The ChanMan Cometh
Hold onto your wallets and valuables…
Makes me wonder often — don’t these orgs have ANY Div 6 staff to do this? They rely entirely on full time FSM bloodsuckers? Hubbard would be rolling in his grave.
Aha, found one
Actual org staff out doing “seminars”. Though I bet they have about as much clue as ChanMan on solving all these problems. Their “ideal” org in Florence Kentucky is empty.
But shout out to them for at least trying to do something themselves. Unlike the “largest ideal org on earth.”
Things are thin at Flag
They are trying to make a few shekels by inviting the locals to bring in their kids for coloring books and sticker making… This is the “Mecca of Technical Perfection”
Whatever happened to the Ideal Org?
A couple of years ago all we heard about was Gatos Ideal Org. Then pffft. Nothing. But they seem to be back. One Purpose. One Team. Go Gatos.
Ideally ideal
This place is about as ideal as a spot in the far corner of WalMart’s parking lot. But hey, if you call it “ideal” it has that certain cache. Empty.
They don’t need to build anything…
Just open the doors to the ideal morgue. A perfect haunted house.
Flag Rejects Unite
There are two remoras that live off the discards of Flag. The BelleAir Msn and Tampa Org. Funny this Mission that cannot make Clears (they must go to an org to be certified) has “made” more Clears than any Class V org on earth (not saying much)
Boldly go where no being has gone before…
Actually set foot inside the Seattle Ideal Org.
A picture tells a thousand words
This IS what it looks like. EVERY time I drive by. Their definition of an “island of sanity” is apparently similar to the “cone of silence”
How fast?
Never. You are falling further and further behind.
What this should really say…
Make your career throwing cash in a hole
Don’t tell the ChanMan
Desperate for money…
They are supposed to be supported by the orgs they service — AOLA, ASHO, LA Org. Guess they’re not making enough to keep them going
Do you think she buys it?
The magician is back to offer a “free” personality test
It’s pretty magical. Everyone who takes it find they have things “scientology can handle.”
Sad, just sad.
Half these people will have died before they make it to opening their “ideal” org
love your use of the word ‘remoras’
I love your use of the word ‘remoras’
Regarding the flag football game/movie event.
1. They spelled Bucs wrong (the team is named after Pirates, not Deer) not really enduring yourself to locals when you don’t know their football team.
2. The entire event is basically saying “come check out our government subsidized hotel and how cool it is” because they are a lucrative business masquerading as a religion.
3. To charge people a $140 room rate when scn is already untaxed is a slap in the face. A double face slap is charging locals and parading it around when scn shadily bought it in the first place and largely shut it off from the public.
FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Flying Spaghetti Monster, Field Staff Member, it’s all the same.
I have no affiliation with Scientology past or present. Some of this doesn’t make sense to me. If someone would be so kind to oblige…
1. Why would LRH being rolling in his grave? It seems to me like he set this up this “religion” to make money, so what policies is DM breaking at this point with marketing?
2. Why would Scientology celebrate any holidays in this country other than for MONEY? I guess they can’t have a Xenu Day because that’s a secret $500,000 cracker jack prize after DM eats all your cracker jacks. Bastards can’t even let you have your box of carmel popcorn !!
3. Do ex Scientologists believe David Miscaviage is ruining Scientology and if he was ousted from his “pope position” all would be fine? Or do they see it for what it truly is? Kool-aide and a $500,000 box of cracker jacks with a crappy prize at the end??
4 …AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE !! Did LRH have the nerve to use this as one of his policies or did he avoid it at all cost?? Seems like he used the meter to find the truth from people and use it against them in so many ways.
5. The Halloween Poster asks for volunteers and donations…and even offers different hats!! (Wouldn’t “masks” be what they would need?) They get so much money from all the “church” members. Shouldn’t that be used for the Halloween event? and then admission charged? Where does tax exemption serve a purpose other than for DM large and long thieving pockets? I have an idea..just put up pictures of DM all over the place. Scary taken care of..check!
6. Is Marty Rathburn (bun?) back?? and if so why?? How could or would that be possible with all the policies? Did he hit the lottery and DM say’s, “hey why not…fresh donor”?
The remarks were funny and I couldn’t help being a little sarcastic, but this is truly so sad. I would appreciate anyone that could help catch me up on some of this.
Thanks again Mike and Leah for shining a big bright light on this horrible situation.
Constructs of the human mind run the gambit.
Guess your right, but was look for a little more information than quotes I guess ex-scientologists don’t really care to educate the non.
Welcome, Beth. If you explore this site and you’ll find a lot of articles and commentary that will help answer these questions. I’d also recommend reading Russell Miller’s “Bare Faced Messiah” or Jon Atack’s “Let’s Sell Them a Piece of Blue Sky.” They’re both quite entertaining reads and will explain much about the evil empire of scientology. Best wishes, Bix
Thank you kindly Bix. Was lead to this site by the show. Not certain how to work a blog (believe it or not) but would like to know how to help this cause besides dishing out money. I’ve found that knowledge is power. I don’t want to unintentionally insult anyone. Thanks again !
Sorry Beth I have hijacked your reply line here. I was trying to reply to the one above yours but it did not work out. I probably do not have enough signal here. Well, here goes, some poor dumb bastards here, myself included, think that LRH was not a psycho from the word go. Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I believe that the man actually cared about others. IF I am wrong I accept my death sentence. I actually have more than one death sentence. The organization commanded (or at minimum) predicted my death 15 years ago. You know, I was about to give in and die, but now I think it may be useful to oppose the inevitatable will of the cult.
Wow, that comment went through. I wasn’t expecting that. You know life and communication is a reaching and withdrawing. Or at least I found that out from NOTs materials left in auditing rooms at Flag.when I worked there. Don’t worry, I wrote KRs on all the out security I found there. In fact, when an RTC mission came to FSO they wrote a commendation o the people that were keeping in security and my name was at the top of the lisr. 0f course, now that seems that maybe that wasn’t so good a idea to be in-ethics to a group which was so out ethics. They will soon get their product which is my death. They worked hard and long for it and they deserve the product of their long work. I almost feel bad for having.deprived them of the product that they worked so long for. Well, I.should probably figure out how I will continue to deprive them of their product As.soon as I fail to find a way to deprive them of their product I will be dead. Well, I hope that I will live long.enough to see you again but we shall see. That is the only real goals I have left for this lifetime.
