What the Freewinds has been reduced to…
Hawking virtual seminars with AMAZING (all caps) “new speakers”. Though there is not a single new speaker among them?
And of course, they are all offering “business” expansion seminars — they disguise their “learn how to make money” pitches as “expansion.” Some talk about “prosperity” and one even explains that you can become the “Master of All Universes.”
Everything these guys is selling is designed to make it possible for you to pay for scientology. It’s expensive. Especially when you get to the highest levels. People need hundreds of thousands of dollars to make it. You don’t get charity from scientology, you have to pay every step of the way. This is a barrier for most people, so they have to try to teach them how to make enough money to afford scientology.
But hey, if you think about it, you don’t need any of this. Just attend Emmett Osborn’s replay webinar and you will become the master of all universes and will no longer need any scientology to try to achieve this state on the OT levels.
You can do it all on your laptop for free…
Kelly Preston Death
I was very saddened to hear the news of Kelly Preston.
There is a lot to cover on this, and Leah and I will be talking about it.
But in the interim, this earlier posting is very relevant: L. Ron Hubbard on Cancer
Scientology is basically a pyramid scheme, where instead of AmWay cheap cleaning products, you end up with a bucket full of Hubbard’s books. Membership scheme where you get 10% cut and the promise of healing your own body, that not even the master could attain.
All 8 OT Levels were publicly released in 2013. Copies went to Gov’t officials in no less than 40 countries, every major media outlet worldwide and many prominent universities. In addition, over 100,000 copies are in the hands of Independent Scientologists and other interested parties. Any SCN Class 9 or higher can deliver the entire SCN Bridge at 1/10th of the cost the CO$ wants to wring out of them.
L. Ron Hubbard stated that CLEARs are at risk and should move up to OT III ASAP. But Miscavige isn’t having any of it … having barricaded the upper bridge with “Added Time” and “Unnecessary/Unaffordable Costs”. A 1979 LRH Solo Auditor Course A & B was 17 pages; the latest GAT I bloatware checksheet …. 120 pages … for only “A” (Unnecessary Added Time). “Golden Age of horseshit” retrains for the umpteenth time (Added Time/Unnecessary Costs); 6-figure sec-check hamster wheels to NOWHERE (Unnecessary/Unaffordable Costs). Forced participation in Miscaviges Donation scams … (Unnecessary/Unaffordable Costs).
Primarily for this reason, most CLEARs give up on the CO$ OT levels and end up doing them in the Independent Scientology field, causing severe client hemorrhaging of the Scientology Advanced Organizations … which has already been taking place over the last number of years. At the end of the 2020s, those AOs will dry up completely, chocking off Miscaviges FSO cash-cow in the same fell swoop.
Game over … just a matter now of opening up that bag of popcorn and watching the Dominoes fall.
And Miscavige knows it.
Desperate, desperate, desperate to hold onto their “public”.
This won’t work.
But then, the cult has to do SOMETHING – anything, really – because, per Hubbard, “The Wrong Thing To Do Is Nothing”.
Fact is, sometimes, doing nothing is the best strategy.
But that only works when you’re ethical.
When people WANT to get back in communication with you, when circumstances are keeping them away and they truly miss you, then, NOT inundating them with phone calls, letters and emails work very effectively to create in them a desire to reach out TO YOU. Brief, friendly and sincere reach outs are all that’s needed to reassure them that you’re still there, that YOU haven’t forgotten about THEM, lol!
Covid wouldn’t keep the Koolaid drinkers away from the cult, not really, if they truly wanted to BE in comm. But they don’t. And the cult knows that.
So the cult thrashes around trying this thing or that to keep them in the fold.
None of it will work if the cultees don’t really want to be there anymore.
“You can do it all on your laptop for free…”
NOT! Nothing offered by scn or scns is FREE; you will pay dearly for it, somehow, sometime.
Begging. They’re begging. When the cult blasts out, “Its FREE!”, they are begging. Desperate times.
“Master of the Universe…Smash the Mest Universe…”
Appealing to the Sheeples’ susceptibility to magical thinking.
