Miami Madness
There are so many things wrong here.
What do you get? For about $10 million you get a “rendering”….
And from 1961, yes, that is more than 50 YEARS AGO, “Clearing is in reach of everyone….” — unless of course you haven’t raised sufficient funds for an ideal building.
A New Breed Of Ideal Org?
We are not even halfway done with the “old breed”? There is a new breed of genetically modified org now? Wonder if all the existing ideal orgs now have to become “new breed”?
Exhibit One For Next Lawsuit
The next time an employee sues a “scientology company” for forcing therm to take scientology courses, this can be exhibit 1.
Going Cheap
Not only that, we will give you a CD that cost us 20 cents (and we have a million of them sitting in the Bridge warehouse) if you give us more than $30…
Giving on Thanksgiving
I suspect the “giving” will be one way.
And I bet those wins will be “incredible.”
PAC Estates — Weddings in Rat’s Alley?
This is a first. The demand for toilet paper must be creating enormous pressure on PAC Estates to come up with money. So, they staged a photo op and sent out some promo. PAC Estates? Really?
Wonder when McDonald’s is going to get into the wedding catering business? If PAC Estates can, there is room for Mickey D’s….
International Association of Shills
And more yuk.
“People of goodwill”?
All I could think of when looking at this was an ad for a new cable TV “reality” show — “Maori Wars”
Ideal Orgs — Hype v Reality
Here are the glamor shots of the Cambridge “ideal org” presented on
Here is the reality:
This is the entrance to the building — ie the “front” in a business park area. You can see the sign on the left of the shot.
Go down that driveway to the right, along the side of the building and you come to the car park, the glowing two story bit you see in the first shot faces the car park. This shot was taken on Thursday at 11:15am. It includes every vehicle (5) in the parking lot. Just around this corner to the left is where the glamor shot was taken. You can see the pine tree on the left of this shot that appears on the left of the second “glamour shot”.
The last one is from Googlemaps, showing the location and orientation, uploaded before the church owned the building and hence there were cars in the parking lot….
Finally, helpful reader, Rick Mycroft, pointed out this brilliant perspective on the “crowd shot” shown above which gives you an idea of just how small the “crowd” really was:
AOSH Taiwan
Apparently the ONLY people “FSMing” for AOSHANZO are Taiwanese….
Well, there is Carly Crutchfield, but she is a bit unsavory in the fine tradition of Grant Cardone. She is also the daughter of the CO AOSHANZO.
OTs are Winning
These are THE “successes” from GAG II at AOSHANZO, Objectives.
Yeah, I’m not so sure the NOI would be down with a Sister marrying a grafted snake.
Re: the Cambridge Idle Org – that is not a pine tree, it’s a spruce. Proving conclusively that Mike Rinder is a bitter defrocked apostate on the fringes of the internet and DM is the greatest leader this world has ever seen.
How’s that? Am I qualified to work for Scn P/R or what?
Sure, as long as you work for free and give us all your money, you’re good to go. You’re welcome.
For history, when I was trying to route out of the RPF, starting in Dec 2000, finally I got officially “routed out” “standardly” from the PAC RPF at the end of March 2003, 15 months later, I recall that in the end of 2002, Anna Paddock was one of the first of the route out group of us RPFers who got out!
She’s a former WDC Member, and was on the RPF for practically 10 years, I was on for 7 years so the late 1990s and early 2000s were a period of the LONG RPF sentences for Sea Org members.
Anyways, that they let her prominently do various actions, she does spying, she does visits like the one to Monique Rathbun, caught on camera, she does these faithful cheerleading actions.
I wonder if new religion professors wishing to hear the completely biased in house version of RPF life would be allowed to email Anna and hear what 10 years on the RPF was like, and why she decided to route out!
Out here there are plenty of downside negative RPF stories, I wonder why Anna who is still today a faithful and open active cheerleader and spy agent for Scientology (back in 2004 or 2005 she even was calling me when I was slightly making waves as an ex member, gathering intel for OSA), Anna seems available, her email and phone number are right out there now, for new religion academics to all or email her!
Anna Paddock, ex Sea Org, ex PAC RPF member for years, ex WDC member, she’d potentially be a goldmine of the dedicated official Scientologist view of her history!
I wish media and academics would even notice these opportunities, and take note of people who are just sitting there, great opportunities, if approached right, some daring outsider could possibly get some interesting communication from Anna about Scientology/Sea Org history, the official dedicated member’s views!
