7.5 Humanitarian statuses…
Isn’t necessarily someone with a lot of money. Unless you define not much money as a few hundred thousand.
Guarantee you they won’t give you a 9X Humanitarian poster WITHOUT any money.
…the new Flag.
Poaching people from all over the world.
Blazing a trail. Clearing the planet. In Florence Kentucky.
Jeanie always had delusions of grandeur.
See what I mean?
Jeanie’s out telling everyone else how to do it.
Though she’s been in Cincinnati for 20 years and it’s STILL not SH Size and Ron said it should be done in a “matter of weeks”…
But that’s scientology for you. It’s like the SO members that teach people how to make money. They “know” how to do it because they read something Hubbard wrote and can parrot it.
“Complementary” dinner
Where they shower you with compliments and tell you how great you are if you hand over some cash. I guess.
They really don’t mean it’s “free” — because NOTHING is free in scientology.
No mention of signing a billion year contract?
A big draw in Inglewood?
Bring on the stereotypical white guy music.
You’re going to need more than that…
Prices aren’t what they used to be. $450 won’t get you through your first Ruds session.
You might get more satisfaction from admiring your “scietology simble” than you will from your scietology audering.
Get your CF on
Now there’s a plan everyone can dig baby.
And surprise, surprise, you can do it this week. How special is that?
Eating chili and filing…
Doesn’t sound like a good plan.
Is Anna Paddock on a big amends project for being ex-WDC? She is at the Sandcastle supervising “complementary” lunch and at the Orlando CF party supervising Pot Luck Filing…
Yeah, we don’t pay you and that’s good…
Because that’s your duty motivation.
The org itself however is entirely run on money motivation and that’s good because it’s “necessity level.”
That’s just how the world of scientology works.
Nothing says be on services…
…like a completely empty courseroom.
And this is SO normal they don’t even notice.
Because if you do, you will see how insane it is.
This is good news?
After 15 years there are still the same number of orgs in the US and there are still 16 not done and some don’t even have pictures of buildings they can show.
And what news from these 28 ideal orgs in the US. Their impact is not measurable even on a 50,000X Mark VIII Super Duper meter.
Speaking of no impact…
A whole year of absolutely no impact from the largest and most important ideal org on earth.
I guarantee the majority of people within 1/2 mile of the Valley Ideal Org don’t even know it exists. Let alone the entire Valley.
This ideal org has had the impact of a flea tapping on the sole of an elephant’s foot.
And this is the fastest expanding org on earth that won the Birthday Game. Wow.
Bet they had a YUGE turnout…
The picture is staff and the OT Committee.
I would be willing to bet they did not have a single new person. After all, THEY ARE THE VALLEY.
Brown-nose Award
Mrs. Theta doing her best to get out of lower conditions apparently. Maybe this is Anna Paddock again?
One of the reviews left on Apple TV.
I am sure this would really appeal to the “wogs” to know what Mr. Miscavige has done.
More fun with CSN
Only 1289 positive reviews? Where are the tens of millions of scientologists that have been ORDERED to get on google and leave positive feedback?
You do know Ron is dead right?
HE isn’t doing anything to “Clear this Planet” — he long ago shuffled off his mortal coil.
Believe what you want about where he is and if and when he is coming back, it’s undeniable he is NOT here right now doing anything.
Imagine Ford advertising their cars “Help Henry revolutionize the auto industry” or “Help Louis by joining a milk pasteurizing company”…
Anna Paddock has a phone number in the Austin area code. I sure hope I don’t run into her!
Dinner with… Anna PADDOCK (a relative of the Los Vegas Shooter?)
Anna can shoot em’ up with the best of them…
7-1/2 humanitarians? What the heck is a half humanitarian? DM’s dog?
She a had a certain point of view after doing their first humanitarian level and halfway through their second (each $100,000). Now, 7 1/2 humanitarians later (completed their 9th humanitarian) she has different point of view. Blah blah blah.
They donated $900,000 towards a empty building and look miserable.
Re: the Jive Aces
Just added these guys to my spotify band-list yesterday, haha! Oh well, off you go gentlemen. Guess I have to find another source for my “stereotypical white guy music” needs. 😛
Looks like the Clearwater Mission at 100 Belcher Rd is closed.
