This is what “honors” looks like?
Wonder how failure looks?
Related to Lord Xenu?
An extra from Clockwork Orange? Doesn’t shout “happiness” to me….
What’s with the teddy bears?
Now they have them “listening” to lectures?
Motley Crew
They are proud of 3 Clears?
What happened to 10X expansion?
Apparently they had a cake but nobody showed up for their demo?
Internet Strategist
She should be helping scientology solve their internet problem…
The only thing they have for “graduation”…
People who ran around a pole at Flag.
The ChanMan is in Long Island
What if they held a seminar and nobody came?
Don’t bother with High School….
Do something really important – become a scientology volunteer slave so you can pretend you are saving the world
17X What??
Total debt? Number of reg interviews? Calls to attend events?
Scots Humor
They are really “thinking big” it’s just their “doing big” that seems to be missing.
Manifesting into the physical universe…
What tide are they talking about?
The tide of emptiness that has overwhelmed their “ideal” org since it opened?
Ed Parkin will know…
If ever there was an expert on org building, it’s Ed Parkin. His only job has been to stand guard outside orgs to keep people OUT.
Part 2 — The culture of violence?
The Hole? Gang-bang sec checking? David Miscavige as THE Captain?
You will not believe what just happened…
Absolutely NOTHING. They held a psych bust and nobody came. Can you believe that?
Money. Buildings. Slave Labor. That is all.
Why does nobody ever ask what the base numbers are — 6x what, 17x what? Do they know it’s bullshit but that asking will cost them dearly?? Amazing.
Miscavige has actually already built his own prison. Though well equipped, he can’t walk out in public unaccompanied, doesn’t dare actually speak to the media, will be shunned by other wealthy folks who have actually earned their wealth and will cause him to be fearful of anyone who might be making friends with him in order to bilk him. No schooling of his own means, too, that he cannot hold up his end of an intelligent conversation anywhere. And the sharks will be continuously circling, watching for the slightest letdown of his guard, ready to slip in for a healthy sized bite. He has no friends. Not in the true meaning of friendship. Thus he is now, and will always be, ALONE.
Notice that neither Chan nor Valtin is a trained auditor (of others). Don’t believe that Michael Roberts is either, or Travolta or Kirstie or Nancy or Duggan or … well, fill in the names. Too busy guys to learn the most vital tech of your religion? An SO member often has no time allowed them to train as auditors, but YOU guys ? And you call yourselves Scientoligists! Pitiful is what you wannabe slackers are. Just freakin’ pitiful.
Oh, that Lord Lazze X Eventhen guy again (re: Way To Happiness cover). This is all you need to know about him:
He’s famous in Sweden…just like Joy Villa is in the U.S.
(lol…I kid!)
So I looked up Lazze X Eventhén, the clockwork orange guy.
Here is a youtube video for your pleasure:
“Quack Quack Quack goes the bullfrog”?? WTF?
Did anyone see the e meter on Storage Wars?! Dave found it in a locker with 3 LRH books . Was an older one priced at 250.00. Dave was “audited” by the guy he took it to evaluate it for its worth. Was funny as hell!
What sites you should and shouldn’t be spending your time on. LOLOLOLOL Hey, these sites are not good to look at be sure not to go there. *audience members furiously scribbling*
“So how did the seminar go?”
“Great, rapt attention, I think I got through to them.”
A week later: “Where is everyone?”
How many times can you possibly shoot yourself in the foot before you figure it out?
I keep hoping that one day Mike’s son show up on his doorstep because of one of those insane seminars.
Unfortunately, I think she was talking about which social media websites are good for marketing and which one’s aren’t! But I did think that same thought about the website you did.
Well, those photos were too good. Now my old teddy wants to meet the teddy bear with the earphones.I’m scared my teddy will end up in ‘Bearotlogy.’ Or even worse-the cherch ! If anybody sees an old dark brown walking around please send him home to me asap.
My teddy bear declared me an SP, and I am now disconnected.
That’s nothing. My cuddly teddy is right now on the Freewinds doing OT8.
