The Jetsons are going to save the world
Anyone see Minority Report?
The super dooper high tech state of the art newly launched CGI humanitarian program is just that.
No substance.
All hat and no cattle.
Las Vegas ideal org is on fire
They brought in people from a different country 600 miles away…
Mexico City “ideal org” is a lot closer to Durango than Las Vegas is. So is Phoenix “ideal” org.
Someone found these people wandering around Vegas with nowhere to go and had a bright idea. So, 400 of them came to the org. And the result?
ONE start, several appointments and a great deal of interest.
And this is the big news of the “ideal org” in Vegas.
But they are looking for a van to borrow for “trunk or treating”. What, an Ideal Org that doesn’t have one of the ideal Volunteer Minister Vans that every org was forced to buy? Like most orgs, they probably couldn’t cover the registration and insurance in their FP.
It’s good to know, ideal orgs are just an illusion…
Coming from Gerri Staley Fischman– in an org that had basically ONE person pay for it, this is a bit rich. She understands “exactly” what they are going through….
Just create the illusion of an ideal org and rock out and FINISH. Just like we did. NOT.
Now it’s a “mecca org”?
And a lecture about materialism and “who has the nicest stuff” is sooooo ironic in a pitch to give money to buy “nicer stuff” like marble floors and custom built furniture.
These people just have no clue what they say.
Boy, am I happy I gave them all my money…
Just look at the joy radiating from that photo.
Freewinds postulates
I think they should give this seminar to themselves. Maybe they can postulate their bills being paid.
Not so WISE
It so simple and powerful.
Pity we have no idea what we are talking about and are losing more members that we are gaining….
A new fundraising pitch
Anything for a buck. Literally.
They have raised two pounds and change.
Not a lot of enthusiasm for the HAPI Ideal Org it seems….
Delusion is the norm
Some “remarkable” quotes from LRH. Can they really be serious?
I wonder if in 2050 someone sitting in a darkened basement somewhere is still going to be thinking this is “going to happen because LRH said it.”
Subject: Study and OT22
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014Hi XXX!
Do you know how many levels above OT VII have been developed?
The following remarkable quote from LRH answers this question:
“There are perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more peoples’ full attainment of OT VI and VII.”
-L. Ron Hubbard, HCOB 30 July 1973
“Scientology, Current State of the Subject and Materials”I am sure you want to quickly reach OT VI and VII.
How can you achieve this as soon as possible?In the same HCOB you will find the answer:
“Many people believe that Scientology materials contain mainly processes. They think of Scientology as processing. This is a very narrow view. It is understandable enough as processing is the way out for them. But this neglects the more considerable materials which deal with basics and fundamentals; processes are only one use of these.”
-L. Ron HubbardGet the data about life and speed your progress up the Bridge!
To calculate how long it will take you for each book and lecture course as well as the completion time for the entire Basics, please use this calculator here.
Also if you don’t own your full Golden Age of Knowledge library, you can click below to place your order and get any missing materials:
Barbara Wieshaup
Materials Consultant
“… and they gave me a cookie”, so Don Rickles
I almost fell off my chair
Now I think this is “funny”. The IAS and Idle Org Regging is a major aspect in driving away most Scientologists from the Orgs as apart from not being able to afford the constant plundering of their money, they are mostly I would think pissed off with being bothered and harassed as soon as they set foot in the Org to undertake courses and audit PCs, which is what an Org is there to do, and so they don’t – step into their Orgs that is. It seems all of these people demanding donations need to be Product Cleared and someone (not DM) should give them a few slaps around the head to bring them into present time and look at the fact that their Orgs are EMPTY! And have been for decades. So the Ideal Org “movement” has accomplished the exact opposite of what it professes to accomplish.If the efforts (and money) of all these people were put into training auditors and auditing PCs the Orgs would easily by now have been Ideal – and full. “Funny” isn’t it? Actually stupid and blind are more appropriate to state.
“Reinstituting full use and delivery of Dianetics and Scientology is the answer to any recovery.
The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.”
Sorry, I just couldn’t get through all the funnies. I tried but just couldn’t do it. That beautiful baby was worth all the effort.
Mike, I just wanted to tell you how awesome that doc is-I’m sure you know already, but we’ve been chortling about it all day.
