Sorry — abbreviated today…
Helping Mankind Make It?
You are serious?
Mount Rushmore? Really?
This is what you get for half a million?
Freedom Destruction Briefing?
Food, glorious food…
CC is going Ideal?
Wow, I thought it was already? Milking every last opportunity to collect money and yank a ribbon…
10 year olds is what it takes?
The extraordinary Flag environment
One reg for every 5 people
I don’t think so…
At least not because of you.
An old timer
Just learning to study
Making Ideal Org history!!!
Mighty Miami — the Magic City
Money, money, money
Now there is a Scottish hero…
Those Flag regges are still sucking it out of Ellie Bolger.
13X Humanitarian?
Hi Mike looking forward to Aftermath 2nd season, woohoo!!! Thanks to you and Leah for bringing it to the light for all the world to see! Sad stories, but hopefully this will end,
Now question Scientologist are only allowed to look at all things Scientology ,so is this stuff you just posted what they get to enjoy looking at,if so what a drag.
I was thinking that too! Everything they print looks like it’s from some 80’s time warp which would be about right I guess! When you don’t look at the internet…or have time to watch normal pop culture things, it shows in these lame retro-ish flyers, etc. If I was a young person I’d be so turned off by these grandparenty (lol) publications!
CC Int, at the center of the largest concentration of Scn-ists on the planet, home of a “world-class restaurant, marble-and-mahogany ideal orgs all over the place, and you’re having a pot luck? Kind of places the only group capable of saving humankind on par with the average backyard barbecue.
I.M from Twin Cities – glad to hear that study tech is like second nature now that you did the course a second time. You can look forward to it becoming a third, and fourth nature pretty soon.
Why does LRH call Scientology “a game”? The greatest game in the universe? I thought life was a stage & we are mere actors?
Hope this isn’t TMI. I’m a never-in, but I have always read dictionaries. Game as a verb means to manipulate in an unscrupulous way. Hubbard’s writing style is so dated, so antiquated, its difficult to understand sometimes.
As a never in here are my observations.
Scientology reminds me of the Nigerian scams where they find lonely people and pretend to fall in love and want to get married…soon!.,. BUT first they just need some money. They need money for hospital bills, business expenses, legal troubles. All they need is another few thousand or so and all will be as promised! Only the promise never materializes. Mad props to all of you who have peeled yourselves away from this insidious CULT!
You’re exactly right, Sandy. Money is the basis for everything they do.
‘Celebrity Centre Nashville is accepting applications from those persons who are interested in helping mankind make it. ‘
Looks like Oscar Ayarzagoita is at it again.
I think it’s hilarious that Scientology still says ‘The Study Tapes’ when they’re now on compact disc.
The wheels of Scientology turn slowly. Very, very slowly.
As a former staff member of Celebrity Centre Nashville, I would like to impart these immortal words of wisdom to those who wish to join staff at Celebrity Centre Nashville:
Thank you for your time.
Whoa! And to think I was going join CC Nashville! Thanks Alcoboy!
Glad to be of service, OSD.
I’ve read and re-read the Cultural Destruction Part One poster and can’t figure out if they are for it or against it. From the destructive stories I’ve read here I’m just not sure.
So what is Ellie Bolger, a long time resident of Clearwater, doing getting regged in Scotland? Maybe she thought that she could escape the fundraising by going to Scotland and they tracked her down. Maybe she can get the Lock Ness Monster on the cans.
What I want to know is what happened to their classic opening ‘Scots Wha Hae ‘?
I guess it wasn’t making them any money…
LNM ‘s in Ethics right now.
???. Who is paying for it? The Abominable Snowman?
The Abominable Snowman lost his job a few years ago. Then he joined Scientology…
🙂 BigFoot picked up the tab and earned his Platinum Meritorius Maxipedius.
How can you create “a New Renaissance”? And why is that a goal?
Only a functionally illiterate high school dropout can create a New Renaissance, and as for why it would be a goal, one reason could be Duck Dynasty going off the air.
ROFLMAO Aquamarine – you nailed it. 😉
So if you live in Miami you drive, fly, hitchhike to Boston to see the taped opening of the Miami Org Grand Opening? Then when you get there they say, “Didn’t you see the flyer about attending the taped viewing of the Grand Opening of the Miami Org at the Miami Org?” And as you turn to leave a regge says, “While you’re here would like to give a donation to our great org?” So you empty your wallet or purse then start the journey back to Miami to view the taped Grand Opening of the Miami Org. Hours later, feeling sick, tired, worn out you stagger in the door and the first person you meet is a regge who asks, “Would you like to give a donation to our great org before going in and watching the taped Grand Opening of the Miami Org?”
At which point you angrily shout ‘Fuck off!’, punch out the reg, then storm out the door.