I dare some outsider researcher who wants to talk to a real insider veteran to contact and interview for the record :
Anna Paddock
[email protected]
Used to be Anna Stilo. I think Emilio Bertinato might hold the record for time served on the RPF, but there might be another record holder.
Regraded Being. You are absolutely Brilliant.. Thank you. Great funnies Mike!
Here’s the game, you get ALL of your staff to pay us thousands for brainwashing courses and in return you get a totally worthless paper commendation and maybe slightly less ball busting on your next sec-check. It’s a win win!!
Sunny stop, you had me at commendation!
Exhibit One for the next lawsuit being “the business on service game” is totally correct. Forcing employees who are Scientologists to spend their off work time at the church is wrong. It’s a creation of these later days of Miscavige. It’s an expansion of what has always existed under Miscavige which is the ability of church reges to walk into companies owned my church members and shake down the employees for money. It is really against the law. But Scientologists agree not to sue each other. I think it is time for a Scientologist in that position to say “Here is your lawsuit. And by the way, I am no longer a church member”.
On the “New Breed of Ideal Orgs” in Atlanta they are going to try to have some customers, unlike the “old breed” that has none.
Or was it the other way around?
OT, has anyone seen this before? I thought it was an SNL ‘commercial’….. I just recently came across this on youtube….
Its obviously several years old (during Tom’s long hair ‘Last Samurai’ phase….but its really creepy…..
Anyone know what it is about?
..Secret Tom Cruise Scientology Promotion Video Lea…:
See the comments. It is a clip taken from the film “Magnolia”
Ahhh OK thanks….it seemed too creepy to be real. That’s one movie I have not seen, though I have heard its good
This Thursday funnies really hit the mark Mike. The baby, the 14 point list for lifetime ias membership, the wedding, the SRD lady on an objective process, the brilliant comic, the parking lot porn……..You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind, a journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the twilight zone!
Sorry Hallie it’s already in the twilight zone. We’re just waiting for the dying of the light.
Edit: I meant to say SRD lady on a “subjective” not objective process…that’s strange. oops
Pretty soon they might have; ” My Ideal Org can kick your Ideal Org’s ass” competition. Literally, a fight to the death on who has the most “standard” org. The losers will have succumbed and have “postulated” their own deaths because they were “out-ethics”. Sort of like the witch tests in the 1700’s. If they burned they were witches if they didn’t burn they were innocent.
Tony, I thought the witch thing was the other way round: If they didn’t burn, they MUST be witches, because an ordinary person would burn. So you had to put them to death. But it they burned, they must be innocent. Whoops.
Tony, Ideal Orgs are so old school. Time for the new iSteel Org model (iSteal works also) to mirror that much feared tried and true blue RTC image of ruthlessly putting in ethics, where men are men and women are men. Time to start renovating all the old ideal orgs to get with the program and forward command intention. Maybe Cap’n Dave can finally get that second billion he’s been lusting after.
Very clever.
How about a hybrid: Cold chrome steel iSteal Orgs.
These Sunday funnies aren’t so funny really. There’s a level of desperation and straight out lunacy becoming more and more blatant within these flyers. Illusion is generally a good thing but the delusion which is being repetitively communicated by the Cof$ are like the ravings of a madman. What’s that saying? Something to do with, “expecting a different result but doing the same thing over and over…” well that’s the Cof$.
I never considered myself lucky to work in the church in the 80s because it was hard work and lousy money but it retrospect I experienced a glimpse of the term, “if it isn’t fun it isn’t Scientology.” By the nineties I was out of there. There’s been lots of discussion on how policy doesn’t work and by the stats of it and the length of time it’s had to prove itself it’s obviously correct. But who follows instructions anyway? Only a very small band of any people seem to. The military, police etc use heavy repetitiveness and disciple to achieve the simplicity of co-ordination. The Cof$ is truly in the valence of miscavige – a quick thinking psychotic money hungry thug.
One thing I dislike to observe is the relentless assault on the rank & file of $cn to make them personally wrong – that is lunacy too. That’s why I like this site of Mike’s, at least it repeats and puts the truth out there again and again and doesn’t indulge in the more base response of continual make wrong and debasing on a personal level. That doesn’t work well in politics and in life generally, it just generates enemies. The right target is miscavige and management motivations – bust them and the whole house of cards will collapse. Expecting it all to suddenly wake up is wishful thinking on a grand scale . There’s already enough victims of $cientology. Truth is the best weapon, in the end it’s the only one.
