Straight Up and Vertical?
This is a recent posting on Instagram showing just how packed the HGC’s in the new SP building are….
There is NOTHING happening there, and apparently not even any staff around.
They have NO shame…
This child has no clue what he is being used for.
Once Valley is ideal we can turn on the media blitz…
Among all the other bs in here, I wonder why they are waiting for the media blitz? Apparently SO Members are now bodyrouting at the subway entrance at Sunset and Vermont… The “Test Center” on Hollywood Blvd remains closed.
OMG — “Groundbreaking News”
And I would bet that news is that you need to give more money…. (actually, the news is that the “designs are done” so you need to give more money).
But believe me, it WILL be monumental and will likely shift the axis of the earth, or at least turn your whole time track inside out or something….
This is sad
How pathetic is this message? It’s not even begging for money. It is begging for anyone to pay attention at all or have the slightest interest in what is going on in the home of scientology in New Mexico (this is one of the orgs in the “first ideal continent”…)
I have some questions, but I honestly don’t have the heart to call her.
Staying fabian, sort of….
The head of the Office of Special Affairs Austin (Cathy) is featured on this promo piece, but she is not identified, somehow they are lumped together as “Texas Ranger Sergeant”? I had the pleasure of their company when I was excluded from the courthouse in New Braunfels as I was scheduled to testify, so sat in a coffee shop across the street and these two kept close watch on me. I am certain their contribution is not in terms of money. Unfortunately, that doesn’t count in the world of scientology.
A totally inappropriate LRH quote
Come now. You are asking for money to build a new building using a quote that says the unit of a great society is the individual? Doesn’t anyone in scientology have even the slightest sense of irony?
Rocking in Twin Cities
They have 2 people on the SRD. Obviously NO completions because they rushed out a “success” to let everyone know the good news after just one session.
And THIS is the “ideal org” that is clearing St. Paul. Well, Minneapolis too. Actually the entire state of Minnesota. Oh, and Wisconsin too as there is no org there. Oh, and North and South Dakota. And er, Iowa.
Man, this ideal org program is truly making planetary clearing a reality in fine style.
“I had my first session last night on the SRD and that, in itself, is a big win. It was great to be able to be on the receiving end of this processing. When we looked at the CS and I saw the process that we were going to run, it thoroughly indicated and I was once again amazed and thrilled to see that that process was such a perfect place to start, for me. I had imagined that I would simply be doing what my twin had done, but it was immediately apparent that some care had been taken to select a process that was just right for me and right from the very first process.
“The process had to do with ARC with the environment and as I ran it I started to realize that I had in the past considered the environment a bit on the dangerous side, that I had created what I thought was a wall of protection between myself and it and those in it. The wall was constructed of a feeling of dislike or lack of affinity. Then as I continued to run the process I remembered that one definition of affinity is the ability and willingness to occupy the same space as something (my words). As I looked at things in the environment that it wouldn’t be too dangerous for me to like, it was plain that there was plenty and in so doing I began to occupy more of the space. Before I knew it I was occupying a large space and was exterior. The thing that can happen with regard to ARC with the environment is that a person can pin themselves to a body, can limit the space they occupy, simply out of a misguided attempt to “survive” by denying or rejecting any ARC with the environment. It is really just another of those self-imposed traps which can afflict one and it is awesome to be able to see it, blow it and then blow out of your head.
“So, not so bad to have my first session on SRD, have the perfect process at the perfect time with the perfect twin and go exterior right out of the chute. Very excited to get rolling and see what other surprises and wins await. I appreciate the fine programming, the CSing and supervision, having a great twin and, of course, this laser-like and exquisite technology.”
-Tim Fargo, OT V, Student Hat Graduate
Regraded Being
Re: Apparently SO Members are now bodyrouting at the subway entrance at Sunset and Vermont.
“You guys do nothing to help mankind.”
I think that Mr. Jason Hemphill must be smoking “wacky tobaccy”.
: -)
Or his socks!
