After a 6 week (?) hiatus, Thursday Funnies are back.
Obviously, during this time a LOT of material poured in. I honestly have not been able to get through it all. There was a ton of pretty amusing “holiday fare”, but that is dated now. I have selected some of what I think is the best stuff from the last few weeks. Enjoy.
Bad Hair Day
She certainly didn’t join because of their photo-shopping prowess. Yowza.
Not really funny
A theme for these “funnies” might be exploitation of children. This is an 8 or 9 year old Sea Org member and this is made “normal” by L. Ron Hubbard “endorsing” it.
Push the kids…
MM Files
“Mighty” Miami cannot even get their files done apparently (let alone “Clear Miami”) so Bubbles Champagne and the Flag OT Committee are going to save them. And it’s “fun”!
When all else fails…
Offer food.
Then get FRANTIC!
Fully on target for a “potential” Mid-February opening….
They completed D AND F!!!!
Amazing. I guess “E” didn’t make it…. Seems organized.
Lies, lies, lies
Your membership might make these things “possible” if they ever spent any money on them. But they don’t. So little wonder it doesn’t say “What your membership has made a reality.”
How do we get there from here?
You can’t. And won’t. End of story.
What you don’t see on the big screen?
This is really weird. And Dave Pettit? Weirder still? This is something to do with Valley it seems – most likely a recruitment event.
It’s cheaper!!!
What a way to attract people to achieve “full spiritual freedom”. Sort of begs the question – if these are donations and NOT quid pro quo payments why would anyone care about cheaper prices? It’s donations to “support the church” – why would you want to support the church with less money?
A timeless moment…
More like a pointless sentence.
Just cannot ever get a grip on what this is supposed to mean. Or even what “this” moment is it refers to?
Oh no they didn’t?
Oh yes they did. Train where COB RTC trained (and beat up a preclear…)
Join the “Dukes of the Auditor Elite” – but there is NO Briefing Course?
This AOSHUK promotion reeks of desperation.
Well, unless you find yourself in a “Golden Age”
Then it is decidedly UNpermanent. In fact, everything you ever did is worthless.
That’s pretty golden.
Speaking of desperation…
The only way they can get anyone interested in a “St Hill Size” event is to hold it after a football game? Wow.
And what the hell are they going to do now that Seattle lost? Wait for next season to get going?
My Mammy bound for glory
A weekend filing getaway! How can it get cornier than this?
Come found out the amazing news….
Grammar is not our strong suit, OK?
What would happen?
Nobody seems to know….
Missing Credentials
Come now Arte. Let’s not forget you were the spokesman for the GO criminals who went to jail. Errrmmm didn’t you go to jail too? For refusing to tell the truth to the Federal Govt? Just as long as you bring in money, all is forgiven….
We make Clears
Sometimes. Not often. In fact we don’t have any to show. We just say we do this and hope everyone buys it.
Read this quote
And remember, this is NOT a threat, it’s just friendly advice. How do we know that? Because he said so….
Valley filing also vital
So much so that you can earn a commendation from the CO CLO WUS!! Wow. That and $5 might get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Two Christmas holdovers
Just because they are so bizarre.
Sort of weird stalking — we have you on our list to capture….
Giving the gift of promises
Imagine opening your presents on Christmas morning and inside the boxes are notes “you will get a present sometime in the future – we have been saying this for 20 years now, but believe us, we really mean it this year.”
My parents told me I should…
Is most likely the REAL answer. “I was raised a scientologist and I don’t think “wog” education or college have any value.”
More kids…
Really, don’t they SEE this?
More kids
Apparently they don’t see anything….
URGENT CALL TO ARMS Sorry guys, you wore that one out back in the ’80s. They realized that when they used that phrase, lots of people would show up – that was for the Portland crusade in 1985 when they herded people onto chartered buses and sent them up there to march around and sleep in Delphian’s gym. They started using it for everything and people got sick of those so-called calls to arms being stupid reg cycles and stopped coming. Boy cried wolf.
Hah! That’s the first time I’ve ever seen any reference to He Who Shall Not Be Named, COB RTC Mr. David Miscavige’s training. There are no pictures of His certificates, never any mention of His training or processing level – maybe I just missed them, but I don’t think so. I guess it’s just assumed by the bleating sheep that He is a Class XII and OT 47X. So now, a vague reference to Him being an auditor. Fascinating.
Arte Maren – The PR line way back when (and to this day, actually) is that the government office break-in perpetrated by Scientology was not sanctioned and was really done by some rogue individuals in a rogue office (the GO). The GO was shut down and all of those “rogue” bad guys were expelled from the church. But… There’s Henning Heldt and Dave Lantz working at Morse and Associates (a Scientologist-owned company), and Arte Maren being unleashed to reg the sheep in Dallas. Fascinating.
“If Scientology were to be used by the black people of America…” I shudder to imagine what the rest of that quote was.
As for the Santa pic – is those kids’ last name really Flegm? Bummer.
What the heck is the rockin, heavy metal emoji there for.
This is my first “funnies” since subscribing to the blog. The whole kiddies poster (s) things are freaky
Dukes of Auditor Elite? Sounds like a tacky,60’s band.
Thursday one of the days I laugh,cry and jump around in disbelief with the on-going onslaught of CF and bring your own dish!Mac & cheese are you kidding! I would have begged borrowed & stolen for one mouthful of that while in back in the day.All I got in the wilds of CF was cold vending machine coffee.But again the exploitation of babies and youngsters under 18 is so horrific.Very very arrogant and so Cruel that parents friends and teachers think these Huge Thetans in little bodies can be blessed by Ron/dm and become robots for Greed.Makes me cry all over again.Mike you are blasting down the doors of the cult.Take care of you and yours and know I am right there with you till we can say we did it,we let the sun pour in and disinfect dm’s world.?
Good lord. I never knew the almighty forces of the universe walked off the job and handed over the reigns to Scientology.
