Again, my apologies to Lili, this was supposed to have run yesterday.
This is the final chapter in the always entertaining, humorous, yet often heartbreaking story of one woman’s life in scientology. It’s a little longer than usual, but it’s the climax to the story so I indulged Lili a bit, preferring one final chapter rather than splitting it into two. I want to personally thank Lili for taking the time to tell her story. I know it has resonated with a lot of people — many of her experiences are “been there, done that” moments for anyone who has been in scientology. The more people who tell their stories, the better. For a long time, scientology was able to silence, or at least hide, the accounts of people like Lili. I hope her and her family continue to flourish and be happy with real friends who won’t suddenly ghost them because a teenager in the Ethics Office tells them they are now SPs.
Sundays won’t be the same…
Through the Bubble – Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland
This is my quirky recollection of events. Others may remember things differently. Lingo is italicized on the first mention, capitalized after that. I’ve compressed complexities in the cult to simplify your reading pleasure.
Part 28
The New Survival Rundown, a Super Shitty Scientological Idea
Van was off at college. We were proud of our smart kid and missed him. In the teen years of Van’s life, Josh had occasionally been roped into some Auditing program or must-do Course. Our vacation conflicted with the latest Big Event and the Huge New Release: The Survival Rundown.
A local Scientologist acquaintance, no doubt hoping to get a Field Staff Member 10% commission, talked Josh into buying the new Survival Rundown. I used my superior sales skills (and the Power of Postulates) to convince this person that now was not the right time for me to embark on the Survival Rundown. Now that really was a Big Win.
The Survival Rundown wasn’t killer expensive, and it was Auditing that you did with another student, not an expensive, highly-trained Auditor. It was this big deal, big push, wow, wow, do it now, type deal.
Josh had plenty of garden variety Auditing skills and a friend who wanted to do the Rundown with him.
Josh started the Course. From the beginning, this new Survival Rundown presented quirks and oddities that bugged my well-trained, detail-oriented, ex-staff member husband. One day, the Case Supervisor directed Josh to Audit his buddy on a process L Ron Hubbard had used on an insane crazy person who interrupted one of his lectures. Josh queried the order. His buddy was a long-time, OT Scientologist and notably sane person.
Josh got no joy from his written query. But he hadn’t worked five years within the bureaucratic framework of a Class Five Scientology Organization to put up with an irrational order. The Auditing ground to a halt. Since this nutty bit of nonsense had reared its ridiculous head, Josh fell back on some ass-covering Knowledge-Report writing. He noted page, paragraph, and quote, of the rules and procedures in the Survival Rundown Course Pack. He then researched and quoted L Ron Hubbard’s Bulletins in the reference volumes that were the bulwark and foundational writings of the Scientology religion. Josh showed in his KR how specific rules and procedures of the Survival Rundown conflicted with L Ron Hubbard’s earlier writings. Josh was quite thorough. Two days and six pages later, he sent this neatly typed-up missive to the Ivory-Tower-dwelling Case Supervisor.
Josh’s dead-obvious proof that L Ron Hubbard’s, cough, teachings were altered in the Survival Rundown Course pack moved the Case Supervisor, not one millimeter. She stood firm in her order to Audit Josh’s buddy on the process in question.
I was baffled. I’d had to read L Ron Hubbard’s “Keeping Scientology Working” (KSW) Bulletin at the beginning of every Scientology Course past the intro ones. This mandatory Bulletin contained ten points you needed to memorize. And fight for, to keep Scientology working. The ten points are:
One: Having the correct technology.
Two: Knowing the technology.
Three: Knowing it is correct.
Four: Teaching correctly the correct technology.
Five: Applying the technology.
Six: Seeing that the technology is correctly applied.
Seven: Hammering out of existence incorrect technology.
Eight: Knocking out incorrect applications.
Nine: Closing the door on any possibility of incorrect technology.
Ten: Closing the door on incorrect application.
