What it means to get ready for OT IX and X
Absolutely nothing. There is no “meaning”, there is nothing to mean about…
California Completion Gala
They’ve got 2 left. Not a new org in sight and nothing has changed with the opening of SFO, Steven’s Creek, Los Gatos, Orange County, San Diego, LA Org, CCLA, Valley, Inglewood, Sacramento… 40 million people now being “served” by 10 ideal orgs getting nowhere, will then have 12 getting nowhere.
What will be different?
What’s the point? It’s a “game” and when this one ends they will invent another. They love “games” because it is a way of avoiding having to confront reality. Do you know how many ideal orgs each making 10 Clears a WEEK it would take to Clear California in 25 years (if the population did not increase…) — 770.
I assume this is supposed to imply that unless scientology does it, Brisbane will not be calm or safe or have happy, sane people?
Well damn, I guess Brisbane is doomed then.
The “power” of the IAS…
The ONLY power the IAS has is to suck money out of people with false claims of the help they do.
Winning the game of life…
Defined in scientology as having enough money to pay for going up the Bridge, becoming a Patron with knobs on and buying the status of “18x humanitarian”
I know it’s Taipei and they don’t natively speak english, but there are only 4 words on here. Not very ideal.
Spiritual Transcendence?
Seriously? Transcending what?
So beyond imagination that…
Do the Sherminator and Miscavige actually think this sort of gobbledygook is “cool”?
The Sea Org — a presence felt by every human being on earth…
They actually said that!
Those uniforms are seriously weird. So is that stare.
Power Your Imagination…
Oddly apt.
Pay them a lot of money and you can imagine that you are cause over MEST and have complete recall of your Whole Track… That is OT.
Create an “Unsinkable Life”
Is that what Bernard Percy has accomplished?
At least they won this one…
Better than Braveheart. But still a LOT of wishful thinking.
Joburg North is opening in a matter of weeks. Just like SuMP is going to be broadcasting 24/7 by 22 June 2016…
“Incredible” completions…
TWO of them. Amazing!
And of course, You C’ONT want to miss these events. IN ALL CAPS.
Scots Humor
HAPI’s “march to Freedom” seems more like a crawl across an infinite field of broken glass.
“Ethical rogues”?
Protect our future generations at whole new orders of magnitude
WTF does this mean?
Bottom line: Mickey D is going to beg you for money so he can make some commissions.
“Designs approved”
Wow, wow, just Wow! Bring in the big guns. Scientology gets excited about smaller and smaller things. They have hype inflation.
Trying to make a little extra XMas cash at St Hill
L. Ron Hubbard would be rolling in his grave if he had not causatively departed his body for Target 2.
I assume there won’t be any discussion about the human trafficking in scientology?
Not so clever word play
Bring in the Sherminator. This is really weak.
You need some “front porch of eternity,” “spiritual transcendence” or “so beyond imagination…” — something a bit more “out there” than present (now) = present (gift)
The US Govt is sponsoring you to go up the Bridge…
Actually it is you, the US taxpayer. Doesn’t this just turn your stomach?
That makes no sense…
If Tom Cummins wants to throw money at Ideal Orgs why is he avoiding his nearest org in Orlando and giving it to some place in S. Africa?
Oh look, a We Stand Tall Party
When you talk ugly sweaters, that’s the benchmark.
If you didn’t throw up before…
Here you go. There are dozens of these things sent out every week.
Wonder if this is really “Open”?
Bet they don’t have more than 50 people (including staff)…
Bet if any readers of this blog show up it will suddenly be a not so open house.
The last hurrah before the hammer comes down?
Jeff Pomerantz tends to appear where disaster strikes in scientology. He is the original “crusader”…
What a shock…
Filing emergency. Who would have thunk it?
Ideal Org filing emergency
Even after they are “ideal” they still cannot keep their filing current, and have to ask for public to volunteer to help out. Does not seem ideal to me… But then again, I’m just an SP.
The big celebs are all going to be there…
The cream of the scientology celebrity crop that is willing to associate with them…
Bart’s parade
Do you think anyone knows who this is?
Get ready for OT IX and X LOL
They have no one left capable of interpretating the hand written materials LRH left.
Still its money spinner.
That sea org uniform belongs on a bowling team.
Bring back that designer from Italy…he knows a thing or two about fashion – oh, wait, he’s been declared.
Ethical rogues?!!!!! ?
Did a double take when I first saw Sherry Anderson, for a couple of seconds I could have sworn that it was His Demented Monstrosity in a wig and wearing earrings.