Drove by tonight,the sign is gone,the building is empty.
After 30 years ,in a city that has more OTs than anywhere on the planet.
Yet they still couldn’t “make it go right”.
Yup. It is closed. Not much different from the way it’s been the whole twenty years I’ve lived here. So the student that went there can now go to Belleair Mission.
I love it: student singular, not students.
Thanks for that reconnaissance! It’s also no longer to be found on Scientology’s website.
The building was reported to have been for sale a year ago. It’s one of the typical fading missions run by an aging baby boomer who has probably been the mission holder since Scientology’s heyday, that tend to vanish once the mission holder gets to an advanced age. The remaining missions are sort of going over a demographic cliff these days, as stories like that play out.
Calling Krusty, calling Krusty, come in Krusty!!!!
Yo Krusty,
Time to bring on that terrific confront you got fired up about while cruising around the Caribbean. Now that you are an Ate (no, not the food thingy) you will need to step up and show the Cee Oh God Damn Bee how much you appreciate your newfound ‘Bring it on motherfuckers’ attitude and will be using it in changing the world.
It’s time Krusty ……. show up at 100 Belcher Road and confront your loser religion as it passes into history. Or you could sign on as a coarse supervisor.
“coarse supervisor” 🙂
Nice bit of good news, Chris. Thanks for brightening my day.
I really don’t understand the blind faith these big donors have to not even be curious enough to want to go visit all these amazing buildings they have paid for. What are they afraid of? Why, would adults who are basically free to come and go as they please let themselves be told who they may or may not speak to, what they may or may not read? Why are they not insulted to be treated like children who need adult supervision. Why would they not want to prove for themselves that all these wonderful things are happening, if for nothing else for their own peace of mind. Maybe they just don’t really care as long as their egos are stroked and they get a pretty piece of paper verifying that they are good little boys and girls. If they would just close their check books for a while they might just find out that daddy won’t love them unless they pay him to.
Peggy, the short answer is that they are AFRAID to look.
Long Answer:
If they look and see that things are sloooooow at the org then there would logically follow a question about ……..”yea but I thought you said ………” even if it were only the thought. Now once a clam has had the thought then the next question is whether any of the Oh Teas in the vicinity picked up on it. Or worse, if the non Oh Tea teenage mutant ninja Unethical Officers perhaps noticed! Then, if they did, will they write a Kay Are (Knowledge Report .. KR) on me about it. Worry worry worry …… fear, fear, fear …………then …..
Hell, I just won’t go into the org. Then I can honestly answer ‘the orgs are doing great ….. Cee Oh God Damned Beeee said so …….. so it must be true.
Yo Dave,
Ever tell a lie good buddy? Didn’t think so. How were the stats today? “GREAT YOU SAY”
Thought so!
Newcomer, I agree, they are afraid to look. They discount any attempt to shed light on reality. I have watched this happen. Perhaps living in fantasy is easier than facing the fact of wasted time and piles of wasted money and self reflection like “I just cannot be the stupid one.”
Thank you for your replies.
After I posted that last night I worried that someone here would take what I said as a criticism of them, which was not my intention. I can’t feel anything but sorry at what you have all gone through, what you had to sacrifice. You all sincerely believed that you were working and sacrificing for was to save an entire planet, which is proof that this organization’s workers were just good people who believed what they were told and were willing to work under horrendous conditions and hideous demands of their time for what they believed was a noble cause.
What is so maddening to me is the total disregard the big money donors like those poster children Buzz and Tracey Newman who have the freedom to get in their car, or on their horse (just going by the outfits they have on) and be curios enough to see the rewards of their magnanimous and virtuous planet saving money donations. I suppose a peek behind the wizard’s curtain might be too much though.
This is what happens when I binge watch Mike and Leah’s documentary. Mary Kahn’s and Chantel’s segments just have me sobbing when I can just imagine the pain they are in, were in, and realizing that’s just two of the many who have had their life turned upside down and inside out by people who could care less about the pain they are causing.
I’m on my fourth book right now and it seems like the abuses span across the ocean.
Peggy, in addition to the above spot on answers, there’s also the fact that some people are more cult prone than others. I was, because I lost my family early in life. I was looking for a family. Not consciously, btw. But I looked for “family” in my work. Stayed in one job MUCH longer than I should have or even wanted to because my boss was a father figure, his wife who co-ran the business was a mother figure to me and the rest of the staff, and the girls and guys who worked there were my “brothers and sisters”.