In this bulletin, LRH tells a story illustrating what happens when you don’t hammer out of existence incorrect application. According to L Ron, some shitty Auditor didn’t apply this stuff, and a girl died of cancer from physical abuse. It was just another one of LRH’s wacky stories, invented on the spot to bat his point home to the believers.
I remember having to demonstrate the ten points in clay. Making those little clay bodies with signs sticking out of their heads was a groan-inducing affair. I’d get the Beatles’ song on repeat in my mind:
Bang! Bang! Maxwell’s silver hammer
Came down upon her head
Clang! Clang! Maxwell’s silver hammer
Made sure that she was dead
The whole point of studying the L Ron Hubbard Bulletins, the “tech,” and looking up all the freaking words, was so that we could fully Duplicate his rules and steps for every fucking thing in our lives.
When I’d done my Personal Integrity Course, I’d learned L Ron Hubbard’s Code of Honor point, “Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your immediate life.” In other words, defending the old man’s writings was worth dying for. Well, Josh could at least write a KR. This Survival Rundown bullshit deviated from L Ron Hubbard’s scriptural writings in many not subtle ways.
You Just Got to Trust the Guy
Even though the Case Supervisor tried to hide out and be all, Wizard of Oz, power-behind-the curtain and shit, that fails in dinky Orgs like Santa Barbara’s. Our Org was not square-feet dinky; it was three stories of an old hotel, yawning in un-peopled-unpopularity dinky. Sometimes the Case Supervisor would have to man the phones at the front desk when some lucky staff member was too sick to come in On Post.
I heard that Josh managed to trade a few words with the Case Supervisor a few days after she received and failed to respond to his lengthy Knowledge Report. When he asked her point blank for the L Ron Hubbard Bulletins that formed the basis of the Survival Rundown, she referred him to the video of the recent Event (which we had missed) releasing the Survival Rundown. Now let me get this straight, the reference materials behind the formation of this new Auditing Rundown is a videoed statement at an Event? What happened to L Ron Hubbard’s all-caps, “IF IT ISN’T WRITTEN, IT ISN’T TRUE” law?
Josh watched the video. I didn’t. David Miscavige, the leader of the Scientology religion since the death of L Ron Hubbard, announced the Survival Rundown in the video. Probably with much pomp and ceremony.
After watching David Miscavige yak on and release the rundown, Josh attempted to run the Case Supervisor to ground outside her inner sanctum. I’m sketchy on the details. I believe he told me that she said of David Miscavige’s release, “You just got to trust the guy.”
Josh found himself the recipient of a one-way ticket to the Los Angeles Scientology complex, Big Blue. Great. I thought he could get the conflicts explained by the more highly trained Sea Org men and women down there. This would be a good thing. Meanwhile, someone else took over Josh’s friend’s Survival Rundown Auditing and presumably Audited him like an insane crazy person.
When Josh returned from his failed fact-finding mission to Los Angeles, a strange detail blared its oddness to me. He told me how a Los Angeles Sea Org executive responded to his queries about the rundown’s reference being a video of David Miscavige. The guy had said, “You just got to trust the guy.” Had the entire Scientology staff the world over Drilled this response after their daily, “just say, Now, Now, Now,” Drill?”
After a third person said it, I felt like I was in an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Being Critical and the 100% Standard of Insanity
When L Ron Hubbard writes about being Critical or about Criticism, it’s not about using your facts to think critically with logic or to seek the truth. It’s about the paranoid mindset of the disturbed. In his Technical Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology, L Ron Hubbard defines Criticism as, “a criticism is a hope that they can damage, and that’s what a criticism is, with an inability to do so.” I see; it’s all about attacking. And doing evil shit. Oh, and being ineffectual about it.
You can step in deep doo doo if you are found to be Critical (any negative commenting) about Scientology.
My attention was focused on the outcome of Josh’s visit to Los Angeles. “What happened?” I asked the minute he walked in the door. It appeared he’d been called to the appointment, not to address his questions about what looked like conflicting “data,” but to face the accusation that he was being Critical of Scientology.
I’d read his KR. Josh had rendered no opinion that I could see. Just the facts. Too bad. He was given an Ethics program with study, Amends, and the usual Make Wrong crap.
