Find out the next actions…
Just like the last actions. SFA.
Prosper, prosper, prosper
So you can live life right now at your ideal scene – not study or do good or be kind. Just make money. And give it to us.
Huge win!
One person started a course at the new Valley Monster Ideal Org….
Scots Humor
All things guile… Wacky as ever.
Mighty My Mammy Files
Nowhere close to being done… And they are promoting the opening to be 22 April!
Making such a difference
I wonder what she thinks is happening?
One person changed a country
She is from Venezuela… that worked out well.
Booking the buses
They don’t have enough people in “Mighty” My Mammy for a PR shot
She Just Join Staff
English as a second language?
See you at the Embassy Suits
English as a second language? But she does have the BEST video EVER.
What could be more EPIC…
…than Tom Cummins and Jim Bridgeforth out trying to scrape up some FSM Commissions
Thinking big…
We are *about to* pull in the hundreds — all we need is your money. Remember, in the EUS we have 200 million to clear.
Swing into health?
Guaranteeing your infinity of future…
…for a fee we will “get you in PT” which ensures your infinity of future???
Oh yeah, that was a big success.
The Chan Man cometh
Should be an awesome and theta weekend (and maybe some commissions for the Chanster)
It’s even more mysterious
So we changed the date because this is going to be monumental
The only thing scientologists truly worship
Everything is “Epic” in Scientology but they ask the elderly to drop their bodies and that is not kool.
last picture… how much of that money does she get to pocket? How much goes back to CoS
“Advancing in status is what will help us win the battle against suppression.”
Teresa Coyle, you poor, dumb, deluded idiot.
Teresa Coyle, you calculating, mercenary, lying creep.
Seriously, its either one or the other.
Amazing what a ringer Gavin Potter is for Miscavige. Could be his son, easily. In fact, at some point, if/when it comes time for the latter to get out of Dodge, all they’d need to do would be collar Gavin, dye his hair dark blond and make it higher, pop some blue contact lenses in if he doesn’t already have blue eyes, give him a nice, fake, easy-bake tan, and presto…I think they could get away with it, I really do.
“Come home and join the fun with us on staff.”
Gosh, Fearless, I’d love to, but selfishly, I’m having too way too much fun scrubbing my laundry on a washboard and cleaning the inside of the toilet bowl with my fingernails.
Why aren’t there any break thrus or expansions, world changing news coming out about Super Powers building? I’ve looked everywhere & cant find any info on Super Powers building or ppl who have taken the Super Powers ..question: does the Super Powers bldg GIVE you super powers or does it just confirm it that you have Super Powers? I’m confused about the buildings purpose. Thank you
Super Power (no plural, and it’s very important that it isn’t a plural) is, to paraphrase Hubbard, a series of rundowns designed to rehabilitate the natural powers of a thetan. This phrase, of course, cannot be translated into English, just like most of what Hubbard said. These powers, judging by the pictures, include the ability to increase your sensitivity to oiliness through fondling a table and prevent you from vomiting after being spun around in a device which looks like something that Christian Grey designed for NASA.
You missed out on the Super Power Success Stories. They all came out within six months after the SP Building opened in November 2013, to the unmistakable sound of money being sucked from wallets, $250 million worth, to be exact. Since then, pretty much nothing except when Flog sends out a “mission” to get the few people who have any desire to do the rundown on a flight to Tampa. Then something gets printed on a bumf for the edification of the local audience chosen by Flog to be the recipient of their wisdom.
Ron’s Search for the OT Base & what he uncovered….Love It Flash Ron meets the High Seas & gets up to no good searching for that glitter base that was invisible to anyone but him. The Scottish pieces are completely wacko! I do love Highland Cattle however, no idea why and sorry cult nothing to do with your herd. It just struck me in the last page so creepy. The Highland Cow or bull more likely has the face of The Minator and the young boy with his bike frozen at the sight that is not friendly in the least. Spooky. ?
Yo Gavin,
‘What should your stable datum be if you really want to prosper?’
Well for starters I would offer that one should be very very leery of anyone promising total freedom or your infinity, especially if they are proposing to sell it to you.
And that last point you make Gavin about ‘the major weak spot’ …………… well that would be any back off in telling you and your Cult to fuck off! You are a criminal organization. In short …. when you are thirsty, don’t ask for any frickin Kool Aide from Gavin and Company!
But, the front porch of eternity is still a go, right Coop?
