Many apply few are chosen
Right…. I guarantee there has not been a single person apply for staff in scientology in the last 10 years who has not been “chosen.” Not one.
Help your business explode in 2018
Sure thing Quentin. You are an expert on building businesses having been in the SO for 40 years.
BTW, not sure that exploding businesses are a thing.
What is really sick about the IAS…
People actually believe the money they hand over “is being used to save lives, save the planet and forward the goals of scientology” – the ONLY thing true about this is forwarding the goals of scientology: to make more money.
One time only….
Do you think any of the staff will attend. They sure could use some of these abilities?
And really, one time a year? There is a constant stream of these people who sell the same thing every time…
No words can do this justice…
Perhaps learning to spell the name of the country might be a good idea if you are going to be clearing it…
Perth is 2500 miles away in a different country that speaks a different language. They have never dealt with more than 50 people in their own city, let alone the 300 million people in these 3 countries. Why doesn’t scientology open ORGS in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia instead of spending millions of dollars to make an ideal org in Perth that nobody will even go into? After all, they have already “taken over” the criminal reform system in Indonesia (remember Churlya Wurfel IAS medal winner?) and brought the business sector into the 21st century in Malaysia using LRH tech…
Cause over the universe
How come Dallas “ideal” org cannot demonstrate any cause over the universe? They are apparently so empty they cannot even pay their utilities bills.
It’s more than an event, it’s a phenomenon…
True. Never have so many otherwise intelligent people bought so much utter bullshit….
What’s with the postulates?
Definitely a popular theme at this time of the year.
How amazing is it that these people who have NO track record of accomplishing anything conduct seminars to tell others what to do?
A lone Sea Org member…
I thought LRH proved they did not do well alone?
Yeah, magical dinner tickets…
You give us your money and we give you nothing except a piece of rubber chicken. Magic!
Perth is on a ROLL…
Sprinting towards completing the “letter D” before Christmas.
Oh, just 3 more days to make it go right…
We didn’t make it go right after all.
Maybe they need one of those postulates seminars?
And though they could not finish D, they have to do “E” too by Thursday night. Chance of that happening? 0%
More postulates
This is a new one. Dianetics “works permanently”? Wonder how they define permanent?
Daily Donations to Orlando
Wow. Daily? That’s pretty hard core. And really desperate…
Drew and Maria have apparently abandoned HAPI. They go where the photo ops are it seems. Good to see these ex-SO still being among “the chosen” sort-of…
I looked at that old lone sea org dude in Quebec, and one thing came to mind… Wall-E.
“Deserts to die for”? I mean, I think you’re more likely to die IN a desert than FOR one… Must be a magical dinner if they’ve managed to squeeze the Sahara or the Gobi on a plate.
How bout doing a mass Wog call to one org a week!? Trying to get as much info to the person that answers the phone tips and info on getting the hell out of there and showing them it’s all lies.
What’s one thing that could be said to wake these ppl up? A single sentence that would make them think?
Sign me up! My tradition is completely opposed to proselytizing and only accepts adults who ask to join, but this isn’t trying to get people to join CAW, it’s trying to get people out of $cientology. (FWIW: I haven’t even asked my own husband to join my tradition. It’s up to him to ask.)
I think at this time of year “Many are cold, but few are frozen” (or perhaps few are not frozen?).
And for anyone about to spend big on “life repair” in this sham “religion”, consider buying or borrowing the book “Get out of your mind and into your life” by Steven C. Hayes – if genuinely applied, it can do more than dozens of scientology courses, and for pennies rather than thousands of dollars.
Dr. Russ Harris, an Australian exponent of ACT explains it this way:
“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) gets it name from one of its core messages: accept what is out of your personal control, and commit to action that improves and enriches your life.
The aim of ACT is to maximize human potential for a rich, full and meaningful life. ACT (which is pronounced as the word ‘act’, not as the initials) does this by:
a) teaching you psychological skills to deal with your painful thoughts and feelings effectively – in such a way that they have much less impact and influence over you (these are known as mindfulness skills).
b) helping you to clarify what is truly important and meaningful to you – i.e. your values – then use that knowledge to guide, inspire and motivate you to change your life for the better.”
Act isn’t an ideology or a faux religion like scientology. It is a methodology for doing what scientology claims to do, but does it far more effectively. Moreover, unlike scientology, act is backed by real science. There are no “secret” doctrines or similar claptrap in act; it is transparently open to all – all its methods and its foundational underpinnings are available to everyone, via books and websites, videos, and audio files. To practice act, you don’t have to “believe” pulp fictional space operas or anything else, but you do need to have a genuine commitment to the process.
Many people practice act by utilizing the many excellent books that act’s founders have published, as well as heaps of how-to information in the form of text, videos, and audio files that is freely available on the web. There is a lively self-help community in the “act for the public” Yahoo group – a group where the founders of act often weigh in with practical advice for those needing it. Therapy with act practitioners is, on the whole, a lot more cost-effective than scientology. And there’s no “disconnection” policy.
