That’s a lot in 2 hours…
Bet you TONS of people showed up with their friends.
Money, money, money, money…
Q: What is the only way you will have that “extra” money you need and want?
A: Steer clear of scientology.
They have ONE auditor!
Praise Lord Xenu. It’s a miracle.
Hold the presses — that’s TWO!
Austin will be cleared in no time…
What about the terrible pay?
Someone has gone squirrel and altered Source OMG! It’s probably the only thing that is true and they left it off…
Winston is rolling in his grave.
Award winning performer?
Michael Duff? And guest speakers Patrick Renna from the Los Feliz Mission? And Laurie the Spider Web ster. What a line up….
You haven’t “gotten it done” in 50 years? Why now?
Why now?
What have you been waiting for? You have been “ideal” for years?
Same old, same old
The latest pit for whales to toss their money into. And it’s the same old people.
Free Willy!
Well, maybe you could unlock your grammar potential?
“…only source of your all insecurities…”?
ChanMan takes Africa by storm
In partnership with Inspire Sales. Should give you a clue.
Founding 40
From 2016? Humanitarian then and humanitarian now? What’s up with that?
They’ve been scrounging for a decade and still not there?
WTF is this?
Glam on the go
Looks like an ad for the Bachelorette… Megan in a champagne glass.
EXPRIENCE the typos…
“peice” “on it’s way”
This is Detroit Tough?
Auditing Department?
Another WTF moment…
Generate power and prosperity…
I think the Freewinds could do with a little of their own medicine.
Helping mankind make it…
At least in their minds.
Nothing like a staged shot…
…to prove the real help.
Sounds really Scottish to me
A strong porpoise – get it?
You can count the staff…
This is Pretoria “ideal” org and they got ALL their staff together for this photo. They are the ones in the bellhop outfits. Looks like there might be 8.
This is the best they can do?
Really, does anyone show up for this?
Unless of course…
They are a former scientologist. Then we just HATE them wholeheartedly.
Apparently, the Austin “Ideal” org can only get Cl. V auditors… because the Cl. VI course (Saint Hill Special Briefing Course) and the Cl. VIII course are no longer available. He Who Shall Not Be Named, the Oracle of L. Ron Hubbard and Prophet of Scientology, Pope on a Box and Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige is busy fixing all of Ron’s fuckups.
Good luck, guys.
Hubbard highly values his staff more than anything?
Didn’t he throw a few overboard at one time?
FINANCE POLICY………………..Now that’s a hoot, yet so true & “right on the money” so to speak.
Figure it out people….simple as this…….
Apart from the grammatical error on the dianetics seminar poster, the other amusing thing is their reference to ‘highly trained experts’, I’ve done the dianetics seminar sups course or whatever they call it, at the end of it I had more questions than answers and was rather glad of the fact that actually encountering a new person coming in to take the seminar was unlikely in the extreme.
The naïveté of scientologists accepting the NOI as allies is a pretty fair indication of how truly insular and brainwashed members of the Hubbard cult are. At this point little Davey is accepting anyone who will side with him. This is truly a case of the blind leading the blind.
I’m a never in. I read all these posts and comments scrupulously. I’ve never commented until now. I’ve contacted all the people that could eventually further the demise of Scientology as it is today, but I was struck by something in one of the “comics” above. Where it reads what did LRHsay about borrowing money . I did some research that said not to borrow from banks, only spend what you make etc. How does that jibe with ‘we can raise your credit card limit’ or ‘look you qualify for this credit card’, or better still refinance your house. WTF is that? Follow LRH, but don’t follow him? I’m confused.
Welcome to the world of Scientology! (Never in here too.)
I’m sure that some ex can give the reason for this (probably something about greatest good and greatest number of dynamics), but you are right: it doesn’t make sense.
I remember Helluvahoax (who is an ex posting on ESMB) once jokingly saying that for every policy by LRH there is another policy, also by LRH, saying the exact opposite thing.
Thanks. It seemed contradictory but then again a Lot of the scientology teachings/directives seem so. I’m very sure there is a”perfectly logical planet saving” reason. That I will in all probability never understand.
No, you’re not crazy – Hubbard did in fact give *some* very good financial advice. Don’t spend money that you don’t have in the bank right now, keep your credit excellent and then never use it, etc.