Poor Tim Fargo, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever read. Student hat graduate? I feel like the guy is pleading for acceptance and talking himself into the C/S he got. It was soooooo just right for him, he’s more concerned about the C/S than his own point of view. This black/reverse Scn has turned everything around that used to be about truth and as-isness. EPs are hyped to death until you feel it’s unachievable, but you have to redo things you’ve already done, no matter the protest. EVERY action should be done in alignment with an individuals point of view, with full cooperation and with integrity. Integrity has left the gaudy building!
Yes Hallie, to say one is a “Student Hat Graduate” is indeed rather naff. But then its probably the only major course comps they are getting these days (and that is a retread anyway).
Oh! Of course – I have just realized! Being a Student Hat Graduate these days is very politically correct as it is Dear Leader’s new “thing”. So as in North Korea the lemmings utter the phrases that the Politburo want to see and hear. It is saying “I am with the party and am doing and promoting what Dear Leader wants”.
This is off-topic, but is it true that Int Base in Hemet is built right over part of the San Andreas fault, or another such earthquake-prone geological manifestation, whatever its called?
Here’s a map of the San Andreas Fault, so you see it isn’t near Hemet at all.
You’re probably thinking of the San Jacinto Fault Zone, which has caused significant damage in Hemet in recent history. Not being on top of it might not be very protective, if the base is built on landfill or has a significant aquifer underneath it, there could be much more damage because of those factors. I very much doubt that it was built on top of that fault, even 50 to 60 years ago they understood faults and how important they are, and they wouldn’t have let the place be built if that were so, I would think.
According to USGS maps, it appears Gold Base is located near to, if not in the San Jacinto Fault Zone. This network of faults is listed by the USGS as one of the most active in Southern California.
Tim Fargo’s Declaration of Insanity is a goldmine of unintentional hilarity.
“It was great to be able to be on the receiving end of this process.”
I don’t think Tim quite gets what kind of ‘process’ he’s been on the receiving end of. What you want to bet it isn’t a little tender for him to sit?
“So, not so bad to have my first session on SRD, have the perfect process at the perfect time with the perfect twin and go exterior right out of the chute…. I appreciate the fine programming, …”
Translation: I have a knack for being reprogrammed as a bullshit-spouting robot on the very first try, and I appear to be sensible to the fact that I have been programmed, and incredibly, I’m even thankful for it. Is this Stockholm Syndrome?
From 1984:
Thanks so much for the patience, persistence and communication skills you continually demonstrate in getting the truth out there about this cult for anyone who needs it and is willing to look.
I don’t know how you do it, but I’m so glad you that you do.
Hats off to you, Sir.
The cute, innocent young boy featured in the IAS ad doesn’t know how he is being used to extract money from parishioners. No doubt he’s been told that he’s ‘helping people’.
I’m wishing that within the next ten years he’s out and informed about the IAS being a sham organization. If he’s not cherry picked into the SO, that is. Lets hope that doesn’t happen.
And, Regraded Being, thank you.
When people are so blind, and don’t know that they’re blind, when people cling to their blindness and are actually proud of it because they are convinced that their near total blindness is actually the highest level of awareness – when one confronts an existing scene like this, day in and day out, what other reaction can there be, really, except to J & D?
What else can one do, after a while, when the “horses” are continually brought to the “water” yet continue to languish and die of thirst because they will not drink?
From what I know of horses, which is a lot, they would never be this stupid.
Ok, end of rant. Its just one of those days.
This happens to be one of my totally exasperated, no patience, no sympathy days as regards the cluelessness of the sheeple in their clinging to uninspected stable datums whilst they and their criminal cult progress on their merry way to and over the cliff.
Edit spelling: “Sargeant”
“Texas Ranger Sargent” of this Ideal Org Campaign.
You know, if for no other reason – if for NO other reason to be glad that I am no longer in – if I had nothing else to make me heave a sigh of relief to be no longer associated with David Miscavige’s Church of Scientology, THIS would suffice. I am not exaggerating. I find this sort of thing quite embarrassing!
