This represents expansion as a being?
Words and pictures total disconnect.
Rounding them up…
Not enough people to generate even a small crowd in “mighty” My Mammy, so they will fly them in. Think about that — investing $40 million for a new facility even though they cannot scrape together a thousand people to attend the opening.
Yep. Everyone. Should amount to 1500 total for the entire US…
Blast from the past
Wow – Kevin was a Sea Org member in the mid 70’s at Flag… That’s some serious progress up the Bridge in 40 years.
Clearing Our Zone
The phrase alone makes me laugh…
One of the ORIGINAL “ideal orgs” — in 15 years it hasn’t expanded one bit. Still not St Hill size. Still “planning” on getting going next year.
We’re turning the tide and building a new civilization
Do you seriously believe this? This innocent looking young woman is probably a second generation scientologist. Sad.
May 9th Petting Zoo
They have a petting zoo and bouncy castle at the May 9th event? Oh, how things have gone downhill… Remember when Miscavige used to announce the “new Dianetics ad” or “Dn Infomercial” or whatever at this event?
Find out why you have trouble telling people about scientology
The internet might be a good clue…
Anything to make money
Exchange rates as a “buy now” — stealing ASHO and AOLA public. It’s a dog-eat-dog world in scientology
You would hope they would spell the first word right…
It’s heroes…
And it’s Wichita…
Spelling is not their strong suit apparently.
Township Party?
You do know this is REALLY racist. Can you imagine Pasadena Org holding a “Ghetto Party” or a “Barrio Party” and telling everyone to dress in their “favorite ethnic wear” (blackface anyone?).
And don’t you love that rusted corrugated iron theme?
Oh my…
The US version of a Township Party…
Chan-man speaks
Can you stand the truth? That scientology is circling the drain?
Promise fulfilled?
I thought you promised to be an “ideal org” not just buy a building?
The biggest and best?
If this is the “technical team” of the biggest and best, can you imagine what the “technical team” of the smallest and worst looks like?
Wipe addiction off the map in DC…
They “are opening” a facility. Thought that was supposed to be “Trout Run”?
Dave, your books are ready…
WISE to the rescue to help you with your shitty PR
Cringe Corner
Problem with this is these kids could be real and not a stock shot. Seen plenty of other scientology promo featuring kids and money…
The first picture shows Scientologists in medieval garb, I wonder why? Also why do they sometimes dress up as Pirates, and before that were dressing as comic book characters like Superman and wonder woman? Is there anything in Scientology doctrine that causes them to do this? Or did L. Ron Hubbard condone it? So confused.
Not medieval garb. The people in the background are wearing Tudor-era, while the guy with the mic in the foreground is wearing 17th Century foot soldier armor. Seems to me they’re not at Cause Over Time.
As for why they’re doing it, it’s because they need to project a forced sense of fun to everyone (that’s the same for the superhero outfits, the cowboy shit that Kansas City Org seems to have fallen in love with, etc.). This is because Scientology itself is, as Iggy would have put it, No Fun. So they have to pretend they’re having fun while having their wallets hoovered to hell and back. If I had any sympathy for them whatsoever, I’d call it pathetic.
Excellent Stooges reference!
TJ, at Scientology Ideal Org Fundraisers it is encouraged for cherch members to act out something that Hubbard called “Spirit of Play”. In short, Spirit of Play entails having a strong, focused intention to be, do or have something while at the same time being not “serious” about the goal. Dressing up in weird costumes, e.g., to evoke Camelot, or in pirate costumes (because in the “Spirit of Play” treatise Hubbard mentions that most great men who amassed enormous wealth had been nothing more than “pirates and bums”) – this is the cult members’ way of manifesting how “uptone” and playful and non-serious, insoucient, etc. they are while they’re working toward the achievement of the deadly serious goal of making their org “Ideal”.
Has anyone ever sued them for false advertising?
False Advertising of what KidKat? What super powers you don’t get that L. Con said you would get?
