Saving the Galaxy
Giving money to buy a building is the height of humanitarianism…
Conspiracy Theories…
It’s not JUST the psychs. It’s also the bankers. Politicians. Psychologists. Government. Media. Ex-members… and more. Should be exciting.
Saving black families road show.
Knowing who you can trust according to the NOI. Wow.
Enough time
This is being held in a “mission” that is in a printer’s shop in an industrial area. Sure it’s going to be a blowout!
The elite
If you are “doing it” how come your org STILL isnt St Hill size even though it’s been “ideal” for years?
The 21st Century religion
Now that’s an image that talks modern.
Spectacular Magic
Only if you define “magic” as handing over money they don’t have.
Phoenix is creating a New Civilization for America
Guys, maybe you should try dealing with your own block first. And if you can accomplish anything set your sights on your own neighborhood…
Special Purfis schedule
Another ideal org turning the tide…
Wow, with a completions list like this — not a single Clear — they should have their city cleared never.
And if scientology wasn’t able to hide behind its title of religion…
Another “ideal org”…
,,, another one that has NOT expanded to St Hill size after 3 years.
It’s all about the money stupid
Just so we don’t forget what everything is really all about
Every time I see Gavin Potter from the Fleawinds, I think Gavin MacLeod from The Love Boat. ๐
The Free Winds….making another run….the Free Winds swabbing the deck is so much fun.
“The difference between not doing it and doing it is simply having the purpose of doing it and then doing it.”
This is one of my favorite LRH quotes. It’s very silly and useless and tautological, and otherwise unremarkable on its own, but I love it mostly because Scientologists use it to this day as some sort of talisman to spur action.
I had an idea of a little game to create altered versions of the quote to make it more meaningful to real world scenarios, and I invite others to join in, if you like.
I’ll start: The difference between not doing it and doing it is a bottle of Boone’s Farm and a smooth line of patter.
The difference between not doing it and doing it is having the purpose of relaxing and then doing it.
By the way ED and 3 other executives of saint-Petersburg org in Russia spent at least next 2 months in prison, due to the fraud charges.
Victor, thanks for that note. I’d really appreciate hearing more of your perspective on what’s going on in Russia, and what it really means, particularly since that seems to be one of the countries where the CofS has had some real growth in recent years – and also apparently a fertile ground for the Ron’s Orgs.
For instance, someone posted, I think on Tony Ortega’s site, that because Scientology has been classified as an illegitimate organization (I don’t recall the precise terminology), then any transaction that takes places in a Scientology organization is inherently considered fraudulent, so the charges are not exactly unexpected – nor what those of us accustomed to Western legal systems, would know as fraud.
I’am not a lawyer i’am engineer but I will try explain what had happened in this case. After scn lost it religious status and tax exempt in Russian it started funneled money through number of short-live companies which were registered on different stuff-members (usually high-ranking), evading taxes in progress. And this is a fraud. They are charged that they personally made 5 millions dollars on this scam (I personally doubt it, money always go upline).
Plus were arrested local OSA rep and sea org security head for all well known fair game stuff.
About fertile ground and Ron org. I can’t say that Scientology expanded massively in Russia, while I was in it between 2007-2015, number of people in the org were almost the same. Yes Moscow org never was Empty shell as others but i didn’t noticed 47x expansion, in all 8 years there were always between 6 and 10 people in a class and between 5 and 8 in auditing sessions.
Biggest problem of scn in Russia as you can guess is a price. Purif costs as good month salary in Moscow, one intensive with class 5 auditor as a very good month salary, so there are many people’s in a low level courses and very few really moving up the bridge (iam grade 4 by the way and my wife is clear).
About indies, I tried ron org last year as a part of process of cleaning myself from all of this, yes they exist but like a very small pocket groups around one or two gurus who are enlightened by the tech.
By the way if you give me a list of questions I will be happy to answer โฝ)
Gavin Potter looks like the kind of guy that would take advantage of you.
Me – “Hey Gavin, can you watch my dog while I take my sick mother to her doctor’s appointment?”
