This address — 8039 S Vermont — is the Church of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard Community Center.
They don’t even identify it in this latest promotional piece (now known within the NOI as “Mosque 27”) and IAS Freedom Medal Winner and proud (?) scientologist Tony Muhammad is preaching squirrel non-scientology stuff in this scientology building.
You can read the earlier piece I did on this NOI is Winning the War with Scientology
Clearly, the NOI is rolling forward, taking advantage of the gullible fools at Inglewood org who are so desperate for “acceptance” and have nothing going on themselves.
NOI Mosque 27 has existed for over 60 years and had various of its own locations until sometime in the last decade, but they do now treat the CofS’ community center as their home, according to what I’ve seen over the years and now find online.
I think it’s probably a step down, and as they themselves shrink they may be piggybacking on the richer CofS’ efforts to hide their own shrinkage through such vast but largely underutilized buildings, and that cult’s desire to put on a show of ecumenical cooperation.
I would have thought that all this just depends upon who owns the building.
If it is owned by Scientology then they could just kick NOI out any time they like.
On the other hand, if NOI own the building, then it is all theirs and I am puzzled why this was ever flagged as a Scientology building in the first place.
I do believe that allying with NOI was one of DM’s biggest screw-ups ever.
This was not among the main reasons I left, but it was on the list.
It is owned by CoS. Throw out the NOI at this point would be big backlash. Miscavige would be terrified he might be the next Malcolm X
What a spineless little weasel Miscavige is.
He’s just finding out the ultimate goal of Islam: go forth and conquer in the name of Allah.
Sister Nayyirah Muhammad, Cl IV auditor, Clear, Super Power and Sister Maalikah Muhammad, Clear are two of the speakers at an upcoming “Empowerment” event at the Ft Harrison.
It appears that the Nation of Islam (NOI) may now have the modest ambition of establishing their next mosque.
This is very funny. Sure, not for the CoS people who used to run the place.
I would question only your use of ‘squirrel’, it used to mean only those who are using Scn techniques in a different way, or independently.
If the NoI is still using the cans and e-meter, I would guess that it is mainly in two ways.
I For loyalty tests.
II For programming, not at all to do with Scn.
Really, they have some clever people who have doubtless worked out at least the initial levels of Scientology as brainwashing auditing techniques.
It’s not clear what is gullible about it. Can you be more specific?
Gullible means, “easily deceived or cheated.” Scientologists and that facilitiy are being used to forward NOI, not Scientology. I call that being deceived. Part of it is how desperate the org is to have bodies in the shop.
The only question that comes to my mind is what scn has really gained.
NOI seems to be an expanding group, so scn cannot shake them off as OSA would lose an ‘ally’, even though they haven’t gained anything, quite the opposite.
What a cul-de-sac!
LMR, I don’t know that the NOI is actually expanding – but like the CofS they can still be very aggressive about keeping up appearances and continuing to try to co-opt other groups.
Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad fka Tony Muhammad was born in 1958 and has been in the NOI since 1985, so he’s another baby boomer dead-ender just like so many in shrinking scientology.
My impression is that while both punch above their weight in terms of the attention they get, they are about the same size (with most located in Chicago for the NOI, while the CofS is mostly across the US) and suffering similar sorts of demographic decline as their key cohort recruited in a different era is not replace by younger members.
PeaceMaker, sure. Mine was more of a comment based on having seen that place completely packed with people, and what could evoke scn was set aside so as not to interfere with the message of NOI.
I think what you’re saying is definitely more on point regarding how things are, given that your comments are always very specific and based on facts.