Haha! Off topic but I noticed the actor that plays Shooter McGavin in the 1996 film Happy Gilmore looks like David Miscavidge
Hello Mike and all the other posters…my first post here:)
I am a ‘never-in’. In fact, my only experience with Scientology, was back in the mid 80’s. My then boyfriend (now husband) and I, saw a sign saying either free IQ or Personality tests (can’t remember which one to be honest). I DO remember holding those cans for dear life – I actually thought that machine could read my mind. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was deathly afraid of my dad (and I had no money of my own), I would have signed up there and then. They just looked so happy and welcoming – I actually thought I met ‘my people’……
Anyway, I have been an avid anti Scientology watcher for years. I have been reading Tony’s blog for a long time, and now yours Mike – and I just want to thankyou for everything that you do. Of course it is a collaborative effort – the intelligence and the wit of the posters make these sites a safe haven and an educational resource. my rant…
I am a mother of a young man living with intellectual disabilities – not enough symptoms to warrant a diagnosis of autism, but what do I know? When I read about autism and the black family, I was confused and angry at the same time. Does autism affect black children differently?? Is that what this implies? (THE ANSWER IS BULLSHITE). My other question is this (and I think someone else asked this) – I thought this cult did not recognise autism? I would really be interested if someone could fill me in.
Again, I apologise for the rant.
Never in here. The COS hates everything that has to do with psychology and psychiatry.
AFAICT Hubbard never wrote about autism.
You may want to read this thread on ESMB:
Thankyou TrevAnon for responding to me. I had a look at the link, and I cried – mostly from anger, and partially from frustration. Lots of memories from my sons’ childhood are flooding back. There were also posts from someone recommending how to audit people with autism!! Geez – my eyes rolled back so hard, they almost flew off their sockets.
Going back to read some more.
Speak to you soon
RV: Scio would simply dump anyone with autism into a category labeled “down stat”…or worse. My guess is that there is virtually no one in scio who has the first clue about autism, it’s causes or any treatments for it. As for “labeling”, it’s something I abhor regarding children and young people. It’s done by teachers, school systems and people who “know best”. I also abhor the almost instant leap to drugging them. It’s a “convenient” way to push children into the back closet.
Fortunately, there is no a LOT of information available on the subject. Also many very positive stories of children who have overcome such labeling. And parents who helped them do it.
In any case, thank you for “coming out” and posting. You’re certainly welcome here. And RANTS are definitely acceptable! LOL
Thankyou for your response – your avi certainly made me smile:) It does frighten me that there may be children that are getting zero support, and may be missing out on the window of opportunity where it could make a difference:((
As for the rants….
I think with my heart – whereas my hubby is a very logical person. Rants are my specialty:) thankyou for making me feel welcome.
So glad you posted! I mostly lurk here at Mike’s and post semi-often at Tony’s. I too am a never-in but my husband and I were recruited through his boss a few years back and when I proved “stubborn” about the subject, his boss started trying very hard to create a wedge in our marriage and was encouraging him to “move on, grab his success and find his ideal situation vs staying in something that was holding him back from his true potential” (geez, you’d think I was a literal ball & chain around his neck vs. his then-pregnant wife – yes pregnant and this guy was trying to split us up!).
So, long story not-so-short, we found these blogs read up about DM – freaked because the hubby’s boss looked & sounded like his only-slightly-less-evil little brother (even super short like DM & threw screaming, cursing tantrums at work) and the behavior was verbatim, so my husband quit, we got through it and became active in creating awareness about the dangers of CO$.
Our daughter has since been diagnosed w/a mild autism spectrum disorder and YES we were told by a close family friend who was sucked into the cult that Autism is “an excuse for doctors to drug kids” that isn’t real – never mind that no one has tried putting our daughter on meds! I don’t know for certain that all Scio’s believe autism isn’t real, but the pamphlet we were given (CCHR) talks about it as though it’s not something they believe exists often or at all.
As for autism affecting black kids differently, UGH!!! Great – mode disinformation out there to stigmatize a specific group of people! So disgusting that they’d use this tactic!
I’m SO bothered by the CO$ and NOI relationship! I come from a mixed-race family and my uncle (who was involved w/the black panthers in the late 60’s/early 70’s) is VERY wary of NOI (says it’s a cult that promotes violence) and finds the connection between the two really suspect, being that the impression he had growing up when Scientology was thriving, was that it was not a “black-friendly” organization. So the idea that NOI is doing seminars about the family and something as serious & misunderstood as autism, using Scientology “principals” is a scary prospect altogether! Sorry for my long-winded rant – this one just hit home for me, too!