“…floodgates of sanity…” If that photo at the top of the list represents sanity then I do not want to know what insanity looks like.
Oh jeez, the absolute meaningless squiggles strike again. Um, which ideal org?
Paul Valtin’s purpose is to make sure your purpose in life is to help hand over your money to $camology and take his cut while cheering you on for helping save Miscavige’s bank balance.
IAS Psych-Bust News. The IAS stands for It’s A Scrub. Listen to Angela Ilasi spin a very bad fantasy story about how successful they were as the regges attempt to empty your pockets for the next hugely successful campaign.
I would like to know where the hell that teddy bear’s demo kit is. I want to see her mindlessly fiddling with it while listening to that tape – how else is she to pretend she has total understanding of the lecture?
Next, I would like to see a shot of a teddy bear in a dirty grey, frayed SO uniform, sitting at her MAA’s desk terrorizing an adult bubble-dweller (KR written by his children plainly shoved in his face) who is writing a rather large check to handle his out-ethics.
Cambridge is “one of our area’s biggest ruins” ? What does that mean? Is RUINS some secret decoder ring COS lingo or are they implying a huge drug problem in Cambridge?
First they give us the lip-syncing cowboy chickens & now something called a “psych-roast” bbq – dare I ask what is actually going to be bbq’d?
Hopefully David Miscavige.
Scientology always has these “legendary”, “internationally acclaimed” experts in their fields who speak at their events and briefings. These people are world famous, they are legends. And yet, I’ve never heard of any of them. I must be really out of it.
Isn’t it ridiculous?
All this crap of “mark your calendars for this rare seminar” bullshit, where some asshole will strut around a stage trying to stir up energy in front of twenty people to raise money for Miscavige… at what point does an in-scientologist wake up?
Those charts with no x or y axis – WTF do they even mean?
I can draw lines going up in the air all day long so does that mean I am winning or have many wins?
What a bunch of fucking losers.
hee hee, so correct!
I’m glad I read your post first. I had shrugged at the meaningless “charts” which specifically obfuscate any smidgeon of what the hell they’re talking about. But for those for whom schooling is a “waste of time”, the reaction if oohing and aahing over the “straight up and verticleNESS” of it all. What a truly sad bunch.
Very O/T (don’t want to put a damper on an excellent and hilarious Thursday Funnies today), but I read this story this morning and it stunned me (and then got me pissed). I know this is just one of many, but these are the kinds of stories that are going to continue to get more and more people involved in the fight to end the madness of this cult. I posted this on Tony Ortega’s earlier, but wanted to copy and paste here as well for any here who may be interested…..
I recommend everyone take the time to read this story. As you read through it, try to imagine it’s a little girl telling you this story, because ultimately, it is. I shudder to even imagine my sweet little 8-year old daughter writing something like this one day. Childhood stolen, mother stolen, innocence stolen…..all in an effort to “clear the planet”.
Hubbard’s ultimate goal wasn’t to “free mankind”, it was to enslave mankind. This little girl’s story, just one of many, stands as a testimony to the destructive results of an organization and philosophy that was birthed solely from the imagination of one man….and his accompanying narcissism, corruption, and greed.
Hubbard’s ultimate goal wasn’t to “free mankind”, it was to enslave mankind.
Mick, you nailed it again.
Hubbard’s madness doomed any good impulses he may have had. He truly created a living hell.
The culture of Scientology is a level of evil that rivals the Khmer Rouge, the Cultural Revolution, or Stalin’s Russia. It’s a religion that crushes the human spirit rather than elevates it.
Scientology deserves to get Fair Gamed.
Jeez!! What a story…….. It is surreal to me that this sort of thing happens in modern times. It shouldn’t surprise me as this is the co$ we’re talking about, but every time I read a similar story, particularly involving young children, I still have a WTF!! moment.
THIS is why the cult of scamology needs crushing out of existence. When I read stories like this I don’t even think that people should be allowed to be in it if it’s their own choice…….
