Rising Like a Phoenix
The ideal org in Phoenix is BOOMING.
This shot was taken a week ago at 3:30 in the afternoon. This IS the entire parking lot of the org and that IS the front entrance to the “ideal org.”
The 47X expansion seems to be passing them by too.
Woohoo: Atlanta Construction Documents Are Done!
And I have completed my research on what color my Ferrari is going to be when I purchase it…
But I do love the parroting of bs in here. Since GAG II international expansion is 47X. See above. Because it sure isn’t 47X in Atlanta, but they know that is because they are not “yet” ideal. They never see or visit any “ideal” orgs, so they just “believe.”
They say there are 42 ideal orgs now. They are producing about 10 clears a week total. But when all 142 are done they will be doing 1o0,000 a year! Based on that math, there should be 600 clears a week right now. But just think about it — this 100,000 in a year is so astonishingly magnificent to these people it is their idea of how the “ideal world” of scientology would be. And they don’t get that it would take 70,000+ years to clear everyone on earth if the population stayed the same as it is now.
Does ANYONE in scientology ever do any math?
Drew Johnston No Longer an Auditor At All
One would imagine that a scientologist offering to “Conquer Your Case” would at least be a basic auditor…
He used to promote himself as a Class VIII. Now he is apparently nothing, but he is going to conquer your case.
The new world of scientology.
“Together There is Nothing LA Can’t Do…”
Hmmm, how about the fact they can’t complete the ONE org that serves half the scientologists in LA(?) — of course the other 7 “ideal orgs” can’t service them, they just HAVE to have another “ideal org” in LA.
I also wonder how she arrives at the “geographical heart of the entertainment industry”?
Scientology barkers are not good with math OR geography (or grammar for that matter…)
Another in the series….
Somehow the reality of what the majority of SO members and org staff look like just doesn’t come through in their promo pieces that feature young, attractive women and guys beckoning you to “come join them.”
Go back and look at the shots showing the new “SO team” at LA Org. Frumpy is being kind.
Recruitment UK Style
More reserved, definitely weird, but just as disturbing all the same…
This gets recruits?
From: AOSH UK <[email protected]>
Date: 2014-11-12 14:58 GMT+01:00
Subject: From: David – HAS AOSHUK
Good Afternoon xxxx
Well, we had a mini summer a week or two ago; at one point I dared to go outside without an umbrella…needless to say I was rather quickly reminded of what it feels like to be a duck. So after sloshing through the courtyard and into the castle I was met by a scene of utter organized chaos (to use an oxymoron). My god! There were people flying everywhere! Course completions, PCs attesting to Clear, OT Levels being done and much more. As I dripped my way through I saw screams of excitement followed by more rushing of people.
My conclusion was that it must have been Thursday 1:50pm.
But no, I was wrong, it was just a regular day at Saint Hill.
Perhaps you would like to be part of the team making it happen.
Let me know.
The LA Test Center and Other LA stuff…
This was supposed to be part of the “Ideal PAC” ribbon cutting… They couldn’t arrange good enough security for Dear Leader, so it hasn’t opened.
Nice paper over the windows. Wouldn’t want anyone actually seeing what was in there and being interested.
Welcoming Signs
These are posted in businesses near the Complex. PR Area Control at its finest.
The First “Public Funded” Ideal Org in Europe
Well, out of the mouths of babes….
First time anyone has ever publicly admitted that not a SINGLE “ideal org” in Europe has been funded by raising money from the public. Not Madrid, Brussels, Berlin, Moscow, Malmo, Tel Aviv, Roma or Padova….
Which means the “ideal org” campaign, which has now been the HIGHEST PRIORITY program in scientology for more than a decade, has not produced a single result in scientology’s largest continent.
But for “flow” of $100 from every scientologist in Basel, we will raise $10,000 and WE will be the first ones!!
Jenni S says
The Atlanta promo piece says “What are these orgs doing? Making new Humanitarians and holding big, on-purpose events.” And gee, here I thought the orgs were supposed to be making Class V auditors and Clears. I guess things have changed. The product of the orgs is now Humanitarians and events. The promo says completing all the ideal orgs is in the “must” category listed by Ron. “We must have before we can do.” But it seems the more they have the less they do.
JennyAtLAX (@JennyAtLAX) says
Re: The new world of scientology. “You guys are embarrassing. It’s pathetic.”
