This is the second installment of the account of a journey into and out of scientology — written by one of our long-term readers. I hope you enjoy her insights, humor and style.
Lili also provided a glossary of terms.
Note: She decided to use her married name, Lili Ryder henceforth. Also, this will be a regular Sunday feature until the story is fully told.
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland
This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure.
Part Two
Supervisors That Don’t Teach and Telling Strangers Their Breath Stinks
The Communication Course was quite diverting. It was supposed to take two weeks, at fifteen hours of Course Time per week. I had nothing on and no place to be, so I took four weeks. The Communication Course consisted of Drills that you did with another person. They call the other person your Twin or your Coach. There’s a Course Supervisor, who watches the students like a hawk, but get this, this Supervisor doesn’t teach, explain things, or Coach the students. We newbies would be paired up with someone and we’d take turns being the Coach for our Twin in an initial shit show of the blind leading the blind.
In the first Drill, I learned to sit with my eyes closed and not nod off. If you did, that was a flunk. The next Drill had me learning to look into someone’s eyes for minutes at a time and try to not just die inside. I thought of it as the eyeballs-to-eyeballs Drill. It was supposed to teach me to Confront.
The word Confront in Scientology has four definitions in their now mysteriously unavailable Scientology Lingo Dictionary. They don’t call it that, but that’s what it was. So as not to break your brain, I’ll spare you the conflicting, lingo-laden four definitions and just pick one sentence from the scrum of polluted thought, “Confront itself is a result and an end product.” Arggg.
The gist I got from it at the time was that we needed to learn to Confront evil, so we could protect ourselves from it. Therefore, we would be strong enough to launch ourselves into that rarefied place of higher enlightenment. That whole Confronting evil thing was some serious foreshadowing of the rampant paranoia they hid behind false smiles.
I thought it would be just peachy to learn to face the tougher things in my life. I’d demonstrated a champion talent for turning away from practical considerations, logical thinking, and cold hard facts, for a number of years. Perhaps that wasn’t such a good thing. Although me getting shit done, that other people said I couldn’t, for years, had been pretty cool. But now, damn, evil shit was stopping me from being my better self.
Time to Drill up and vanquish my unknown evil enemies. Sounds good in theory, but the eyeballs-to-eyeballs Drill could get weird. Blackness would start to intrude on the outer edges of my vision. And I kind of hallucinated a bit there as I tried hard not to twitch or blink too much, which was a flunk. When I managed to just stare and sit still, it was pretty boring.
They had this whacky Drill called Bull Bait. The dictionary says it’s a medieval European sport where you set dogs to attack a bull, who is tied so he can’t run away. I’m going to guess the bull loses. In the Bull Bait Drill, if you’re the Coach, you’re the slobbering dog, and if you’re the Twin, you’re the tethered bull. Not that I knew this at the time. In the Drill, you had to look someone in the eye while they (the Coach) said stuff to provoke a reaction, like laughter, cringing, or looking away. Anything but a stiff-bodied, barely blinking stare was a flunk. I flunked a lot.
Doing this Drill was supposed to Flatten (strip out reactions) your Buttons, (things you would normally react to). Coaches would say some pretty weird things to me, like veiled sexual innuendos or describe various sexual perversions and suggest that I was the blue-ribbon winner of – insert fetish here. My small breasts were a winning button to push, leading to a solid half an hour of flunks. There were many topics used to get a rise out of your twin, it was open season in the Bull Bait room. The rule was that the Coach couldn’t touch the Twin, which was helpful, but the ants-crawling-up-my-back creepiness of some old guy dissecting my small breasts and what he’d like to do with them remains a disturbing memory.
I was a really good Bull Baiter (Coach). If the Course Supervisor wanted to test someone for the Final Pass on the Bull Bail Drill and they wanted the student to fail utterly, they’d call me over. I’d act like I was about to barf because their halitosis was so awful. I also flirted and if they didn’t respond, I’d say, “don’t be such a fish,” in a whiny Valley Girl Voice. I’d nailed that voice listening to Frank Zappa at my first commune, Peace House, in Isla Vista. When I did Valley Girl Bull Baiting, other student Drillers in the Bull Bait room would lose all their ability to Confront. They’d laugh, flunk, and try not to pee their pants while I made sure my victim, uh, Twin squirmed. It was nice to be good at something. And make people laugh. Even if it was a flunk.
Acknowledgements and Shutting You Up in a Socially Acceptable Way
Once my Buttons were flattened, or so I thought, I had to learn to Acknowledge appropriately. I assumed this Drill involved actually listening to what the person in front of me said in full, before figuring I knew what they’d say, and interrupting them. I interrupted them because I was so smart and psychic that I usually knew what they were going to say a half an hour before they spit it out. And I had no patience. Get to the fucking point already. But seriously, I could have used that listen to them in full skill. Um, no.