Yes, Aqua – it is quite childish, actually that is an insult to children. And then all this heavy-handedness, scowling and disdain and force is also just as moronic.
Great post today Mike!
And Regraded Being is nailing it with these cartoons – today’s is the best so far!
Mike, “when I was excluded from the courthouse in New Braunfels as I was scheduled to testify”. I followed the event as closely as I could, but this detail is new.
Tell, please!
It is normal practice to exclude witnesses who are going to be testifying in a hearing from hearing the testimony of other witnesses so they cannot “corroborate” their testimony. I forget which hearing it was, I was going to be a witness, but of course the hearing dragged on forever, the hearing was continued and they didn’t get to me. That hearing is yet to be resumed…. So I spent the afternoon in the very pleasant little coffee shop across the street from the courthouse. Same thing happened in San Antonio when both Marty and I were excluded from the hearing on the Debbie Cook restraining order, but the church withdrew their motion before we could take the stand.
” Line Dancing Ideal Org Event – at the church at 7:00 pm”
I only have one question for Cheri in New Mexico ..
Uhm Cheri.. How do you can you Line Dance Without a Line? Just curious..
I’m waiting for the “Bingo Ideal Org Events”. Then I’ll do my A to E and join in.
Thank You !
OK, I want to hear the story about the first picture (the guy doing the handstand). It’s got to be good.
Poor Timmy, HCO at the Sandcastle can be the Wall of stupidity you just cannot get through.
Tim Fargo: The delusion runs deep and strong in this one.
But if he keeps occupying a larger and larger space, running a lot will help him lose weight.
Erm, as regards Tim Fargo’s win above presumably on Objective ARC, does this not violate even the revised revised C/S Series 73RB or whatever revision it is now (to fit all comers in to the “rules”), not strangely enough by receiving the lower grade process as that is (strangely enough) allowed per the HCOB, but the fact that he seems to be doing it at Twin Cities, which er, as far as I know is not an AO. Now as I read now – I have the 1990 RB version of this HCOB – this violates this HCOB in the following way, to wit: – (for an OTV) “This would ONLY be done at an Advanced Organization, by a qualified AO C/S.” Now I suppose this could be interpreted that the programming of the case must only be done at an AO and that he could receive the SRD at a lower Org if his twin was OTV and his C/S also, but this sort of thing is typically ambigous when these revisions are made by Compilations Unti instead of LRH (as it is a 1990 HCOB). SoWell, I suppose even the revised HCOBs can be ignored these days! See C/S Series 74 volume, page 253.
Now of course I don’t want to make trouble for anyone by saying this – ha! And of course I am not trying to throw a spanner in the works of the wonderful delivery and gross income made from having OTs run the Survival Rundown (again, and again?). No no, I am not doing that – just er, pointing out a fact as contained in an HCOB!
The other thing I though was a bit weird from the same story is that Tim was able to see what his C/S was, which even for a co-audit seems strange but saying that, and thinking about it now, no that would be ok, I think? I suppose on a co-audit it is somewhat less formal. Can’t recall now – maybe I should re-run SA LIsts?
Typo: C/ Series 73 not 74.
They announced some time ago that as part of GAT II OT’s would be allowed to co-audit their Objectives in their local org.
Frankly, if everyone is going to be put back down to do Objectives, it would be insane for them to require people to go to AO’s. 90% of the people would never show up.
You don’t need an “AO C/S” to C/S an Objectives Co-Audit.
The real outpoint is not WHERE they are doing it. But THAT they are doing it.
Yes, Mike, quite correct, I think that was the point I struggled to make. I realized that after I had “let fly”. If someone’s objectives are done they are DONE. This I believe is an Executive blanket C/S from DM that all must re-do their objectives, regardless of looking in each Pre-OT/PC’s folders to see whether they had already been successfully done.
Surely, Mike. Then again, what could you expect from ‘THE’ outpoint? 🙂
The only reason Clears and OTs are ordered to do objective processing is to degrade and invalidate them. That is not by accident or stupidity but by the (evil) intention to harm Clears and OTs.
