Scientology code
Havingness = making money
For posterity’s sake
Just so there is a record of the foolishness somewhere
Scientology code
Keys to OT = making money
Chan man bio
He made it big as a roofer. This is much easier work. Quoting some Hubbardisms to bubble-dwellers and being paid for it.
That about sums it up…
It’s about all they have.
Delphian school prepares you…
…to join the Sea Org.
More dreams…
You would think they would promote people who HAD gone OT? Don’t have any of those perhaps?
OT VIII abilities gained…
…apparently don’t include the ability to spell.
Frankly, this whole thing is sort of sad.
COB is a saint of the universe… Wow.
5X your prosperity…
Learn from someone who has never made more than $50 a week in his life.
Celebrate 50 years…
…of going nowhere
Michael Roberts getting OLD!
But he still believes in the power of the FSM Commission.
Forgers of a new civilization…
Tampa is a new civilization? It’s got a nice airport. A good hockey team. Nice bay. Hardly a new civilization.
Wow — more new civilization?
Someone must have surveyed this as a new “button”
More scientology code
Success = making money. And there’s that expert Gavin Potter again. Joined by Rafferty Pendery who got all HIS money from his mother-in-law and has “completed” the Running Pgm 3X over…
Look, it’s someone important…
And they are STILL trying to go “St Hill size” quoting Hubbard where he says it should only take a matter of weeks.
Lost in New Mexico
They don’t even know where their event is going to be held?
Hollywood East?
Even if that were true, why is it important?
Wick is still trying to get staff there, 3 days before the ribbon yanking…
Sorry to hear that…
You are going to be sadly disappointed.
Mission of the Foothills
Despite all rumors to the contrary, there are open for 3 hours tomorrow. Should be hundreds showing up, after all, don’t forget there are 15,000 scientologists within 5 miles…
Questions, questions, questions
I can think of a few.
Why are you always asking for my money?
What is wrong with scientology that nobody wants to get involved?
Where is the door?
Scientologists would be very easy to talk to if they didn’t have an LRH program playing constantly in their head so that everything they think and say has to go through that filter. Of course if they didn’t have that tape running, they wouldn’t be Scientologists.
In one of his Philadelphia Course lectures, Hubbard spoke of reverse vectors. That’s exactly what Scientology is doing – promoting freedom while practicing slavery.
Hubbard did indeed have enough insight, to describe many of the typical human behavioral and organizational traps, that he and Scientology ultimately fell into – or the human weaknesses, that ultimately they chose to cynically exploit.
An acronym for: Stupid Twit And Totally Unaware Sucker.
I looked at “Look who just joined staff” and the first thing I noticed was that the girl in the photo would make the perfect regge. She gets those vampire fangs in your wallet you’re a goner.
I’m guessing that the numbers for members in the Brisbane morgue would be no more than a few dozen at the most so they are always marking time on the thin top of going broke. They have to keep their little lamprey mouths firmly attached to any rusted ons to prevent the inevitable slide down the wrong side of the razor.
“Where is the door?” That made me laugh so hard and now my co-workers are staring at me! ??
Nicole, just stare back at them. Your co-workers will understand.
The thing that amazed me about Hubbard was his ability to ensnare people and get them to buy his particular brand of snake oil. Hell, I was one of them. Inevitably, his bad deeds caught up with him just like they will with Miscavige.
So it’s Saint Dave, is it? You have to be dead to be sainted, right? Good, but no, I won’t be at the scattering of his ashes. I hardly remember the guy, he was easy to overlook, he never measured up, he was always below average. Maybe I’ll catch a short on the Cult Shopping Network.
Dave was a tiny minion with a small role. Come to think of it, all Teegeackians were useless little minions, except for the cute girls running around in hot pants. The whole planet smelled bad, the food tasted worse, and I always had to look out for exploding volcanoes, expensive lawyers, clever reporters, nasty authorities, alleged ex-wives, and gay offspring.
Don’t look for my return anytime soon.
Being dead is a good life, compared to being Source on
the Planet Of Bad Smells And Black Teeth.
L. Ron, the First and Only,
owner/operator of prison planet Teegeack,
and surrounding stars, planets, and various gassy astronomical rear areas.
p.s. speaking of giving credit, Forrest Whitaker deserved Best Actor for Battlefield Earth.
The Columbus Org uses and image of a Rangers baseball game at Arlington, TX…I don’t think they can legally use that image and, as a baseball fan, I’m offended, unless the tag line “The Org of Dreams Event” refers to the dashed dreams of the Texas Rangers.