I saw the term “Real ice” and being me immediately thought, “They’ve made the rink out crystal methamphetamine?”
“Survival rundown” – start with being run over by a little red wagon and gradually work your way up to surviving being run over by a M1A Abrams Main Battle Tank. If you don’t survive the tank then you will be well and truly flatlined. Don’t be discouraged because if you’re a $camologist you get to try again and again and…until the end of the universe in several squajillions of years.
All the rest is the usual crap and begging for money.
Oh yes, a squajillion is a trillion multiplied by a bazillion + 1 years.
“with knobs on” my new favorite expression. I’m dyin here…..
Those uniforms are seriously weird on that “Dedication” poster. Who would design pants with a big star right over the crotch?
Makes me NOT want to do Super Power and stay away from Clearwater at the same time!
Good to see you making progress on your secret strategy to hunker down your cult to Christian Science Reading Room mode. The abandoned Sherman Oaks Mission location, after being cannibalized by the Valley, is now looking a lot like the Idle Christian Science Reading Room on Hollywood Boulevard near Vermont and your SuMP — DEAD.
Also, good to see that your old buddy Bob is implementing his strategy to leave you high and dry with a few pounds of whale blubber (better than his own flesh). Do you have any problems with Tony carving another notch in his own journalistic belt?
OT IX and X. Bwaaaaaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Jeezus, in 2018 it’ll be 30 Goddamned years since OT VIII was released. 30 years! What the fuck is that little twat Miscavige waiting for? How many OTs have died off waiting for this eternal salvation?
Too bad for COB there’s no such thing as OT IX and X.
I’d love it if they do get released soon tho – it should be truly laughable to find out what COB pulls out of His arse and calls OT IX and X. It’ll be even more entertaining watching the OT VIIIs who go through it either fake like it’s the greatest thing in the guh-LAX-y or finally realize they’ve been had and they really are no better than the average homo sap. Just a lot older and poorer.
That would be something to see! Scilons who forked over cash for OTIX and OTX only to find out that there ain’t no such thing! Talk about pissed off to the max!
Shades of Jim Bakker. Ahhhhh……….
“Too bad for COB there’s no such thing as OT IX and X…
I’d love it if they do get released soon tho – it should be truly laughable to find out what COB pulls out of His arse and calls OT IX and X.”
It’s depressing that the successor to the wildly imaginative Hubbard is so devoid of imagination, except when it comes to devising new ways to torment and abuse his own staff. I’m certain that if I had put my mind to it, I could have come up with a plausible OT IX and X decades ago, with a lot fewer resources at my disposal than DM has. Then again, Hubbard’s own imagination seems to have degenerated as he aged. I think most people could imagine a more satisfactory OT3 revelation than “body thetans” as the ultimate cooties. I wonder if Miscavige were less of a sadist, whether he’d have some imagination left over for writing new space opera for the OTs.
Briefing. Event. Open House. Seminar. We all know they’re the same thing: Fundraiser.
The breathless New Year event bullshit is even bullshittier than last year, which was bullshittier than the year before… Last year was going to be the biggest, bestest, most thetastic thing the world has ever seen that everyone would be talking about for years to come and I’d so regret it if someone ever asked me “was I there” and I wasn’t.
I wasn’t. Know what happened the next day? Nothing.
“Real Ice and Skating Aids”
Skating aids? OTs don’t need any skating aids. And if you are not an OT and still need skating aids, then you have committed a crime that called in your crappy skating ability. Contact your registrar to suss out your withholds.
You know why David Miscavige loves skating? It gives him another inch.
The Sacramento OT Committee used the Minion characters within their newsletter. In the movie, Minions scour the earth looking for the most evil individual to worship. Mission accomplished little buddies.
Directions for the Overland Park, KS ugly Christmas sweater contest. Grab your favorite sweater, print then attach you favorite pic of D McSavage to your sweater. Viola, Ugly Christmas sweater attire.
I check in and look at your experiences daily as blogged and all the commentary. I am speechless over your experiences. To try and make sense of nonsense like this is like living in an alcoholic relationship where everything is tumultuous and never the same thing twice in a row. You folks have my empathy and sympathy both. Prayers to Creator for complete healing. </3
Somehow Gary and Jodi Howes just don’t look all that exuberant after all those hours of objectives!
Yo Julian,
Perhaps just a wee bit more sec checking might bring a broad smile to their faces. Like maybe 50 hours each …… or so …. just sayin. You know their survival depends on it Julian!
