The evidence is all around.
Direct observation: drive past the place any time of the day or night and it is like a ghost-town. A lone security guard and PI at the front door of the Ft Harrison hotel. Otherwise no sign of life. The Potemkin Village up Ft. Harrison is even sadder — 6 storefront with their doors open and a lonely receptionist waiting for the visitor that never comes. Otherwise, one after the other, they are always completely empty but their lights are on and the windows are not covered (like every other building). Sandcastle parking lot half full at best. Parking lot behind the Osceola, empty. Westcoast parking lot empty. Oak Cove empty.
They cannot even fill Ruth Eckerd Hall for the New Year’s event, so they hold it in the auditorium (while frantically regging people to build the “L. Ron Hubbard Hall.”) Flag is a wasteland.
We have not seen a “Flag Good News” item for some months. Jeff Mintz has gone silent. That can only mean one of two things (or both): The stats suck and even he cannot confront sending out their “weekly” “Good News” report with terrible downstats, or b) he got in trouble for sending it out because I publish it on the blog. In which case they cut their reach again. But even if number 2 is true, you can be sure number one is also true. Because if their stats were booming they would be sending it out and crowing about it and daring me to publish it on the blog.
We also see other indicators, and here is a new one.
Apparently they have now run out of Cause Resurgence pole dancers runners because they are sending the head honcho of the Cause Resurgence to… Albuquerque. Now that is desperation. They have probably managed to scrape up a grand total of 10 people from New Mexico who have taken services at Flag in the last decade. Not much return on this investment of time and effort. So, how can you afford the head of the “booming” Running Pgm to go out of town on a wasted effort like this? The only answer can be that she has nothing better to do…
D.M. and the I.A.S. killed that place. I remember the sounds of laughter and the large and small groups of people that would congregate in the early 80’s. Then the I.A.S. moved in and examples like yelling from the lobby balcony by Ron Barth during a reg cycle could be heard while everyone else in the lobby cringed. Little did I realize that was the beginning of the end.
Before the internet it could take years before one connected enough dots to know Scientology had enough “baked in” problems even while Hubbard was around, but thanks to the whistle blowing movement and “fair game” on the criminal cult known as the Church of Scientology via the world wide web, that train has left the station. Like ghosts who still wander, clueless of their death, they persist in vain and only in their own minds do they have any remnant of purpose. In a way I feel sorry for them, they had no idea how irrelevant they have become or why.
1. Large “Ideal” Orgs doesn’t seem like a great idea for the survival of Scientology long term.
2. Didn’t LRH say somewhere, if an org is empty the org is out ethics?
With multiple reports here and on Tony Ortega’s blog that $cientology’s facilities are deserted and people are staying away from events, David Miscavige will resort to hiring extras to attend events and to pretend to make donations. All this to steal more money from the few remaining whales.
As Tory says: tick tock, tick tock, time is on our side – and not on the side of Miscavige. The BIG LIE of 47X expansion cannot be sustained any longer. May 2016 see the rapid collapse of what little remains of $cientology, and Miscavige prosecuted and eventually sent to prison where he belongs.
Ive never been in the cos , I have however watched from afar for many years. Kinda sad there wont be any more confronting videos like those done in front of the Harrison back in the day.. The screaming and yelling and confronting … it was fun to watch..
The number of different reportsing various Church-related buildings being empty is interesting. And the Fountain Ave ghost town of what formerly was a number of businesses living off the public the Church then drew, is a good indicator of the scene too. An important point was made by in one comment that there are not enough Scientologists to support the Church structure. They sunk far below the make/break point as an organization. They have constructed an elaborate conglomeration of personnel and facilities (Gold, Scientology Media Productions, Printing plants, hotels, large ornate Church buildings, Superpower building, the entire Sea Org bureaucracy, a cruise ship, buildings for new AOs and SO bases, CST vaults and god knows what else). This super expensive expansion, especially since 2003, was not then and is not now actually supportable by the customer base, it was just too small to sustain this in terms of financing or expansion of staff. In essence it was putting the cart before the horse if one wanted to really expand Scientology, The sequence would have been to get smart and more efficient to focus on using and improving existing resources to attract more customers first to support some expansion of facilities. This is the end result of Miscavige deciding to turn into the all time admin squirrel and violate reams of policy to foster his Ideal Org and other other Look at Me vanity projects (like Scientology Media Productions). He has succeeded in sinking Scientology below the make break point and down from there. It actually sunk below the make/break some years ago, it is just becoming more painfully apparent now.
“The sequence would have been to get smart and more efficient to focus on using and improving existing resources to attract more customers first to support some expansion of facilities”.
Correct, SSOA. The above would be your basic policy for the continued viability and expansion of an organization. What you’ve stated would be the policy to forward that purpose. It happens to be the only way an organization CAN expand. No business, no church, no group or organization has ever expanded and maintained viability in any other way.