My favourite part of all of this is how you and Tony flank each other, and how not just competent but really artful all of this is. Really the gold standard for handling this sort of thing. What a fucking huge idiot the midget is for literally pushing you down this road-and all the people that have stood up, for that matter.
All he had to do was be nice. What a fuckng idiot. Maybe he would have learned that as a child if he hadn’t been raised by carnies and had been socialized like a normal person as a child. Of course, silk purse, sow’s ear. He’s a sociopath and a narcisist.
I would say that the picture of you, Mike, over at Tony’s site, is the PERFECT illustration of ‘insouciant’!
Space Plans. Space Planes. One little e makes all the difference.
In concert with His wog lawyers, security detail and PIs the WISE execs have to be part of the Supporting Suppressive Staff which keep David Miscavige in power, because there is no way that they, the Wise execs, can NOT know that off-policy and hey-you, also known as Command Intention, are rampant in the Church of Scientology today.
Unlike the SOs, OTC members, and Class V staffs, it is inconceivable to me that Wise Execs are unaware of this.
Re Gerry’s ‘Illusions’:
While a lot could be said about having to visualize/postulate the future in order to
actually attain it, for me this completed the circle back to LRH’s origins in the occult. The magician (or it’s
apprentice) presenting appearances and eveybody agreeing with it – “the show is soooooo great”, yet the actual is-ness limps abysmally behind and is simply being ignored. Yuk!
I take my hat off for this great affidavit you wrote! 🙂
Excellent analysis and summation of it all, Thoughtful. Thanks.
Re: the WISE flier: “Recently I was writing up my hat As the Executive Director…”
I mistakenly read that as, “…I was writing up my Asshat as the Executive Director..” On second thought, I think I just fixed it for ya, Kim Payne.
Oh yes, as to the third item on the MAK-H list from the same flier, “COMMUNICATION CENTER (IN, PENDING AND OUT BASKETS FOR EACH EMPLOYEE),” are you freakin serious?! Kim, where do you want me to put those baskets? Next to the telex and mimeograph machines or the typewriters?
The illusion of ranks and ratings is as fake as the illusion of DM being a humanitarian. The new uniforms were released by DM in about 1989 or so, with 100% polyester uniforms which were sooo cheesy and ugly. And hot. And ill-fitting. After that, the whole campaign bar thing was never mentioned again. I never made any effort to become an officer because the whole idea was so profoundly stupid. Why would a “religion” need “officers” responsible for upholding “ethics” when the whole socialistic/communistic structure they were ENSLAVED by was itself so out ethics? Who wants to emulate a drunk like Norman Starkey strutting around in the delusional fog of being a total dick? The intentional mis-application of ethics, the thick atmosphere of fear and intimidation, harsh justice actions, unjust punishments, wrong conditions, constant noise — these were a monumental distraction to what staff were supposed to be doing in the first place. To be an officer was a validation of everything that was WRONG about the Sea Org.
Clearing the planet was supposed to be all about overcoming the “group bank.” Well, the group bank and all the counter effort was all in the Sea Org.
You know how a chicken… looks over here, looks over there, looks over here again… the big eyes… looking, looking… but never SEEING anything. There’s the average Scientology “officer” just adding to the confusion with misplaced efforts that were chicken-brain-insane.
The original idea was if you felt you deserved a particular campaign ribbon, you were supposed to CSW for it, with evidence, to the OSB (Officer Service Board?). Well, I remember 7 or 8 years later, on Sea Org day, sometime in the mid ’90s. I went to get some uniform parts. There was a box of abandoned and cast off “campaign ribbons” of every variety. No one had any clue what any of them meant = none of them meant anything. I was told to “help myself.”
I recently studied LRH’s “leadership test” — the questions and secret answer sheet. All staff had to take this test, which was very illogical. Reading the answers, it all made sense. A “right” answer was only to be had by saying you would never question authority, it was better to follow instructions exactly than to have personal integrity or any common sense or any sense of decency. LRH wanted robots on staff. He WANTED stupid degraded beings with no personal integrity. And that is exactly what he got. An army of chicken-brained stooges incapable of thinking. Some of the chickens became officers.
But chickens do not make good officers.
True dat. This comment answers a whole bunch of questions all by itself.
So… Officer OR Gentleman, there is no “and”? So many good people, punished until they weren’t anymore, just to survive?
And when the real world ignores or despises them, they cry “Bigot!”
So sad.