What always cracks me up about each event is….the desperate-sounding “RSVP now!” …it makes me think someone has to account in advance the massive numbers anticipated.
Could it be that the cult is finally showing a sliver of honesty? Their con slip is showing.
Under, “Incredible” Completions it reads, “You ‘CON’T’ want to miss these events.”
And no, the two “Incredibles” don’t look happy. They look rather pained like, “I’m now in foreclosure but at least I’m in present time.”
OT IX and OT X follow in the line of OT VIII in which Hubbard declared himself in the
role of Lucifer and that Jesus was a mere pedophile.
Here are the relevant passages from Milton’s Paradise Lost. Book 2
Lucifer is speaking here:
“In which of all these shining Orbes[Earth] hath Man
His fixed seat, ..his choice to dwell;
That I may find him, and with secret gaze,
Or open admiration him behold..
So spake the false dissembler unperceivd;
For neither Man nor Angel can discern
Hypocrisie, the onely evil that walks
Invisible, except to God alone”
Hubbard was serious about his role as Lucifer.
True. And the real reason there is no OT IX is because seven ate nine…
I thought Thetan was pronounced like it rhymed with heatin’ (as in, I’m heatin’ up the stove), but seems like in an inside joke for lrh it sounds more like a lisping pronunciation of Satan. Just my observation.
LRH’s pronunciation is, probably, more than “coincidence” !!!!
Dave F.
Scientologists are or unwittingly are “Thetan Satans”? Sounds about right. And don’t most cults (and some religions) usually bring out the dogma-justified behavioral evil in human beings?
Well, its that time of year again. Still Ins, this one’s for you:
Have yourself a Cultie Little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on make sure your wallet’s out of sight.
Have yourself a Cultie Little Christmas
Use all these safeguards:
Hide your wallet, bank book and your credit cards.
Here we are at an Org Event
Like the Org Events of yore
Doing what we do so we prevent
Getting skinned alive, once more.
Somehow we will will make it thru this Christmas
If the Fates allow
We’ll avoid a bankruptcy some way, somehow
So have yourself a Cultie Little Christmas now.
I love your lyrics
Funny, Aqua
This is a test.
Whoops, forgot to delete this.
I spent 9 hours (10a – 7p) last Tuesday parked in my RV on the side street between the Valley Org and their 50-60 slip parking lot. Only 2 persons left via the front door. I suspect it was after a tour because all the rest of the traffic was from the parking lot to and from the side door.
From 11:45a -1:45p – 15 uniformed and 16 other persons arrived = 31
Durring the same 2 hours 9 uniformed and 5 other persons exited = 14
From 5p – 6:30 – 7 arrived and 17 exited
One person came in the afternoon and left a few hours later dressed differently. There are 9 parking spaces on the side of the back building and some doors along that side. I’m woundering if perhaps there is berthing for the staff.
2 times someone came with dry cleaning delivery.
There were several SO members and at least 1 OSA Mr. Janet Weiland.
I saw a wheelchaired person being pulled from the back building to the front on the 2nd fl walkway and at 3:36 2 women arrived pushing a wheelchair person in.
The Church faces Burbank which except for 4 school kids, had no traffic. They have a large spotless parking lot across the street which was empty and gated shut.
There were 24 cars in the side lot when I arrived and about the same when I left. Plus the 9 spaces inside were full most the time.
There was barely a sound from any one of them the entire time. No smiles or happy glad to see you greetings. At lunch a guy walked out and put a few books in his trunk and stood with his door open to leave while a staff member spoke with him. Another staff member came out after half hour for 10 mins and left. The guy left at 12:45.
My puppie loves people and ussually will stare out the window with her tail shaking when friendly people walk by. She did none of that and we were only 20 foot from the entrance.
So know I know for myself 🙂
Great gumshoe work, Cece, and VWD to the puppy also 🙂
Great sleuthing, Cece!!!!
The young lady clothed in the latest SO sartorial experiment, so reminds me of my Eastern European students while at the LSE; polite, poised, reserved, and always engaged, less the somewhat startled look of this attractive young lady. Her photo reinforces the prevailing belief within the critic community, that much of the current crop of SO membership, is now sourced from the developing world and Eastern Europe in particular (Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc.). I’m so saddened, when I see such bright young things, full of promise and enthusiasm, squandering their lives in support of a fraudulent, and spiritually, morally, and ethically bankrupt endeavor. I hope she uses those lovely eyes to see beyond her current existence, and can find a more rewarding use of her potential.