Kind of funny when I look back on it now because I was also going around appointing various men to be my “brothers” – usually men that I liked but had no desire to date. But they were great people so they had to be my brothers! Leaving aside the fact that they had no interest whatseover in being my brothers, a few of them actually went along with this. I would also go around appointing various female friends to be my sisters! Crazy stuff. I don’t necessarily mean “appointing”, btw; this was done kind of in my own head, and then I’d relate that way. Nutty stuff.
Anyway, when I first got into Scientology the staff were amazingly caring and understanding and interested etc. in all my little things…on some level, not out loud, but on some level, I thought, “This is my family”.
Um…not quite. But I’m just giving you another motivation.
There is also the motivation I believe of some people really liking their lives to be very structured by authority figures, liking being told what to do, micro-managed, etc. To them, this is “love”. (This would NOT be me, btw. ) But I do know a few people like this, and they are ALWAYS under someone’s thumb, their boss, husband, boyfriend, Mom/Dad. They make sure that the are! They make sure someone is always telling them every little thing they can do or not do. They COMPLAIN about it CONSTANTLY but on some level they need that.
Different strokes, as they say.
Aquamarine, I am so sorry that you went though all those losses, and you also presented another great point of view. I really don’t want to come across as critical of a person’s reason for being drawn to Scientology. As I’ve been reading more I can absolutely see where when first presented there are some real incentives. It’s just sad to me that once people have put their trust into it that they can find themselves in a bad place through no fault of their own. I honestly feel that there are wonderful, honest and sincere people who belong to this organization. It certainly isn’t a place where they can prosper mentally, physically, spiritually as they were promised they would.
As you said, different strokes.
No worries at all, Peggy, but thank you, and no, you do not, did not come across as critical, not in the slightest. Nothing but compassionate! That said, I CAN take criticism when its warranted, when its given to help. The more responsibility I take for having been vulnerable to this cult is the less of a victim I am and the happier I am. This is not “beating myself up”. This is simply acknowledgement of what I did and didn’t do that contributed to the condition, that’s all.
Aww, thank you. BTW, I think anyone would be very lucky to have you as their sibling.
I belonged to a Christian movement that is called Hebraic Roots for over a decade. The congregation in the beginning was legitimate and caring,but over time certain things crept in that had me questioning WTH was going on. It’s very easy for very smart people to get sucked into cults,many times not realizing that it’s happening . The important thing is realizing you took the right “pill”( borrowing from the movie The Matrix)and woke up. The congregation I used to belong looks more and more like a cult the longer I have been away from them.
Over the course of my life I’ve had a hard time or two where I have had to sell a piece of jewlery, car, tools or something I would have liked to keep. I was also an accountant for a local jewelry store for many years so when are saw the post selling a necklace I felt sorry for the woman. The whole sale cost of that necklace is probably less than $50. A regular jeweler would charge $150-250 for it (jewlery markups are crazy lol), as usual Co$ grossly marks up thei prices. But here she is trying to sell it to spend more money on a worthless service. It’s sad. Even worse the only buyer she is going to have is another member who is probably as broke as she is but will buy it because it’s “a deal” compared to the co$ price.
It’s sad. I buy and sell antiques and collectibles on eBay (tricky, but there are some good deals to be done if you know the markets) and occasionally pop over and see what the most expensive Scientology items being offered are. Typically they are limited edition prints and supposed “collectibles” and signed items (Hubbard had several people trained to “duplicate” his signature, so that has no real value) being sold at ridiculously high prices based on what was originally paid for them, and I have to imagine the sad stories behind them of people who now need the money and have no chance of selling their items unless they’re willing to knock down the price to little more than the cost of shipping. Occasionally something does sell, and I figure some “whale” must be collecting items to outfit something like a study, and impress their scientologist friends. Before Scientology started pushing “statuses,” they were pushing overpriced “stuff” – it’s really just stuff with no intrinsic worth, it might as well have been pet rocks or toilet paper rolls.