“be very very leery of anyone promising total freedom or your infinity, especially if they are proposing to sell it to you.”
Newcomer, that really says it all. It’s so easy to understand now, but I wish I knew that back in the 70’s when I got into the cult in SFO. But I just love the way you phrased that.
There always seems to be a “bridge” that the organization always seems to wants to sell you!
Miami files – the sheer amount of boxes is frightening. That is a major undertaking. There is no way a handful of volunteers can even begin to touch that project. But really, do they need to? They actually only need the case files (CF) of active members. Pull those out, maybe what, 120 or so? – it should take an hour or two, put them in new folders, and put those in easily accessible filing cabinets. The rest of the boxes can be put in storage.
If any old members re-join, send someone out to find their file. There is no need to organize, file, microfiche, photocopy, computerize or otherwise keep track of those multitudes of files of long gone, uninterested, or deceased former members. It is a total waste of time. No one needs those files. If a new person joins, make a new file.
If volunteers are using information in those files to call people to try to “recover” them, I have to tell you, it isn’t working and just annoys people. Mailings go straight into the trash, or are returned as no longer at this address. People frequently report they get multiple mailings due to the chaotic state of the files, and don’t want any of it.
Save yourselves the time, energy, and cost associated with filing old papers, mailings and phone calls and just let it go and concentrate on other methods. That’s my advice. However, be aware that it will take some innovative methods, use of new technology and something else major to increase interest and a lot of positive PR to counteract all the information recently made known to get anyone new into Scientology at this point.
This movement’s time has come and gone, now it’s time to focus on the end strategy. Preserve the “tech” for history, turn a few “Ideal Org’s” into museums and information centers. Establish retirement funds for long-term members and readjustment plans and monies for members who need help re-integrating into society. One-time lump-sum payments to Sea Org members who volunteered for many years, based on length of service. Donations to go into community improvements such as public parks and playgrounds. L.Ron Hubbard Art Museum, Science Center, Community center.
Settle the lawsuits, stop the harassment of former members. I’m pretty sure C.O.B. has his end strategy well in place, take his private jet to one of his private villas or holiday homes, they are surely already well-stocked with all he will ever need and his monies have been in place in unknown places for quite some time. Time to wrap up what’s left. Oh, and free Shelly.
CF is “Central Files” not “Case Files”. Just to be clear.
Of course they could do a lot to become a real 21st century religion but they can’t. Hubbard was the Source and they are stuck in his vision like flies in amber.
I volunteer to be the docent at the Int Base when they turn it into a tourist attraction and let all the slaves free. It has great potential, rivals even the Hearst Castle and the Winchester Mystery House (but can’t touch the Vatican).
“Over here, on the left is the famous location of the Hole. Please observe the ants and shudder. Up this way to the L Ron Hubbard Music Studio, with the George Massenburg Mix Board, one of two that exist. Now this way to the L Ron Hubbard House and museum. We will spend some time with his camera and musical instrument collections. Across the way there is Building 50.
“No we don’t allow the tour in there, the tiny ghost is known to be violent and we have actually lost a few visitors who braved the second floor offices.
“I hope you have enjoyed the tour, and remember: Scientology may be gone but the danger lives on in the human heart.
“Wherever there are malignant narcissists there is the potential for another Scientology to arise. Please join me in singing the ex-Scientology hymn – ‘Never again, never again, great God almighty grant the blessing that this is the final ending and we never bow to tyranny again.'”
Right, I knew that CF was Central files, I just put the wrong thing in to see who would catch it. Congrats, you’re the winner. That was intentional..really! Seriously. I’m not kidding. I did that ‘CF’ thing on purpose. And I’m not at all an egotistical person who makes up silly explanations to try to cover their mistakes… lol. :-p
Happy Friday everyone! 🙂 err… wait. This is Thursday’s column? umm.. I did that on purpose. Just to see who would catch it.
That is an excellent post. Great exit strategies.
I’m wondering why that this far into the digital era they are still dealing with so much hard copy; paper, photos, boxes, etc.
The only reason I can come up with is that they intend to blackmail people with their own handwriting and signatures. Just like they did with Marty.
Life is hard when you engage in the game of dirty tricks, including: dishonesty, insincerity, manipulation and coercion, to name a few. There is just to keep track of as the years add up. It’s enough to make one want to do a bunk.