But then, expanding Scientology is not the cult’s purpose, and the only evidence necessary to prove that is its Ideal Org Program.
Every policy running the Ideal Org Program is guaranteed to crash an organization. They haven’t missed a trick.
?. Shoulda made the ” toine”, Left. At Albuquerque …
I can sort of understand how people in one org might assume that there are lots of people at other orgs, but how does this possibly work at Flag? it’s supposed to be the Mecca of scientology and no one is there, even with all the special stuff you can only do there? it is very hard for me to understand.
that quote “there are none so blind as those who will not see” comes to mind.
so, what is the “end phenomena” here? anyone want to make a judgement call? are they going to keep flogging this dead horse? I can’t imagine that DM would unlock the cages (figuratively or literally) and say “hey everyone, go home”. will he make everybody go to one place, say Clearwater or LA and set up a true compound a la David Koresh? I can’t really imagine that either since it’s been all about expansion and Ideal Orgs, but what’s a cult leader to do? I also can’t imagine him paying out of pocket for the bills for these places. there will come a time when something will have to give, I can’t think that anyone’s life inside is particularly happy at this point, the pressure to increase any Stat must just be immense.
The game on the inside is rigged in such a way that any outward or objective critical thinking has been squashed to the extent that questions like that have already been suppressed, avoided or auto-explained away. The game is also rigged to never show any change or shift in thinking that would break away from the paradigm that Miscavige has invested to heavily in. Couple that with the reality that so many have already drifted off, not going to events, letting the answering machine pick up calls, changing cell phone numbers, hiding, lying to friends to create illusion that they are “on board” while never making any statements or stating opinions = people staying away in droves. Many on-board Scientologists at this point think Scientology is being grossly mis-managed and are waiting it out and have changed cell phone numbers and gone into hiding.
I happened to be in Clearwater last week and as I passed the Fort Harrison, it was dark. No lights on inside, it seemed eerie. I saw NO public or staff walking on the sidewalks like it used to be. I saw exactly five uniformed staff in front of the superpower building and one public person going in the door while I was out front. The staff stood there with their arms crossed staring at the cars going by. It was the most unwelcoming sight I have ever seen there….
Much needed laughs between your article, Mike, and your comment, OTVIIIgrrrt!
A few pole dancers might be just the ticket to liven up the stats of the Friendliest Place In The World. This would create cause resurgence on ALL dynamics.
I’ve been re-watching my Dickens BBC dramas lately and have my new nickname for the Flag Building is a no brainer: Bleak House
AHHH! Edit: “….my new nickame…IS a no-brainer…”
Aqua, if you like the convergence between the BBC and Dickens, you would probably really enjoy the new BBC series Dickensian. Essentially, it’s a simultaneous prequel to every Dickens work, with characters from different books sharing the screen and interacting. The writing is terrific, and you can see how certain characters ended up in their book predicaments. I think the first season of ten episodes just finished. Find it any way you can. You’ll love it.
Great Mike Now the Church is going to have to buy a bunch of idle cars to park in the lot to maintain it’s Ideal Appearance.
They have some VM Vans lying around…
Maybe they will start a used car lot?
Flag is empty – let’s hope it gets even emptier. Empty flag = less money for Miscavige.
Bright idea: Offer free parking for all those “upstat” ISIS Toyotas…
When I was in San Francisco last time, the org had no public there and only a few staff on duty. I used their bathroom and no one tried to reg me . They barely said good bye to me.
They’re a bunch of ‘spoiled sports’ in the San Francisco org. They’re just pissed off because no one is coming through the doors (except people doing re-re-re-repeats). And, I think they realized no one will! Gosh, how do they make a living?
“The importance of Flag finding 10-15 people in New Mexico to run around a pole inside an empty building in Clearwater is an essential part of planetary clearing,” stated Church spokesman Ken Delusion.
“Moreover, if only to underscore the importance of having bodies circling a pole for weeks on end,” Delusion noted, “Flag is offering a 15% IAS discount on the new GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoe. This shoe fully embodies the Founder’s design for the perfect running shoe — a shoe that Earth technologies of the time were not capable of producing.
“For example, the new GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoe features a specially patented spirit-gum insole for increased springiness and bounce. The exhaust baffles of the shoe efficiently vent excess meat body heat. And the special micro-GPS devices in the shoes track your every movement. If you are detected heading for the nearest door to blow, the doors automatically lock and sirens sound. Guards with GAT II rubber truncheons suddenly appear to give you a severe reality adjustment and get you back on track running.”
“COB has ordered these GPS-equipped ‘blow proof’ shoes immediately issued to all Sea Org members.”