Jenni S says
It’s interesting to consider that she will not see how she looked in that incident because she can’t go to those sites.
Chuck Beatty says
The 866-XSEAORG message when you call that number should include a line about:
“…and you get TWO free cookies if you blow today….”
I get mostly people checking out the phone line, very few takers for real.
Chuck Beatty
Jenni S says
I just called the number because it is the first I heard of this. It’s a good thing for those who aren’t out yet or newly out and need some encouragement. I was only in the SO for a year in 1979.
TreasonousFu*k says
Hey Vicki,
The only “entertainment industry” that Valley (San Fernando Valley) is the “geographical heart” of is the pornography industry. Now go run around a pole until you’re fully cleansed of all your out-ethics, evil-purposed perversions of love.
Smokey says
Ok. I know it’s a small point in the overall delusion on display here today but it struck me, once again, that they use quotes without even reading them. Maybe they’re just told which ones to use?
Here’s the quote from HCO PL 14 JAN 1969 that’s used in the Atlanta promo piece.
“By definition a Vital Target is something that must be done to operate at all.
Man’s worst difficulty is his inability to tell the important from the unimportant. “Every target is the same as every other target” is part of A=A=A.
It takes good sense to be able to survey an area and find out
1. What must be done.
2. What shouldn’t be done.
3. What is only desirable to be done.”
Not only do they not follow Hubbard’s directives or even recognize when his policy letters aren’t being followed anymore, they apparently lack any reading comprehension skills. How many people in the Atlanta Idle Morgue fundraising org photo, or for that matter any ideal org fundraising event, answered a survey asking if they needed, wanted, or thought an ideal org was wanted, desired or needed in their area? Let alone if they believed an Idle Morgue was a requirement to continued operations.
Abi Ja says
Scientology Success Story
visitor says
Mike – the idea came to me that it might be fun to have a “Stupid ShermanSpeak Contest” where people write very dumb – but hopefully very funny – short notes in ShermanSpeak. To make it on point, a possible topic for the ShermanSpeak contest: David Miscavaige confesses his crimes. Think about it – it’s guaranteed to get his attention.
Thanks for running the site! I am a never-in but am fascinated by the dark inner workings of the criminal cult of $cientology.
Gus Cox says
Oops, 866-XSEAORG. Good thing I didn’t send that toilet paper to the printer’s yet 😉
Gus Cox says
That’s something that’s been in the back of my mind for quite some time, but that I’d never quite been able to articulate. Thank you for that.
Gus Cox says
I always wondered WTF was up with the toilet paper, too. I mean seriously, the Old Man wrote 8 friggin’ volumes of “management tech” at hundreds of pages each, supposedly solving all of how to run a business. One of Ron’s Gifts to the World. But his orgs, which should exemplify the wonderfulness of this “tech,” can’t even figure out how handle a simple continual cost like toilet fucking paper!
Christ, it makes me want to get one of those giant packages of toilet paper from Costco (something like 48 big rolls for 15 bucks?) and deliver it, perhaps with a bit of fanfare, to the steps of ASHO. Maybe I should have it printed with 800-XSEAORG first.
Neverclear says
You make a valid point about Hubbard’s writings…well if they are low on tp, I guess we know what to substitute.
deanblair06 says
Sometimes I can’t believe the people who are still in are still in. They are of course but one would think they would at some point be able to tell that they are being lied to.
Maybe they could get a Math Book for Dummies, tailor it so it looks standard GAT II format and study it applying the quckie Student hat. Maybe…maybe then their maths will improve a little bit.
The offer of toilet paper with a haircut? Well I guess any toilet paper is better than none.
Ronn S. says
I’m tempted to send Basel $100 just so I don’t feel so badly for them. Geeez.
Friend says
Does ANYONE in scientology ever do any math? .. not really .. they know only plus ..
War Horse says
Are you John Dries? Or related to him?
If so, I’d love to hear from you. Mike has my address.
Joe Dries says
Joe. No relation to John.
TrevAnon says
War Horse, John was in a Tory Magoo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv0nFtgm8T8&webm=1&html5=1
Maybe she can help you get in contact with him.
Joe Dries says
John Dries’ FB page says he has passed away.
Aquamarine says
“Whoohoo: Atlanta Construction Documents Are Done!
And I have completed my research on what color my Ferrari is going to be when I purchase it…”
Still chuckling. You’re a funny guy, Mike.