Self help group? Betterment for mankind? Saving the planet?
How about the most unethical, morally corrupt, money grabbing, selfish shit can on earth………??
Mick, thanks for pointing that out. I sometimes ignore links because there is just so much material out there, and I’ve seen a pretty representative sample of it if not even a lot of the specific examples, but your strong recommendation made me go ahead and take a look.
I’ve read a lot of stories over an extended period of time, but that is in some ways the worst, and most impactful, perhaps because it contains just the right amount of hard-hitting detail.
I wish that some of the ministers and community leaders who get suckered in for Scientology events at the Ft. Harrison – most egregiously, the ones supposedly about human rights – would read that account, or be exposed to ones like it, and start to get a glimmer of understanding about what really goes behind the scenes. I really hope that Mike and the coming season of Aftermath bring these sort of abuses widespread exposure, as has been done with other groups like the FLDS.
How to use social media to expand scientology… a seminar by a scientologist?
What does she do, walk on stage and tell the parishioners to just unplug?
Is that it, and then the “light refreshments” are served?
That is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
The age of the internet and social media is the worst thing to ever happen to scientology. Pandora’s box has been opened, and the internet is helping to strike the final death blows on mind control cults (well, there will always probably be tiny little closed off cultish societies, but one can hope).
So is Ed Parkin the Director of STAAD.?
In Boston…does the bridge over the Mass Pike end over the Charles River?
That Latin term “revenimus,” which is the inscription at the bottom of the cult’s faux coat of arms needs to be changed to “revulsivemus maximus”
No one is coming back to the $ea Org in their next lifetime. Elron totally blew that myth up by failing to return to Teegeeack in his next lifetime to finish clearing the planet. If Elron couldn’t get it together to “make it go right” there, then how in the world do these much lesser beings figure they will be able to do so!!?
“Teegeeack”, LRH, what a f***ing fool.
Harpoona F. Thanks for the word Revenimus”. Never in, but I have always loved my dictionary! The internet makes it better for me- sometimes I get to take mini magical mystery tours! Today, googling Revenimus led me down this trail…. Interesting stuff, especially about initiates and Crowley’s explanation of “Freudian forgetfulness”. Hmmm.
Harpoona, keep in mind the poor bastards have never heard the facts – nor seen the pictures – of Hubbard’s final days, what he admitted and what he asked for in order to end his pain. And unlikely they ever will.
Somehow Scientology managed to scratch the record in the digital age. It’s the same mind bumping crap repeating itself over and over again. I’m not of a mind to ever advocate using the “tech” again but I do wonder what would happen if you ever gave one of these staff member clowns a genuine 6 button beginning session rudiments check. They probably wouldn’t have a clue what you’re doing or talking about if it wasn’t pre-empted with, “I’m not auditing you…”
Yep, just one of my monthly fishing club meetings, at the local golf club (beer on tap) is doing more for salvaging planet earth than a decade of Scientology. When we gather in a circle with beer in hand to discuss tactics, we mean business. I mean the serious business of trying to outwit creatures who have the brain the size of a split pea. When you come to think about it that way… lots of similarities to trying to understand Scientology mentality really… oh my, I’ve stunned myself!
I think Celebrity Centre misspelled the speakers name. It is Tracy Upchuk. Acclaimed poet and author. She is going to tell what websites not to look at.
Not hard to “turn the tide” in Phoenix. It is a waterless desert. Talk about idiocy in advertising.
Their ‘tide’ is NEVER going to turn, Mike! Maybe we should just pull the plug on them and watch as they go down the drain.
With a little help from roto-rooter OSD.
I drove past the Phoenix Ideal Org out of curiosity recently and there wasn’t a soul in sight. I’ve never met a single Phoenician Scientologist in person either. I don’t how they could even afford the electricity on the place and wish it would just close. it’s an embarrassment for the city of Phoenix to be known as the “birth place of Scientology”, imo.
Send in the clowns!
Oh, wait…they’re here…don’t bother…
With the exception of Fearless Leader.