“And because these shoes — like the Church of Scientology itself — are designed for running around endlessly in circles for years and decades without any actual purpose, they are, of necessity, incredibly overpriced, extremely uncomfortable, and will invariably cause excruciating pain. But as the way out is the way through, the pain eventually gives way to abject resignation and unconsciousness and hence the EP of Cause Resurgence is realized: The willingness to mindlessly comply with command intention because one is profoundly dazed and in overwhelming pain.”
Damn that’s funny OTVIIIisGrrr8!
These “Golden Age of Tech” running shoes are blow-proof because, like the supermarket carts, they stop and won’t go any further than the yellow lines that surround the parking lot.
Ooops. I shouldn’t give COB ideas. Sorry SO guys. Better run out while you can, before he figures out how to do this. Now is the time.
LMAO, Indie. Good one. And maybe he’ll put chips in their ears like people do with dogs so if they blow he can find them by their GPS Chip.
Hi Cindy, Your post may yet be reality. The frightening thing is I can see a Sea Chip that would be marketed as higher clearer and more powerful than any bracelet before.Those last bunches of cosers would have the chip put in and instantly be bonded to dm forever!Perish the thought! Love,Ann.
Are John Lobbs permitted on the rundown?
How dare you even ask that question threefeetback!!! You don’t have the *$^#&%^$$% rank to wear John Lobbs!
Oh yeah?!!! I’ve been self-promoted with a pair of John Lobb COB look-alikes.
Do I have to buy two pairs? (will there be a special commemerative “see through” shoe? I want to be first on my block.)
Dear Joe, yes you must purchase two pairs of COB’s new GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes. When not in use, the shoes must be kept locked in their velvet-lined Halliburton metal cases to prevent them from falling into the hands of Psychs.
The new GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes must also be silver-certed every 500 laps to ensure they are calibrated to the local micro-gravity of Flag Land Base. Actual research has found that calibration of these shoes improves case gain by as much as 5,000% on the Cause Resurgence Rundown.
Note: The GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes are not dishwasher safe and may not be used as flotation devices in the event of a water landing. The shoes, however, may be worn as part of costumery to IAS carnival fundraisers.
Note: The GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes are coated in a special highly flammable lacquer. Should the shoes suddenly burst into flames the user is advised to deploy and use the supplied GAT II emergency fire extinguisher that comes with each pair of shoes. The fire extinguisher is to be worn on the GAT II safety belt at all times when running.
Note: Because the flammable lacquer coating on the GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes gives off toxic fumes when the shoes burst in flames, the user is advised to immediately deploy and put on the GAT II emergency respirator supplied with each pair of shoes. The GAT II emergency fire extinguisher and emergency respirator are to be worn on the GAT II safety belt at all times when running.
Note: Because the flammable lacquer coating on the GAT II Cause Resurgence Ideal Running Shoes can cause the special running track to catch fire, the user is advised to don the special GAT II emergency Kevlar fire suit in the event of fire. The Kevlar fire suit is not supplied with each pair of shoes and must be purchased separately. However, the fire suit can be conveniently attached to the GAT II safety belt.
The Running Program was used as a torture punishment in the early 1980s. It was one of my bleakest times in the Sea Org.
Wild that they could get some 2300 to pay them $2500 a pop to do run around a pole.
Indeed, I think David Mayo had a hard time with that, I heard he had even lost some of his teeth at the time. Punishment has two results: it either breaks people down probably like Heber or it makes them realise that’s not the reason they got involved in the first place and then they leave, like Mike and many others.
Hi Alex De Valera, An astute post. Thank you! Love,Ann.
Hi Karen#1, Thank you, I hear and resonate your post.Early 1977 I was told by GO/Intel to be ready at 4:30AM as I had already gotten off post sometimes at 2:00AM, to go to Griffeth Park and run with bare feet and that damn Saran Wrap around my legs, up the dirt and small rock strewn path until I was told to stop.Supposedly the sweatier and more flushed I got that was the bad toxins coming out if my body. You know I do not know what toxins except mold would have been in that” gourmet cuisine ” The The Sea Org sieved me when in.Laughter! Thank you Karen you give me strength,Love, Ann.
Hi Karen#1, Sorry should be the gourmet cuisine the Sea Org served me when in…Ann.
Wow Ann.
That’s quite some anecdote.
Thanks for sharing my dear <3
Hi Karen#1, Thank you. I was just thinking how at the moment running & the sweat program were part of the torture nightmare as you so well understand. Now the joy is I can look back at me then and laugh! That is one of the best things to happen outside the cult.I have all my sense of humor back.I still have strong emotions about SO, but now I can see in all directions whereas in SO I was blinded by Ron’s World.Love, Ann.
I just figured out what’s happening. It’s the GASP. The Golden Age of SP’s. The wins are incredible!
Made me literally Laugh out Loud! So true.
GASP, the Golden Age of SPs has my vote for comment of the week!
I can remember posting a couple of years ago that I gave Stupid Power four years before it went the way of KTL/LOC. You can now throw the Cause Resurgence Rundown in there too. Hell, they’ll be lucky to hit the four year mark.