Well said!
Motokawa and Seito are Japanese names. Are they operating in Taiwan?
The big outpoint is that they are in Sydney.
And the Sydney folk is on a Big Day Out, all year round 🙂
The was in reply to Morrise Adams.
Find a substitute for a husband? Seriously?
How about, “Find substitute for a cult?”
Or, “Find a substitute for a cult leader?”
Or, “Find a substitute for beating your staff?”
Or, “Find a substitue place for MY money?” COGNITION: MY bank account!
Les, I went ahead and ran you questions on myself. Here is my worksheet from the Solo session….
“Find substitute for a cult?” A Independent Auditor
“Find a substitute for a cult leader?” Ms. Debbie Cook
“Find a substitute for beating your staff?” Beat yourself instead
“Find a substitue place for my money?” Airfare and a three week stay in Belize so I can enjoy my auditing wins!
Excellent Les, let’s run with this new process. Gosh, I envie you, what a cog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read that as “Hubbard” not husband…
Mine is funnier…
Phil( “I,m never going back to Flag” )Barton, Flag sucking all those gold bars from under the bed,
Still in….noticed that his name doesn’t come up on Donations, …. must be broke!, …..Why Phil , Why?
Get a new life…..COB.
Ohhh the green money God.
and lets not forget command intention.
What’s that you say, Michael, “Command Detention?” Been there, done that & bought a T-shirt. No more detention for me now that I’m out! In fact….oh…wait…you said “command intention.” Never mind.
Damnit OSD you beat me to it I was going for the whole Command Detention angle. With DEEluxe accommodations at the Hemet Hole.
Valerie, you’ve got to be quick in this game!
Is it just me or is scientology advertising beginning to sound really tired?
I so love Regraded Being’s comics. Sometimes too true to be laugh-out-loud funny, they portray the racket with uncanny precision.
The new breed of ideal orgs is where you get to call David Miscavige the Godfather, and go to OSA for one-on-one marriage counselling and family handlings.
“We are not even halfway done with the “old breed”? There is a new breed of genetically modified org now? Wonder if all the existing ideal orgs now have to become “new breed”?”
Why yes, Mike, since you asked, there is a new breed of ideal org.
You send us 20 million dollars and we provide you with an ideal rendering, and ideal photo shopped grand opening, ideal fake success stories, ideal fake stats and ideal photos of fake staff. You just go to work, make lots of money and send it to us for our next “new breed” ideal org scam so we can all be happy and continue to pretend we’re clearing the planet.
You got a problem with that?
The “new breed” of Ideal Org is a virtual Ideal Org. None of that fussy MEST to contend with, just NICE pictures. The virtual org still costs the same as the bricks and mortar, its just so much lighter and theta-er.
Could be coming soon – an internet based virtual Org with auditing over Skype and online reg cycles with virtual staff members – which also solves the HCO recruitment stat – tap a button and the stats are up! Now “video palaces” showing DVDs would also be good instead of live (well trained) staff members to ask questions of – I am surprised COB hasn’t thought of that already! The only thing is is that the supervisors in the virtual Academy still interrupt students unnecessarily and the auditors in the HGC are still threatening their PCs to “fess up or else” but that will be ironed out in Virtual GAT XIV.
I like the idea of a virtual org. If you put them on ‘mute’ and nod occasionally, you can just play freecell. Perhaps someone will write a ‘random “win” generator’ app using the word salad.
Never mind. Any more than 5 minutes on the internet and you’d figure out it was a scam and quit, hopefully before you gave them your credit card.
Who needs altreligionscientology when you have ALT/CTRL/DEL?
Here are some ideas for new IAS tee shirts:
Front: We are the IAS !!
Back 1: Corrupt……………Back 2: Dishonest
Let’s make some of these for the next event!
I think its funny they ALWAYS (and only) offer Commendations for donating. It’s so cheap (and worthless).
But on second thought, they could (and hopefully soon will) be used to handle the shortage of toilet paper.
It’s about time they updated their idea of an Ideal Org so I am sure they will welcome this New Breed of Ideal Orgs. Let’s face it. the public weren’t flocking in like they were supposed to so there was something less than Ideal about the Ideal Orgs. This New Breed of Ideal Orgs will be like GAT 1 was to the Tech to make it purer, more dynamic and powerful. Maybe it should be called GAI – Golden Age of Idealness.
I am guessing that the membership are already very excited about this and are reaching for their check books.
