Under the Sea?
As in “under water”? How amazingly appropriate…
Goal: St Louis Ideal Org Done…
In the next decade? Century? Never?
Denver “ideal org” can’t even keep their own lights on.
Elio Cervi knows…
…absolutely nothing.
But don’t let that stop you because he is an “international keynote speaker”
Opportunity of a lifetime…
…to have Michael D. Roberts try to convince you to give him your money.
The European Michael Chan
This quote…
…followed by this poster.
What does it all mean?
And Nurbolet Bek?
Reaching out…
Tampa going wild venturing to the outskirts of Tampa Bay.
But it is a reminder that in all the years it has been ideal, Tampa has not opened a single mission in Southwest FL (a territory it alone serves) — from Sarasota to Naples and the numerous cities in between totaling 1.5 million people.
Freedom and new tires?
One stop shopping?
Perth Files
Invoking the man who used to be the world’s most dedicated scientologist.
Seems “Mission Impossible” is as apt as “under the sea”
Another Perth “News Flash”
What competence level will be needed for eternity?
What is with that ring?
Probably nothing, but I it stood out to me more than anything else in this poster other than the Cheshire cat grin…
Do they really think there is a “headquarters” for the internet?
They are going to get some Google engineer on lines and he is going to reach all 3.8 billion users?
Because they “share a parking lot with Google”
What wall??
Plundering Pirates…
I often wonder why they promote their fundraisers this way?
Upcoming TV and Radio Station…
Hold on, that thing has been operating for a couple of years now? You haven’t noticed?
Gagging on delusion
WTF is this?
They are advertising their Gestapo now? Reminds me of Nathan Rich’s story of being pursued by security guards on “quads” when he tried to escape the Mace Kingsley ranch…
I saw the Tampa poster wrong and first read it as MANDATE County Fair instead of Manatee. Thinking on it, mandate is probably a better word based on the members forced to attend to make it look like a successful outreach
Did I miss something about Denver actually getting their lights shut off? I know that they must be one of the many struggling orgs that has trouble bringing in enough money to keep the utilities on, and probably, typically, is continually behind on their bills, but did it actually suffer disconnection (by the electrical utility)?
Besides a couple of attention-getting pieces like the typical uphill struggle of the Perth org to try to catch up with vast burden of their antiquated paper filing system, I was was struck by the general unrealistic tone of most of them – divorced from real-world results or specific numeric accomplishments (other than Perth’s apples-and-oranges numbers, masking the fact that they are only getting half or less of the hours per week of help, that they need), and full of wishful, meaningless “postulates.”
It’s particularly interesting to see the specific claim about an “Upcoming TV and Radio Station” – I’ve figured that SuMP would eventually webcast at least some minimal material (perhaps largely just the promotional videos they already have online, along with a bit of new production) in order to meet their promise of “reaching billions,” and they could claim a TV channel if they ever actually put their cable channel reservation to use (probably with the same sort of material), but in order to do real radio broadcasting they’d have to apply to the federal government for a license to restart the old facilities they bought, a process that can take years.
A “church” that has to be willing to destroy as well as create? Can someone explain that one?
The “Newsfolder” – The Newsletter of the Files Project – Perth
Am I the only one who thinks it odd that the Perth folks have been working on their files so long that they created a newsletter about the job?
I cannot imagine what they could be doing with those files.
Regarding Perth poster: someone, please, share with me what the term “marry up” of files means. They need hundreds of volunteer hours to do this so I’m confused on why it takes so many hours when membership is null and void.
One of the rooms full of files is labelled “marry” to “up” … Unexpected surnames, if you ask me, but this is Australia 😉
A bit like the book title “Back to Bologna.”
Marry up in this case means pair up.
Silicon Valley Ideal Org… oh my god, my sides are aching from the belly laughs from that one.
Scientologists, you are so cute. Yes, you can believe that you are on the cutting edge of technology because you have a physical building near Google….?!?
Are there a group of Supreme Being OT’s in there focusing their influence, on, … on, … well, on something!
What a charade this bullshit “religion” is.
99% of OT’s are either dead or declared SPs.
Technology is shining a light on the vast crimes committed by scientology and scientologists over the years. Miscavige only DREAMS that he could control tech. Never happening.