The church no longer has the numbers to sustain any kind of meaningful level of production. Initial release sees high numbers, but within six months it starts to peter out.
They just don’t make enough Scientologists to support the activity. But that has been the case since the early 90s. That is likely to be the primary reason for all that ails them (other than being a dirty, greedy mind-fuck cult). Just not enough damn Scientologists.
It may be just me, but my gut tells me few really care anymore about “going up the Bridge” or “expanding Scientology”, it’s just mental, physical, financial and spiritual fatigue. Being a loyal Scnist is hard; it takes it’s toll.
For everyone involved, there is an invisible, internal scale which measures how worthwhile the activity is. It tells you “is this worth persisting with?” or “is this more trouble than its worth.”
The scales are tipping.
The 14 stores on the north side of Fountain ave west of Big Blue in Los Angeles are all vacant except for 2, a laundry and Peter’s Choice vitamins. Clam Town is a ghost town. BOOO!
Hi james hollingsworth ,Yeah! Your post brought back so many incidents that occurred for me while moving Asho to and working in Big Blue and painting miles of the place! And I can’t ever forget the lovely morgue! So to hear that west of Fountain is a Ghost Town is music to my ears!Love,Ann
Hi Ann! The South side of Fountain ave is pretty ghostly too, with many vacancies. The corner of Edgemont has a new bicycle shop, but the clams don’t go there. The restaurant across from the SW corner of Clam Town: empty. It was overflowing a few short years ago. I count that as progress!
Hi James hollingsworth, So good to see your post! Thank you for helping me see what the area around big blue is like now.You might help me in locating an old,tiny crowded dark small produce shop, the only one near blue that I could walk to in late 76 early 77 into 78. The reason I mention this as stuff got worse for me with Guardian’s, I was not allowed to even sit at my Liability table for any cold beans at all.To eat something I would buy two apples a day and coffee from a vending machine for my daily meal. Did this for weeks.
This broken down old store saved me and I cannot recall the name or location.See OSA I turned lemons into lemonade. That OT Lemon#100l Love your posts and you.Ann.
The picture above, while is not a picture of the Super Power Building, is a picture of what it feels like to drive down Ft Harrison Ave ANY time of day, ie, if you take away the cars of driving “wogs” getting to their other destinations. Sometimes I drive down Ft Harrison – just for the rush. 😉
Great news Mary! Do you have any idea how full the Sandcastle restaurant at the AO is for lunch these days? That would be telling. Back in the day is was often difficult to find a seat.
No, Coop, I’ll go in for lunch and check. Wanna join me? I’m sure we can find a seat.
Are you sure that isn’t a photo of the annual toilet paper delivery?
Wow, that block used to be pretty busy! I wonder if New York George’s restaurant is still there (or any restaurant in that space)? That place used to be busy all the time. I heard George’s General Store closed.
Recently my wife and I were “in the neighborhood” of the LA Complex around 10 PM on Friday night so we stopped by to stop by see all the “action.” After all – it should be Friday night graduations, right? Maybe so but as we discovered – “Action” – is not happening at AOLA.
We got there around 9:30PM so we would have time to find a parking spot but lo and behold, there were 2 spots right in front of AOLA – so we took one and decided to wait and observe. The first thing we noticed was the whole complex was a ghost town. Nobody out, walking around and no one going in and out of AOLA front doors or for that matter, the complex across the street. Second thing we noticed was the brown butcher paper over all the windows. Now, that is really odd looking but more than that, why would they block out all the windows??
Then, 10PM – 10:30 both came and went with only 4 or 5 people leaving AOLA and proceeding to walk across the street to “Big Blue.” I told my wife, “I guess the rest of the people must be attending graduation, so let’s wait until 11PM.” About a half hour later, a security guard rode up on his bicycle, looked us over, then rode on. After 10:30PM, the body traffic went to zero and around 11PM, some of the lights dimmed inside the building. After that, the joint seemed to be closed for the night, plus no one was coming or going but we soldiered on for another half hour before deciding that was all the “action” we were going to see for Friday night graduation.
Ya really have to see it to believe it. GHOST TOWN!!!
I recently drove by, the “customers”, well there are no more “customers”. David Miscavige made everyone a “member” of some club. He keeps everything in a “gray” area.
Anyway, the customers have been replaced by security guards. They have more security than some of the Embassies in L.A.. It really does look like a prison all the way around.
Same thing at Celebrity Center and the Flag Command Bureau.
Who the hell wants to approach a building that screams “DANGER”!
Scientology is the first business Miscavige has taken over and run. If he had followed his calling as a prison warden, he might actually be considered successful in today’s world.
Hey Dave, got a phrase for you to word clear: TIPPING POINT
Oooo! Ooooo! Ooooo! Amy! Call on me! Call on me! I know the answer! It’s when the evil Dwarf gets hammered on single malt Scotch and you can tip him over with a feather!