Oh, and big collections of books do sometimes sell, surprisingly. I also suspect that some members have wised up and are buying their books on eBay – maybe even after a divorce in which one of them got all the Scientology materials, which is probably a fairly frequent occurrence in the CofS culture – so that they don’t have to pay org bookstore markups.
Those collectible prints from the Mission Earth decalogy were the biggest joke! Countess Krack as big as life, framed and on your wall at work? I don’t think so. But people were duped into buying these at exhorbitant rates as “an investment” and then if things got tight in the future, they could always sell off one of these collector prints. I don’t know anyone who was able to unload a print for a decent price or even for a fraction of what they paid for it. Sometimes I’d see notices of these for sale and I’d just shake my head and feel sorry for the rube who got roped into that.
Anything supposedly “collectible” and sold as an “investment” is almost always a bad deal in the long run, if not an outright scam. Stocks would have returned almost 3,000% (with dividend reinvestment, as in a retirement fund – and yes, stocks go up and down, but when the economy is down “collectibles” go at the lowest of fire-sale prices unless they have precious metal scrap value) in the 3 decades since Scientology was peddling these, for an idea of real investment performance.
I think that a couple of the artists who did some of the prints were reasonably well known in the sci-fi world and so some of those might have some value – though almost certainly far, far less than what they were sold for – particularly if signed.
Right now there’s one of those prints on eBay with an asking price of $1,250 – but other, similar, prints sitting unsold at $150 – $ 200, including some signed by lesser-known artists. The few that have sold have gone for around $110, though one signed proof by famous artist Frank Frazetta that is a classic scene of his not necessarily connected to Mission Earth (a scantily clad woman taming tigers) that is said to have originally cost $5,600, went for a couple of thousand dollars.
Lowie, Thank you and Yes you may put it on your site. And THANK YOU to all who posted such nice feedback on my poem. It really touches me that you all could relate to it so deeply. My hope is that when the church goes down, our loved ones will cognite and come back to us. And if some come out before that, then all the better. Mike and Leah have started that site that will help SO members or even public when coming out. I will contribute to it regularly. Then we can help those who need it as they leave.
If you lie about it they will come… seem to recall that from somewhere else but it’s sure Scioland’s modus operandi. (Scioland, the theme park with a twisted soul).
Gee, I know, their new TV channel thingo can have a lie-a-thon. Where the best lie wins a prize. The game show of ‘which door’ opens to eternity’s porch. They must be advertising for contestants with all those flyers every Thursday.
Good luck everyone! (but I have a sneaky suspicion it might be rigged).
Thought I’d add this, it’s a pretty good view on $camology TV –
Excellent! I hope everyone clicks on.
Can anyone spell in the CoS?
No. And their proud of that. Grammar is only for the Wogs.
“they’re”, you mean.
Sorry old surfer, had to correct you.
I keep tellin’ you guys, it’s my fingers!!!
I thought it was purposeful irony 🙂
Does this help?
The definition of a spell is a word or words which are supposed to hold magical power, an influence that cannot be resisted, or a trance.
An example of a spell is saying “abracadabra.”
An example of a spell is the charm of a prince on a princess in a fairytale.
An example of a spell is a person with their eyes open, but unconscious.
This is actually a tad thought provoking.
“A Scientology simble necklace”. This is REALLY bad. She can’t even spell “symbol”. Just another proudly ignorant, arrogant cult bimbo. If she does manage to unload that piece of “rose gold” crap for $450 a good use for the money would be a remedial English grammar course.
I spotted that too, Aqua. And did you also notice that she didn’t even spell the word, “Scientology” correctly? I mean, come on!
Yes, just posted about that. ESL maybe. Hopefully.
Oh, and “Scietology” – another misspelling, but in fairness i think this was just a typo.
Laughing at the complementary dinner at the Sandcastle: Bridge mix, Mongolian OT Pot, Hubbard squash, Theta burgers.
‘Theta Burgers.’ What do you do, imagine you’re eating a Theta Burger? Is the meat more theta than regular meat? I need some help here.
It reminds me a liiiiitle too much of the ‘secretburgers’ in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake books. Blech.
🙂 Katy.
Ugh, theta burgers. Big clumpy clusters of BTs hanging on every bite.
Jive Aces? Lemme at ’em. I’ll blow ’em off the stage.
And I’d be the guy cheering for you!