I will say that these new, form-fitting, apparently tailored uniforms, are a marked improvement over the past lady’s dowdy, quasi-martial 1980s nautical mashups, that looked simply appalling; polyester is hellish to maintain and work in, day-in, day-out in the normal world, so I can’t imagine how horrible it must’ve been to tolerate within the limitations of a SO existence. The positioning of star in the SO logo on her slacks is unfortunate, as it appears somewhat suggestive at this angle. At least someone’s trying to impart some sense of style and elan to these mistreated indentured ideologues… Now if they could get matching John Lobb flats for the gals & brogues for the guys, and maybe fetching grey Hermes’ scarves & ties to round off this new look…
I was going to say – credit where credit’s due – those gray pants with the SO logo are great! Wouldn’t mind a pair myself except, oh yeah…:P
i know; right? I am so shocked that they changed away from the Navel look! It this on “Source?”
This particular uniform is only for the Cause Resurgence and Superpower rundowns staff at Flag. The usual maritime naval look is still very much alive everywhere else.
I think it’s just bad layout – the SO logo is part of the promo, not printed on her trousers.
At least that’s how I saw it. Of course, who the hell really knows with SO promo?
Mike, this comment has nothing to do with the article above. I was watching an older episode of Aftermath recently, and they showed a clip of you from when you were still the Scientology spokesperson – I think you were denying Xenu. You seemed mortified by the clip and said you looked like “such a fool”. That is probably too harsh, but you are definitely not a great liar, and you looked very unhappy in the clip. The difference between that clip and you now is incredible. I hope you realize that your face today is a shining beacon of beautiful truth that nobody could deny or distrust. Keep up the great work!
“Spiritually transcendent”… Humm, the only thing transcendent here is Scn’s transcendent ability to separate one’s self from one’s money; they are indeed unrivaled and unsurpassed in this regard, though where it has anything to do with spirituality is beyond me!
I have Scottish blood.. My Texas family arrived from Alsace-Lorraine shortly after Texas independence, and my Scottish father passed through Ellis Island early last century. My fellow McGregor clansman and namesake John McGregor fought and died at the Alamo, his snarling bagpipe trading tunes with Davy Crockett’s American fiddling
I feel a connection to Scotland. When I see the title of Robert Burns “Scots Wha Hae” misused for a Scientology advertising piece it brings my Highlander blood to a Texas broil. Only arrogant and ignorant Church of Scientology bots would steal from the once and forever National Poet of Scotland for financial gain. Hello, see how we at CoS cleverly pretend to be part of Scotland’s heritage? Yes? Okay, time to donate now…
So here is the real “Scots Wha Hae”. It has more to do with freeing people from servile conditions (hello, Sea Org?) that it does with living under Hubbard’s crazy rules.
Scots Wha Hae
By Robert Burns (1759–1796)
Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led;
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!
Now’s the day, and now’s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour;
See approach proud Edward’s power—
Chains and slavery!
Wha will be a traitor knave?
Wha can fill a coward’s grave!
Wha sae base as be a slave?
Let him turn and flee!
Wha for Scotland’s king and law
Freedom’s sword will strongly draw,
Freeman stand, or freeman fa’,
Let him follow me!
By oppression’s woes and pains!
By your sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!
Lay the proud usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty’s in every blow!—
Let us do or die!
Here’s my closing thought, with apology to Burns’ “To A Louse”, 1776.
Ode To Scientolobotomys, Thieves of Heritage and Valor Alike:
Ha! whaur ye gaun, ye crowlin ferlie?
Ye ugly, creepin, blastit wonner,
Detested, shunn’d by saunt an’ sinner,
Gae somewhere else and seek your dinner.
Robert Burns poetry, stolen and mashed-up by John McGregor, aka Ammo Alamo
As a Macintosh and a Crockett, I can only agree! Burns is just as relevant today as back then.
I’m a Burns. Our family reached our eastern shores in the mid 1700s. And we have a blood link.
My mother’s father’s family came from Alsace Lorraine….French/German……they came through Ellis Island in the early 1700’s…..my father’s family came from County Cork Ireland….ahhh history at it’s best.
You’re gonna LOVE this !
Dave F.
Hilarious. “Discarding the body” is right up there with the term ‘conscious uncoupling’
Oh for the love…
That whole concept of “discarding the body” kills me. As if anyone could ever be like “Oh, I’m done with this life, dammit! Now I’m going to discard my body at will!”.
What a load of nonsense.