Norman Benson looks like he’s holding a sign that says, “Someone PLEASE Help! I’m trapped and I can’t get out!”
“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”
Right on McCarren,
That is the usual photo of a person who has been kidnapped (proof of such) and then asking for ransom before releasing the person or killing him/her anyway.
Kreisburgs just blew from Delphi to a wog school. Guess they needed the tuition money to give to a big ugly empty building.
I can’t get over the first one, “The voice of humanity.” Does humanity equal being trapped in a cold, robotic artificial intelligence, computer driven bubble? I guess in the CoS that’s as close as you are going to come.
A woman, trapped in a bubble. The advertising speaks volumes.
Love the Fleecewinds quietly sinking in the background 😀
Also, I have always loved the Wise logo with the big Mama lion crushing the little lion cubs with her big paws.
“One start, several appointments and a great deal of interest!!”
You have to add the exclamation marks otherwise it just doesn’t get me excited.
Zzzzzzzz, when I read “One start, several appointments and a GREAT deal of interest,” I fell asleep. Nice nap, though. However, if they’re going to keep my attention, I require about this many exclamation points after one of their over-the-top sentences: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s not too much to ask for, is it????????????????????????????
I’m a Humanitarian with the Seattle idle Org and it sucks!!
I went by there on labor day. it didn’t suck enough to pull in any people! The city was bustling but all I heard was crickets.
Condolences Tony.
Well done on your affidavit for the Garcia case Mike!!
Yes Mike.
Thank you for taking the time and helping the Garcias.
It is very important to take down Scientology’s religious cloaking so that it can no longer be used as a shield to protect them from justice for the fraud they perpetuate on people.
The law is the law. And it must apply to Scientology as much as it applies to anyone else.
I second that, Mike.
I really sympathize with these long term Scientologists who grapple with how to be their local leaders in their areas of Scientology.
They have a difficult time due to the extensive LRH writings they follow.
Acting religious like is only for show, and for defense purposes, it’s a freebie that the outside world expects of a “religion” and Scientology PR people and exectives who are in the public interacting at times are given religious respect simply because of Scientology’s legal claims that Scientology is a religion.
I looked up Gerri Staley, saw she’s in Source 12 of 1977 completing the ED Hat, and I recall being Asst Course Sup where Al Baker was Chief Sup, Linda McCarthy was D of T, and I remember Gerri training back then at Flag, 1977.
Back then, when I was helping train execs and staff for the missions and outer orgs, and even you Mike, you came for a couple weeks training on the OEC, I think you got up to OEC Vol 2, you were Chief Off Flag Bu back then, and Kerry was CO FB, back during the days of the Commodore’s Staff Aides and Ken Urquhart Pers Comm, etc, etc.
I as a newbie Scientologist/Sea Org member wondered what really was the “beingness” of these executives, even yourself, what “we” were doing in this world, in Clearwater, this was 1977, 1 year after the Scientology “United Churches of Florida” was exposed by the Clearwater Sun, etc.
What Scientology executives have always had in their minds, how they acted, how the outside world sees “us” as a “religion” or what, is always relevant to Scientology as this public existing subject.
How to even be a Scientology leader requires a huge mindset change to adopt the whole LRH administrative system and it ties into the beliefs (past life case problems that Scientology relieves or solves, and the OT case problems that Scientology supposedly resolves).
I think due to LRH’s lack of seeing how the world would see Scientology as a religion, and his lack of writing “hatting” or what I concluded since leaving, is that possibly the loophole of “Staff Hatting” policy saying outside world training is allowed, I thought the leaders of Scientology “churches” ought get college level religious history training to really see what IS the religious traditional role of “churches” in communities in human history.
I’m an atheist today, but the religion category and trend does seem to be a continuing large theme in human history, and the Ideal Orgs, even though they are empty, are a show of religion going on. It’s taken I think, by the outside world as proof that “new religions” are “growing”, which of course isn’t the case, it’s show, and Scientology is great when it comes to show.
Well, if Scientology really wished to BE a religion and go on, besides all the internal money donation focus and checkerboarding of personnel to put up photo op church openings, if one really wished this Scientology religion show to be real and carry on, then leaders have to get outside educated, is my “advice” that would outstep and outflank what I think are the movement’s biggest deepest flaws.
If they did these crazy fundraising get together meetings and raised money for more traditional charities and really let their OT Committees do some local help like regular religious groups do, that’d be so much better for them and for their communities.