I threw my arms up about the injustice, the wrongness, and the idiocy of calling Josh Critical. It got worse. Josh actually did the Ethics program because he’s not a troublemaker. He drove back and forth to LA for the next few months to clear his name. It appeared that he was sailing through some heavy seas in the process.
I was mentally busted back to the days when Josh was still on staff in the finance department. Back when he was the bad guy for paying the mortgage instead of Sea Org Reserves. I remember back then I was shouting, “Quit already.” At that time, he’d acknowledged me, but stayed on staff. The nicer Josh was about doing whatever the Ethics Officer in LA asked him to do this time around, the more indignant I got.
I’d put up with plenty of horrible Ethics Programs in the past and some mess-with-my-mind Auditing. Since it would have been considered Natter, I don’t remember complaining to Josh about what had happened to me. You don’t want to know. But I couldn’t stomach the abusive treatment I felt he was getting. Josh had followed the rules to the letter in pointing to “Out-Tech” in the cherch. He was trying to help.
The more they tried to paint him as this awful, Critical, disaffected thorn in the side of Scientology, the more disaffected I became. I heard from Lorna that they’d been asked to write Knowledge Reports on Josh. Uh oh, someone’s planning a Committee of Evidence. We’d been down that dead end before.
Just Like Junior High and Throwing Your Bestie Under the Bus
The Committee of Evidence date was set. Josh requested a copy of the Bill of Particulars. And copies of all Knowledge Reports. Per L Ron Hubbard’s policy, he was supposed to get copies. But no, he couldn’t have copies. That was confidential. Since when?
Lorna and Deave had “Temporarily” cut communication with us, “Until you sort out your scene.” I demanded to see their Knowledge Reports. They coughed them up. The Knowledge Reports they wrote up on Josh and me burned my fingers. I especially enjoyed the part where Lorna’s co-worker who had asked her about The Hole, was re-written to Josh or me starting that forbidden conversation. We’d looked it up on our cell phones, and all four of us got an eyeful. We left our normal boring and safe conversational topics behind and launched into “Oh my God,” and “This can’t be right,” in our excited talk about The Hole. Lorna and Josh dived deeper until Deave held up his hands and said, “I don’t want to know.” Or, “I don’t want to get in trouble.” Little Miss Chatterbox had sat mute as a stone, glitching internally while a tidal wave of cognitive dissonance washed over me.
From the outside looking in, I saw Josh asking to see the Bill of Particulars and the KRs multiple times from a revolving door of Sea Org staffers. Seriously, the Ethics Officer in charge of his case seemed to change every week. The problem as I saw it was that Josh was a Flag-trained Ethics Officer and knew all the L Ron Hubbard references about Scientology Ethics and Justice. He’d trot the references about his rights before a Committee of Evidence. The Ethics Officer du jour would have no rebuttal. The interview would stop. The next phone call or appointment would involve a different person as Josh’s new Ethics Terminal. Josh would have to start all over again. If I hadn’t been so pissed off about the Ethics uproar that Josh’s KR had caused, I’d have found the whole situation laughable.
Josh was at last “allowed,” as if they were making some royal exception, to view the Bill of Particulars and KR’s. The Los Angeles Sea Org Ethics person sent the packet of paperwork up to Santa Barbara. Josh drove to the Org to see the paper trail lead-up to his execution, er Committee of Evidence. Josh could be polite to the Devil himself. I didn’t trust my rebellious mouth and stayed home.
According to Josh, the Bill of Particulars was a shopping list of non-specific accusations of his Critical actions. I’ve blocked out what he told me the KRs said. I was still reeling from reading Lorna and Deave’s KRs, digging Josh’s grave, and carving his name on the headstone.
Just like his last Committee of Evidence, Josh would be allowed no witnesses, no friend, no loving wife, no advocate, and no recording device.
Josh decided not to attend. The results were not shared via phone, mail, or Telex. Or at all. Did it even happen?