Too much to keep track of “sic”
Thanks exemplaryangel, glad you liked my plans for winding down the church’s activity. It would be nice to put their excess money into museums, parks, community programs… and real charities that make a positive difference in people’s lives. It’s a nice dream, but unfortunately will never take place, as I am not the one running the Church, nor are any of us, that position is held by one man, and he isn’t inclined to do any of these things.
The late Don Rickles would have encapsulated everything about Scientologists perfectly. He always hated the terminally stupid. He could have got an hour out of Mighty My Mammy and their files, let alone the rest of this utter nonsense.
Of course, the utter nonsense does not include the HAPI newsletter. Those are always a delight to see on a mildly depressing Thursday like this. They’re the only ones in Scientology, based on these bumfs as evidence, that seem to be having any kind of fun. There’s a good reason for that. It’s an accident of history. Because of what HAPI was founded to do and because of the way they were founded, they are one of the very few organizations left within Scientology that has a scintilla of independence. Even their name provides a bit of (forgive me for using this word) disconnection from the monolith/psycho central command/Borg that is Davey’s Slave Drivers. For any other Scientology org, the acronym HAPI would stand for Hubbard’s Avaricious, Pernicious Idiocy. Not them.
Look at the way they express their identity. There’s nothing that Nicola Sturgeon would disapprove of in HAPI’s assertion of their Scottishness. It’s at the forefront of their promotions and always has been (remember the 100 Reasons Why Scotland Is So Great promos? Not one thing in there about Scientology, just about Scotland). They are the only org on Teegeeack that does this.
Look at the EUS Idle Morgue begging letter. It’s trying to create some sort of unified identity out of locations that, quite frankly, have nothing in common other than being in the Eastern or Central Time Zones. Chicago tells Philly that their pizza sucks. Philly tells Chicago they don’t know how to make a proper sandwich. Battle Creek doesn’t give two shits about anything if it can’t be sold as a breakfast food. And New Haven can’t admit that it’s local university has won less Nobels than my beloved University of Chicago (Class of 1986, in case you’re wondering). You can’t build up some sort of unified identity to reach a goal where there’s no basis for one. HAPI has that basis and utilizes it, and does it well.
Fearless Leader may be the last remaining human being in Scientology, the rest being replaced by humorless, didactic drones. If it wasn’t HAPI and it wasn’t Edinburgh, well-insulated from Saint Hell, he would have been brought in for reprogramming a long time ago. John, may you continue to escape that fate.
Funny — I feel the same way about HAPI. I find it relieving that there is someone with some individuality and humor. He may be clueless, but at least he is charmingly clueless…
HAPI requires requires a special kind of Bluesaltwater stupid.
Fearless Leader did make his living as a fisherman, you know.
And that stuff they sell in Chicago ain’t pizza, it’s a friggin’ casserole!
I get the best laughs of the week, with your Funnies!
From the flier for Gavin Potter’s Ultimate Prosperity seminar:
“What four mistakes do most people make in regards to havingness***?”
1) Don’t understand what ‘havingness’ is because that word is not found in any English language dictionary.
2) Join a cult that has the word ‘havingness’ listed in their very own special cult-speak dictionary.
3) Go to cult seminars that tell you how to increase your ‘havingness’.
4) Follow the advice of the seminar presenter and get as much cash as possible (yes folks, these seminars are really ‘reg cycles’ in disguise) from any source possible (anything you have in your pockets in present time, piggy bank at home, cash stuffed in mattress, cash buried in mason jar in backyard, bank loan, credit union loan, loan shark, maxing out your credit cards, getting as many new credit cards as possible and maxing them out, sell any stocks you may own, sell any bonds you may own, sell any mutual funds you may own, sell any precious metals you may have, cash in IRA, cash in 401k, tap your kid’s college fund, second mortgage on home, third mortgage on home, get an advance from employer, get an advance on possible tax refund, home equity loan, sell your car and use public transit or ride your bike, if you have an expensive bike sell it and get a very cheap bike, beg money from friends, beg money from immediate family, beg money from extended family, take up panhandling, sell any ‘mest’ you don’t absolutely need, sell any ‘mest’ you do absolutely need, if you have an inheritance coming get some sort of advance on that somehow) NOW!!!! Yes, get that cash NOW, NOW, NOW!!!!!!