There’s something endearing about this man’s utter cluelessness. He keeps working the Be A Scientologist Because You’e a Scot thing for all its worth, which isn’t much, but its all he’s got, and, man, he does work it, poor guy.
Hey Fearless! How ‘ya doin’ baby?
Scotch must be something, otherwise, how do you get a “spanner for a 7 sided coin”?
Then again, davie drinks a lot of scotch too.
Honestly, if John got out, I think he’d be legitimately shocked at the size of the fan club he has here and at Ortega’s. The amount of support he’d have would be tremendous. Come on, Fearless Leader, do it, and write your memoirs of your time in. If anything, you’d be the centerpiece of Season 3.
What Espi said, Fearless! Come to your Mamas and Papas here 🙂
+1! As a Scotsman, I hope he does write his memoirs. ”Tis good to be a Scot! Aarrrggggggg……..
My thoughts exactly!
Aqua, not only are they clowns, but, they’re the stupidest clowns I’ve ever seen!
Aqua, clowns & the CoS = mega-nightmares
From Sponsor With Honors: “For me this ideal org is the one and only way to bring sanity to Boston…”
Looking at the pic of the weird guy making this inane statement, then reading the quote, to me is the epitome of cognitive dissonance on full display.
Pretty sadly duped he is.
Boston is probably the org that has gone through the worst “ideal” fiasco and debacle, dragging on for over a decade, with a failed attempt to renovate a historic property, and still stuck in temporary quarters while they struggle to fund the renovation of a more modern property in a out-of-the-way business park. It’s rather pitiful that they claim the new bridge as some sort of magical sign, because it only puts access over the turnpike a couple hundred feet closer than it was before – but they’re still far from an actual exit off the turnpike, and yet face its noisy traffic in a location that is hardly ideal in normal terms. They are in a large and prosperous metropolitan and from accounts have a larger “field” of public members than some of the other orgs that have managed to go “ideal,” so it’s a pretty sorry state of affairs that they are still struggling.
There was an apparent cellphone photo posted to the CCHR Facebook page of the recent protest in San Diego at the APA convention that showed at least one obvious NOI member and possibly several; and more photos at NewsWire including one with the group all in a plaza area, where it seems fairly clear that there were just several dozen of them:
Maybe this is bad for me to say but I don’t think kids should be electroshocked either….but I’ve never been in a position where there is no other help, outside miracle…
Nothing wrong with *that* comment, Barbet. I don’t think ANYONE should be electroshocked. It’s hardly one of the better bits of psychiatry. And I can’t think of anyone eagerly agreeing to it a second time.
See if you can find the story of Victor Gyory, in Philadelphia, who was being shocktreated for the 50TH TIME because he babbled unintelligibly. It turned out he was a Czechoslovakian refugee, spoke no English, and the hospital staff had no one who spoke his language! True story.
I was in Boston org around 5 years ago (I went to buy books during business trip) and compare to the Moscow org it was a desert with 5-6 stuff or too young or too old and a 3-4 public. Buying 2 books I made bookstore officer excited. In that time I was proud for Moscow org Andy our community, now I feel sorry for all of that.
Durban in South Africa bought a building at inflated price of R16 million and then had it bulldozed … the 3 scientologists left in the city (from a bustling team of 7) now use a room in a small house – massive expansion that is ….
Hi Mike
A little O/T…..
Is there any chance Aftermath Season 2 will discuss the Clearwater PD?
As I’m sure you know today over at the Bunker, some of Mark Bunker’s old videos are posted.
My question:
Were any members of the Clearwater PD paid off to ignore Scientology crimes?
Or was the double overtime (or whatever is was) pay enough to get them to turn their heads.
I think you and everyone else involved in Aftermath can have the biggest impact by naming names of non-Scientology ‘co-conspirators’.