What I learned on the Communication Course is that Acknowledgement is a great tool to shut someone up. Just Acknowledge the shit out of them with a smile, so they feel heard. If I had to explain some problem I was having on a Drill to the Course Supervisor and I was giving too much unwanted detail, he’d say, Fine, Good, I Got That! My eyes would go wide and I’d be struck dumb. It worked.
The individual puzzle pieces of communicating the Scientology way were exhaustively drilled. When you passed one of the Drills, the Course Supervisor made this big deal about it. You had ascended to a new level of competence and Confront. Your life was improved. If you were me, you inhaled the love bombing whole and believed that you were now that much smarter than your average humanoid.
No one escaped that first part of the Communications Course without new skills, like a long-distance, possibly creepy stare, and a choppier way of responding to non-Scientologist’s chatty waste-of-time statements.
I was on the launch pad to blast away from normal, into a stratosphere of separateness from my fellow Earthlings. The indoctrination had begun.
My New Smiley Buddy and Scientology’s Tax-Exempt Adventures
Smiley Girl was always around the Communication Course room where I was working my slow and amused way through the Communication Drills. She’d greet me and grill me on where I came from, when I got my dog, what I did last summer, and the usual affable interrogation between new friends. At least I thought that’s what she was. It turned out, years later, when I was asked to be a Buddy, for a new potential parishioner, that Smiley Girl had been assigned to be my Buddy. Eeeww.
I did the Buddy thing, like a good Scientologist does, who basically will do whatever they’re told. All the while, I cringed way down deep. My inner cognitive dissonance warred with justifications that leaned heavily on the L Ron Hubbard written truths. Cough. I was encouraged to apply, LRH’s, the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics, (GGGND,) to feel good about disingenuously pretending I gave two shits about this rando newbie.
The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of Dynamics, is Scientology’s way of saying if you consider all things in life, which they break down into eight handy sections that they call Dynamics, you can always figure out the best solution to a problem. The unwritten correct application of GGGND is to prioritize Scientology. Therefore, it’s totally cool to be a lying, manipulative asshole, if it helps forward the Aims of Scientology.
While I was poking along on my Communication Course, Smiley Girl hooked me into convos with other newbies, many of whom dropped off the face of the earth after their, Final Pass on the Communication Course Drills. But a few lasted and became my new circle of friends. At the Scientology Center, they weren’t pimping the whole, Church-branding thing. Yet. Probably hadn’t paid enough lawyers to ram through their tax-exempt status with the IRS.
I digress. In 1956 Scientology gained tax-exempt status, then lost it in 1967 due to Inurement. That’s when someone in a non-profit organization funnels money to a person or persons in an embezzle-y way, or misappropriates organizational assets for their personal gain. Someone like Scientology hot air founder, L Ron Hubbard.
A new push for tax exempt status for Scientology started in the 80’s, using lawyers and private investigators paid for by Scientology. Their actions included the suing of seventeen IRS agents for $120-million. At one point there were fifty active lawsuits against the IRS from Scientology or their tax-averse front groups. This led to the 1993 IRS capitulation and granting of new tax exemption for the ‘Church’ of Scientology. The various lawsuits against the IRS vaporized. What a coincydink! Not wanting to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar a second time, Scientology continued their policy of underpaying staff and spending their obscene cash excesses on Real Estate, which the IRS thinks is super legit.
Lili Ryder
Factually speaking there is a lot more to communicating than just talking and listening. The Comm Course accurately describes the separate components. Anyone who ever did the Comm Course is well aware of when someone “cuts their comm” or when they watch sloppy communication on the television. Luckily enough most people are polite and let you finish a sentence without interrupting and many people are just naturals at communicating.
Richard, the Comm Course plagiarizes earlier and better sources, like all of Hubbard’s ‘work’. Particularly Carl Rogers’ therapeutic approach, and his communication model that underlies all legitimate modern communications theory and practice, plus arguably Dale Carnegie as well.
And the course is infused with cultic control elements like the extended staring exercises, and yelling at ashtrays, that can be detrimental, and actually reduce individuals’ ability to truly relate to and communicate with others. There may be some things to be learned, but isn’t there also quite a bit to be unlearned?
It’s a very mixed bag that you can pull some “good” out of, but particularly when you look at where it leads, scientologists seem to end up with poor communication abilities and relationship skills, often frequently divorced and ‘disconnected’ children and other close family.
At the time I learned to communicate the Scientology way, I agreed with what Richard says, that knowing the helpful steps of communication was valuable., I thought knowing all the parts of communication was one of the great secrets of the universe.
Once I left Scientology I found out just how much LRH plagiarized from others. Peacemaker, I appreciate you naming the names of who he cribbed his communication “discoveries” from.
Through all the years I spent in Scientology, I believed that the communication course was the bestest, most helpful thing I ever did. In hindsight, I see the hypnotic aspect in the training drills and how the tentacles of cult control wrapped around me, while I sat eyeballs-to-eyeballs, vanquishing reactions and stopping my own thoughts.
