Still pirating
Not much gold to plunder in the streets of Battle Creek…
That’s some fine Photoshop work…
And some good typing too. If you are going to write in english, perhaps get someone to check it first.
Scots Humor
It’s always entertaining to watch the brave scots continue to cheer themselves on in their hopeless quest.
Robbie Burns was so distressed he had to wear sunglasses.
Only £100 to hear…
…another blowhard tell you how to make money so he can take it from you…
But it will be a “soul-shaking evening” apparently. I wonder if that is a reference to holding you upside down and shaking until the last pennies fall out of your pockets and you are free to leave?
That’s interesting
How come nobody can do it? Including L. Ron Hubbard?
Location to be revealed…
Wednesday 2pm?
A big turnout for this one no doubt.
The strategy to Clear Northern California…
Don’t do anything with the ideal orgs in SFO, Sacramento, Stevens Creek, Los Gatos. No, wait until there is one in “Silicon Valley” (actually, the 3rd in the “South Bay” area) and THEN get started clearing Northern California. Jeez guys, San Francisco ought to be a done by now? That was one of the first 4 ideal orgs!!!
Wish we could say more…
Actually, they wish they had something more to SAY other than “give us your money for a different org down the road.”
VMs needed, but they didn’t show up…
Escape the Matrix
They don’t get the irony of this?
The Wizard of Cause…
Then why the hell isn’t he in Atlanta causing something legendary about the fact that his org is completely EMPTY?
Sunday is Respiration day…
This is for the various dead bodies lying around London org who expired in a corner of the building nobody has been into for 4 years.
Double St Hill size…
Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah, they have been announcing this for 3+ years now. Still not made it.
But LRH says it only takes a “short time” and it was done in Boston in just a few weeks.
There must be some serious out-KSW off-purpose, off-sourciness happening in Tampa.
It’s SO veteran Wick Allcott
I know Wick Allcock, the SO Veteran shoplifter from the Apollo. But never heard of Wick Allcott.
For heaven’s sake guys you could at least spell this big celebrity’s name right…
Them’s some big claims…
They seem to be sincere. Sadly. They actually seem to believe this.
It’s now excruciatingly urgent…
Not a school I would send my kid to…
Two spelling mistakes in the first line?
Small chapel?
Expecting a massive turnout for the big honcho from Flag it seems.
I have received three different half sheet cards inviting me to see if I’m qualified to join the Sea Org. Picture of a Dutch or South African guy. Says he joined because it was the sensible thing to do. Sensible? Under what circumstances is signing a billion year contract sensible?
I’m a freelance graphic artist so all the layout errors jump off the page. Most of these flyers are absolute amateur.
I’ve taken to marking all SCN mail “REFUSED. RETURN TO SENDER.”
My daughter wants me to fill in the card and send it back.
Have you taken drugs? Yes! All the drugs!
Do you have any debts? Yes! I owe millions!
There is some question about psychiatric care…thought I’d mention drug and shock therapy…to go with my lobotomy.
In Scientology they put their insanity out for all to see.
Scrolling through this lot, one word came to mind – CHEESY. And then I got to the one of the kid with the ice-cream, and my blood just boiled. In the Scio naming ceremony it states something along the lines of “the child’s life is theirs to live, and if they choose a different path to ours (SCN) then that’s his decision”. This kid patently has NO choice in the matter and is already being peddled for the cult’s financial gain.
Nice way of saying Scientology is pimping out these babies.
“Sunday is a day for religion.” This reminds me of the information Pastor Willy Rice presented on how COS has appropriated things from Christianity to appear to be an accepted religion.
Is this just me? Am I the only person in the world who can’t stand pictures of adorable, very appealing children and toddlers with ice cream, birthday cake, red sauce spaghetti, or some other food glop smeared all over their faces? Is this supposed to be cute and endearing, or something?
