Here is an email forwarded to me from the VM’s in LA.
They are pitching to get “supplies” for the disaster, but attach a photo showing a cluster of VM’s loading (or unloading) stuff… They are not 6 feet apart. They are not even 2 feet apart.
Are they really meaning to advertise they are not maintaining the mandated social distancing? Is this an old photo because they actually dont have anything to take shots of? What is going on here?
And I note, they are pushing scientologyTV “It’s Time to Rediscover the Human Soul” which no doubt expounds on Hubbard’s theories that ONLY the soul can heal the body. It’s a timely message to remind everyone that “MEST” considerations really are not important. Just don’t commit overts that cause you to be PTS and no harm can come of you.
And I note, they are pushing scientologyTV “It’s Time to Rediscover the Human Soul” which no doubt expounds on Hubbard’s theories that ONLY the soul can heal the body. It’s a timely message to remind everyone that “MEST” considerations really are not important. Just don’t commit overts that cause you to be PTS and no harm can come of you.
Kind of like this guy (Kenneth Copeland) who apparently did some Upper Indoc TRs to hone his Tone 40 commands — you gotta love his “Jesus is my blood brother”:
This is nuts. A fear-mongering evangelical preacher is telling people not to fear the virus, fear is a sin, and you're asking for the virus.#Covid19#Coronavirus
— Ex-Muslims of North America (@ExmuslimsOrg) April 7, 2020
Mr. Rinder,
Been cleaning off my ‘to watch’ list on imdb, and have been working on ‘Aftermath’ this week. I’m on S2 E12. Very sad it ends after S3!
If you want to know if a picture has been used anywhere online, use google image search. Save the picture to your hard drive, then upload it to
You can upload any picture and google will scour the web to see if it has been used online before. This one hasn’t. It only shows up w/ links to your blog. Doesn’t mean that it’s not a old stock photo, just that it hasn’t been used anywhere else on the web.
Scamology Social Darwinism is more like it.
I found the time, place, form, and event of that photo. November 14, 2017, in Miami, the VM sea org capo-ette paid the truck driver to let then off-load cases of bottled water and into their tent. After the photo shoot was done the capo-ette had the VMs take the tent away along with themselves. The truck driver was then left to finish loading the cases onto pallets for shipping to Puerto Rico.
Happy to help out.
Are the ones three feet behind their head immune?
Deep ocean divers looking for scientologists votes confront clams emotions and reactions.
Deep ocean divers keeping human emotions and reactions low survive. Clams are in need of air.
What you don’t see in the photo is the OTVIII standing off to the side using their SUPER-DOOPER SUPER POWERS to keep the naughty virus away from infecting the gits, I mean VM’s, unloading the truck.
Bzzt! Take that virus.
Zap! Haha, have at you evil virus.
My SUPER-DOOPER SUPER POWERS over MEST will never be defeated.
How many $ci-ist does it take to make it look like they’re doing something for others?
At least 3. 2 to look like they’re busy and 1 to take pictures.
If a $ci-ist isn’t wearing their yellow “look at me” shirt does that mean they have to take the picture?
I tip my cap to whichever SO member put together the “needs” list. It has nothing to do with Covid 19, it’s all stuff the SO people need. That way when they can’t hand it out they get to use it themselves.
Peacemaker, I googled Hollywood Red Center” and only came up with a Hollywood Recreation Center in Las Vegas. That’s nowhere near a large(ish) group of scientologists. Actually, NO place can be since there just aren’t too many clams left in davey’s tiny little cult. Come to think of it, there are probably more people reading this page than are “in” scn, or what’s left of it.
Well, back to catching up on the Doctor Who episodes I’ve got recorded.
Jere. Off topic. The first series of doc Who were the best.
Which first series, the original William Hartnell run or the later (much later) restart with Christopher Eccleston? Me, I’ve always enjoyed the Tom Baker years. My first time watching Doctor Who was the six part “The Web Planet” in 1965 when I was eight years old.
Kronomex. The same for me are Tom Baker series that went I think from mid 70s to begin 80s. Other series and other doctors are OK too but somehow (maybe because I was still a kid) Tom’s character was unique.
Why aren’t they donating Dianazene? I know i could use some. *rolls eyes*
The book of Leviticus in the Bible is filled with rules for hygiene and staying clean for the Israelite. Lots of actual protective measures for illness. Not sure what that man actually said to do or not do outside of this clip and I am not concerned enough to go find out.
I think you may be being unfair to these slaves for two reasons. First off, many of them were born into the Sea Whorg and they was never much schooled in Spelling or Mickamackix. Number two, they are not doing this of their own free will. They are slaves, So they do what they are told to do.