Hubbard apparently “discarded” his body, despite having a stroke (wasn’t that shown on the coroner’s report and/or death cert?), despite chain smoking for god knows how many years, despite probably not seeking medical attention and getting regular check-ups (and certainly never seeing a dentist..those teeth..so gross), despite having at least one prescription drug in his system at time of death because he needed it….despite…..etc.
I’d sure like to be able to discard about 100 pounds of mine, though. ?
As for Hubbard “discarding his body”, I think they should have said he “peeled his grape” or is “cruising with Xenu now” . . . LOL !
Dave F.
Ok, I just spat San Pellegrino all over my iPad. HEY! Everybody! Have you heard the new Scientology CD? “Cruising With Xenu”! With Tom Cruise on vocals (he also does a fantastic dance called The Funky Sofa Jump), David Miscavige on drums (he may be tiny, but he’s strong!) and whoever is not in RPF on base…oops I mean on Bass.
Dave —
I bet ol’ dead Hubbard wishes he could be cruising with Xenu.
Too bad there was no such thing as Xenu. Hubbard wrote an endless amount of Sci-Fi horseshit and it’s quite unfortunate that members who did OT3 bought into it.
One of my favorite people talking about Xenu is Paul Haggis. He said when he read Hubbard’s hand-written notes about OT3/Xenu that he was like “What the f**k is this?! I’ve seen it many times and it always makes me crack up!
Let us not forget the illustrious “UNIVERSE CORPS” . . . LOL ! ! !
Dave F.
Why is the Goddess of the Valley (Nancy Cartwright), wearing glasses?
She has to wear glasses??? That’s it! Scientology IS a scam! Thanks for the heads up, Nobly.
Nobly —
So much for “Clear” and “OT”. Lol.
“Find out how Uncle Sam can cover up to 50% of your bridge!”
Wouldn’t that qualify you as a DB (degraded being) for mooching off the government?
They probably don’t care, anymore, as long as they get the money !
Does anyone know exactly when OT9/10 appeared on the “bridge”? When I was in the cult in the early ’90’s I seem to recall that the grade chart went up to OT15……!!
Was this done in Hubbard’s day, or something invented by Miscabbage?
This sure ain’t no “bridge over troubled waters” . . .
Here is “The Bridge” :
Dave F.
I disagree. It truly is a bridge over troubled waters. Everything about Scientology is troubled. There’s no new people coming in. And, they’re losing the ones they currently have. Hubbard never foresaw the internet. If he’s so powerful, how come he didn’t realize the internet was coming?
Unitl I heard of Scientology, I never saw a “bridge” that takes you INTO “Troubled Waters” !
Evidently no Whales needed to be praised and adored by the little people this week.
Also, where is the “Boots In The Sky” stuff from a couple of weeks ago? (Boots In The Sky sounds like young women “recruiting” young men to join S’ology.) It sounded so absurd, I want to know more about it. 🙂
Boots In THe Sky . . .
Dave F.
I got your boots…
The “BOOTS” need to be firmly applied to Miscavige’s “AFT QUARTERS” . . . LOL !
“These boots are made for walking”
…out the door and never coming back
Thanks Dave. That was such a crock. He delivered the message like it was important, but he kept pausing, like he was making it up as he went along.
Maybe his “teleprompter” broke down . . . LOL !
Holy Keeeripies….”Your charitable donation might be able to be deducted to go up the bridge”….to nowhere? WTF??? The “donations” go in to purchasing old buildings that sit idle, huge money spent to renovate some which also seem to be empty or with minimal staff so WHERE does all the donated money go?
It SHOULD be against the law for COS to “hold money on account” for members who pay ahead of time, but never receive the services paid for. IMO that’s stealing money…you’re declared an SP, can’t enter any building to fill out the necessary paperwork to GET your money refunded…either way YOU LOSE & THEY WIN, they’ve got your money….you NEVER get what you paid for…PONZI SCHEME…..
The IRS will NOT step on the toes of the COS, too much paperwork, too much time fighting legal battles that will come about, too much wasted energy & time. Someone in the IRS approved it & decided they “were a church”….that’s the problem right there…approving their Tax Exempt Status…..can’t get around that….no one has the cojones to pull the COS plug because they will cry that they’re being picked on…..we are all religious bigots……meanwhile the pockets of a certain person are lined with cash…..
“Power your imagination, go OT”
Think about that… that’s all they have to offer and deliver to you – your own imagination!