Well, yeah, these types of photos are kinda cute in my opinion (please don’t hate me). When being used in this manner though, it’s not cute at all. As if a 2-year old kid actually speaks like that, even if the organization tried to put it in quotes to make it seem as though he did…..or just one ending quotation mark (guess someone forgot the first one).
Mick, thanks for your response. I know I sound like such a stick, but I don’t know a single family with kids who’d allow them to continue eating at the table with food crud smeared all over their faces hands and clothes. Of course, little kids can be sloppy , and of course, you don’t get angry at the children! when they’re learning to eat with utensils, but must we celebrate this? Ok, I’ll stop.
And, btw, of course I don’t hate you, Mick!
Well, maybe just a little 🙂
Ha! I understand. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one then. 😉
I am a photographer by profession and I used to do these sorts of photos a lot. Birthday cakes, spaghetti, chocolate pie… not so much ice cream because it’s very cold for the baby and doesn’t keep, but for the most part anything that gets a kid messy. Not so much lately — I don’t know why — but the thing about stupid shots like this is that moms like to see this stuff. For some reason, moms don’t see the gross gunk dripping down little Johnny’s face, but rather they get all misty-eyed and nostalgic about how sweet their little hellion was when he was only two.
My gripe with this image is that I think someone went into Photoshop and enlarged the little brat’s eyes by somewhere between 8 and 15%, to increase the pathetic doe-eyed look that tugs at most people’s heartstrings. It reminds me of those sappy late-night “feed the children” commercials where some hippie-looking old geezer squishes through mud puddles surrounded by fly-covered little black kids “somewhere in Africa where there is no safe drinking water,'” and guilt-trips you about little Frankie can be fed on only 25 cents a day and you’ll sponsor him and you’ll get pictures and letters and stuff to prove he really exists — sorry, to show his progress — (when in fact he is probably a 45-year-old bloke in Lagos using your sponsorship money to keep his Internet connection so he can bilk old ladies in Sun City, Arizona out of their retirement savings).
I hear you Aqua….totally agree…
By the way, that little Thetan obviously is low toned.
He cannot handle his mest.
🙂 Theta crashing into mest for the first time 🙂 Its all over the magazines and TV commercials.
Then again, for our viewing pleasure we get pictures of Krusty Alley attempting to stuff a Twinkie into her mouth with one hand while she sneers into the camera and flips the bird with the other.. So attractive. Well, a little more practice and she’ll be able to do all this and feed her mouth instead of her lower jaw. Can you imagine being one of her kids, with this for a mother?
God, I do have to stop bashing this woman. And I will…one of these days.
She has children? Oh…poor children…
Nothing about building schools in Africa. Or helping improve access to drinking water. No hospitals, shelters, emergency housing, not even a soup kitchen. No educational grants or apprenticeships. No real achievements of any kind. Nothing but a two toned tie, a yellow t-shirt and a photo op. What a crap “church”.
Agreed, The cult’s billions could be helping so many, so much.
Not to worry…I hear they will put their millions to good use next weekend with yet another Super bowl commercial. The NFL denied a veteran’s organisation airtime for their “please stand” message…but absolutely, the cult message – now that deserves airtime.
I realize this is petty criticism, especially considering the actual harm symbolized by these adverts, but I find them so poorly made and I’m someone who came of age pre-personal computer and still feel inadequate with tech-y stuff. Honestly, I have seen much more professional output from my kid’s grade school. In no way compelling or realistic from a body which labels itself as possessing higher abilities and difficult to understand how anyone can view it as such.
I can only think that it falls into that ‘blinded by belief’ thing.
In viewing propaganda spewing from the “church” over the last few months, I have come to the conclusion that there is in fact an actual saboteur or group of saboteurs who are actively trying to make scientology look bad. I mean, really, there is no other explanation.
Please keep it up, brave warrior or warriors!
Looks like Tristan got regged out of his ice cream.
According to LRH, Tristan is most likely a whole track “crim” and needs to write up his o/w’s…
he obviously “pulled it in”.