Scientology is a failed experiment at best, and an utter embarrassment to all adherents at worst. You really deserve the shame. Hang your heads, Kirstie, Bart, Tom, Travolta, and Handmaid.
Wake up, ye lurkers.
So, a funny thing I noticed on the “It’s all about eternity!” poster:
That image is reminiscent of the light-bending effects, accretion disk, and polar jets associated with a *black hole*. It’s infinite all right – infinite density. What better metaphor for SCN than the corpse of a star that consumes, but does not generate anything.
Marten Runow and his “International” company well and truly smell of $camology. The Australian arm of Performia’s testimonials include Christel Duffy of Yarralinda School has ties to (surprise, surprise) $camology and were investigated for rorting the system. Most of the other testimonials seem to lean towards $camology as well.
Jeez! The Perth mob take stupidity and desperation to a new level of idiocy.
AGH! That thing in the photo for “Clearing Portland” is frightening. That’s a look of insanity.
I’ve run out of things to say for the rest…coffee…of the fliers…need coffee… of the lunacy for this week.
I looked up the symbolism of the middle ring finger and the various sites said it was a symbol of power, order, balance and one said something about the planet Saturn. Anyway, seemed intentional and odd to me too.
Sorry if this info is already in comments..no time to read them at the moment. (Also the final poster is just too much for words. I can’t “like” any comments for a while now for some reason or would have just concurred that way.)
The Cult of Scientology is too stupid to UNDERSTAND this about the worldwide fallout against them.:
Exactly! They have been anesthesized and no longer have the ability of foresight…
Sharing a parking lot with google? I wonder if that means the same thing as it does in Denver (with the neighboring stadium): They’re renting their empty parking lot out to a business where things are actually happening.
I don’t think you can “meet” a “project.”
No, but you can sneak up on one.
‘Above case gain is competence’?? Yeah, you have to do 50 hours in Central Files and audit 20 hours before you can ‘competently’ go home to your very young children.
“When you manage your life with all humanity in mind, the world repays you for your efforts.” So Creflo Dollar is now the spiritual leader of $cientology? Prosperity gospel or prosperity delusions?
Talk about being controlled by a high control group. That poor little family of red heads are only missing the puppet strings to be Howdy Doody.
Silicon Valley Org shares a parking lot with Google? That’s awesome. I know the feeling. Tom Cruise’s chauffeur’s cousin dates my best friend’s son. It’s just like rubbing elbows with a celebrity.
Hi folks,
Do trained Scientology auditors and trained technology people hang out here?
Many years ago, a Scientologist in my neighborhood (was a nice guy and moved away) told me about a Rundown to help the terminal ill during the process of dying. He called it a rundown. It was not used for suicide purposes but as an assistance to leave a body that is so destroyed that nothing can safe that body anymore, like terminal cancer, etc. To make a person’s exit easier who anyway has to die.
I would like to read this rundown but don’t know where to get it, except joining the Church of Scientology. Is that rundown online somewhere? I really like to read it. Not saying that it helps or not helps, I am just intrigued by it.
Thanks to all for any serious reply to this request.
That “process” is the basis of the running program. Go and find an object in space and go around it in circles…
They ought to rename it to ‘Circling the Drain Rundown’. The Eee Pee is ‘ability to recognize that the giant sucking sound you hear is your own.’
Yo Dave,
It’s about time to wrap up another week of production good buddy. That noise you hear is the giant sucking sound of another downstat week. And it yours. Keep on paddling ……………
Ah, yes. My all time favorite Rundown of all time: Circling the Drain. Best Rundown ever created. And it’s so much fun to watch!
Hi Theo,
I think you will do better to read “Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”. I have used it several times with benefit. Scientology tech is shallow, even when they have used the Buddha works.
There are some “Assists for Someone Who is Dying” contained in the Assists Handbook (pdf link) that include a couple of mind-numbing processes such as “Look at that chair…now decide you can have it” and “Keep the left testicle from going away, keep the right testicle from going away” (repeat ad nauseum) etc., etc.
In the late 90s, a group of church members created New Era Seniors International (NESI) where “transition consultants” would do assists on the dying, “wrap up their cycles” and “take them shopping for a new body.” I kid you not.
Do you get to pick out any body you want?
The mind boggles!
Imagine being in the maternity ward, about to pop, when some sinister old pervert hobbles past, gleefully drooling at the thought of possessing your newborn. Ugh!