Joe Dries says
Mike, thanks for the blog. I’ve found it to be a cathartic resource and a yardstick of sanity. My wife and I joined the SO early on in our SCN experience. It was the promise of something great that drew us both to the SO. The reality didn’t match up, and we are both thankful we’ve left that scene and returned to the real world, with real friends and a real family.
Everyone wants to be a part of something great. I can’t blame the people who are still for still being in. All the data they could ever need is available online, but they can’t look at it. So it’s not like they’re ignoring it. Well, I guess some of them are actually.
But still…they all of their own issues that are keeping them there. I think your focus on bringing attention to disconnection and the false promises is the exact right target. If people want to believe lies, that’s up to them. But at least resources, like your blog, are making those lies known, so that people can have a choice.
I found the articles today about the differences between how the mormons handle their PR problems and how SCN mgmt handles its to be very enlightening.
SCN is so defensive because it has allowed itself to belive it is literally fighting a battle, a literal battle, against whole-track SPs who have poisoned and imprisoned the minds and souls of every being on this prison planet and only SCN can provide to key to unlock the shackles and free the 6+ billion souls on this earth from the prison they don’t even know they’re in.
The beingness of SCN’s effort is not a religious one, but a truly militant one, and this 100% reflected in the attitude of it’s staff or “soldiers” and the reason we see so many public adopting this beingness as well is simply due to how many of the public are actually former staff!
The true public-public are the ones with a theety-wheetie bent, who think LRH and SCN is all sweetness and light and ARC and communication and granting beingness, etc.
But anyone who has walked in a staff members / SO members shoes knows that SCN is not “that kind” of religion.
The media still doesn’t truly get this.
Tony Ortega gets it. The guy in Australia seems to get it. But the media as a whole does not.
I would love to see the media call out the fact that the militant-ish-ness of SCN does not stop at the naval uniforms. It goes to the core of the SCN doctrine. And once you convince someone of that doctrine, there is almost nothing they would not do to neutralize and enemy of SCN.
And that is why Mormons can handle PR and SCN can’t. Mormon’s don’t feel that their bad PR is being created by whole-track SPs who are out to destroy them. They recognize that THEY are the source of their bad PR and therefore THEY can do something about it. SCN has no such luxury.
Isn’t it funny how SCN dramatizes the characteristics of a suppressive personality (if there is such a thing)? Introspection is a luxury it cannot afford…or it would cave in immediately.
Mike Rinder says
Thanks Joe. Good comment. Thanks for writing.
statpush says
“Does ANYONE in scientology ever do any math?”
Of course they do, their calculator shows there is in fact 7,777,777 Scnists…close enough to 10 million.
Natural Philosopher says
Nice building that Hollywood Test Centre…I can recall hanging out windows fitting new frames and doing the concrete work about 10 years ago and it still hasn’t bloody been opened! Dave, come on! Don’t hold my work in vain for God’s sake! Or is it easier for you to to hang on to the real estate, with no one messing up the inside, so you can sell it on to your cronies once you blow the scene? Hmmm…not much vertical expansion going on there, that’s for sure.
zemooo says
Your comment about selling Idle mOrgs to outsiders may be the current state of $cientology. Miscavage has no real companions or anyone in the ‘church’ to keep him on the level and actually working for the wit and wisdom of LRH. Everything seems to be the output of some badly run pr firm {$cientologist owned probably} and lawyers.
Lawyers love real estate. They buy and sell it all day long. Not only do they get to advise DM on all of the ‘enthata’ that various lawsuits are throwing at him, but they get to be first in line when a Idle mOrg is sold because it is in the wrong place or not the right color. We may never know how much the kick back is, but you can be certain it will be generous.
Marisa Sigmond says
The Phoenix Idle Morgue is a joke. I’ve lived in Phoenix for over 30 years. My sis was the E/D out here for 15 years. Arizona has literally had the same set of 50 Scientologists since I was 5 years old. They’re lucky if they recruit 1 new member a year, while 3 members will leave. I remember going to fundraising events for The Idle Morgue. They spent years fundraising for this. This is the perfect example of The CoS’s shady cover up for real estate investments. The Church of Scamology is not about helping anyone, except for their pocketbooks.
Mike Rinder says
Thanks Marisa. Interesting comment and appreciate you posting here.