Gavin – “Sure thing… where?”
Me – “Oh, here in my house for about an hour.”
Gavin – “All rightee then.”
(Two hours later…)
Dog is dead and the carcass is sold for vet research, credit cards maxed, line of credit f***ed, and house remortgaged, will all proceeds going to David Miscavige and the church of scientology.
The Cycle of Civilisation is a meaningless jumble of crappy drawings and words.
The magic that happens is how they make your money disappear.
Oohh, the third anniversary of the Sydney Org. I can’t wait not to go.
OT Hatting Seminar with the seemingly unaging clone of Dead Moldycorpse; fourth bullet point – the major weak spot is money. Never ever having enough to hand over to $camology.
“The Cycle of Civilization is a meaningless jumble of crappy drawings and words.
The magic that happens is how they make your money disappear.”
I have never seen a better summation of religion, dogma, philosophies, or political ideologies … Kronomex, you are EXACTLY correct.
I will learn more from my pet goldfish, in his zen-like existence, than from buffoons like LRH.
We apes, called humans, should grow up, grow a pair, and reject all these assholes with their answers to the universe. They are always so wrong.
As an African American never-in, I appreciated the stock photo of the well-adjusted happy family, obviously taken after hearing the NOI sista expound on how the NOI and Scientology can repair the black family. Lemme get my vacation request in ASAP so I can fly down to Miami to drink in the knowledge, especially the session on mental health. NOT.
In recent months, the white Wonder Bread of church leaders, David Miscavige and his “church” of scientology seem to be pandering to the non-whites in a transparent, simplistic, and insulting grand strategy.
I say to anyone, white or otherwise, who are approached by scientology… hang onto your wallets and purses, and get the hell out of Dodge.
Policitics is something we learned in 11th grade, wasn’t it? As I recall, it had something to do with tinfoil hats and ETs (probably them there Marcabians.)
11th grade? You late-bloomer, you! ๐ Politics was dinner-table conversation when I was a kid; of course, this was in Berkeley in the 60s, so you’d pretty much expect that. By the time I was 9 I was already a sit-in veteran. Maybe all that helped me laugh at Scientology when they told me (at 16 or 17) that I needed to somehow come up with fifty bucks to fix what was wrong with me.
Conspiracy theorists the world over don’t worry me…. While their attention’s fixated over there, we can walk up to them and cut their blinders off if we choose to. In any case, they’re too distracted to do anything truly effective in the real world; not even THINK for themselves.
Not necessarily the Orgs you pictured but I found this ironic, kinda creepy & sad. I am a big supporter of what Mike & Leah Remini are exposing with so many others & we have been watching all documentaries & reading so much about the lies & abuses in these Orgs.
I was searching yesterday for lyme disease centers, lyme literate & compassionate drs in the state i live in the NE. I have suffered for a yr & desperate for credible treatment. I clicked on a listing on google & read thru the description of their “Purification” program…& i instantly knew it sounded familiar. I looked up the address, sure enough Clearwater, Fl & it was Life Force, & the head of practice is the Dr charched in the death of McPherson. I cant believe, well i guess i can, they are preying on groups of chronically sick ppl, as well as veterans & stating that they are experts in healing them. Also i cant believe that Dr is allowed 2 practice medicine ever again. I can only imagine the poor person who goes there desperate to get well, as Lyme is a debilitating epidemic that i know 1st hand, & ends up being solicited to join scientology. I thought you all might find it interesting tactics they use to try & target & recruit ppl.
Your story is very interesting.
Does scientology actually believe it can cure Lyme disease?
Yet another example of claptrap medical buffoonery.
I hope the weak-kneed and overly cautious authorities will clamp down on this scientology snake oil before they have another Lisa McPherson on their hands… I KNOW the dimwitted COB named David Miscavige does not want to see another Lisa McPherson case on his doorstep.
Do you David?
Doesn’t she haunt your dreams, David? Lisa.