Can’t upvote anymore or I would at that picture. lol
On another note, what do you mean the man who “used” to be the world’s best scientologist? Did his fall from the side of the building snap some common sense back into his head through his broken foot?
why did he not do a touch assist by having himself slammed against the building a few more times?
That is just creepy about Nesi group. I knew one of the founders of the group and none of that helped her husband when he died quickly.
Theo Bands says:
“It was not used for suicide purposes but as an assistance to leave a body that is so destroyed that nothing can safe that body anymore, like terminal cancer, etc. To make a person’s exit easier who anyway has to die.”
We all die, that is a given – every human, well or sick, at every point in their life is a person “who anyway has to die.”
Scn has certain beliefs about returning again, part of their so-called religious beliefs but really part of the Hubbardian money-making scam he started in the early 50s, and refined and re-defined up until the years prior to his own death. The church has a home ready and waiting for LRH to return to, though he is some decades over due. My advice is don’t hold your breath waiting on LRH to return.
You may be thinking of what is known in the wider community as voluntary euthanasia, aka assisted suicide, and is considered by some to be a way to provide dignity in death, by others to be a crime – a form of manslaughter at least, possibly some degree of murder. Dr. Jack Kevorkian served several years in prison for his direct participation in an assisted suicide. He promoted medically assisted suicide as a way of providing dignified and painless end-life assistance to terminal patients in great pain. Though he and his adherents set up the medical-suicide equipment, the patient made the decision if or when to activate it and end his or her life.
I’ve never heard of any method aimed at assisting the death of terminal patients within the Scientology scripture, though a lot of things come to mind that would drive the patient crazy or cause them extreme discomfort, possibly hastening their death, including the Purification Rundown and other routines.
One procedure has Scientologists run around a pole until allegedly something happens – perhaps dropping dead from exertion? I don’t see how such physical activity could help a terminal patient who was not even ambulatory, much less in shape to run around and around for hours.
The Purification Rundown and some other source documents from various Hubbard writings can be found on Wikileaks. They are a bit of a tough read, especially if one has no claim to be a Scientology parishioner.
Fair warning, though – delving into the madness of LRH’s writing is a frustrating exercise in watching narcissism look at itself in a bright mirror, and liking what it sees. Hubbard is often a tough read for anyone.
I agree – I can’t get through anything he wrote. How this man made a living as a writer eludes me. No wonder people had to look up all the words – it kept them awake.
I caution you, my friend. Being intrigued with something is often a catalyst to learn and grow. However, in the cult world, an intriguing mind is a vulnerable mind and ripe for cult influence for them to blow smoke up your ass with lies, manipulation, and false promises. As you journey to gain knowledge about this “rundown”, please remember that you are reading the words of a madman, psychopath whose practices continue to abuse others and to strip others of their freedom.
Your neighbor no doubt was a nice person. Most cult members are, at their core. They are more wonderful when freed.
The cover of the book the referee in the St. Louis pic is holding: $!
That pretty much sums it all up.
Wow! That last poster for the ScieBorg was scary.
“Vee vill find you, and vee will bring you bach!” Ach Tung
Lock up your daughters… the $cientologists are coming!
All I see that is wide open is the lid to your coffin if you stick around this cult. Fortunately it is spring loaded so all you have to do is get in and relax.
There, you have just ‘secured your eternity”.
“Special mention goes to….” AND THEN, they mention no one, not even identifying the folks in the picture. For all we know, they’re an advance force of the 6th wave invaders.
I think that they are Tom Cruise and one of his “Mission: Impossible” movie teams, as the preceding photos were movie stills of TC in that franchise. In other words, good looking young actors with no resemblance to the Scio victims who are shuffling in to donate hours to the eternal CF project.
They never learn….
They’re forbidden from learning ANYthing but what Tubby pulled out of his …(keep it clean)……”track”…
Oh just say it! He pulled it out of his ass!
“Invoking the man who used to be the world’s most dedicated scientologist.”
Wait, ‘used to be’? Did TC come to his senses and leave?
I doubt it. But he lost his title because he has become a mute on the subject of scientology. He not only doesnt promote it, he doesnt defend his good buddy Dave when he is being exposed all over the media…
Hmmm… what do you think that means? Is TC trying to salvage his own PR? Is there a rift with his BFF?
Tune in tomorrow to find out.