Cooper Kessel says
“But I really, really, REALLY dislike Drew Johnston.”
Ditto that.
A sure sign of sanity and compassion War Horse!
War Horse says
And, I should add, harbor an uncontrollable urge to drive a tractor up his forehead.
I’m ready to burn in Hell now.
Cooper J Kessel says
Nice idea but the wrong orifice!
McCarran says
sara says
Scientology bad at maths? Probably due to too much ‘held down seven’s’.
Maybe Scientology is one big ‘held down seven’.
DollarMorgue says
That must be an OT baby! Mike, there’s always something that wogs forget when calculating the time to clear the planet, and that is Future Life math.
Future Life math takes into account the fact that cleared/OTd people come back and don’t have to do it all over again, and so the planet is cleared exponentially. I am sure this is behind 47x, and the photo of that serene baby is simply more proof it is true!
McCarran says
Regraded Being is *almost* not funny. That conversation between two SO members could have actually happened. Love the looming dark clouds over the SP Bldg.
I know some of those people in the group shot re Atlanta Construction documents and they are from Denver Ideal Org. Huh?
Drew Johnston has sold his soul (like many I know) and is now pimping I see.
Phoenix Ideal Org looks as empty as the little Reno Mission I frequently have driven past.
Love the 866 number in the window. Now that’s REAL help.
beauty2000 says
War Horse says
I try not to hate anybody. Buddha taught me not to. Jesus taught me not to. Even my sainted mother tried to teach me not to.
But I really, really, REALLY dislike Drew Johnston.
May God have mercy on my soul.
McCarran says
Well, Warhorse, you didn’t use the word “hate” after all in expressing your “dislike.” You’re a good son.
I, on the other hand, think it’s prefectly okay to hate someone who has sold their soul to the devil.
Potpie says
Ditto on that!
Jenni S says
Dear Warhorse,
And so did Ron, in “What Is Greatness,” Martin Luther King, Jr., Lao Tzu, Eckhart Tolle and many others. Loving others is even more to your benefit than to theirs.
I Yawnalot says
Maybe 47X is the star chart designation of target 2. Star charts are pretty expansive you know.
On an ideal planet far far away, an ideal org sat glistening in an ideal building, on an ideal street in an ideal city, in an ideal country. The ideal whispers are calling the ideal you to make an ideal donation ideally today and be an ideal part of an ideal group doing ideal things for an ideal little guy.
Being ideal is terrifically ideal. Being ideally part of an ideal push for an ideal shove will ideally rocket you to ideal statuses – wouldn’t that be just ideal?
Never before in the history of idealism has so much been ideally done by so few for so many.
Ideally sign up today and make yourself ideally ideal.
I actually spoke to someone on lines a couple of weeks ago, a very rare event for me but they literally used the word ideal in almost every sentence, I’m not joking – ideal hypnotism is ideally alive and ideally well in ideal $cientology. Make the ideal most of your ideal adverbs ideally today!
Hallie Jane says
OMG that is the cutest baby picture ever! Another extremely spot on comic Regraded Being! WTF is with the toilet paper problem in Scn orgs?? In Freudian analysis, I’m sure this could have several, interesting avenues of meaning.
DollarMorgue says
Freudian analysis: They cannot clean up sh**?
thegman77 says
I don’t know how long he toilet paper shortage has been, as I don’t know when it started. I *DO* know that there was a chronic shortage at the NY Org at least as early as 1966! Both staff AND public have apparently been complaining (uselessly) about it ever since. That’s close on 50 years of unnecessary panic and frustration. And that was when Hubbard was *very* much in charge. (I’ll bet HE was never without!)
Lordburg12 says
I once had a senior in the WUS Finance Office explain to me that the only reason ASHO never had toilet paper was because no one went to buy it, even though the funds were approved in the weekly allocation. I knew this was BS but let her think I believed her justification. However, I did say that if those non-compliant staff worked for me in my wog job I’d fire them. She was not amused.
My org had toilet paper because I made sure to allocate for it, or I bought it myself, since that was one of the few things I could control in those days of suppressive management who made sure to cut org allocations severely.
petlover1948 says
thegman77, i was at the ny org since 77….also remember the cockroaches, and kids just left to be “raised” by nannies…I feel guilty. I did bring roach motels and a plunger to try and help the clogs, and ugh, why was I ever in????????
