Here is a bit of the most recent Flag OT Committee newsletter, inaptly named “The OT Force.”
This is some seriously unimpressive stuff.
Their report on the “2015 International OT Convention” is a good measure of the apathy that has set into the shrinking world of scientology.
At BEST they claim 287 of the world’s “top OT’s” arrived at Flag for LRH’s Birthday and the Convention. But judging by the photos there were really only about 100 people at the “convention” — the rest I supposed just happened to be around.
Even if 287 were true, it is really a VERY poor show. Remember, they just announced there are now 7000 “on or through OT 7” (the “top OT’s”?) and Freedom Magazine proclaims there are 12,000 scientologists in the local community…
Pick either 7000 or 12000 and 287 is a tiny percentage who showed up. Right around the 2 1/2% mark…
But the best news is at the end — the “conventioneers” got a “fabulous” new booklet. I am sure that went a long way to overcoming the dread they felt as the regges lined up blocking the exits from the “convention.”
so obviously miscavige must know and others notice that things are shrinking.
the cracks have to start to becoming visible from the inside.
there is a point when things decline so much that the decline accelerates exponentially. they may well be right around that point.
it’s hard to envision how this fall is going to unfold. at what point does the group get so small that the remaining members start to say “this can’t be right” and they leave.
can they keep a facade going with a thousand members such so those thousand members can still believe they are expanding? can they do it with 500 or 100? at what number does it become impossible to hide the shrinkage and to enforce compliance?
personally i can’t come up a good guesstimate but there is going to be a number, whatever it is. but when it gets so small that DM can’t reliably count on internal enforcement, that’s when things will really hit high gear. when people inside are talking more openly and there are less people wanting to report them, it’s goodbye jack. he just might start feeling he has to flee for his safety just from those still inside at that time.
Whitestar, I think the new method of operation will be to indoctrinate the staff into being “sweet”. They will of course carry that to the absurd.
‘The audience twinned up and drilled gaining accessibility to parishioners in the field using the LRH lecture on that subject.’
Gaining accessibility must be the eufemism for showing up at night at someone’s home.
🙂 Undoubtedly.
I am new to these posts and would like to get the information out that I have filed Small Claims Court proceedings against the Church of Scientology Arizona aka Church of Scientology Phoenix for the return of unused money.
Please excuse me for being off-topic. I just do not know how to get the information out into public discussion/awareness. Although I am a “little fish in the pond”, I feel it important to contribute.
Case # CC2015-087583 Arcadia Biltmore Justice Court
filed 5/18/2015
Complaint served May 28, 2015 to Virginia Leason, Director of Special Affairs-Legal Dept.
Church of Scientology Of Arizona 3875 N. 44th Street, Phoenix.
This can be seen on the Maricopa County Justice Court website. The Defendant has 20 days from time of service to respond.
I wonder how many other “little fish” have also filed in small claims or have wanted to? Even if I lose, I win.
Even if you lose you win. Those are great odds! and there are a lot of people who share that win with you!
Nice work Ann. We should all file a similar claim. It may not be the full amount but it is another dent in the skin of the cult!
Good Luck. I once took a landlord to Small Claims Court, a very long time ago.
Small Claims cases are usually short with about 15 – 30 mins per side.
The Judge will ask questions and will expect honest responses.
Go in with the documentation that states how you have requested the amount return and what treatment you received.
IF you win (and I hope you do) you will have to give the other side about 2 weeks to pay, or file an appeal. Small Claims courts are dependent on state laws.
I actually had to file a lien against the land lord as he didn’t pay and he file an appeal.
The money came in very fast after that.
Thanks for the advise, Eclipse-girl. The documentation which states how I requested the unused money be returned is via email and quite simple. The treatment I received was to be sent a Claims Verification Routing Form and later a letter stating I had executed an agreement and the Church was not obligated to repay me. Note that I was requesting a return of unused money…not a repayment. I never paid for anything…duh!
The real laugh is the reaction I get from simply stating:
“Scientology is a religion. I am not interested in the religious beliefs of The Church of Scientology”.
Honest to gawd, it is sooo funny! You all ought to try that. Scientologists just go blank. They don’t believe it is a religion! Politely shove it in their face. No engagement. Simply make that statement and watch the reaction. LOL!
Isn’t there documentation either from Hubbard of the 1993 agreement with the IRS (or maybe both) about refunds? I would also have that documentation in hand.
Good luck.