Bill Straass you may highjack my reply line anytime. I really wish I knew more about your distress in a language I understand. I feel as if I’m visiting a different country with a minimal knowledge of their language. I sense so much agony from you and hope you may gain something from an outsider. If this seems off the wall or just a waste of time…my sincere apologies. I sense that your messages seem something different. I hope they serve whatever purpose is within them.
From the limited documentaries and articles I’ve had access to, it is believed by those outside of Scientology that LRH was genuine in the beginning but had many signs of being a sociopath. Some believe he had great distress at the end because he knew he took it too far and it was out of control. He hid because emotions were something not encouraged. Some believe he was hiding so he could find a way to correct this atrocity. Why do you believe thinking he couldn’t be genuine on some part is worth your death? I’m not certain if you’re being symbolic or painfully truthful.
Do you really believe that you will be dead before they are deprived of their product? Is this something private I don’t understand or is their another reason that you seem to continue to discuss your death? Are there many inside that you believe you’ll never see again?
As an outsider, I see a group of people with great strength and tenacity. That’s what draws me near. Anyone that could endure years of Scientology could certainly find ways of joining with the rest of the Earth and human beings with in it to bring it down and give life to those still inside. Look at it as it was your practice for something bigger than you can imagine. You’ve obviously paid for it in ways outsiders couldn’t completely understand. Yet, it’s a kind of gift that shouldn’t be overlooked. It only took one guy to start it and it can take only one guy to implode it. I believe that’s DM. His ego and abuses will set everyone free eventually. With those that left sharing knowledge it shouldn’t take long. The aftermath is the hard part.
There is forgiveness. You’re the only one that can accept it and give to yourself. If it didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be one of some that believe LRH wasn’t a complete pyscho from the beginning. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and when the truth reveals itself, it’s a double edged blade. It cuts you to the core as well as cuts out the what doesn’t belong. It allows healing when the bad is cut out.
Maybe this means nothing to you. Maybe you think I’m naïve and ridiculous. No matter, it comes from a good place.
Bill, I like your goal to oppose the out ethics corporate church of Scn and DM. And if they want you dead just make them wrong by living!
“Hats” is scientology-speak for jobs, more or less — if you get ‘hatted’, you’re given a specific role to take on. But masks would actually be pretty hilarious.
There are a LOT of specific words and phrases you will have the pleasure of learning if you become a scientology-watcher!
Thanks !! Now that makes sense !!
Also bearing in mind, Beth, that there are Scientologists who are not affiliated with the CofS yet practice Scientology in their own way. I consider myself an Independent Scientologist and I take from the tech what I want while disregarding the rest. Parts of the tech have helped me immensely while there are things in the church that I don’t agree with. Google ‘Freezone ‘ or ‘independent Scientology ‘ if you want to know more.
Quick question: What is a “Naming Ceremony?”
Similar to a Christening in that a child is formally given his/her name.
To: Mike Rinder
From: David Miscavige, COB RTC
Re: Hubbard rolling in his grave
Now you listen here, SP! I don’t give two shits about what that lardass has been doing in his grave for the past thirty years! I run things in this religion now and all must bend the knee to me or face severe ethics action! And as far as that SP friend of yours , Remini, I’ll deal with her in due time! Now that I’ve got Rathbun back in my camp it’s just a matter of time before I am supreme exalted ruler of Earth which shall be renamed Teegeeack!
Dear Mike: This Letter is scary. It just shows how deluded and evil this guy is. My god, along with everything else he thnks he wil rule earth. It is shocking. You and Leah are heroes and keep up the good work.
To: Razz
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: letter to Mike Rinder
Good! Now you’re getting the picture! Don’t put your faith in Remini! Like I said, she’ll get hers in due time!
What the hell are you talking about? I support Leah and Mike.
If you have to be OT to go OT, then why the bother to go OT? Idiots.
I am a wedding photographer by profession. When I look at the wedding party photo in the Pacifica Bridge flyer, I shudder and begin to break out in hives at the horribleness of that image. Wide angle, no tilt/shift, shot from below… GAAH! MAKE IT STOP!!
Had to laugh. A pro comparing his work to non pros. You somehow expected more? LOL (Could be the photographer was using his handy dandy Brownie Starflash, circa 1960?)
Hey hey hey now don’tcha be making fun of my Brownie Starflash. It’s bad enough that 127 is getting more difficult to find, now you gotta be all hating on the Brownie. Especially the blue one.
The Argus 75, now, you can make fun of all you want.
Do I expect more? Nope. Considering that everything in $CN seems to be done half-assed and at about a 10th-grade level at most, what else could I expect?
As a former staff member, I agree with your assessment that Scientology does everything half-assed and at a tenth grade reading level.
And I have nothing but respect for your Brownie Starflash.
Is it possible that any not wholly brain dead Still-In would not be pondering why the hell Mountain View Org isn’t booming, given its close proximity to Google headquarters with thousands of “upstats” gainfully employed earning good salaries but a stone’s throw away?
FROM: Google Global Headquarters (Googleplex), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
TO: Church of Scientology of Mountain View: 2334 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Via US 1015 – 17 minutes, 9.3 miles
Via Central Expressway – 18 minutes, 9.2 miles.
Now, is that a bad commute? Horrible traffic always? I wouldn’t know.
Point being, other than perpetually horrendous traffic, what OTHER reasons could there possibly be for Mountain View Org to NOT be FLOODED with Google workers?
OSA, what would be your opinion?
OSA, wait! Don’t answer this yet because I have more data for you to think with, courtesy of Google itself!
We’ve already established that Mountain View Org needs a lot of help even though there are over 11,000 people gainfully employed at Google less than 10 mikes away. A puzzlement, no?