I,ll be holding the score cards
I have your back brother. 15 years on my 5 piece Ludwig, and 5 year’s jazz band! Jive turkeys!
Listen, wait’ll you see The Flunkettes. New Scn Girl Group. Motown sound.
I can’t wait!
Awsome, my man, let’s kill ’em together. Any other rhythm or horn players out there?
I’m a lead singer in a band, bixntram.
Okay, the band is shaping up; let’s do the gig.
Those Scientology necklaces are TINY. I saw them in the catalog and thought they were overpriced and then when I saw them in person for the first time I was just like wow….what a fucking rip off. They can’t even offer an appropriately priced piece of fucking jewelry. I mean would it be so bad for them to do ONE thing that’s not a rip off?
What’s a….. “simble” necklace……do they mean SYMBOL necklace perhaps? Either way for the asking price of $450 they can keep it.
How about a simple, simble necklace? Cheap at $600.
I wouldn’t wear a piece of junk like that.
Cymbal necklaces for the jazz band…..
The guy that made the church jewelry was also a scientologist. Perhaps he over charged the church or at least raised his prices as the church did theirs.
But while in – I never thought about such things. I’d learned my logic simply got me in trouble. LOL
So happy to be outathere. 🙂
I ve seen those ARC/KRC things. Not a piece of jewelry to get excited about, IMO. I would bet – I’m no jewelry expert – but I would bet good money that it is at best sterling silver, but more likely bronze, dipped in rose gold. The gold on that kind of dipped jewelry wears off with skin contact. The only way to know how much gold is really there is to melt it down. I’d also bet that if you took it to a reputable jeweler for this he’d tell you, “Don’t bother”.
Give em scrap value only and only after I,ve done a ” scratch test ” on it after all this is Scamology we are talking about , most likely thin rose gold plate over lead if your lucky
So now it is the ‘Ideal USA Alliance’, it used to be ‘alliances’ between mOrgs and then places like Scotland tried to create multinational alliances. All for the money. What’s wrong, will Philadelphia and Boston never be ‘ideal’ unless the rest of the country pitches in? Yes, that is exactly what is going on.
None are so blind as those who will not see.
Alliances between M’Orgs. Misery loves company, alright! And now the unhappiness is so widespread that its nationwide misery – from Sea To Shining Sea – LOL!
The Columbus org is about the size of a small automatic car wash. I was in long ago – it was not impressive, and the staff wasn’t successful in even coming close to selling us on the merits of Scientology. Is the ideal org to be located somewhere else? It is a shame – I like downtown Columbus. I’d much rather have another restaurant or bar than Scientology wasting this space.
I didn’t even know we had an org here in central Ohio. I’ve never noticed it downtown, but from the pic online it looks positively tiny. In fact, at first I thought it was an upstairs office. I’ve lived here all of my 60 years and NEVER met a Scientologist! The closest I ever got was seeing a copy of “Dianetics” in the old Walden Bookstore!
Ms. M. Swing by. Met Jennie and Mike. They’ll be really friendly and give you a tour. Give Mike a message Cece says to tell you hi. He’ll know who you mean.
He was the kind of person who would bulldog his way getting things done. At least the two still look healthy and I heard there son Connor is not on staff. Not donated to the SO. Let us know how it goes 🙂
Same thing here in Cincinnati. I’ve never heard or seen a hint of Scientology, either word of mouth or on the local news. Even when we had some politician or other who was a Scilon, it got one 2 second mention and that was it.
I looked it up, and they have an ideal org “opening soon” since mid 2017. They call the downtown a temporary location, even though they have been there for decades.
How sad, that the staff/OT photo of the Valley and there is Irving Sorrentini, father of Jamie Sorrentini Lugli who he disconnected from in 2010. 70 year old man. So sad.
So so sad.
That’s Scientology…
A science based religion? Religion deals with philosophy, ideals and, of course, rituals, beliefs and usually a community joined by various activities.
Science deals with precision, facts, investigation, new findings all geared toward progress of humanity.
Scn never proved his science in the Purif, his results on individuals and many other lacks.
But indeed Scn created a science on how to rip off money and divert it from taxes, if you can call this a science, which rather will be called a ‘criminal science’
The staff member on the left of the Valley promo looks like Jamie Sorrentini’s father.
