminal could think up better activities than being a member of Co$ !!!!!
If you have someone who is not used to thinking or reasoning things out, and Clear him, then you just make him much better at not thinking or reasoning things out. I personally think that’s what LRH meant when he coined the phrase “Cleared Cannibal” – only almost nobody got it.
I would rather be a “Peanut Thetan ” than a MEST dwarf, wouldn’t anyone?
I think the idea FLAG has 50 Class XII auditors on staff may be a gross overtstatment and would like some evidence of this.
I would like to be wrong on this as it will only be Class XII’s who could do anything about the current scene by resigning en masse.
Judging by the kind of mindsets I keep reading these days I think LRH was reasonable with the “Raw MEat” comment.
So many came, found it bad, left.
Now its “came in, pissed around, never made TA, covertly left or ran off, never stopped moaning since”.
Or worse “never actually came in, never read or understood the philosophy, simply found a place to vent bile and insanity and discourage any action for betterment of oneself”.
Get a life please.
Mike has already stated some persons have decided Scientology is not for them, and I agree with him.
Excellent, so why do these nutters not go away and leave the people with intelligent comments enough room to write witty comments for us to have a good laugh at the current state of managment under the dwarf’s boot?
There’s plenty of space for everyone to write their witty comments.
Well, I laughed. Good one, Mike
I have almost given up on witty comments favoring the truth
gets the point across. Or as Sargent Friday says ” Just the facts “
I can’t argue with that Mate :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
And how would I have been allowed in for “betterment of oneself”? I’d be an illegal PC due to my use of psych drugs (ones that I’ve had wins off of, so don’t invalidate them!). I’m already put down on the Big List for “elimination, quietly and without sorrow” for being gay. So, pray tell, how would I have been able to “better myself”?
Oh, by the way, I also have a physics degree, which means that I treat All About Radiation, and therefore the Purif, as the complete abomination that it is. So I wouldn’t have been able to get too far on the road to “bettering myself”.
Go take your copy of DMSMH and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
I think you are totally correct.
You are an illegal PC.
Crack On!
It is a shame that you feel that those of us who spent years in Scientology, Sea Org and other organizations add no value to this blog with our comments because of an independent decision we have made regarding our own personal spiritual future.
I am glad Mike considers my comments worth posting and allows them through moderation. Perhaps you should evaluate your personal prejudices and consider whether you are engaging in thought stopping by not allowing people to think thoughts other than those which you consider correct.
When I first left Scientology, I felt as though I knew so much. The more years I spent away, the less I knew. Now after more than 30 years away, I realize how opinionated, self-righteous and horrendously offensive I sounded as I jumped to conclusions about the way other people were supposed to think and where they stood in their lives.
I’m glad this is Mike’s “house” and he lets me hang out in it and exchange my opinions with others of like and unlike mind.
“The more years I spent away, the less I knew.”
If this is true what is your personal spiritual future then?
The thing I found most interesting about LRH’s Tech was so many people totally misunderstood it.
I don’t remember as a Staff Member looking down on non Scientologists. I was only interested in this Technology to see how and if it actually worked and if it did disseminate it.
So I studied, it was very simple and easy one did not even have to think it was all laid on after the Student Hat ,small common words list and M1 WC.
Perhaps I was just lucky and had a good Course Supervisor who cared how students did.
So I trained hard to fight easy.
When I had about 1000 hours of auditing and got rid of almost every somatic I ever had I was just about hooked.
So I won and I saw others win and I still see that today as we progress higher and higher up the PRe OT levels and now it is getting very interesting indeed.
So if my comments on the anti-Scientology rants, and complaints about LRH are classed as “thought stopping”,
I can live with that as I know I have a spiritual future, and I walked away 35 years ago.
Everytime an L is reviewed or repaired and a success story is written on the cycle, it is counted as a *NEW* Ls completion.
Why doesn’t Davey just run in circles a few hundred times a day, and count each lap a “completion”?
Some context here: Jeff Mintz was interested in becoming a boxer back in the 70s. He trained and trained. In his first (and only) fight he got knocked silly in, I think, the first round and that was that. Except that it must have permanently disabled any reasoning powers he had.
Punch drunk just can’t thunk, needs the cash in one big chunk.
We’ll give Jeff a pass then. What’s Heber’excuse? Guitar hit him in the head while singing Old Blue in 1972? (his big number back in the day).
Isn’t 9 clears a good week for them? My impression was that they were now getting 200 a year, or 4 a week on average.
9 Clears a week from how many recycled Clears or multiple attests ?
At least they have got control of their obsessive exclamation circuit. They are consistently using only two every time.
Now of all these ‘wonderful’ completions, how many are doing it for the 2nd or 3rd time? Count up the completions and multiply by cost and you now have the weekly income at Flag. How much is it? Of course, it doesn’t include sec checks or IAS ‘donations’ but that is another line on the balance sheet.
Can the ’boutique’ experience at Flag actually turn a profit? Ok, labor costs are small, but the air conditioning bills alone must be huge. And Davy new Italian shoes cost a lot as well.
“Make exclamation points in your spare time’. That brought out a guffaw….
Btw, what are those peanuts doing, there, in the graphic?
They represent “small”. LRH referred to “peanut thetans” and Miscavige often jokes about the “peanut thetans” — he, and his BFF of course, are “big beings” that are harried by the peanut thetans. Peanut is a derogatory term for small. As in small like a peanut.
Or…small like a Miscavage? I remember Mr. Cruise saying to his then girlfriend with his hand high above his head, “Here’s LRH! (lower his hand a little). “Here’s David.” (Lower his hand to eye level). “And here’s me.” Dave and I are BIG BEINGS. Is Tom Cruise the dumbest SOB ever?