Thankyou Jennyfurrr for your response. Holy WOW! Did you have a lucky escape from these people! The most ethical people on the planet my fat Australian born, Greek raised ass! Tried to break you guys up?? Ugggh that made me want to scream – and you know what? It’s sad that I am not surprised, going by all the things I have read…. Congrats for being stubborn:))))
Yes, I had a feeling that autism wasn’t a real thing for the cult. How freaking dangerous is that? These kids need support and help from a very young age, in order to help guide them into productive adults. Not some space opera junk. How many kids have missed out on vital support because of these beliefs? It absolutely boggles my mind.
I do agree with you that NOI and Scientology as a combo , is a very frightening prospect. And to put out info about the autism and the black child in this manner – just wow. I remember when my son was first labelled – if someone had told me that if I ate dog poo wrapped in broken glass, my son would be mainstream, I would have. As you know yourself, we grasp at the tiniest ray of hope for our kids. The way this cult portrays this is grossly inappropriate and downright dangerous. UGGGHHHHHH!
Take care, and perhaps we shall talk again! When I do post at Tony’s my ‘handle’ is nobodyfromnowhere01 (that’s how I feel sometimes)
Pasadena Org is not saying how many Clears they made to win the Birthday Game. I’m guessing 3.
Really? That many?
“Expansion As A Being…What Does It Take?”
Hmmm, let me guess: Speaking, acting and dressing like unhinged assholes?
And, seriously, what the hell is a Bouncy Castle? Anyone?
Time to see a dentist, Deb.
Aquamarine, it’s a balloon house.
Those air filled things that get blown away with high winds. Kids have been injured in them.
Thanks, Gravitysucks and Kidkat.
As for the UK, I wanted to note that since I last commented on promo for the Birmingham ideal org campaign, I’ve run across a news account that Scientology is actually starting some renovations at the old building they purchased – actually, typically, outside the city in a location with poor traffic prospects and that will be difficult for members to commute to. So it appears as if CofS management may indeed have decided that the org in England’s second largest city is a priority to finally get done. Nowadays that seems to involve finishing squeezing the locals for as much as possible, then going so far as to reach outside the org’s area as suggested by today’s leading promo piece, and probably finally contribute funding from higher levels to make up the remaining shortfall.
The subject of issuing a compulsory purchase order (known in the US as condemnation, or use of eminent domain) because the historic property has been allowed to deteriorate, has come up specifically in reference to Birmingham, though I’m not sure that it’s necessarily the most endangered or longest-held of their languishing buildings.
As a never-in, the ‘PR Course’ was hilarious to me. Ironic, even!
The Co$ has made an enemy of everybody and their momma … and have run out of victims to be their PR front person … except Monique ‘Blinky’ Yingling!
You really have to live on Cloud Cuckoo Land to say “Oh I need that! They *have* to be experts!”
Where is Saint Pertersburg in Fla? I do remember St Petersbug. Ah, ok. This new town must be part of the massive expansion being generated by Flag. Learn something every day!
Sorry, its St Petersburg.
I hear St. Pertersburg is lovely this time of year.
Uh Oh, that township promo has a serious issue … it looks like the people in the photo are dangling in the air. Just what are they trying to convey here anyway?!?
You really have to hand it to these brash FSMs, who think they can get folks to pay money to attend one of their seminar presentations whose only real purpose is to reg the living shit out of them. It’s literally a pay-to-be-scammed scenario!
When folks like Michael Chan brag about having completed “all three L’s,” what they’re actually referring to there is Lying, Larceny and Losing 😉
Lying, Larceny, Losing – definition of FSM
Perfect!!! ROFL
“How to Eat to Live” is the title of a book by Hon. Elijah Muhammad, which is considered one of the central scriptures of Nation of Islam (although it would appear that Minister Farrakhan no longer practices the intermittent fasting part of the advice contained therein). The St. Petersburg group is clearly mixing practices of Scn and NOI. I expect we’ll see more of this in the future.
Sooooo…according to their St Petersburg Florida poster:
Their first point is:
“Autism and it’s effect on black children”…..interesting….does Autism effect black children differently then it effects white, Asian, Hispanic etc children….??
Second point…according to the same poster they tout:
“How to Eat To Live”….THAT coming from an organization that feeds it’s OWN rice and beans IF the members can even GET that????
The “Michael Chan Poster:….I nearly fell off my chair I was laughing so hard……i.e…
“Can You Stand The Truth”… paraphrase…..