Scientology is so deep into their problems created by their irreligious behaviors, they can’t even see this big omitted lack of overall religious omission they have deeply institutionalized within themselves.
I’d order all EDs to do parttime community college or local univ religious history study, and same with OEC/FEBC trainees, they do some college courses on religion history.
And even apprenticing with other local religions doing community charity work.
It’s so sad that a serious conversation about Scientology can’t even be had, there is so much ongoing irreligious Scientology behavior that obfuscates the deeper problems that go unaddressed decade after decade for Scientology.
Too much show in Scientology, lack of religious substance.
Good memory Chuck. I made it through Vol 6 in fact before being pulled off training and it lasted for about 3 months as I recall. You know Liz Nygaard/Apstrugard/Morten was on the OEC then. Her and her huysband at the time (Ib) were the two execs from Dk Org. Always liked her, she is a nice and competent person, though trapped in an insane world.
You are right. The church is about appearances, not substance. In everything. It truly is a “21st century religion” — it only really exists in the digital world.
“I concluded since leaving, is that possibly the loophole of “Staff Hatting” policy saying outside world training is allowed, I thought the leaders of Scientology “churches” ought get college level religious history training to really see what IS the religious traditional role of “churches” in communities in human history.””
Chuck, I think the inherent risk in that approach would be that those leaders would then learn that scientology really isn’t a religion because the ‘traditional religious role in the community” would be a foreign concept. I know that the “what is a religion” question has been discussed ad nauseum and I don’t want to rekindle that debate here. But exposure to religious history or comparative religion with a trained academic would probably raise too many questions that could not be answered without being declared.
“They gave me a cookie” LOL – great cartoon Regraded Being!
And speaking of big holes Scott Kreisberg might want to have the one in his head looked at…
What a great cartoon. I was told that the ribbons were for ” campaigns or missions”
Is that correct Mike?
Different things GTBO. Longevity. Training. “Campaigns”. “Events.”
Oi Vey!
Looks like the Freewinds needs to promote to Dave Miscavage and Nancy Cartwright and give them a tune up on postulates. Seems like Valley could be done in a heartbeat if these two could figure out how to create and make a postulate stick.
Yo Dave good buddy,
Certainly you and Nancy can outcreate a bunch of loser apostates out here on the fringes of the internet. I mean geesch, you sent out the defrocking notices and I hope we have answered your call for bitterness so what the fuck man……………..git er done for gawds sake (if not for Ronnies). We’re all waiten for ya dear leader………………
Ronnie Miscavage today: “Fuck! I’m so glad I’m out! My brother is a fucking psycho! What a nightmare that was! I’m so very sorry I EVER got involved! But…being out is THE best thing that’s EVER happened to me.”
Or, something to that effect…
Mike, I just read your affidavit on Tony O’s site. Wow, you really hoisted them on their own petard. I am so glad you made it clear that the other side was purposefully making it cloudy and hard to understand etc. I felt like we should insert the comic book exclamations of “Pow!” “Pop!” “Smack!” in there with each paragraph. YOu really socked it to them with truth. Thank you so much Mike! This was needed and who better to tell the truth than the one who helped draft that policy letter in the first place and knew the intentions of the church and DM when that was made. Thank you.
Barnum and Bailey at its best!!!!!
Speaking of ideal, how about this definition from Webster’s to describe David Miscavige:
usurp [yo͞o sʉrp′, yo͞ozʉrp′]
[[ME usurpen < MFr usurper < L usurpare < usus, a use + rapere, to seize: see rape1]]
to take or assume (power, a position, property, rights, etc.) and hold in possession by force or without right
to practice or commit usurpation (on or upon)
MJ. That’s the sound you hear when someone is drinking Koolaid. “Usurp.” Hmhm.
So right that “rape” is at the root.
God, I feel so sorry for that sad old guy. I know exactly what happened to him. They kept him up all night and wouldn’t leave him alone-so exhausted, he gave them all the money he was going to use to live on-he’s obviously retired.
He’s got the OJ Simpson super-dooper “I just got caught” stress bags under his eyes. The two main causes of that on earth is the po-po and Scilon regges.
What reprehensible pieces of shit took that money from him? They deserve a huge extended pile of MissCabbage tech, right up the ass.
