Well, that’s odd…
Shane Brockdorff thinks he was sent to AOSHANZO by LRH. Strange thing, I was WDC Sea Org at that time and put together the “Command Team” with Greg Wilhere and others and sent them to set up the first new AO since AOLA. LRH had nothing to do with it.
A closed door announcement?
They don’t want anyone to know what they are announcing?
Find a Ruin Everytime
It’s easy. Just tell people they are depressed, uncertain, unhappy, irresponsible, unrealistically happy, gleeful etc etc until they agree with something. Works everytime. Or every time.
Drill how to find a ruin everytime
Seems to be the new “big thing”?
Pasadena “Mission In Charge”
Some poor Sea Org member who has been sent to “make Pasadena SH Size” — they were saying it was “imminent” two years ago. They are right on the verge no doubt. This is the REALLY important briefing that was announced 3 hours before it was supposed to happen…
Only $20 for all this?
When you can do it online for free?
Larry Gilbert…
His postulates have sure stuck good. 40 years on the same hamster wheel. I guess they just send whoever they can “spare”.
Like they are experts on this?
The reason we have racism? Let me guess. It’s the psychs.
That is one messed up Star Wars theme
Come dressed up. As a Star Wars kangaroo?
Another expert…
This guy has not managed to advance himself from CO WISE EUS for decades. Nobody in the Sea Org stays at the Cont level forever…
And how come with all his expertise and brilliance EUS remains moribund and can’t get Chicago, Philly, Detroit, Battle Creek, New Haven or any of the other empty “ideal org” buildings they have had for decades even renovated, let alone open?
Your need for a meter is…
“…not only assured, but immediate”? Huh?
“Once you’ve made going up the Bridge a priority, you’ve arrived.” Double Huh??
Oppressing First Nations…
Once again, the “champions of human rights” are going to tell everyone this is a psychiatric plot. Better plan, how about doing something to help these people?
Distributing Way to Happiness…
“…to places you’ve never heard of before.” Why? Why not in places you HAVE heard of? How about Chicago? Detroit? Venezuela seems to be in need (despite having already brought a stable society to this nation with WTH several times before)…
No greater game…
… than sitting in an empty org wondering whether pay will crack $25 this week.
Or filing…
… no greater game that this, for sure.
Things are not looking good in ideal Perth. 1200 hours behind schedule… And getting bigger every week.
A quote for the ages
Who says OT’s aren’t capable of superhuman feats? L. Ron Hubbard has never been shy about promising the moon and stars for his “tech.”
What’s wrong with Toronto?
They cannot get their shit together after 25 years. They don’t even have to buy a building!
Little old Cambridge, out in the boonies, is “helping” them get it done.
What a disgrace this “continental management org” is…
18th Humanitarian?
When do you graduate to Humanitarian Squared or something? How many humanitarians can you fit in a phone booth? These things must be sort of like BT’s. You can just keep accumulating them…
Did you know?
This claim would not pass muster at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. But they keep saying it…
PAC Base Crew
They are supposed to be supported by the PAC Orgs. Guess they are not making much money… Of course, ASHO has nothing it can deliver.
Every dollar helps…
Pastries to keep you sessionable?
Ahoy Mateys
We are set to pillage and plunder your bank accounts (and women?)
Such an enduring theme of scientology fundraising.
Here’s more pirates.
And Sheriff shooters?
Is this a good thing?
Hot off the presses…
From 1967, news about the World Bank, Cecil King and Lord Xenu.
Wish we could say more?
Really? What’s holding you back? Afraid if you said “you need to come to this event so we can recruit you for staff” nobody would show?
Frankly, anyone who DOES show is probably gullible enough to join staff. So maybe they are smarter than it seems?
Freedom Fighters…
Wait, how come this Freedom Fighter isn’t in Narconon?
They desperately need some help. They are disappearing from sight.
Pastries helped Marc Headley to be sessionable when TC was auditing him or at least he thought so. He mentions this in an interview with Jeffrey.
I love the one about he was a BlackFEET Indian blood brother.
Also, little known fact #1, LRH once crossed the street without looking both ways.
LKF #2 He once mentally counted to 50 without anyone knowing what he was doing.