Alcoboy, don’t tempt me…
Is it true that once the slaves have their ideal org they still have pay rent to the “landlords office” (which the office has been closed for years ). Love an answer. Ex staff member.
Oh heck! Which one is my favourite…
I guess the most nauseas was the two words, “Flag universe.” Been there, done that and suffered an experience that burnt itself into my memory forever, shattered my family & friends and all the while dug a huge whole in my bank account.
That’s enough comment for one day.
I’m sorry, Yawn. That’s inadequate but I don’t have the words. The depth of the loss you and others have experienced, the enormity of it – I don’t have the words. I’m so sorry.
Thanks Aqua. I’m a big boy and take it all with grain of salt but it’s the family that suffers the most. Lost time without them hurts, especially for the girls. Geezers… who doesn’t like a birthday wish/card/pressie/good laugh/cake/phone call or a Chrissy meal with the headache of a new year’s party plus one day to look forward to, not to even mention Thanksgiving. Scientology is a graveyard of broken dreams.
Yawn, early in my life I lost my parents died, and then shortly following them several others who were everything to me died also. Death is final, one must accept it and go on, there are no other choices. This can take a while but the and its difficult and painful but the choice is clear, there’s no ambiguity, you carry on without.
But what you and others on this blog have experienced and continue to experience – its like a death, but not a death. There’s this wrenching grief and pain like its a death, but the loved ones for whom you’re grieving are still alive…its a total “maybe” and mind fuck.
But then, there’s that old true saying, “Where there is life, there is hope”. And its very true. Things can change. These ‘dead” people ARE alive, after all. Commincation IS possible..
I believe that everyone on this blog living this bizarre, painful, empty nightmare is holding onto the datum “Where there is life there is hope”.
I know I would be.
Been there done that. Going to Flag was the end of my career as a Sci-bot. The worst of the worst. I got better auditing and more reasonable people to deal with at all lower levels in Scientology, especially a Mission in La Jolla in the 70’s. Of course everyone associated with that organization has been declared by now. While much of the technology has gotten much worse over the years, it was the quality of the people that were involved in the 70’s and 80’s that made Scientology an interesting experience. Back then the hard line Hubbard was riding was tempered by people who were educated and had a treasure of life experience, who knew the dangers of pushing the more strident cult narrative of enemies and paranoia and lies and cover ups and the enemy is within us when stats are down and the world has gone mad. The problem with Scientology today is that it has driven away any sensible person who has a natural impulse to temper the crazy hard wired in and push the good aspects instead. If Miscavige cared about other people and Scientology as a movement he would have down played the worst aspects of Hubbard and forwarded a more temperate and kind climate, he would have stressed communication and making peace with family members, not chopping apart families and alliances and destroying and attacking the most dedicated Scientologists around him. Only a true sociopath would do what he has done to other people. Scientology is now the most hated ridiculed and despised cult to come out of the 60’s. What I find almost laughable is that there is a huge Landmark presence here in San Diego that was supposedly based on Scientology back in it’s EST beginnings and they have survived where Scientology has imploded. Scientologists should avail themselves of the actual statistics under Miscavige.
IT’S NOT FREAKING SANTA BARBARA!! I live 3 exits from where the VENTURA Org will be. Again, it is difficult to find, absolutely zero foot traffic, and its next to a swamp.
Anyone want to join in a protest at the ribbon yanking?
They don’t want to be found out. Seriously, nowadays body routers have absolutely no confront! With the Pasadena Model, Idle Morgue, there’s massive foot traffic just a block away!!! But there routers never leave the front door.
It’s thirty miles south of Santa Barbara; not even close to the present empty building. It’s completely black, as if it was designed by the Borg. It’s also located thirty feet from the freeway so the air quality will be fantastic. It’s about a mile from the nearest bus stop on Main Street, too. It looks as much like a church as my dog looks like a duck.
It isn’t even in Santa Barbara COUNTY!
Give them a break. They think East US is a continent. geography isn’t their strong suit.
East US ISN’T a continent? But…but, they say it is.
It is, but it’s flat.
I found the original text from L. Ron for this quote. Here it is in full:
“There is no greater scam in the universe than Scientology, for it is the only scam in which nobody wins. And that places it far above all other scams and makes it the scam of scams where everybody gets the ultimate prize of losing — and miserable companionship as well.”
Whoa! Now that’s heavy! Sign me up!
Excellent! Right on the mark, for sure.
You know me sweetheart, I like almost everything you write, but you’ve outdone yourself in a contained sort of way. Happy Thursday.
Well then. That is all. There’s no higher authority than LRH, now is there?
Don’t let DM hear you say that!
I almost feel sorry for poor old FF. Such a wonderful success story!