These four mistakes might seem counter intuitive, and they are but, this is what it takes for a thetan to defy the ‘mest universe’ and increase havingness. How does this happen? Well, once a thetan unsticks any stuck ‘flows’ that they have regarding money and turn it over to the cult, they will magically move up the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’ and as a result of all their newly gained abilities they will become so incredibly powerful that they will easily recoup any money they gave to the cult in practically just about no time at all.
FOR ALL YOU NEVER-INS WHO READ THIS BLOG: If you think step 4 is a bit far fetched, you are wrong. Anyone who has experienced a scientology ‘reg cycle’ will quickly attest to the validity of the examples and probably be able to add some examples of their own.
***Of course it won’t be YOUR havingness that will increase, only the cult’s havingness will increase. But you should have know that. Buyer beware.
“Well, once a thetan unsticks any stuck ‘flows’ that they have regarding money and turn it over to the cult, they will magically move up the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’ and as a result of all their newly gained abilities they will become so incredibly powerful that they will easily recoup any money they gave to the cult in practically just about no time at all.”
That’s an essential part of the key patter used in the con in order to get your money now, no matter what. Of course, it only makes sense in scieno-logic terms…butt hay, have some more Kool-aid, then we’ll see what you think then.
These Hungry Ghost blood-sucking reges and FSMs need to be theta stiff-armed and put in their place every time they try shit like that. Too bad that doing so will just get you sent to ethics, then milked for more cash in penance for your “sins”.
Speaking of cult-speak and “havingness,” I just this morning received my copy of the cult’s new Celebrity mag, Issue 435, and in it there’s a re-print of Elron’s 1960 Lecture 3, Create and Confront, which begins with this pseudo-profound, but essentially meaningless sentence: ” Creatingness requires a certain amount of confrontingness and any artist who has ever been artistic has practically destroyed himself by out-creating himself” Go ahead, read it again; it makes less and less sense each time you do!
Totally classic Elron-eese! Call me perverse if you like, but I can’t help but think that Elron was really indirectly alluding to his “very bad masturbation habit” here and his keenly felt guilt in being such a wanker;)
I don’t understand the fat man’s sentence either. Maybe I will read it again sometime when I am drunk and maybe then I will be able to make some sense out of it.
His yankingness?
He’s a wanker yanker…
$cn is in the process of transforming itself into this totally bizarre, hybrid space alien cult that’s being combined with a hard-sell Prosperity Gospel message: “Believe that you will prosper and, if you’re deemed worthy enough (to be determined by your total donations to the cherch), ____ (fill in your fave deity or whacked cult leader here) will bless you and answer all your prayers or Oatee postulates”.
Like a really lousy pyramid scam in which no one but the folks at the very top get rich, $cn will scam the pants off of you; require that you sacrifice your children’s future in the service of the cult’s further enrichment, then boot your happy ass out of the fold as soon as you’re no longer able (or willing) to feed the beast any longer.
There’s never going to be a better time to begin making plans to escape the cult with your family than right now. That’s because it’s only going to get worse for those who are still left inside as the cult continues to collapse upon itself. With lil davey firmly in charge, it’s a certainty that many will need to be blamed for all the many things that are going wrong andfor the truly horrendous PR that the cult has earned for itself over the decades..
I have a great suggestion for the Miami filing problem.
Just make an announcement that the task will be completed by, oh I don’t know, say tomorrow, or the day after? Announce it up and down the comm lines that this is what it means to be an ideal organization.
Then, get a small dozer and push all those files into a nice, safe, contained place in the great outdoors, making sure to comply with all laws, safety regulations, and codes. Have a nice cheery weiny roast with the files aflame.
Problem solved, and you know the leadership will brag to the rest of the orgs how mighty Miami knows how to get things done.
The “Church” is dying anyway, and nobody will ever look at those dusty old files anyway, so who cares?
In order to be admitted to this fantastic opportunity, please bring your OWN paper shredder……..
How soon do you need it?
Immediately!!! The ONLY documents that will NOT be shredded are the “Billion Year Signed Contracts” that members willingly signed……..
I’m on my way!
OSD…..Once again you fell into our web of deceit…you did NOT ASK if “lunch would be provided”…….Well, it’s rice and beans or “BYOL”….Bring Your OWN Lunch”…..
As usual KOOL AIDE will always be on hand…..
And the baloney is excellent.
Interesting about Audrey Cabrera. Why not mention the country she “changed” was Venezuela? Maybe because (duh).