LKF #3 By the age of 30 he was able to tie his own tie.
LKF #4 He lost his 7th grade spelling Bee because of the word psychiatrist.
All this false buzz and excitement, yet the crickets are deafening these days.
Who even bothers with these events anyway? It all is so… BORING!
Any scientologist reading this knows that to attend these events means to dump out your wallet or go into further debt, so why bother? Spend the money on your family at restaurant or movie. It is a lot more fun.
The Thursday reports came in today. Oh they don’t look good, do they Dave? Be honest with yourself.
it’s kind of of funny how DM/Scientology uses promo pieces, he is just using the tech, or should I say BS of LRH or his rhetoric..
I’m specifically speaking about the promo piece you mention Mike above, about as you state “Drill about how to find a ruin everytime”.
That drill is actually called the “deadly quartet”
It can be found here:
As a recruiter as being a HCO, Division 1 qualified person of having no done drugs or LSD, why I was qualified for Division 1, HCO, of an Org, and even Sea Org. And yes I went into the Sea Org for a whole week. Even met Peter Schless.
The deadly quartet is the four steps in the promo piece, or mystery sandwich used to get one to buy. LOL
Or to create interest in dianetics/scientology.
Of course, in the end, why there are no clears or OT’s. I guess there are pre-OT’s, LOL.
When is Ron coming back, since he left to study the upper OT levels, un embodied by the body?
Here’s how I used the deadly quartet,
First I would say
1. Do you think help is possible? And I would give examples of help, and ask the person if they hel[ped people?
2. Then I would explain control as start, change and stop, and give examples and ask for examples
3. I would explain communication per Hubbard’s com cycle, cause distance effect. And give examples and ask for examples.
4. Establish interest: by explaing the above, interest would be established and the person would sign a “contract” to join staff.
Hubbard did a great job of breaking down persuasion to some component parts, didn’t work on everybody, but just the “elite”,
Give up your ‘ruin’ to scientology…..endure donation blackmail for life.
I have a question… I thought that no one could go above OT VIII? But this Brockdorff guy is IX?
Training levels go to XII.
Dave would like all to think of him as a cl-ASS twelve or above
Yo Dave,
We do. BTW, how was Your 2:00PM mass? Stats up and all good? Not likely. How many Ess Pees were made this week?
Auditors go up to Class XII – well they used to, most of the people who were trained to Class XII like Russ Meadows and Karen DeLaCarriere are long gone from scientology either if their own doing or declared. Class IX refers to training, OT is a level of auditing. Here’s an example of an old grade chart showing the levels on both sides.
Confusing enough?
Thanks guys.
Everything I’ve managed to find about Crutchfield leads me to concluding that the only way she survives now is by trying to separate the sheepbots from their money. She’s just another $camology Scammer.
“Hands on workshop where you’ll learn some basic assists…” Pickpocket training extra.
Perth Star Wars Event; that ‘roo is an offshoot from the part of the Binks family that got involved in, cough. unsavoury practices.
“Ever wondered why some are more alive than others?” Hm, could it be that they aren’t dead?
The awesome food looks distubingly like el cheapo crappy junk food.
Pert filing flier shows that their desperation levels are sinking ever lower. What’s next, a begging flier from Baron Munchausen?
For a second I thought it said “The Endowment of Lioningness.” Then I scrolled down a bit and saw “Livingness” and was devastated because the former version was so much more interesting.
Coffee time, yay.
Pacifica Cafe – food shown in flier is actual serving size. Rice and bean troughs are out the back in the storage cupboard.
Rebels of Boston! Words almost fail me for this stupidity, idiocy, lunacy, moronic, and cretinous poo laden nonsense. Well it looks like I was wrong about not finding suitable words of praise.
Who or what is a Tim Bowels, oops, Bowles?
“…to launch into whole new orders of magnitude!” Yep, regging and draining bank accounts is about to go up, up, and away like what you have (hm, I was going to use never) come to expect from $camology.
Briefing on RJ67 at AOLA? How come not Ron’s Journal 68? You know, the issue where Hubbard apologizes for being “a little rough” on some people for perceived “out-tech” when in fact there was none? Or when he mentions DISCONNECTION BEING CANCELLED? …naw…didn’t think so. Nothing to see here …everyone go back to your course rooms.