Sorry if off topic but I have a question some may be able to answer. Hubbard had once stated something along the lines of the best way to make money is to create a new religion. Is there any evidence of this statement? I am just perplexed and curious as to how intelligent people bought into his story. Then it makes you wonder how you could ever be sucked into this world yourself. I would like to think it could never happen to me. But you just never know until you live in someone else’s shoes. It’s truly scary to think about. How do some people buy into it and others see it for what it is/was? I truly am heartbroken for what people went through and what they are currently going through.
I know it’s hard to understand how people could get sucked into this, but remember, you are getting this information about it before hand and we didn’t. The social media has made it possible for people to be informed and not get sucked in. I don’t think any of us would have gone in knowing all that we know now. I hope this helps.
They lead you in slowly with information that makes sense – remember these people have been doing it for years. They know all the tricks. They know to go for gullible people who don’t like to say ‘no’, who don’t like to disappoint people. They go for the people with few friends, and people who truly want to help the world. I think that if they actually could harness all the people who joined to help others, there could be a hell of a lot of good done in the world. But instead their time, effort, and money is going to service Dave Miscavige and his big ego.
Steven Hassan’s book “Combatting Cult Mind Control” talks a lot about this. As does “Opening Minds” by Jon Atack and “Cults Inside Out” by Rick Ross.
Basically, different people have different vulnerabilities. Some are hoodwinked into joining an organisation which they later realise is a high control abusive group (regardless of how the organisation is presented).
Creepier feel in the funnies this week for sure
So people can earn a ‘Scientology scholarship’ (LRH permanent training poster)? I find that hard to believe.
Maybe it’s just my mood today, these are eerie. Troubled by seeing the sweet innocent children.
Yes, it is hard to find any of this too humorous these days — ESPECIALLY the children.
Seeing LRH placing the “sailor cap” on that little boy’s head gave me the creeps….seems like “get ’em while they’re young and we can lead them down the garden path & influence them with OUR belief system before they know any better”…scheeez.
No opportunity to even BE a child, seemingly adults in little bodies, doing adult work, etc….sad.
“Training is permanent”. Until we have to change it so we can sell it to you again. Yah.
Mike, I know there is a reason for the Thursday funnies BUT I haven’t missed them all these past weeks and wish they would go away. Argh, they are so exhausting. I only check in on Thursdays cause of the chuckles I get from our clever posters.
Did you notice how many potlucks there were? They wouldn’t even buy food for the volunteers, you had to bring a dish.
I’m Canadian, and I hate the fact that the nuts are in Canada too. I knew they were, I remember seeing the big SCIENTOLOGY sign in a window above a store in Ottawa. Always wondered what they were about. Now, I know. I also just saw that Miscavige has a facebook page! Really? I wonder if the robots can see that page or not. I doubt it.
Miscavige has a Facebook page that has around 19,000 likes – probably representative of a campaign to get virtually everyone in Scientology these days to go to the page – which is not too good for the supposedly revered leader of a fast-growing organization claiming millions of members. And that’s barely ahead of infamous ex-Scientologist and convicted murder Charles Manson, and about a third of Hubbard inspiration and claimed “good friend” the black magician Aleister Crowley (long dead, as well*). Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam (NOI) group that is estimated to have 20,000–50,000 members, has 670,000 likes and the NOI closed (approved) group on Facebook about 20,000 members.
In contrast, Leah has around 1,000,000 likes – pretty good for someone Scientology dismisses as no longer “relevant”.
Mike Rinder comes in with around 6,000 likes – not too bad for a defrocked apostate compared to his former “pope.”
* L. Ron Hubbard, as a historical figure, gets about 25,000 likes, ahead of Miscavige but still only about half of what Crowley garners.
Bet those “likes” are bought for Miscavige. Only started my public page 4 weeks or so ago. Keeps building daily. So too Twitter followers. Amazing response….
Mike, I figured that every Scientologist on Facebook (has anyone ever tried to gauge the number?) has been told to go and “like” Miscavige, and that then they’ve “bought” a few thousand, but that the number bought maybe just a bit more than makes up for members who aren’t on Facebook.
Miscavige’s numbers are still embarrassing when compared to the likes of Charles Manson and Aleister Crowley, who beat him out by wide margins. I actually could not think of a marginal enough religious/cult figure who was not totally obscure and still living, to find a leader with a low number of “likes” comparable to COB Miscavige. Okay, I finally dug deep, and “maitreya” Raël, leader of the UFO cult named after his moniker, has only about 7,800 likes – do you think that will make DM feel like he is a “big being” compared to wannabe international alien cult leaders?
The part that always gets to me is that “move up in status” nonsense, the insanity of pushing people into desperate financial trouble, all for a cheesy plaque and meaningless “status”. I’d love to see a future episode of Aftermath that exposes the constant pressure on members to donate money.