Someone else's problem says
Drew Johnston can show you “how to handle feeling trapped, trouble with finances, scarcity of time and money [and] failed purpose” Now why would Public Scientologists be experiencing any of THOSE things?!?!?!?!?!? (I’ve been practicing my exuberance tech).
Schorsch says
Delancey Waldin:
Clear 2014-04-01
OT 1 2014-04-01
OT 2 2014-06-01
Looks like amends she had to do in order to be allowed to do OT levels.
She made it up to HCO Area Sec in record time.
But I really love the toilet paper sign.
We had in my org also some toilet paper shortages. Then you went downstairs to the Pub, get one espresso and do a good session plus get some extra sheets for later use. That created some out PR. We made 60.000 to 90.000 or so a week and no money for those essentials.
beauty2000 says
I used to be on the FP Committee when I was on staff at FCDC. There was *never* enough money for toilet paper.
Congolium says
100,000 clears a year once all ideal orgs are opened. That would make it at about 273 clears a day on average. I would be surprised if there are even 273 public on the lower bridge in the entire U.S. Does one get a free roll of toilet paper with those numbers?
TrevAnon says
So it would take approx. 7,000,000,000 / 100,000 = 70,000 years to clear the planet. 😛
Jose Chung says
A roll of T.P.with every haircut, that’s a good deal.
beauty2000 says
I’ve had S.O. members actually smile at me as they’re passing by, so sense of humor is not completely dead there. It gives one hope.
McCarran says
They’re probably memorizing that number.
refusedpartyprogram says
I’m not sure I understand why the University of Michigan would play the Atlanta Falcons. Why didn’t they use the Detroit Lions instead? Why does nothing make sense?
hgc10 says
Right!? That was driving me crazy. I actually spent valuable brain power contemplating in what sick and twisted Marcabian nightmare U of M was facing off against the Falcons. And is that supposed to be Colonel Sanders or Burl Ives? And I know there are a paltry few Scientologists in this world, but I suspect they’re responsible for a substantial portion of non-Halloween costume rentals.
Elegant Mess says
Re: The Recruitment Letter
Aside from the usual grammar hiccups, “David” makes an odd statement:
“…I saw screams of excitement followed by more rushing of people.”
So, how, exactly, do you “see” screams of excitement? I’m guessing English is not his first language.
Re: Welcoming Signs
The “Free Roll of Toilet Paper” sign is genius. I will be on the lookout for these signs while strolling around Hollywood and will promptly take my business there!
Cooper J Kessel says
“Scientology barkers are not good with math OR geography (or grammar for that matter…)”
The truth
Caring (about anything except the MAAs)
Doing anything about IT. (What is IT? IT is bad effects created by adopting a cult mentality)
Scientologists are VERY GOOD at ……
Self Righteousness
Showing up at airports and swearing at people
Riding around in golf carts with cameras
Covert Surveillance
Taddling on friends
Begging for money
Say they are doing something they are not
I think the list may be incomplete………………..
McCarran says
Add this to your list of things Scientology is good at, Cooper:
Things Scientologists are not good at:
Practicing What They Preach.
theofarnsworth says
Thanks, Mike!
The signs in the windows gave me a good belly laugh. I’m ex-SO so I really appreciated this. I love the little Halloween decorations in the window. So nice to know that someone cares enough to add that little extra touch.
Also loved the Regraded Being comic strip. If anyone wants to get a reality on how similar the church and Nazi Germany are, watch the movie “Swing Kids” (1993). There is one scene where the two heroes are faced with the decision of either having to continue being Young Nazis or to do what they know is right. One boy says, “Just do what you’re told,” and walks away in misery to continue carrying out the orders of the 3rd Reich. Of course, the other boy does what is right and it gives me chills just thinking about what he does to stand up to suppression – a small act but a great example of personal integrity.
Cooper J Kessel says
The Sound of Music also has a great scene when the family is fleeing at night and is spotted by the boyfriend who has joined the Hitler youth…………….he hesitates to blow his whistle because of his love for the girl…………….. in the end his fear of the Reich overcomes him. Sad but reminiscent of the Sea Org kids.
beauty2000 says
Glad you liked the signs, theo. They’re in my shop, which is in the next block west of the Complex. 🙂
Mike Rinder says
Great to hear from you Lynn. Had no idea this was your salon. Give some info if you like here and get some free advertising on the fringes of the internet 🙂
McCarran says
You rock, beauty2000.