So, just because you and I may have no problem differentiating between 2 and 6, that don’t mean these poor slaves can do it. After all, Advanced Calculus and Differentiation are far beyond their means. So, how can you fault them when their hearts are in the right place. Aren’t they?
These slaves are just trying to please the Dear Leader. When he tells them to put on a show for people about how loving and caring they are (Much Love! Much Love! Oh, so Much Love!), how can it be wrong for them to do this? Even if they are willing to expose themselves to so much death and destruction just to please their Dear Leader?
How many people are there who are willing to die for the joy of helping others? Expectfully Dear Leader? Not so many, I betcha!
I bet that if you asked one of them to tell you what means “social distancing”, they would tell you it means whatever dear leader says it means. So, you see, they are not dumbells. They know what is right and what is not.
You must remember that for many of these slaves, their brains are just not so big like the brain of their dear leader. So, it’s only right for them to let him to do all their thinking for them? Isn’t it? Surely that must be right!
Just remember this: One brain. One leader. One clear nation under one clear leader. How can it ever be better than that?
Just remember. The only pople who are facing any danger here are these good doers. Know what I’m saying?
not-Skyler said, in part:”…One clear nation under one clear leader. How can it ever be better than that?”
One nation CLEAR of that sort of insanity. Dwarfenführer is not someone to aspire to be like or to follow blindly; He’s exactly what we want to eliminate. There are too many sociopathic would-be dictators in the world already. I’ve already worked for a couple. Not again.
Their strategy will certainly stop the virus.
There is no food on their list because once everyone starves to death, that will be the end of the virus.
I notice that on their list of essentials are, toothpaste and deodorant. They don,t seem to worry that either are flavoured or perfumed. Hypocritical?
Bill Straas gave us:
“There is no food on their list because once everyone starves to death, that will be the end of the virus.
True, if a bit harsh. In that, it’s like Tubby’s “Utopian” Clear planet: One dictator, him, and everyone following his arbitrary and capricious dictates-of-the-hour.
I did actually remember what the cult says MEST means but I have a different view. Massive Egregious Scientology (Clap)Trap
(Hey, I’ve been inside for weeks and the chemo may just be getting to me. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.)
You are not alone Peggy. I fear that I am also going somewhat off the rails as well.
Sorry to hear that Skyler. 🙁 All we can do is just hang in there and believe tomorrow will be a better day.
Peggy L, you’re going to be just fine! Peace & Blessings to you!
Thanks OSD. You are a sweetie pie.
My pleasure, dear!
Mother Nature does not give a damn about blind faith that pokes out the eyes of reason. My church, Self Realization Fellowship, the little church next to Big Blue, luckily instigated online church services just before this thing happened. They closed down all of the churches and public grounds and we have world wide Sunday services online. Now we are energetically connected to thousands across the globe while listening to church services.
We have also been instructed to follow all government guidelines.
There is a vast chasm between some spiritual and religious paths and others.
Faith based only paths can poke out the eyes of reason. But when direct perception is the high bar of truth, ones independence is kept safe and functioning.
I actually never have to go to church. My church friends still know I am on the path.
When the whole universe and all life in it becomes the Temple; where do I have to go to find truth?
Faith only is an obvious danger as this below pastor has discovered. Reason and faith should not be enemies. They should be lovers.
I hope that’s an old picture. Or the police need to revisit them. Lol. Good people but deluded
Either way — utterly oblivious
It would be good to leak this picture and article to the police and then they’d get fined for not practicing social distancing.
Hello Councilman Bunker & Chief Slaughter…..I have a photograph you should see….
“It would be good to leak this picture and article to the police and then they’d get fined for not practicing social distancing.”
but, But, BUT they’re a “religion”! you can’t prevent them from exercising their first Amendment rights to be “Darwin-award” stupid.
I call B.S. They would be unloading toilet paper.
Holy Xenu and Mother Hubbard. Toilet Paper is not on the list?
I thought they were trained to LISTEN.
People have been hoarding Toilet Paper since the whole lock down began.
They are so used to not having any, they assume others don’t need it.
Scientology – always giving help that is not needed like passing out the Way to Happiness Booklet when hundreds of thousands of people have lost their homes to a disaster. Or a Woldwide Pandemic threat to wipe out mankind hits the planet.
“Each donation will be fully decontaminated with Decon7 before being packaged up and delivered to those who need it.”