Oh, holy shit Emmett! Become the master of all universes?! I was setting my goal low in only becoming master of this universe. Damn it Emmett, you’ve been holding out on us until now.
Screw clearing the planet. That is for losers. We are gonna be the singular Master of all universes. Oh wait, if you are already the master, and you are gonna teach me to be the master, is this like a term thing? Is there an electorate or rotating council or something? Is this like the drum circle passing the baton? Let’s just do these courses for free, you know, as the Master of All Universes and all.
Here’s the cult using Kelly Presten’s death to drum up more money. Sickening in so, so many ways. On the plus side it demonstrates who these folks really are.
It is with a lot of emotion that I write to you as yesterday we lost one of our biggest unsung heroes of this planet and also for Hawaii, a true friend, my cousin and Hawaiian, Kelly Preston.
To us she was NOT an ordinary being by any means. In fact, she was just pure theta and magical. She operated in the aesthetic band, but her care and her affinity level was so high that we would watch her smile melt titanium. When she took on the Hawaii Ideal Org with us everything took off and honestly we would not have a building today if it wasn’t for her. Her passion was infectious. Her intention blazing.
Kelly has helped the people of the Islands in so many ways and we are eternally grateful and humbled to have had the honor to create with this true OT WARRIOR that lit up a room just by walking in. She loves Hawaii and its people to the core. This is her Ohana (family) and she will forever be in our hearts and minds.
But something else happened yesterday, we banded together as a USA team and started pulling in major waves for the place she loved so much. Her intention… it’s still blazing. She is with us in spirit.
In honor of Kelly this week, we are going to do what she wanted – major progress towards putting an Ideal Org in Hawaii. A lot of people and friends who loved her are already on board from Hawaii, California, Miami, Atlanta, Clearwater, etc. We are asking you too to join us with a gift in honor of our true OT warrior and best friend of the islands. Let’s make her dream come true for the people of Hawaii whom she loved so much.
To the beautiful Kelly Preston – Imua Pau!!!!! (charge ahead fearlessly)
Myron and Sakura Thompson
OT Committee Chair & Co-Chair Hawaii 💕💕💕💥💥💥💕💕💕
Click to Donate
Sickening Glenn. Someone should back hand them until they decide to stop being ghouls.
Going to take a lot more than back handing the ghouls to make em stop. I think it is going to be a long road in the end. As more sheeple are either bankrupt or leave the flock will dwindle down to just a few and then they’ll wind up in the same condition.
Knew one member who gave all their savings to the cult and even remortgaged their home so they could give more. Soon after lost their job and the bank foreclosed and evicted them from the house. Had only a car left and had to move into it. Truly pathetic but maybe that’s what it takes for some folks to wake up.
This is sick .
What they are basically saying is that they could not get their stats up and could not come up with a solution until they were given a martyr. Now, by rallying around their martyr they have a new justification for ripping people off.
They are not sorry that she died. They are celebrating her death. If they can use her death to get their stats up she will have saved them.
The Affluence Attainment Formula talks about “Doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet. (LRH)
So, in the future more people will die to get the stats up. I know I came close to death a number of times to get the stats up.
And if you find someone not willing to die to get the stats up, you are justified as the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics in killing them.
They will thank you in the next life for helping them get the stats up. After all, a Real Ideal Org is one where the staff are all dead.
They wanted myself also to be a martyr for the cause.
Over 18 years ago now I was sent off the Freewinds to die of AIDS. The Captain told my then wife in his office on Bridge Deck that I was going to die and that no-one ( including Scn) could do anything for me. He then held her against her will while they waited hopefully for me to die; thinking that once I was dead she would change her mind about wanting to leave. She was calling me daily begging me to get her out of there as she was taking abuse for wanting to be with her dying husband. Supposedly 6 doctors also told my wife that I was going to die.
They were right, but only because they had to be right. They took away my medical doctor ( Dr Denk) and sent me to a chiro ( though a very good chiro).