Scientology delivers nothing. The whole game of going OT is imaginary. Quite a trick is it not? Getting people to hand over all their money, to sacrifice their future, their family, their friends, all on a make believe – that unobtainable state of existence that’s only available as a dream in their imagination. The only objective thing about Scientology is a bunch of buildings with books and emeters etc being peopled by human robots who don’t have the intelligence to actually look at what they are doing.
One could, if one employed a little of that imagination Scientology uses as currency, put two and two together and realise that Miscavige IS the leader of Scientology. He has unlimited funds and access to ALL Scientology services and has had that “privilege” for 30 something years. He surely has to be the ‘best of the best,’ example of the ultimate of Scientology’s OT technological products. If he’s got time to scuba dive in the Bahamas and hob knob with Hollywood’s pseudo elite, he’s had plenty of time and ALL the wherewithal to go OT. But like his predecessor before him, what does he do? Tells lies & hides!
Does Miscavige inspire you to be like him and seek to be the ultimate example of Scientology’s advanced technology? (If anyone answers yes to that, I’m sure there’s special rubber walled room for you somewhere isolated where your screams won’t be heard).
The Clan up at HAPI never fails to disappoint. Just when you thought they had reached Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs IX, they up the ante…
What getting ready for 9 and 10 means is Miscavige is recycling the original scam to see if it stil has traction with his any aging, , pre-dementia dumbasses. I’ll warrant it will.
Aqua, In a bad dream I saw OT9 and OTX in a golden halo above big blue. To tell you the truth it did look very aesthetic!
OT9———————————————- Stop dramatizing yourself as Lron.
OTX———————————————- Stop dramatizing yourself as yourself.
That’s hilarious Aqua!
It’s interesting to see that Boston is having their ideal org event at the office building that they bought about two years ago, while they wait to try to sell the first old building that apparently turned out to need more work than they could afford – after which they may still have to do additional fundraising, in part to make up for losses on the first deal. Unless there are remaining tenants in the newer building, they have to be keeping it pretty cold in winter to minimize expenses, so I’d imagine it would cost them quite a bit just warm the building up enough to hold an event there.
The HAPI Edinburgh “Role of Honour” with slightly more than 100 names, is probably just about their entire “field,” with only about half of them really active – that seems to be a typical org size these days, and if they were actually larger than that, we would have seen pictures with more than a half a dozen or a dozen of them in it. That number probably hasn’t changed much in 20 years, if not 40, so their target of 500 by the end of the year is about as likely to happen as having sunbathing weather over New Year’s. Once again, though, the “postulating” seems somewhat subdued and there’s not the sort of over-the-top hype of the other pieces, so I get the sense that John G. may just be a bit tired of it all.
Real ice skating AIDS. Ummmmm….the good kind of AIDS or the bad?
Good read: How to recognize a conman in business and life https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140828141437-77938080-how-to-recognize-a-social-predator-in-business-and-life Should be taught in High School.
A good read. Trouble with high school teens is that they are totally involved with hormones and sorting out life as a big picture, rather than the nuances of control and manipulation of/by others.
The Tax deduction flier repeatedly espouses “donate” before December 31st. Donation implies voluntary contribution. It has already been made clear that course work requires payment. So much for their “Ethics”. Ethics of liars is more accurate.
The eyes of SO member on the poster are vacant. She is a SeaBorg. Scary.
Is a SeaBorg similar to a CyBorg? I never realized how many Borgs are out there!
Is it odd that the SO star is placed over her “special place”? It’s as if X marks the spot. Ahem.
I dated a girl once who had a “Special Place.” And that’s where this comment ends.
“Yearly Christmas Bash and UnaBASHEDed Networking Party.”
I just shuddered, reading this. “Networking”…the new dog whistle for fundraising? T
Even with a limited background in graphic design, I know that if you miss a typo it will probably be in big type in the headlines. They often don’t get proofread.
So I guess the decision was made to call the new org in Ventura (where there are no Scientologists) the Santa Barbara org (I think there may be three Scn’s in SB) … They even have to lie about the location of an org. (SB and Ventura are NOT right next to each other.
But, Joe, they pretend that SB and Ventura are just a few feet apart. Delusional.
And actually Joe, I believe it’s in Oxnard which is even further South of Santa Barbara.
My guess is OT IX and OT X will be rolled out when LRH returns from target 2.
Gosh! Is he expected soon? I’ll need to brush up on my ‘Cult Speak.’ I’m a little rusty.
Speaking of “Cult Speak” . . .
Now that’s some funny shit!
According to Stephen Pfauth (Sarge) LRH said he had failed all the work and everything and he was leaving and wasn’t coming back. He was gonna circle a specific star that rehabs a being and he didn’t know where he would end up.