I found one true thing in the posters above. “A post in a Scientology Organization isn’t a job.” True, a job pays money.
Haha, that’s a good one 😀
Yeah, but they get toilet paper…when their stats are up.
“…its a trust and a CRUSADE”.
THAT was the word that prevented me from signing a staff contract. Twice.
I do NOT like that word! (Seriously.)
The answer lies in my PC folder. I’m just a seething mass of O/Ws on The Crusades!
Alas, I was Eleanor of Aquitaine back in 1180 something. A terrible mother. My relationship with my children was disfunctional to say the least but especially was I cold and heartless to Richard (The LionHearted). He was PTS to me and lost key battles because of childhood enturbulation restim. Lots of Infidels in the Holy Land didn’t die because of me. .
Long story, but that’s why I never joined staff! It would have been impossible for me to avoid case on post. That word alone, at a staff meeting…”This is not a job, its a trust and a ….aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ..sorry. Have to go for a walk now. Seeya.
“Jim Bridgeforth donated over 100 Ideal Org Humanitarians?”
Does the IRS recognize that as a deduction?
“What happened when I disconneced from my kids”
–Rob’s personal success story
“As we have each ascended the Grade Chart and gained more awareness, we have also always continued to donate to the IAS. Because it is mandatory. Voluntarily mandatory.”
“A post in a Scientology Organization isn’t a job. Because you don’t get paid. Or receive health benefits. Or have a 401K.”
“So whether in London or anywhere else use this afternook to get ENHANCED!”
I concur! Sunday is a great day to get ENHANCED! See everyone down the pub for the 3pm footie. If Arsenal suck, Chelsea swallow.
“Wish we could say more”
Please don’t.
They used russian Su-30SM in their picture)))))))
That’s funny!
Ah, Battle Creek. They’ve got perhaps the longest-languishing “ideal” org building project of all, with a derelict historic property they’ve owned for around 15 years now. They seem to be one of the “orgs” in small metropolitan areas that probably only got upgraded from a mission due to some accident of history (like a “stat push”), and apparently hardly even have the resources to keep their doors open, much less finance construction costs for a massive facility – though they never seem to give up hoping.
Twice Battle Creek has claimed, with pronouncements printed in the local paper, that they were at least going to move the org in to part of the building while they waited to renovate the rest of it. Instead, they recently moved the org from its longstanding location in a nice storefront building downtown, to a mid-century office building further out.
Their new location turns out to be two houses down (it’s a mixed residential and commercial block) from the local Narconon operation. The building was previously used by some sort of counselors or therapists, who I now suspect might have been Narconon-affiliated; has anyone ever found out more about that, and if the org is actually even using the whole (rather small) building or just one of the office spaces?
I figure Battle Creek will be the last of the “ideal” org projects to get done, because it probably won’t happen without financial assistance from Scientology management, and they seem to be prioritizing getting the orgs done in the larger metropolitan areas where it at least makes some sort of sense – or it may never get done at all
I say this as someone who has longstanding ties to Battle Creek and West Michigan: why BC and not Grand Rapids (largest city in W. MI), Kalamazoo (big college town), or Lansing (ditto, plus it’s the capital of the state)? Michigan has rejected Scientology. No one in Battle Creek cares.
Calling Georgemwhite.
South Africa is invoking THE GOLDEN DAWN. Maybe you could give them some pointers and orientation on Hubbard’s attempts to carry out the OTO and Crowley works. Nah. Too far outside their vocabulary and consciousness.
I’ve in & out of consciousness my entire life. I don’t even know where I am.
One ‘seminar’ says ‘bring a friend’. Should that not say ‘bring a friend you hate’ or ‘bring a friend you want to see screwed into the poor house’?
LOL, zemoo! I never hated anyone that much! Then again – maybe my father’s 3rd wife…yeah, I’d bring her to a seminar.
