The massive crowd showed up
This is the report on the much touted “briefing” by Ed Parkin of OSA Int, the “head” of the “Stand League.” Couldn’t even round up 20 people in this “ideal org” including staff! But they did have a 3 year old attend.
Alfraudie is at it again…
Out hustling for commissions, explaining how WTH is “uplifting society.”
Just for old time’s sake…
Would not want anyone to think the Moneywinds has slowed down on their obsession with making money. These are sent in EVERY week.
Big News!!
Of course, nothing about training any auditors or clearing anyone… But drywall makes the cut.
Get ’em while they’re young
“Back” on staff?
Where did he go?
And how come they are just “going St Hill size now”? They have been “ideal” now for years?
Seemed like an appropriate quote…
With a slight modification.
Mr. X
Why? Why is this a secret?? And why don’t they just say dollars instead of miles? Who Donthey thinknthey are concealing this from?
She is doing SUCH a great job in Clearwater. PR area control out the bottom. Not a single new Mission or Social Betterment program opened in years…
Alfraudie again…
Must really be desperate for cash? No government grants he can rip off…
We need Russians in LA Org…
Of course. It’s the HUGE Russian population in LA that needs Russian speaking auditors. Or perhaps it’s the only place they can find people these days willing to join the Sea Org?
I bet they feel this EVERY day…
Planetary clearing is just not going so well.
Sorry, but this just looks GOOFY…
This does not talk “expansion of a being” to me. Maybe I am just too cynical?
Anniversary of fail
And they “will lead the way to St Hill size” — this place opened in 2012. FIVE YEARS AGO. Hubbard said all orgs should be the size of Old St Hill in a year. It was just a matter of being “on-purpose”. So what is wrong?
Recover your future…
What the hell does that mean?
“Confront of evil”
Scientologists are really not good at this. Just look how much evil there is right there in their own organizations.
Alfraudie again….
A negative environment…
Sure seems to be pretty much every day, everywhere if you are a scientologist.
Anyone else notice the subliminal segregation in the “Rev’s” Portland poster? Yes, there is what appears to an Hispanic panel, a Black panel and a White panel….but no pics of the children being together. Interesting….
disco george, If I had the smallest speck of talent for dancing, your comment would have me soaring. I have dipped into Mike’s since 2014 and even though I have extended to The Bunker & elsewhere, Mike Rinder and all here, are the very first bloggers I met when I was new to the whole adventure. Mike, Christie and all of you put up with me & helped me through many storms. Now with Aftermath2 & with the help of the most incredible group of rascals, all of us who Survived the cult of Scientology along with some of my favs those never in, love you too, we will bring the evil that envelopes the ways of dm and all the pain doled out around the world by the cult, we will drag all of this into the sun to blast away the bad and show the path to freedom. Love Always and thank you for your lovely post. ?❤️
Ann B … you are so wonderful! I love reading your posts and have followed some of your story here and at the Bunker. You make a difference. And your kindness AND strength both shine through. Thank you!
Stephanie, How very sweet & I follow your posts too and so enjoy them. I have got to organize my story with Scientology better and gather it all together. All our posts are so vital to the big picture. Have a wonderful day and many Hugs…❤️?❤️
Dance away — no way it could be worse than The Mummy!
That is Funny! Hugs!??
“Celebrity Center… Artists and Future Leaders Summer Camp… ages 8 to 13″…
In the list of activities, I am amazed to see they forgot to add Advanced Musical Chairs. It might come in handy in the future hell these kids will have to endure.
I have a years worth of promo pieces in a box. I’m being recruited and regged from St Louis, Dallas, Clearwater, Flag, old St Hill, ASHO, AOLA, LA Org, San Diego Org, Orange County, Memphis, Harlem, Valley, Seattle, … the list goes on and on, and not just to join staff and the SO (though I qualify for neither since I’m ex-SO) but to come to special briefings that are more than 2000 miles away from my address. I’ve never been to 90 % of these Morgues, but they sure want my help/money/loyalty/devotion! It’s a waste of perfectly good trees if you ask me. If my brother wasn’t drinking the kook-aid, I’d be able to come out in the open and shout from the roof tops, but alas, a kook-aid drinker is he. Very sad indeed.