What do you think is going on with Tom Cruise, Mike? Do you think Slappy has lost his love for the mega star who flunked? Afterall, Tom Cruise, unknowing and for reason’s only an OAT TEA with Stupid powerz would understand….
has done a SHIT TON of damage to $cientology.
Top Ten Reasons Tom Cruise has brought nothing but total failure to Scientology:
1 – well, there is the jumping on the couch.
2 – being critical of Brooke Shields
3 – 3 divorces….3 families ruined…families smashed and destroyed ….oh, wait….that is SOP in $cientology and is expected….so forget #3.
The makeup for #3 – The private and personal Tom Cruise $cientological Dating Game that was exposed for the pre clears of this planet to know all about…..
4 – suggesting to COB to purchase Idle Morgues because previous Hollywood Production Sets were not “convincing enough” – The Idle mORGue Scam was a total and utter FAILURE.
5 – arguing with Matt Lauer on National TV claiming “we are experts on the mind” ALL whilst being under the influence of serious mind control tactics and “BEING” totally brainwashed by a criminal cult
6 – The field of dreams – where Slappy Miscavige had the Int Base Slaves build a field of daisy’s for Tom Cruise and his latest Tu-Dee … to run thru holding hands ….
7 – Divorce #1 from Mimi Rogers
8 – Divorce #2 – from Nicole Kidman – where this mega star beauty was SP Deeclared!
9 – Divorce #3 – where a lowly Pre Clear completely took this Oat Tea to the Curb and had him served with a divorce lawsuit where she controlled the situation completely. Thank you Katie Holmes….that was a Suppressive Act with Honors….the effects were of epic magnitude!!
and #10 – the biggest failure of Teegack since Xenu flew the Bee Tees to this planet….
10 – The video of Tom Cruise that went viral and SPURRED Anonymous which was a devastating BLOW to the Cult of Scientology for many years!!
11. Tomcat’s PTSness to the MEST universe, as demonstrated by his ankle-breaking confrontation with it while doing his own stunt for the next Mission Impossible film.
Or it could be that he’s getting just a bit too long in the tooth to do his own stunts but is too vain to admit it.
Jeesh, he should take his cue from Clint Eastwood, another action/adventure actor type who, when he hit his 40s decided he’d better start weaning himself away from relying on his looks to get by in show business. Beginning with “Play Misty For Me”, for which he received no salary but an agreement to receive a percentage of the profits, he began his directing and producing career, relying much more on his brain instead of his looks and brawn.
But then, in fairness, after all, Eastwood HAD a brain. An organ of which to date Cruise has shown little evidence of possessing.
So I suppose we can expect TC to be making Mission Impossible sequels well into his 70s, nipped and tucked and botoxed to the max, with more skin on the back of his head than on his face, and doing his vain and narcissistic best to keep Hollywood stunt men unemployed
I personally find him rather sad. I personally liked him in “Rainman” until I discovered he wasn’t acting. That frenetic character is who he IS! He could have phoned in that role, as we used to say in the biz.
As for his wives, he married three utterly gorgeous women, two of whom were better actors than he, the turned over his next “choice” to his Emporer, tells a very sad story. His whole personality seems about 2″ deep. His bizarre behaviors seem to substitute for real life. Interesting, too, that he seems never to have even visited his multi gazillion $ “home” in Clearwater.
As to his actual relationship to the Tiny One (in all aspects), himself a total failure on the 2nd dynamic, stooping to banish his wife from public view and have her held prisoner…words fail.
A very distopian universe created and maintained in madness.
He probably could be actor of depth if in his advanced middle age he’d just put aside the pretty-boy action hero roles occasionally, but he never does. So he’s a hack – a popular, highly paid hack, but a hack actor, nevertheless, who sticks with his own brand. And at this point it doesn’t look like we’re ever going to be able to get down deep with him, because very likely he doesn’t have any deep to get down to.
Hey Mike, when are you and Leha coming back for another season of SC the aftermath???
TC might still be in: Note his PTS-ness on that last movie set, messing up that ankle and all, But the dwarfenführer stopped advertising him as a SCNist, for whatever reason; probably because TC hadn’t done anything notable in the last year or so. DM has no friends, only people who are currently useful.
“DM has no friends, only people who are currently useful.”