Well, here’s more data that might just point the way to a Real Why for this deplorable situation.
Across the country, New York Org, and Ideal Org since 2003, has not produced a single Clear since March 23rd of this year!
Shocking, isn’t it?
Shockingly low stats, wouldn’t you say, OSA.?
And, to add insult to injury, it is my reluctant duty to report to you these dismal stats despite what Mike Rinder briefed us on a while back, i.e, that NEW YORK ORG IS ONLY ONE BLOCK AWAY FROM TIMES SQUARE IN MANHATTAN (sorry to shout, OSA, but this could be important).
Now, let me give you what Google says about FOOT TRAFFIC IN TIMES SQUARE.. Bear with me for a bit, OSA..
“Times Square is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions, claiming an estimated 50 million visitors annually. Approximately 330,000 people pass thru Times Square daily, many of them tourists, while over 460,000 pedestrians walk thru Times Square on its busiest days.”
Pedestrians. New Yorkers. Walking thru Times Square daily. 460,000 – on a busy day. So let’s be conservative and lower this to, say, a daily average of 300,000 non tourists walking thru Times Square every day.
One block. All those pedestrians. Its a lot of people.
And yet, NYO Org, despite being “Ideal” and in the thick of all this very heavy foot traffic, hasn’t produced a Clear in the past 6 months!
Assuming that the Clear made on “March 23rd” refers to 2017 and not 2016.
if the latter, then it would mean that NYO hasn’t made a clear in a year and a half!
Shocking, no?
Now, is it possible, that somehow, in some way, Mountain View Org, not being flooded with public with Google people, and New York Org, not being flooded with raw public signing up out of 300,000 daily pedestrians practically at their doorstep – could these 2 orgs which are both struggling, one Ideal, the other not yet Ideal, have something in common that is not being addressed, that is causing the downstats?
OSA, I know you have a lot on your plate, and I hope this data helps you to find a Real Why and withal an effective handling for these down statistics.
Good luck!
What’s that, OSA?
Oh, I see. Half of them walking around in Time Square are illegal PCs?
Fair enough.
Ok, lets winnow it down to 100,00 pedestrian New Yorkers not on psych drugs a block away from New York Org, every day.
Or even 50,000 people.
That’s still an awful lot of people supposedly clamoring for Scientology auditing and training, so very close by on a daily basis.
And, yet, one Clear every 6 months. That’s Non Existance. NYO’s Clear stat is in Non E.
There has to be a reason, OSA.
The Why is not God.
Again, best of luck.
You need it.
I think I love you:)))
And I know I love you for reading it 🙂
(Turned out much longer than intended.)
I stayed at a hotel in NYC right next to the Scientology Org off of Times Square. I’m a smoker and went outside every few hours for almost 7 days. At the time, I didn’t know a thing about Scientology but remembered the Dianetics commercial, which played in the window and looked to be on repeat, from my childhood. I ALMOST went in there but after a week of sitting in front of the building smoking and seeing absolutely NO PERSON going in or coming out, I assumed it was closed even though the neon said OPEN. I’m so happy I didn’t go inside!
You dodged a bullet there, for sure.
There’s a good pizza parlor close by the NYC Org…..once in a blue moon you’ll see one of the “black & white dressed cos waiters” standing outside the building……rarely however…..
Michael Lewis is representing himself as a Class VIII? Huh. I thought we didn’t exist anymore…
Thank you for that, Apple Box Boy. Do you remember in Pulp Fiction towards the end where Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames stumble into the gun shop? Remember the dude locked up in a box in the back room, all dressed in leather with a red rubber ball stuck in his mouth – taken out to be used for sexual activities by the gun shop owner and his sheriff friend? That’s what I wish for you. To live like that to end of your Sea Org contract.
Many are called, but you will be chosen. Have a nice day, Tiny Fists.
MIchael Chan, always with THAT guy.
MIchael I don’t think your words of wisdom are working.
“David Miscavige is going to jail. There isn’t any question now about it… the only question is, is how fast.”
-LRH… oops, is that the right quotation?
The question is only whether he jail before receiving.a bullet like. Lee.Harvey Oswald.
Good point. I, for one, don’t want to see Miscavige get to take the easy way out a la Hermann Goering. He needs to be brought to justice.
What does ” havingness” mean? Each time I read these funnies, new words come up and I don’t believe they are even words.
There are many Scientology glossaries/dictionaries. Here’s one from a Google search. Also, Aaron Smith-Levin’s YouTube channel called Growing Up In Scientology has offering of Scientologize. Chris Shelton’s channel may have one or two as well, but I’m not sure.
Thank you for that link it was very informative! Every time Mike puts up the Regraded Being award day I have to laugh and laugh I love the little podium and you just see the top of a little head which I assume is DM. I just ordered Troublemaker and Beyond Belief and cannot wait to read them. Going through eBay to find the rest of your reading list and see what I can get later. Love you both and I cannot wait till Tuesday but it sounds like I will have to have lots of Kleenex.
Havingness is make believe. If you can ‘have’ something, you can have everything in the universe. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
If you drop it, it’s fucked!
Scientology-speak for the condition of being in possessing or owning something.
Jesus Christ. Edit:: …of being in possession of something or owning something.
Aqua….how is that possible when COS TAKES EVERYTHING from you…..therefore it is more or less unhavingness isn’t it, LOL!
In so many words “that which a being is willing to experience/receive/have”. Example…:If I won’t allow a friend to buy me a nice lunch… and I choose the cheapest item on the menu.. my “havingness” is down. Mebbe not a great example but you get the drift.
There’s an excellent online glossary of Scientology terminology:
Hi, Sister May! It’s me again. I’ll explain the meaning of this term so you can better understand.
LRH used the suffix “-ness” to refer to a state or concept. For example, the term “havingness ” refers to possession. “Beingness” is identity and “Doingness ” is a form of action.
I hope this answers your question.
Havingness: Offspring of Lockness Monster.
Nope, they’re not actual words. They’re ridiculous words that Hubbard made up.
All the “ness” nonsense drives me nuts. It’s just so absurd.