Doug, but disconnection was never canceled.
I think they do not know what an order of magnitude is. Since it’s plural, that should mean at least 100 times more, if not 1,000 times, 10,000 times, etc.
ON a somewhat related thread: On Dr Oz show they were covering the natural substance called Kratom, used as a natural opiate or to get off other addictions. He had a mom on who said her kid died from Kratom and she sent the kid to Narconon and he got Kratom and used it even while at Narconon and died from it. So Narconon got some bad press on the Dr Oz show and another death traced to Narconon.
Well fancy that, Shane Brockdorff making the funnies! I know (knew him well). He’s one of the biggest ass lickers I’ve ever encountered. He CS’d a number of my PCs (and even me doing some of my OT dribble) even though I wasn’t in his Org per se. Being a go between the lowly orgs to ASHO ANZO had it’s complications, they used me for replacements for SO emergencies quite often (very little to no thanks from mgnt). Saw him at Flag a number of times strutting his stuff in the HGC over there. But he was there big as life itself in ANZO and lapped it all up when perfectly good SO auditors were stripped of their certs and sat quietly while many were declared.
He’s the type that earns exit wounds in the front.
FOOD, at some places…REAL FOOD….wow…..
Gotta love the Kangaroo outfit but then… well , it fits the occasion since it’s in Australia…….
Anyway, rumor has it that the Chewbacca costume was already rented out….
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
All around in my home town
They’re trying to track me down
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the killing of a deputy
For the life of a deputy, but I say
I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense
I shot the sheriff, and they say it is a capital offense
Sheriff John Brown always hated me
For what I don’t know
Every time that I plant a seed
He said, “Kill it before it grows”
He said, “Kill it before it grows”, I say
I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense
I shot the sheriff, but I swear it was in self-defense
Freedom came my way one day
And I started out of town
All of a sudden I see sheriff John Brown
Aiming to shoot me down
So I shot, I shot him down, I say
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy
Reflexes got the better of me
And what is to be must be
Every day the bucket goes to the well
But one day the bottom will drop out
Yes, one day the bottom will drop out, but I say
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy, oh no
Songwriters: Bob Marley
Well if you aren’t a Wog, you might be like Kelly Crutchfield, a “wonan”! ? Someone at that org needs to “postulate” that: Computers have Spell Check and that they can successfully use it if they try!
I’m not sure their TRS-80 personal computers have spellcheck.
“Buy your own drinks” and “Potluck Dinner” — You’d think billionaire masters of the universe could spring for a real spread now and then. Even if I’d never heard of CoS, that would be the tip-off that these people don’t have anything to tell you about how to live. I am much less than a millionaire and my guests still get food AND drink when invited to my home.
And I don’t ask them to do any filing!
🙂 dwarmed.
Once again, we see this in their Sermanesque PR:
Special mention to this week’s achievers. Very Well Done Everyone”
once again, WHO these folks are is left out.
As the guy who once successfully did the job, I can guarantee they’re doing the wrong things, with a “stat” of “hours”, not completed actions Sounds like I could bring my dog and play Fetch for the day and still be counted, both me and Spike.
I omitted the names — just couldnt be bothered. It takes some time to prepare these things.
I can just picture Robert Duggan’s ex-wife (?) bringing jello salad to the pot luck.
I’d of brought baked clams.
Re: First Nations event
The address for this event is in the Downtown Eastside. The DTES is rife with alcohol and drug addiction, poverty and mental health issues. The population is heavily First Nations. There is no money in this area except in the pockets of the drug dealers. The Co$ will lure these unsuspecting, highly vulnerable people in to their web, further traumatizing them with fraud and false hope. This sickens me.
Darth Vader in that Star Wars themed one…Freudian slip or intentional?
The closed door announcement is that the door is closed and you can’t leave until we make our donations target.