Mike, I want to thank you for ‘coming out’ and exposing this joke of, dare I say, a ‘religion’. Watching the show brought back memories of a ‘church’ I found in Austin, Texas in the ’80’s. It was called, The Church of Today. I was actually invited to come by a Psychologist I was seeing at the time. Had I not been so naive at the time, I’d have KNOWN it’s against the law for her to have asked me to be in a social setting with her (as my Therapist). The ‘minister’, her husband Al K. Mustin, was a ‘wanna be’ LRH. It was very similar with it’s ‘message’ of goodness, but it was all about money. I’m Christian, but no longer believe in ‘organized’ religion. I need no other to ‘connect’ me to God. I am His and He is mine, period. I wind up involving my husband and two children in this mess for almost two years. I found it odd that the church’s book store carried only LRH books, but still continued going, feeling that my ‘tithing’ was going to a good cause. I was still seeing his wife for Therapy and I hit a wall, I had a mental break. I put myself into a Psychiatric Hospital and was diagnosed with severe Depression and his wife continued to come see ME, ‘just to drop off the sermon I missed’. That was it, I thought she was being a ‘friend’ or acting as a Christian…No, she was building up a HUGE bill, several thousands of dollars for those tapes. After I was discharged, I got her bill! Seriously? I make an appointment to see her and confronted her about the ridiculous charges. Her response? She gets UP from her chair, stands over me and calls me a ‘bitch’ among other names. I was in shock! I got up to leave and am confronted about my bill again! I drove home, got into bed and didn’t get out for 4 days…How could I have got myself into this horror? As I lay in bed, I went over and over what had happened…Then, I got mad, SO MAD! I wrote a letter to our State Licensing Board and told my story, I didn’t expect a response. I received a phone call from the Board, it lasted over 1 hour. Two months later, I received a letter stating, ‘Jan Ford Mustin will be put under Direct Supervision for TWO YEARS (meaning another Therapist had to sit in on sessions), Reprimanded by the Board for ‘socializing with a patient’ (we’d been to their home many times for gatherings) and for ‘recommending a particular Church’ and any monies ‘owed’ were voided…I felt vindicated, until…I just now did a Google search for The Church of Today, only to find his obituary and find out that his wife, Jan Ford Mustin, is alive and well AND her practice has blown up! It is now a ‘Foundation in his honor’! It’s all a sham and pisses me off so bad, I could scream! They just took bits and pieces of Scientology and invented yet another FAKE religion. Blah, blah, blah…These people have to be stopped! I pray you can recharge your batteries with your beautiful family and come back swinging! Godspeed to you and Leah for taking this on! xo
I also had a terrible experience with JFM about 14 years ago. She is something else.
My mother was sucked into JFM’s cult–when she was a student at UT Austin, any information you could provide me would be helpful– She never recovered and seems to be having a negative impact on my sisters life
The Quebec poster is very weird… no mention of having to speak French? Maybe that’s why their Montreal Org building is vacant… The city won’t give them a tax exemption for places of worship, since the building is empty. Every year they wait until they get a reposession notice before they pay their taxes, I guess they hope someone will turn up and nobody ever does. Btw Mike I loved your show, my wife who totally didn’t care about the stuff before was super into it too, and people are starting to talk about it at work and getting others interested. So there has to be a second season!
Yes, but, they’re sad in a very funny way…
If Miami wants to get their ‘Central Files’ done right, they should give these guys a call:
I’d be very interested to hear from any Under the Radar’s if they believe Anything in these promo pieces anymore? For those new to Scientology PR and promo, the basic idea is that if you repeat something often and long enough, people will start to believe it. It does work, but only for a while, especially when you experience something quite different. It’s done to a more subtle extent in media today. By now there’s not a single veteran member, staff Or public, that haven’t notice: 1) Every event is supposed to be historic 2) Every event turns out to be an effort to shake you down for your money, and if no money, free labor.
This Saturday I’m going to the Women’s March, despite the fact I won’t last long walking. This is an actual historic event and its stated purpose is for real. As I understand it, some have tried to pass a rumor that Ex Scientologists support Trump. LOL. Fact is, there are hundreds of thousands “Ex’s from all walks of life, countries, 90% have left long ago, and of the approx 12,000 that I met and knew personally, as an example, 90% support human rights with renewed passion. But this is another example of how if you promote something enough and it gets repeated, you can fool people that way. Scientology promo was an embarrassing joke to many of us, at least after exposure for a year or two. Public constantly complained about the extravagant waste too, especially when prices started escalating. This is why I think the only “market” these promo pieces are designed to affect are the “captive” audiences trying to figure out how to get out with their family intact.
All that volunteer time devoted to their filing system…what if that volunteer time went to, say, helping out at a Food Bank, or helping seniors with odd jobs around their homes, or planting trees in their community? In my opinion, not showing up and leaving the org CF in shambles would have a greater benefit.
Yeabut, aren’t the files way more important? I mean compare helping out a local senior in need compared to saving all of humanity for all time.
Yo Dave,
How did I do good buddy?
Just a thought while looking at some of this promo…
If Scn truly, truly worked and did everything they claim, there would be no need for ANY promo…period.
There would be no dissention; there would be no blog; there would be no Mike Rinder, no Leah Remini, no court cases…none of this would exist if Scn delivered the goods.
The fact they have to SELL you a church service through advertising indicates they need to persuade you to participate. Totally unnecessary if Scn delivered the goods.
I know right? Even ONE that got away proves that the “tech” didn’t work. How do they explain thousands of fails? Oh, right, blame. Not responsibility, but blame. I actually wish the tech did work. That’s why I stayed so long. The HOPE that I wasn’t being deceived and that it was really as they said it was going to be. Karma’s a BITCH!
I believe someone here recently stated that the A&E show is having “devastating” effects under the scientology hood. These promo pieces are evidence that there isn’t much left to devastate:
1) Any of us former Sea Org staff can tell you why sleep deprivation is internationally listed as a criminal torture device. You can google both the short term and long term effects. You can find out for yourself how short a time it takes before you don’t can’t even spell your own name correctly and grammar is long gone.
It is a major tool of human rights abuse in Scientology. I noticed 3 years ago with alarm the increased visible signs of long term deprivation in the Funnies. It has gotten worse in the last year.
2) Child neglect in Scientology includes deprivation of a proper education. The expensive private Sci schools typically had many field trips, art classes but the major fields appear to be sorely lacking. These glaring grammar and typing details as well as the art designs are further evidence of this neglect. Those who attended have written their own reports about the heavy use of sci indoctrination (sci “ethics”) and emphasis on teaching as a grooming tool for new slavish staff in Scientology organizations. It bolsters the reports of no significant new recruits for the last 5 years. These are all 2nd and 3rd generations of veteran members. Again I am seeing in the last year younger than ever staff. That means 3rd generation.
