Monday Service?
It takes all the dynamics to make a freedom…
This is THE BEST…
Central Files Team…. All 6 of them in this, the largest ideal org on earth.
Consummate Con Man
The REAL tech he learned to “help others” was Big League Sales….
This is Expansion?
A rehash of Atlanta. A tiny Auditor’s Day event in Pasadena for the entire LA area and a replay of the 1993 IAS event? Confirm Now. Who would want to miss this.
Miscavige is feeling the hurt
This tired old event gets rolled out whenever he thinks his image is being tarnished. He thinks this is his greatest performance ever – tied with his brilliance on Ted Koppel.
Valley Ideal Org News
We have been telling you about it for a decade…. And now they are droving sheep.
Ideal orgs represent 10X expansion….
Looking at you London. And you Seattle (with your closed down Life Improvement Center). And you Denver. And Twin Cities. Phoenix. etc etc etc
Must be 10X expansion of empty space.
Milestone Targets
Everything is now a milestone or epic. Even fundraising “targets” that are endlessly “extended” when they are not reached.
Discounts. Big discounts.
We will do anything to try and get anyone to arrive at the only location in this universe where you can truly go free. I guess they don’t see anything strange about that.
Why the Moneywinds?
Surely this sort of event should be what CC does – not the Moneywinds AT CC?
60 years of failure
They have less operating activities in Seattle area today than they did in 1950…. NOW they are going to do “wholesale clearing” — what have they been waiting for? They were “one of the first ideal orgs”?
What is stopping them from cogniting? Only 3 ideal orgs, not 4?
Now they’re getting serious
A special Sea Org mission is coming to take our money.
They don’t notice that this quote is from 1957 talking about thousands of Clears? And they are all excited in 2016 because they got 2 Objectives completions?
It’s the magic of the Moneywinds
See your wallet, credit cards and bank accounts disappear before your very eyes.
Whale migration
The LA whales have run dry. So they brought in status ho’s from Clearwater
Scots Humor
No commentary required. I must say, I find him refreshing, even if he is a little mad.
The successes of scientology
Atlanta org opening? Seriously?
Hard hats and toy guns
Go figure. These 4 are going to git er done.
Look Who’s Coming…
This is all they can muster for confirms from the largest scientology community on earth?
Obviously, something has….
So many things wrong with this…
Yes, yes, yes and yes
And what a treat — answers from the Freewinds. One of the greatest failures as an organization in the history of scientology.
Special briefing
Yes, we know you gave money for your OWN “ideal” org. But we are expecting you to give more for the Valley “ideal” org because we just cannot make any headway. And you haven’t been hit up for a while. At least 2 weeks now.
Imported Bubbles Champagne
The Moneywinds is also holding a seminar AT FLAG with the Flag OT Committee Chairman?
Exclamation overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure must be important. Oh yeah. FILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Massive progress. Milestone. Epic.
They STILL have more than 70 to go. Been that way since they launched this “550 strong” thing a few months back… This is why they have to import whales and send the CO CLO WUS to reg at Orange County for Valley.
The best for last
Idealiness has reached a new low. It was predictable. Now it is here. Ideal overkill.
Although I too confess to a soft spot for Fearless Leader, I find his omission of the legend of the Cross of St. Andrew interesting.
Christian legend has it that St. Andrew was crucified on an ‘X’ cross.
Interesting that St. Andrew was promoting the ideas of an implant.
And I would love to know who was behind the Hubbard tartan……I’m going to guess the same group of people who were responsible for ‘awarding’ LRH all the certificates that are shown panel by panel, at the big events
And what’s with the 10.01.06 date on the ‘V’ flyer?
Is that the last time anyone has seen Shelly Miscavige?
I understood everything. I’m still a Jedi Night……..I mean, Knight.
Nitety nite, don;t let the bed bugs bite…
Re: The best for last
An event at the Fort Harrison Ballroom, complete with “Tables of 10 VIP $2000.00,” “Regular Tables $750.00,” and, of course, Reg Tables.
Contact for the event is Maria Robb. As in “Rob,” how appropriate.
What’s with the 10.01.06 on those Valley “status match” flyers?