According 2 life forces website & services for ailments, yes Lyme is 1 of tgeir many specialties, curing it all naturally thru purification sessions, etc. & then a big pic of Dr Hickman? I may have his name wrong, i have memory issues, but its def tge Dr in Lisa Mcpherson case & his wife. I couldnt believe it, as i was watching Going Clear while looking up lyme centers & it was just such a weird coincidence & sad. Its crazy how they target & prey on so many groups of ppl, sickening. Im pretty sure Id rather stay trapped in this hell of a disease than go their 2 be hounded & not cured & asked 2 join Scientology 2 cure my ailmenrs…that is saying alot as its been hell 4 me! I still dont understand how govts cant stand up 2 them & investigate their practices, crimes!
Heather, I could be wrong but believe the doctor to which you are referring lost his license to practice medicine because of this tragedy and is now dispensing only herbal and/or homeopathic remedies.
Off-topic, but I’m watching the BBC’s coverage of the British election, and we’ve had a sighting of our good friend John Sweeney, looking bearded and bearishly professorial as usual. Unfortunately, he’s stuck up in Boston and Skegness, the post-apocalyptic Atlantic City circa 1975 of the UK. And he’s being forced to follow Paul “Nutsy” Nuttall, the ultra-right-wing Duce of the UK Independence Party. After this beat, Mike and Leah, he’ll need another trip to LA for another interview. He deserves it.
For political junkies like me, the British election is turning out to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions and a must-watch. Thank Xenu it’s my “weekend” and I can stay tuned late into the night, until the sun comes up on Waterloo Bridge. And having John around for a bit of it is great.
“Giving money to buy a building is the height of humanitarianismโฆ”
Of course, if this organization’s portrayal of Hubbard is to be believed, defrauding others of their money (to the tune of what would be in the billion $$$ range by today’s money) gets one declared an even greater “humanitarian!”
every time I see the photo of Gavin Potter in his special Sea Org uniform, it makes me think of the other Gavin in a ship officer’s uniform, Gavin MacLeod. At least the latter’s ship wasn’t sinking…
Haha, I just flashed on Mcsavage as Tattoo. THE PLANE THE PLANE
Would that make LRH Mr. Roarke? No, there’s no fantasies coming true in SCN ANYWHERE.
None. Zip. Nada. No way. Ain’t gonna happen. Just pipe dreams…
If you postulate..
“The difference between not doing it and doing it is simply having the purpose of doing it and then doing it!”
WTF? That’s what passes as a deep thought by LRH?
It sounds like something a 10 yr old would say. . unreal for sure
Ah, yes, like the wisdom of Will Smith’s sullen offspring Jaden Smith, LRH’s musings constantly show us what a “genius” he is.
I imagine he was making that gross noise of sucking on the side of his cheek as he pronounced these grand words through his rotten teeth.
Man, I can’t stand that disgusting pig LRH.
Thank you. I thought the same thing!
Those are the thoughts of a 6 year old.
Honestly, it reminds me of a “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy” skit on SNL from Phil Hartman. LOL they were always really really dumb sayings ๐
I always chuckle when I read, Dinner 6PM * 6:30 Seminar. What are they eating, vitamins?.
They are always serving “light refreshments” at these wastes of time.
I always fear it will be “enhanced” kool-aid stirred up by the sinking ship named Miscavige. Get out now, scientologists.
Crimes…….Come over to the dark side….we have COOKIES…..& Kool Aid……ummm, hmmmm, mmm…NO THANKS>
I love how they listed “banking” twice on their flyer.
that’s because banking is REALLY bad.
Based on ALL accumulated scientific evidence, the SOLE problem that Hubbard & scientology could help solve for a human being is … Having too much money.
Yep! I always found having too much money to be a burden.
Sung to the 1950s tune “Venus”
Hey Xenu
Oh Xenu….
Xenu if you will
Please send to me a clam that I can thrill
A clam that I’ll call honey
With Pocketsful of money for me…..
Xenu make her rich
A lovely clam that ain’t a nasty bitch
And let her have huge piles of cash
and a place that we both can crash……
Xenu, master of the Galaxy you are….
what I ask…….. can’t be too great a task…..