The purpose of objective processing is to prepare the PC for subjective processes. Typically a person from the street is so out of present time and entangled in problems and think think that he cannot run auditing commands. Any subjective processing runs best when the person is at least to some degree outside his body. Upper level auditing requires that the person is out of his body as on upper levels it can happen that some hot energy is released too fast and that can even kill the body.
Any OT that actually is OT does not need objective processing. If an OT has trouble and is caught in the body, has troubles being in present time or whatever cannot be handled by objective processing. If they would try to handle that with objective processing would worsen the situation.
Hmm, I have a different answer.
The only reason Clears and OTs are ordered to do objective processing is to MAKE MONEY.
They are the majority of the public left. The ONLY way to keep making money out of them is to tell them to do things over again.
The easiest thing to tell them to do is “co-audit objectives” because that requires no staff auditor.
As for the hot energy that is released that can “even kill the body”, come on back to earth. Not even the most hard core KoolAid drinker has made that claim before….
I feel the need to release some hot energy that is guaranteed to kill.
My answer is again different.
To MAKE MONEY, for sure.
I believe that David Miscavige is aware that he can’t hype any auditing (along with the courses to deliver such auditing) enough so his sheeples would buy (purchase) enough to keep going. He maneuvered himself into a position, where he simply CAN’T deliver anything else.
He has invalidated all former auditing and training with his re-re-revisions. In the old days we would have thought of a correction list and then keep on moving on The Bridge. But people at any level on this Bridge to Nowhere have all the problems in the world they tried to solve all along this Bridge. There comes a point when people no longer believe “the next step will solve everything”.
As he also took all or the majority of auditors out of the chair by declaring them incapable of auditing unless retrained, there are simply no auditors left in the church to amount to any significant number (even in relation to the number of KoolAid Drinkers left).
By telling everybody to redo the entire thing from bottom up, he has masterly solved this problem. The Church is now delivering what a Mission was allowed to deliver:
1) reading books at the bottom of the Bridge to
2) sitting in a chair and walking between walls for a long time in the middle of the Bridge and
3) running around a pole at the top of the Bridge.
None of it requires Auditors with extensive training and the sheeple are being kept busy. On top of it, if somebody isn’t happy with the result, the simple answer is “do some more” or “restudy”. Reduces the risk of law suits as well.
So, in its own right, quite “brilliant”.
However, at one point BEFORE the whole re-do of the Bridge, Flag sucked up all PCs from the orgs as “Flag is so much better and faster”, leaving the orgs emptier than before.
Now the public can study the books and tapes, do the TRs, Objectives and lower courses (all of which will take quite a while) at the orgs or missions so the number of people going to Flag will become less and less, adding to the (natural) decline of Flag.
My two cents.
The last version of C/S series 73 -THE NO-INTEREFERENCE AREA CLARIFIED AND RE-ENFORCED approved during LRH’s life time is the 73RA. It is 12 pages long and hard to find/get. The C/S series 73RB is 5 pages long and gives no explanation why the revision and the drastic reduction/deletion.
I stick to the 73RA for sure.
Think of the ‘impossible’ situation of doing the objectives co-audit in your local org and one day something bad happens in your life and your rudiments REALLY go out or you lost a loved one. No one in the org or nearby has the authority to fly your rudiments or patch you up and you have to think long and hard if it is really worth flying 100s or 1000s of miles to Flag to get handled. More likely one will suppress the out-rudiment(s) and grind on. How ‘lovely’ doing objectives that way!
Yes, again, as I replied to Mike above Greta, this was also what I was trying to say, thanks for adding it.
Thanks again, Mike. I can see the world of IT hasn’t changed this week. I read these ads and I just want to say, “What is Scientology again?” I forgot.
Regraded Being has been around a while, either that or a really fast learner. That comic strip could have been my story with a few minor alterations. Comic relief is always good. 🙂
Ditto that McCarran! Hope your day is a happy one! Every day being out of the cult is a good one for me.
Nice to hear that, Cooper. 🙂
“Once Valley is ideal we can turn on the media blitz…”
Turn on the media blitz for what purpose?