So Mr. Quentin Strub is going to dish on the secrets of how to be, do or have anything you want. including being “more alive”….OMG, the irony! This dramatizing psychotic Nazi-Wannabe could not, as a being, be more dead. I heard him speak at a seminar once. He put on a good act, very charming, articulate, personable. I say it was a total act because at intermission I walked by a room where he was viciously insulting and reaming out his wife and some other hapless Sea Ogre – something to do with his notes or script for the seminar. I can’t give you more info as the door was open and I didn’t want to linger there. Suffice to say he has a mean, bitter, nasty streak. I couldn’t believe the way he was face ripping his wife. Glancing in before walking briskly away I saw her standing very still in front of him with her head down while he screamed and insulted her. Hard to explain but it was shocking. For the rest of his seminar I looked at him differently, and made up my mind to avoid him from then on.
The ‘Finding Ruin’ Seminar is perhaps the most important for all Clams who ‘disseminate’. You can’t close the deal and get new meat in the door without that sales point. Why do it this way? Why have a mass meeting {with refreshments!!} to do what should be a on the job training experience? It sounds like every Clam in the area is being drafted to the body routers scam.
All the other invites and meetings sound so much like an Amway sales conference. What’s the difference between a pallet load of the ‘Basics’ in your garage and a pallet load of Amway Cleaning Products in your garage?
You can get an actual tax deduction when you donate your ‘cleaning supplies’ to a charity.
on Aussie Day, I’d love to hear what Carly the “successful business wonan” has to say.
They should of had my fourth grader proof read the Aussie Day poster before it was sent out. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now they’re using half naked mermaids to lure people to their fundraisers? Desperate times, etc. The cult needs to bite the bullet and start selling calendars: “The Gold Base Girls…The Boys of Big Blue” Leave it up to the OT committees to hawk them. Make every sheeple buy 100 of them.
Yep, that’ll make millions!
A bunch of beans and rice-fed emaciated wretches, scantily clad in torn naval garb in provocative poses… Woohoo! Sexy!
OK, laugh, ye of little faith, but there are some very attractive young women and men in the SO and I’ll BET you that calendars “The Girls of the Sea Org”, you know, in modest bikinis, nothing too racy, and then a male calendar, “The Guys At Gold” with the guys in jeans, shirtless, like the firemen or cops calendars – maybe with suspenders and the Sea Org badge that says “We come back”. would quickly go viral.
People would FOR REAL start flooding into the Morgs and it would be the 19-35 demographic the cult so desperately needs. Staff purposes would be revitalized, BIS would be out the roof, and if Miscavige put the calendars up with the other Div 6 panels everyone would be signing up for Basic Courses and starting on the Bridge to Total Freedom.
Of course, its not a very dignified or exalted way to promote Man’s Only Hope, but then what’s dignified about these goofy dress up fundraisers? They’re getting kind of tired now, and don’t work too well, if they ever did. Time for a whole new gimmick. And what’s a little flesh showing when its for the Greatest Good? C’mon!
I say COB should announce this to the OTVIIIs at the next MV this summer. “Lost PR Tech” from Ron. Found by him, of course. The real why for lack of expansion of Scientology – found! Handled! Planetary Clearing now a reality! Done the way Ron always wanted. The time is now.
Well Aqua, y’got me…
I have indeed seen some Scn hotties, with the resultant straight-up and vertical expansion knowing no bounds, and I’m sure there’s some hunks for the ladies too, so there could indeed be some potential for unadulterated cheese to burst the coffers…
It just, well, it seems so, so grubby, you know, a lot like Scientology.
Hmmm; but wait a minute, in that case, it could work! It IS Scientology!
T and A on the whole track – my gawd, you’re brilliant!
LOL! …”T & A on the whole track…” A revolutionary concept, MD. Miscavige should thank us. Fundraising is about to get a lot more fun.The California orgs are spearheading the way. Brandy Harrison has dropped her surname and is now just “Brandy” taking pole stripping lessons to prep for her breakout role at the upcoming Valley fundraising event, the theme of which is “Valley Org of the Dolls”. The Sac Org…well, never mind, that’s too dirty for this blog. Happy Weekend, everyone!
Aqua, at one point there was lots of T&A happening on the Apollo until L. Tubbolard got jealous that he wasn’t getting any so he banned all sexual activities.
Homemade lemonade and cookie tables are next maybe? Oreo’s are always a favorite.
Work on Orlando’s central files and share a bag of kettle corn and some nuts. Yup, that’s awesome!