I Tell Josh He May Need to Divorce Me
It was way past my bedtime on a work night. I was fuming. Lorna had unfriended me on Facebook. Really? You were my best friend for over thirty years. You’re the mother of my two goddaughters. You couldn’t call me or email me first? Back in the old days, if you were someone’s good friend and they were Declared an SP, the Ethics Officer would make you write a Disconnection Letter. Now my best friend did her official Disconnecting on freaking Facebook.
This is Scientology problem-solving at work? Don’t Scientologists think they own the patent on Communication? Just that morning, I’d gotten a freezing look from a Scientologist who scuttled out of my aisle at Trader Joe’s. That just pushed me over the edge. I opened my laptop, and I did the unthinkable. I typed into the search window, “bad news about Scientology.” Over a million results.
My chest started aching one page into the first blog post. It was written by an ex-Scientologist who I’d known years earlier. She told of a painful experience that a never-in would not believe. I’d seen that brand of cruelty happen in my own Org. I heard the truth in her words.
I stared at the screen; my level of misbehavior made me short of breath. I looked up at the ceiling after reading the third Google result. I was no longer a Scientologist. Then I found a video from Chris Shelton, who’d been our Course Supervisor many years ago. One of the nice ones. It exploded the Planetary Clearing Expansion Program from the inside out. Josh had always hated that program with a fiery passion.
I walked into our bedroom. Josh looked up from his book. “Kinda late for you to be up, babe.”
“You need to decide if you going to divorce me.”
“I just broke a really big rule. You’ll probably have to Disconnect from me. And, well, divorce is a very effective way to Disconnect.”
Josh climbed out of bed with a smile on his face. “What did you do?”
I emailed him some links. I watched his eyes widen and his mouth drop open while reading the first blog post. Josh shouted “No way,” and “Oh my God,” when he watched Chris Shelton flay the cherch’s Planetary Expansion Program on video.
“I don’t think we’re Scientologists anymore,” he said.
“Don’t think so.” A warmth rolled through my chest and washed away a long-held tightness.
We beamed goofy smiles at each other. I shared more links. I finally stopped our mad dive into the ex’s fascinating world of truth-telling. I had to get some sleep. Some happy sleep.
No More Suppressed Communication
A year out of the cherch’s influence, Josh and I had found sassy, say-anything new friends. Josh had published his young adult fiction book, and I had embraced my non-fiction book project about designing jewelry.
Josh and I continued devouring the stories and advice from ex-Scientologists online.
I’d tell my leaving Scientology story to a friend expecting horror, sympathy, or shock. I was surprised to also get laughter. I found a shivery rush in speaking the Nattery truth. Held-down reactions from decades ago flew off my body while telling my friend about how some Reg Cycle had led to a new level of impoverishment. My friend would be shouting, “No way!” I’d be laughing and adding some insane detail. I was encouraged to “Write that shit down.”
But I wasn’t ready to write that shit down. However, I was writing. On my jewelry blog. And I was organizing the photos and chapters for my future jewelry book. I figured if Josh could publish a book, so could I. That didn’t actually make sense, since he’d been an excellent writer for many years. But then, I’d been ignoring practical considerations for my entire life.
An Impulsive Detour
I wanted some sort of closure about Josh’s status with the cherch. I wanted to know if that stupid Committee of Evidence had ever happened. I wanted to know what the cherch was telling our old Scientology friends about us. One day, I marched into the Org and politely inquired if I could see the Ethics Officer. The friendly staffer manning the phones had known me since I’d started Scientology decades ago. She was someone I’d always chatted and shared chuckles with. At first, she smiled warmly to see me. Then she realized that it was “not okay,” and the smile fell off her face.
I looked around and noticed the sad state of the paint and furnishings. The friendly staffer looked tired. I remembered feeling the way she looked and realized anew how right I was to ditch Scientology. She called someone on the phone and a second familiar staff member came stalking into the reception area. Her suspicious eyes pinned me with mute accusation. I smiled at her and asked after her family. She might be Disconnected from me, but I was under no orders to act like we hadn’t been friends. My interest in her kids caused a confusion of pride and horror to march across her face.