Whenever there are photos, videos and descriptions of Scientology’s ghost-towns, Katie Melua’s melancholic song “Ghost Town” comes into my mind
I hear The Specials Ghost Town
As you continue to implement your agenda to hunker scientology down to IDLE ‘christian science reading room’ mode, you will continue to get takeover offers from White Elephant Self Storage, Inc. for your desolate real estate portfolio. You can move your window dressing to smaller, strip mall storefronts.
The DC “churches” are all empty. No one at the National Affairs Office – ever. No one ever around the “L Ron Hubbard House” museum.. which is by appt only (a rarity in dc for a museum) and the Ideal morgue on 16th has some staffers every now and again. Maybe 2-4.
Keep running around that pole people.
Is the idle morgue the same location as FCDC?
gtsix, I believe all the staff were hiding in the back room wondering of they were all going to be Com Evd because of lack of money.
On no, Mike! You gotta be kidding me! The pole dancers have been scratched from the Cause Resurgence Rundown???? And it’s just the pole runners now? What a scam! I was told by someone very high up that students would see pole dancers as they did the Cause Resurgence Rundown. And I saw you had penciled out the pole dancers too. What a sad, sad day for me and all the others…..
The soon-to-be-released Golden Age of Cause Resurgence includes an audience that tips the pole dancers. As usual, Dave gets his cut of the action.
The reason that Flag is empty is that they can’t bring anyone to Flag because they would see how empty the place it is and realize that the cult is collapsy and scatter faster’n cow piss off a flat rock, and because of that Flag is empty. And round and round and round she goes, where she stops — Albuquerque.
Flag Base wasteland (sung to the turn of Teenage Wasteland)
Flag Base wasteland
Da da da da
Their all wasted!
Sally take my hand,
We’ll travel south cross land,
Put out the fire,
And don’t look past my shoulder.
The Exodus is here,
The happy ones are near,
Let’s get together, before we get much older.
The same goes for the Happiness Foundation at Glendale, located in a very busy street. Only a receptionist and no one even reaching to step in knowing that they will be asked for only one thing: MONEY.
Truth revealed: the cult is collapsing. About time!
$cientology has a Life Destruction Center in downtown Seattle. I’ve never seen it open when I’ve walked by there and just last week I walked by it it was closed. And they were supposed to be open at that time!
They only reason why they’re still there is thanks to all the $$$ donated to the IAS. But when it does close for good, I hope the new tenants burn some sage inside the building to cleanse it before the new business opens up. 🙂
Brian, I’d have a native American medicine man come in and bless the place using smoke. It may take awhile to get the “Stupid” out, but, our native American friend can do.
It’s possible the Super Power Building was built on top an ancient
Indian Burial Ground. The Spirits have evicted the Mortal Scientology
Public to take back Indian Sacred land.There’s been a movie about
just this sort of thing, really ! Tread lightly Davy !
OSD, if you are serious about wanting a Native American “medicine person”/ritualist/healer to do this working, please get in touch with me and I’ll ask around. Of course the Scilons have to be out before that.
Although the Unhappiness Foundation in Glendale has a receptionist, the lights are usually left off.
So the Receptionist sits there in the dark?
Yes, totally clueless.
Hi Aquamarine, You slay me with your posts. Love, Ann.
Thanks, Ann, but I’m still processing the concept of someone having to run barefoot, swathed foot to knee in Saran Wrap…in Griffith’s Park.. I need a more time with this one…just a bit more time…
Hi Aquamarine,I have been laughing at the image of myself looking like a deranged young women who had been living in a cave and decided to run barefoot with Saran Wrap trailing along! Hysterical although it was not funny then, all I can say now is I forgot my Excalibur Sword to totally complete the picture! The thing was I hardly ever encountered anyone on the path I went on thank goodness! Lizards seemed to like to jump at me, but I think they were so startled they had no other choice.What I did for the privilege of The Sweat Program! Yikes! Always Love & still laughing! Ann.
The new year’s event was never held at Ruth Eckerd Hall they always have it in the auditorium because it’s held in LA at the shrine so there’s no evidence on that front it’s the same as it always was
Well, that is evidence that there is absolutely no growth over 20 years if the audience for the New Year’s Event fits into the auditorium that seats about 1500 people. The IAS event broadcast used to be held at Ruth Eckerd even though the event was held in the UK didnt it?
Auditors Day used to be held at Ruth Eckerd Hall and these days I don’t think they even have an Auditors Day event. That’s pretty straight down and horizontal.
I also recall a Flag Reg named Per Almquist who was a really decent fellow. I think he was from Sweden. He blew in the late nineties and I was wondering if anyone on this blog knows how he is doing?