Whether staff, Sea Org or public, every other Still In “in good standing” follows this policy too. If they don’t, they’re either UTR and planning to leave, or they get “expelled”.
Amazing how, in hindsight, I’m seeing situations that, at the time, back in the day, made no sense to me – situations that not only pertained directly to me but to others I knew in the cult that did not involve me at all – THEIR relationships, friendships, marriages, work, etc. These relationsips seemed stable, it appeared for long periods of time that all was well, but then, one day, POOF! gone! No warning. Totally non-sequitur.
Because these connections (I won’t call them relationships) were all about any particular individual’s “use” – to the cult, albeit connected to another cultee or as himself or herself.
If a cultee’s connection with someone was considered advantageous to the cult, to Scientology, then it was encouraged, or at the least, permitted and tolerated.
But let any connection be perceived by the cult as NOT furthering or NO LONGER furthering, or damaging the cult’s interestS, well, goodbye to that relationship! No exceptions!
Good job, solid, seasoned marriage, long term friendship – bye bye!
These had, apparently, been flawed and filled with problems from the beginning, apparently!
A few Ethics cycles was all it took for them to have this “cognition” and the connection was severed as it was dangerous to their Bridge progress, or something.
I lost friends and trusted employees who were friends. I didn’t lose children, a sweetheart or a spouse. Having lost a lot of family early in life I had evolved into a mindset of considering friends as my “family” but I tell you that not because I am deserving of any special sympathy.because I’m not. I tell you this because, if, to me, having these “friends” suddenly disconnect from me was like a kind of death, then I have maybe 1/10th of an inkling of what it was, and is, for all of you who lost husbands, wives, beloved children, etc.
And all because the cult considered their connection to you no longer “useful”. Really, its that simple. No matter how how “suppressive” you were or are, if the connection was considered Useful you’d still be in communication with them because the cult would allow it.
The nerve of these Perth creeps using Marilyn Monroe for one of their cult surveys. Not sure but I think several entities exist in ownership of many of her photos. These two above look like stills from her films, one of them, “Monkey Business” if I’m not mistaken. How I’d love it it someone sued Perth’s little org ass for unauthorized usage.
I had a similar thought, Aqua, but her photos were so widely spread across the globe, they are probably now in the public domain. She was another very sad case. Her sexiness became her personality and her public life. Her dalliance with Jack Kennedy was another example of being used by powerful men.
Agreed on all, Peter. “Wasted talent”. She was naturally beautiful, effortlessly photogenic, had impeccable comedic timing, and in certain roles showed she had the depth to do serious drama too. Total tragedy.
LOL, Performia International is a nearly bankrupt company that pushes Hubtard Personnel tests. The latest customer recommendation on its own website was from an unknown, Eastern European employee 7 years ago.
I guess since scamologists aren’t allowed to use the internet they cannot fact check the “experts” the church uses.
Last conversation with Martin is had he joined up with some businesses in Russia. Probably not much business in the US.
Thanks for that Mary. Yes, the “Admin tek” has no takers here.
The guy in the “toughness” poster at the end of your post looks like he is a bit malnourished, no?
Beans and rice kinda body
Actually, a very beneficial combination. During her years in the SO, my wife tells me it was her very favorite meal, epecially with a lot of butter! She didn’t mind the boredom of it and there was always a LOT of it! LOL
for energy yes, but a body needs more nutrition than that to be truly healthy. You can usually tell when a body isn’t nourished properly, especially after long periods of time. Not always true though. Butter is really good for us indeed! I love bland foods too, my husband is opposite 🙂
I like it too. When I lived in a 3rd world country for 2 years, we ate beans and rice every day. It was a diet staple there, like potatoes would be, or pasta. Then again, we ate other things WITH the rice and beans – fish/beef/chicken and salad and fruit. Some cheese but hardly any dairy to speak of because the milk wasn’t safe. Very little bread or cake or pie because the baked goods weren’t! Plenty of rice, beans, fruit, salad, fish, chicken…very healthy. I had a 23 inch waist when I lived there, having no access to American junk food.
Ya gotta keep em lean for those blow drills ………………
Yo Dave,
Who left last night good buddy?
Even beans & rice are too good for the remaining SO idiots.
Yes, because nothing says “toughness” like a gaunt man riding a Big Wheel with a scowl on his face. Idiots.
Wondering if he’s is an actor or an authentic Sea Org guy.