The last time someone walked into their Idle Morgue…
Just love that Michael Chan guy! So well trained and all. Makes me really want emulate him and join his group of thousands of friends that are so well advanced on their happy time Dynamic expansion. Every aspect of Scientology’s success is a shining jewel representative of his love and devotion of the humbly accepted exchange he receives for his phase 2 aspirations. He has single handedly managed to usurp Miscavige’s popularity and boom Scientology wherever and whenever he graces the troubled masses rushing to the standing room only events he attends. It is rumored that he is more popular than LRH but just like John Lennon uttered once about popularity and Jesus Christ, they are now hushed at making such references.
Oh how the mighty stand up to fleece the weak!
What the hell, I will say it – Michael Chan for President! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“This was the gain. This was the fruit of the years. Now I can sit back and rake in the cash without doing any work. Keep Scientology working!!”
Okay, I am a never-in so I am so confused. The invitation to celebrate the “graduation and the opening of The Atlanta Org.” is being hosted by the San Francisco Org. Does that mean the party is in California? Why would it not be held at in Atlanta??
As a native of North Carolina I can not imagine any southerner being interested in Scientology. We are very tradition oriented and very set in our ways! Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks!
First – this is a video replay of the event that was held several months ago to open the new (empty) Atlanta building.
Second, scientology is NOT well accepted in the South. Atlanta is the only org outside Florida south of the Mason Dixon line and east of the Mississippi (including all of Louisiana). Not another scientology organization in all those states from Virginia/Kentucky to Mississippi/Louisiana. There is the scientology headquarters in Clearwater and the local org in Tampa that lives off it’s rejects and outcasts. There is a place in Orlando but it’s 3 people and a dog and nobody ever hears a peep out of them. Then there is an org in Miami – they claim to be doing well, in fact they are failing miserably and are focused on trying to attract Spanish speaking public who may not have ready access to the internet.
Mike, you are so right! You and Ann! Not going to get this bunch of devout evangelicals onto Scientology.
By the way, Ann, where do you live in North Carolina? I live in Shelby.
I live in Raleigh. I was raised here but got the hell out of dodge for a long time to “see the world! Now I am back!
Welcome back, Ann! And, Mike, you are spot on as usual! There was a city office in Greensboro, North Carolina for several years but it closed in 2009.
“People are joining staff in DROVES…”
Mmm, sure they are.
Droves – that’s the plural of Drover isn’t it? A sheep herder. Sheep = Scientology = baa baa = sheeple = sheeple needs drover = droves of sheeple = Scientology makes sheeple = droves.
Makes sense to Aqua.
Should read, Makes sense to me Aqua. See I was all sheepled out!
No worried, Yawn, I got it. And hey, Jeanine’s last name is “Shearer”! Can’t make this stuff up, right? Gosh, its all so darned exciting and I think we should ack it with some exclam tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I meant, “No worries”. See what this excitement does to me?
Catchie isn’t it?
Yep! They drove in….and then drove out. Laughing….
Ah, the Deluded Ones. How happy are they, how secure they are in their uninspected stable data. How peaceful it is to bask in the comfort of the group agreement to see only what one told to see and nothing else. What a relief, not to have to think. How much easier life is when one never needs to question…
I’ve had my own realization about this sort of thing which is that is that plenty of non-Scientologists live in their own delusions and fiercely cling to them. The Still Ins of Scientology don’t have the market cornered on being deluded.
There are people out here in the real world who are also deluded about something, or someone, and if you try to give them some data, just a suggestion that they look, they’ll react just like the Still Ins do, they’ll discredit your source, get upset, and ultimately
declare the subject in question off bounds for discussion. This could involve religion or politics or a spouse or a child or a friend – the uninspected stable data could be about anything or anyone. Whatever it is, the delusion is very much needed and wanted and to ask that it be inspected will cause alarm and misemotion because the delusion is depended upon because it serves in some way and therefore must be kept firmly in place.
So when dealing with a person who is deluded about something, don’t ever confuse him or her with contrary facts, its too upsetting. Don’t suggest to this person that information to be sorted thru is only a mouse click away, its too upsetting and they won’t do it. Don’t even direct the person to evidence which is right in front of the person via the 5 senses, because this will come across as insulting no matter how tactful you try to be. This person’s mind is made up bout something, and no matter that its a delusion, it is necessary and as such will be kept firmly in place by not looking and not hearing, and any contrary data that manages to seep thru the barrier will be immediately rejected.