Yes, the church uses an international mailing list now. Started in early 1990 I believe. So each org, now being on the same system, uploads their list to the Int data base. Seems it’s not very well tabbed and gets shared out to other morgs in the downloads. What a waste.
Probably now the orgs are forced to purchase their printed promo from the SO printing facility and the more addresses on their mailing list the more they will buy. So the CofS Int mailing dept. 209-396-5728 is padding the stats.
Good on you remaining there for your brother. Hope you can leak some sense to him 🙂
That they’re using an international mailing list is very, very good news. It shows that local or even regional mailing lists are too short. The cherch is maximizing its outflow by ordering each org to mail to everone, everywhere. Encouraging news, would be my take on it.
So let’s parse the numbers for Scientology’s Kiddie Indoctrination Festival. The five-day (note, only five days) mess runs $300 (forget the $200 figure they list there; there is nothing here that will only cost $200). But, if you want to actually feed the kid, and considering that this is an eight-hour-a-day thing, the kid will want to be fed, it’s an extra $100. So that’s $400 for five days of what essentially is day care. Perverted, disturbing day care, but day care nonetheless. And FSM knows that you’d better not be late in picking little Billy up at exactly five on the dot (LA traffic…yeah, you’re gonna be on time), or else you’re going to be headed to Ethics. Ideally, in their minds, little Billy will write a KR on you because there was an accident on the 405.
So, you’re forking over ten bucks an hour to have your kid looked after and mindfucked for a week. And the people watching little Billy are making ten bucks a week. How is that fair?
(By the way, the use of “little Billy” as a placeholder for a generic child is not a comment on Marty. I’m staying neutral on that subject.)
After spending 30 years hanging around PAC it is so odd to see all those SO members being LA Org crew. Then a couple of bloggers go sign up and get one-on-one service and no other public around much of the time. What do those staff do?
So if you walk ten miles “Mr X” will walk 20 miles. Oh, to be able to donate 500 miles then document “Mr X’s” Forrest Gump walk. These people really are ridiculous, “mile”…snort, snigger.
“Do you ever feel that someone is punching holes in your goals?” Yes, and I still can’t rid of the termites. Every time I put up new set of goals the termites get in and they fall down.
“Recover your past, your present…” Maybe they are going to hire themselves out as time traveling furniture upholsterers?
Oh Kronomex—- I laughed out loud! ‘…time traveling furniture upholsterers’…Good One. (You are giving the Old Surfer some competition as my favorite humorist on this blog)
The pressure in that little freak’s head must be unbearable. His world is collapsing, and he knows it. The only thing now is to see how he handles it… honestly and bravely, cowardly, or horrifically.
He has a chance to be honorable, but will he take that route? Just call a press conference and apologize and try to make amends. It is surprising how people will forgive. If a creepy little guy sucker punched me in the stomach and then years later gave a heartfelt apology, I would certainly hear him out.
People like Miscavige and Trump can’t get off their gold pedestals except to sneer at the “worms” beneath them. Apologise and make amends? Isn’t going to happen, don’t forget that personalities like Dastardly Monster consider themselves to be superior beings.
Unfortunately, it is neither possible nor advisable to listen to anything coming from a psychopath.
“A chance to be honorable”…you’re not serious, are you?
David Miscavige is dangerously mentally ill. For starters he’s a sociopath and a narcissist. Such people don’t call press conferences to admit mistakes.
Yo Dave,
Howz it feel to have someone ‘punching holes in yer goals’ good buddy?
It’s too forty five on Thursday at too Dave. Too many problems, too many down stats, too too much of everything that is all about Thursday at too Dave. So forget about the too and focus on the 45 Dave.
Didn’t uncle Ron say something about that somewhere ………. Dave?
Ah, yes, that would be R2-45. Now that Rundown will blow your mind!
I wonder if they regged the 3 year old. I certainly wouldn’t put that past them.
The FBI is simply NOT doing their job if they allow that helpless three-year-old to remain in the clutches of that sinister cult.
Where are your priorities, authorities?
That ios SO far out of the FBI’s mandate as to be almost funny. Local CPS would have to make a case with a judge for a crime being committed to obtain a search warrant, etc.. The FBI isn’t an all encompassing police agency.
The first ad said comradery was reason to go. So lets go and get our comradery on!!!
Can we get all funky with it?