What a sissy!
Sounds like even more BS from a guy that cannot differentiate his ass from a hole in the ground. (referring to El Con)
Yo Dave,
This is what the blind leading the blind really looks like! Kiss Your ass and Your Hole good bye!
BTW, How were the stats this weak good buddy!
That comment regarding the sea org “even if they do not yet know who we are they since we are here”, that surely has to be the most idiotic comment ever made in this sector of the Galaxy.
Mike, you just don’t get it about the “CALENDER” thing — it means “CA LENDER.” They have a CA whale, that Bob guy, who will loan big buck$ to the publics for that next big honkin’ donation.
Well, they got one thing right..”The only reason orgs exist is to sell….”
…and what they’re selling isn’t selling well.
Hubbard once wrote that Scientology should be free. (don’t recall exactly where)
Hell, everything in Scientology is a “retail opportunity”. Every course, every minute of review auditing, every minute of cramming and if you fail your examination then you get to pay for the privilege of doing a course retread. Cha-ching (Examinations were cancelled per Rons Journal 68)
You aren’t going up the bridge unless you are broke. Meanwhile you are telling yourself how glorious it was auditing on OT7 for 15 years despite the fact that you didn’t really go Clear? How does THAT work? No small wonder that the most passionate and motivated critics of Scientology are former members that have long histories of contribution and accomplishments before they were pushed too far. Scientology feels justified in financially raping people because they fell for it in the first place. The end won’t come soon enough.
” How To Get Someone To Leave Scientology” . . .
Dave F.
I wonder if anyone has ever wondered where IX and X are. didn’t they claim to have them in 1986? That’s 31 yrs. ago.
Bonnie, both IX and X are in my pocket. Let me know if you want to see them.
Cheaper by the dozen is the old saying….so how come there is NO XI & XII..yet….HEY I better stop, I just gave David M another idea..
Yes you did….Now, STOP THAT!
First: “New OTIX and OTX”… where is old OTIX and X?
Second, on the HAPI flier:
a) as a Yank, seeing the phrase “Join the Clan” is just not right
b) suppressive elements probably would ‘run for cover’ in the face of the hideous sounds of scientologists marching and playing thunderous pipes and drums. Worse than a junior high marching band, I’d bet.
Lastly: that stare in the “Join the Sea org” flier is … mezmerizingly frightening.
I think though if you’re joining up with that mental case in Edinburgh, it would be the CCC (the Cute Clutz Clan) … Or maybe more aptly, the Clueless Cuckoo Clan …
Wow! I never knew Clans were cute!
Then you haven’t been to Scotland, OSD! (lots of cuties there)
🙂 And in that I have a soft spot for Fearless, I’ll show up with my arm band and Nazi Flog…er, flag. We’re very nice people, really.
Clueless Cuckoo Clan…. it does have a nice ring to it.
Beyond the stare, it looks like her jaws and one fist is clenched. Sad
I’m pretty sure they are. Their teeth must be taking a beating.
If you look back to Aftermath, Leah had the same stare in the clip shown from when she was still in and insisting that cos was the only hope of the planet.
Transcendence? This is a new fun word for them! They seem to be inspired by yoga, meditation and/or deep breathing practices. Wouldn’t that be “other” practices?
“Power of Purpose: Unsinkable and Thriving Life?”
Other practices! Other practices! Sound the alarm! Stamp them out!
“Some time in the future the islands will become the sea.” — L. Ron Hubbard
How to read this sentence? It seems pretty obvious that when islands become the sea, that means they sank beneath the waves and disappeared. Metaphail. Let’s try a new version: “Some time in the future the islands will become continents.” There, that’s better.
I am amazed that L. Ron Hubbard ever made a living as a writer, seeing that he was spectacularly bad at it. But then Dan Brown makes untold millions, so crazier things can happen.
Sea Org has 50 years of dedication, only 999,999,950 years to go. Really?!
(This is going to be a long game that LRH mocked up)
The Survival Rundown (SRD) = 100’s and 100’s of hours of Objectives. For those of you who have never been in, Objectives are processes done that get someone to look outward, kind of like just getting people to be more mindful of what is right in front of you instead of what’s in your head. Used to be one would get Objectives to get enough into “present time” (mindfulness) to confront ones case (what was in one’s head).
The SRD has become the lower end of the Bridge’s way of making money, since doing Grades now is “faster.” The OT Levels are one of the biggest money making schemes “on the Bridge to Total Freedom.” When sec checks were added in every six months to OT VII and OT VII became even longer after GAT I, this became a real cash cow for miscavige.
