Sure… whatever you say.
We will call it “donations” and then it won’t be “fundraising”… Or a book drive. Or a call for “volunteers”… You can be sure they asked for SOMETHING. There is no such thing as a “briefing,” in Scientology (especially when they are providing “refreshments”) that doesn’t have a heavy-handed “ask.”
The fact that this statement needs to be made is so telling about the state of scientology today. It has truly become the Vulture Culture. They circle endlessly and everywhere within the bubble.
On another note.
I got the first copies of the printed book! Exciting. Jack is happy too!
Not a fundraiser.
“Here, I’ll hold this football for you to kick, Charlie Brown.”
I pre-ordered my copy from Barnes & Noble and having heard nothing to the contrary I’m assuming I’ll receive it by the 26th or soon afterwards. LOVE that picture, Mike! Your happy boy! Does my heart good.
I’ve just had my pre-order for A Billion Years cancelled on Amazon UK; the email states it’s no longer available to pre-order or download?
Can you send me a screen shot of this? I will email you where to send it…
My pre- order was also cancelled from amazon in the uk, I will send a screenshot if you email where to sent it to me.
Posted on FB and Twitter now explaining this
This should be resolved soon. It’s an Amazon algorithm. It saw two different publishers so thinks the second one (Silvertail for UK and Australia) is infringing on the rights of the US publisher (S&S). Documents already sent to Amazon. Should be restored with no problem.
Its back up on amazon uk now, I had to re-order it again.
Thanks, glad to hear it…
There was a similar blurring of boundaries in Dublin, Ireland, on June 17 but it was called a “Fundraiser” on that occasion
Assuming COB Miscavige, your ex-family in scientology, and other scienos in good standing take a peek at the picture above of a happy man and his glowing son; There must be a pang of sorrow or loss knowing that such happiness is out of their reach…… and of their own doing.
It is all about the money. Always.
This is no different than the various prosperity gospel televangelist pitches.
Or that ponzi investment scheme.
Problem is their pitch is directed a people who weak, have little common sense or perhaps little self esteem.
Their need to belong is far greater than their common sense.
Sheep waiting to be sheared
Cults are for those who have guilty conscious ,to be victim of Stockholm syndrome, for ever .
Of course it’s not a another disgusting vomitous $camology scam. It just coincidentally happens to have almost the same title of a legitimate humanitarian fund raising group.
$cam-ology: Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine.
Legit: Ukraine Humanitarian Fund
Attendance for Scientology events must be absolutely terrible for them to outright state, “This is not a fundraising event.” I think even diehard Scientologists are getting fed up with the constant regging.
I was thinking the same thing! Org staff desperate, simply desperate, for people to attend.
YEs but you have to wonder if the org will pull the old Lucy with the football and Charlie Brown trick. She swears she will hold the football for him on the ground for him to kick and that he won’t pull it away. Well he believes her (again) and runs to kick the ball and she pulls it up and away probably thinking the whole time, “sucker!” The church may say no fundraising but may pull a Lucy.
You and your son are so adorable. It warms my heart to see you two!
Sweet photo!
Agreed. Can’t wait for my copy to download. (I ordered early and missed the discount, but am sure it will be worth every penny.)
Me too, but don’t care, a few dollars more, big deal, I’m so curious; can’t wait to get my hands on it.
It’s odd to find a “not a fundraiser” sponsored by a front group called “Humanitarian FUND for Ukraine.” So if the lure of “free” refreshments lulls you into denial about the ONE thing that funds–even legitimate ones by organizations other than “The Cult of Greed and Power”–do, knock yourself out. What can go wrong?
Savvy attendees may realize that only carrying ID may save them. When the “free” event nears its close, and the sharks begin to circle, they can legitimately say “we didn’t bring any cash, debit or credit cards, as your invite said this was not a fund-raising event.
Mike, this is so exciting about you receiving the hard copy of your book!
As to the Ukraine “briefing” at any org – I agree, it’s a fundraiser*, just like “I want to survey you” or “Come in for an interview” or any of the other C of S code words for putting a person (further) into debt.
*Though this one is not code. The event is presented by “Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine.”
Good to see you looking happy, Mike. Hope this book proves to be huge success and gives DM the trots.
I love this photo.
It shows so much of the life you have fought for and won.
We’re so happy for you.
I remember the day when my publisher sent me the first few copies of my book. What a thrill!
I don’t know if people realize the work it takes in getting a newly printed book onto store shelves.
I’m not talking about the actual printing of the book, or preparing the manuscript for the publisher.
An author goes through so much, more so than just the drive to get one’s story out there. I don’t know about you, but my book became a spiritual journey. There were many times when I felt so driven, so inspired.
It’s interesting the path a writer embarks upon, with turns at almost every corner.
What an advrnture! Thank you for your website and for your book. You’re changing lives.
GREAT pic of you and Jack, Mike!!!!!!!
Great photo, you can see the similarity of young Mike and Jack.
I get my news on The Ukraine on the Internet. As a Former Grunt I simply cannot underrate the value of a shovel. I’ll bet the Regges will be there.
Awe… Love that picture.
Love that cover.
Thanks Mike for all you are doing to expose scientology.
Just think: Jack and so many other children will never go through losing his parents, siblings or friends, his education, his livelihood, his mind, or his soul because of a “religion.” Exposing what these groups do and how they do it is saving lives.
It will not be the truth of what is going on there, scientology was taken over by the cabal in the seventies, it will be a propaganda and money grabbing event.
It has always been a propaganda and money-grabbing outfit. But I recall the heady days of the Apollo flotilla, from my teen years on land in Texas. We saw any number of scams roll through town – Moonies, Children of God, flower sellers on every street corner in the hot Texas sun for hours on end, whatever… it seems everybody and his cousin had some new and magically enlightening book that the world had never seen before, and if only you donated all your worldly goods and worked for free for the guy at the top you, too, could become Enlightened.
Some eventually did become enlightened – survivors of Jonestown were enlightened, I think, as I hope were survivors of Waco. There were few survivors of the suicidal group waiting for the mother ship to take them away… but at least they made their decision for death suddenly, while other True Believers have wasted away a slow death, spending decades looking for the secrets that were never there to begin with. Hello, JW’s, hello Scilons.
Scientology – the only religion where its Pope doesn’t participate, nor does he act like he believes in any of its guff.
But, hey, maybe he’ll be a True Believer in his next life.
On a personal note, my height went down an inch in the past year. I am 5’11” at age 71 instead of my usual 6″ even. Just thought I’d let Lil Davy know what’s coming down the pike for him – there’s more shrinking in the world of Scientology than just the membership rolls..
Gee, I’m not that good with math, Ammo Alamo. Does that mean David Miscavige at 71-years-old with be 3-foot-2-inches?
Heaven’s Gate?
Yeah Ammo was talking about Heavens Gate and they left two people behind in the belief that they would continue the cult in earth whilst the others were on the other planet. That is why you can still find their website, apparently they still pay their website fees