I am so thankful for Leah, Mike, $cientology And The Aftermath and all the ex-members of the cult that “go public”. I never really knew anything about the Co$ except that Cruise, Travolta and LM Presley were apart of it. I’m hooked on hearing all the stories of the escapees (I look at all who left as escapees). I’ve read so many books, watched a couple of movies and watched dozens of YouTube videos since buying the docuseries. Besides Leah & Mike, my favorite is Aaron Smith-Levin and his Growing Up In $cientolgy videos on YouTube….can’t wait for him and Mike to continue their series together and look forward to more of Aaron’s Q & A videos. I also enjoy Tony Ortega’s videos. And, I’m appalled at Marty R – what a freaking turn-coat, moraless asshole with zero cred he is! Hope his lawyers that he fired before flipping get their 1/3 cut plus much more that I’d bet the Co$ paid him! Season two of The Aftermath can’t get here soon enough for me. Hope they will release the premier date soon. Thanks for your blogs Mike! I enjoy them immensely. May peace be with you.
Yeah, what is with Marty? He had a chance to do some good in the world and pissed it away. Who can trust him now?
Would you like to have confided in him in the recent past, only to see him now sucking at the poisoned teat of Miscavige?
Would you think you might have been betrayed?
People will not forget his cowardice, and nobody will ever trust him again.
Marty had a chance to do some good and he did. He did a lot of good for several years after he came out with his blog in 2009. He helped me a lot with that blog and I’ll bet he helped many others with it too. I never knew him, never met him personally. I will always be grateful to him, though, for that blog, from 2009 – thru about 2013. And, yes, that was then, and now is now, and I don’t necessarily approve nor, God knows do I understand, but whatever is going on with him right now, whatever corner he turned afterwards doesn’t take away from the good that he did, IMO, back in the day and I’m proud to say that I’ll always be grateful to him for that.
In brief, Marty’s early blog got me out of the cult. I lurked there for a year before I had the courage to even post under a fake name. Without it, and all the comments from those following it, I wouldn’t have had the courage to leave. I read the other blogs like ESMB but they turned me off at the time because of the LRH bashing. It was Moving On Up A Little Higher that was my go-to blog for 2 years. During that time I was UTR, with one step out of the cult. Marty’s blog got my other foot out. True.
True, Scientologists are REALLY bad at confronting evil. Actually, they’re below being bad at it because not only are they bad at it, they think they’re good at it! Kind of funny, yet sad.
Simply knowing they are and have been bad at it would be a big step up for them.
But then, they are victims – victims of false data, bad data. And they’re so willingly complicit in their victimization, so sure of their utter rightness – so very, very sure.
I don’t know about the rest of you but this type of delusion is very difficult for me to ongoingly confront.
Thank God that Mike and so many here lighten this depressing scenario with laughter.
Otherwise it would be too painful to continually observe, I think. I probably wouldn’t be able to do it, if I couldn’t laugh. Spoonful of sugar making the medicine go down, and all that.
I also give thanks for my own willingness to question. It was that quality that got me out and ultimately freed me from the tyranny of Co$’s false data trap.
And last but not least, I want to acknowledge all of you exes for possessing this same quality, very likely in far greater measure than I myself possess it.
We’re lucky, all of us.
We are the the lucky ones, because no matter how depressing it can be now and then to contemplate past years when one was unknowing, when one was a victim and trapped, and, no matter how hard life can be in present time because mistakes made in this unaware state, and notwithstanding that present time is frequently no picnic, its still better to be in it, to be aware and confronting.
Unequivocally, we better off with awareness in present time, no longer victims, no longer trapped.
Groan…”We are better off…”
Aqua, I completely agree and feel that way every day. It’s a wonderful time to be alive and so worth it in personal value. There is simple tech out here too ~ like a ted talk on training your brain. There is no complex system as purported by Ron. I can think for myself and I don’t need to find a reference.
It’s not a BT hanging around and I don’t need to find an earlier incident to solve my present time problem. I can remember my earlier errors and not make the same mistake. I don’t have to find a suppressive person if I stub my toe. I’m doing in life what I want to be doing not because I’m ‘supposed’ to.
I even figured out the way to solve feelings of regret is to be grateful for all I have around ~ even myself.
I’m sure it gets better 🙂
I’m happy for you, Cece. Life is good. There is so very much to be thankful for, and I, too, solve feelings of regret by reminding myself to be grateful for what I have. It works every time.
Darn that Google! Every time I look for the Detroit ‘Org’ … I get the address and phone number of the Co$ on Middlebelt over a dozen miles to the NW of the expensive downtown Detroit property that is not Ideal, nor usually even open … or where are the PIX?
I am skeptical about these assertions, unless there’s another Detroit. Is that it?
It’s a nice busy area for foot traffic … maybe … what’s at Hart Plaza? Free Music? If it’s Sunday, and there’s a Reverend at the ‘Scientology Building’ that hasn’t even been locally announced as open, and it’s air conditioned or whatever … meh … somebody might stay in there for a minute.
That “expansion as a being” guy looks like he’s trying not to pass gas. Maybe that’s what they mean by “expansion.”
I was thinking the same thing lol
I saw one of them explode as he tried to keep it in.
Yes, this organization is evil. It treats celebrities well until they find out it IS an evil organization. And, it immediately pulverizes any management that tries to improve the organization by reducing it’s evil money grubbing purps/intentions and return the organization to helping people with auditing. The public? Well, they are “love bombed” and fleeced of their wealth and then left by the side of the road when they are out of money. If they complain, they are attacked using the same money they gave to the Organization.
For those who spent a lifetime inside this evil organization, they know this organization is evil. It is a criminal organization promising much and delivering nothing or delivering misery to all, save the enurement of David Miscavige’s.
Yes! A donor’s former donations are used to attack that donor! Never thought of it in quite that way before. Wow.
+1! Outstanding post, Robert! You laid out for all to see. I like the way you call a spade a spade. Well done!
Yes sir Commodore. We are following your lead. We are confronting evil. But we found another way. It’s not through joining the Sea Org. It’s accomplished by joining TEAM LEAH!
Leah: The Dwarf’s Biggest Problem.
The claim that if you become staff you will get OT training is false. Chris Shelton was staff then Sea Org for a quarter of a century and never got past clear.
Lucky Chris, actually.
When I was on staff, a companion staffer reached OT VIII. Yes, he had to pay a universe of gold to get there!
Jonathan, The promise made to new recruits is that they will get their OT Levels. LRH said so and they can show the recruit where he says that. It’s is almost always broken. In 43 years I have only known 1 person who claims he did his OT levels at San Francisco Org. Chris has an excellent vid about recruitment in case you haven’t seen it. It’s brutal. I’m so proud of my Daughter #1 for standing up to it and never signing up 🙂
Things apparently are different now. I know a staff member at LA Org who went from nowhere on the Bridge to now getting onto OT VII and it was all done through the Universe Corps at LA Org. Don’t know who is paying for her OT VI and etc, but this is as much as I know. It makes me think that maybe the org doesn’t have many or any paying public pcs so they now just audit their own so as to keep the troops busy.
Maybe so Cindy but LAO is all SO now. LA Org wouldn’t have to pay AOLA especially if AOLA doesn’t have enough public. My, it must be so changed there.
“The LRH Tech to find out what you want to know about anyone and use this to gain agreement”
I doubt they’ll be letting the public in on OSA’s PI “tech” and intimidation methods that have been honed over the years.
Interesting how the “Negative Environment” is kinda sorta being acknowledged. I was actually told by an OSA guy who managed to keep a straight face that Leah’s show had increased the number of people just walking in and signing up for courses.
OSA people can be some of the “highest ARC” types you’ll ever meet. The really good ones are SMOOTH. I met a few of them personally back in the day. Please don’t laugh, I thought they were lovely people. They were NEVER nasty to me. They made me right – always Warm and friendly, they were interested, respectful and polite. Smooth, smooth, smooth, I tell you. Flawless comm cycles. I thought they were great! I didn’t know anything about OSA and/or what they were really doing or what was really going on in Co$. I was a public and this was before I started reading the blogs. Anyway, I think that being an excellent PR person and as such charming is very much trained into OSA people, the higher level ones, anyway, along with how to lie very well with a straight face.
Mike, I’m just candidly sharing here. No offense, I hope!
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Whew! Now that’s some extra funny shit! Sort of like when Coop and myself were at the Pasadena, Model, Idle Morgue and one young man said there were 200 students on course, upstairs. We hung around waiting for their break. No one came out…
Lying comes to Scientologists, as breathing comes to the rest of us. But, I guess they’re living in Bubble World.
“…and one young man said there were 200 students on course…we hung around waiting for their break. No one came out”.
Totally cracking up! And you just gave me an idea…
Omg now THAT is Thursday Funnies material for sure!
is there anyone in Nashville who can go count the empty seats?
I’ll do my best to get pictures!
We’re counting on you!
Birmingham Ideal Org; what a farce! The last reliable figures (UK government census 2011) showed there were only 2 418 Scientologists in the whole of England and Wales. There’s only one place in the UK where there’s any concerted effort at body routing fresh ‘bodies’ into the shop (Tottenham Court Road in London) so the figure’s unlikely to have fluctuated much since then. Can these deluded fools not see the poor stats, the absence of bodies? Surely they’re not still falling for the “build it and they will come” fantasy? I suppose with such small numbers we’re looking at the hard core believers, so anything’s possible.
Seriously? They actually have that many members in the UK? I wonder how many are UTR…
Oh Wow, 1 Black male world tour. Send your children we need more generations of money. We spent a lot on real estate in Detroit, but there are just a few people there that have any money. We’ll keep stealing until, we are no longer allowed to be considered a church and Pay Taxes.
I guess the man in the Expansion as a Being has not reached OT or even Clear status yet as he has a pair of readers hanging from his shirt.
Unless, of course, he is holding them for some wog friend.
Chee, this man is toting a pair of readers around because if his wog acquaintances knew that he was receiving Dianetic auditing and no longer needed glasses, that would be ‘out-R’ (‘out-Reality’ for you newbies and never-ins). If something is ‘out-R’ then the person witnessing this situation couldn’t ‘have’ it because their ‘havingness’ level is too low. Therefore, all of the promises of DMSMH, while completely true and valid, must remain hidden from wogs. If these miraculous benefits were seen to be manifesting, the raw meat public would flood the Orgs, Missions, Field Groups, Front Groups, and Shadowy Front Groups. Even the eleventy million or so Scientologists in the US Territory of Alaska alone would be mercilessly harassed to be regged for Book One auditing intensives. Chaos would reign. Why? Well, because all Orgs, Missions, Field Groups, Front Groups, and Shadowy Front Groups are not yet Ideal Orgs, Ideal Missions, Ideal Field Groups, Ideal Front Groups, and Ideal Shadowy Front Groups and not even all Ideal Orgs have reached Saint Hill size. Once these things happen, public demand will be able to be met and those who are actually able to read and understand DMSMH will be allowed to demand the results outlined therein. Except, once someone demands a promised result, this means that they obviously have ‘hidden standards’ and someone with ‘hidden standards’ has other fish to fry and is most likely suppressive or at best severely PTS. Once one surrenders their ‘hidden standards’, makes VERY generous donations to the IAS and generally gets their shit together and starts lock stepping with the Group and clapping mindlessly at photos of the long dead Founder, the Planet will be Cleared lickedy-split. Trust me on this. This is the ‘Why’ behind the straight up and vertical sales of the 3-pack readers at Costco.
Ms. B. Haven you are both eloquent and accurate!
I know an old SO staff member that routed out after his father died and left him money. I saw him last when he was auditing on OT 7 and that’s when he told me that massive number of Clearwater’s population would soon be flowing into the Super Power building once it is completed. (You can be sure daddy’s money paid for some of those empty corridors in the SP building). Maybe today I should look him up and tell him the lines are so long that they stretch into the Gulf of Mexico and then ask him if he can donate $5,000 for each golden colored life preserver signed by DM??
What? WHAT??? The Super Power building, is not, in fact, bursting at the seams with students clamoring for the tech? I’m shocked! Shocked I tell ya!
You’re cracking me up, Mrs.B. Nice satire!
Elena (as I remember) were one of the few stuff members who went clear on stuff. She is deep deep indoctrinated.
Where is Alfraudie’s purple Fedora with a feather?
Darling, pimping has entered the 2000’s. They no longer need the digs or the threads. They just advertise.
Been a LONG time since I’ve been in the ghetto Barb. 🙂
I took the Fedora with the feather. I confess. I burned the damn thing.
If Alfraudie had a halo it would be a gold sparkly $ symbol over his head.
So many buildings so few people so little spirituality. These ads are bleak. Alfreddie with his defiant folded arms says it all. “We are better than you, now we are going to hide behind our frippery.”
Reading this crap hurts my eyes. It’s like being in 2nd grade and being asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I’ll bet Alfraudie starts his talks by counting the number of people, then multiplying by how much he figures he can extort from them.
That “Future Leader” summer camp for kids 8-13 flyer reminds me of something new I just learned yesterday. Apparently they’re offering services for auditing babies…..literally a 1-month old was put on the cans. Of course, after the session, the baby’s fine motor skills started improving. I guess the parents were unaware that this improvement…..sort of happens naturally with humans.
The website (which I won’t link to) for getting newborn babies “on the Bridge” even has the term “baby processing” in the URL. Just that term alone bothers me on so many levels.
If they start offering the Purif for the babies though, I’ll really flip out. Doing it to young kids is bad enough (and makes me wonder if CPS is even aware of what that process involves).
Gee Mick, I heard that infant was sought for early enrollment at Harvard, but of course his/her parents have sent him/her to Clearwater pledged to the so for the next one billion years. Bummer for the kid.
This is disturbing on so many levels.
Mick, babies on the cans is another reason for the FBI to pounce on these assholes who call themselves scientologists. They are a net drain on society and only harm humanity.
How this bleak and gray invention of the malignant narcissist L. Ron Hubbard can continue to have tax exempt status is an embarrassment to the U.S.A. His despicable musings only offer unhappiness, poverty, disappointment, and tears.
Little baby Joe….What are your crimes??….Goo goo gaa ga.geee geee….mmmmm……mama!
Good one! Poor kid.
Was wondering – do speakers get free CoS courses? Maybe Alfreddie will get free OT III training or something?
Last question- does NOI have more than 1 clear?
Thank you
NOI only does Book One auditing, and as we know, no one, not a single person in 67 years, has ever went Clear on Book One. So, the answer to your question is that NOI does not have one single Clear.
Unintentionally funny — “Confront evil. Join the Sea Org.” HAHA.
I agree .
What a line up for Thursday, thank you contributors & Mike. I loved Recover Your Future Please where can I sign up to come back every 21 years and start the Bridge all over again, what bliss! But the piece that definitely went right to my old memories is the immortal words from Ron. ” So Therefore an Ethics Officer must be-able to confront evil..” Look no farther Scientologists than Ron’s ? in all the policies he left and look at dm and see his ?. And because the application of Ethics for and on me was the evil which, Ron/dm and all who still worship them cannot and will not confront. The evil they spread around the world.I cannot emphasize enough how strong , brave, and True Mike, Leah, Karen, Tony, Jeff all who seek to bring the Light of Freedom to those inside the cult are such an inspiration to me. ???
And you, Ann B Watson, have certainly been an inspiration to me and many others on this blog. I think the tipping point for this organization was when enough ethical people like us walked out of this evil organization and then turned around and decided to do something about it…. 🙂
An Ethics Officer SHOULD be able to confront evil. And SHOULD be able to confront and read an LRH reference in which he implores that org staff handle finance issues with Scientology. I found the reality to be the opposite. My Ethics Officer back in the day, with whom I had an excellent rapport, a woman who had helped me with regard to other cycles, a person I liked, trusted, etc. etc., when faced with having to read that reference along with the LRH reference giving the actual definition of an Ideal Org…well, she was different. How was she different? Let me count the ways: unwilling to read, much clearing of throat, needing a drink of water necessitating her leaving the room for a minute, trying her damndest to make it like I had an MU, stopping her reading in the middle and attempting to change the subject…I observed this, embarrassed for her, sorry for her to the ooint where out of pity I allowed her to divert me from the subject, allowed her to believe that I was unaware of her communication ploy…I was that sorry for her and she was so uncomfortable. But by that time, I had my answer, if not in words. Ideal Org fundraising and the whole Ideal Org program was out tech. I knew it, she knew it, and she knew I knew she knew it 🙂 This was a woman who had been in Scientology for 40 years and on staff for most of that time. I still like her, but from that point on I knew it was unsafe to trust her.
Ann, I’ve been trying to think of a way to say this without sounding stupid but oh well… I’ve been lurking for a LONG time, and your posts always stand out as examples of warmth, generosity, friendship, and gratefulness. It’s awesome. ?