I think I gave her a stomach ache. I told them both about recent hikes Josh and I had been on and bragged about Van. Since I hadn’t been cast out, I figured I’d be seeing the Ethics Officer soon. But they’d want to put me in my place by making me wait. And not offering me a chair. While they sat. With lots of chairs behind them for people to fill out Personality Tests. That were empty. Oh yeah, and they’d want me to think the Ethics Officer was super busy. Like that’d be a ringing endorsement for Scientology.
I told one of my funny jewelry-client stories and watched the friendly staffer try not to laugh. I heard the slow tread of heavy steps descending the traffic-scarred staircase carpet. It was the Ethics Officer. Cue the scary music. He led me in silence to his second-story office and shoved the door shut behind me with an unnecessary thump-rattle.
Old memories of my walk of shame into Ethics were triggered. Considering that all the offices we’d marched by were empty, I didn’t see the point in torturing his poor door. But Scientology was all about creating an effect.
“I’ve waited over a year to hear about Josh’s Committee of Evidence in Los Angeles. Did it even happen?” The urge to fidget was hard to control. I pictured Josh around the side of the building waiting for me on this beautiful sunny day. We’d been headed to a matinee. I stilled my body.
The Ethics Officer opened a drawer, rifled through files, and pulled out a goldenrod-colored legal-sized piece of paper. His stubby fingers pressed it across his massive desk. I forgot to breathe. Josh’s name was near the top. It was a Suppressive Person Declare. (The actual paper had to be goldenrod colored, and the declaration that you were an SP was called a Declare). I read a long list of accusations. He was a spy, tried to instigate rebellion among the local Scientologists, was a degraded being, tried to stop other Scientologists’ progress up the Bridge to Total Freedom, and was a failed student… My eyes filled with tears. They were showing these lies to our friends? Lorna and Deave believed this garbage? I read around twenty of these fabrications that appeared to be pulled from some file labeled, “List of Crap to Accuse the Bitter Apostates of.”
I looked up at the so far silent Ethics Officer. “This isn’t true.”
The Ethics Officer handed me a tissue and spewed some L Ron Hubbard quote about the difficulties homo sapiens’ had in Confronting evil. I blew my nose. I pulled out my phone to take a picture of the Declare, and he twisted it out of my hand. “I’ll give it back to you when you leave.” I heard it clomp into a drawer which he slammed shut. He was a tall and heavy man. I did not appreciate his continuing intimidation theater.
My tear ducts got busy. My fists clenched and flew up in front of my mouth. I relived the claustrophobic fear I’d hidden so many times before in Ethics. He stood up. I stood up. I moved away to look out the window and gain some space. He followed me. His heavy paw patted my shoulder. Misunderstanding my upset, he said, “You’re not mentioned by name in the Declare. If you divorce him, it won’t take you long to make it back into Good Standing.” I cried harder, wanting to escape the heat from his too-close body. I endured the last minutes I’d ever spend being intimidated by an Ethics Officer.
“Give me back my phone.”
“You can’t take a picture of it.” He pursed his lips while his fingers slow-motioned their way to the correct file folder. The scree as he pushed open the hanging file to replace the Declare irritated my teeth.
“Do you have a pen? Josh wants to know what it says.”
His lips thinned. “He can make an appointment.”
“I believe he’s left messages.”
“I think you need to leave.”
I held out my hand. We stood for about a minute. He opened the drawer with the slow care of an arthritic grandpa and lifted out my phone. He held it close to his chest as if I needed to tip him. Once my phone was in hand, I yanked open the door and double-timed it to the stairs. When I made it down to reception, the greeting desk stood un-peopled.
I squinted into the sun when I left the dim lobby. I hugged Josh, and we walked toward the movie theater. I rattled off all the accusations I could remember. I was outraged. He started laughing, and I soon realized it wasn’t worth being upset about. The only thing Josh regretted was not having a copy. Just to have it. I was happy never to see it again.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I took a lot of chances. I drove myself bloody to reach a lot of good and bad goals. I look over at Josh now and see that I’m not stuck in the quicksand memories of Scientology anymore. Despite the upside-down beliefs we held and the actions we took under Scientology’s influence, we survived intact. We enjoy our lives now and feel spiritually free. My engine hums, ready to be tapped for the next adventure. An adventure I’ll say yes to.