” Gone is the “holding back” of mine-you know. One is taught to hold back. But life should be lived in all it’s parts. Life is beautiful. Life is a game and holding back gets you nowhere.
Once that was gone, so much mass dissipated that I almost could hardly believe it.”
I’ll wager a guess that the mass of the checking account had dissipated so much he/she/it could hardly believe that either!
Yo FF,
Your success story (as it were) can and will be used against you by all regges at any future moment. Fail to deliver – back to the freakwinds for some why finding a-la-sec checking.
FF’s “success story” was basically scientology Mad Libs — just insert random words here and there with “-ness” on the end of them, use as much passive voice as possible, and say absolutely nothing of substance.
It’s almost like FF was locked in a cabin and not allowed to get off the ship until writing that… oh wait.
What struck me most about FF’s testimonial, is that as a fully functional OT V111, one would think a greater command of language would be achieved. The statement reads as if a high school freshman wrote it while stoned.
Oh my God! It is all so out of reality. The meaning of words got lost somewhere. It is the destruction of language: Ideal? courage? Humanitarian? Freedom? “Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air” Macbeth Act 1 scene 1.
The bubble must be made of titanium, can’t anyone see they only want your money? The clamish (clam english) is so over the top that only those who have been in the Clampire for a long time will understand what is being said. And what is being said is ‘Give me your money’.
There is usually a bit of humor in invitations and brag sheets, this is nothing more then ‘give me your money’.
“Scotland deserves an ideal org”……..What the hell did they do to deserve that?
As i have commented quite a while back: Ellie Bolger was part of the reason that my married life was put on the very, very, back burner of the “wasband’s” thoughts. He spent night & day “helping” E.Bolger get her inheritance & trust $$ dough ASAP so as to give it to the cult ASAP! That started in 1980. So what has been accomplished by all of her family’s money going to the cult? Duh! Buildings and Buildings and no help for anyone other than the Miscavige’s pockets.
I have a vivid memory of being at a Lamaze Class in 1980; before cell phones. I was in the class; all of the other moms to be had their coaches with them. My “wasband” (coach? ) was in the hall on the pay phone talking with Ms. Bolger!!! Everything is always $ $ $. Some spirituality!
Someone expressed doubts. And he was never heard from since.
“Scotland deserves an ideal org”……..What the hell did they do to deserve that?
Invent any answer you care to. It’ll fit in somewhere! 🙂
Scotland deserves an Idle Morgue because…ummmmm, because…ahhhhh, because…alright, Peter…I give up. I can’t think of any reason that they should have an Idle Morgue. Happy now???
CC Int is going Ideal? GOING? No words.
Silovskys, you look like a happy family. To stay that way, get the rocks out of your head, Rox.
And say hello to Katie at CCNashville for me.
Is Margie Nelson still the ED there?
My immediate thought on seeing the family picture, is protect those kids from when the Sea Org vultures come a’callin!!!
Another entry for my soon-to-be-compiled glossary of Hubbard’s bogus words: randomity.
Excuse me while I check these scintillating promo pieces of pure bs. Oh double Joy I can help mankind make it, I am so thrilled. And I had to read the Sea Org proclamation twice because silly Ann your job in the Sea Org 2017 will be to spearhead Scientology dissemination on a global scale! Way back in 1975 for Ron’s Birthday Asho Sea Orgers
were asked to write what personal goal would you like to see reached for him. So I wrote that I wanted a special Sea Org Ship that would sail the world and at every port shower the planet with all the wonders of Ron’s World. I was really gobbling down the Ron/Aid! But my point being it was lasered into my head that when I joined in 1974 my purpose was to Clear The Planet and put Ethics in On The Universe. And I see the ” success story ” for the giddy OT8 thanking RTC & COB for purifying the Tech!! Ha Ha ! Grabbing $ like it is going out of style and delivering smoke, mirrors & Lies. Thank you Mike, you are Golden.?
Ah Annie, obviously the “tech” cob perfected was how to regg every last dollar out of everyone’s pocket. I guess we must admit he’s really honed that art down to the finest point achievable. Bless his black little heart. And I do mean little.
About the same size as his cojones!
My God! That’s tiny! Almost microscopic…
*makes note of “Courage” definition by LRH*
No such thing as failure, eh? You’re only fooling yourself, Scientology.
I’ve noticed a trend in success stories. It’s as if everyone who writes one strives to be more like the master himself. Mr Dan Sherman.
Or maybe Dan Sherman has created an “approved list of phrases you can say in a success stories” and you get to pick and choose which ones you will put into yours. Some may be obligatory like Thanks COB.
When I was in I was aware of certain things that were obligatory when telling your success story on stage. Thanks to LRH was the obvious one that had always been there. But later thanks to COB crept in and seemed to become even more obligatory than acknowledging LRH. It was so obvious you could almost pick your saner (note the e and the r – I’m not saying we were sane by any means) friends as the ones that never seemed to speak on stage. Not because they never made any “progress” but because they never got the hint.