Aw, come on, Katherine! Have you applied not-isness to your Beingness and havingness? What about your alter-isness?
What in the hell am I talking about?
I’m guessing whoever wrote the text for the Pacifica Bridge flyer (Svetlana, perhaps?) does not speak English as their first language. “Provide your wants to the ‘T'”? “Friendy and accommodating”?
I thought the same thing. But even autocorrect won’t let you fuck up FRIENDLY. See. I just tried to spell it wrong and it didn’t work.
I went downtown KC, MO this morning – the building was closed up and the cos sign was gone!
Oh my God, noooooooooooooo! The humanity! The humanity! How will they make their stats?
So…when is that building getting sold?
Miscavige’s upsetness just went much higher.
And so it begins.
I believe all of KC’s future events will be held at the local McDonalds!
You mean they’re actually going to let them in?
That’s really curious, thanks for the report on that.
Was it the location in a two-story building at the corner of E. 39th and Main?
Kansas City is one of the orgs that bought a historic building (a multi-story structure, I believe on Grand St.) about a decade ago to renovate as an “ideal” org, but has since been unable to complete fundraising. I think that a couple of the orgs in similar situations, burdened with the costs of the empty buildings and probably also dealing with Scientology’s shrinkage, have moved from longstanding locations to smaller quarters in lower rent areas.
Some promo for VM activity has been posted to Kansas City’s Facebook page within the last 24 hours, but no change of address. I don’t think Scientology is yet at the point where they’d let an org close, since that is literally a major sin (I think Hubbard called it treason), but I can see a struggling org being so disorganized as to drop the ball on a move.
Holy Xenu! Can you imagine the scares in store for you in a Scientology haunted house? I’m picturing L. Ron Hubbard’s dropped body jumping out at you from the dark, complete with long greasy hair and tennis ball-sized scalp cyst. Then there’s the torture chamber where zombie-like PCs are being tortured on terrifying implements like e-meters, human gyroscopes and oiliness tables. For a more tactile horror experience, an animatronic David Miscavige actually slaps you onto your pansy ass as you make your way through the Exec Strata Hall of Administration. The best feature though is the Fund Raising Hall of Horrors, sponsored by the IAS, where no, that’s not blood running down the walls, but the red ink of your personal balance sheet. In here the blood chilling thrills are more than just symbolic. Your wallets are emptied and all plastic is maxed. The last section of the tour is the Disconnection Does Not Exist Chamber, where bone-chilling scenarios are played out by professional actors Alley, Cruise, Travolta, Christensen, Moss and Elfman of mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, children and grandchildren “voluntarily” shutting off all contact with their loved ones until they get themselves right with the IJC.
There is so much they can do. This year’s haunted house has no room for the Child Labor Chamber, the Infant Auditing Horror Experience, the Study Tech Clusterfuck, the Ritualistic Fraud Spookfest, or so many others. That’s what keeps you coming back in future years.
OMG …how funny but so sad at the same time.
Eek! Truly haunting!!
That is so spot on – funny and yet tragic at the same time.
The hell with it. I’ll go.
Apparently the ‘Best Admin Workshop’ doesn’t include spellcheck…
but it “will serves you”…REALLY!
A church should be a community meeting place. The Church I attended while in Scientology never felt like it was open to non-Scientology events like baseball leagues, bake sales, or community events. The public events were always ‘covert’ fundraising by FSM’s like the Chan-ster, or mock events to increase attendance. Good post today emphasizing this fact, and communities should beware of the predatory financial tactics used against the GENERAL PUBLIC by these ‘Churches’.
Circling your Valley VM Wagon to the side parking lot, safer from gang taggers, was a good move. Leaving the gate open to the big empty lot across the street makes the Valley Empty Cone of Avoidance larger than the Avoidance Zone at your Information Center on Hollywood Boulevard.
Mike: over at The Bunker there’s been some comment about the following passage in Tony’s post today:
“Margie lived for a time at a rehab on Myrtle. I went to see her a few times and discovered many Sea Org members I had known from Flag. But even though the facility was not affiliated with or owned by the church, Margie was kicked out over a weekend — she was a public, and not Sea Org, and it was “out-PR” for her or her visitors to see Sea Org members who were ill.”
It would be great if the spotlight could at some point be shone on how the fake church attempts to hide away or disown elderly or seriously ill members. One for Aftermath III?
Definitely! We have so many.. I was thinking of Wally Burgess, if he is still in, is he still alive. I know David Light is not well at all and was put on part time and per a reliable source I found out he is headed to Mexico for some work there.. Church paid apparently. His heart is about 20% functioning and who knows if it worked.. or if he has even gone yet. that was about 4 months ago. If he is getting some actual help, that is a good thing. There are so many others.. and back in the day we had NO medical care outside the quack MO. I had walking pneumonia for 3 weeks before I just couldn’t stand anymore.. I was taken to quarantine and given garlic to wear around my neck, and given a pallet to lie on on the floor along with about 10 other people. That’s also when I miscarried and then a few days later went right back to work…no Doc visit to make sure I wasn’t going to go septic.. omg.. what a joke. How many aging or ill staff have been shunted away? This stuff needs to be on Aftermath
There has had to have been deaths over the years because the ill are treated this way, right? Surely not every sick person got better because of garlic and floor rest. You could have died. It pissed me off for you. I’m furious they made you go through that. I’ve had walking pneumonia and I was very well taken care of by a doctor and my family and I still felt like I was going to die.
Madge —
Your story makes me so angry and sad. I’m very sorry you were treated so badly and, as a result, had a miscarriage. Makes my blood boil.
Garlic around your neck?? What the hell did they think you were — a vampire? The utter stupidity and neglect just kills me.
-Katherine (aka JaxNGold)
David Light has a heart ?
Madge, I’m sincerely you managed to recover from walking pneumonia with those primitive remedies.