What??? They have kettle corn & some nuts??? Sign me up! I’ll take the letter ‘R.’ Just keep the kettle corn comin’. I can do without the nuts, though. There’s plenty in Scientology.
You will have to wait til the year 2798 for them to get to the letter R. I hope you are a patient man. The kettle corn may be a little stale by then.
Race ya for ’em!
I’m waaaay a head oh you…
Ha! Well no shit, Sherlock! It’s easy to find, er get ruined. Simply roll up to any org, and you’ll be well on your way to emotional, societal, and certain financial ruin… Yep, that’s Scn, serving-up ruin for 60+ years, one wrecked life at a time…
Star Wars Kangaroo is totally the new Grumpy Cat, didn’t you know?
“At the age of six L Ron Hubbard was initiated as a blood brother…Blackfoot Indians.”
Does the Blackfoot tribe know? Any record of that?
No American Indian tribe had “blood-brothers”. It was all bunk dreamed up by Hollywood. The vikings might have had such a practice but not the Indians. Specifically, the claim was denied. The “LA Times” took a look at this tale in some detail. http://www.lermanet.com/scientologynews/latimes/lat-1h.htm
Yeah, that’s what I thought. Even if it happened, it would have been like giving a kindergartener a fire hat and letting them ring the bell on the fire engine.
The Blackfoot have no record. But if you look again you will notice he was made a blood brother of the BlackFEET Indians. That would be a whole different tribe.
I was wondering about the ‘foot’ vs. ‘feet’ thing and read the tribe can be refered to as either. However, if Chubby Hubby was ever inducted it must have been due to their desire burn him at the stake for future crimes against humanity. I just made that up like Ron made up levitation of Barc-o-loungers while the dog remains snoring on the cushions.
It seems that over time these ads/notifications are becoming more and more frenzied and absurd. Just sayin’
Re the first flyer: Carly Crutchfield’s a classic Scientology sleazeball. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/heat-on-accc-over-scientologist-tv-star/news-story/a46176ecaadb23b94085f74be9757893?sv=54160f56900af8e2cdfb6f2243ae78c2
Yo Dave,
Better find out who twinned with Joy Villa at Cee Cee on the dissemination drill good buddy. Something is definitely unflat!
Then ……I think You had better do a retread on it Yourself so You can manage the ineptness of Your high flyin staff in coaching Ms. Villa.
BTW Dave, looks like another footbullet from on high! Choke it down!
Go right ahead, doll yourself up in a bright blue suit, like ‘His Majesty’ in the film, Darkest Hour. Is that wrinkled blue suit that you are shown wearing in your propaganda rag, Free DumbShit, the same one that you wore to South Africa? Unfortunately for you, your darkest years lie ahead as prison candy.
Your ratty hair plugs and facial creases indicate that you are due for some surgical cosmetic intervention. You can hide out in your old back yard of Palm Springs while the knife marks heal. If your doc is out of arm pit hair, he may be able to extract a few more plugs from the remaining hair surrounding your shithole.
Ahhh…Cliff Woods.
They forgot to include BYORUN.
Bring.Your.Own.Rolled.Up.Newspaper so he can smack you on the side of the head while he “teaches” or “lectures” you. That’s how he “taught” me Messenger Drills.
I wonder if my hearing issues have anything to do with that happening over and over and over.
What a lowlife BULLY…
Sarita, that’s – I have no words. This is how people are “taught” in the Sea Org? Jesus!
Rolled up newspaper tech??? OMG!
So any fly I’ve swatted I’ve actually been helping up the bridge? Cool
In a smeary sort of way – yes.
Appalling! Not just a bully but a piece of shit…
“Rolled up newspaper tech???” 🙂 I’m laughing not because what happened to Sarita is funny. Sarita, its not funny. No its horrendous. That said, if there were no way to laugh about this incredibly awful stuff I don’t think I could read this blog. That’s just me. Kind of hard to explain. .
Yeah, it’s disgusting. Saw some crap like that at boarding college too, It happens in places where the victims can’t fight back, such as Scientology. You got to laugh at it as kind of a therapy to dismiss it from your mind. But it’s horrific to be at the receiving end of such treatment. Certain things I’ll never forget and are on the back burner, even though I joke about them
Yawn, I get it, totally.