Using her 10 year old son to benefit Scn. ..are you kidding me ??…at the least. Very poor judgment
I cringe every time I see a little kid putting down his/her pledge while listening to the applause.
Nashville.. make it to where? Grand Ole Opry?
Why is the Brinkman chick in KC snarling like a dog? She may be disappointed. I googled the addy and their neighbors are HR block, a salon, a Braidery. Kc org has Windows blacked out, dirty on outside. Hmph.
In KC you have to enter through the back. So no walk ins. Also I have been involved in community activities in KC and have never seen anyone from the church at any event. I don’t know how they are recruiting anyone. Must be one of their empty buildings.
CCNashville has been trying to get in to the Grand Ole Opry for years but the Opry folks keep barricading the door.
Way to go, barricaders! Keep up the great work!
I live in KC & that location is not good….mostly ppl pushing their lives around in shopping carts…and heavy minority population that deals in guns, drugs & other stuff.
You really don’t need to apologize for being busy Mike, I think we all understand there are big things in store on the “Aftermath” scene. I’m impressed you’re still doing your blog honestly.
As for the funnies, though, through no fault of your own, they get less and less funny the more you look at how dismal the scene they are promoting has become.
Cass & Melissa Brinkman both look defeated, not happy.
The 10-year old hot dog makes me think of Janis Gillham Grady being abandoned to the Sea Org at age 11. Poor kid. His mom is already pimping him.
When you take a picture of a book and hat to go with the success story – is it because the person who wrote it has already blown?
So few crowd scenes. Empty spaces are a better idea because then people don’t point out how few people there are.
Scotland. Attention. Money. Yeah, so spiritual.
The family with 4 children who is 13x humanitarian hurt my heart.
What does it take , Child labor. oh I mean courage Not
Flag must be DES PER ATE. Flag World Tours going on all over the place. I’ve gotten several calls about the one happening this Saturday at Tampa Org. It’s going to be YUUUGE. Class XII C/S will be there as well as Flag Service Consultants to answer all of my questions about what’s being offered at Flag. Wow. Can’t wait.
All the while singing one of my favourite Leslie Gore songs,
“You don’t own me, I’m not one of your little toys. You don’t own me and don’t say I can’t go with other boys. Any don’t tell me what to do and don’t tell me what to say …..”
Seriously, your story on Aftermath made such a huge impact, when you cried out “they owned me” I wept with you (and Mike). If it hurt me I only imagine what you had to endure going through it. Bless you for telling this story. Praying for you and your family.
Good one. 🙂
I’m happy that it resonated with you and many others; it’ll help prevent others from getting in and maybe even hit the right button to wake those that are still in and owned by this church.
If the technology and service at Flag were totally unbelievable life changing and the best of the best they would have a steady stream of *customers* that would overwhelm their capacity for delivery. There are lots of people in society looking for real help. Flag has declared more Scientologists, has more demands for refunds and repayments and blown pc’s (OT7’s) compared to ANY Org in Scientology. It is where Scientologists go to wake up to the horrors of a full blown para-military style cult desperate for more victims to condemn as “reasonable” and “out ethics” and then justify the financial rape. Sick sick sick. Cheers for Season Two of Scientology and the Aftermath!
Regarding the OT VIII success story:
It’s a limp salad of words, devoid of joy, even hinting at the despair beneath the awkward phrasing. Just the second paragraph is pretty devastating. This person once had goals, good goals, but he had to let them go. Even a goal like creating a new renaissance. OT VIII made him lose his goals. But now he reckons there’s nothing wrong with creating a new beginning — or not, as he pleases. (Does he?)
“On this level I gained a lot more confidence in myself…” Wow, man, it sure doesn’t sound like you did. You sound more like you had to give up your dreams but have resigned yourself to that loss.
The icing on this sad, sad cake is the obligatory “Thank you to RTC and COB for having ‘purified’ the Tech.” The cognitive dissonance is so loud my ears are ringing.
This is the top of the Bridge to Total Freedom? Wow.
IMT the saddest part here is FF us going fall from that bridge he/she just paid for so dearly. When the “New OTVIII” hits bottom this thetans family won’t be there to help break the fall.
Now, quit knockin’ the fella! He had to shell out half a million dollars to be able to write that!
Looks like that kid is wearing a hot dog costume.
That does indeed take courage.
I wonder if he’ll have to see a shrink later on…
That would be out-ethics.
I was horrified at the hot dog outfit picture until I remembered that it’s probably the least in a long, long line of indignities that kid will probably have to suffer in scn.
I always find the Thursday Funnies sad!
Hey, at least you’re out!