Mountain View is apparently doing the same thing as Valley and publishing a lit of names of hoped-for attendees at their Maiden Voyage events. It’s a rather bizarre thing to do, but it affords an interesting insight into the state of the “ideal orhg” (or at least it would be if they had the money to renovate the building they bought at the end of the culd-de-sac in the industrial park behind the 15 wall adjacent to the 101 Freeway).
Really, 150 people. This is not even the size of a decent mission.
Why invest $20 million in getting a building for this tiny group of people?
Because they can. And can extract FAR more “return” than if they tried to get them selling and delivering Scientology. Collecting the money and buying a building is the END that justifies the means. The proof of this is that all these buildings that have been purchased sit EMPTY. And this will just be another one to add to the list.
From the looks of this, it doesn’t seem like much has changed at Mountain View in the last 10 years. I remember so many of these names coming up on lists for recruiting, regging, making field auditors or FSMs at MV over a decade ago. So many of these people have been on the ED’s imaginary ‘dream team’ that has never assembled.
MV always wanted the Harry Wong to be more active with the org, but he never was. Same with the Feeney’s — but they were almost exclusively Flag FSMs. The Petersons were always off doing their own thing and didn’t interact with the org much. I see a few names here of people who were considered Stevens Creek public. There is the Redwood City Mission holder. The ED’s husband. It’s also interesting how many names are missing.
Jan, the long-time ED, tried so hard to get a new building for the org WELL before the ideal org thing. The building was great and not outrageously priced and was in a busy shopping area right near what became a major public transit stop. But the Int Landlord Office dragged its feet, would never get back to her on the CSW and kept blocking it. So frustrating. Although she regged some donations to pay for part of the building (from the Feshbachs), I know she had tried to set aside money into the reserves per policy. Again, she was blocked.
One thing I liked about her was that she continually resisted some of the ridiculous demands from management and would often refuse to have IAS events held at the org because the IAS tried to come nearly monthly and it was ridiculous. It was sad to see this wear down over the years and I’m guessing that resistance is gone now.
The problem, though, was that MV was always very Birthday Game focused without being actually service-focused. When MV came second in the Birthday Game one year, the courseroom was nearly always empty and they had one full-time auditor. It was such a sham.
Why is there no OT’s from Clearwater EVER attending these events.
There are a few Class VIII’s and OT VIII’s who never seem to end up on the lsit of attendees or donators.
Looks like the IAS need to look them up they are a few just down the road from Flag
Way to go, Lordburg! Smite them down with the truth.
Wasn’t Mountain View one of the bigger and better orgs in the late 80s? I am sure it was one that I visited, and it was buzzing. If I am right they had about 150 people on staff at the time and their event attendence list would have been huge. If I am right about this then it is really shocking that their attendence list is now smaller than there staff list was.
Unless I’m mistaken, mountain view was a mission at that time under Marc Silber. And it was doing well. Stevens Creek was the big org in San Jose. Likewise, Los Gatos was a mission actually in Los Gatos. It too was made into an org and moved to San Jose. Now all three orgs are just a few miles apart.
And, another thing (look, I’m getting this ALL off of my chest, OK?):
I used to say to these people calling me, “Why don’t you just MANDATE attendance at these things instead of all this effort at cloaking all of these calls as invitations when in fact you are NOT inviting me but TELLING me that I MUST attend? What kind of an invitation is that? Why don’t you be direct and make your language, tone and actions consistent instead of sending mixed messages? Because if what you are extending is a mandate, then I MUST attend, but if it is an invitation I do have the right to accept of decline.”
Originations like this to staff and SO calling for events always went over very well ๐
Edit: “…accept OR decline”.
Aquamarine, your post made me remember the LAST time I ever got a call from AOLA or any org, inviting me in for the 23rd or so time to “get an important R-factor from the CS.”
I replied that I’d come in on one condition: David Miscavige gets comm ev’d off post along with all his criminal cronies. Or better yet, he resigns from his fake post.
There was a long, empty moment of silence. Then a stunned “Thank you” and a click.