I assume these invitations are actually the climax of each event. All this begging for people to show, promises of big, secret announcements and food show a glimpse into borderline desperation perhaps?
“SOMEBODY PLEASE TURN UP!! We’ll have cookies!”
Then after a small turnout, the big reveal, the obligatory clapping and photo ops- nothing. No follow through, no progress. Just on to the next cheesy invitation to the next worthless gala.
Also, the “Who shot the sheriff” one is stupid. It starts out with pirates and slides into the Wild West. What do pirates have to do with the Sheriff and his more fortunate deputy?
Nothing has to do with anything. These promo writers are beyond desperate for something, anything that will catch the sheeples’ attention and get them to show up to one of these things.
As for the pirate obsession my guess is that they’re following a Scientology formula which directs you to go back to what was once successful, and do THAT again.
In other words, at some time in the past somebody cooked up the pirate idea and it attracted attention and got people to show up, It worked! Yay! This is then categorized as a “successful action”. It was a good gimmick and did the job once or twice.
Fast forward to now.
Assuredly at this point everyone is fucking sick up to their eyeballs with pirates in particular and ALL fundraising in general no matter what the theme is – Wild West, Camelot, etc. so they’re NOT responding much to ANYTHING. Big problem for the promo writers!
They’re not allowed to entertain the concept that the Sheeple LOATHE these invitations (which they absolutely do) no matter what food is being offered, no matter how they are invited to dress up. They’re not allowed to confront and DEAL IN THEIR PROMO with the fact that the sheeple will use ANY legit excuse to duck out of being there. They have to pretend that its their PROMO which doesn’t “draw”.
They KNOW the Real Why for poor attendance at fundraising event. tThey KNOW these events are DREADED by the sheeple. But never mind, they STILL have to pretend they don’t know this and produce something that will draw people in. Thus, they revert back to once worked, whether its pirates or cowbodys or rock and roll evenings or whatever.
As for the shivering sheeple trying to grow back a little fleece after their last shearing, reading this promo, knowing as sure as God made daisies that they’re going to get sheared again, they’ll do WHATEVER they safely can to NOT be there, but if they do get roped or shamed into going, the kicker is that they can’t even show their misery. No, they have to pretend how excited and happy they are, and how much FUN it all is!
And, yes, I’m being serious. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating for the sake of humor and sarcasm (which we all know I do occasionally) but anyone who was once in the cult for any length of time will tell you this is how they roll.
What is so sad, to me, is that in the end it is all such a waste of time. They are forced to attend, have to pretend they are SO happy to be there, get fleeced, as you say but there is no positive end result. No growth for the Org. No return for the fleecing. Just more money in the COS coffers.
Such a scam!
Yes, that is what is sad; no good done for or by anyone, no positive result, no one made happy, no one helped, and everyone involved harmed, even the cult itself, because Co$ loses people this way. Its beyond sad, tragic, actually. Very hard to confront.
Well…there’s been a well known (at least by some) poster/bumper sticker out there that says:
“Come To The Dark Side…..We Have Cookies”……….hmmmmm, that might do well…
The PAC complex(big blue) is now advertising for use of their spaces?
OMG they are really getting hard up for new body traffic and income.
“If Celebrity Centre can do it why not us.” That place is pretty costly to run.
I’d like to see what the parking lot looks like on a typical weekday.
First entry from Australia. 3rd graders put this together.
“Carly Crutchfield
Successful business wonan, starred in Seccret Millionaire episode”
And “meat pies for the real aussies”. Does that mean there are lots of fake aussies who will be attending?
Well Mike I remember that Mission also. Sandy told me that Greg was being fired on a WDC Mission. I saw parts of it as FSO had to give up LOTS of tech people. (In violation of one or more F.O.’s ) Naughty, naughty Mike 🙂
The M.O.s were NOT by LRH.
As I say, “If it isn’t a lie, it isn’t Scientology.”
That’s why when Scientologists speak, it’s always a lie. Always…
I wonder if they dream in lies too?
Oh! No bout a doubt it!
It’s hard to imagine much worse than coming off drugs surrounded by Scientologists. The stuff that nightmares are made of…
Lol….I would immediately do another line acid drop…