“In the face of suppressive implants & the insidiousness of the reactive case”….they don’t say just WHO is “implanting what”…..
more blah blah blah….
& THEN …..blah blah blah…..In the Bridge and reversing the dwindling spiral”……
I guess some of them realize the downward spiral is circling the drain……
Also they are not inviting “new Scientologist or NON Scientologist……Damn It…..they mean we WOGS are NOT invited…..
Okay…where’s St. Pertersburg? And “How to eat to live”? You think maybe it’s even halal?
Poor Ed Adriance, I’d look constipated after coughing up the cash for Humanitarian —twice! The cognitive dissonance looks painful, indeed.
What does the Birthday Game include? What do the winners get?
The winners receive a 3 foot ,shiny trophy,and one jacket. A replica of the riding silk jackets that a jockey wears.
Thank you Mike.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgravia.
Way to go Pasadena! 19 auditors! Just short of 17K hours for the year. (Let’s see divide by 52 and again by 19) and average of 17.11 hours per auditor. At one time i was doing 40-50 hours a week.
Exactly where is Saint Pertersburg, Florida anyway!!
Right next door to Tampa. But search, instead, for ST Petersburg, not Saint.
If I see that ensemble when I walk into the Pasadena mOrg, I’ll say, ‘I’d like the Delmonico, medium rare. And an Antipasto to start out with a Black a Tan.’
You had me at Black & Tan, zemooo….
It’s embarrassing to say the least; to contemplate even in the slightest way that I was a once a member of that bunch of numskulls. The only saving grace was not once did I ever have to get dressed up like a clown.
However, idiocy aside, it’s people like Michael Chan and others like him that calculatingly prey on people to personally profit from Scientology that really turns me cold. To them Scientology has given them a unique skill set of bait and switch mixed in with the pretense they want to be your best friend for eternity and then flim flam the money out of their targets for commissions. It’s their only goal, or better stated in Scientologese – it’s their only stat! It’s done with such slickness that it’s pure evil wearing a smile.
The day of reckoning for all card carrying Scientologists is approaching and scum like him will simply vanish. More than likely they’ll crawl under some rock somewhere terrified that some past FSM client(s) will hunt him down. Being deserving of natural justice is something that casts the worst of shadows on your soul.
“Its done with such slickness that its pure evil wearing a smile.”
Yep. Hubbard did say that he was an Anti-Christ like figure – also known as Great Deceiver, who can mislead even the faithful. The Christians ministers and groups safepointed by Scientology, or even working of them, should be reminded of Hubbard’s claims to be The Beast, and just what that implies.
Some of this promo is embarrassingly lame. Is there no longer an HCO Issue Authority line? What happened to Hubbard’s Marketing Series? I have a hard time believing that orgs nowadays simply throw out whatever comes out of their heads without regard to Hubbard’s “tech” on marketing and communication. Not that it would make any of it less weird, but at least it would be Standard.
What’s all this hoo-ha about the 67th Anniversary of Diuretics – an old folks’ convention?
Nothing! Absolutely nothing! Less than nothing, if that’s possible. Nothing to see here folks. Move along…
On May 9, 1950, Hubbard’s book, “Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health” was released for publication. Each year on May 9th The Cherch commemorates this with an event called, “The May 9th Event”.
On the airport poster it shows “sixteen pilots say yes”…is that 16 CoS ppl who know how to fly?
Off topic: CoS is paying cash money for church spokesman (Monica) & for editor for Freedom mag? What gives by hiring & paying $$$?
Don’t forget, the pilot is “mocking it all up”.
Maybe JT is one of the pilots.
I love Thursdays funnies, though I’m not a Scientologist I get it?
Mike I remember seeing you on panorama you looked so different then, definitely beat down, now you look amazing like the weight of the world is off your back,you look happy and healthy I’m glad you have a beautiful supportive wife and sweet little children to give you love, I live close to Lakeland and in the 25 years I’ve lived here Clearwater has always been my favorite Beach, I never even knew that that was Scientologies main place, THANK YOU MIKE RINDER!!!!!! for everything you do to help,It would be so nice to start a website for people who blow to guide them to a safehouse near them and have people help them get started with the transition ,help with social security cards,birth certificates,job help someone to let them Know things will work out!!! Have a great day Mike
STWT, that is a good idea!