From COB:
To: The terminal calling himself RK
Legal, schmegal, we don’t need no fucking approval from a bunch of wogs. We own the planet.
That is all,
“Learn from someone who has never made more than $50 a week in his life.” 🙂
We in RTC are pleased to see Scientology’s vast international expansion at unprecedented magnitudes. Scientology TV is causing a boom as COB intended. Billions are clamoring for Scientology. Whereupon, staff are needed to man up all the new Ideal Orgs in order to maintain the inflow of raw meet into the gaping maw of our insatiably ravening and money-hungry religion-like enterprise.
The problem is this: Scientology has no money and needs new money each and every day you see. This is where each of you come into the scene. Your individual quotas are $100,000 per week in new money. That is what you owe COB. That is what you owe the Church. This is how much money is needed at a minimum to Clear the Planet. Ideal Orgs don’t grow on trees. They take lots of money.
Those two new raw publics at the Sunland Mission doing the PE Course aren’t going to make a difference. What is needed are 100,000 new raw publics at each mission each week. This is not happening why? The why is not God. The why is you not caring, you being a dilettante and a spectator. You not going all in and joining the Sea Org. What you are doing instead is reading entheta on the internet and making yourself right and COB wrong. You are making Scientology wrong when you should be making it right and flowing it power and money. Report to Ethics or join the Sea Org. Those are your only choices. You need to handle the hell out of your own out ethics! And also raise your IAS status today.
Dear Dave,
Fuck you.
Sammy Suppressive
Oh,man! I always wanted to meet you, Mr. Suppressive! You’re known all around town! What a pleasure it was to meet you.
To: Sammy Suppressive
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: what you just said.
DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN! No one shows disrespect toward the Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe without due repercussions! So you just watch what comm particles you send to my exalted presence!
I find it ludicrous that Chan the Man is always a guest! Why doesn’t he belong to an org of his own choosing or a least own a mission? If he was that good with Scientology he’d been oozing success stories from his PCs and selectees about how marvellous he is.
He’s a slimy character who steals money as a hobby, the religious aspect of scamming opportunities sure attracts some low life. Chan has a meeting with karma one of these days, and oh boy, it’s going to be messy.
IY, that’s a very good point: why don’t some of the “public” like Chan who do these promo events, put their money where their mouths are, and open missions and show us just how good they are at making a success of things and “disseminating”?
The answer, of course, is that Scientology’s approach and reputation are so disastrous, that a new mission is inevitably going to be a flop, and it has ended up creating flaps when “whales” have opened one and then been faced with the ugly realities. These people certainly aren’t the ones who actually have what it takes, to find a way to “make it go right.”
Makes you wonder how John Travolta and Kelly Preston are doing with their mission.
By practicing “Havingness” (How many stupid words can Scientology make up?) you will have more have to give to DM and CoS. If the world is such a mess and Scientology’s messiah LRH couldn’t fix it, how does DM and Scientology in general with what’s left, membership wise, think they can help this planet?
AJ, you just don’t get it. LRH was nothing more than the ‘Founder’ while DM is the Almighty Exalted Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack and the MEST Universe. Why, this guy’s super powers are so awesome he was able to persuade the
IRS to give tax exempt status to Scientology! LRH could never do that! And, by the way, it was my main man Miscavige who gave us the Golden Age of Tech as well as the Golden Age of Knowledge! Can’t you see how Scientology has gone astronomical because of the Almighty David Miscavige?
What do you mean ‘no’?
I haven’t been involved in this “business” for 42 years now, but I’m thankful to see people like Mike and Leah make a meaningful difference and attempt to speak truth and reach. out to abused families and individuals who were hoodwinked by this cult. We all wanted to help save the planet but the cult had plans to become a criminal S.P. organization from the start. Shameful behavior by LRH to use his occult teachings to lure the unknowing to give up their time, money and most of all – their families. Thankyou Mike and Leah!
S.F. is celebrating recruiting an old homeless guy?
Wow, the death rattle of scamology
Death Rattle. Isn’t that a punk band?
I love the “Recognition Roll” . . . It amazes me how gullible people can be !
Speaking of the Delphian School, there are fewer and fewer clam kids there. What with all the “12 Humanitarians” and the like, most clams can’t afford the $40K + per year it costs. Maybe Delphian is trying to beef up the clam kid enrollment percentage with this seminar.
I can’t imagine how pissed off the parents would be, after spending nearly $200K on their kid’s education, only to have him join the fucking SO afterwards. I’d hit the goddamned roof.
And under Learn is “Why “easing” their path just sets them up for failure”
Really? Easing as in providing a colledge fund? This is per some reasearch study?