And presto! No more calls and no more stuffed mailbox ever since.
Lordburg 12,
Very Well Done. Tech is out Internationally also works, A clear “NO’
does the job.
It’s similar to those calls, where one was asked to come for a DofP-Interview, only to be sent to Ethics instead.
Some people supposedly pulled this strategy to get the Truth into the orgs:
They went straight to Ethics themselves and ASKED for an A-J check to be given to them and then dumped ALL their knowledge of the outpoints onto that poor ethics-terminal/auditor, who had no slightest chance of escaping the session and HAD to listen to all those answers and write them down and forward them to the C/S etc. etc.
A well trained SCNist is familiar with the phenomenon, that the mind is often under better control of the auditor than of the PC himself in the beginning stages. So when one knows this information, it can also be reversed and applied to the auditor – and one gets even faster and better “results”, when one tells only of those things, oneself has observed, experienced and doesn’t use any “verboten” “confidential” WORDS!!! ๐
Date: Thursday, 17 Jul 2014
From: Ideal GHQ
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! you super duper hero you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s so hard to believe in some ways but it’s true, we are all clear!!!!!!! even the wogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s taken a lot shoulder to shoulder smashing boulders into pebbles effort’s but at exactly 76 trillion years, 7months, 17 days, 9 hours and 14.3 seconds, last night a week ago tuesday whole track calendar time, the Theta ratio of the planet reached the tipping point and automatic clearing kicked in and by a mere 83.56 hours later the “ALL CLEAR WHO ARE HERE” signal went out!!!!!!!!!
Now all we need to do at this historic point in our history is to inform the wogs they are now sane.
well of course “we” can imagine we’re ALL CLEAR’S!!!!
You will be hearing more about this in the coming day’s and week’s with a BIGGGGGGGGG ANNOUNCEMENT FROM COB OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU COB FOR ALL YOU DO!!!!!!
Obviously this is going to take a massive dissemination campaign. your effort’s have been invaluable in making this world a sane and crime free place we always dreamed it could be, now it’s time for the final push!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now is the time people!!!!!!!!!! so whaddaya say!!!!!!!!!!!! are we gonna clean this place up or what!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is urgent you move up in status today, it’s the best thing you can do for a sane and safe Plants
I leave you with a quote at this monumental time.
“were you there? what did you do” –T.C.
The Clear is Here Team
Ahhh! That’s why there was always that question at the end of those repair-lists:
“Was there nothing wrong in the first place?”… ๐ ๐
I am also recalling how on several occasions I was accused of being rude when, on about the 10th phone call “inviting” me to an event, by way of answer, I lowered my tone to antagonism (“No, I am NOT going to this thing, OK? Can you just get that?” ) so that my essential message (“Thank you for the invitation but I shall not attend”) would somehow impinge. Now, when I would then be reprimanded by the inviter for my rude tone, I would say that if MANNERS were the issue, then he/she should know that repeatedly asking someone to attend some function when that person has already politely, repeatedly declined, is extremely rude.
It always blew my mind to get a lecture on manners from some staff member who gave a damn less about manners so long as he/she got another confirm.
“What part of ‘NO’ didn’t you fully understand?”
I don’t think that’s event confirms – I think that’s everyone they’ve got. I think they just stuck their names on there to make it look good. I could be wrong…
But one thing I’m not wrong about: It’s a complete clusterfsck.
I’m reliving now how, in addition to the MVs, I loathed events and avoided them whenever possible. I didn’t promise to attend and then not show up though, so I endured the phone calls. After 9/11 I purchased a separate cell phone for org calls only. That was my solution for a number of years to mitigating the exasperation at being hounded. It cost me $50 per month to get some peace of mind with all these calls and messages shunted to this phone. Really, as the saying goes, you can’t make this stuff up.
There is following story being told…
An OT/pre-OT had a seperate special phone-number ONLY for calls from the org.
That OT/pre-OT then took all that money he earned from those calls and generously donated it at exactly those events, the org had been calling for numerous times! He had a really good laugh – and the org was happy, that an OT/pre-OT had donated money again… ๐ No kidding!