Look at Sheriff Baca…..even the mighty can fall
Theirs lots of similarities to Al Capone’s corruptive methodology with the Chicago PD but on a lot less violent background (not that Miscavige would mind). But I agree this is one area of conscience that rocks you to the very core of what justice is meant to be composed. That a Police Dept can be so openly bias is very disturbing but when you look at the peanut amount of $ paid to those officers to be employed by Scientology after hours, one must also take into account those officers are only following orders. Follow the real money/influence, always hidden, and your source of those orders will probably surprise you. Blackmail material, bribes, graft and stand-over thugs are gold to an asshole like Miscavige following Hubbard’s playbook.
Tick tock, Clearwater PD. An enema is being positioned as the media investigations concerning Scientology’s corrupting influence intensifies.
It is becoming more and more obvious the Scientology environment is the perfect cover and camouflage for true assholes to strut their stuff who could never make it in the real world. They stand alongside the sincerely misguided just trying to help mankind and get the perfect opportunity to vent their destructive tendencies.
I’m from Scotland, and I think it’s fair to day that actual Scottish people don’t talk like that unless it’s with American tourists. Now let’s hope that Scientology is just another of those tourists, and they’ll fly away home as soon as tourist season is over. Awa’ an’ bile yer heids, ya daft wee wallopers,
Hi brian t my parents are from Paisley so I understand not only what you said but also where you are coming from
Perhaps you could go to Edinburgh and explain to Fearless Leader that we love him and hope he can escape someday
I’m cracking up, Brian. So, this unintelligible Scottish jargon is for the benefit of American tourists and amongst yourselves standard English prevails. This is funny!
Not that I’m being perjorative when I say, “unintelligible”. I think its cute and quaint. Like the character Joseph in “Wuthering Heights”. I had no clue what the guy was saying and he went on for paragraphs 🙂
Edit: “Pejorative”.
Hey laddie! My family’s from Scotland! We came over in the mid 1700s. Tis good to be a Celt! Arrrrgggggggg…..
Ok, OSD, so you’re the correct “terminal” to be sent to Scotland to get Fearless out. He’ll listen to you, with your Scottish history and all. You’re perfect for this caper, so we here are taking up a collection to pay your airfare and hotel, right, Mike?
Now, listen up, here are your instructions.
Bring your surfboard to Scotland. Dress in cutoffs , a Hawaiian shirt and flip flops. Yes, it will be chilly but deal with it. Go to HAPI org carrying your surfboard. Tell them you want to move to Scotland and be a Scientologist ‘cuz you heard the surf is bitchin’ up there…tell them anything, they’ll believe it. Meet Gourley alone, bat him over the head with your board and drag his unconscious body out of there. A car will be waiting to take you both to the airport.
See, its all worked out, OSD. Do it for us. Do it for Scotland. Most importantly, do it for free.
One of my friends, Jesse, had a license plate for her car that read …….PCMYHO……………..anyone Scottish or Irish should be able to figure that one out!
The teddy bear listening to the tapes… You know there are animal cruelty laws in most countries. Or are teddy bears the secret to multiplying an Ideal Org’s States?
The real reason Ideal Orgs get a boost in states is probably because they’re not draining every penny of their parishioners money trying to get an Ideal Org Built. So the Parishioners now have few bucks to spend on buying books and services.
Teddy bears can’t blow or write tell all books. Or go on Leah Remini’s show and say where the bad people touched them.
What about Ted, the talking Teddy Bear? He had a lot to say! Mostly profane, but, that’s what made him charming!
Yes, that bear does “bear” an uncanny resemblance to the tart-tongued Ted of movie fame. Ted would tell these morons to go piss up a rope.
I have this vision of Miscavige walking around thinking the teddy bears are real and everyone around him goes along with it because no one wants to tell him the truth.
“Um, excuse me, sir……those aren’t really people…..those are stuffed teddy bears…..”
Stuffed Teddy Bears are NOT really people? My God! There goes my premise. I’m shocked! Shock I say!
I have to say I feel so sorrry for that gorgeous little bear- but he is an ideal candidate for Scientology – he can’t see, can’t hear and he has nothing but fluff between the ears …
The Teddy bear is Tom Cruise!