That Mace/Kingsly eLetter: “What happened when I disconnected my kids from TV”, should read: “What happened when I disconnected from my kids.”
Triple XXX folders? What, to spice things up? Or to have something to read when you’re on the toilet? I’m just so confused!
I wonder if The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer Films, and Second Mate Productions know Battle Creek is using their copyrighted material in that promo piece?
I have wondered the same thing many times. They all use the copyrighted materials.
On that very last one, especially since this is allegedly speaking for a two year old, I read the “putting” in “putting order into chaos” as “changing”, “transforming”, and/or “making”; you get the gist.
Now I’m in the mood for some Panda Express. It’s not what I’d call excruciatingly urgent, as that’s not a thing people say.
I needed to find a bathroom once, up in Hollywood. I’ll tell ya, that was very excruciatingly urgent.
That’s what the Hollywood sign is for!
@ Eh=Eh, LOL!
‘That’s what the Hollywood sign is for!’ So we don’t pee on it?
No, silly, so we know where the bathroom is!
Ahhhhhh….Damn! I really wanted to pee on the sign!
Wick Allcock. Likely the name was misspelled so that USCIS or ICE wouldn’t come looking to arrest and deport the dude for all the immigration fraud he and his buddies committed.
You know it’s funny, but Wick Allcock is my porn star name.
Imagine trying to make it thru life with a name like that.
Dick is a nickname for Richard. My father was Arthur Richard and went by the nickname Dick while I remained Rich or Richard.
A couple of my little league coaches called me Dick. Occasionally they would call on the phone and ask for Dick. Mom would ask, “Do you mean Big Dick or Little Dick.” Mom had fun with the coaches.
My wife calls me Little Dick all the time. Weird thing is my name is John.
Laughter – My wife calls me a dickhead all the time. I don’t get no respect. At least your wife doesn’t call you a jackoff.
That last promo with the 2-year old kid (with quotation marks, as if he actually said all of that)? Infuriating.
That’s a good word, Mick. But desperation seems more apt.
It’s certainly desperation on the part of the organization OSD. It’s just infuriating to me how they’re using a child like this. Hopefully that kid won’t have to grow up in this kind of environment, if that’s even a child whose parents really are in the “church”…..and not just some random stock photo that they seem to be so fond of using these days.
The use of children is sick. Very sick.
To me, the expression is more like shock, “you stole my ice-cream!”
I did not! I took a couple scoops, but, left the remainder for you.
This just never gets old! Love it when they include their email address…good for loving replies!
I truly feel sorry for Tristan who is being used or rancid purposes without his knowledge. The war against children continues. 🙁
Thursday Loony Tunes!
Thursday Loony Tunes! We only get to enjoy them one day a week. But in Scientology, it’s 24/7. Imagine how happy they are.
OSD, I think they aren’t happy because unlike us just watching, they ARE being hit in the head with mallets and the like. 🙂
Every single day.
Eh-thuh-eh-thuh-eh-thuh-thuh that’s all folks!
Exactly Aqua
“Donated 100 ideal org humanitarians?” Looks like slave-trading is alive and well in $cion.
“You actually control, command and create time.” Well no s…, Sherlock. I have a great little self help book that’s been around for years: “How To Gain Control of Your Time and Your Life,” by Allen Lakein. Lots of very good, practical ideas, and a lot cheaper than getting fleeced at a seminar.
For people who work for a living, control & command of time is what you get paid for. You turn up at a set time, you work until a set time and then you go home. Do it right and you get paid. Just to spice it up sometimes you go a step further and they call that ‘overtime’. Scientology is so fixated on money for nothing they fuck up the basics. Just a casual glance at staff pay and conditions tells you all you need to know about how much control they have and what they think about it. They confuse dominance with everything. There is no freedom or allowance for creativity in Scientology, time or otherwise – it’s a crime within their organisation.
‘Creativity’ is a word seldom used in the cult.