Mountain View is where Google’s headquarters are located. Can you imagine if the tech was really in and PR from raw public’s viewpoint not in Enemy but actually in NonE, what a gold mine MV org would be for delivering auditing and training.
Auditing and training? What’s that??
Auditing & training is soooooo last century. Now, for a donation of hundreds of thousands of dollars, you magically become a “Big Being” like the dwarf and his slightly taller lover, ummm, ahhhh, I mean friend, TC.
Tell them anything
No matter how absurd
Like a preacher on the pulpit
In love with your own words
I see beneath the surface
Read between the lines
You’re walking on a tightrope
And running out of time
You can hear the faithful holler
Give us back our stolen dollars!
Let me spell it out
Soon you’ll be no more
That artificial smile
Like true love from a whore
Your only god is money
Mister you’ve gone south
Your church is full of factions
Let me spell it out
Once you had me taken
With all the lies you told
Buying all the bullshit
Thought it was pure gold
Figured out your angle
Your brand has left its mark
You may have reached my ears
But never touched my heart
Fake applause, ego flattered
There’s no meaning to your matter
All those millions won’t protect you
When your people all reject you
Is this just a list of public, or does it also include staff?
So they’re calling their event confirms ‘guests’ and publishing them now. Smacks of an insurance against potential back-outs to me, with the added bonus of potentially shame-closing a few more. Or perhaps this is the only kind of stat they feel they can boast about these days. Either way, all very covert. And desperate.
There are quite a few people on this list that will literally go down with the ship. But I recognize at least one who is under the radar. I wonder how many more the orgs are counting on who are secretly giving them the finger.
+1. ๐
The Orgs won’t hesitate to put names of people on lists as “contributors” despite the fact that some of these people are long gone or have not heard from/seen them in a year or more. Yes, it’s even worse than you think for the “Church” of Scientology.
100 people x 10 grand a year = 1 million
you can squeeze 10k out of someone making around 40/50k over the course of a year when you go to their extremes.
so year after year the same old people give a few thousand here and few there, and it all adds up.
where it all goes and what it’s all for, the money, the buildings, the secret accounts, to what end, who knows?
it’s not like he can drink older scotch or have even better food or housing or toys etc.
this dude should just drop his attitude,settle all the suits, put aside a nice chunk for himself and then open the vaults and let it flow back everyone that’s still left. get everyone and everything off his back and just have a good fucking time.
he doesn’t believe in the tech, we know that. he certainly knows he didn’t use the tech to take over the whole thing, it was his “power is assumed” mad man ways. so he doesn’t give a crap about planetary clearing or any other such thing. he just wants to run an “empire” like he’s somebody, like he’s something, otherwise he wouldn’t put up with all the aggravation, he’d just coast and let everyone else coast too.
scientology could be in the exact dismal state that it is in today without all the BS along the way. like he could have had his execs interpret his dog’s barking as command orders and it wouldn’t have fucked things up any worse than they are. he can’t say if he didn’t have a hand in things there’d be less expansion.
this guy just wants to play big shot. money is not enough for him, he wants to feel power over people. he would rather be a big fish in a little pond than a slightly smaller fish in a slightly larger pond. the thought of giving up an ounce power is horrifying.
he’s never going to actually enjoy the trappings that he has or ever let others. he’s chasing his power fix all the time.
“may he have a house of a thousand rooms and be found dead in every one of them”
โmay he have a house of a thousand rooms and be found dead in every one of themโ
here here, nice one.
poetry in justice!!!!!
This is soooo bizarre. To send out the guest list for an event. What is that about? A guilt trip to those people so that they feel pressured to give more money? Parading them out in public? They don’t have anything else to say… other than a list of names? OMG. It gets sillier and sillier.
This is actually a handling for a huge problem that local churches are having at their events.
They get 150 people SAY they will come to the event, and then only 45 people show up.
By broadly publishing the names of those people who have SAID they will come, and inviting people to “join their friends” they are hoping it will put pressure on people to actually show.