His bad advice included “paying by dateline.” It’s too much to go into in detail, but essentially if you have one bill that’s 90 days delinquent and everything else is current, then let everything else fall delinquent while you catch up on the 90-day one. So you end up with lots of pissed-off creditors instead of just one. Many scientolist-owned businesses have screwed themselves following that bit of advice.
Now, the regges – registrars, the people who are tasked with getting your money – their job is to come up with other Hubbard references as to why you should fuck up your finances to pay them by this Thursday at 2pm. It’s the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, or you’ll make more money with the ability you gain on this bullshit next thing I’m trying to sell you, or outflow=inflow so if you outflow $ then more $$ will come back to you.
The whole thing is bullshit, basically.
BS, undoubtedly, but I imagine with all the training/controlling up to that time it seems very smooth and presented in a way to appear so very normal and effortlessly simple. I’m so sorry. No one should be able to do these things to others and especially in the name of religion. Thank you for helping to clear up the craziness.
So I know that little pip squeak does not attend any of these events but I’m just curious what little Davey boy does all day? Does he just remain hidden and in seclusion?
Does he ever go out in public? Don’t get me wrong, I hope he is living a sad and truly lonely life, but what the hell does he do each day? Where can he go?
His GREED has made him a prisoner of his OWN making……he fears going out & being seen in public where he would be swarmed by hoards of “paparazzi” who’d be asking him sssoooo many questions as in ”
Where is all the money?
Do you really beat people up?
Do you hold staff in “the hole”
What IS the hole?
Why do people have to escape?
Why can’t people just quit like they do in other religions?
It would go on and on and on…even his goons couldn’t protect him from all those swarms of paparazzi that would follow him everywhere, like the goons HE SENDS to follow “his enemies” of the COS.
He sits on his throne safely protected by his goons who would lay their lives down for him in order to move up the bridge & receive “eternal life”…or whatever.
We HAVE to laugh at that one, as I said…a Prisoner of his OWN making in reality, WHERE CAN HE GO where he could achieve even a second of privacy???
I am sorry….I neglected to add to my post…the fear of being OUT in public somewhere & having someone from “some government agency”….. come up behind you & TAP you on the shoulder & say…..Come with us……….
Oh and don’t forget….
“Where is Shelly???”
Toxic Dwarf, “Pst, over here Farakhan, listen I can mind fuck people so hard that I can physically abuse them, make them abandon their families, abort their babies, and throw them into voluntary prison for decades on end, they do this willingly for me. You want that kind of power?”
Farakhan begining to uncontrolably salivate over the possibilities, “Oh yes, you white devil! Oh Yes!”
The Dwarf, “Well for a small commission, I have a book for you…”
You got it. Sociopaths of a feather flock together.
And Dave meets Tom in couture leather.
Oh there is a vision in my head I can defiantly live without!!!!
Yes, that adorable photo of the 2 of them in couture leather with their carefully mussed hair on their bikes. Such nice boys. So glad they’re friends.
And here we go again, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam cosying up with David Miscavige and scientology. This is clear evidence of a great fear in both men. The threat of losing tax exempt status is why they are clinging together. It’s a very sad display.
Somebody want to talk csome Scientology with this old Anon ?
“Maybe you could unlock your grammar potential?” 🙂
And then, “Feliksas Jarjanijus” – seriously? Well, he does looks serious, this fellow. He’s not playing some minor game in Scientology, for sure.
Super happy they use “highly trained” experts instead of those “we know jack shit” experts …
Current Scientology members are like those humans in the Matrix who chose the blue pill. Now they’ll swallow anything.
The blue pill? Don’t get it. I’ll have to google that.
If you only google “blue pill” you may be in for a surprise… 😛
Thanks for the link, Trev. Got it on all, now.
The temptations??? Very disappointed in them. ?
I believe the classic lineup(s) of the Temps, the ones people remember, have all passed away except for one guy. The band’s heyday is getting to be quite a while ago, half a century. I would assume that the performers in the picture are guys who were members of revival acts or later lineups of the famous groups named, who are now performing a medley show as “The Original Motowns.”
So many ‘WTF’ moments above I don’t know which to choose as the biggest. Some of them are truly creepy though. Scientology is such an ugly organisation but it’s weirdness is breaking new ground. The ‘auditing department’ is still buzzing in my head… whisky… that should fix that!