‘Mrstheta’ needs her own blog where she just reviews stuff all day. It would be amazingly nonsensical. Because ‘intimate exclusive science’.
Plus; her statement that Scio is this ‘incredible science based religion’.
We have been down this road so many times,…. sigh. If mstheta would only fully word clear ‘science’ and ‘religion’ to a full conceptual understanding of what each means. oh! Pardon me. Ron said it is a ‘science based religion’ so it must be so. What if Ron had said Scio is a ‘religion based science’. I guess they still would have bought off on it and be parroting it to this day. Actually, that is closer to the truth of it.
That and ‘incredible, science based religion’ cracked me up. I think somebody has an MU on science…religion too, for that matter!
In the words of the high holy Jesse Pinkman,
For Scientologists science IS a bitch.
When I first got into Scientology all the events had to do with the application of some piece of basic tech like the tone scale or the ARC Triangle. Now? They’re all about new buildings, fund raising, expansion, and how to pay for your next level. Sad.
But…but, don’t empty buildings equal expansion? I’m sure they’re trying their best to keep it that way.
The big buildings were supposed to be necessary because “only an Ideal Org will be able to handle the floods of people coming in for services” at some future point. (Never mind that Scientology hasn’t been training – and retaining – enough auditors to actually deliver services to any such “masses” should they arrive)
Well, isn’t ScnTV exactly the thing that should cause that “flood” to occur?
So if ScnTV doesn’t produce that “flood” and the orgs remain empty, are scientologists going to start to wonder what is really going on?
MUST keep head in sand: repeat mantra anytime those annoying flickers of doubt appear.
So L. Con Hubtard worked from the lowest motivation possible. MONEY
ALL his followers that have been exposed to the evidence of this and yet STILL follow him, are quite moronic.
This is one of the reasons that while SO many leave the CoS still considering themselves as scientologists, they quickly get educated and disavow the subject and criminal founder.
Those that don’t, reveal themselves as not quite bright.
Moronic, I believe, is their middle name.
“So L. Con Hubtard worked from the lowest motivation possible. MONEY.”
That’s what jumped out at me, too. LRH, according to his own motivation scale, had the lowest motivation in creating Scientology. This says to me that he still, at the time of that quote, knew what he was doing (conning people). The Hubbard who later frantically audited himself had perhaps lost sight of that, though money remained his priority throughout, in his definition of “stats” and re-definition of “ethics” based on those stats.
The other thing that jumped out at me was the re-definition of “humanitarian” to mean donating a certain amount of money to Scientology. No, that is not what it means. Don’t you guys have dictionaries? I swear, for people who think they should never move past a misunderstood word and supposedly look up the definition of every word, they have more flagrantly misunderstood words than any other group I can think of.
Good post.
Look, its really simple. The more money you donate to the cult, the kinder you are, the more compassionate you are, the more you care about your fellow man, ergo, the more of a humanitarian you are! Now, that’s not hard to understand, is it?
“You say you care?
Well, OK, lets just SEE if you do!
And lets see how MUCH you care!
Now, cough it up!
Well, THANK YOU! With this we see that you DO care, after all, and we also see HOW MUCH! Oh, and with this donation you’re also showing us how big of a person you are – at this moment! And, no worries, we’ll be checking back with you! Because down the road a bit you might be experiencing an increase in caring, kindness and compassion! And your donation will of course reflect these increases! TTFN!”
…This IS the message, people. The ONLY message. It never varies, never stops. This is it. In Scientology Cult begging, there’s no new low. Its the same low.
The question becomes …. “how low can you go?” And the answer from the crypt via Dave and His merry band of Dildos is “We are a bottomless pit of despair and degradation,”
Yo Dave,
We will repeat the Ess Pee question …….. How low? …..good buddy?
LOL! Nailed it, Newc!
No matter HOW low the cult goes, there will ALWAYS be a sub-strata, and, yes, and they are going there!
An old game game. A money motivated, charismatic criminal cons real would be humanitarians into filling his pockets with gold.
and instead the Ess Pees of the world are filling them with piss! Long live the Ess Pees!
Yes, fine, Hubbard did that, but Wynski, there are plenty of others in the cult doing it NOW.