It was only their unjustified fear of the FBI that made them release her before I was dead. She got me to a real
Bill you really made me laugh. I don’t think someone important and known would sacrifice himself just for a few weeks of stat pushing.
But these bunch of locusts don’t left anything behind. Who knows? Maybe an “extinction course” would come out.
In honor of Kelly this week, I am going to watch her three minutes in Jerry Maguire , yelling at Tom Cruise, the highlight of her acting career. I still can’t figure out how she was bypassed so many times for roles in favor of Meryl Streep!
Damn. To say that it is inappropriate and out of place is very little. Exploiting a tragedy to encourage others to contribute is truly mean and sick.
Off topic. This is a joke of dry humor. It is based on a true story regarding Roman Emperor Caligula.
COB is holding the usual long meeting where there are people sitting around a long table and many others standing. Nobody of course dares to ask questions. Everyone nods in full approval.
Suddenly DM freezes and after a few seconds he starts laughing and almost ends up falling. Everyone in the room doesn’t know what to do and after a while they look at each other and start laughing too. DM that point begins to laugh even more in a convulsive way.
At that point an exec, without stopping laughing, ask him what makes him laugh so much.
He replied in tears: “with a snap of my fingers in a second I could send you all on the RPF or declare you suppressives”.
Why be “Master of All Universes.” when you can be Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Master of your Domain’?
LOL @ “all caps”.
They’re all-caps obsessed. Apparently they believe using all caps for certain words will really drive the point home and make people believe their insanity.
I wonder if they ever get tired of the same ol, same ol…BS! I get tired reading their ads. their hype is so over the top they have no words left to make it ever MORE superlative! LOL It’s the uniquest of the unique. Duh.
O/T. “Highly Commended” Scientology Field Staff Member Nation of Islam Sister Renata Muhammad again promotes the anti-Semitic book series “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.”
ESMB Redux post:
Guess this positively proves that there were no Freewinds Maiden Voyage series of events on the Freewinds this year.
Very bad news for the crew. The only time they ever had a full set of paying customers was in the last weeks of June every year. If it is not just postponed, but cancelled, there is little justification for keeping the old rust-bucket afloat. How will it even get fuel to keep the generators turning over?
No electricity, no internet seminars.
“Help, Mr. Wizard!”
“Drizzle, drazzle drozzle drome. Time for this one to come home”.
Int Management (Captain David Miscavige) will bail them out. That was done before in the 90ies when the Freewinds couldn’t handle its debts anymore. The crew members had to fill out a questionnaire about it after that, and what they thought about it.
It’s too bad PR when they can’t pay the bills and endangering the operation. Dave won’t allow that to happen with the Ship. But I’m sure he is using the situation to punish the crew and the Execs, despite that that the “planetary bullbait” * is to blame for it. The Bilges must be be very clean these days.
* Excerpts:
“Scientology leader David Miscavige calls the pandemic ‘planetary bullbait’ in epic briefing”
The wizard tried walking across the street. He failed. So, yes, let it Drizzle, drazzle, drozzle & drome.
How in the hell does Scientology claim to be a religion with nothing but cheap make money scams? When I was on the Freewinds in 1988, it became very clear after the OT VIII disaster that Scientology was a failure.
Scientology could only survive if the internet did not exist. Hubbard could keep all his BS in locked up containers and keep everyone in mystery. Well, I found out his mysteries. Just look a the history of King Solomon and his battle with demons and entities. There you have OT VII. Go back to Zoroaster and you have OT VIII and the conquest of universes. Go back to psychology at Oxford in England and you have the entire essence of Scientology’s exteriorization theories. Sorry Dave but Scientology is really based on “psych” data. Live with it but get out of Scientology.
Hi George, Spot on as always. I’m also a fan of your video about the subject.
Thanks, Kahn.
Ronnie Miscavige and I are working out some new data.
Guess you mean Ron Sr., don’t you? We used to call Ron Miscavige Jr “Ronnie”. Haven’t heard from Ronnie at all since we were prisoners together at the Maintenance Man’s House. What a long strange trip it’s been.