I’ll bring a bottle of Merlot…maybe two. We’re going to need it to get rid of your buzzing.
I like parties…
Scientologists are more into third parties.
That is very true. I met rather a lot of $cn public through the Libertarian Party of California.
Not what I meant, but okay.
L Ron Hubbard reminds me of the old charlatans that used to ride around in the wagons crying out to everybody how their elixir would cure everybody….for a fee. I don’t understand how somebody could not see what a sham this all is in that as long as you go along with everybody it’s all fine and dandy but when somebody wakes up and has a mind of their own then the Dianetics hit the fan
Auditing Department?
Now, be nice. This is, after all, the Nation of Islam. These fine people believe that God appeared to their founder as a white guy back in 1930.
That’s why they need Dianetics.
WTF? Seriously? I did not know that.
Did he have flaming red hair?
No. In fact, he claimed to be black. His name was Wallace Fard and he did claim to be God according to NOI founder Elijah Muhammad. Get the book “Message To The Black Man In America ” and dear Elijah will tell you all about it.
Fard, or Ford, was very light skinned and taken for an African-American with heavily European ancestry, but if researchers have correctly identified him, even claimed to be white in a census. His father was most likely from what is today Pakistan or Afghanistan, and his mother a white English New Zealander. So he apparently claimed to be either black (African descent) or white when it suited him, though he was really neither – a typically dubious founder for a cult.
Fard/Ford was apparently heavily involved in an African-American initiatory lodge that used ceremonial magic (magick), probably borrowed in part from freemasonry, and that used adapted Rosicrucian materials. This gives the NOI roots paralleling Hubbard’s involvement in Crowley’s OTO, and his apparent study of other esoteric, initiatory and magickal systems.
In other words, he was a predecessor to Rachel Dolezal.
I’m no fan of the NOI, but in fairness, religions are chock full of bizarre concepts that their people are expected to believe. Just off the top of my head there’s water-walking, a woman conceiving a child having had no prior sexual contact with a man, feeding a thousand (five thousand?) people with 5 loaves of bread and 5 fish, a whale swallowing some guy and spitting him out whole 3 days later, talking snakes…lots of over the top stuff out there. I’ve given mostly Christian examples because that’s what I grew up with but I’m sure that Christianity doesn’t have the market cornered on this sort of thing.
By the way, no offense intended. I can be very frank sometimes but with no malice aforethought and, appearances possibly to the contrary, so long as there’s no cruelty involved, I’m wholly supportive of others’ religious or spiritual beliefs which provide them with strength and comfort. Its all good. Like that old Wings song, I’m for:
“Whatever gets you thru the night –
Its all right.
Its all right.”
And its not really the NOI religion that I don’t like, its Louis Farakkhan and his anti-Semitic hate rants. A real sociopath. No wonder he and Miscavige get along.
No, aquamarine, it’s all good. I do understand. It’s just that I can sometimes be a J&Der about things. Yes, I agree that religions can have beliefs which seem strange and bizarre to people. I mean, I’m a Mormon so I probably know this better than most folks.
One nice thing about Pretoria org is that they appear to have a VM van which appears to be in good condition.
You think we can jack it up and take the wheels, Alcoboy? I mean, I’ve got nothing better to do.
Name the time and place.
Well, the staff have to sleep somewhere.
Nope, not there! They are still word clearing the manual for the van. No one knows how to open it yet, they keep on changing the checksheet, but word has it Dave is coming down to do it himself. Then it’ll be a mobile hole.
Ha ha ha!
The Vanguard Members might need it after having donated $35,000 for a stupid trophy and a commendation.
Motown?!? MOTOWN?!?!? NOTHING is sacred to these culties!
Exhausting! Have no idea how people put up with all the lies and drivel.
Keep up the marvelous work! Scientology & Lil’ Davy are spitting mad!
The first thing that jumped out is the MOTOWN “EXPRIENCE”. I think they need proofreaders more than they need auditors.
You know Mike, you’re pretty funny you definitely make me laugh with your SCIENTOLOGY jabs!!?
Mike is the Rocky Marciano in dealing with the cult. He never backs down!
That’s right !
Mike’s got that dry Brit wit thing going 🙂
Except for the fact that Mike’s Australian. Oops.
Oh, I know Mike’s Australian!
Well, Australians are kinda Brits as they are still in the Commonwealth and still salute the Queen.