At that time, did you have a cross around your neck? Because that and the garlic may also have kept Miscavige away from you 🙂
Yes, I read that story and for the first time, I actually had to shut my laptop down. It’s one thing when you read the stories – but when there is footage that shows the ‘soul’ behind that story, well it makes it even more real. That is just ONE of the reasons why Aftermath is such a runaway success – in my opinion – because the ‘never-ins’ get to see that the victims are actual flesh and blood PEOPLE.
I meant to say that the story tore me up inside and I had to switch of for the night. Sorry.
When I googled the cult in Pennsylvania, there were only 2 that showed-Philadelphia and the South Side of Pittsburgh. The one one the South Side was just a store front that was closed due to lack of paying bills. Now the cult is trying to establish itself in Carnegie, just outside of Pittsburgh. Hopefully, Those people have seen the great work, Leah and you are doing, Mike, and not go near it. Thanks for the great Thursday Funnies as always.
Complimentary Tampa Bay ‘Bucks’ football game, sweet! Usually abbreviated as the Bucs but what’s an extra K? The Raiders and Stealers will be along in due course. And, inevitably, the Bills will show up too.
subliminal regging, Bucks = $$$ not football
I was subliminally regged once. But, the ‘sub’ fell off so I made a dash for it. The reg was a heavy set guy so he calapsed after running 10 feet. All I have now is the ‘liminal.’ I’m going to sell it on EBay.
very clever!
One of the most powerful things I see over and over is Leah saying, “People will continue to come forward. People will continue to fight.”
It speaks volumes of Leah and Mike’s commitment, and the depth of commitment they have to the truth.
They give a voice to the people that scientology has muzzled They are scared to speak out because the co$ will be after them with all the means money can provide.
With each post I read here, with every episode of the show, everything on the Bunker it makes me more angry.
I hope with all my heart that the rapes, the kidnapping, the forced abortions the human rights abuses are finally recognized and addressed.
I hope that the parents who abandon their children are prosecuted. I hope the children, finally find a voice to say what was done to them.
I also hope DM drops into a boiling vat of acid and slowly, very slowly, with many screams and much pain joins LRH in hell.
*shrug so sue me.*
Wow Jill! I take it DM has been removed from your Christmas card list?
Only if I can dig out the current carnation of LRH and send it along with the card. I would like to hear Davy explain to Ronnie what he has done to Tubbard’s empire.
OK I can be a vicious bitch given the right motivation. co$ motivates me a lot. I feel for those who are still under the kool aid haze. NOT those who continue to push the kool aid.
It’s when the target never sees it coming and no-one ever suspects it was you – now that’s bitchin a motivation! Patience and revenge, not easy to blend, it takes skill.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold”. That’s the mafia way. They chill, they make nice, pretend nothing’s wrong, then, one day, out of the blue…scary. Horribly destructive to relationships to operate this way.
I prefer NO revenge.
I’ve seen that life itself punishes injustice.. People can do bad things to you that you don’t deserve, say things about you behind your back that aren’t true. No worries. Life will punish them. Just observe it, and do nothing, and keep living well. The Bible says it another way: ” “Vengeance is mine’, saith the Lord”.
It’s been said it is better to “give then to receive”…..Well, I guess I’ve met quite a few people right here & on Tony’s blog that would like to GIVE a certain person just what he deserves……
Patience & revenge…yes, it’s worth all the wait to think someday justice will be served…..maybe I won’t live long enough to see it….but I KNOW that it will come.
I’m with ya.
No, they have to report to Target 2.
LRH in he’ll? I heard he got kicked out because Satan didn’t like that he was regging the demons.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes to everything in this comment!
I agree with you one zillion percent – if that is at all possible…..:))
I live within 10 or so miles from each of the the Stevens Creek-Mt. View-Los Gatos Org troika mentioned above, and several recent drive-bys attest that the only word these orgs need to clear is moribund. Always few cars in the lot, maybe a couple smokers out front – the usual IO status quo… They get zero, zip, nada publicity in any of the local press, nor were there any VM present in San Jose when we had major flooding problems this past winter. In what is essentially the home of social media, they have no presence what so ever in this regard. You hear nothing from the SF org as well, so Scientology pretty much is under the radar in the Bay Area…
I can confirm this too! I live right next to the Stevens Creek org and I drive by it multiple times a day. The fairly large parking lot is always nearly empty on the side where staff and public walk in- There are 5 cars at best there in a lot that holds probably 40+ cars. Scientology really is at its end.
I’m a former Bay Area resident (San Francisco and Berkeley). This is heart warming news from you bay area-ites. Mucho thanks. I’ve been in Vermont for 24 years now. I don’t think there ever was a scientology presence in this state. It might have fit, though; H.P. Lovecraft lived and wrote in the next town over from me.
As a comparison, how are the Rosicrucians on Naglee Avenue in San Jose doing ?
I’d say the Rosicrutions are doing a lot better than the orgs. Mountain View has been promoting being silicon valley org for years while trying to go ideal. Los Gatos has faded. Stevens Creek is the powerhouse of the three, and it’s pitiful. Yet there are are still quite a few here that will go down with the ship. Its really quite sad how they still cling to the church.
Back in the 60s and 70s when Stevens Creek was owned by Kingsley Wimbush – that was before all the missions were stolen by the czerch – the mission stats were always out the top. Consistently produced far more than the crippled SF org.
Time is not on the cult’s side. No new raw public. Remaining Boomers getting older and older. Sure they stay. Habit. Fear of not being “connected to Source”. So much money, effort, time invested. That’s ok. They’re getting older and older. Looking forward to pix of them on their walkers and wheelchairs in their pirate costumes and clown outfits. Sad, really.
If Christian Bernard and his compadres over at AMORC are doing better than the Scilons, that says a lot about the purported claims of ‘straight up and vertical ‘ coming out of Stevens Creek.
“…the only word these orgs need to clear is moribund”.
Funny, but sad also. The senior citizens who largely comprise the Still In Good Standing Scientology Public
demographic are, like many older people, reluctant to let go of their delusions. Delusions may be all they have left, poor devils.