The End
Lili, (Lily?)
I enjoyed reading your story.
Thank you for sharing.
Good luck to you and yours.
Thank you Lili for telling us your story. I think you’ve perfectly captured the bind of how their idea of Self Determinism mutates into Everything Is Your Fault.
Excellent overview about what life in the cult was and is like! It’s like a mindless machine that slowly grinds up everyone who gets caught in its mechanism.
Thank you for telling your story! I read every episode and I’m glad you’ve come back into the light-filled larger world.
I’ve noticed it’s been ten-years since I’ve been declared a Special Person. Well, maybe it’s ten years, don’t quite recall the year.
I never could be bothered to go read my goldenrod.
Very few people in the real world give a shit about one’s status as a human being as defined by scientology. And those that are interested think an SP declare is a badge of honor!
There are a couple of things I have to say about my experiences in the cherch and your writing has inspired me to do it, so my thanks to you!
John Doe, I encourage you to put pen to paper, or fingers to keys. Let your thoughts and memories fly out. You can correct the spelling later and wipe the spit off the page at your leisure. Writing these experiences down was cathartic.
I imagine your stories of things you liked and things that were unbearable will resonate with your fellow freed beings.
I’m an undeclared special person, I guess they were economizing on goldenrod when I ducked away. Telling my story and having people read it and tell their stories in the comments about their experiences and observations was a warmth to my heart.
I look forward to seeing your stories.
Computer dying has me behind on my daily dose of Scilon misadventures. Thank you for sharing so much, a full book’s worth of great fun and sad peeks into Scientology, the ‘thing’ that is always worse than you think it could be.
Breaking free of all things Hubbard-y with some finances intact is a great big win-win-winneroo. It calls for leaps of joy and clicking of heels high off the ground. The sad faces left behind are just that – sad faces.
When they get to where you guys are now, as the cherch will inevitably force them to go, they will be hap-hap-happier, methinks.
Perhaps the worst of all of this is that the cherch forced one-half of a thirty year friendship to simply explode into nothingness overnight.
Oh if only that other half of the friendship had the courage to stick to their guns, to support their true friends instead of caving to the rants of a group that was so very wrong on so many levels. But still, there was never any way to make Hubbard’s guff turn out right, was there? Things happened, and the relationship with the cherch ended just the way he designed it to end, didn’t it?
Anyway, I don’t have the answers, I’m just so very happy for you that new horizons are on your adventure hike and you are obviously not bitter or feeling discarded. Those left behind will be very lucky if they get the same treatment, because that will allow them an easy way out of the cherch once and for all. Hoo-effing-ray, hip hip and all that, the guy behind the curtain cannot any longer keep up with pulling the levers and making the big scarey noises.
I’ll use a genuine bit of religious fervor to destroy a truly fake one:
“Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last.”
Ammo, I’m so glad that your computer came back online and that you took the time to download these beautiful thoughts from your mind.
Reading all these comments has been really helpful to me. Writing these things down was sometimes painful, sometimes funny, and sometimes left me depressed.
But that little engine inside of me doesn’t let me stay down for long and and I’m one hike or bike ride away from fixating on some of the more unpleasant parts of my past with the cherch.
I remember when I 1st got out and was talking to people looking for new friends, I always mentioned that I’ve just gotten out of Scientology and told a story or two. If Josh was with me he’d say Hey don’t be telling those stories to people we don’t know very well, that’s kind of kind of embarrassing. I think for me at the time it was so much a part of who I was that I didn’t want to try to make a friendship with someone who couldn’t take hearing about something that was so raw and central to my thoughts.
I was under the impression that I would read the excellent Scientology blogs daily until the day I died.