3) Human trafficking of foreigners perhaps not seen so much in today’s Funnies but in all the others this past year. If not very young, then most foriegners. If Flag and PAC (Florida, Calif) and other main Sea Org hubs are still confiscating passports, ID, not allowing phones, communication, money, transportation, these and other activities and behaviors by Scientology officials falls under that banner. Besides the faces, English might not be their first language so again, you will see grammar and spelling errors.
4) Grammar and spelling and design errors in promo are a punishable ethics offense in Scientology policy. The fact that it is now a constant as well as elevating presence in the Funnies tells me the mental and physical stress and deprivations have overwhelmed even staff’s embedded fear of ethics cruelties. That is a disturbing symptom to me. I and many others reading here know exactly how dark that state of mind is where you don’t even feel fear anymore. Anytime this was happening wholesale to staff was when income was crashed for a long period, public had already quietly run out the back door, and staff were disappearing in chunks at roll call. Instead of 2 posts (jobs) dumped on you, now there are so many you’re not even sure.
5) Tours. This is an area I know very well. Mat Pesch stated below what he observed in 2004 including a CO out of the org on Tours. Today and the last 3 years we see in promo: CO’s, top Auditor, top C/S (a supervisor of auditors) and top Reg (salesmen) regularly out on tour along with top FSM’s (public who act as field salesmen). Except for the FSM’s, this is a Comm Ev (trial) offense in Sci policy. If I had tried to assign these main characters to go out on tour, pretty much guaranteed trip to RPF or SP land. RPF is prison camp and SP Suppressive Person. As of about 1 1/2 years ago, it has become routine. It means there is NO business going on. When this happens at Sea Org org level, it means all of Scientology activities, not just lower orgs, are dead in the water. Who is paying for these promo pieces?
6) I have never seen so much use of babies and age 1- 10 year olds in Sci promo as I have this last year. I first saw promo going back to the 1950’s. While this is just my interpretation, I see this as evidence of the extreme, fanatical desperation level from the very top. It is a visual manipulation and reinforcement of the emotional blackmail known as “Disconnection” in Scientology policy which many are now familiar with thanks to A&E show #ScientologyTheAftermath. Turns my stomach to see but now it’s more evident than ever that this is the last strangle hold he has on the few thousand stranded in Miscavige’s shadow. He is terrifying and taunting his last remaining slaves and customers. It doesn’t make sense unless you understand the mental makeup of a sociopath. A sociopath with several $ Billions, a Get Out of Jail Free card written on the backs of our 1st Amendment rights is a whole other animal.
My take on the Funnies of late: Scientology has become a terrorist in the true, raw sense of the word. It’s time those whose job it is to protect their citizens, and especially our precious children, stop making excuses and step up.
A question from an outsider: I’ve heard a lot of speculation that the increased spotlight on Scientology practices, decreasing efficacy of their scare tactics, the rising potential of lawsuits backed by eyewitness accounts from key former leaders, the possibility of a criminal accounting for DM, and the dearth of new recruits and income may lead to implosion. With that in mind I’m wondering about the possibility of some type of Jim Jones scenario. I haven’t read anything specific about how Scientology perceives suicide – think I may have heard something about “end of cycle” but don’t know how that concept would fit, if it does. I guess my question is whether the end of Scientology could lead to new safety concerns for followers amongst the most indoctrinated?
If this subject is too offensive or distressing to discuss in this forum I apologize and please delete.
It’s been tossed around Liz. But just questions as you have asked. Impossible to know.
Hubbard wished for suicide while auditing space aliens. But I think Hubbard was fairly demented at the end.
I think we all wish, and pray, for a safe LEGAL end to the abuse.
Thank you. Great points.
My heart breaks reading this. Please some govt agency step in.
The more I read L Ron Hubbard’s (he lied about him writing it. How surprising!) Brain Washing Manuel the more I think that this is Ron’s most authentic writing.
Sleep deprivation etc etc.
Meaning, it IS who he was, behind the curtain of benevolence. If I read this, now, with my Ron image in pieces on the ground, far from the blank gaze of mindless belief; I can see that this is the true Ron.
There is so much knowledge of how to control. Where did he get that knowledge?
L Ron Hubbard, in my opinion, was a master at propaganda, psychopolitics and hypnotism.
He was also master at redifining key human concepts to cause obedience and loyalty.
He demonized freethinking, criticism, other practices, GE is a family man (the doctrine that denigrates family bonding)
I believe in my heart, that L Ron Hubbard knew what he was doing. He knew how to create Altitude in order to secure paying customers.
I use to think that Ron dabbled in this stuff to understand the mind so we could understand the mind.
But now I believe The Brain Washing Manual was Ron’s MO in creating Scientology.
Just look at the RPF, kids in chain lockers etc etc.
This PDF is a look see behind the curtain. The wizard of oz was not a nice man.
There is something diabolical and devious that Ron would know so much about mind control.
It’s how he trapped us. It really is. It’s very uncomfortable to even conceive of. But when I think of him in this way, the mystery goes poof!!
Well stated, Brian. I agree with you one hundred percent. I don’t believe there was anything “innocent” about this man.
I’ve just sat down to read this Web site and I am truly blown away by the writings and madness of ANY MAN that would want to practice Brain manipulation in this way.
Do you suppose the eastern world has read this and that is why they treat their own people this way.
LRON was clearly a sadistic basturd and communist.
It’s no wonder so many were tricked.
I pray that all you all can get your family and friends out and shut this BS down
I would have to wonder what mental disorder he actually suffered from. I think it’s possible in the end he may have came to believe in his own insanity as well. The distrust in psychiatry may stem from his own experiences and also to keep the cycle of auditing going which to me seems like therapy? He didn’t want the competition so he created this distrust? Outside the realm of science fiction, his ideas weren’t his. As mentioned he borrowed from various pools of knowledge. So what new insights did he bring to the table that allowed intelligent people to buy into his thinking/teachings initially? As an outsider he seemed like a kind man whereas I look at Miscavage and his face looks like that of a mad man. I think it boils down to manipulation, and those who held the source of knowledge and access to knowledge, held the power. I keep thinking of Machiavelli when I think of Hubbard and Miscavage. Is it better to be loved or feared? Anyway, just putting my thoughts out into words.