My brother and his wife are two of those senior citizens. We have no contact because I’ve been declared an SP, but I still love him and am very concerned about his life and health. The last time I saw him, five years ago at our mother’s funeral, he was skin and bones. So thin and pale. He and his wife are on staff in Clearwater. He’s had two family inheritances (not a big amount of money, either one, but not chump change), which I’m sure he spent on auditing or materials or whatever the heck is the required purchase of the moment.
If I write to him, will my letters be opened by other staff before he gets them? Will he even get my letters? If he does receive them, will he be punished in some way for getting mail from a SP?
When he dies, will Scientology let his family know? If he gets sick, will he really be tossed out of the org to fend for himself, with no health insurance, no social security, no job, no nothing?
My heart was absolutely broken when I said goodbye to him at my mom’s funeral. I was crying and sobbing. Could it really be true that he was brainwashed not to care?
I hate Scientology so much. And fundamentalist Christianity, too, which has entrapped my younger brother. Even with my own psychological issues, I feel sane and solid compared to my brothers. I am so very sad to have lost both of them.
I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how much that hurts you.
Thank you, MBW.
I truly feel compassion for you, Reade. But I’d suggest letting go of the hatred. It negatively affects you, your health and your life. It means nothing to the czerch.
You’re absolutely right, Peter, I need to let go of the hatred. I’m in an intensive daily outpatient psychotherapy program now to help deal with that and other remnants of a toxic childhood and toxic family.
I am so sorry to hear this. Just do not know what to say. Perhaps reach out to a whole bunch of exes – I am on youtube ALOT and i mean ALOT – they will probably be able to help you more that I can ( I am a never-in – but i am someone that gets so pissed off by all these abuses that I try and stay on top of everything). Perhaps follow these people on social media i.e Facebook and ask questions and get opinions there? Maybe start a facebook page for people like yourself – say, by invitation only – where people can share their experiences?
Your story has truly touched me – I wish you all the best
Maria XXX000
Thank you, Maria. I appreciate your suggestion. I’ll search for an already existing site (FB or otherwise), and if I can’t find what I want, I may just start my own FB page.
Your post broke my heart. I cannot imagine having a family member wrapped up in the cult and not being able to get through to them.
To see your brother so frail and weak from years of neglect and 80+ (or probably more) hour work weeks must have been quite difficult to take.
Yes, the cult absolutely opens all incoming mail. If they deem a letter to be unacceptable — which is anything that contains any real truth about the organization — the recipient will never see it. Makes me furious that this kind of sh*t goes on in this country…or anywhere else.
I cannot say for sure what will happen when he passes, but based upon the cult’s history, it’s not good. There are tons of accounts of people who were in the CO$ who eventually left and weren’t notified when their family members passed away.
The CO$ is a cruel and vicious organization. They don’t give a damn about anything but forwarding their “aims”. Miscavige gets off on hurting people — even those who were never in the organization.
Write your brother at his home. If you don’t know where he lives, invest in one of those search places like Spokeo or Intellus and get his address that way. Don’t write him in care of any Scientology org because all org mail is opened before it gets to a staff person and the powers that be will be tipped off and suspicious that you’ll wean your brother away from staff, etc. Keep your communication line PRIVATE with your brother.and completely out of the hands of the cherch. Now, if HE brings the org your letter, that’s another story. Hope he’s not that brainwashed but you can’t discount that possibility. You can only ensure that your comm line is INITIALLY private to him in every way. Best of luck to you.
My brother and his wife live in Scientology housing, a two-bedroom apartment they share with another Scientology couple. (He told us once that their living quarters are inspected every Saturday.) If I send it to his Scientology-owned apartment, will his mail still be opened? I used to send him colored leaves in the fall (like my mother did before she died) because he missed the changing of the seasons and the gorgeous autumn color display. I know he got those because I asked his wife the few times I was able to get through on the phone to talk to her. Tree leaves are pretty innocuous. Personal letters from a SP and any kind of anti-Scientology “propaganda” are not.
KatherineINcali, thank you for your kind words. As I mentioned to Aquamarine, my brother and wife live in Scientology-owned apartments, two couples to an apartment (horrors!). I do have his apartment address. Maybe mail to him there will get past censors. I don’t want him to have to declare that he received letters from an SP and do a whole bunch of auditing or whatever because of that.
Reade, when I was a staff member at CCNashville, the mail I got at the org was opened by HCO prior to my getting it. So I imagine the Sea Org is the same.
Reade, sorry to hear about your concerns and troubles.
Are your brother and his wife just on staff, or in the Sea Org?
Unfortunately, if you’ve used your real name here, Scientology’s internal security has likely noticed it, and may now monitor your brothers’ contacts more closely.
It always amazes and dismays me, that Scientology can get away with things like opening and intercepting even US Mail.
MIchael Lewis doing an Admin Scale seminar is OTVIII, Class VIII!!!wow…two questions please for this WOG….what is Class VIII and what is the purpose of an Admin Scale seminar.???????
The short answer is money, the long answer is money, Any scio seminar is based solely on extracting money from attendees. Who runs it or what is discussed is irrelevant.
Mo money, mo money, mo money! I understand that’s the chant they use.
class VIII is a high level auditor. They can do auditing on OTs.
An Admin Scale is a Scientology written exercise done in specific steps in order to achieve a goal.
“Admin” is short for “administrative”.
Here you go Sir! The following is the admin scale. (Class VIII is the highest training level)
A goal is a known objective toward which actions are directed with the purpose of achieving that end.
A purpose is a lesser goal applying to specific activities or subjects. It often expresses future intentions.
Policy consists of the operational rules or guides for the organization which are not subject to change.
A plan is a short-range broad intention thought up for the handling of a broad area to remedy it or expand it, or to obstruct or impede an opposition to expansion.
A program is a series of steps in sequence to carry out a plan.
A project is a sequence of steps written to carry out one step of a program.
An order is a verbal or written direction to carry out a program step or apply general policy.
Ideal Scenes
An ideal scene expresses what a scene or area ought to be. If one has not envisioned an ideal scene with which to compare the existing scene, he will not be able to recognize departures from it.