Richard Grant (@richardgrant) says
1. Phoenix. Has Miscavige ever spelled out exactly what the 47x refers to? Maybe it’s empty chairs. And moreover, BEAUTIFUL HAND-CRAFTED empty chairs. Further, empty chairs stripped of arbitrariness like arm rests and restored to LRH standard butt tech.
2. Atlanta. These are the powerful beings who gave us that “We Built This City” video. Why are they not winning the Ideal Org game? The answer is in the photo: They’ve been infiltrated by an SP from Nashville, wearing a white hat and a string tie and swilling some amber liquid.
3. Drew Johnson. No need to be an auditor when this guy can apparently reveal all life’s secrets in one convenient seminar. (My guess is that the answer to these age-old questions involves a checkbook or a major credit card, but that’s just a hunch.)
4. L.A. — At last, an event that will go down in history! Why have we never had one of these before? Vicki Shantz is a genius! Also, nice font there — looks like Hoefler Text. Maybe THAT’S will do the trick.
5. Poor young SO recruit. Maybe it’s now standard operating procedure to take a photo of new Sea Org members on their first day, before the tears and the sunken eyes and the slumping posture and the podgy physique. Or maybe they just hire models and make up names. What’s the difference?!! Call today to see if you qualify!
6. The green and pleasant land. “My conclusion was that it must have been Thursday 1:50pm.” Ha ha — Scientology humour! Now back to the screams and rushing of people, please.
7. LA Test Center. Mike, dear Mike. Always the critic. We will open this center as soon as the new sign is ready with SCIENTOLOGY in Hoefler Text. Anyway with an appealing name like “Test Center” there will be a torrent of raw meat belching in as soon as we peel the Ideal Paper off the windows, so we are acting in the interest of public safety and hygiene by holding off strategically until the proper moment.
8. Signage. Toilet paper is for wogs.
9. Basel. Why is a fundraiser in the heart of the Eurozone asking for payment in US dollars? Should they be unmarked and nonconsecutive? That’s how it works in the other, similar business I’m familiar with.
10. Regraded Being. WHERE ARE THESE LEAKS COMING FROM? These are frames from an animated series we’re developing for the new Scientology Channel, to begin airing once we’ve raised a few more million dollars for the Planetary Dissemination Center. This one is called Up the Bridge with Phil & Moe! But we’ve got more, and it will blow your mind!! Because television!!!!
Graham says
” Call today to see if you qualify!” LOL!
Shelley says
God Mike, I don’t know where to start. It’s just so much…………….
Empty parking lots – check.
Closed doors & no-one home – check.
PR Area OUT of Control – check.
Zombies at fundraisers in gaudy gold jackets making a total ass of themselves – check.
Smoke & Mirrors & BS promo – check.
Nutcase ducks at Saint Hill – check. (BTW this guy has sent out tons of whacky s**t for ages – one of the last ones I remember was him ending off his “quirky humour” by suggesting you pack an extra pair of socks because it was getting cold???)
And last but not least, a brilliant summing up of it all by an incredibly hilarious ROTFL comic-strip – check.
That’s a pass.
I loved it all 🙂
1subgenius says
“Does ANYONE in scientology ever do any math?”
No, and by the looks of things in Calgary, they also don’t do windows.
NOLAGirl says
Hey Shorty Miscavige,
I’ve written KR’s on you and your sheep and sent them to the Atlanta Falcons organization (The NFL is just as asshole-ish about people using their logos as you are) and the University of Michigan. You may be hearing from their ethics department.
Maximus Bitchtorious SP
The Dark Avenger says
They didn’t learn from the ANZO debacle?
NOLAGirl says
He’s got a LOT of lawyers on the payroll right now, lawyers that do not come cheap, he can’t let those silly wog laws get in the way of the money flow. 🙂
Sid says
Well with 2 cars in the Phoenix Ideal Org parking lot, if they had clowns on course they could have 94 people there. That’s just 47 per car.
Mike Rinder says
Marta says
Clowns on course. Meme worthy stuff.
Myrklix says
47x per car, I love it!
George says
Re the Test Center on Hollyoood Blvd.
I guess one of the computations of David Miscavige is that the longer the preparation (design, construction etc.) takes the better. Not only can he extort more money out of the public but the further away is that point in time where everybody can see that it’s just crap he’s selling.