They KNOW its a con. They KNOW the cherch is not expanding, but shrinking. Yet, they continue to lie and con money out of the unsuspecting idiots who TRUST them. (Me having been one of these.)
These people KNOW the truth yet they don’t, won’t, can’t admit it the truth about the shrinkage and are purposefully lying and defrauding the people who trust them and want to help.
Well, for THIS group I say: Let them suffer. They’re criminals. Maybe they started out innocent and good but they’re criminals now. Someone likely MADE criminals out of them and that’s what they are now – crooks. and I would treat them that way. NOT to be trusted.
They KNOW the truth, yet are hiding it, for PR purposes? Well, THAT is not being “brainwashed”, no, sorry!
Not if they KNOW. Crooks are what they are. Cheap hucksters. Shame on them.
I’m creating a group here: the ones in the cult, be they Sea Org, Class V staff or Public, the ones who KNOW the truth, and, knowing, are still swindling people – screw them. Let them suffer. Let them live in shame and infamy because they’re not brainwashed, they’re just crooks! To hell with them. And I mean that.
Right Aqua. Hubtard created DM. He trained these people to do this. And those people who KNOW its a con (ALL who have done OT levels) are knowingly continuing the con and suckering people of good intentions.
No disagreements here.
And the ones still in who KNOW that Scientology is not expanding, KNOW that its shrinking, yet are PURPOSEFULLY lying about expansion, pulling the wool over the eyes of the trusting and gullibe, and conning money out of them – they should rot in hell for the criminals they are, and I don’t care whose father/mother/brother/sister/daughter/son they are. Because they’re NOT innocent if they KNOW. And THIS group – when the cult falls apart, implodes, etc., which it will – this group can be expected to disperse and show up at their families door crying crocodile tears. Well, watch out, is all I can say. Watch out, because THIS is someone who for YEARS has been KNOWINGLY conning people out of their money by playing on their highest, most unselfish, most altruistic impulses. And THIS type will have NO back off from doing to their “loved ones” , meaning YOU, precisely what they did to others for years, did without a qualm to other trusting, vulnerable, well meaning people. Expect this. They’ll be knocking on your door. Because they’ll need MONEY. Talking love and thinking money! Get them de-criminalized FIRST – vet them VERY WELL first before giving them any money! Or else you’re just going to get your heart broken ALL over again, if they fall in the criminal group. Remember, they were cold enough inside to turn their backs on you. They did it once; they can do it again. Don’t fall for their sweet words. They might mean them then again, maybe not. Forewarned is forearmed. End of rant.
Good advice Aqua. Those “in the know” are definitely unethical and should not be trusted.
Mike’s note with the first piece reminds me that real churches often given the largest equivalent of “statuses” to those who have done the most, not those who have given the most.
It’s sad to see that piece is for Boston, because those who have sacrificed have already been subject to a disappointing decade-long wait as they had to leave their beautiful long-term home for temporary quarters, and wait while another historic building that had been promised to them sat and rotted, losing much of their money in a bad real estate deal that is finally being abandoned, and having an ugly older commercial office building substituted as their new prospect. It’s even quite possible that Boston will never get their “ideal” org done, and the remaining money will be shuffled off somewhere while Scientology implodes.
I’m curious to know which of the “ideal” org projects is being completely abandoned after sacrifices that included foreclosures and bankruptcies, with the long-moldering building they had bought being sold off, as someone reported a couple of days ago. I think that St. Louis is the one that is most obviously missing from the set of pictures in the promo piece at the end of today’s items, thought there could be one or more others as well. If I recall, that was one of the cases where local officials and historic preservationists were most up in arms about Scientology letting a historic property deteriorate, and were threatening action. Here’s a piece that shows the distinctive building, along with typical claims by Scientology that they had started renovations:
Does anyone know:
Are the Jive Aces paid to perform or are they Sea Org members?
Also, isn’t Anna Paddock a mother? I think I was in the SO with her daughter (long brown hair and super cute girl) uplines CMOI. Can’t remember her name right this minute.
They are Sea Org, they don’t get paid.
When she was in the Sea Org she was Anna Stilo, sort of married to Glenn. He was in Clearwater, she was at Int.
Hey Mike-
A few months ago the Jive Aces did a show here in Cleveland…they appeared to be on tour. Do they also have to turn over money they make touring to the church??? I had assumed they got to keep what they make from any public appearances they can get.