A statistic is a number or amount compared to an earlier number or amount of the same thing. Statistics refer to the quantity of work done or the value of it.
Valuable Final Products
A valuable final product is a product that can be exchanged for the services or goods of the society.
thanks to all who answered my questions…. i will have more observations in the future….
Anytime, Rants.
Mike, it seems we’re seeing a lot of Michael Chan events lately. I had heard somewhere that they cut the commissions for FSM’s to 2.5% from the traditional 10% and imposed a cap of $250,000 total. So if that’s true, Mr. Chan has to work 4x as hard to make the same amount of money as in the past. And that may be causing a lot of FSM’s to get out of the business. For example, who’s heard anything from Jeff Pomerantz lately?
Have you heard anything about this?
Mike, is that right? Do you know anything about this, a drop in FSM commissions to 2.5% and a ceiling cap of 1/4 mil? Oh my, if that’s true that poses some serious insights into the decay of the financial health of Scioland. Perhaps we’ll get a decent Christmas present this year after all, more incentive for FSM bloodsuckers to seek a scam elsewhere.
This was the first I had heard of this…
I’m quite sure a 250K cap was put on IAS commissions approx 4 years ago. Haven’t heard anything about lowering the percentage or applying the cap to actual services, like auditing or training.
I’d heard about the ($250,000) ceiling cap in 2013 – at least for the IAS that was true and I’m assuming that meant all FSM’s but maybe not.
John, do you recall where you heard that the FSM commission had been reduced to 2.5% and capped at $250K?
With the cult contracting at an ever-increasing rate, I was expecting to see the commission rate go up, instead of going down. But trying to apply any kind of logic at all to $cn is, of course, a fool’s errand 😉
FSM motto: “We are the 2 and 1/2 % ers”
Tough times for FSMers. Maybe they’ll get mad and quit the cult.
Eventually, Dave makes everyone either mad or just plain crazy. Mark is the Joker and Dave is the Degrader.
True dat…
I think we should get confirmation that that is true about the FSM commissions being cut. I have not heard that anywhere. If it is true, a lot of big time FSM’s will get out or will get a job to supplement their income. Re the Valley Ideal Org on Burbank Blvd in North Hollywood, I have driven by there twice in the last month at different times and there is never any cars in the parking lot and I see no movement in the building. It is a huge building. How do they even keep the lights and air conditioning on as it must cost and arm and a leg to heat and cool and light the place?
Or, can they buy toilet paper?
Quinn now runs on a REAL treadmill to keep the lights on. LOL
He must really be getting some exercise.
I knew Michael Chan and his brother and sister very well. Michael is an extremely smart guy. He runs a multi million dollar roofing company , working one hour or so a week. They have worked on the White House. He spends his time traveling the world giving his seminars,on his dime. He has raised $ 10,000,000.for the IAS. Michael does not take an FSM commisdion from anyone,including the 10% from the IAS.At his seminars there is no regging there are no Flag regges like other seminars held off base. Michael has a big heart,which is why it is so sad so frustrating to see that he is still in the cult and refuses to see the truth. It truly baffles me how this guy can be so smart,so able ,and yet so blind.
Well, Joetheta, as the saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Bright, good hearted, unselfish and well intentioned he miay well be, but nevertheless he’s shilling for a lying, vicious, ruthless, greedy cult. Innocent or purposefully, he’s on the road to hell, If the former, his innocence will be shattered and the knowledge of how enormously he hurt people over the years will put him in hell. If he knows and is doing it anyway, then he’s already there.
Well spoken.
…and Flag doesn’t pay commiss on OT VII 6 month checks. You get someone to buy VI and VII ? great, this means you get the FSM check for any set up intensive and for VI, for the first step onto VII, but then nothing. If the PC is on VII for 10 years, paying 1800 every 6 months for c/sing, paying for one or two (or 5) intensives a year for 6 month checks, – too bad. NO commiss on that stuff.
Ask why and you are told that you are no longer FSMing the person, they HAVE to do it.
apparently it’s been this way for awhile.
It changed as you say Secretfornow a long time ago. I remember when I found out about it, I asked the FSM I/C at Flag why they took away the FSM’s comissions on OT VII six month checks? She said it was now policy. I said, but the LRH reference says…. and she looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard me and said, “Don’t talk about this and don’t bring it up.” She was in fear. She said I could take it up with Qual but told me not to bring it up. That incident told me that she knew it was squirreling the LRH refs on FSM commission, knew it was out tech, but was fearful of being thrown on the RPF if she bucked it or even let a public buck it.
Yes, this sounds predictable. Flag also twisted the FSM policy and disallows getting a commission for your spouse. Even if you got them in and on the bridge and have been getting FSMCs for the whole time, arrive at Flag and they have the balls to quote the policy to you. Husband and Wife “Cross FSMing” is not allowed. When you point out that the cross is meant as a two way thing, not just a one way flow, they say you’re wrong.
These little miserly money grab/alterations of policy made me distrustful of Flag. I always tried to go along with the PR, “The Friendliest Place on Earth” and all the other Mecca shit things, but my experiences in real life were different. It was like trying to love a parent who pinches you behind other’s backs.
(On Fear: I started indignantly ranting to my OT VII Sup about my auditor and the sups not being on VII, about how hard they work and being SO and how it’s insane that my auditor who’d been delivering OT stuff for 30 years still wasn’t on VII herself – and the sup just about peed with fear and just shut me down SERIOUSLY, good thing she didn’t have a rag in her hand, she’da shoved it in my mouth.)
Looks like Pac Base Org (the S.O. org that houses, feeds and maintains the buildings for the Pac orgs) is opening as a for profit catering & event space provider. They used to be paid (barely) by the service orgs.
A note here. Even during the late 80’s when the boomers who joined in the late 60’s-early 70’s were doing their OT levels and AOLA & ASHO HGCs were packed there was hardly enough money for crew berthing or food. Scamology was a man power intensive scam and was never viable. Even at the “best of times”.
The AO & ASHO alone had 3 local management orgs that “ran” them and consumed their income. Hubbard was a complete idiot at everything except scamming and lining his own pockets.