I’ve often seen that LRH quote about solving Scientology’s problems with more Scientology. And in the bubble I suppose it makes a certain sense. The ol’ man came up with all the answers, we just have to follow them! But outside it’s circular logic that prohibits asking very important questions and inspiring outside-the-box thinking to find the answers. A turnout of 287 is pathetic. And those people that show get a hefty dose of “LRH references”. Don’t any of them think that maybe, just maybe, that some of that vaunted LRH data got them in this mess in the first place (fair game, disconnection, regging and hard selling)? And their idea of solving the low turnout is to do MORE of this stuff? Oh, and it’s so nice the few attendees are hatted on getting new people on the bridge. Maybe the more pertinent issue is getting more OTs to show up to the OT convention? It’s that lack of introspection and abandonment of critical thinking that makes me shake my head. I’m just glad that bubble keeps getting smaller.
edge, “Solving it with scientology” is like saying, “Put the fire out with gasoline.” 🙂
It’s great to hear news from inside the OT Farce. Oh, everything is so calculated, right down to the summary pimp sheet. Take the photo on the upper right, in the flyer only so that the Flaggots can say, “No, no, we’re not all lily-white people! See! There’s a black OT!” From the rest of the photos, it looks like he’s the only one who attended. But, hey, this keeps the NOI quiet, and it saves us from yet another photo of Aunt Jemima Pat Harney, which is who they usually turn to for this routine.
Clive Rabies and a booklet full of LRH quotes…that’s too sadistic even for Christian Gray’s arsenal. Poor, poor OTs. Well, you paid to get in, you’re going to pay to get out, and this is the way you pay while you’re still in the room, I guess.
All in all, this one was too good to put into Thursday Funnies. I’m glad it’s here on its own, where it can be sipped in small, discrete portions like a fine rancid wine. Keep it up, Flaggots. You’ve got an appreciative audience out here on the fringes of the Internet who are enjoying you contract into a black hole. Next stop for you, the International Event Horizon.
Thanks for the great news, Mike. Spectacular that 2.5 percent of OT 7’s showed up. The other 97.5 percent were probably bowling or working to pay off their huge debts or posting on anti Scn blogs. That’s a great stat.
“…were probably bowling or working to pay off their huge debts or posting on anti Scn blogs.” Or sticking knitting needles in their ears rather listen to one of those OT Committee seminars or drilling in order to get their “abilities” (to do what?) enhanced.
ROFL!!! “OT forces!” ROFL! Who do these fucking insane crooks think they are, fucking Yada? LOL! Good bloody gods that’s funny. 🙂
Say…Sandra has a point about stock photos…
The outdoor group photograph seems to be made up of people not apparent in the other shots. I don’t see a heavy presence of sky-blue shirts or the black and green blouse woman.
Maybe it’s just me.
Nope! It’s not you, James. It’s just another bait and switch. I hear they’re really, really good at it…
Real Clearwater public survey circa 2008,
4 out of 5 HATE Scientology whenever it’s mentioned.
Change “OT Force” to “Odor of the Golden Thong”.
or methane rising over Hemet.
“LRH references were pass out followed by hands-on drilling which was great fun and enhanced the ability of the group members.”
Their definitional of ‘fun’ and mine don’t line up.
Now it is really official, the OT Committees are a new sales team in the pyramid scheme. $cientology has totally become the Amway of self-help groups. Where are the useful but over priced cleaning products? I suppose BT scraping is a ‘cleaning’ product.
You can still buy fly paper or fly catchers coated with sticky stuff that attracts flys and glues them to the flypaper. If I attach an AA battery to one, can I call it a ‘body thetan catcher’? Sure, and for $20 more, I’ll attach a 9-volt batter for those hard to attract BTs. Just the thing to go with my Veg-a-matic collection.
Hi Zemooo, Oh yes the hands on drilling for Ron & less I forget on $11.00 a week the stupendous Xmas & birthday gifts ASHO Day & Fdn sent like clock work! David Miscavige you don’t know what you missed.Love your posts.XO Ann B.
” Their definition of ‘fun’ and mine don’t line up.”
Amen to that Zemooo
Kinda like it sure is fun to stick slivers under your fingernails! Sure is fun to disconnect from loser parents and tell them how despicable they are.
Yo Haley,
I can understand how you could decide I was just a loser SP Dad. But how do you deal with bailing out on your Mom? She is not even declared nor has she said one thing negative about your cult. And she divorced me to remain in contact with both you kids. I think you had better take a good long look at your actions girl. You are in full retard mode!