I think one of the most upsetting thing about disconnecting , for my sister , was the disruption in the quietness of the bubble , no thinking required , lets stay happily deluded.
Well too bad.
I hear you, Marie. This is just my theory, something from the dark recesses of my so called mind, but I think the reason that many people insist on a delusion or two stems from early childhood when one considered either or both parents or some caregiver or beloved adult omnipotent, all knowing, all caring, all loving, not to be qjuestioned, a being to be utterly trusted. And then we grew up and saw that these adults were not the icons of strength and love, etc. that we thought they were when we were children, so what remains is a kind of yearning for that, a yearning for someone or something to trust in utterly…well, its just a theory, but I do know a number of people who will attack like wild cats to guard and keep their various delusions. They’re not Scientologists but they work just as hard as the Still Ins do at not seeing/hearing etc. anything they don’t want to know.
I’ve a notion that you’re absolutely correct, Aqua.
It has been my belief that the normal human condition is being (and remaining) hypnotized, maintaining all sorts of delusions (all of us–the wise people know their own fallacies), and selecting and following a demagogue-type leadership. Plus, everybody lies to everyone at many, many points and the worst being the ones who lie to themselves.
That is, believing six impossible things before breakfast is, in fact, prosaic and mundane. Alas, humanity’s been around hundreds of thousands of years, so I’m guessing these things to actually be hard-wired survival traits!
Very right Aquamarine. The fact of questionning in itself is a kind of overt for them. The use of reason and comparison is kind of develish. It’s maybe compared to a kind of mental masturbation. For them there is something very dirty with scepticism,it’s dark.
It’s thousands of years of religious belief, church hierarchy and all. Miscavige with his clean blue eyes represent honnesty and goodness in their eyes. They have something wrong with their mind. IQ too low.
Ever try to disseminate to somebody who has a friend whose son and daughter disconnected from them?
Ever try to disseminate to somebody who knew LRH lied about his education and military service?
Ever try to disseminate to somebody who wondered why all the scientology centers are empty?
Ever try to disseminate to somebody who reads Mike Rinder’s blog?
Yes? It was a bitch wasn’t it?
For the Monday Service, it’s probably easier to get staff bums on seats for a pretend performance when some sucker shows up.
I was once that sucker, I’m sorry to say…
And after that a special treat!Ias reg Willie Wonka takes you on the Hershey Higway.
With everyone ‘joining’ staff, who is left to actually pay for services? So now everyone has to wait for the ‘Universe Corps’ to come to town for training? That speaks to either no money among the public (where or where is Michael Chan when he’s needed) or everyone is too cheap to actually pay for any services.
$cientology is just another Amway that is reduced to ‘regging’ or dunning each other for ‘donations’. One of the last Regraded Beings hit that nail on the head. They grab all the publics first born and hold them hostage until the artificial fund raising (and commission paying) target is meet.
Please don’t compare Scientology to Amway. Amway has a LOT more people than Scientology! But they’ve had the same problem in that the name Amway is too tarnished in the West, so they’ve had to expand into the Third World.
LRH quote: “When one knows how to handle life, one does not run into constant trouble.”
I guess constant hiding from the law and the justice system doesn’t count.
Could this be because of all the people L Ronnie and his minions have swindled, blackmailed, brainwashed and extorted?
Apparently, L Ronnie didn’t pay enough attention to his own ethics to stay out of constant trouble
Plus the way he ignored his family…what a Da!
Dad! What a Dad! I left my mind on Target 2…
“Willie Wonka tunes just for Ideal Orgs.” WTF???
They have jumped the shark!
Miscavige must be cackling gleefully at how stupid his followers are.
Ideal Chocolate!!!!!!! Will the insanity ever stop?
Re: Kendrick Moxon and recent reports of alleged payoffs to PI’s to retract damning statement regarding $cientology.
I’m inclined to give Mr. Moxon a pass since he and his wife are responsible for saving the planet from certain destruction by an evil alien invasion per a video made of his wife telling just such a story of the couple’s heroics. Can be seen on Youtube I believe. Don’t have the link.
Uh, what’s with the date on the Valley “Look Who’s Coming” poster? Ten years off?