Are they completely nuts? If they are using the D7-1/D7-2 mixture, that is some nasty stuff intended for nonporous surfaces only and is supposed to be washed off after sitting for an hour. Even if they’re only using the D7-1 part, it’s still for nonporous surfaces and should be wiped off after an hour.
If someone handles stuff that’s been sprayed and rubs their eyes, it can cause serious problems. And I’ll bet the don’t even tell the people who get the stuff what it’s been sprayed with.
If anyones in the area, they should contact the local department of enviromental health and have them check out what these bozos are doing.
Mike this is an old photo (I hope!) they have no mask neighter gloves!
A bunch of confused morons.
Today I wanted to refrain from making comments. But it is not possible. Too much hypocrisy.
It is obvious that everything they do serves to show the ‘wogs’ that they also do social activities. And then everything is made to be used at events. Hypocrites.
I know people who REALLY help others without wanting anything in return or anonymously. People who really help those who are worse off than they are. People active in the community always, not only when there is PR to do.
People who do not see poor and homeless as DB (degraded beings). These VMs arrive on site and start filming and taking photos and after a while you don’t see them anymore.
Useful as a kick in the teeth.
scientologists are scripturally forbidden from helping the less-fortunate, those @#$% low-life unable DBs. When they can cough up the BUCKS , maybe scientology will make a half-hearted attempt to “help” them with their hypnotic techniques. Not until then.
Jere. Right. Scn is for the able to make him more able (but he needs to have money to avoid this changr). The others will stay in the limbo of DBs and PTS.
Sorry. To allow this change/improvement.
I’m still grappling with the brainwashing I received regarding homeless people. I still feel contempt when I know it’s wrong. That, and homosexuals being evil, are the two most-troublesome attitudes I’ve had to deal with. I’m surprised I’m still somewhat affected by them. I got out in 2013. I was born into it and spent two-thirds of my life as a Scientologist, so it’s strong.
Imaberrated. I really got that. It is vicious what they are se to implant.
One of my oldest and best friend is a gay, and he’s one of the most nice people you can ever meet. Another one is an SP declare. Dangerous like a sleepy koala. All people that I grew up togheter. And I chose them.
My overall view is just simply as this:
We are ALL essentially life. Life has no opposites neighter sides. Is just life. The way we look at it and the significance we give is the only thing that make a real difference.
Ps. Scientology has no answers to life. To understand and “handle” life, one need to accept it as it is in first place. They don’t. They judge. They are not going along with Life.
More confusion from Scientology. Calling the thetan a “soul” is really pushing definitions. As a former Catholic, I know that the soul was defined by Saint Thomas Aquinas. The soul technically was created by God and returns to heaven or hell. Davey, read the “Summa Theological”. It is only thousands of pages in Latin. Now I know that Scientology is totally messed up beyond belief.
Davey, you could have done a much better job with Scientology by following Hubbard’s anti-Christ bulletin. I heard a tape by a guy in England – I do not remember his name. He did a great job tying the anti-Christ idea into human and universe evolution. Don’t look at the anti-Christ as a person. Just look at the CHOICE.
Copeland bought stuff from my company in the 70s. Bless his org, they paid their bills. But he has always lived high on the hog from the donations he wheedles out of others. He uses fear, promises that are not his to make, and the gamut of Elmer Gantry tricks to make millions of dollars. If he has not needs to “work” to put food on the table I would be incredibly surprised. So why is the old prune still on the tube and doing the same old same old at his age? Power, control, narcissism – those are the only things I can think of to keep him talking his non-stop money-grab. Shades of L Ron Hubbard!
What are “local food shelters,” and is the VM list really what’s needed, since it has no food on it? That list looks like a version of their standard disaster one, which is not even appropriate for natural disasters anyway, and it doesn’t seem to match at all what I find LA area organizations actually asking for:
And what is the “Hollywood Red Center”? Have they just, in more typical error-filled writing, gotten Red Cross wrong – or is it one of their deliberate attempts to mislead and associate themselves with reputable organizations that actually have nothing to do with them? Except the real Red Cross doesn’t even ask for donations of supplies, the way they work is to ask for donations so that they can run their own finely-tuned and efficent supply and disaster relief system, rather than deal with boxes of cast-off canned food and whatnot.
It definitely looks like the Vulture ministers are trying to exploit a crises, doing nothing actually useful or helpful, and either haplessly mis-understanding the situation or dishonestly mis-representing it.
Also, the vague language of “definitely in the midst of a disaster” smacks to me of Scientology’s approach of not mentioning coronavirus or COVID-19, as if there’s not really a virus or a true health crisis, and maybe it’s all just engrams and psych conspiracies.