Bingo, Sammy! That’s exactly what they did to him! Up all night. “No, you can’t leave until you give us a significant donation.” This man does not have VGIs at all. He was beaten down. He gave up and gave in. The broke him. That’s one thing they’re very good at. I hope that man finds his way home soon…
Home. Via the nearest police station. He may have bought himself some months of not being disconnected from his family, but the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is not done with him yet.
Jens, that’s very, very scary. Looking at his picture, it doesn’t seem he’s in very shape to begin with. They’re going to release the piranhas on him very soon.
Moar Regraded Being, please!
2nd that!
I think Norman (Benson…the sad looking man) was attempting to convey ‘distinguished’. Perhaps he should have worn a jacket and tie, not a golf shirt and windbreaker. The Barcalounger recliner he is sitting in does not exactly scream ‘success’ either. If anyone needs an example of class, one need look no further than Camelot Castle……
The Gerri Fischman letter from San Diego contains the following sentence:
“I can tell you I’ve experienced every emotion available on the Tone Scale, from all the way at the top to some where around copyright…”
Really? “Copyright” is an emotion on the tone scale? Would that be somewhere between “patent” and “trademark?”
I can’t figure out whether they just have awful proofreaders or whether they actually put stuff like that in there to see if anybody is actually reading it.
I was puzzled about that one, too. However, my conclusion gave them less credit than yours. I thought they’ve now gone completely off the rails.
Really? “Copyright” is an emotion on the tone scale? ..yes yes sure .. everybody is on the Tone Scale at any time .. this means you are duplicating another and not been there yourself ..
It means you have the tone level of another .. and your tone level is then copyright .. the tone level copyright is really easy .. not discribed fromm LRH .. naturally but nevertheless is it a tone level .. for sure .. overseen from LRH in his research ..
Another funny one, JPC.
But when I read Gerri Fischman’s letter my translation of what it really said is, “I hate this shit!”
When I read the remark I was confused too–until I checked out a tone scale chart. At the VERRY bottom of the tone scale chart print out, one might spy the phrase “copyright Church of Scientology” or some such. Sort of like Christians reading the Bible “From Genesis to the maps.” For my money, it was the wittiest thing in the whole letter.
I thought it was amusing, although not so much… I did think it was my very first sighting of a “serious” attempt at humor in these fliers. Seeing as the Tone Scale is copyrighted, I thought Gerri Fischman meant she went so high up the scale into new emotional realms that she could actually get a new copyright for her “higher state of existence.” She did add, “You might be laughing, but it’s true.”
Well, I didn’t actually laugh. I might have chuckled. But I would still advice her that there are good psych meds for that now.
It’s a joke. The copyright is at the bottom of the page.
Yes, Hungarian Scientologists used to say about a messy situation that it was in copyright condition, meaning lower than confusion.
Never heard it used with tone scale, though.
Gerri probably got ONE thing right, about her having WHITE hair now.
The cartoons are fantastic! It must be difficult to try and out-funny Scientology promotional materials. That poor Minority Report woman reminds me of a mime trapped in a box (or bubble).
My thoughts exactly. The illustration got the bubble part right.
Regraded Being did it again. Didn’t think I could laugh at 5:40 in the morning but the cartoon got me going. It’s so hilariously true how these ribbons and shit are taken so seriously while that ship in the background is sinking.
Cracks me up.
Yep, they have a rather advanced case of ‘Beliving their own Daveshit.’ The rest of us call it a BFD (Believin For Dave).
I see you are an early riser McCarran. You know that is NOT a common trait found in the cult!!!!!! Good on ya!
I’m stuck in between lives – I mean – time zones, Cooper. 🙂
McCarran, I’m sure they don’t know it, but, they are the laughing stock of the world! Regraded Being is an awesome way to poke fun at them! They’re a bunch of mindless idiots running around thinking they are Super Beings. And to top it off, in DAVID MISCAVAGE (google his name or go to Wikipedia), they have a sadistic, power mad, dwarf of a man who makes their lives even worse! AND THEY PUT UP WITH IT! I gotta tell ya, you could create a weekly series out of this cult. We can call it: “Davy and His Minions.”
🙂 Yup
Not to nitpick, but I found out you spell Miscavige with an I nstead of an a at the end. I just call him Mcravage for short. And THANK YOU again Regraded Being! Your stuff is some funny shit. It just points up the picture of little kids putting on uniforms and playing army or navy.