Wynski, that’s encouraging news there in that first paragraph!
Wow! There’s room at the Ft. Harrison to rent out to wogs?!?
How can that be? With the hundreds of thousands of Scientologists flocking to their doors…..
Hey, Chee! Let’s grab some friends, go down there, & party like it’s 1999! Oh sure, we may trash the place, but, we’ll make new friends! It’s always good to make new friends, right?
I’m in, but I want a bathrobe with a Flag logo on it, and one of those self levitating ash trays.
Done & done! You’re going to like the Flag logo! Regarding the levitating ash trays, all your have to do is lift it with your hand, and dare people to call you on it. And yell really loud…
Those romms HAVE to have listening devices NO DOUBT! I wouldn’t stay there for free.
I’ll meet you there OSD and Yawn, but something tells me we should bring our sleeping bags……just in case we can’t get a room……they might have a ‘No Wogs’ policy or a ‘No SPs’
We could go dressed as 100 dollar notes and call each other Ben, Jamin & Franklin!
Don’t. You would only be pursued by regges, the FBO, and the DFBO MORE.
How in the world does anyone have the money to do this, other than, say, celebrities?
They cash in their kid’s college fund.
Mary, the average middle aged American has normally accumulated something like around $200,000 in assets – and the boomer generation that comprises much of Scientology’s membership, often inherit significant assets from their parents, even if it’s just a house that has grown in value (especially in California). If you figure that the average scientologist probably has none of that, because they’ve give it all to Scientology and have no home equity or savings, plus that they spend a high percentage of their income on Scientology rather than on things people would normally do for themselves (buying decent cars, going on vacations, etc.), and that on top off that they may take on second jobs to afford Scientology or at least to pay off the credit cards that they have been “regged” into putting “donations” on, it’s surprising how much even an average member can come up with. The average member may not make it all the way to the very expensive pinnacle, but they may spend several hundred thousand dollars going fairly far up the “bridge,” and a lot of people who aren’t really wealthy will find the means to make it to the top.
It also seems as if Scientologists are more likely than average to take on grinding sales-type work that offers opportunities for above-average income – often working for other scientologists. And I thought it telling that when I saw some information recently about the principals of a Scientology-affiliated financial firm, almost all of the top executives (who, in positions like that, would normally be expected to be financially responsible) had histories of large tax liens or multiple bankruptcies.
PeaceMaker don’t forget that most of them have also racked up ~$100,000 in high interest loans on top of what you listed.
And you have to keep in mind that Scientologists consider credit to be an asset.
You have a card with a $10,000 limit?
Bingo! That’s $10,000 you didn’t know you had!
You just have to learn to think like a reg.
I think the Co$ should teach Reg Accounting at Sequioa University, if they are not already
I knew not a few Scientologists who shrugged and/or bragged about going bankrupt, or defaulting on taxes and other bills and instead donating the money to the cherch. When I pointed out that this was out exchange I’d get another shrug. Being out exchange with credit cards or in default on your mortgage or rent or taxes were not important to them. What mattered was not being out exchange with the cherch. Privately, I considered them mentally fucked up “on the finance dynamic” and not to be trusted. It was always a bad indicator to me.
I actually pity those poor dumb bastards. But then, they paid in cash what I paid in blood or sweat. So I should not pity them. They are no worse than I was. I am a dumb bastard lucky to even be alive.
I just love the Chanman. Wonder if he does house calls? Haven’t fed the dogs for a week.
Now that’s a great idea! We could have so much fun with the Changan! Like, tying him to a chair! That way he can’t use his arms to express himself. I’m sure other posters have great ideas too!
Count me in!
Finger licking good!!!!
What…Chanman? Will he mind?
You mean we’re going to cook and eat him?
Won’t be very tasty.
Do your dogs eat Chinese food?
They usually spit it back out.
Thanks Mike!! I needed my “fix”
How did a 47 year Sea Org vet and a 35 year Sea Org vet (who make $50 a week if they are lucky) become financial experts. And how did she become an OTVIII while in Sea Org when it costs upwards of $500,000 to become one. I wonder if the husband is jealous as he’s only an OTV. I thought Sea Org members didn’t have time or the money to become OTs.
Some Sea Org members have affluent parents or they’re trust fund kids.
At least the Sonenfelds are going together on this tour of speaking at events. That way they can be together as a 2D. Usually the church splits up the husband and wife by sending them on separate tours to opposite ends of the earth. I”d love it if while they are away from the mother ship doing this speaking event, if both of the Sonenfelds take he opportunity to blow and leave the SO.
Sometimes they hold registrar posts and get some extra cash. Then there are always those inheritance windfalls that randomly occur.
Whatever, you can be assured it did not come from earnings as a staff member or awards from the cherch for stellar stats. It always has to come from outside……somehow.
Don’t Sea Org members get free auditing like contracted staff members?
If I have been reading things right …. basically scientology purports to ‘clear’ a person of (in simple terms) their evil intentions, past transgressions etc., etc. Do they not know the history and meaning of Halloween then? To ‘celebrate’ such a holiday strikes me as rather counter-productive. JMO
Excellent snarky comments. The “cone of silence” cracked me up, remembering “Get Smart.” And “throwing cash in a hole” was perfect! Opening the doors to “the ideal morgue.” Heh heh. Great stuff!
Max was one of my boyhood greats too. Hard to imagine Don Adams from ‘Get Smart’ was a veteran Marine from Guadalcanal in WW2 and nearly died of malaria (Blackwater fever) during his service. His comic genius won him three consecutive Emmy Awards. RIP 86.
“Sorry about that, Chief.”
“Would you Believe”:…..”Missed me by that much”……”The Cone Of Silence”……& the infamous KAOS……Hieme……so well remembered & missed.
Max is on his last mission, thanks for the laughter….RIP friend!
With you — one of my all time favorites.
Glad so many picked up on the reference.
You’re remarkable, Balletlady!
OSD…..Thank you dear friend……I’d call you on my “SHOE PHONE”…..but it’s out being “resoled”…….