MostEthical, this would appear to be logical except that Mike has published the Facebook page of New York Org which has made only 3 Clears in the past 2 years. Apparently this was an org that was fully paid for by Miscavige back in 2004. Their public has never been reg’ged for Ideal Morgue donations and yet they don’t seem to be making too many Clears. I wonder what their excuses are. I’m sure they have good ones.
It’s more than possible that teddy bears are the closest things to live humans that they can find to fill seats. Imagine in a year or so a photo of “Ted E. Bear receiving his Survival Sitting Down Near the Pole” certificate and then giving silences about cognitions and how to increase your prosperity to adoring $camologists.
Many a mickel makes a muckle? Many a snicker makes a chuckle.
Muckle hearts and knuckle heads.
Mike I don’t know what’s a good number or what used to be a good number in clears, I don’t even know what it really means I have an idea but it sure seems like Scientology is falling apart? Do you picture in your mind what the Pope of Scientology is doing while things crumble around him? It truly didn’t have to end like this he’s responsible if he were a nice man and not a control freak perhaps things could be beautiful but when you create something based on a lie it can’t stand forever,thanks for all the time you put into your blog it’s the first thing I read every morning!
Please someone tell me what ‘certianity’ is, preferably Mr Chan and his hyped-up abilities. Is it different to the ‘certainty’ mentioned elsewhere on the flyer? Silly me married a psych so my question might come across as simpleminded
Just another typo missed by an overtired bad possibly under-educated staff or sea org member.
I’m still cringing about last week’s flyer where a 16 year old explained that he was learning important things now and not wasting his time in school .
Speaking of typos, you would think that they would word-clear “achieve” before they use “acheive” (as in “acheive prosperity”) in a heading. There is a crazy thing in Word that underlines typos with a red line. Guess they don’t have that in Long Island. Or they are using some kind of word processor that LRH invented. Or maybe just going old school and using an electric typewriter like the Master.
Yes, we do have Word on our computers here on Long Island, Maybe just not at the Co$ in Hicksville (not kidding).
After all, we’re just a short ride to the city that never sleeps. We LongILinders (pronounced how it’s spelled there and as 1 word) aren’t all that backwards. hahaha.
Have a great weekend everyone
Maybe the organization can visit “the Long Island Medium”…..Theresa can possibly channel LRH and see what HE has to say about what’s going on in CO$ under the leadership of DM………
Now that’s a great idea 🙂
Yes, learning “important things” which will hold this idiot kid in good stead (sarcasm) when someday he needs a job and Walmart turns him down due to no HSD. Frankly, I blame the parents for feeding this bad data to the kids from infancy. Sure, bring them up as Scientologists but insist they learn something, a profession, a trade, at the same time. Steeped in ignorance, by the time they’re 16 its too late.
“…not wasting his time in school.” Yep! That’s Scientology! They don’t need no stinkin’ school! It would take away from the important things in life…Oh, wait, they really don’t have a life. My bad.
It’s certiantly written by someone who didn’t finish high school …
They don’t need kids with higher education. They’re just a pain in their collective ass’s. Stupidity is good. Stupidity works.
So good to see something related to Boston! And, no, the city did NOT build a bridge over the Mass. Turnpike for this building purchased for an Idle Morgue. That bridge has been there for decades.
Myrklix, you silly wog, in the distant past some noble OT postulated that that bridge would be needed for the future mOrg. They were just using their time traveling powerz to ensure future success for the new mOrg. All Hail Miscavage!!!
You’re right, that bridge has been there for at least 20 years. And it doesn’t even come to the front door of the org, it goes over the turnpike and the ramp takes traffic more than a block farther – coming from across the pike, it would require a U-turn and then driving back a block, to get to the building.
They are stretching their claims to the verge of insane unreality. They’re past just putting lipstick on the pig of their dragged-out and failure-ridden “ideal” org effort, and into trying to dress it up like a child beauty queen.
I thank Miscavige for making his ads bigger so as to make them an easier read. They are apparently the only things that are expanding in $cientology. (besides Miscavige’s retirement account)