Sometimes I tell one of my stories and 1 of the new people I was experiencing would look at me with pity and immediately launched into how important it was for me to come to their Christian church and let Jesus help help me find my soul or some sort of salvation. I would with a smile and as gently as possible extricate myself from the suddenly horrendous conversation. I was not and may never be ready to look at any organized religion again.
The last time I felt easy with any kind of organized religion since leaving Scientology, was when I went to a Sikh wedding. Part of the ceremony was for us to wish the couple well and the Sikh chanted. In our program were the syllables of the chant. They invited us non-Sikh to join in.
I had a momentary pang that I was doing another practice. (A giant no-no in the cherch) Then I laughed to myself and joined in and as our voices swelled in that echo chamber, I could feel the vibration of our voices in my chest. Soon I could feel tears running down my face as these good people chanted their beautiful wishes at this couple that meant very much to me. They didn’t try to push their religion or their beliefs off on us, they merely ask us to join our voices and join our good intentions.
After a certain amount of time went by I quit defining myself as an ex-Scientologist. I quit starting each day with the blogs. I still read and comment, but I brush my teeth first.
Life is wonderful and I’m grateful that I was able to share my story and hear back from people I’ve never met who understood. It helped me to further let go of stuck upsets, to be heard.
I can’t wait for Mike’s book!
On to the next chapter in our journey ot from under Scientology’s influence.
Your story reminded me of one little ironic nugget: back when I was in the cherch, I never talked to anyone in the larger world about it.
It was only after I left in mind anyway, that I unexpectedly felt more comfortable answering peoples questions about it because I could tell the fucking truth! I never had to defend anymore I just said what was and people were remarkably warm and open to what I had to say. And all of them were glad that I had overcome my affiliation with that group.
But none so much as me, ha!
Lili I’m so glad you’re now on the adventure of your choosing. I know that feeling. And I know the feeling of knowing your no longer a Scientologist. it’s great!
While reading about the survival rundown and what happened to Josh I can’t help but to think that davy’s days are numbered… gotta trust the guy???? Lol.
Thank you for sharing your story. So happy that you got out.
Hello Lili,
Thank you for sharing your story. There are so many similarities in many of our experiences in the cult. I loved the part where you, then Josh realized you weren’t scientologists anymore. It warmed my heart. And isn’t it ironic that leaving the cult gives you the gift of being spiritually free? For me that moment that I realized I wasn’t going back was so spiritually freeing and euphoric that it topped all of the ‘wins’ I’d had in the cult.
PS – This is perfect content for this blog!
Your story was funny, compassionate and shows how good people get sucked in deeper and deeper until the wake-up happens.
The sad thing is how we all lost so many years and decades of our lives. Getting out was an incredible feeling of freedom and the start of decompressing from all the fake spiritual junk. So much of the Hubbard “tech” came straight out of his good science fiction writing mind.
I admire you for taking such a bold move of writing the whole story. I’m getting close to doing my own in spite of having family still in the godless cult.
All my best.
Constantine, I just re-read your comment and loved your kind words. I encourage you to write your words. I’m sorry you still have family who are ‘in.’ That is so sad and I know a number of ‘out’ people with family still in. Some are UTR.
Your viewpoint and possible enforced lying to keep the peace would offer another view of what it’s like to be ‘out’ but not public about it.
I think it’s heartbreaking to be in love with someone who’s hooked on a bad idea. I lost two friends during the Pandemic, not to Covid (though it could have happened since they opted to ignore the vaccine) who decided that Q was a more compelling game than reality. Conversations that I used to ignore about contrails and the effectiveness of shark cartilage and herbs to re-write your DNA, gave way to carpet bomb emails with a dozen links to crazytown and follow-up phone calls to ‘discuss.’
I already spent years trying to make sense of LRH’s pronouncements, I wasn’t going to trade that in for Q conspiracy. Nope, I’m going all in on Critical Thinking, Science, Tolerance, Love, and mountain biking.
U Rock. That’s a great list. Mine is not quite so energetic.