Check out her website. She states: “reaching millions Of Venezuelans, generating a movement of hope, flourishing and prosperity.”
I think she may be exaggerating a tad.
Also, she states on the same page she was awarded the medal of Freedom, but it doesn’t say from WHO/WHAT awarded it to her.
Gotta love the transparency.
Thanks for your post. Hmmm….Venezuela. …wasn’t there a problem….didn’t someone try to…. Oh, wait! What? I guess she wouldn’t want me to mention that. It might interrupt planetary clearing. We wouldn’t want that. Never mind.
The last time I saw Mr Potter at a Hatting event, he was being asked to choose between Slytherin and Gryffindor
But that was fiction,
And this is …..?
If Mikey Chan and Gavin Potter ever get to do a ‘seminar’ together, will the universe explode into nothingness or will every wallet and purse be overflowing with imaginary ‘prosperity’? Either way, I would not chance it.
$cientology is the only religion where filing is a sacrament.
Yes, filing IS a sacrament in the Cherch of $cientology, and as such must be done strictly per policy, so all of you on this blog pretending to “help” by offering your own Quickie Filing Solutions please report to Qual for cramming and I do mean that definitively…filing canNOT be quickied.
“Scottish Thetans” … Who knew? “A Scottish Thetan walks into a bar …”
…as says, “Do ya know what you call a Scotsman with a sheep under each arm? A pimp!”
And asks the bartender “Is there a fellow here named Xenu?
Karaoke Bar perhaps……as in the name game:
Xenu Xenu bo benu,
banana fana fo fenu
me my mo neu….
“Why the long face?”, asks the bartender…
Cause I left my short face at home…
And asked the bartender for a bottle of Spirits.
Didn’t you mean to say: …And asked the bartender for a bottle of body thetans.
Hey RB! You talk in’ booze or body thetans? You need to be specific.
She mentions a “healthy dose of insouciance”……which is a word actually gotten from the French….basically means indifference, or causal lack of concern……those Scottish Thetans better watch out because next they will be eating French Toast…..Croissants ……Pate Chou…….crepes……
They probably won’t mind that too much. Google “Auld Alliance” and remember the fact that the one Scottish ruler that everyone knows, Mary Queen of Scots, was Queen of France for two years.
A TRUE FULL BLOODED Scottsman (or Irishman )would tell a Frenchman:
Pog Mo Thon……(Kiss My Ass)!!!
And a True Blooded Frenchman would comply. One kiss on each cheek, of course.
Great to see Michael Chan is back again. Nothing like a real McCoy Hubbard replacement all set to get busy and count your money as his very own. Scientology – the Church that never stops taking.
Ask Michael Chan to leave his body and go to China and report what’s going on there. If he doesn’t, I’m done with the man…
April first…April fools day. How appropriate!
“Guile is part of a Scottish thetan “.
I thought being Scottish was part of the genetic line.
Looks like I need to go read “Scientology: A History of Man.
Don’t be messin’ around with Piltdown Man.
Ah, go blanket somebody, OSD 🙂
Och, and I’ll nae be messin’ around wi’ thae bogus anthropological fake specimens.
Scots wha hae, OSD!
Aarrrrgggggg…”tis very good to be a Scot, Ya canna get any better! We’re the cheapest bastards on the planet.
OSD, One of me dear friends will attest to that …she uses the word “thrifty”……lol!
Oh, those playful Scots, I just love the pic of the stampeding rams! Nothing says “$cientology at work” better than a herd of stampeding sheeple 😉
I think the Tannenbaum woman is making a statement – “Just join staff!”, I don’t thinks it’s about that she has just joined. I could be wrong, though, English is not my first language either.
No, she just joinED.
I honestly thought it was an invitation to Ms. Tannenbaum to join staff – like they’re so desperate and with so few prospects they’re now recruiting specific individuals via target posters.
Did just wake up though. Expect poor grammar is a better explaination.
An invitation or a command?
Feels like there may not be a whole lot of difference between the two.
Oh, command! No ’bout a doubt it…
If you wanted to be a part of a money-worshiping religious scene, you could join in with a prosperity Christian mega preacher, like Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar. As cults go, they’re a lot less totalitarian than Scientology. As usual, whatever you want out of life, no matter how obnoxious, there are always better choices than the Church of Scientology. You want to be hog-tied and whipped? Pay a dominatrix. Don’t to the Scientology route.