Do yourself a favor and ditch the bullshit that is scientology.
Cheers, and have a wonderful 2018!
“Many apply, few are chosen” means that many are enticed to join staff by promises of training on the TTC (technical training corps), but then are instead “unchosen” and left on some “temp” post of shuffling files, or stuffing envelopes, and told that they have to find a replacement before they can be moved from that post. So then they can be not only the floor sweeper in-charge, but also a personnel recruiter.
End cycle on the old year, and start fresh? Isn’t that going into agreement with the physical universe, you know, the position of the earth in its orbit and all that?
$camology seems to be increasingly “wish” based and if wishes were real we’d all be billionaires.
Could it be that someone suffered a case of “Malasia” and had to sit down until the malaise went away?
Perth is now what? A city? A lisping cat trying to purr?
5 days left – doors open at 6PM, regging starts at 6.00.05PM.
Perth and letter D. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. Did I mention pathetic?
“Deserts to die for….” @ the OTC Postulates Dinner
THe NOI lady is Clear #68,549. Is that EVER? Seems pretty small for a “religion” with millions of followers. I was surprised they even listed that number.
Who knows what definition they have for Clear, but they may be producing a higher percentage of “Clears” among their membership than the CoS.
(from “Nation of Islam” in Wikipedia)
“On May 8, 2010, Farrakhan publicly announced his embrace of Dianetics and has actively encouraged Nation of Islam members to undergo auditing from the Church of Scientology.
Since the announcement in 2010, the Nation of Islam has been hosting its own Dianetics courses and its own graduation ceremonies. At the third such ceremony, which was held on Saviours’ Day 2013, it was announced that nearly 8500 members of the organization had undergone Dianetics auditing. The organization announced it had graduated 1,055 auditors and had delivered 82,424 hours of auditing. The graduation ceremony was certified by the Church of Scientology, and the Nation of Islam members received certification. The ceremony was attended by Shane Woodruff, vice-president of the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre International. He stated that, “[t]he unfolding story of the Nation of Islam and Dianetics is bold, [i]t is determined and it is absolutely committed to restoring freedom and wiping hell from the face of this planet.”[12]”
Re: Many apply, few are chosen: “The HGC needs staff auditors – Tough preclears. Impossible hours. But we… ”
Wait a minute; isn’t the 3rd line supposed to be “Terrible pay.”? Good grief – has this been squirreled by COB Almighty?!?! Say it ain’t so…
Correction: I believe it used to say “…Awful pay.” just before “Tough preclears.”
“All are hounded, few succumb”
I think their New Year postulates will revolve around anything to divert attention away from this controversial atomic-age ‘religion’. Like throwing Danny Masterson into the fire with the other sex predators.
Hyping the money cushioned into real-estate through-out the world is their best New Year postulate? Here’s an interesting question, why else would DM be opening new churches other than to stuff the tax-free money under the cushion that is real estate? Spearheading?! More like financially appreciating the money through a MEST investment to pull out in the future upon the infamous dwindling spiral. No other reason a head executive would throw money at a failing and empty church building.
Again, a distraction would pull attention away. Its the proverbial magic hand that distracts from their executive backroom dealings. Don’t want to work those executive SO chevaliering the golden wreath too much during the holidays.
They meant malaise, not Malasia. You know the feeling in all of scientology today.
noun: malaise; plural noun: malaises
a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
“a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise”
That friggin Quentin still around insisting that giving him your companies $ will boom your stats. What a piece of work he is. He HATED me cause I was against giving him the reserved payroll tax money. He wanted me fired. Can you imagine? giving him money was more important than the tax man, he’s such an ethical being. Not surprised he’s still around, it’s where the SP’s truly flourish and prosper in that cult.
Holy shit, what an idiotic asshole! He wanted your payroll tax money?? Christ, talk about putting a company right into serious danger. There are some taxes you can settle, but payroll tax is the employees’ money and if it isn’t forwarded, the IRS will chase the cheat down to the end of the earth forever. That’s extraordinarily insane advice!
That is so damned scientology, though. Give them your last dollar, and give them anybody else’s money you happen to be holding, and then when you’re completely fucked they’ll say you’re responsible for the condition you’re in and give us more money for auditing. Jesus.
+ 1000, Gus. Well said and precisely correct and in sequence.
Michael Lewis is going to hold a Postulate Seminar. Michael LEWIS? Perchance would this be the father of that boy who killed his elderly landlady, then her cat, then himself? THIS Michael Lewis? If so, I would DEFINITELY want to hear ALL about his postulate-making expertise! I’m all ears! Good choice, cult!