“It’s time those whose job it is to protect their citizens, and especially our precious children, stop making excuses and step up.” I agree. The picture of Ron saluting to the little boy that you see from behind…. that little boy is Larry MacDonald and it was taken on the Ship. He was there with his mother. Larry is now a grown man in his 30’s or 40’s. I wonder if Larry escaped the church and is now an Ex? Anyone have any info on Larry MacDonald?
For any “never ins” interested in what it’s like to be recruited to work on staff at an org, Steven Mango
has a very detailed story of his experience. As I watched, I could relate to everything he told about because the exact same tricks were used on me. This is what happens if you show ANY interest, AT ALL in $cientology.
I watch him-I am subscribed to his YouTube. Very well spoken & detailed info.
I’m a “never in” and Stevens story (after reading Leah’s book and looking into more online) has really got me on board to demolish this cult. Leah’s series has only added to my interest in doing anything I can to help stop this injustice.
I hope whatever Mike & Leah have going on behind the scenes is BIG and successful. I think it’s a sort of political correctness happening when people say some of this crap helps. A tens unit and coffee with a friend could do the same! It’s all bad, all a cult and nothing salvageable about any of it.
Off soapbox…and now. 🙂
It’s sad to see the children being subjected to Scientology control methods so young… so that by the time they are young adults, their independent thinking abilities have already been curtailed and substituted with Hubbard-thought. It also reminded me that this Saturday, January 21 is National hug day. Hug a loved one. Send hope and positive energy to the families who are disconnected to reconnect.
Hugs and thanks to Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. 🙂 (and where is Ann B. these days? I have an extra hug with her name on it).
When you prevent children from access to the outside world, and expose them to only one side of the coin, the CO$ side, the children never learn CRITICAL THINKIING. They can’t compare anything else but to what they’ve been taught is the truth by CO$ because they’ve never had access to anything else.
Isolating children from their own biological parents also doesn’t give them access to unconditional love, that the child can be forgiven for mistakes they make, and the child is not brow beaten into full submission and taught to OBEY without question their “church assigned non parental authority figure”.
My children are grown adults, I can’t imagine not being able to hold them, hug them, kiss them and give them parental love an attention from infancy.
What a cruel life for a child to grow up in, a child not allowed to BE a child, but a robot to do the bidding of what a “superior officer” tells them to do. I can’t imagine what punishment would await a child in COS if they refused to OBEY without questions, or what would happen to them if they DID question a COS member.
I can well imagine those left inside are hearing bits and pieces of what’s going on with Leah, Mike & their guests on the Aftermath & Reddit…….the ship might be slowly sinking from a soon to be internal implosion….. ……& a mutiny.
Am I wrong in pointing out that the children look empty eyed
Sorry but I’m just not laughing at that but glad you’ve pointed just more BS that is going on.
The central files statistics on the one flyer are interesting. The 211,000 for Miami, if “3x” Tampa means around 70,000 for that city, which was under discussion the other day (“Fastest-Growing Religion in the 21st Century” Debunked).
At the statistical death rates for the Florida population that I cited the other day, around 2,100 of the people in the Miami CF and 700 in the Tampa CF would be dying every year. Plus those out of date old files must contain a lot of people who have died previously. What do they do with a file when they get information that the person is deceased?
If they’re really starting to confront the deceased in their files, that could be pretty sobering, particularly since they’re probably adding many fewer new contacts than they’re losing just to death. Seeds of doubt might be planted in public and staff starting to realize what’s going on while working on the files, and confronting the long-term mismanagement that these central file debacles represent.
The emphasis on the files reminds me of the National Labor Federation in New York City, which became known as the “filing cult” after government raids in the 1980s and 1990s and subsequent news reports. They were actually a Communist party splinter group preparing for a supposed imminent revolution, and had small front groups around the country which engaged in a few activities and did a lot of canvassing. The people at their Brooklyn headquarters were reported to do little more than spend long days (think Sea Org style sleep deprivation) under the burdens of their internal bureaucratic paperwork and maintaining a vast filing system detailing all their contacts, and receiving indoctrination.
The “OH MY GOD!! We just completed LETTER D&F!!!”- flier enthusiasm is like satire ….
and then with your guess that “E” didn’t make it. Delightful.
The cult always stays away from ‘Es.’ Es are like SPs.
Why are E’s not liked or avoided?
I just noticed the silk scarf the red headed blowhard in his Christmas morning photo.
I remember my dad wearing his silk scarf on Christmas morning…….said one ever
On the one hand, we’re told “best career ever” and on the other:
-work hard all day
-awful pay
-impossible hours
(at least they’re being somewhat honest?)
Okay. Will I meet Tom Cruise? No? How about Kirst… oh, no?
Hmmm, your best offer is free tix to a Kuba Ka “concert”, Joy Villa is the celebrity host, and they’re serving macaroni but I’ll never be allowed the time off to attend? I’ll pass, thanks.
As a never-in, I don’t quite fully understand some of these, but from an “outsider” perspective:
1. That horrendous photo job done on the lady in the first one. And funny enough, this lady is actually quoted as saying she realized the “value of the Technology”. Technology certainly doesn’t seem to be a strong aspect of the church, based on this photo alone, but also on the cheesy “stuck-in-the-80’s” graphics and promos they seem to put out that DM apparently thinks is “straight up and vertical” (or something….sorry, I’m still trying to get the Scientology lingo down)
2. “Teammanship”? Is that another LRH word he made up? Or did they mean to say “teamsmanship” (and is that even a real word you can find anywhere other than an urban dictionary)? Seems like someone apparently didn’t “word clear” that one very well.