I recently observed the Orange County Morgue on a Saturday night as the church was closing for the evening. Prior to closing, there was a body router out trying to get suckers at a bus stop to go into the org. No luck. She finally settled to route in a family of 4 whose car had broken down and needed assistance. 2 of the 4 were children so they probably counted them as half a body in the shop. I counted about 20 public leaving this Ideal Morgue, at 6pm Saturday night which should be their busiest day. That was being liberal as 1/4 of those could have been staff wearing a coat over their silly looking staff uniforms but I gave them the benefit of the doubt of being public, for my tally.
San Diego Org isn’t much different. They battle to pay their electrical bill and have everyone take the stairs so it doesn’t run up the bill. If they have 20 people on a Saturday, I would be amazed. But they aren’t an Ideal Morgue yet. They no doubt they have been brainwashed to think that OC is booming and they will be also once they finish doubling the size of their current building. Yeah, get a bigger building that they cant pay the utilities for.
Mike always states these Ideal Morgues do not attract people into the cult. But maybe we’re wrong. After visiting the OC org, I drove past a very beautiful Taco Bell office building. After seeing such a nice building, I had the sudden urge to eat a greasy, bean burrito. Actually, DM could be on to something here.
CPO, no, those two kids are fully formed thetans and, as such, are counted as a person. I mean, clearly they will be ignored as DBs if they have half person status. Staff will make fun of them. They may even say that half person status kids shouldn’t even in the Idle Morgue! Imagine how that would affect them! Poor little half person kids……
I work new the San Diego CO$ and they rarely have body routers on the streets and the lights are only on when someone is in the building. It’s kind of sad since it is a fairly busy part of downtown. It seems like they have mostly given up.
They don’t have anyone in Div 6. They are running on fumes…
CPO, I mostly run on fumes. Especially with the food I eat. Sometimes I can fume with the best of them! It does get a bit cloudy though…
The San Diego Scientology community for the most part is declared, disaffected or dead. There is no putting the toothpaste back into that tube. Any newcomers are met with suspicion and if they do sign up for a Div 6 course, not many stick around or are hounded to come back though few do. Hows the internet working for you guys?
Oh, Doug! Don’t tease the poor cult members. They have enough problems to deal with.
There was a time when being at Flag was one of the most fun places to be. I loved it. Then mission holders were declared on the spot and nothing was done to correct the blatant misuse of “the justice tech”. Then the J&D policy was issued and Scientologists became thought police in order to avoid the MAA. It stopped being fun in 1981. It took me 5 years to sneak away and another several years before my son got out, giving me the freedom to an honest life again. I’d like to thank Larry Byrnes (and several RealWorld staff), as well as DM, for revealing what Scientology is and always was: I was just too naive to see it until they came along and made it painful to be a part of it. I used to miss the friends I knew at Flag, and my Scientology friends and colleagues in Los Angeles. But when I see the photos of those former friends who are still in, the glitter and happiness is gone from their eyes, replaced by a steely glare, and their smiles are “dedicated smiles”, meaning they’re grim … no joy. I know why they’re still in: they need the community. But I also know their pain. And if they have to run around a pole in order to be accepted as a true members? Well … I can at least wish them a long-lasting endorphin high.
Hi Robin, A beautiful post,thank you. I feel as you do as I have some wonderful moments recalled early in Sea Org and at Asho. It is what happened later that revealed the true cos! Love, Ann
Oh Ann … you got me to remembering my time at ASHO — as public and then staff (ASHO/F). For the most part, it was a lot of fun for me. I’d never go back (the curtain’s gone from the wizard) but there are many great memories and some extremely funny stories to go with them.
Hi Robin, Thank you as we recall the days when Asho Day & Fdn were fun. My episode of extremely funny stories starts with ” We never ever ever sit in Ron’s Chair! You know the way to Ethicsl Laughter! Enjoy your posts a lot.Love, Ann.
HI Ann! I know what you mean! Such fun going into the bathroom and finding no TP anywhere! LOL! But at least the people were decent and something good was happening in the course rooms, etc. I learned to bring my own tp. haha
I’m not sure that the “real” COS was as ‘real’ as it is now. I think that the little monster was developing.
Hi indie8million, I love what you posted about ” the little monster still developing…” I feel you are absolutely correct! Underneath the good moments and yes some remarkable fun and funny times in Sea Org, there was this undercurrent of roiling darkness just waiting to obscure the light.Always Love, Ann
Miscavige has destroyed scientology, as simple as that.
Miscavige has destroyed scientology. This is what will be said in history books in the future
scientology: Ecclesiastical Enron. “Burn, baby, burn!”
Disco inferno?
Hi threefeetback, That is a really good and funny post! We must give dm extended heartburn too! Love, Ann.
Hi threefeetback, Black heartburn! I love it! XO,Ann.