Xenu if you do…
I promise that I always will be true
I’ll take all the money she has to give
As long as we both shall live,,,,,,
Bravo (wild clapping) bravo! Well done!
OSD & Wynski….Awww shucks…Thank you dear friends! I took a “stab” at it for fun! Glad you like it!
Ready for the Grammies BalletLady!
Yo Dave,
I was thinkin again good buddy (always a problem) about whether or not any of the 500 names You gave ‘da judge’ were getting auditing. It may work out well for you Dave because if they were then you could sec check the shit out of them while they were administering the arbitration process to try and control the damage.
But then Dave, I was thunkin some more and I don’t ever recall anyone in yer cherch being trained in how to administer an arbitration process. I mean the closest thing to arbitration I ever heard of was more sec checking, get the poor bastard to admit his crimes and then squeeze the rest of the shit out of em until they come up with the cash equivalent equal to the transgression (real or imagined).
Anyway, back to the auditing thing Dave; if one of the 500 is called by ‘da judge’ and they are receiving services, are you going to declare them because they would be in contact with Ess Pees or just refuse them further services? Another thing Dave, you might have to wait until they are done with the process to do anything to punish them Dave, otherwise it might come out that you ‘initiated contact’ and EVERYONE KNOWS why you would do that Dave.
So how in the hell are you going to maintain control Dave? I’d say you are in the middle of dining on a shit sandwich. You don’t want to eat it but You probably will have to. Well, somebody’s got to do it Dave and no one else has the credentials ………… good buddy!
Oh yes …………. it’s Thursday again Dave. Count em up!
This judge’s list of 500 names debacle is a slow train wreck. The whole situation is so delicious, as the legal community is just sick of the shenanigans of the dreadful organization of scientology.
Rumor has it that the Joker is now being spoon fed tin foil hat conspiracy theories on his road to recovery. LOL
BTW, got those phone numbers ready for the Judge?
Re: your first entry…. it’s “… saving the Guh-LAX-y”. FIFY ๐
Same ol, same ol dribble! I couldn’t really find anything to get enthused about with this weeks funnies. The NOI lecture on who you can trust might be worth a scratch or a good sniff.
What I did find interesting was when I scanned Ortega’s site this am, saw & listened to Marty Rathun speak in circles about nothing at all was that when his 6 minute waffle finished was the amount of views of recent utube articles that popped up per my viewing habits when it finished. Marty got 1K views, Scientology peaked out at about 136k for Leah but, “Why you Palomar fishing knot breaks” got 436K views! Sort of put Scientology in a strange public awareness position.
I really hope Leah’s input and especially if she does a movie (see Ortega’s site for the speculation) on Scientology puts an end to the cult. The general public has enough problems of their own I suppose, plus their attention is fickle at best. That’s why I feel Leah with her well know & personable reputation, coupled with her “entertainment type approach” to the subject including her media genius & contacts within the industry might just be the ticket that gets Miscavige and organised Scientology erased but good!
I agree I Yawn. And I have a lot of confidence that Leah cannot be bought. I wonder how much Dave has considered offering her?
I can see it now ………………. Ding a Ling lets Leah know that 100 mil or so is in the mail if things go quiet and stay that way ……….. say He offers 10 mil every six months for awhile. Then He receives the response ……….’No thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’
Then Dave checks his quiver …………………. sorry, no more arrows. You’re done!
The Elliot Ness of Scientology. I like it!
Just imagine if evidence surfaces of Dave’s bribe offering history over his career as mangy top dog… wow, what a juicy read that would be…
In that embarrassment of a scientology-produced video, Marty Rathburn swallowed and cleared his throat a record number of times, and then showed us all how smart he is by using the word “mimesis”, a word only a douchebag would use to look profound.
Marty, you had the chance to become a famous hero, and you pissed it away. I am so sad.
Absolutely agree, “how terribly sad,” (not). Marty Rathbun, the Benedict Arnold of religious bigotry. That guy is a walking, talking minefield.