Mike, is there a site, or place where we can donate goods, services or funds to those who are fresh out and in dire need of assistance?
This is something to which I’d also contribute if someone set it up.
I 100% agree with your thoughts on helping those who want to blow. I’ve been saying the same thing for awhile.
When I was in, I talked to an FSM and told her I had a raw public to bring to her to get in to Scn. She said no that she only specializes in OT V through VIII people. I asked why. Shes aid cuz that’s where the money is… on big expensive services at the OT VII level and also at that time the FSM’s got paid on every Six Month Check the OT VII’s showed up for to be sec checked. It was quite a racket and probably still is. But with the numbers dwindling, they can’t have many OT’s to ride on the backs of.
I have lived in Miami for 60 years & live within 5 miles of this new Co$ building. Funny thing is if I didn’t follow Mike’s website I wouldn’t have the slightest idea the Co$ even existed here, much less were opening an Ideal Org right down the street. Not a word in the local newspaper, not a peep in the 3 local news stations. SAD! (not)
Now that’s a comment of some importance!
Also, Miami fails to put the date and time of the grand opening in their promo pieces. I guess they’re expecting their audience to use their “OT mind-reading abilities”.
Their definition of PR (good works well publicized) is… unusual. But the goal of gaining agreement is foundational Sci Tech.
When I arrived in Miami in the early 1980’s, the Miami org had just crashed. There was a boom in the late 1970’s. The greed of Scientology drove away the masses and so it will always be. The only effective gospel spread they had was with two FSM’s who passed twenty years ago. IMO, the danger of Scientology is not with Ideal Orgs. The danger of Scientology is with high-level personal contact. As an Occult practice, Scientology follows the 2,500 year old doctrine of the esoteric. There are people like the Duggans who really get off on the tax deductions and the hyper ego stroking. At one time I knew a few OT VIII’s who are still alive operating in the Church in silence spreading whatever false beliefs they can get away with. These are the real danger because they will lie for their 15%.
I received FSM checks without any effort at all. Some people were so sick of the heavy pressure, they assigned the commission to me because they knew I was harmless. Miscavige created his own Bridge and this is still hidden to the inner core.
George, can you explain more about “Miscavige created his own bridge.”?
I always find your posts to be so interesting. You have a very unique perspective that I can appreciate. Thank you.
IMO, Miscavige is really a false prophet. Hubbard borrowed most of his religious ideas from the 19th Century Spiritualist which included things like
Theosophy, Kabballah and a new version of neo-Platonism. Miscavige came along as really a totally uneducated person who latched onto Hubbard’s views on Exteriorization. Miscavige thinks he understands Scientology but he really does not. I am not saying that either Hubbard or Miscavige are in any sense correct. What I am saying is that Miscavige is really a copy of a copy. So when you copy a copy many times you get distortion. Hubbard copied Occult. Miscavige copied Hubbard. Exteriorization goes back as far as Pythagoras’ grandfather and was popular in the 3rd century AD. Hubbard says he suddenly discovered it after a visit to a Dentist.
So in 1988 OT VIII was released on the Freewinds. The entire direction of Scientology should have shifted immediately. The entire structure of auditing should have changed to a symbolism. That was the real message of Hubbard’s famous anti-Christ Bulletin. Miscavige totally missed the real message and went Conservative. He went into the past and fixed all of Hubbard’s work. In reality Hubbard had completed nothing. So Miscavige ends up with an antiquated version of Scientology. In reality, Hubbard was merely a child of Crowley and Blavatsky. Hubbard distorted all truth that could be found in the solutions of nature which were really Occult ideas. So you get Hubbard and Miscavige as minor players who copied from a legacy which they did not understand. Miscavige could have set a new direction but he ended as Hubbard did in ego-mania.
Wow! That comment makes me reach for the antacid. The hidden truths about Scientology causes re-flux of the consciousness. It acid burns the mind.
Drew was a far better C/S back in his Marin County days than he is as a pro FSM. Probably makes more money, though. Anything to stay a live!
I’ve often wondered about Drew Johnston. He is/was a Class VIII, OT VIII C/S and field auditor for years. How can he, knowing the tech like he does, swallow these GAT I and GAT II alterations? What does he tell himself to make it OK?
Cindy, what else is he going to do for a living? Other than to rescam the already scammed clams?