Such a lovely thing to start every day off with the gift of laughter! As usual the high-tone announcements from Flag plus Mike’s formidable sense of humor offer a banquet of pleasures for today’s suppressive apostate. This blog site is a veritable sea of fertility for stand-up comedy and tiny details like how everybody standing behind the banner is JUBILANT as if the guy taking the picture is saying, “Okay everybody let’s show those suppressives that we’re WINNING!” little details like that contain the outline for an entire screenplay about the last dying days of a criminal religious-indoctrination machine. I think a new Hollywood film genre is about to be born just like the genre of Vietnam war films was born after the war. And the word, “Scientology” will actually be used, not something that sorta sounds like it. There will be Oscars for Jennifer Lawrence for playing Paulette Cooper (why not?) and perhaps even for Peter Dinklage when he plays David Miscavige. (My desire to see Ron Hubbard played by an inflatable companion would be cheating an actor out of a juicy role and will probably go unfulfilled)
Hi Roger, Love your post,love you.XO Ann B
Thank you for the love Ann. My post and I love you back.
Jennifer Lawrence as Paulette Cooper! I was thinking Scarlett Johannson but Lawrence would also be terrific.
And can you imagine how Bridget Fonda, or, OMG, even further back, Jane Fonda, could have kicked ass in that role? I get chills just thinking about it.
Personally I prefer David Miscavage be played by Verne Troyer.
LoL. Tom Cruise’s Mini-Me
Being a bit of a Trekkie, I always picture Wallace Shawn or Robert Picardo.
Roger I enjoyed that 🙂
Looks like they’re not even bothering to photoshop their group photos any more. They really have given up.
Yea! However, they need to ‘give up’ a whole lot more…
Graham, they can´t photoshop anymore, cause nobody will be on the picture and they´ll just end up with a picture of an empty room.
Scientology is clearly dying as a movement. In the near future it may be safe to call them functionally extinct in the wild. But a few people, like the handicapped gentleman from yesterday’s post, are still being scammed out of a more secure and safe future. And DLHDM still walks in the sunshine and fresh air of freedom, abusing his diminishing cohort of slaves. It’s time for the U.S. government to kick open the door so hard that the whole rotten structure falls down.
The U.S. Government or the Church of Scientology?
Good one RolandRB. Which one is more corrupt would be impossible to discern.
It’s kinda sad. All those books and lectures by LRH and they have to pretend to be excited by a “convention” on the same old topic they always get: how to boost your ability to build ideal orgs . A few workshops by the same old speakers on the same old Subjects, a photo and a new sales booklet. Whohoo!
I wouldn’t be surprised if these are stock photos that have been used before!
Expansion Awards. Do they look like hot air balloons on a stick?
How is it that Scientology is so utterly incapable of solving their own myriads of problems using LRH´s infallible “tech”? Don´t they believe in his “tech”? Aren´t they using his “tech”? Or, are they in fact using his “tech”, without it solving anything?
Oh, I forgot. With an SP at the helm, everything is going precisely as LRH predicted.
Birgit, next time you run into an El Con loving Oat Tea that bitches about DM, ask them why, as an Oat Tea, they have let a little NOT Oat Tea take over their precious Church and “ruin” all the tech? What use is there in being “Cause over life” and Cause over MEST if one cannot handle one teeny, tiny SP?
Mister John you are a wise man
Thanks for the compliment Gary. But, it is just from being so stupid long that I finally figured out that I was being stupid. 🙂
That is nothing short of brilliant.
Here is another question I have long wanted to put to a scientologist: Why do you think you can “lose your eternity” when it got you here to the present time, after many lifetimes that you believe go back billions of years. If your eternity got you here before scientology was invented, why do you think scientology can take it away from you?
Good one Alice. I actually asked a reg one time, “Why pounding to get me OT this second?” I’ll be here over and over again, right?” The look on her face was funny as hell. The logic circuits kicked in for a second before an overload of false scn data fried her brain fuses.
John, I was in for 17 years and truly believed every word I was told. After 17 years and $ 150,000 poorer …..and still not Clear mind you…..I met several Oat Tea´s in the cherch, who were clearly nothing but con men / women. They made me wake up and go CLEAR so fast, that I was shaking all over and I just knew, I had to get the Hell OUT of Dodge real quick!
This happened 3 years ago, and I´ve been going Clearer and Clearer ever since. My Clear Cognition was: I have become unbelievably stupid, gullible and naive after 17 years of Scientology indoctrination. This has got to stop NOW!!!
The cherch said, I wasn´t Clear. I was only a happy and healthy NED Completion, because I hadn´t come up with the standardized El Con cognition. But I KNEW I was Clear alright and that my Clear Cognition was what was TRUE for me.