Oh it’s all so…spiritual!
You know, you have to give Miscavige credit. In the absense of any worthwhile product, the only thing he has left to offer is “status”. Which is a doozy in itself.
There is a heap of evidence that shows how hierarchy and social status is hardwired into our brains, that the perception of heightened status activates specific brain regions, producing more positive emotions as well as fortifying one’s defence against slipping back down.
I still remember the promo sent out equating “moving up in status” with “case gain”, I’m just surprised it’s taken me this long to research why this might be. It’s simple neuropsychology.
What’s also interesting is that “perceived social subordination” (ie. the lower on the ladder you believe you are) the more you are at risk of psychosocial stress and anxiety. Something than can arguably be used and manipulated within a high-pressure ideological group.
The entirety of Scientology – its Bridge to Total Freedom and various fundraising campaigns – is based upon status. It was what Hubbard was selling all along. Miscavige just took it further and made no secret of it.
Old news to some, no doubt, but I’ve been listening to a fair bit of Jordan Peterson lately, and his lectures have sent me down a rather fascinating rabbit hole of research. I’ve had some cognitions, my space is clean, my wotsits have expanded and, yeah, I feel pretty great.
Dopamine Dave.
Good for you mwestern, I’ve been doing a fair amount of study myself. What is being promoted as status is miss-wanting. It’s used thick all around and yes as you say with scientologists.
I’ll now go listen to Jordan Peterson. I’ve been listening to Martin Seligman 🙂
Isn’t mixing practices fun?
Oh boy. I couldn’t even do yoga exercise while in the SO and I really got in trouble when I, our CL 9 C/S and one of our NOTs auditors went to hear a speaker at the Hollywood Highschool …. ? abductions LOL
Not to mention the egg on PAC Security’s face for letting you three go.
Back in those days we didn’t have to ask or answer up to security. We took loafing time 🙂
With the COB being described as being a saint, let us not forget that Lucifer was also considered a saint, just a different type of Saint.
Pretty soon they’ll be selling his old John Loeb’s as relics.
I haven’t been involved in this “business” for 42 years now, but I’m thankful to see people like Mike and Leah make a meaningful difference and attempt to speak truth and reach out to abused families and individuals who were hoodwinked by this cult. We all wanted to help save the planet but the cult had plans to become a criminal S.P. organization from the start. Shameful behavior by LRH to use his occult teachings to lure the unknowing to give up their time, money and most of all – their families. Thankyou Mike and Leah!
Barbara Dews telling others how to raise their Havingness, i.e., make more money? She has never made more that $50 a week if even that. I feel sorry for her because she is getting older and the hours are grueling and the pressure is very high on her no matter age or medical problems.
But the good part is…they get their Kool-Ade for free! As much as they want!
Not to mention the corn dogs that the PAC galley serves the SO on event nights.
They’re serving corn dogs? Oh, I am so there!
And the new libs for SO members is an hour extra hygiene time and a Clif Bar.
They give them Cliff Bars? Now that’s high style! A Cliff Bar is probably for being very upstat.
It’s really not Dave’s problem Cindy. If she can’t cut it, He will kick her to the curb and off load her onto the welfare roles of the state.
There is a very sad ending for all those baby boomer Sea Org staff. The kids running the show now I’m sure have a lot of compassion for the low production older crowd ………. “just drop the body and move on. Don’t hang around and create a drag on planetary clearing for the rest of us.”
The powers of observation seem to be rather low. Not only are those who gave their lives to the cause not acknowledged for their service, they are also (for the most part) not very high on the bridge to Oh Tea either. They obviously failed to make it go right. The same fate awaits everyone …. except Dave of course.
I hope our kids wake up …………….. but I must admit, my optimism for that happening is waning.
Yo Dave,
Not to worry good buddy. It’s a new day and I already had my discussion with another local who grew up and went to school with my daughter. “Is she still in that thing, that cult, I think it was $cientology?”
“Yep, she, her cousins, aunt and uncle, brother are all still in I’m sorry to report.”
” That is so sad. What a waste!”
So as long as You are still around Dave, I will continue to tell the truth about Your dastardly cult. Count on it.
It looks like a lot of the same-old-same-old this week – endless hype detached from reality, and their dwindling pool of old-timers finally completing bridge actions or being recruited for org staff.
Boston, despite their long list of donors – and how ridiculous are those multiple “humanitarian” designations? – is still stuck in a long-running, fumble-plagued campaign with no clear end in sight. At last report they were waiting to close a deal to sell the one historic old building that they had bought long ago to renovate but had to give up on, and my guess is that they are going to end up with a loss and even more fundraising required before they have the money to renovate the newer but dated office building that they have since purchased. It’s actually as bad as that they own two buildings that they can’t use, and instead are stuck operating semi-permanently out of rented space that was supposed to be very short-term temporary.