You see, the only way you can get the hard sell phone calls to slow down is to say you are coming. So a lot of people say they will attend when they have no intention whatsoever of showing up.
It’s yet another sad comment on the Radical Church of Scientology culture of crush sell and humiliation.
Isn’t the whole notion of showing up for events screwy to begin with? Wouldn’t people taking courses talk to each other after course before heading home? Isn’t having people on course a lot of communication in itself – twinning, TR’s, etc.? If you have people on course, why have an event?
That list is laid out weirdly.
Oh, by the way I swung by the Detroit Ideal Org the other day. Not a thing done since my last visit a few months ago. More dust and dirt accumulating. With Detroit on the come-back I might suggest to Council that they put a little more research into their tax-free status granting.
How many other “Ideals” are there that we never hear anything about? We see reports of fundraising for a few, and how much failure there is there. Imagine all the ones like Detroit, where there isn’t even any effort.
Money down the drain.
Still need to go by the non-ideal local and see what’s shakin’. I’ll let you know.
Same thing at the new Boston building. They are selling their HVAC equipment on Craig’s list.
Boston org is a great example of how screwed up the Ideal Org evolution is. They had a chance to sell their current building before the real estate market crash, and that would have gotten them enough to fund their new building purchase, planning and renos. Their CSW for that sale was not approved, and they had to fundraise to buy the new building, plus they sold their current building for much less, now they have to keep fundraising to complete it. Not only that, now they are moving out of their current building into temporary quarters because they sold their current building and the move out date is now upon them, but they have not yet been able to complete the new building. What a mess and so typical. Besides being squirrel in concept the Ideal Org strategy is totally inept as to its mechanics and approach, all to the detriment of the poor suckers being victimized by it, i.e. the orgs and their members.
Wow, an invitation no less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How deep do they have to dig this fundraising idle org hole?
My best guess would be it’s an Mass Ideal Grave for the Big IAS donators who’ve got nothing more to give. Just declare them and THEY are Why it didn’t work, they had counter intentions,obviously.
They were still breathing and didn’t keep donating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to know why the following CICS public haven’t upped their status by flogging their kids to the seaorg: agrillo, coyle, lewis, petersen and vacca. No greater token of thanks to cob than prostituting the younguns.
Was wondering if those listed are adult or minor children…or siblings…in-laws? but still, close families, correct?
do they own/run family businesses…i.e. are their finances co-mingled?
would be interesting to see how all their individual/corporate tax returns reflect their individual/corporate relations with the CoS and all its permutations…
and in reply to w. martin’s comment: …this feels like a ‘sacred’ sacrifice along the lines of the Carthaginians and Ba’al.
Yes, it kills me how these public and Class V staff Still-Ins who lack the wherewithal to further educate or care for their teenage children dump them into the Sea Org, and then claim that joining the SO has ALWAYS been their kid’s whole track purpose! Oh, right!
Yes Aqua, and these parents always say that they rest assured that their kids are the in “the safest place possible, The Sea Org!” My response would be this: Why isn’t your home the safest place for your kids? That’s what it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?
Kids don’t belong in the Sea Org period and they are not safe there because they are in an environment where the end always justifies the means. Scientology will always come first before anyone’s well-being.
Unfortunately, these kids are probably not in the best situation when they are in the custody of adults who think they “know” what their children’s whole track purposes are either. Fundamentalism is not good for anyone, and kids will probably suffer this the most. Just ask Jenna Miscavige Hill.
Unfortunately is true, the ‘return’ they obtain is greater than getting it from an honest job. But criminals take something in exchange for nothing with the twisted excuse that they deserve it and who cares about any one else anyway. DM and his minions fall into this category. But sadder is the future that awaits them, that is bad man, really bad.
Mountain View went full on fund raising some time back.
That’s all staff, supervisors, auditors, auditors,word clearers, public, everyone.
Has been one big Boiler room since. They shooped the front of the building
as IDEAL with signage for promo ,etc.that was all baloney.
Next stage is to farm it all out to INDIA call centers most likely,
OOPS,David Miscavige reads this Blog everyday so now you know whats coming next, sorry.