It took me about two years to come to terms with having been defrauded and tricked and lied to for so many years. Today I hardly ever think about Scientology anymore. I am happy to notice that more and more of my Scientology friends are also waking up and dropping out…..most of them by being inactive and not showing up for events or supporting the cherch with money anymore.
So, as you can see, the chances of me running into some El Con loving Oat Tea´s is very slim. Thank God!
Birgit, we (and many like us) have similar time lines. I’m glad that you too finally found the real “Clear” state! 🙂
Let’s just look the thetan in the eye and face facts: Obviously the super-powered OTs would have been able to solve the world’s problems and clear everyone in the meantime, but do you remember the last time someone told you it was up to you to contribute to prevent all those calamities and you either didn’t contribute or didn’t come through with enough? That’s the real reason everything is so screwed up! Now you realize that it IS all your fault! Well, I hope you’re all happy!
Mike said: “Pick either 7000 or 12000 and 287 is a tiny percentage who showed up. Right around the 2 1/2% mark…”
I LOL’ed! 🙂
There’s about 2,600 exes speaking out now ( ).
Would that be approx. 2.5 % of the total number of Scientologists ever since the fifties? 😛
The Maidan Voyeurage should be an interesting spectacle this season. I wonder how the regging is going for that fine event. Teddy Braggin is likely already salivating over the prospect of finally getting his stats up. It will likely be attended by the same cast of perps as shown in the flyer!
Let the fleecing continue…………
Braggin salivating? More like drooling, the troll that he is. What a perv.
“Maiden Voyeurage”. Good one, Newcomer.
I am so glad they are failing. Slowly they are running out of people to whom they can give the shaft.
Yeah, but you see, Beryl, it’s a solid GOLD shaft! And, yes, it still goes in the same orifice, but…IT’S GOLD! How can you possibly pass that up?
Wowie Zowie! An Expansion Award! A new booklet!
Watch out planet earth, they are armed to the teeth with quotes! No one stands a chance! Lock your doors and don’t answer your phones! The mighty 250…… make that 200……. well err……112 are coming!!!
2 1/2% !? Did someone say “2 1/2%!!!” Sounds like david miscavige has finally weeded out all of the SP’s and those remaining are the 2 1/2 % good hats. Congratulations david miscavige!
Now we know where the TRUE SPs are hiding.
My exact first thought. too! 2/12 percent? Really?
Scientology concepts are all dichotomies. What the Tech and Admin. proclaim to be…it is the opposite. Most glaringly obvious is the Tone Scale. Invert it. That’s The Bridge.
I counted the people in the photo too… about 100 is correct. And, if you blow up the photo there are the usual uniformed girls standing at the exit. Probably there to open the door for you when you want to go??
Or, more likely, to stop you from opening the door when you want to go.
Or to knock you down if you look like you’re going to open the door without listening to them first.
Hi Reply, I know y’all are tired of these yrs ago stories but they do serve a point toward today. When operation Snow White was starting up I was told there would be a very special briefing @ Asho F & the whole org was to be shut down & any public that came for the SHSBC were to be kept out until they would be let back in & I was to guard the door.No I was not in hot pants but full SO uniform which was quite spectacular back in the day.Asho D & F still had a lot of bodies on course for a lot of stuff. So there I stood @ this locked blue door @ the loading dock facing off a crowd of public wanting to get into do their training & auditing. Well I stood there crossed my arms & said. “You will not pass me or this door” & no one dared try. That was the Kool Aid of the SO then & there were more than 50 people waiting to get in. That is why it is so hard for those still in to leave. The whales they are coddled & petted so they do not see the reality.I did & I am so happy to be on this blog.Bless you all XO Ann B.
The gentleman in the foreground of the upper right hand picture seems like he really does not desire to be in that kind of dissemination game, no matter how forced it may be on him by the church. YET…the so called “church” he is a member of FORCES this circumstance on him anyway. Do it or lose your eternity! Go with the flow or to the RPF with you! Is it any wonder why Scientology is the longest running FLOP on Broadway? And tickets the show are expensive! 🙂
The check each mark’s pockets to see if there is any money, credit cards, checks, anything at all that the sucker might have left, and only after the mark is completely looted do the crooks let her leave.
I don’t believe the 287 figure either. No way. A randomly chosen number that sounds good. Voila!
Everything is relative in Scientology. To You. This means that you can pick whatever number you want and it’s true. So easy. Weren’t we always told that Scientology is actually very simple?