Hubbard was good fiction and SciFi writer but horrible philosopher who lied all the time and let his own delusions and cruelty hurt so many people. I’m just glad most of us have had the courage to get out and lead a new chapter in our lives. This new chapter is soooo much better than the cult stuff. Mike’s blog gives so many people a chance to learn the truth behind the manipulation. Your story was a very good look at the journey in, and then out to freedom.
Hello Lili,
I too am glad you got out of this cult and I wish you all the best in your new life.
Unfortunately, I have some negative remarks to make about posting Lili’s story on this blog and although I’m guessing most people will disagree with me, I want to make it clear that my negative remarks are not directed towards Lili or her story. They concern taking a very long story and partitioning it into 28 pieces and presenting one piece per day in this blog. I would guess that Mike has been very busy with his upcoming release and has had difficulty putting the same amount of work into this blog that he usually does. He found a solution in Lili’s story. By presenting her story in this blog, he must have freed up a lot of time that he would otherwise have spent writing about the cult and what to do about it in this blog.
After reading the first two sections of Lili’s story, I found myself avoiding the remaining pieces. I am interested in the title of this blog – “SOMETHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT”, and I come here looking for information about what people can do to put an end to this cult. I realize this is Mike’s blog and he can publish whatever he likes here. But I noticed a pronounced downturn in the number of comments that have been posted here ever since Mike started posting Lili’s story. I would guess many people did not read this blot during the past few weeks while Lili’s story was being posted here.
I read this blog because I’m hoping that someone, somewhere, will figure out a way to do something about this cult and will be able to finally have it outlawed.
Once again, these remarks are not directed to Lili. It seems pretty clear that Lili had nothing to do with the decision to post her story here in many pieces. I sincerely wish Lili all the best in her new life.
Most blog visitors here probably don’t think the cult as a whole should be “outlawed”, Samuel T. Alter, anymore than the Freezone should be outlawed.
I understand your point, sometimes it is good to have a distraction, to stray from a straight line that takes you from a to b. Lilîs story is a pause and personality I enjoyed it very much. I loved the content and the style of it. As far as outlawing the cult of greed, I don’t thilk it is possible in a free society. Revoking the tax exemption has already been done and that would certainly contribute to its demise but, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cult had more money in reserves than the Justice Department of the US and an armada of attorneys and researchers to look into every nook and cranny of the law. They also have subtle ways of overturning people like they did with Hubbard’s son or more recently with Marty Rathbun. No maffia organisation has a multi blind curtains to avoid responsibility. The Taliban said : “You have the watches but we have the time”. The cult of greed will shrink and rot to its death anyway. It’s just a matter of time.
* Sundays won’t be the same…
So so true. Thank you so very much Lili for sharing.
Loved the bit about finally googling “bad news about Scientology” and getting so many results. They’ll never win the internet game with their command of communication, and with their actions creating more and more “SPs”. (I suspect at this point there are more SPs than Clears, more SPs than Sea Org Members, and that’s just the declared SPs. The sheer number of ex-Scn who just drifted away or even remain UTR to not lose family is immense.)
Wow what a climactic ending! I experienced so many emotions reading it. And yes it triggered me when the same things were done to me. I learned, like you and Josh, that LRH references be damned. There’s a new sheriff in town and it is his way or the highway via an SP declare and expulsion. But not until they have smeared your name with all your friends and colleagues first.
Oh, and don’t confuse them with the facts. Their made up list of horrible things you’ve said and out ethics actions you’ve done are not to be questioned. They know they smeared you with their Black PR Campaign; that is why no one gets a copy of their Declare anymore. That is why no picture can be taken of the Declare order, and not even notes taken. They don’t want their own lies to be made public lest even more people realize it’s all lies and they leave the church too.
Lilly, thank you for this well written series. I think it helps in the healing process not only for you, but for all of us lucky enough to read it. I’m so glad your life is so much better and happier now. Enjoy your new found freedom!
Thank you for sharing your story. Glad you and your family are out!
Re: Part 28 The End
The “end” of your story is just the beginning: the start of a whole new adventure. You have a new lease on life!
So happy you are out of the cult and I really enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing