Come for the Wacky Velcro Wall…
…leave with your pocket lightened.
Remember, this is a $30 million ideal org…
These completions show how idle it is
It’s the top of the bridge
Apparently the OT ship isnt trying to clear the planet but is focused on handing out WTH to create “PR area control” with a non-scientology message and boy are they proud of it. Why isn’t there a single Scientology mission let alone org on the islands the OT ship frequents? Cause over life???
The ChanMan
He will bring you prosperity so you can hand it over to make him prosperous.
PS What’s the deal with the horses?
Salvaging the planet
Where is this happening?
Another ideal org
Empty like all the rest
We will pretend…
…that this is NOT a reg event
Just weird
Another ideal org…
Still not SH Size. Hey, how about the people that speak english? All these other people don’t read the internet or something?
Fighting a losing battle
Celebrate your freedom by going up the bridge
I thought scientologists believe you had to go up the bridge to have any freedom?
They’re giving Hubbard books away for free
What? Books stats must really suck.
Free lunch
Only costs $50
The old bait and switch
Come to the picnic and we will put you on course. Or if you are on course, you can attend the picnic. Either way, there is no free lunch in scientology.
#ErikaJackson at Flag on a “Refresher” for 73 days.
How fresh does that make you?
And she did a “Life Continuum Extenstion Course”?
That’s an expensive visit if you include air, accommodations and food. Who is footing the bill?
I am so glad I am not on this Merry-Go-Round anymore. Gratitude.
She was doing an extension course. She probably was not.physically at Flag.
OT III and the Velcro Wall revealed. Highly Confidential
In the hidden OTIII papers just discovered on Las Palmas Hubbard explains in extreme detail what he calls The Velcrolitadis Phenomenon. In essence, it describes the true components of the ribbon thetans got stuck to after the Volcano’s were hit with H bombs. Hubbard also stated that Velcro is a word that evolved from Volcano. Hubbard explains that 75 million years ago, Volcano was originally spelled with an “E” not an “O”.
Superpower building adds new process for OTIII and above.
Construction has started on the OTIII Superpower process called “Velcrolitadis Stikamongus”. It purpose, is to run out the engrams of BT’s being stuck. A humongous wall 40’ x 40’ is currently being built which will be completely covered in Velcro “loop” material. OTIII-ers will be wearing a custom made head to toe Velcro “Hook” suit. They will fling each into the wall using a newly created invisible pulleys. The second part of the process is to pull each other off the wall similar to pulling off a bandaid. OUCH!!!!!!!.
I can no longer think conceptually of the 100’s of millions – probably billions by now wasted by The Anointed One, Saint Miscavige IX. I did reach the wall of spiritual insanity, peered over, and didn’t see anything.
Anyone here ever heard Chan do his thing? What’s his shtick like?
The Good News Bulletin references some words out of the mouth of the man who had extremely poor dental habits, and who enjoyed slurping on his words like they were some rare delicacy…
However, everytime I see the words of LRH in one of these publicity pieces, I only see verbal vomit of illogical nonsense. If he had been some lunatic standing on a box on speaker’s corner, spouting off the same nonsense, o.k., I’d think, a harmless nut.
How can scientologists, in this day and age, still pretend that LRH was profound in any way?
Allright, I admit that 1) I’m out of it, and 2) I’m too lazy to find out for myself, so would someone please tell me what the purpose of a velcro wall would be, other that to stick oneself to it by wearing something velcro? And this would be fun because…?
You have it right.
This would be fun because… It’s difficult to be regged when you are flinging yourself against a velcro wall.
And once a member gets stuck on a Velcro wall, you have two choices: the first one is handing over money to get free, or, hang in there when the darts come out.
That’s an old, old David Letterman stunt, throwing yourself at a Velcro wall. I’m surprised it’s even a thing after all these years.
The more of these testimonies I watch the sicker I feel, I don’t know how some are still alive, that L.R.H.was a sick and very mental man! The other guy David Miscavige DIABOLICAL , PSYCIPATH,AND ONE TWISTED CREEP,, he’s not special and one day with what you and Leah are doing and All of the others I watch are shining a huge spotlight on this evil CULT , People are watching people are paying attention to this , I’m waiting for season 2 of AFTERMATH !!! Keep pressing forward guys you’re making a difference,
Yingling on a string needs a new routine, quit saying that they all got together to work out their stories,is she nutz
I agree wth you statements. That Little man D.M. is a true worm who cheats people out of their money so he can live the good life. It seems like Hubbard did too. When is season two of thevAftermath starting on A&E?
The Chan-man’s subtle use of the equine, along with the words “luck” and “prosperity” are references to 2017 being Scientology’s Year of the whores.
PS. One should note that both horses and asses belong to the family Equidae, and should never be confused with a horse’s ass like Michael Chan.
Len, did you used to be the OT I Sup at AOLA?
Cindy,the Len at AOLA OT CR’s Word Cleared was Len Williams I believe.
That’s an insult to horse’s asses everywhere…
The masters of the universe reset their clock every Thursday, 2pm sharp! It’s good to know such things, it erases the insanity of last week and sets the religiously based theme for another week of fun, dress up and fast food extravaganzas! Where would we be if we didn’t have Scientology to save us… Michael Chan and all, mmmm?
After all’s said and done, it’s only money!
(Music). Mr. Chan man, (yes?) bring a dream, make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen.
Make him rich, so we can put on the squeeze, we’ll take his money, and will do it with ease. So now we have the plan, Mr. Chan man lend us a hand! (Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum) Mr. Chan man give us a hand! (Massive applause).
You’re a wiz Dude… very good, still chuckling.
I hope, for the sake of your ears OSD, that you did not hear me singing the lyrics to your brilliant song
Good Point. The Clock is set to zero after two oclock. Always. Only the hypnosis lasts longer.
Pam Moniz just completed WTH R/D on the Freewinds. She is an OT VIII who is now doing introductory auditing of WTH. So they work hard to reach Nirvana, the top of the Bridge, only to be told to go to the bottom and start over again. It’s like the game Chutes and Ladders.
Chutes and Ladders doesn’t have the same number of snakes as $cientology.
I made that exact comment to someone on OT7, or “seven” if you’re one of the cool kids, and he totally got it and laughed out loud. Yet today he works to recover old timers.
In England its the same game but it’s Snakes & Ladders so you either climb up a ladder or slide down a snake, so the Scientology bridge, i.e, the bridge to total enslavement, could be expressed, I guess, diagrammatically, as the Snakes & Ladders board game but with just one long vertical ladder with a huge snake (DM) at the top.
In Scientology, the game is called Bridges & Semicolons.
Isn’t that the ‘cool’ thing to do? You get to the top, then start all over again? And, you do the basic Rundowns over and over and over and over again? Makes perfect sense to me!
“All BBQ items come with an additional fee.” Wow, a free gift with purchase! LOL.
Mrs. B? Do you they charge for bathroom privileges? I just want to make sure I have enough money.
Bring your own toilet paper though, it’s way cheaper that way, they charge by the square.
Man, I’ve got save up! Didn’t realize going potty was so expensive!
Everything, and I mean everything is expensive in the Cof$!
A wrong thought, even masterbating, anything at all costs you thousands in sec checks and then the only amends acceptable has to be in donations or signing a contract. Lovely religion isn’t it?
Yawnalot, they have plenty of toilet paper in these Orgs… lifetime supplies of paper from Dianetics, the book nobody cares about and the public refuses to buy.
Now, that’s the sanest thing I’ve ever read on the net for some time! Well there you go… ass wipe Scientology – see your bookstore officer today!
So True. I was ordered to shred all my (old) Books worth tenthousands of dollars, because there we’re so many mistakes and false datas in them. So i had to buy new ones. unfortunately these books are in the garbidge now. I did not know to use it better – as you suggests.
So lets make a Division 11 : help nature, use Scn books in toilet die better use.
… in toilet for a better use.
I think we should have a Go Fund Me for toilet paper donations to Scn orgs. Ideal Toilet Paper with Miscavige’s mug on each piece. Toilet tissue like this can be purchased on the internet. You just send a photo.
On second thought, just keep this suggestion as a fantasy in that it might be legally actionable.
This is a joke, OSA. Not a very funny or original one, I grant you. But a joke, nevertheless. You’ve heard of them?
You surprised me with this one Aqua – good girl! Still chuckling…
I’d contribute to that GoFundMe… one square of toilet paper with LRH’s grotesque visage, and the next square with Miscavige’s penetrating mug, complete with alcohol yellow eyes and steroid yellow skin. God those men are gross specimens, aren’t they ladies?
Could it be that they have to pay you a fee to eat the horrible food?
Fee – the sound your bottom makes later that night after eating their food.
Wow….Carmel Highland Estates – their home…who are the Wisners? Must have major money?
Scientology Q: I’ve read some about the “bank” but nothing really definitive…what is the bank(s)?
Thank you
The bank is where you go to draw out massive amounts of money to pay for make believe powers.
As soon as Florida legalizes recreational marijuana, the Co$ will make it part of the Purif.
There’s money to be made there after all.
They will ‘find’ long lost ‘research’ of LRH who will claim that marijuana helps expand your ‘perceptic’ (hey look Ron – I can make up words too!) ability.
Of course you’ll have to buy special Co$ marijuana that costs $500 an ounce, but hey – it will be grown in special St. Hill soil and watered with special ionized water.
Maybe then the testimonials will make sense – “All my charge was blown away – zip! wazoo! weeee!”
Don’t forget to clip the cans on it!
(Inhaling…holding, holding, holding…exhaling). Whoa! Now that’s some good shit! WTF are you guys talking about anyway? Man, I am so hungry…
If only Miscavige had taken a puff or two of the miracle weed MaryJane, back in the late 70’s.
Man, he would have been such a nicer person, and not gotten all super serious with a scientology stick up his ass.
Ideal Pot! Planetary Clearing now a reality. The time is now.
I’m waaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you, Aqua. Man, it’s smokey in here! Who’s got the bong?
Or perhaps “The Church of LRH of Latter Day Thetans.”
(With apologies to my Mormon friends, the real LDS crew.)
Or perhaps the indies are the Latter Day Scientologists, and the cherch is the FLDS ( Functionally Lamea** Deadhead Scientologists)???
Either way, they both want your money.
“Hey There Again!”
I would like to share that, as regards leaving this cult, if for no other reason, never being called “There” again by someone is a source of ongoing pleasure.
OK, that life repair ad is actually pretty cool. The guy’s beard is tremendous and that is one handsome woman.
Wow – they call 6 people completing a rip off service over the span of several mOrgs,including the Mecca of Technical Extortion – FLAG – Winning…..
What do you call it when a civilization calls losing – “winning”
, Bad – “Good”
Scientology has reached the EP of CRAZY and Confused.
Could also call that the Trump administration.
“Join the winning team.” Actually, I already have, thank you.
We both belong to the winning team, Aqua. We both did the, Walking Away Rundown! It was easy and fun. No doubt, THE best rundown I’ve ever done.
“The Waling Away Rundown”…OSD, you indefatigably punning fool, you 🙂
SERIOUSLY Folks……The LA BBQ poster……I can’t stop laughing……Read It Thoroughly!
A 4TH Of July BBQ INVITATION from CO$…..but you have to PAY if you want to EAT the BBQ food.
I wonder why they put that at the bottom?
Because they know no-one ever reads that far. So they can sneak up on ’em and surprise reg ’em for that burger, but add, since you’ve got your wallet/purse out…
LOL! Nice! Still laughing! Whew! Now that’s some funny shit!
There is absolutely nothing in $cientology that does not have an asterisk behind it.
Yo Dave,
It’s time good buddy to kiss your asterisk goodby!
I had an asterisk once. But, lt died.
King of the one liners! You always make me chuckle – thanks!
It’s what I do…We all need to find something to laugh about everyday. And laughing at the cult is one of my favorite pastimes. There’s just so much material!
In dejected tone level: “Once I was a real asterick.” Sigh
Most of us here were real asterisks at some point, Tempster…
What did you do to it? They don’t just die on their own. You didn’t try to train it not to eat or something… did you? They live on sentences and specialist words.
Anyway, when’s the funeral? So sad.
He probably has nightmares about how his asterisk will fare in the institution when the other large male inmates come sniffing around. Oh, poor, poor David.
What got my attention was the expression “ADDITIONAL fee.” Additional to what? To all the “services” we will try to hard-sell you along with the opportunity to “go all in” on your “status?”
If everything else fails, I’m sure they’re hoping that at least you will lose your wallet in the Bouncing Castle.
Or they’ll take your money when you’re stuck to the velcro wall. How much do they charge to unstick you?
BBQ * (note the asterisk)……ALL BBQ MENU ITEMS COME WITH AN ADDITIONAL FEE – wonder why they bothered with the asterisk – isn’t it a given that giving money will be required?
Let me get this straight:
I’ve been invited to a barbecue! Great!
Except, if I eat anything that’s been barbecued, I’ll have to pay for it.
OK, I think I’m gonna lie down now…
Just had a refreshing nap.
My head is so much clearer now.
By the way, you’re all invited to my place for dinner next Sunday.
Menu as follows:
Fresh Celery and Carrot Sticks
Herbed French Loaf w Fresh Roasted Minced Garlic*
Roasted Vegetable Salad*
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef*
Pan-Roasted Potatoes*
Steamed Green Beans w Lemon/Butter & Roasted Almonds *
Raspberry Jello
RSVP please! I am so looking forward to meeting each of you and being your hostess!
*There will be a charge for anything roasted.
Dearest Aqua……I don’t see any liquid refreshments mentioned…….Is there a charge for the Kool Aid….I didn’t see that noted.
You’re right, Balletlady and thanks for spotting that.
Taking another page from Co$’s playbook, yes, koolaid will be served,at no charge, and it will be unlimited. Ditto the baloney.
Have you been confirmed?
What city and state are you in?
Why would anyone want to suppress medical marijuana?
Spike, all three ingredients (having all the different health benefits) have now been isolated from the plant and are available. No smoking needed. Also, no “high” happens though. However, MOST don’t want this medical version. Wonder why that is?
Hmmmmmmmmm…I (snort) wonder (laughing) too. I (Giggle) just can’t put my finger on it. But I’m sure it will come to me…
OSD, I think you would prefer the regular kind …
Oh, no bout a doubt it! We even have a delivery service. These people are so grateful that they don’t have to leave their homes to get it! And many are medical marijuana patients.
Sweet. … enjoy …
I had the answer, but I forgot it.
I forgot once. But then it hit me. My eye is still black…
Because someone named Ron said so?
Wynski – thanks for your comment. Since medical marijuana is often prescribed for PTSD or severe and ongoing pain of one kind of another, there would appear to be no reason for the church to oppose it (other than some kind of knee jerk reaction, i.e. all drugs are bad).
It has to be standard tech, man. If it is not labrador, it is a shoddy substitute. I was never as fucked up as a WOG than I was in the SO. I chugged bottles of 151 Bacardi at the Bosun’s Party. It was technically beyond being FUBAR. It was close to a suicide attempt. But, No easy out like that I did another 20 years after that. When I got off the overt in 2005, the AOLA MAA had me do the Danger Formula. So, Danger for that, but Treason for some B.S. cycle I don’t even remember. The Danger must have been for failing to complete the cycle of action. I understand it now.
I’m glad you got out, Dead Men!
That’s like drinking decaffinated coffee – what’s the point?!
Actually, for some folks THC in tablet form does work…not so much for others, the majority actually. Even w/out the Rx tablets it can be ingested in other ways.
Also, didn’t Hubbard write that MJ was less harmful than alcohol in one of this books? It was one of the times he was correct. Scientologists always seem to ignore that.
Frodis73. This is from clinical trials over the last year. NEW extracts from the plant. It was on major news outlets about 2 months ago.
You are referring to OLD data.
Every time you post flyers/invitations/workups like these, the graphic artist inside me cringes. Literally choked on my coffee at the one with the horses—that is just… wow. ???
I examined that one closely and realized that they overdid the horses and only needed the rear portion to define the speaker. 🙂
So Juliet Wills is inviting people to download Battlefied Earth from Amazon and get started in the wonderful world of electronic books …. hahahahahahahahahahahaha … ah, the not quite bright … or maybe just ignorant is as ignorant does … once a person downloads an LRH book from Amazon, they will also be offered more books by LRH … and ABOUT him … and about Scientology … hmmm … yeah, Scientologists, do indeed download BE from Amazon … you will probably some day be thankful you did …
I love it: “Only $50 and includes a free, awsome lunch.” All these “free” lunches bring me back to the time I lived across from the Hare Krishna temple in Boston. They would have a “free vegetarian feast” every Sunday afternoon (quite tasty, actually), but once you got in the door you got nickle and dimed to death. But if you gave them 3 or 5 bucks, they’d shut up. Small organic potatoes compared to scientology, even allowing for inflation over the years. They did try to recruit me a couple of times, but you had to quit smoking and doing drugs, so that was the end of that at the time (decades since I’ve done either, BTW).
Apologies for the digression.
Back in the late 1960s, the Hare Krishnas in San Francisco had their place on Frederick St. in a storefront that was part of the old Kezar Stadium where the 49ers played (and only about a two minute walk from the Height Ashbury). My family lived practically across the street and I did go in for the free vegetarian lunch … not bad … And easy to learn their song too!
Battlefield Earth for ‘free’, still isn’t worth it. I would expect Amazon to share your email address with the CO$. Then you will have to update your spam filters.
Don’t worry, the First Independent “Church” of Scientology (ALSO founded by a criminal) will step in and get L. Wrong Tubbolard’s “tek” working when the CoS falls apart…
Wynski, to whom are you referring when you say that Indie Scientology was “founded by a criminal”? Do you mean Marty Rathbun? Because if so, that’s incorrect, you know. Indies of one stripe or another have been around much longer than before Marty left Co$. Just saying.
Self correction: you didn’t use the term, “Indie Scientology”. I get it. And Marty did kind of flirt with being considered Scientology’s “Martin Luther”. So never mind, I get it. Although I don’t necessarily agree that he is a criminal. I’m not defending his actions at all. I just think we need more data. Circumstantial evidence is overwhelming but each of us deserves a chance to present his or her side of the facts. Look , if circumstantial evidence were sufficient to brand someone a criminal, Hamilton Berger would have clobbered Perry Mason every time 🙂
No Aqua, that isn’t what I’m referring to. The “First Independent” CoS was put together by a criminal named Merrell Vannier. FORMER attorney & G.O. goon.
Someone using that name posts over at Marty’s. Oh what a Band of Brothers!
(The following is from today’s post):
Merrell Vannier on July 6, 2017 at 12:34 pm
The “devolution” phenomenon you speak of is a natural consequence of an effort to stop (hate, revenge, destroy, same thing), which is the entrance point to insanity.
I hesitate to condemn those you name, however, because many of them found themselves in a bad situation after first dedicating their lives to helping others. Let’s not forget that.
I set my sights on: 1) the cause of the bad situation, and 2) those who tricked, paid and persuaded them into siding with those (e.g., Tony Ortega) who have an agenda against Scientology, free thought, and religion in general – the Religious Thought Police, I once labeled them.
As you know, I have publicly called for the church to reinstate the 1968 Reform Code of Scientology, thereby abolishing the harmful policies of disconnection, fair game and security checks (except when used in an auditing session for case gain), and for independent, internal investigations into the abuse allegations at the root of the mass exodus beginning in 2009.
Imagine had these remedial actions occurred or were still to occur. The ASC may not have formed or could be eviscerated even today.
Without this balance I think your information, while still important, will miss its potential impact and come off to many as a church PR campaign.
Banned band of brothers.
Wow. You’re teaching me something. Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Just Study the American Revolution and the founding fathers.
Another insane comment by Cat Doody. The Founding Fathers were following the philosophy of Natural Rights & law.
That didn’t go any where, Wynski. Vannier got together with one of the board of directors of MS2 , Tom Martiniano, and they both (together with other members of MS2) planned this fiasco. But other than the incorporation as such, it went nowhere.
This extremist KSW group does not support other Independents that deviated from “Standard Tech” like in using Bill Robertson’s “Excalibur” (and his “Bridge”) as the Indies from South Africa started to use, and other Indie groups like the one run by Mary Freeman and Anita and Les Warren at Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. Many guys and gals from Freezone Europe are also “captain” Bill Robertson’s sympathizers, and thus “squirrel” groups according to these KSW extremists. Even DROR is ALSO doing CBR’s stuff (which is a lot more than Excalibur), but started out as a “strictly LRH” org. Of course, I don’t mind whether they do LRH or “LRH and CBR”, or whatever the hell they want to do. That’s their life.
Mark Sheffler was part of the board of directors of MS2. He had a VERY strong disagreement with Jim Logan due to the VERY well known support and affinity that Sheffler has always had for the SA Indies, which MOST of them are Freezoners using CBR’s Bridge. A VERY reliable source from SA confirmed this like 2 years ago. Apparently Logan disagreed with Sheffler’s support of a “bunch of squirrels”.
My point is, Wynski, that this “First Independent Church of Scientology” was created by KSW extremists who – even tough they comment about it mostly among themselves – they don’t like very much to mingle with “squirrels”. That’s why you don’t heard much about this “New Church”. Because it only exist in paper. And Vannier’s book silly and stupid attempt at making it look as if the “suppressive government” was the one behind the of the “Snow White” conspiracy in which Vannier was allegedly only a “victim”, wet nowhere. Tony Ortega dead agented him with only ONE post.
Scientologists, how stupid are most of them indeed!!!
Huh. The Indie movement makes herding cats look like a walk in the park.
Somebody would have to do some actual research to make an Indie movement that stuck together. If you just try to “follow Hubbard” it quickly becomes a matter of “which Hubbard?” because he changed his story so often.
I know of four completely different and conflicting explanations for how the meter works, for example. All completely bogus. To find out the real story you would have to do real neurological and biophysics research. At which point you would rapidly discover that Hubbard was blowing smoke.
Far safer to just reject the whole subject and then do own your studies in the real world on those parts that interest you.
Hubbard often quoted other authors, often without credit, so not everything he said was false. But it was often distorted or given false importance even when he did impart facts. And of course he could only quote information that was current at the time. A lot of real research has been done about the brain and so on that he never knew because he died in ’86.
“Huh. The Indie movement makes herding cats look like a walk in the park.”
Haha, yes indeed, Bruce!!
“Somebody would have to do some actual research to make an Indie movement that stuck together. If you just try to ‘follow Hubbard’ it quickly becomes a matter of ‘wich Hubbard?’ because he changed his story so often.”
I don’t think that an Indie movement will ever stick together, Bruce. Not one based on strictly KSW principles, and certainly not one based on the “squirrel version” (Captain Bill Robertson’s stuff – Freezoners). IMHO, we can only organize based on consistency of principles which Scn never had.
“I know of four completely different and conflicting explanations for how the meter works, for example. All completely bogus. To find out the real story you would have to do real neurological and biophysics research. At which point you would rapidly discover that Hubbard was blowing smoke.”
Yes indeed! I personally think that LRH had more than enough brains to have become a great researcher. But blinded by delusions, he sacrificed scientific methodology in order to satisfy his pathological narcissism.
“Far safer to just reject the whole subject and then do own your studies in the real world on those parts that interest you.”
Yes indeed, Bruce! That’s exactly the path that I followed; starting from scratch.
“Hubbard often quoted other authors, often without credit, so not everything he said was false. But it was often distorted or given false importance even when he did impart facts. And of course he could only quote information that was current at the time. A lot of real research has been done about the brain and so on that he never knew because he died in ’86.”
Most, if not everything, from LRH was copy-pasted from earlier works. I haven’t found nothing original in Scn, except perhaps the subject of “repetitive processes” to bring about an awareness of an existing condition (the “cognition”). And even that is not a good healing strategy because people have different levels of awareness and thus, these “cognitions” make take some people a few hours (or even less than an hour) to get them, but it might take others months and even years to have them. In others words, “One size doesn’t fit them all”. But LRH wanted to create a set of processes (the “Bridge”) that fitted all sizes, which is of course, impossible.
I found this old video which shows even in a more conclusive way, the insanity with which LRH was plagued. These KSW supporters and the Scn sympathizers should watch it :
Thanks for that TC! It is ironic that the FIRST thing these idiots did was issue a squirrel grade chart. All the while spouting the KSW dogma. Proof that no matter what, organizing scientology is now an insane idea, that attracts the insane.
“Thanks for that TC! It is ironic that the FIRST thing these idiots did was issue a squirrel grade chart. All the while spouting the KSW dogma. Proof that no matter what, organizing scientology is now an insane idea, that attracts the insane.”
Yes indeed, Wynski! I don’t know if you have ever seen this CBR’s Bridge (“Captain Bill Robertson”) and the actual processes/rundowns that comprise such bridge, but calling it insane is a big understatement, haha. I was able to get these “confidential” CBR stuff (almost all of it) so I am talking from facts, as in “I’ve read them”.
The insane thing is, that they – these Freezoners, I mean – consider themselves as “KSW followers” when in fact, CBR’s stuff isn’t LRH in any way, shape or form, except perhaps, in that they BOTH have the “BT phenomena” as part of the core of their “upper level” tech.
Of course, Captain-insane Bill Robertson was following LRH’s “telepathic” orders and instructions from “Target 2”, haha, so the Freezoners allege that CBR’s stuff is actually LRH and thus, not a “squirrel” tek
The big “mystery”, haha, is how these “super” beings capable of exteriorization; of “healing their bodies by handling from the “outside” the golden body’s “anchor points”; of handling the aggressive and hostile “BTs” (but now NEW ones operating independent of bodies) that are orbiting the planet in a hidden spaceship; of having finally handled Xenu (who had allegedly woke up from his million years long sleep/coma maintained by an “eternal battery”); of having achieved “OT 15” (in the case of LRH) and “OT 38” (in the case of CBR); DIED of body iillnesses while living a life of seclusion, hidden from “enemies”? I mean, weren’t they “super beings”?
Take a look a L. Kin’sThe Pied Pipers of Heaven”, and witness what delusion and insanity looks like :
These people, both the Scientologists and the Freezoners (the squirrel version of Scn), thrive on this “confidentiality” aspect of the “tech”. This “mysterious” conspiracy that is planning to take this planet over by “Markabians lead by Lord Xemu (or is it “Xenu”?, Haha) who have woke up from his 75 millions years long sleep. After all, LRH DID said in his class 8 “confidential” lectures that the “eternal battery” that kept Xemu in coma would last 75 millions years, right? So it is logical to assume the he is free now and ready to take revenge against the one who imprisoned him (LRH as the leader of the “Loyal Officers”) 75 millions ago, and against his “pet society” – we little and aberrated and trapped humans, 😉
They leave the CofS, they continue to worship LRH in spite of ALL the evidence that LRH was nothing more than a sick delusional psycho; they attack anyone who are critical of LRH and Scn; they deny all the obvious evidence of the unworkability of Scn; they deny that no OT or Clear has EVER been brought about with Scn (not even a stable release); they don’t even want to read the well researched books like Jon Atack’s, Russell Miller’s, etc; they find out that Scn doesn’t have the answers regarding “OTness” that they had been looking for for so long; they turn to the CBR stuff and other Scn based versions of the Tek; they keep this “confidentiality” aura of grandiosity and superiority; they turn against each other with the petty and ridiculous fight concerning “KSW v/s CBR’s and squirrel versions”; they don’t support each other; they discoverer that EVERYTHING was a big LIE and a DELUSION and let go of Scn and LRH for good; or they become insane and come to this blog dramatizing (like I did, haha) “Why don’t we ‘save’ the ‘good’ parts of Scientology”?
Oh boy; I think that I am at boredom today, haha. Sorry for the rambling, 🙂
Isn’t it already falling apart? No new people. Their reputation as a scam. And, of course, Google. Only the diehards are still in.
Probably OSD. The 1st Independent CoS was just formed about one year ago. No website happening yet.
Makes no difference to me, Mike. Indie or the Church, I want nothing to do with them. This is why I never attested to beer…ummmmm…..ahhhhh, I mean Clear. Why? Because nothing had changed. My talk with John Woodruff, the ED, didn’t go to well.