OMG, is that Maori Wars promo for real? “Donate, or we will force you to go exterior” is my first thought. And what the hell is a “new breed” of Ideal Org? Is that like going from chihuahua, to pit bull?
God, that wedding is so tacky!
Are they posing in front of homemade barn doors that the kid painted the trim of? That room is so cheap and ugly looking. “We got married in the bathroom at Marriott’s!” What are those mystery food piles? I can’t tell what that is, but it’s definitely been left out too long. And what’s with all the red? Redrum! Redrum!
The Regraded Being stuck a cord with me. It looks like it cannot happen but it’s true.
I mean word for word. The COB has twisted things pretty good and it almost seems plausible
until your totally broke and Davey has a lavish lifestyle most Rock stars envy.
In Cambridge, the wonderfully distorted crowd shots look great, until you compare a close-up overview with lines of sight that make it obvious how small an area that event took place in.
Fascinating. I am going to add this into the post so everyone can see it.
The camera was probably no further than the parking lot curb on the green line. Any further back, and there are overhead wires and a tumble into the creek. So, at most, roughly 90′ from the podium of the odious.
Notwithstanding that the whole thanksgiving has become fake
but you have a south african telling you about it.
Wow, Regraded Being is really hitting them out of the park with those comics!
Re: AOSH Taiwan promo – the first two names look Japanese.
tetloj, they are Japanese. I took Japanese language in college.
Wasn’t one of the sec/check questions about having sexual relations with someone of a different race? Surely SOURCE would not approve of the wedding pictured in the flyer.
That question was on the Jo’berg, which was a sec check list originally for South Africans back when the white minority was still in charge.
Also, where are all the other black people? The bride has no family and only white friends? Suuuuure. Feels like a last minute, oh yeah, we’ve got to keep the Smiths and NOI happy (and of course, they’d think that was the best way to do it).
I was assuming the entire pic was fake…..either that or the bride is a first generation member and has disconnected from her entire family
Oh, you misunderstand. The question is not an accusation. It’s just for information gathering purposes. Same goes for the baby farm and diamond smuggling questions. Those things are perfectly acceptable, all dynamics-wise, but are to be duly recorded in your folders.
No, hgc10, you’d be surprised what comes up. The questions are all quite valid. I had a good and thorough Joburg years ago and my wife is getting one now in the Indie Field and loving it. What reads, reads.
Regraded Being is hilarious this week – an ostrich farm – LOL!
Ok, if the Regraded Being comic strip is supposed to be funny, why do I feel like I’ve just been kicked in the guts? That was EXACTLY what ‘reg cycles’ were like a couple of decades ago when I was still in. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t remember ever having a pleasant time in a reg’s office. The only good thing was getting out of there and then getting my ass to work to pay for what I had just gotten myself into. I never gained a new ability that helped increase my production to easily pay back the loans I had to take out. I only gained a new level of desperation so I could stay solvent. The best thing that ever happened was when I finally woke up and decided to get off that hamster wheel. I have NEVER regretted leaving the cult. Getting involved was one of the worst things that I have ever done, getting out was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. If the reports on critics blogs are to be believed, this reg business has only gotten worse over the years, much worse. I would love for today to be the day that a newly awakened fence-sitter shared their story of getting off the hamster wheel. Ms. B. needs a cheery departure story to bring some sunshine to the heavily overcast skies where I live. Any takers?
So very glad you’re out and posting, Ms. B! Since I got out in ’82, I never experienced the crush regging you did at FLAG. And, I even got my money back from flag, per policy! Nowadays, it’s, “All the money you give to us belongs to us even if you leave.”
Cambridge: Man, I cannot get enough of this parking-lot porn. These shots from Cambridge are right up there with the best of them. I take it you have to turn off the road and drive around to the back of the building to even SEE that two-story facade? I wonder how the Cambridge public reacted when this brilliant plan was sprung on them.
Mission Earth package: If I slip in an extra $10, can I get it *without* the music CD? Also, why is Scientology music so lame? Five decades of courting celebrities, and we can’t get one good tune out of it?
Regraded Being: Kinda painful to read this week. I mean, it’s great, but it must hit really close to home for many people.
Ideal Org stuff: I’m just not seeing *anything* here that would inspire an org member to cough up more money. What message is that HGC rendering meant to send? Do people have so many happy memories of sitting in the HGC that they dream fondly of being able to do this in nicer chairs, with lots of empty, brightly-lit space around them? And is “New Breed” supposed to reassure the Atlanta public, “This isn’t the same old Ideal Org we’ve been regging you forever about”?