3. The last one, with two images of very young children, contained images/references to Santa Claus, Superman, and Mickey Mouse…..three fictional characters. To me, for some reason, that seems ironically appropriate for this so-called “church”.
Welcome to Thursday Funnies! That’s what makes them funny! LOL
Chortle, chortle.
Could they be recycling photos from former members of staff due to no one new signing up?
What about ” Rancid Taco Tuesdays ”
(Marc Headley and Jeffrey Augustine did a video on Surviving Scientology
Talk about enurement –
The self appointed dictator of Scientology – David Miscavige – has fresh flown in fish from Santa Monica daily while the prisoner’s at the Int Base are fed rancid taco’s, beans, rice and garbage.
This is so easy to prove – IRS – are you watching?
Okay – Good!
Now – take the tax exempt status away from Scientology….and keep it far, far away until they get their ethics in.
Maybe Tom Cruise will help – he says he has no problem getting others ethics in – he wrote up his own niece for having sex in his prison.
Don’t you just love it when some OG $cilon like Arte Maren shows up in some $cn backwater to defraud the locals!? I know that I sure do! In fact, I love seeing these original clears and “trained by Elron himself” folks because they’re such a rare and vanishing species.
If someone were to do a “$cientology’s first 1,000 clears” report on where they are now and what they’ve been up to, I’m pretty sure that glimpse of the past would also serve as accurate foretelling of the future as well. Not counting those that have already bought the big Xenu dinner, my bet is that of the remaining original clears, Arte is one of the few that continue to be an active $cilon and purveyor of The Holy Kool-Aid.
Have you ever noticed that there is no pantheon of $cn Greats – no actual Dukes of the Auditor Elite – that are admired and celebrated in the lore of $cn’s early origins and glorious history? Well, that’s not only due to Elron’s own jealous guarding of his place at the very top of the $cn firmament, but also because no matter what your clear number was, unless you had more cash to contribute or you dedicated your life to the cause, $cn was done with you the moment that you had nothing more to give to the cult.
Even those on the list of the first thousand clears who DID join up and gave their all to the cause ended up demoted, RPF’ed and fucked with a hundred ways to Sunday. So, by now, out of those first thousand clears who remain alive, my bet is that only a handful continue to be active in the cult like Arte has been.
For those younger $cilons who are wondering what their future in $cn is going to look like as they age, all they need to see the Truth Revealed is to cast their gaze back on the cult’s past to see what has become of those who followed the same path that they’re now treading…it’s not a pretty future because almost no one had a pretty past in $cn.
Training is permanent. That is PRICELESS! I mean, hilarious. Sure, it is permanent.. Unless you cross the church, speak out, refuse to disconnect, or many many other menial reasons… Then they somehow snatch all of your “progress” away from you, and snatch your family.
“Training is permanent…”. It just sounds so final.
Aline from Denver expresses perfectly how the whole thing works.
One gets a personal win, an improvement in communication, an incident run such that the pain of it is diminished. One is love bombed with assurances that this is just the beginning and EVERYTHING is just better and better as you move up the bridge.
One then decides to “believe” everything because, of course, an “open mind” is a bad thing and this is a deadly serious activity which is the only thing that will save mankind just like we saved you.
From everything I’ve seen there are a lot of processes and procedures that can help a person in life.
They just don’t belong in any kind of cult.
I enjoyed a lot of my auditing. I liked many of the good-hearted folks I worked with on staff. The organization as a whole, in my mind, always sucked.
Like the Ringling Brothers circus…their game is at an end.
How Scientology markets itself is all in a huge volume of work called Admin Series or Admin Volumes.
Also a book called Big League Sales.
Some folks like to say how benevolent and “on source” the past was in Scientology, and that it has been perverted by DM.
DM simply put his demented-rage-anger-punch-you-out version for all to see.
A version, by the way, which Ron taught him; The Responsibilty of Leaders, the life of Simon Bolivar.
Today I start on that journey. To prove that a young naive boy, David Miscavige, who needed anger and rage management, was instead given…………..
the tools to express that rage and power hungry appetite. Ideological weapons, doctrines, that give justification to harming people to keep power.
When Ron’s words, to protect power, became DM’s actions; the lives of innocent people are ravaged violently.
Newcomers to this blog:
There is not one strange behavior by Scientologists that does not have a corresponding instruction, in writing, by L Ron Hubbard.
Thank you Brian, for concisely stating what is really quite obvious to most people. That demented being , lrh (he doesn’t deserve to be capitalized) led a population of searching, sad, lonely and/or desperate people to the Kool-aid and they drank deeply. He was in it for the money, then he began to buy into his own madness.
My only hope for him is that after the stroke and before he died xanu applied millions of thetens to his body, inside and out.
Sorry for the misspelling of thetans.
Aaron Smith Levin’s story was so heartbreaking….to be forced to separate from his own twin brother…and then his mother….the painful tears Aaron shed were hard to watch.
Aaron mentioned Collin was while in college possibly working on possibly a thesis about his former involvement in COS.
Was Aaron able to obtain those papers his twin brother was writing before Collin lost his life in an accident?
It might be interesting to see or know what Collin’s viewpoint became after leaving COS.
My prayers are with Aaron Smith Levin and their entire family.
What your membership makes possible and can provide (But doesn’t )
There’s an acceptable truth right there…
Macaroni Monday is having me rethinking this whole anti-scientology business…
If they have great wine with that macaroni, I’m in!
Sorry OSD…’s drink the Kool Aid or drink nothing……..
wait, though – is it green kool aid?
They’ll TELL you it’s green, and you WILL agree, right? RIGHT???
Ha! Same with Taco Tuesday for me. But I’m actually using my real name and a photo of myself posting here, and since I’m sure the church reads the comments here (and on Tony Ortega’s website where I also post), perhaps I will soon be or am already on the church’s “blacklist” and won’t be allowed on any of their properties, even for Tacos. At least I hope I get on their blacklist, just in case the day should ever come that I lose my mind and decide to wander into one of their buildings for help (they would actually be helping me by saving me from myself, so that’s one good thing the church might one day do for me).