So, the Miami grand opening will PROBABLY be on April 22. I want to get David Miscavige under the interrogation lights and force an explanation for exactly which unsettled factors disallow setting a date definite for an opening ceremony just a few weeks out from the tentative date of the event. What could possibly be up in the air? Is the building not completed? Either it’s so incomplete that it can’t be finished in time, or it’s close enough that they can be certain it will be ready — I don’t accept the in between. Are they awaiting a TCO? That can believably be out of their control. But isn’t this building already continuously occupied — or is it a different building? In any case, they can first get the TCO, and then schedule the event on a date definite. Are the central files not updated yet? I would love for that to be the reason, because it’s so fucking loony that no other lulz would be required for epic J&D. Is Mr. Miscavige’s schedule of ecclesiasticizing activities so tumultuous that they will have to set the date to accommodate his availability? Even the RC Pope sets the dates of his appearances months in advance. I want to know!
I always felt that the majority of Scientologists are not well educated. I see incomplete sentences, typos, sentences that are not really sentences and misused words and it just confirms my thought whenever I read these stupid announcements.
I have even previously mentioned letters of disconnection from a kid to their parents and the letters sound like a 3rd grader wrote them.
It may sound trite but I have no sympathy for those still in but will always support them when they leave. After all, most folks brought their kids into something they now cannot get them out of and it has to hurt like hell. I do feel terrible for those parents but I wish they would have looked into $cn a bit more before dragging the whole family into it then regretting it.
At first I had the same thought about education, but my perception has shifted a little. When I started reading the posts on this blog, I was just confused. The writing styles of some were hard for me to understand, e.g.long long sentences, no punctuation. Oh, and the abbreviated slang. My gosh. But I think that started with LRH.
Granted, those who were raised in the cult may not have had a mainstream education, but were educated in LRH’s cult. I lurk at other blogs. The posters here and at the others, communicate very well.
I agree because I too feel like the posters here and at the underground bunker are very smart/clever people and many of them are Ex Scn’s. Again – many posts are short but the longer ones seem to make sense. I guess I was mostly talking about children who grew up in the cult and then write diconnection letters. They sound emotionless, child-like and overall sad even though they are trying to say how “happy” they are.
Either way, all of them are fucked mentally until they blow and try to untangle the brain matter that $cn has tied so tightly together.
hgc 10, I believe the conventional wisdom is that not giving the date/time until its absolutely necessary to do so thwarts the SPs who would be showing up if they had the time to plan, etc. The cherch only wants THEIR peeps at Morgue Openings. They don’t want Mark Bunker, Tony Ortega or God forbid, mainstream or other popular media there.
The cherch also enjoys giving their Sheeple a problem, e.g. “This is something you CANNOT miss! NOTHING is more important than attending this event! Keep your weekends open and you’ll be notified as to the exact date very soon! We’re COUNTING on you to attend this historic event!!!”. The sheeple have no ability to plan, they just have to sit on their hands and wait, and then, JUMP. Its an out and out control mechanism, one of many in the cult playbook.
Aqua, thank you for the input. These are both terrific reasons, though I heavily favor the latter. SPs and the like can react very quickly to show up. Mark Bunker is just a few hours drive from Miami, and local media are just minutes away. Of course neither of these would do as a public explanation from management as to why they can’t nail down a date within a month for the grand opening of one of their grand facilities.
The keeping of captive customers off-kilter is a key feature of totalitarian systems. The much missed Christopher Hitchens gave a great explanation in his book “God is Not Great” of how controlling religious and authoritarian regimes intentionally use capricious, mercurial rules and enforcement to strip away predictability in life. You can see this in the Ethics regime and in Sea Org discipline. That Public are intentionally kept off-balance by being required to set aside multiple weekends for a single mandatory event makes perfect sense — except that just how mandatory attendance is is a weakening bond. Scientology is continually cutting out the infection of less than maximal adherents, and cauterizing the wound. I’m afraid their down to scabbed-over stumps of putrefying flesh.
correction: “… they’re down to …”
Very good points, hgc10. Its true, Bunker, Ortega, et al make strenuous efforts to be at these morgue openings on short notice, so the control factor upon which you’ve expanded so well is likely the real reason. Couple that with the very real possibility that just about every day includes some kind of Hill 10 at Int anyway, and maybe the really DON’T know. I mean, their orders to Class V orgs had completely unreal targets back when I was in. I’d hear the staff talking about it, shrugging. They mocked up cheerfulness and enthusiasm for the public’s benefit but I had it on good authority that they in fact were in apathy. Poor devils.