Don’t get me wrong: unspeakable tragedy can sometime occur. I’m not putting this man down or implying in the least that it was in any way his fault what his son did,
On the other hand, I have to say that he has a lot of nerve setting himself up as a person qualified to expound on postulates before a group. Methinks.
Malasia is right next to Columbia
Really? A New Year’s Eve event only comes ONCE PER YEAR? Would never have known had you not told me, CO$.
“Calling All Volunteers and visiting relatives.”
What did you do over your Christmas vacation?
I sorted a bunch of ancient, chaotic file folders down at the local cult office. That’s the last time I visit those relatives. They’re brainwashed schmucks, who used to be a lot of fun before.. before they became the kind of people who would trick visiting relatives into doing useless cult clerical rituals. Jeez!
Micheal Lewis is actually telling some truth. Postulates = ‘wish’. I know how to ‘end cycle’ the old year. I just put up the new calendar and go from there. Power FSM = someone who gets commission on whatever you buy. He is supposed to be the ultimate closer, but is actually down to working as a barker at the ‘Advanced Org LA’. Well, at least he isn’t pulling a Micheal Chan and working the crowds in Cincinnati.
And I can save $100, $200 at the door by not going to anything having to do with WISE. I can’t believe that anyone outside of $cientology has anything to do with WISE.
The NOI Sister will be ‘live’?? Why is ‘live’ in quotes? Oh, it’s just another canned sales pitch. It could be worse, Grant Cardone could be selling you used cars.
$cientology really has become an Amway clone. Without the somewhat useful cleaning products.
Yeah Michael Lewis. A few years ago he postulated getting rid of his poor confused actor son Johnny. It worked Johnny killed himself and his landlady as well and her cat.
Michael you certainly have powerful postulates. I can’t wait to go to your seminar.
Now who would I like to see go by by?
Malasia – sounds like some sort of illness, or am I think of Malaise?
I love the suggestion that you bring your visiting relatives along to help file, imagine how well that suggestion will go down.
Too funny! « Mr. Alain Pitre, Chief Petty Officer »…
Just check what « pitre » means in French!
Pitre means pitre in French but in English it means “clown” lol In Spanish it’s payaso.
I, and maybe others, are not receiving the blogs again. Problem had been fixed but appears to be back. I had to go online to find that you have started again after the Christmas break. Just letting you know so maybe Nathan can look into it. As a “never-in” I really enjoy your blog. Thanks.
I’m not getting it, either. And the little star to click like by is constantly loading, so I can’t like anything.
I also have not been receiving the blogs. I do save the old ones. So I just go and click on an old blog. I then click for the latest blog.
Hopefully Nathan, or whomever takes care of this can get it fixed soon. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s not receiving these blogs. Don’t know why it’s happening but hope it gets fixed soon. I hate to complain about this but I really do miss them.
I also quit receiving them after the Christmas blog
Me too, not getting emails for three days. Easy enough to check the blog, but I realized I enjoyed getting the email!
Do they have evil elves running around misfiling?? How many files could there freaking BE?? It comes in waves too…as though a new Central Filing International Post was filled with a fresh new Sea Org Member who replaced the last guy that failed to get the filing done…and was the Why/Who and is now on the RPF.
My business in Simi Valley started with 12 people then grew to 3,000 repeat customers and up to 6,000 individuals (they ran a race but did not going our boot camp or brought their friends/family to a free event).
Each client had a file folder with their Waiver, fitness/weight information, medical comments, notes…photo, letters, survey responses… more waivers when ran one of our trail races. I also had an electronic file with their photo and a few important details (like Emergency Contact info) we knew we’d need if something would go wrong while away from our desk (like losing a person on a trail on a mountain, a person getting injured).
Every event we’d get a giant pile of new waivers – 4 times a year.
It took us 1 hour to get those put back into alphabetical order. Add 30 minutes if my husband did it on his own. And no, we didn’t have that pre-sorting filing thingy. We used our eyes, hands and the folding table.
Sounds like you should be holding a Filing Postulate seminar, Sarita.
Why “Postulates” this time of year? Because that’s Hubbardspeak for New Years resolutions.
I took a postulate once when I was sitting on the toilet.
How did it turn out?
It made me think about it more.
Depends entirely on whether this occurred before or after his Innie Outie Rundown. OSD, could you clarify that for the group, please?
I’m stumped…in many ways.
Clear up your MUs or surf to Ethics, OSD. Your EO is the dude to your far left with a tee shirt that says “What Are Your Crimes?” . He’s about to go into the soup so give him a hand.
Scientology really did take over the criminal justice system in Indonesia and they tried passing a law last week to criminalize homosexuality. As per Hubtard’s writings.
“The first ideal continent.” Well, the “first clear continent” fizzled as a slogan some time ago, so I guess they needed a new one. Good luck with that, Perth. It makes more sense to believe in Santa Claus. Be sure and leave him a cup of hot chocolate next year, boys and girls.