PS-I really wanted to go but didn’t find out they were playing until 2 days before the show. Plus, I didn’t want any of my cash going to scientology!
” I had assumed they got to keep what they make from any public appearances they can get.”
Really? Dave would never allow that sort of out ethics activity! Waaaaay tooooo reasonable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rename them in a 70,s style —– Jive Asses , more in keeping with Scamology,s mentality
“Watch this channel yourself, come to your own conclusions, make your own observations.”
And to continue:
If you buy it and become a member, don’t watch anything entheta (negative) about scientology. If you do, this church will do its best to take “your ability to live your happiest life for your family, your personal goals, your dreams, and your existence in this universe” and smash them to smithereens and david miscavige, the cruelest man in this church, will give new meaning to “growing pains.”
I dreamed of you again.
You were still a babe in arms,
about three years old.
I scooped you up and hugged you tight,
hungrily inhaled your scent,
caressed smooth skin beneath your shirt,
clasped you to me for what seemed
like an eternity.
“Where have you been? I’ve missed you so much,”
I asked between nuzzles.
You shrugged and smiled and said nothing.
Do you know that I still ache for you?
They say an amputee still feels the pain
from the missing limb after it is gone.
The word they use sounds civil,
almost clinical. A clean, upstanding word.
Disconnection is anything but that.
It’s messy and bloody and brutal
when they rip the babies, spouses,
friends and siblings from your heart.
You were a part of me
and they tore you from me.
One by one they pried each finger off
until you were no longer attached.
And now, all these years later,
the phantom pain remains.
– Cindy Temps –
You understand more than most Cindy.
Thank you, Mary. And you understand more than most too. I’d rather be ignorant and in the dark with both my kids by my side than in the know and without them.
Yes, I know that too.
(crying my eyes out). Tempster, your post broke my heart. You’re such brave woman.
Cindy that is beautiful and is exactly how I feel! Thank you. Please may I post this on my blog to my son – CraigReisdorfWithLove.com ? This made me cry because it hit home.
Cindy, a very heartfelt poem. Written for so many of us.
This brought tears to my eyes.
It’s very difficult for me to read all the disconnection stories that appear here, at Tony’s and on other blogs. It’s just too heartbreaking.
OMG Cindy……so hauntingly beautiful…….yet sadly true.
Somehow this needs to be put out there….someday, somehow, someway, what has been taken from ALL of you will be returned…….
Very nice poem Cindy. You rock!
Wow , We have a true poet in our midst , beautifully put Cindy and heartfelt , it places it all in prospective on what we are fighting for , our children , family and loved ones so brutally torn away but never forgotten and always in our hearts .
Thank you Peterl and Coop and all the other nice commenters. It means a lot to me, your kind words.
Mary, we don’t know each other but I love your comments and your story. You should write a book because you know we would all buy it. Have a great day.
🙂 You can be my ghost writer.
“You do know Ron is dead right?” Actually, what I do know is that Hubbard is DEAD. The likelihood is that he is NOT coming back. I also have absolute certainty that scn is either (1) going to implode when some huge stupidity is exposed. or (2) drip by drip, will slowly disappear.
Well first of all Peter I have it on good authority from Foolproof that El Con is definitely coming back AND IS HE PISSED!!!!
Secondly, it is highly unlikely the cult will implode on the exposure of a stupidity because stupid is as stupid does and the cherch already has a mile high pile of stupid.
Thirdly ………….. I agree on the drippyness of the whole stinkin lot. 🙂
Thursday Funnies are the BEST!!! Best start to my Thursday mornings EVERY WEEK!!!
“The game is each person brings one person to the P.E. – a family member or friend”
… to see how fast that person blocks your number and disappears from your life. It’s fun!!
Damn! That does sound like fun! We can all have ‘stop watches’ to see who wins the game!
Staff: Whoa! A new record! It only took him 1/4 of a second to leave! I believe we have a WINNER! Gosh, this sure is fun!
The decay of Scientology is straight up and vertical and no cock roach attorney or private investigator can stop that fact.
Scientology – stick a fork in it!
And here I thought we had stuck a fork in it years ago…
No fucks, I mean forks allowed until the par-tay begins. Until then it is death by a thousand cuts