They can call it a religion, the Prosperity Gospel guys and “touch the TV screen to be blessed” folks all get a pass unless they go too far like Tammy Faye Baker. Malachi 3:8.
Sacrificing to idols to get rich is as old as humanity.
What makes it really strange to me is they are heavily pushing what Hubbard used to call “other-answer”. Some way to prosperity and power that is not “go up both sides of the Bridge”.
A true Hubbard believer would be very suspicious of somebody claiming to know “how to make your postulates stick” or “succeed at life” other than reading a Hubbard book or doing a course.
I guess they are honestly admitting that the Bridge is out, the best you can get is to “find out who you are not”. No sign of OT levels above VIII. So many have done “all of Scientology” and still end up sick, sad and busted.
So all they have to sell is imitation flim-flam. No more of the industrial-strength Hubbard stuff, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course etc.
Well, what else is new.
Ronnie senior is my buddy. He was in the Marines and I was in the Army but I don’t hold it against him.
I agree with your post. I was very lucky to get out thirty two years ago. Somehow I saw that it was the end of Scientology. But for me it all revolved around one minor point. When I was in the Army in Asia, I took over thirty days leave to visit Buddhist temples and monks. When Hubbard aligned Scientology with original Buddhism, I started to seriously doubt his entire word. I remember having conversations with the monks in Thailand at the Temples. My questions were answered. Hubbard was treading on ground that I had understood. He made a fool out of himself and I got it.
Hey George – Can you post the link to your “Chief Universe Information Officer” video? I’d like to post it on another scn blog if it’s okay with you. Thanks 😇
You can post it I will send the link.
OMG!!! There’s something on my screen. And it’s glowing!!! Holy fucking shit! We’re doomed!!! Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun…
Richard!!! Come and get your glowing orb!!! I’m afraid!!!
Yes Mike that post is very relevant.
It is always sad find that someone died because of cancer. I am really sorry.
I knew a person for example that was found with a cancer in his head.
But he didn’t went to the doctors. He was probably still in time. Instead he decided to buy auditing, do assists, take tons of vitamins and after he died anyway.
Scn it’s harmful at 360 spherical degrees.
Free winds are captured in a cult or do they blow freely?
One of those George Orwell-isms. “War is peace”, “Freedom is slavery”, “Ignorance is strength”, “We have always been at war with Eastasia”.
The only wind that blows freely on the Freewinds is the wind you break after your repast of rice and beans.
Oh! They blow freely.
They dare to come up again with this crap about postulates. Nobody has ever and never being capable to teach anything about it.
It is all reduced to mind bubbles. I have seem a lot of people having no understanding about and thinking that was about wishing hard. Then the guy has an experience and believe that his postulate worked.
But is not more capable to repeat it.
Postulate comes from Latin and means to ‘ask for, demand’.
In philosophy or in logic is an assumpion that something is correct but without demonstrate it in order to arrive to the logical conclusion that something else that was said is correct and would make sense.
In other words all entire Scn is just a postulate (it just needs one to agree)
I was on OT6 with Emmett and one thing he regularly said has since stuck in my craw. “I’m a Standard Tech Nazi!” he would loudly proclaim. I imagine the emphasis was on the standard tech part rather than the Nazi part. But how can he reconcile his rigid rejection of anything non-standard to LRH with what he is seeing now? Can a man be such a hypocrite? The alternative is that he is so unconscious and unaware to alterations to the tech that it suggests OT levels really have no benefits whatsoever – which is what I ultimately decided after two years ‘on the level’.
Dr. Mac, that’s the zillion dollar question. We can all speculate as to the reasons why people like Emmitt are still active in the game. But only directly questioning him could we ever find out for sure what his think is on this.
I guess old time scientologists are so used to unquestionably accepting anything from the top that they just have to figure , “COB, the most brilliant of brilliant men, knows what he’s doing” and as it’s “above his pay grade” (though one would suppose that an OT8 would be an independent thinker, except we know that’s not the case), people like Emmitt feel they are doing well in life and don’t feel there’s an upside to rocking their spiritual boat.