First, Robin, outstanding post! Right on the money! Second, so very glad you’re out AS WELL AS YOUR SON! Woo Hoo! I got out in ’82 for the same reasons you did. The “crazy” really started to ramp up after that. But, now you’ve got back what was taken from you when you first joined: YOUR LIFE!!!
My guess is There are a majority of Cornerstone members
and double cornerstone members who met whats her name
you will never see again let alone do anything in the
Flag Building. They are “Gone With the Wind”
and Frankly Dear I don’t give a Damn.!
I *do* give a damn, Jose. Damn! Damn! Damn! This sure is good news!!! LOL
Hey! I give a damn too, ya know! In fact, I give a damned damn! And that’s a pretty hefty damn!
Jose, you bring up a good point. Back in the day before the Super Power Bldg was built, they regged millions from whales by saying that if they gave a certain amount of money, that their name would be engraved on a cornerstone brick. An appeal to their vanity. So finally when the Garcias brought their lawsuit related to the Super Power Bldg, DM finally decides to open it just to look good in his defense in the lawsuit. My question is this: Did DM actually have donator’s names engraved on bricks in the SP building? If so, then when all these people leave the church, does he get someone to chisel their name OUT of the brick? Now that would be embarrassing. Anyone know if the names actually did get put on the bricks?
Basis for a whole new round of lawsuits: they were promised the engraving of their names. Even if scn had lot of escape clauses.
I had some clauses once, but, they escaped…
If Cornerstone members names were engraved anywhere near the Super Power Building
it would be IN YOUR FACE PR for David Miscavige to promote Day and Night.
There would be pictures on the Internet ! Then for each Cornerstone,Double,triple
cornerstone member that has flown the coop and off the reservation the Flag RPF
would be filling in the names with epoxy. Then that would be the Big News !!!!
I hope this answers your question.
You may want to dial back your grandiose plans for L. Ron Hubbard Hall, to an outdoor amphitheatre.
Look, TFB, if they’re really hard up, they can use my backyard. I know they won’t be able to fill it up,so maybe I’ll just have them on my deck. However, that may be too much space too…
Couldn’t be happening to a nicer cult.
We all knew this was coming, but still it’s painful to watch.
Painful? Not for me.
So very true.
Really? Painful to watch? Man, I must be the most heartless person around. I mean, I’m celebrating like mad with beer and burgers! This is fantastic news! AND, it just keeps getting better and better…..
Did you pay homage to Taco Tuesday? With a Duke’s in Huntington Beach, you have no excuse. Out at Malibu, the high surf waves were crashing just outside the windows; like the waves that are lapping over Dave’s empire.
Actually, TFB, we go to Fred’s Mexican Cantina for Taco Tuesday. It’s right across PCH from Duke’s. And, it’s on the second floor so we get this bitchin’ view of the pier and the beach. Check it out sometime!
” Really? Painful to watch? Man, I must be the most heartless person around. I mean, I’m celebrating like mad with beer and burgers! This is fantastic news! AND, it just keeps getting better and better…..”
My same thoughts exactly , dear Old Sufer dude ; I most be a very heartless person as well as my “TA is floating” with the news !!!
When do they call it quits? How low does the membership have to get before they change their strategy about being the creepiest cult on the planet? How can they sustain themselves?
That will be an interesting event – they won’t tell anyone that the “rundown” simply involves running in circles round a pole, so what are they going to talk about?
scn processing was the ulimate dissapointment to me, they give it fancy titles and wonderous supposed end results yet I got so little out of it, mostly it consists of answering inane questions, or sitting there trying to keep your mind blank and hands still while they ask questions of the meter stuck in front of them. I can only imagine the dissapointment some will feel when they discover they will be circling a pole for the next few weeks. My guess is that they charge so much for everything to make you think you are buying something really valuable.
The ‘church’ is visibly shrinking yet you still get the ever hopeful ones thinking it will miraculously turn around at some point, how is this going to happen? Most org staff won’t even go outside to body route these days after the Anonymous experiences a few years ago, that or they have so few staff that who would there be to do it anyway?
Assuming the 2300 number is not a lie (which is being very generous in bubble land) that means in over 2 years they have only gotten 2300 people to do the cause resurgence running around the pole program. Some of those are repeats as we have read in success stories. That alone shows how small the world inside the bubble is.
Take into account that the majority of the 2300 probably paid for the cause resurgence sometime in the 20 year runway to the completion of the super power building and were chomping at the bit to do it and possibly some if not lots of them now see the emperor has no clothes I can imagine it would be hard to get new people in.
That aside, why are they being called PCs in the promo? I would think that most people at Flag would have long since completed clear and no longer be considered a preclear.
OT whole track objective process? Now that is an incredible rundown for sure. Last time I looked objective processes were designed to extrovert a person….bring a person into present time. Whole track processes are subjective to “explore” one’s mind and past track. I assume this means one comes into PT while running then realize that their body hurts from running so then one goes whole track to spot the past times their body hurt while running which in turn will blow the incidents which in turn will bring the person back to present time with new body pain once again causing past track exploration till everything blows away and one floats around the track pushing their painless body from afar….lots of objective pain equals a whole track OT. Miscavige is a genius.