Don’t know what kind of ammunition “they” might have that might really embarrass or hurt this man……I just wondering what’s in all those God Damned files….
It’s Scientology remember. They don’t need the truth, just the leverage effect. Those that are players in Scientology’s upper (legal) realm would make the cold war look like a Sunday afternoon picnic as far as fabricating and circumventing the truth is concerned. It’s difficult for a socially minded person to accept the depths of deceit those assholes will stoop to. It’s all a game to them, a very delicious one and they are extremely well paid for results. Marty is well versed in those types of tactics and there’s an old saying, “the easiest person to sell to is a salesman.”
Marty made his own bed and now he’s being forced to sleep in it.
I think Marty through his blog was an important figure in “getting the word out.” A fascinating man who might one not always agree with , but someone who earned my respect as both an independent thinker and a fearless communicator.
Newcomer, Leah cannot be bought. That I know for sure.
No ethical person would want one cent from that creepy cult leader Miscavige unless it is in a punitive and revealed legal forum, where your attorneys are rewarded for their time and trouble, isn’t that right Marty Rathburn?
You gotta love Thursday funnies! This would make great stand-up!
I live in Kansas City – should I drive downtown & tell them I want the life repair treatment? It’s not a good area of town – especially where I’d park. There’s a lot of foot traffic but mostly the ppl are pushing shopping carts filled their life.
Of course you should go! I’m sure they’re experts at repairing lives. BTW, I’ve got a 44 Magnum that I can send you. That should an impression!
That sort of piece makes an impression on even the most stupid! It makes someone’s day unforgettable!
Damn right it does! “You gotta ask yourself a question…do I feel lucky? Well…do you punk?”
“In all that confusion I can’t remember if it was 5 or 6…” Oh hell! Let’s just get another 6 pack and watch the whole series again.
Barbet, OSA (Scientology’s spies) read this blog. There are so few new people signing up for Scientology even in big cities. Now, if you walked yourself into KC org – well, let’s put it this way; just by posting this you might have already outed yourself. In any event you’d get the 3rd degree because anyone actually interested would have to be someone who does not watch TV, read newspapers, or do internet searches. Which leave very few Americans.
Yeah…they’d probably wonder how I saw the poster?
In the conspiracy theories entry – what are “policitics”?
Mike Maddux? The pitching coach? Brother of Greg Maddux?
Same as BANKING,twice
No matter how many of these posters I see, whether by content or artwork, they just plain creep me out. Even creepier is the knowledge that they will appeal to others, who get sucked right in….
Doubtful. Really, the only ones they can get are those who don’t know how to use Google. Through all of fatso’s bluster, he never saw the internet coming. The internet sees all and knows all…
And TELLS all
“They should have their city cleared never”
And then do they all go to Never Neverland?
On the ‘Never Ever Express.’
Each week, after reading these flyers, I feel like I need a Purification Rundown. In my religion, that’s a glass of wine. Hey, I completed it!!
You’re really upstat ๐
If alcohol ingestion equals upstat, then David Miscavige must have a world record.
hic… snort… I’ll change that, snort…burp… record… CRASH! (damn, fell off the stool, again). No stinking Scientologist is ever taking my hard won glory from me ever again.
Right there with you re wine! Glorious, delicious, great red wine! Cab, Merlot, Zin, It’s all good! Cheers, laddie!
Egads. It seems to me that their ads are retrogressing from juvenile to infantile with each successive week showing the slide downward.
Would you expect any thing less?
Oh, I guarantee you, expect less. Each week scientology slides down further and further, looks more and more ridiculous, and David Miscavige spirals deeper and deeper into the paranoia and madness that only LRH, Jim Jones, or bunker-trapped dictators could ever understand.
How many heads can you slap now Miscavige?
How many necks can you choke with your little hands?
How many minions can you watch play musical chairs?
You are an infant, and the world knows it.
I like your style, WAYC!
; )
Thanks Old Surfer Dude.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
You’re good!
“You are an infant, and the world knows it.” WAYC, so now you are bad mouthing innocent infants?! “Mr Little” is definitely not innocent! lol