My big fat Scientology wedding: “Let your special day be as unique as you are” by having it organized 100% standardly and attended by identically-dressed minions who will be scrutinizing your every move for outpoints. Well, maybe — but only if the canapes are prepared by underage Sea Org members in a windowless galley.
Maori Wars: I love this picture. Are these the guys that are gonna pay me a visit if I don’t get my IAS renewal in, like, tomorrow? Or do they just troll around the streets of Auckland beating up psychs?
Wins from GAT II: I’m 69 years old and I just redid the TRs. Thank you, “Chairman of Board RTC.” This is the saddest thing I’ve read in a while. At least the young woman got some dating advice.
I take it you have to turn off the road and drive around to the back of the building to even SEE that two-story facade?
I wonder how the Cambridge public reacted when this brilliant plan was sprung on them.
All 3 of them gave a standing ovation.
It’s the sound of one hand clapping!
Yo Dave,
You will soon be out of your misery and can assume the fetal position. Prepare your thumb for insertion and then listen for that blessed sucking sound.
Cooper, you were made for this…
“Also, why is Scientology music so lame? Five decades of courting celebrities, and we can’t get one good tune out of it?”
No doubt because like everything in RCo$ any music has to be approved by COB RTC.
Obviously “splurging on creation” is not allowed.
But in the glory days of LRH, Scientology produced masterpieces like “Thank You For Listening”
Yes, now I am sure you all know me as a staunch LRH supporter, but indeed that music of his was totally, totally “off-policy” and “out-tech”. Worst rubbish I ever heard! See – I am fair! He should have stuck to saving the universe and all beings in it.
You gotta hand it to the church. They are good at working overtime on finding new ways to make money. The wedding gig is brilliant. Since a minister has to marry you, our church members used to have to go elsewhere to marry, but now we can turn rats alley into a wedding chapel and get food done by the SO and charge only an arm and a leg and their first born. After all Ron did say to have 3 sources of income. Davey has a million sources, but they are drying up fast. The end is near.
I know Cindy, when you don’t have to pay for labor, you can make bank in the hotel and food industries. Now the rcs is a wedding planning org. Oi fucking vey!! What a bunch of off purpose activity where absolutely no one is as-ising anything.
I feel sorry for the people who had to drive in from out of town for the Cambridge opening. It was a major snow storm the day before, dangerous driving, and they probably got the parking lot cleared just in time.
I see/read these ads and my reaction is visceral, but only because I’m sick and tired of the church getting away with lies, lies, lies.
Love the first of the “Key Reasons To Become a Lifetime Member.” I can hear the reg now, “What do you mean you don’t know that you will be in scientology your whole life?” ANY ANSWER to that will bring about a written report to an Ethics Officer who will promptly handle your objections. Welcome to the dwingling spiral.
The last time I ever sent anyone new into an org was when I sent someone interested in Book One to Dallas Org. After she returned home (two hour drive), she asked me if she HAD to give to that IAS. I told her of course she didn’t, but she already had. She also never went back.
I compliment Regraded Being again on a very witty strip. “Jim” could be any number of “friends” of mine who have disconnected from me. “Bankrupted” is the term that comes to mind.
OMFG. I read the win from ASHO/ANZO by Egypt Cambell after running her “Find a substitute for a Husband.” process. Give me a frickin break ……. I wonder what her cog/5 swing f/n/ and VGIs turned up?
Something like I’ll join the SEA ORG, save the universe and who needs a loser husband that is only a bag of Dev-t to drag around who keeps me from a total commitment to the 4th dynamic.
I can see the C/Ses working out processes to make it easier to reg more kool-aide consumers into their vile organization of deception and lies.
OK! Glad I got that off my chest ……………. almost wiped the smile off my face from reading the latest from regraded being!!!!
Imagine being Egypt Crystal’s husband and reading this. Her enthusiasm for running “Find a substitute for a Husband” is just a little bit too enthusiastic to actually put into print. This may be a great process but I wouldn’t share this one with the rest of Org. Her husband ( if she’s married) has to feel like he got tossed under a really big, fast moving bus-Embarrassed is the word I am looking for,
If I was her guy I’d probably take an attitude after reading this and want to ask her, “If you’re not that happy with me and need a replacement model, what did you do to pull me in?”
Correction….Egypt Campbell
It’s probably how Shelly feels since Miscavige finds substitutes for a wife.