No worries, Mick! We’ll put you in a big sun hat, add some makeup, and no one will be the wiser. Just walk in, grab &a run. We’ll have your back…
Scientology: Come for the macaroni, but stay for the tacos!
One of the biggest lies shown in the above funnies has to be the picture of the course room at St. Hill. They show about 30 bright students filling every chair in the room. I was there for a week in 2004 and there was never more than one student. St. Hill was a ghost town. I couldn’t believe it. I wrote a report to Int management for what that was worth. The Captain of the base was off in Italy on an Arrivals Tour. I doubt any of the “students” in the picture are even Scientologists. Pathetic smoke and mirrors.
Soooo, Santa Claus was a Scientologist?
Shhhhhhhh….don’t spread it around or you’ll spook people.
Love your humor, OSD!
You’ve got to be able to laugh. And laughing at Scientology is my favorite pastime!
No Silly Ohio Buckeye – that is the trap we set for the poor ignorant wogs who don’t know they have a Christ Implant and a Santa Implant
You see – we are playing a big game
A sort of “bait and switch”
Where you come in through propaganda and lies
We use mind controlling techniques to have you give us all your money and join staff and work as a slave for eternity
We also use “Achieve your Goals” as a “bait and switch” cuz it works ya dumbass!
Loving all of your ‘comebacks’! The culture surrounding CoS is sad and devastating. Having the release of a little humor, certainly gives strength to continue the fight.
As a “never in” there are two issues that won’t allow me to turn my back: child abuse and abuse of the First Amendment. I will use my voice to encourage an unbiased and unafraid government investigation by our legislators.
Macaroni Monday AND Taco Tuesday? Bribery with food. Genius! Where do I sign the billion year contract?
But 9:30am – 10 PM? Like is it still edible at 10pm? Macaroni salad sitting out in the Florida heat for 12 hours? I’ll pass!
Not only is grammar not a strong suit, neither is spilling or punguation?;;
When your “fearless leader” has a 9th grade education bad grammar as it were can be said to have “trickled down from the top”.
It seems like “Aftermath” has added a whole new darkness to these promo pieces. There are real people behind them, real people in pain who need to get out.
I rewatched the Reddit 2 episode last night because hubby couldn’t believe the part about Hubbard’s war record and had to watch it. He doesn’t watch these shows with me because he keeps saying he wasn’t in so he doesn’t think he would be interested. However, he wanted to see this one because I told him about that and with both of us having family in the military, a long history of military service in our families, and my best friend the head of the Veterans service Org here, that one was especially galling. When Lawrence got to the part about “sheepdipped” he blurted “BULLSHIT”.
He then watched Debbie on the stand and said “what happened to her”? Then he sat there and cried with Steve Hassan. At the end of the season, another new convert to the OMG movement.
My never in friend who interviewed me for 9 hours for a college psychology class last year told me that she re-read her final papers after watching the series and understands so much more what I am all about and what I was talking about when I was struggling to explain.
Aftermath has distilled in a few hours what many of us have been trying to say for years. Things just look different now. That is not a bad thing.
I’m re watching Going Clear and it suddenly hit me. The idealists who devoted their lives to this sham were crushed, ruined psychologically, battered physically and spiritually broken when they discovered what had happened to their dreams of a better, safer, saner world. For most the dawning of this catastrophe was slow, for others one event was all it took to shatter everything they’d ever known to be true. How can we not be understanding, nurturing, patient and loving, even to those who, in the face of irrefutable evidence, cling to those beliefs that carried them through the exhaustion, indecision and desparation of their days trying to make sense of something patently insane. From Leah Remini, Mike Binder and everyone who shared their stories on the show of shows, comes what might finally be a ladder straight up and vertical right out the door of a truly wicked cult into our flawed, but genuine world. I’d love to hear if anyone knows of a member who finally sees the reality due to “Aftermath.”
Man, they really overdo it with innocent children. I cringe thinking of their future.
Ugh, I feel the same way. I just can’t help but wonder and worry about there lossed childhood and sad future in the Sea Org..
Oops! their lost
my heart breaks for these innocent children.
What future? Being regged for staff or even worse, the SO?
Whats the follow up on all these events? Did they actually happen? Lot of them were in January of this year. I so want to know!
Oh the cheesy, set up smiles and choreographed photo of academy students studying at Saint Hill. Yet, not a single pen, pencil or demo kit to be seen. And God Forbid! NO DICTIONARIES!!! However, when one thinks about it, since there’s no Briefing Course available at Saint Hill or anywhere else, what does it matter?
Scientology, the Church of Bogus (COB).
The Cult of Bogus. Spinning lies since the early 50s…
I see it now … Arte Maren is driving down the road … zig zagging … he hits another car, both drivers slightly injured … someone calls 911 because Arte looks out of it … paramedics come, he’s given a blood test to screen for drugs … and alas, NO DRUGS! … but to the doctor’s sheer astonishment … Arte’s blood is found to be … 71% … KOOL-AID!!!!!!! … Why am I not surprised? After 53 freakin’ years of having to pretend to all that LRH was just a sweet caring mellow and all knowing guy … at his age, Arte probably believes it himself. After all … he’s “in bidness.”
Joe, you too funny. Us old timers thinkin, “Arte, really Arte – the GO “Arte”, that we all remember back in the day? you still around, oh my”. Still hanging in there cause you just can’t confront or admit the insanity of it all.
Yep, Joe, you hit it on the head, Arte is “I bidness.” As are all the FSM’s who know the truth and still pretend just so that they can get money and make their FP-1 nut every month off the backs of their selectees.
At first I thought Aline from Denver was transgender, I realized that she isn’t because all the trans people I’ve met go to a lot more effort with their appearance!