I know a few people who have done hundreds of hours of Objectives. One of these people was just given another estimate of 600 MORE HOURS! to do the (new and improved) SRD. CHA CHING!!!! This is straight up fraud. This person said but “it makes the rest of the Bridge go faster.” Yea, good luck with that.
The SRD is a fucking nightmare. A small battery of objectives suck well enough. Poor bastards.
Are those batteries triple A?
No, triple $$$
My friend Tom Bilecki a chiro from NJ, was staying at my house while on SRD at Flag. He did about 800 hours of SRD. He then went home to NJ,and died two months later.
Yes, a friend of mine did SRD and superpower and died two weeks later.
Made me really want to do objectives. SRD is where you are programmed to be totally comfortable in taking orders from the cult in present time.
Now that’s scary!
Scientology KILLS!
It also wounds, financially cripples & demeans anyone it touches
I, too, know of a guy who croaked on the SRD about a year ago… With stats like these, the cult should change the promo to something more accurate:
“The SRD Wins Are to Die For!”
Follow with a display of photos and quotes of “wins” by the deceased.
That list would likely be longer than their “incredible completions.”
That three of our posters know of someone who died either during or shortly after doing the SRD is quite remarkable.
800 hours of Objectives…my God in heaven.
Even God in Heaven would freak out if She had to do 800 hours of Objectives. I object to all of this crap.
“She”…ha ha… cute.
I rather you just shoot me than make me do 800hrs of that crap! OMG is right!
I Yawn, between the two of us we can fight our way out. And I wouldn’t mind…
It took me 400 hours to finish srd, my wife finished in just 180, but than had to redo everything and it took her 250 this time.
Holy shit, Victor, that’s a lot of hours! I would have gone stark raving mad.
OMG! From running around poles to looking at walls, books and bottles it boggles the imagination to even consider it much less pay for it. And people work themselves into a blind faith of belief all the while.
Welcome to $cientology!
I think you guys are all missing the point of the efficacy of these promos. When I came into scn I did so in large measure because there were so many gorgeous looking women in the SO. I shit you not! Never underestimate the idiocy of the humble homo erectus.
shhh… you’re holding what I’m missing, you know… that fixed dedicated stare!
Those were the days, when we didn’t have two brain cells to rub together and the women in Scientology were gorgeous. Boy, we sure didn’t see what was coming next hey?
Your honesty is showing Doc and thanks for the memory!
I Yawn, Scientology can help you with your thousand yard stare.
That female uniform is all about flattering her assets. I’m surprised by the low waistline on this uniform. Somebody’s been watching too much sci-fi.
Well, its certainly an improvement over the old uniforms that Sea Org girls used to wear – those jackets with the shiny buttons and shoulder pads, A-line mid-calf skirts and those shoes that made them look like their own grandmothers. Awful. I showed a friend of mine that photo of DM standing in front of a bunch of Sea Org crew back in the day. Appalled at what the women had to wear she said, in her heavy southern drawl, “Whah, Ah wouldn’t sod mah yard dressed like that.” Funny. (Well, you had to be there.)
True, but can you imagine how your average middle-aged humans will look in this?
I live in the south, so I got your story. Good one.
After seeing those new Sea Org outfits, I think I have found the PERFECT “attire” for David Miscavige !
This is what you get when a Ponzi scheme is pushed past its sell by date. That expired in 1976.
Huh. And here I thought it expired in the 50s.
No, just the end of life as we knew it.
I can deal with that.
Scientology plays with a stacked deck. That’s why you can’t win with it.
In the Old West, if a card dealer was caught stacking the deck, he got shot . . . Man, I love the Old West !
Dave F.
The International Human Rights Day promo is interesting.
The handprints all appear to have dirt on them.
Are they subconsciously admitting to ‘unclean hands’?
I guess it wouldn’t be their subconscious, it would be their ‘reactive minds’, but you get the idea….
I wonder how Matt Damon feels about his picture being used in a Scientology poster? Someone should tell him. As well, that Sea Org picture with the crazy eye girl…they have the Sea Org symbol in a really unflattering place.
“Sea Org symbol in a really unflattering place.”……I thought that was some new contest, Pope slappy and Matt Lauer had come up with……reach for the Star – Get the “Prize”!
The Sea org symbol is a rip off of the symbol of the state of Texas. Google it.
Hubbard rarely created anything original.
I already stole the prize. It’s on my mantle. And I ain’t given it up.