Isn’t it ironic, that “something” that has no mass, no wavelenght, no energy and no position in time and space can be considered “small”… 🙂
Just 2 cents
So if I pipe up from the “peanut gallery” I am ‘small fish’, pardon, ‘small peanut’?
Just my 3 cents for today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All these exclamation marks…that should earn me 5 stars at least.
He belongs at the head of the peanut gallery where he has no energy , no position and is definitely small.
Ah, peanut thetans! Evidently all but Miscavige and Tom Cruise are peanut thetans? I get it now!
That’s why people tried to warn me that if I joined staff, I’d be working for Peanuts!
Mike Rinder please report to the ethics office after session for a refresher course in dirty thinking. (I have finally found something I don’t like about Scientology: you clear someone’s mind, then they don’t get your crude and crass jokes.)
Eight of the nine clears previously attested to clear – but had to redo auditing. Really, one NEW clear. (this is a guess, but likely true.)
I was wondering where you got your data until the last paragraph. My guess is they are all re-attests. I may be wrong with my thinking, but don’t think there is much “raw meat” coming on lines these days and the road to clear is so long that IMHO anyone who isn’t already beaten down leaves long before they get near the clear status. I think it’s a lot like a broker churning stocks, trying to make it look like something’s really happening with the few that are still there.
And that’s another thing, Valerie, using the term “raw meat.” How flipping arrogant can they get! You nothing but raw meat until you become a scientologist. Then you become fully brainwashed!
Raw Meat = an Object. Such a nice way to refer to human beings, no?
Right on the money. I’ve heard the magic 200 number for five or six years now. Completion lists showed the same names, same families reheated, redrained, remauled. They must be getting awfully exhausted.
Anyone have stats from 30 years ago?
Apologies if that’s a naive question, just my impression that the decades trend has been down for completions, but the stats for people kicked out, or “voluntarily” exited, has been up, and some of them apparently have some axes to grind. How many people were kicked out from 1950 to 1976? Anyone know? Has “suppressive detection” tech improved markedly over the years? New data unearthed?
17 Ls Completions, yet they have 50 Class XIIs? I bet most of the Class XIIs are on call-in trying to get pcs into the Org. The less arrivals the better as less people would be abused and lied to.
Not counting the header, but including the signature line, 83 words, 21 exclamation marks. That’s a 25% exclamation mark email. His stats are good. VWD Jeff. Did the email say something?
Surely you jest, MJ. I know, I know, stop calling you Shirley!!!!!!!!!!
AAACK! More Exclams than letters!!! Reverse stat!!! Please distribute excess exclams to some downstat immediately (and covertly)!!!!!!!!!! You will be RPF’ed until your stats are once again balanced. Exclam/word ratio must be carefully balanced. Please refer to Old Surfer Dude’s 10 exclam to 12 word ratio for proper exclam placement. OSD VWD on 83% exclalm/word ratio in comment.
I love these stats. The less people actively participating and going up the bridge means less people’s finances ruined, families ruined, futures ruined. Keep it up, Flag ! This time next year it will be even worse for you and better for the rest of us in the real world.
I hope they royally screw one young man in particular so that he begins to wake up and go back to his family, who are quite awesome I must say.
Keep those stats diving straight down you incompetent and cruel morons.
Even so how far behind the curve are they for the neccessary GI to stay viable?
Keeping all those buildings and staff going ‘aint cheap even at the pittance they pay.
As with everything that comes out of RCo$ my comment is “exclam this”
in 20.000 years you have to become Clear some hundred times again yourself ..
Would Tampa actually be viable and able to pay all staff living wages at 9 clears a week?
Why should it? How could it? Scientology has never paid anyone a living wage. Ever. Anywhere. (Except hubbard and miscavige)
Sure they would, DollarMorgue! I mean, they only have 5 staff, right?
One plus side, this thinking is real, even if pitifully small! They seem to be reporting real stats, and adding in the normal tremendous dose of unreal hype and enthusiasm!
Re the 6 OT VII completions this week, did they subtract that number off the 10,000 auditing on Solo Nots stats? With every OT VII completion, that is one less person auditing on OT VII. And they aren’t getting many newly onto OT VII nowadays, so by my calculations, the actual stats of “those auditing on OT VII to go toward the 10,000 on OT VII” is actually going backwards. Count up the number of those on OT VII who have either left the church, stopped auditing, or are declared “Special People” now, as well as those who have completed the level and thus are no longer auditing, and the stat will be going down instead of up.
No. its cumulative. It’s completions PLUS dones. Of course, it makes no sense, but that’s how Clive has explained it before….
Chuck, it seems like unwarranted GLEE! Kind of Psychotic Almost like hysterical laughing. .
“…it seems like unwarranted GLEE! ….hysterical laughing..”
Hmm, You’re not joking! It is an acceptable true fad behavior that Scientology is being known, per the fundraising crazy videos and crazy costumes and group clapping, etc., Scientology is for real in some real fad display of glee hysteria about their fundraising.
The question that has to be asked,
Who did not make any progress at Flag?.
IT was promoted prior to SP building Grand Opening that 30 percent of public
who pay will not receive services.
No pun intended on it being an SP building!
I think that’s the best pun, especially with all the cornerstone member that are now declared.
“And pull out the exclamations — 9 clears in a week!!!!”
Hilarious! “……pull out the exclamations…..” tech.
Yes, let’s get some containers, barges, train cars and C-5 transport cargo planes of exclamations!
All staff and public need to start sending in exclamations full time, everyone in their spare time start making exclamation marks and send them in!!!!