So they can impress people with their sacred cow MEST?
What does one actually NEED to have before they can help a person improve his life? At least one eye to see the person’s indicators, one mouth to communicate with and one ear to hear the person’s answers to some question.
Objectives can be delivered in friggin cleaned out garage.
They are so introverted into their dear leader’s obsession with perfection that they are frozen and can’t see the simplicity of just helping someone with honest two way communication. They are so obsessed with their “global impact” bullshit they can’t get down to the simple action of just talking to someone with affinity. They have been so implanted with the notion of how HUGE the problems are they can’t confront a fellow human being and just do something for him.
These guys are really messed up.
Funny huh?
Oh yeah, perfectionism!
My observation of obsessive perfectionism is the scale to insanity. It results in the lessening ability to observe and in its latest stage is the total inability to communicate, except to oneself – really, really nutty.
To see it on such a scale within a group is indeed a mystifying phenomena that axiom 38 can be so dramatized.
Sobering observation LDW.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “I AM SOOOOOO GLAD i AM OUT OF THAT MESS!”
Pericles, I think that’s the thinking of everyone here. Once you get out of the loony bin, you can start to live again. When I walked away in ’82, I got my life back and the world was my oyster! Owning a home, taking vacations, having lots of money to spend on whatever I want to spend it on. AND. no more Thursdays at 2pm. Free at last, free at last. Thanks God almighty we’re free at last. – Martin Luther King Jr.
Amen to that!
Regraded Being! The name says it all and the cartoons – priceless!! Talk about capturing the essence of Scientology in just a few short clips! Bravo!
Yup, That is truly the Scientological experience. When you see it happen to someone just assume you are next. Or become the accuser to avoid being accused. I am so happy I missed the Spanish Inquisition.
Regraded Being’s comic is spot on. I received a KR like that because I was ‘antagonistic about the IAS’ back in 2006. Poor Timmy – I hope he gets out, but we’ll probably find him cleaning toilets with a rag and his bare hands in the next strip.
You’ve described one possible scenario in Timmy’s future.
Instead, I like to imagine that he’ll become one of Mike’s Special Correspondents and/or will be posting his own first few comments on this blog – and soon!
Honk Honk!
Toot! Toot! – right back at you, Baby!
over 7 billion people didn’t donate to scientology today. pretty sure you can book that stat before 2pm.
Wow, Geoff Parvin! He’s South African and used to be the Deputy Cadet I/C at Stonelands for the UK Cadets during the mid 90’s. Really sound bloke. Him and Beryl Garside – The Cadet I/C made being a Cadet just about bearable. Geoff left when his wife (who was on the RPF) became pregnant. They left together – good man 🙂 and then Beryl got re-posted somewhere else. With both of them gone the Cadet Org became insane – similar to descriptions I’ve heard of The Hole with the hazing and group beatings….Sometimes you don’t know how good you have it until it gets worse.
It’s hard to believe, but I guess even in this church, it can always get worse.
Of course, McCarran! And it will get worse. And more worse. And more worse. And…
Don’t you just love it?!
Wow Mareka! Yep, a long time since I’ve seen Geoff Parvin. He was just a tad older than my two kids, (mid 70’s) when we, as families, all used to attend the Durban Org.
Those were the days of ARC, making highly trained auditors, and going ‘up the Bridge’ at AFFORDABLE rates.
None of us, could possibly have envisioned that scene ending up today as:
The Golden AGE of ARC Breaks, making ZERO, except ‘bot’-auditors, and going ’round and round on a Circular Bridge to nowhere’ while being fleeced into bankruptcy!
David, meet Karma — Karma, meet David!
I sometimes get disheartened when I see good people I (used to) know on Scientology fliers but then I remember that one has to be involved in Scientology to be destroyed by Scientology. Then one can leave Scientology. If Geoff was just sitting on the sidelines it would take him much, much longer to become aware of how terrible the organisation really is. So actually, Geoff is one step closer to being free and then able to be in touch with us 🙂