Money – The only thing scientologists truly worship
That’s it, right there, in a nutshell.
I was trapped in a nutshell once. I had to pay to get out…
You should have upped your abilities of being a squirrel?
LRon in his infinite wisdom would say “I upped mine….now UP YOURS”….
Betcha it was called Scientology.
Take the money and run… cue the music OSD
(Music playing). Go onnnnn take the money and run, go onnnnnn take the money and run.
Thank you…thank you very much.
Ha,ha.Return of the Chanster.
Briefed, Fleeced … the same old story … (there is no more dangerous word in the Scientology lexicon to your finances and self determinism than “briefing”)
But the dress code confuses me … “Embassy Suits” … Is this the garb they wear in the diplomatic world or am I just missing the meaning of this lingo?
I think the promo was supposed to read “Embassy Suites” but somebody in Div 2 fucked up.
I wore an Embassy Suit once. And they made me an Embassador and gave me an Embassy Suite.
To this day, I can’t hear this word without flinching.
Hi,Mike I am so proud of you and what you’re doing to bring awareness to this cult!!! Since you left the cult you look so relaxed,have such a beautiful family, I’m sorry for what you have to go through Mike there’s almost like a feeling that Scientology is grasping at straws,like everything is going to implode,I just want them all to see how crazy this C.O.B. is,I love when my phone beeps and it’s a new post from your blog ,keep them coming, take care I’m praying that you get to see your kids soon, sending well wishes your way!!!
Statistics of 99% of Scientologists are broke and financially ruined due to cults evil mind manipulation tactics and procedures.
They call that Prosperity?
I had a wognition: Scientology deals in opposites:
Bad, wrong, evil, inhumane, cruel, mean = Good
Bankrupt, foreclosed, financial ruin = Prosperity
Shrinking, empty, vacant = Fastest Growing Religion
Clear = Not Clear = Regraded Being for Profit
Volunteer = Slave
Hurt, destroy, kill, maim and disable = Help
And …
I would like to indicate quite a bit of “by passed charge” from those WHO KNOW
Sounds like a normal day at any Model Idle Morgue…
It makes you wonder, did Orwell ever meet LRH?
Scientology is 1984 in a nutshell.
It would be nice to see a compilation of the opinions of famous writers on LRH and his “church”.
I know James Randi mentioned a club of science fiction writers where LRH was a member. According to Randi, his peers didn’t have too high of an opinion on him. I would like to see this story (and more) fleshed out a bit, if anyone has any suggestions on where to look.
Definitely Orwellian. Creepily so.
And to that list, I’d like to add: Happy, Class V org staff member flourishing on all dynamics = Unhappy, failing staff member with no life riddled with failed purposes.
Exactly, Aquamarine, you f—ing nailed it!
I am pretty sure that you have experienced something that MANY, MANY scientologists have felt… you gave it all you had, but somehow you came up short. You are not Tom Cruise. You are not a superior being. And you know what? It is all on you. You are the problem.
Well piss on that, says I. Keep up the good fight AquaMarine!
Thank you, WAYC. I appreciate what you’ve said. I was never staff though. I was always a public. That said, I liked the staff in my org and I saw how hard they tried and felt at times over the years supremely guilty for not joining staff and “giving them a hand”. Their failed purposes were apparent to me then and became acutely clear once I started reading the internet. As you’ve described, the guilt trip that is laid on these people for their failing orgs…actually, I have not the words to communicate how dishonest and evil is the blame and shame that is laid on the shoulders of these sincere, well meaning people. Blame and shame, in the name of “taking responsibility”. If there are indeed infinite afterlives, Miscavige and all who actually know the truth and still help him in his suppressive make wrong games have a shudderingly awful, too gruesome future.
There’s just something so religious about the bottom picture of the last poster…
There is. It’s called televangelism.
someone should put Miscavige’s head on that body, that would be accurate!!
The calculator and cash box is buried beneath that pile of cash……and the woman in the picture is thinking “I just moved up the Bridge…look at all the $$$$ I pulled in from suckers”…
Reminds me of Reverend Ike, and his pie in the sky, bye and bye. Your treasures are stored in heaven just waiting for you. Never mind he drove a Rolls Royce and had ermine capes.