Scientology: Thy name is desperation. Massive, epic & monumental desperation. Imagine being on staff…….
This may be a silly question, but are those who no longer shall be named, i.e. the SPs, those who have blown, are those names edited out of the video? Particularly Marty?
I wonder how they do that since his name is right in the middle of the narrative……”Marty Rathbun and I went to see the IRS commissioner…..”
In observing Michael Chan’s TR O face I realized why sometimes TR O can be a mask.
Instead of just being there, sometimes the practice of the TRs can make a person think that sending energy out of the face and eyes is being there. It is not.
The wog world calls it the Scientology stare, the mindless gaze, the zombie look.
Sending energy out of the eyes into another person’s head is not being there.
It took me a few years to dump this bad habit. There are times when the practice of the TRs came in handy. But I found that being interested in the other person was a far better way of being there. I would forget all together the “comm formula and just flow.
When real good com is happening, it even leaves room for interrupting in a benevolent way.
Scientology can teach the robot stare, confronting instead of truly relating.
Look at Michael Chan mocking up being a big being, a powerful being, an OT being. That is his mask. It use to be mine.
The “being there stare” is really an intention. You can see and feel Michael’s intention.
It’s like he is intending us to see him as a big powerful being instead of his simple beautiful presence.
Come one, come all, and pay through the nose for salvation. Ugh….
Orrrrrrrr……just stand outside and laugh them.
I do love how they use chocolate coins in that last advert. Usually quite horrible chocolate.
Like cardboard…
Good to see Edinburgh’s Fearless Leader is still alive – I was afraid they’d replaced him with someone less amusing!
He looks more like the village idiot to me
I believe he is three days a week…
If anyone here would like to experience the ultimate “living in an alternate reality” event, you should attend the Effective Dissemination Seminar listed above!
Can you imagine trying to train scamologists out in the real world in the USA how to handle non-scamologists and get them into an org?!!
I think the 10X expansion finishes at the front door when you are on the inside looking out..
“Mastering the secrets of time” – What determines how much time you have? Weellll, breathing and not being dead are good indicators.
Other than than the above, the rest is the, ssigghh, usual drivel and meaningless nonsense we expect from $camology.
Mastering the secrets of time. Wear a watch. You’re welcome…
I would but I’ve never liked the feeling of anything around my wrists. I did use a fob watch on a chain for a while years ago but made the fatal mistake of wandering around spinning it. One day I went one one way and the watch went another. Here comes that horrible pun (which I really thought at the time)…wait for it…wait for it…”Oh look at,” I thought as the watch sailed off into the middle of the nearby highway. “Time flying.”
lol. ๐
Sea Gull vs Freewinds.
Sea gull drops crap but does not also steal your wallet.
Next time magpie maybe?
Scientology organizations are so staff necessary to upkeep all their paperwork and papertrails, the only viable way to keep all the busywork being done is by using staffing by Sea Org (religious worker tax bracket persons, payscale like Catholic nuns) or by just straight free staff help volunteered by the public membership helping for free, or for snacks and camaraderie.
The staffing main setups are all LRH’s fault.
Those two staffling solutions would be EEI (Establishment Exec Int of the non-existent Executive Strata) two main staffing “help” programs to keep the movement going.
The staffing monetary exchange arrangements, and any communal arrangements allowed to make Ideal Org staffs and Mission staffs’ lives tolerable, would be EEI’s “bright idea” programs that EEI would need to upkeep and continually push out as “help” to the staffs of the official Scientology organizations.
Free volunteer help from the members willing to come help for snacks and camaraderie; or join staff and move into the “religious worker” tax bracket and the various levels of communal lifestyle that Ideal Org staffs, or Mission staffs, or front group staffs, or Sea Org staffs, live under.
Scientology could more realistically and openly upfront define these things.
The movement needs fresh thinking at the top.
Wouldn’t that be just rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? They can’t change the product and nobody is buying the product for very good reasons. Even if they paid staff from the IAS billions and gave it away for free, its still junk that nobody wants.
Well I usually do the Ideal Breakfast Rundown at the Ideal Diner on Mondays. ( But of course in doing this I do miss out on the discussion of the most important question of the day.
“What part of Ron is God did you not understand?”