He says:
“Self, we are winning because the quantity of entheta about $cientology is through the roof.”
“Self, I know that happens only when we are expanding like never before. I know it is because the Ess Pees are screaming defiance because of the numbers of new people who are entering $cientology and winning …. like never before.”
“Self, I know this is true because I believe it is true and that is what I want to believe and no stinkin low life Wog is gonna tell me any fucking different because they are all losers on a losing fucking planet and the motherfucking assholes should know by now all of the things we are doing for them to salvage this shithole of a place. What a bunch of ungrateful mother fuckers there are in the world. The only sane place is when I am on course so I will go there NOW!”
“Self,……………… shit!!! There is no one here to twin with. Where the fuck is everybody?”
Cee Oh Bee: ” They are out fighting the Ess Pees you idiot. It’s a nasty job but someones got to take responsibility around here.”
Yes, I share your confusion as I don’t understand such foolishness either. I have a brother in law who’s CL8 OT8 and has done a complete reversal of his activities in, with and about Scientology. He swallowed every thing that Miscavige said and accepted every alteration without question. I don’t think they tell themselves anything we would even come close to understanding. Scientology creates for some, a sort of disease of the integrity, and along with that a complete blindness to evidence but worst of all a complete shunning of anyone, family included if they don’t follow immediate church doctrine, no matter how bizarre. To them the Church is everything!
Following Hubbard’s policy route is a road to disaster, easily proven. Space cootie tech is a con but coupled with Miscavige’s shenanigans epitomizes despair and therefore creates desperate people who clutch onto the Cof$ as their only salvation. Scientology truly is a fucked up organisation, it destroys people and poisons their minds!
Hmmmmm….where to start? San Francisco’s photo is spot on! Nothing but asses showing! Al Adriance appears to be wearing a tin hat. (That’s about right) And two children in cheap “hero” garb truly represents “sales and marketing” at the level of scio. No matter how much effort they put into their promo, they keep demonstrating their ineptitude.
And they’re teaching them young to scowl at the camera. I guess the idea is that a mean and scowling face equals “ethics presence.”
Don’t forget to have them cross their arms. 🙂
L.Ron: The west end of an eastbound horse.
Davy: The little reminder left behind.
The TINY reminder left behind…
Watch your step!
Racing through these today but three things pop out.
ONe: When you are announcing statuses, a stupid thing to announce in the first place, and there are only 11 of them and two of them are the same couple and one is an entire mission, it is impressive. I guess we should be impressed they don’t waste their money on graphics or grammar experts?
Two: autism affects black children differently than whites? Whaaaaaaa? And since when did scientology acknowledge autism as real anyway?
Three: uninspired amateur ads do not encourage attendance at professional PR seminars.
Wait, what? On that Kansas City “Heros” promo where they have a bunch of empty spaces that say “Your Name Here!”, it looks like they put “Al & Deb Adriance” twice….once as “Humanitarian with Honors” and another time as “Double Humanitarian”.
Maybe my never-in brain is misunderstanding the purpose of this promo, but it looks more like “Double Counting” or something.
Mick, they have won twice, so two different status titles. If you want a chuckle, check out all the status awards that the Duggans have won. DM is really stretching his vocabulary making up new and (supposedly ) more impressive sounding titles every year. It’s so absurd that I find it hysterical.
So, how many U.S., English speaking adult RAW public has the Oat Tea Ate, Power FSM Drew Johnson gotten on to the “bridge” in the last year????
There is no Bridge. Only Statuses.
And how do you get Statuses? By handing over your kid’s college fund…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say…..none?
We have a winner!
Correct answer OSD
Woo Hoo!!! Do I get a prize?
There’s that request for the binary system again, Scientology has a held down ZERO!
Now that’s some funny shit!
I am some wierd dude from Holland, I started out as an Anon, morphed into the one that is known as KittyKatSpanker. But, I am going out os a limb to tell you my bane is Name Martens
@whatwhenallwho: The “bridge” has been renamed. It is now a roller coaster to total freedom. Crawl slowly to the top, whiz back to the bottom, crawl back to where you can sort of see the top only to be pushed back down to the bottom to start all over again. Just ask Kevin Campbell. Pretending to be excited about completing a bottom of the bridge action after over 40 years in must be purely exhausting.
Snakes and ladders of the real kind.