Of course they had to mention where DM trained simply because no one has been able to pin down precisely what training he has done in the 30-40 years since then.
Could ‘Aline’ be a computer composite?
Mike, the link to this week A&E:
Thanks Leah, you and the wonderful team!
Wow… that was the most remarkable program I think I’ve ever seen. For once I wasn’t motivated to respond against the abuses of Scientology in the basic way I know how and have been taught to respond – by force, be it intellectual or physical. The enormous scope of human compassion and the desire to assist those in distress was very much portrayed by the wonderful people on that panel. There is indeed hope, life and genuine love in the human condition. To watch those people respond to what they see in Scientology allows one step back and have a look at what is really at stake here. What is in Scientology is representative of many other mind control mechanisms and formulas employed by the unscrupulous. More good will come of Leah’s work and her choice of companions than can be easily contemplated. The path of hope, narrow at times and always under threat was very much held up as beacon for anyone to see and feel, but most importantly, the importance of you and the feelings so generated cannot be underestimated. A cult, any cult preys on that.
Brilliant, just brilliant!
Does it not bother anyone that there are 211,000 files (for Miami alone) that need filing? If these files contain audits, sec-checks and KR’s…. who knows where and how that info could be used?
These are not the “Priest-Penitent Confidential Files”. These are the central files, containing invoice copies for anything purchased at the Church, copies of letters to the person, letters from the person.
Thnx BP. I’m a ‘never in’ and have some difficulty keeping the clergy v. general population separated. My interest in Scn is particular is to their child abuse and governmental influence.
you’re so generous with your description. “Letters to the person, letters from the person”. Most of the backlogged filing in these CFs is composed of Ad Unk Returns.
It’s a self perpetuating vicious cycle. The mailing lists are decades out of date, mass mailings are sent out to the entire mailing list including old addresses which often contain 3 spellings of a name to the same old -no-longer-valid address, then these are mailed back as “address unknown” and pile up in boxes in the dusty graveyard known as CF. The number of valid addresses comprising an org’s mailing list is but a fraction of what they’re mailing to.
If things are done properly, yes, there are copies of invoices for books and services, routing forms, success stories and…TA DA! “carbon copies” of all letters written asking if they’ve read the Dianetics book they bought in 1972 off a street seller, (for a buck fifty) – these are also piled in dusty boxes waiting to be filed.
The local orgs used to print, fold, stuff, stamp, and mail all of their own promotion and all staff had letter quotas. Now, I believe, this is all done from management or something – except for the personal letters.
No more Friday Night All-Hands staying late a couple hours, stuffing a form letter from the Director of Processing with promo piece into an envelope, fold, stuff, lick, stamp, label…..
I think the bulk of a CF project is to file the Ad Unks into the files and then take the name off the list if one can’t find a valid current address for the person. You can have hundreds of pieces of returned mail for the same person, all needing to be dealt with.
and I don’t do any of that stuff no more.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Your description is spot and and brought back some memories of the cratefuls of returned mail which filled the CF area. The ‘BMO parties’ where usually quite good fun, I don’t think many of us took it that seriously as it was obvious nearly all the addresses were out of date, it was always just about getting the stats up. The silly thing is that 9 out of 10 times the junk mail didn’t get sent out anyway as the org couldn’t afford the postage stamps.
YES. Remember about the screaming that would go on if the income had been so low that we couldn’t even afford to print and mail out the monthly mag. Hearing that there were no stamps for letters out was a “phew, maybe I can skip the 20 letters quota” relief….
And yeah, brainwashed and oh-so-young-and-fresh.. I too had some fun with the after hours all hands parties getting the bulk mail done.
It’s so odd that it’s done at a higher level now. Recently at Flag I realized I couldn’t go to mimeo and get a copy of an HCO PL I wanted. There was NO mimeo anymore and no one even knew what I was talking about.
They were clueless when I was trying to “remind them” about all the policies on mimeo, and mimeo selling the public the BPI issues, etc. Nope. Someone cancelled that part of a CL V org board I guess.
After watching the series on A&E the last few weeks, Thursday Funnies seem even more sad and desperate than before. Except for, maybe, Taco Tuesday. Love me some tacos. But, seriously, the show frames these pieces differently for me now. Thank you for your commitment.
Hey, we can run in and run out with a bunch of tacos! They’ll be so shocked, they’ll just stand there with a blank expression. We can do this!
“I joined staff in Denver because I believe the Blechnology will help this haircut”
“If you were at St. Hill in the early 70s, you may remember a precocious 12 year old. You’ll no doubt recognize him because he hasn’t grown an inch since that time, except for his hair ”
“If only Black People used the Tech….but God knows that won’t happen because they can’t afford it because they’re not hardworking enough without the white foreman…..wait, that was the South African….I’m getting my ‘Black’ people mixed up. Oh just forget the whole thing and remember what I told my wife Polly…..get yourself a…..”
Wow, super duper Miami is straining to scrape together 100 scamologists.
L Fraud Hubbard states that the little kids he had in the CMO were some of the best administrators in scamology at the time. What a scathing indictment of the adults in such roles in the church at the time…
Same principle why the infantry doesn’t want anyone over 25 years old. Too smart after that to take stupid orders. Get ’em when they’re young, tell ’em a stack of lies and they’ll follow you to hell.
Please don’t insult my son and the thousands of other troops who serve this country. Infantry is not synonymous with stupid. In fact, my son chose Marine infantry because he knew it was the hardest job available. He’s always been a thoughtful, hardworking, ethical young man. I agree however, with your estimation that the younger they are the more malleable. I can only imagine what the parents of the kids thought was really happening.
Barbara- I thank you for your sacrifice and your son & comrades for their service to our country. I’m sure no offense was meant in that comment. 🙂
My grandfather was in the Army at 19 (ww2) & father in the Airforce (Vietnam) at 23, both serving in wartime so I do understand your upset.
I wish these were funny. They are actually very sad!