That line “Whole track objective process” (actually it’s whole track OT objective process) is from Hubbard. It’s an oxymoron.
That “blow” sensation? Called endorphins. THAT’S science.
Leaving the cult of scientology will give you an endorphin rush that will last for months if not years! You’ll be giddy with a silly simile on your face and you won’t be able to wipe it off! You’ll laugh for no reason! You’ll suddenly find yourself singing. And when you stop singing and realize you’re out and will never, ever be in again, the endorphin rush envelop you and you’ll start laughing and singing again.
Spiritual KNOWINGNESS, attained only by the most worthy.
yes yes yes – Old Surfer Dude – you just described the “state of clear” – a level of awareness never achieved INSIDE Scientology. It can only be achieved OUT – and it is FREE! Hip Hip HOORAY! 🙂 lol
So….leave Scientology and become clear??? I love it!!!
Yep. Cheap at only 120 bucks an hour, with a Class VIII, OT 8 auditor. Some trained by Ron.
Hell, that’s worth coming out for by itself! Oh, and bonus. No IAS reges (or any reges) waiting on the couch to pounce on you after session.
Heavenly day.
I had a friend filch me the new OT Whole Track Objective Process Sheet.
Here’s the first process:
Auditor: Pick a person from the whole track to be. Can be someone famous or just an everyday type of schnook.
PC: OK, I’ll start with a famous person, George Washington.
Auditor: Very Good. I’ll be Ben Franklin. Now, give me that hand.
(note: full panoply of objectives to be run this way, each objective with at least ten different whole track people, run each Objective to a completely blown out win before going on to next objective and then run that one with at least ten identities)
**this processing is living thunder and so cannot be co-audited. It can only be delivered at Flag, minimum buy is ten intensives. You will need to do this before OTIX.
The lack of public left to do the Cause Resurgence Rundown was, of course, predictable. 2,300 have completed running around the pole, probably 300 of which were staff and now the pickings are slim. The name “Super Power” given to that HUGE building, now represents the electric bill to keep the lights and air conditioning on. How many paying public use that building a week? 10? 20? They can almost have their own floor of the building.
Plus, as soon as the Super Power opened, the Fort Harrison went back on the tax rolls as a commercial hotel.
If they are a hotel, can anyone stay there? Not just scientology people?
I guess businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Are religions required to accept all humans because they call themselves a “religion”? Do other religions hide, force people to stay or not let people in like scientology?
There are churches here in my town that have their doors open to anyone that wants to come in, I’ve never heard of anyone forced to stay/leave. They help homeless during cold months with shelter and food. They offer child care to their members and don’t charge. That’s just what I’ve read in our local papers.
I’ve reserved the right to never be in a cult again. Especially, but, not limited to, scientology…
Now just wait a darn minute … Are you actually telling me that there are churches where you can go in without a special religious photo ID card and not required to fill out a long questionaire? Really, I find that hard to believe.
Joe, it’s simply a myth. I’m positive every single church issues ID tags and forces people to fill out long forms. That’s crazy to think they don’t!
? so funny!
Macy’s and WalMart are closing stores, but you may be getting a takeover offer for your Clearwater white elephant from Amazon for their new High Tech Suncoast Drone Delivery Center.
I just can’t imagine the reaction to anyone but the most devoted and therefore blind followers to be promised “Super Power” only to find themselves PAYING MONEY to run around a pole. It’s been said a sucker is born every minute.
…and then they have to EXUDE FAKE ENTHUSIASM about how amazing and theta and super fantastic it was to have the honor of doing the rundown!
I’ve talked with these guys. Totally false theta.
Well, well. Guess it totally sucks to be the mecca of technical perfection. (Pausing for a moment of silence)
Boo freeking hoo! I’m done.
“I’m done.” The hell you are, Bog! Now, start posting! NOW!
It isn’t done until its over.
Will there be a spinning down the drain rundown?
@Leslie. How can there be such a Rundown? Non existent water can’t run down a drain. ?
Actually, the Pilot rundown was tested in the last Harry Potter movie. That is where magicians flushed themselves down a toilet to get into the Ministry of Magic.
NO. Wait. CO$ cannot openly ask Patrons to flush themselves down… and have them pay for the privilege? Can they?
Yes. It’s happening now. Of course, all the good water is already down the drain.
OH! OH! OH! Leslie, is that a new water slide they have now? I love water parks and all the cool slides they have! Do you think, as a Wog, they won’t let me on it? I mean, even the name sounds cool, The Circle the Drain Slide! Wow! I really would like to ride on it as long as the slide doesn’t end in a regges office……
…or the hole.