Me: She provides so much education about Scientology in such a compressed, natural way. Just one for now:
Lili: “Acknowledgements and Shutting You Up in a Socially Acceptable Way.”
“I assumed this Drill involved actually listening to what the person in front of me said in full…”
Me: Wrong. Oh so very Wrong.
Lili explains why: “What I learned on the Communication Course is that Acknowledgement is a great tool to shut someone up. Just Acknowledge the shit out of them with a smile, so they feel heard. If I had to explain some problem I was having on a Drill to the Course Supervisor and I was giving too much unwanted detail, he’d say, Fine, Good, I Got That! My eyes would go wide and I’d be struck dumb. It worked.”
Me: “Please forgive me, Lili, for using your excellent article as a springboard for my rant: Used as intended, those Acks (Acknowledgements) are Thought Stoppers De Luxe, the Scilon equivalent of a mild or strident ‘STFU, you idiot. It’s my turn to talk now, because I know everything. You must now be quiet and listen to me me me me…”
Rant, cont’d: If only I could ram this endless Acking back down the proverbial throats of a couple of ex-Scilons who are big in the YouTube community: Stop all that damn Acking! Enough already! Give it up! It’s just your basic LRH-indoctrinated baloney! Stop regurgitating LRH out of your pie hole; you are supposed to be recovered from all that, so puh-l-e-e-e-z-e, stop the endless and useless Acking! Listen to Lili – she got to the essence of the problem with Endless Acking in a very few words. Now it’s time for everyone still in the COS-drilled habit of Neverending Acking to realize their Endless Acks are nothing but the remnants of an LRH-derived indoctrination, and It’s Not A Good Thing!
Rant, summation: If guilty, bite your thumb every time you feel an Endless Ack coming on, especially if it is in some public YT or Podcast forum, and interrupting the interviewee as they tell their personal story. The world will be a much, much saner place with fewer needless Acks.
Again, apologies to Lili and all for interrupting the scheduled program.
I enjoyed that pithy public service announcement.
Thank you, Okay-fine, I got that. Sorry Ammo, I got restimulated and it just tripped out. But now that I’m out that rarely happens.
Alright, Well-Done, Righty-O, Got it! Well, maybe I slip up now and then.
I once saw a video of a COS wedding. The woman play acting as Minister had so many Acks the couple almost never got to the “I Do” part.
Wow! Besides worthless and evil, Scamology is also, apparently, BORING.
Thanks, Lili, I like the light-hearted approach. You have to laugh or cry, and there are too many tears already.
For those not so familiar with the Communications Course, the drills are exactly the same as the ones they use to “train” Scientology counselors. And to get addicts through withdrawal. An all-purpose training regimen!
The original point was to train a counselor to stick to the script. No random ramblings in Scientology counseling! If the one being counseled, the PC, comes up with a random unrelated thought or idea, the counselor (auditor) is supposed to barrel through regardless.
Auditor: Is there an earlier similar time you had a pain in your arm?
PC: There’s a spider in your hair!
Auditor: I’ll repeat the auditing command – Is there an earlier similar time you had a pain in your arm?
PC But it’s about to bite you in the eye!
Auditor (completely stoney-faced just as he drilled it for endless hours in training): I’ll repeat the auditing command – Is there an earlier similar time you had a pain in your arm?
If the PC says something that isn’t a random comment, like “I just realized, you are my wife from 20,000 years ago!” or “I’m about to throw up” the auditor handles it with a little conversation, very scripted and limited, then gets right back to the session. The idea is that the PC is being asked to confront things he is unwilling to confront, so he needs a little help to stay on track. No other explanation is allowed.
Think about it – if things don’t go exactly as Hubbard said they would, step by perfectly scripted step, the auditor has no recourse to logic, reason or understanding. He can pull out what is called a prepared list, a bunch of generic questions like “Do you have a present-time problem?” If something like that comes up the list has a robotic associated “handling”, more scripted Hubbard authoritarian steps.
In practice this kind of robotic mindless counseling hurts more than it helps. But most auditors I’ve known don’t take it 100% seriously. They are actually there to help the person and tend to bend the rules a little bit if they need to. There are recordings of Hubbard auditing, and it seems he did the same. Sometimes he completely pretzeled the rules and then came out with a new bulletin explaining new rules.
Miscavige, however, never made it as an auditor. The story is he actually struck a PC in session. Don’t know if that’s true, but certainly as soon as he was firmly in charge he took the robotic drilling aspect to the maximum and killed any tiny trace of creativity or empathy he found. Not that Scientology was ever really good for anyone, but now it is actively destructive.
After I graduated from High School I used the proceeds of my part time janitorial job (where Hubbard’s method of washing windows was NEVER used) to pay for the tuition for tech school. Telling two Marine Corps recruiters to politely shove off was an interesting experience.