Weird…never heard of this process “Find a substitute for a husband”. I checked the Assist pack and the Intro & Demo processes handbook. That’s supposed to be an objective process?
Anybody ever heard of a such?
I have heard of it but I don’t have a specific reference. I would has guessed a grades process. I think the lady is oversharing but I believe it would be used on someone who felt they couldn’t get/have something or couldn’t get over the loss of something.
I think we should run a bit of group processing now. Let’s try……
“Find a substitute for a cult.”
There are probably shops on the web that sell substitute husbands–and they’ll ship in plain packages and bill discretely on your credit card.
and if your husband objects to the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology, you may even get a substitute mailed free of charge. To your workplace, but still…
The first photo is an ideal HGC? It looks so friggin’ uncomfortable! There’s nothing cozy or warm about it. The fifth dynamic (plants, fish, maybe a cat) would do a lot to make the space more inviting. But then again, it says something about the designer, doesn’t it?
” The fifth dynamic (plants, fish, maybe a cat) would do a lot to make the space more inviting.”
These things require care and time away from really on purpose 4th dynamic activities such as lying, cheating, stealing and the destruction of otherwise healthy happy families. This would never cut it in an Ideal Morgue.
You may need to volunteer for a few intensives of sec checking before you could expect these ideas to stop popping into your head.
Yo Julian,
How did I do on duplicating a truly 1.1 attitude as promoted by OSA. Let me know if I get a pass on it good buddy.
Robin, I totally agree with Coop! You keep having thoughts like that, you’ll end up as ethics bait! Now, get with the program and make sure your thought are ONLY about COB and just how great he really is! Don’t make me write up a KR on you!
I know Robin, so sterile and cold.
Mike….very funny with the reality show titled “Maori Wars”…you could also have added with the title “The Maori Wars…Meet the Haka family”…and for all those who don’t know what the term ‘Haka’ means it is an ancestral war cry and dance presentation from the New Zealand Maori tribe to intimidate and show strength to the opposition in an upcoming battle or game of Rugby. And good old Phil Barden whom I had known a while back …wow he now knows that he has a ‘new life’ after this current auditing at 69rs???..what life did he have for the 35yrs previously with training and auditing?. This is where ones ‘illusion of a new life’ is just plain ‘delusional’.
My dad lived in New Zealand in the 1940’s so we were privileged to learn of the Maori culture. One of the things we learned as children were the Hakas. It was great to be a bunch of towheads dancing around slapping their chests shouting Maori.
The first thing I thought when seeing the IAS Patrons picture was Ka Mate! Ka Mate! (Death Death). Whoops!
You had me at “Maori Wars” – still chuckling.
I never donated to “Ideal Orgs” when still in – it never made sense. But if I had done I would certainly make the trip to see what my investment had bought. Had I donated to Cambridge and seen it in the flesh in all its naked emptiness and desolation I would be asking questions – lots of questions. I did make the trip to London Idle Org around 2006 and even then it was startling just how devoid of life it was. Reliable reports recently tell me it’s only going one way – down. But the most able, upstat and ethical people on the planet see it another way entirely. It’s doing GREAT!!! This was always my problem with the logic of people like Andy Hutton. The argument went something like this: if you only did all your “basics” and REALLY duplicated AP&A in particular, all would be solved! But it seems the more people do and re-do lower Bridge, the worse things get. It wasn’t that long ago – late 80s – when I caught the early train to London org to make sure I got a seat in the courseroom. These days you can hear your own echo in the empty Idle Org courserooms.
IAS Lifetime Membership – “Donations requested by CoS for participation in auditing and training services are lower for members”.
“Donations requested..”…yeah, right…donations…that’s what they are…not fees charged like a business.
As usual, you have made my Thursday a happy day.
I love the expression on the face of the little girl in the wedding. She is probably the only one not faking it.
And the “Maori Wars” group is unbelievable. How did that get published? I thought everyone who gave to the IAS was supposed to be smiling so hard that their faces cracked.
Thanks, Mike, for starting my day off right!
Maori Wars is a perfect title. They all looked mad and like a gang in an alley ready to beat you to a pulp. Wow, this is as far from “the friendliest place on earth” as can be.
Yep, that was funny.
They look so hostile. They remind me of the picture of the new executives for the pac base, they must have a standard mad face now. They practice “TR mad face”, soooooo scary.
“Once We Were Warriors” a great film from the 90’s. Filmed in Aukland.