I’m starting to wonder if some of the drawn-out “ideal” campaigns aren’t mostly just raising money that’s having to be used to cover the ongoing costs of the decaying old buildings they bought to renovate, and tapped to meet “emergency” expenses of org operations that are no longer financially viable. Especially with the smaller and weaker orgs now being put in huge “ideal” buildings, once they do get their projects finished they’re probably going to have to come up with underhanded ongoing fundraising mechanisms to meet org operating expenses like utilities, so the cycle will never end – until for some reason, it finally all comes crashing down.
From the OT 8 success story “The future is exciting and look forward to playing new games in a clear aesthetic space.” this reads to me like the person is happy to finally be at the top of the bridge and thus no longer having to spend hours upon hours out of every week doing solo NUTs. This person is looking forward to things that a 70 year old should be doing like mastering an old hobby, visits from grand kids. I think this person hopes will be shattered as the church works its ass of to hunt them down for more money and time.
“I now enjoy two way flows on all the dynamics even more.” Good luck, with that when you ask for a refund.
“HAVINGNESS can be defined as ARC with the environment.” Yea, the church of scientology has THAT in spades. (eye roll)
“The way not to have is to ignore or combat or withdraw from….”
If the church had the ability to self correct it might apply a few LRH quotes to its own problems. “ARC with its environment?” It’s brand gets more and more toxic every day. “…ignore or combat or withdraw from….?” Try the way the church treats its own current and ex members.
Having said that, It doesn’t take an LRH quote to figure out the truth of why the church of scientology does NOT HAVE any new public or much left in the way of old public or why when you say its name people cringe. It takes the reasoning ability of a five year old.
Amen Mary!
” “HAVINGNESS can be defined as ARC with the environment.”
The cherch spells that as cutting down another acre of forest every day so they can send out their mailers to nowhere and show that the stats are up to themselves!
Yo Dave,
Another classic circle jerk good buddy. And it’s another Thursday at Too ……. too many bad decisions, too many blown from Yer cult, too many Ess Pees and too many decisions made by a fool too stubborn and too self centered too care. That’s a real Thursday at Too stat Dave. And it’s always on an uptrend!
Hip, hip…Fuck you, SOB!
Right Mary, and let’s not forget Honesty and Case Gain. Indeed.
Since they like to use movie themes as part of their promotion, how about Dumb and Dumber?
I’ll play the part of Dumber. I’ve always wanted that part.
Sorry, I’ve already cast a Scientologist.
Hey! I’m dumber than…..than….Oh, Hell, give to the cult member.
You voiced your own opinion and are therefore over qualified. That’s why I didn’t hire you. Perhaps another part, like their caretaker.
I can do that! I’ve always like dead bodies. I wonder if BTs will be around.
On the OT VIII Success Story it really caught my attention her remark regarding the Supervisor and the course room..the OT says: “The help and attention ….. and NO MAKE WRONG”.
I consider this a big out point in a Success Story of an OT VIII; this idea may exist because she has already been made wrong either in another Scn course or even in session, otherwise she would have no way to compare her current OT VIII service with the aspect of being made wrong.
Ans saying that Miscabage and his team are like saints; it just proves the level of fear parishioners live in; this just shows her propitiation and nothing else.
I honestly hope she eventually comes out of this cult where she, as many others, has been lied.
Excellent comment, Silvia. Yes, it just proves the level of fear she lives in and shows her propitiation and nothing else. Your comment jogged a memory: when getting auditing at Flag, I was being leaned on by every post in the org many times a day and night to buy the newest release, something that I already had at home on cassette and the cassette player still worked. I refused to buy more of something I already had. Plus I had nowhere to store all these huge amounts of stuff. So finally in desperation, they had my auditor reg me in session. We sit down to have a session and the auditor looks at the clock and says, it’s too late to have a session. (This was AFTER I had passed the metab test. It was 9:00 Flag time which is 6:00 my time since I live on the west coast. So I was fed, well rested, and ready to have a session. But the auditor broke the auditors’ code by promising me a session and then not delivering it. Next she used the time to one on one reg me to buy the new release. Another auditor’s code break. How unsafe is it to be pounced on by the one person you always thought was on your side: the auditor. But this was how desperate they were then and it has only gotten worse now. The ending of the story is I kept refusing to buy this release since I already had the lectures at home. So finally the CS told the auditor to tell me they were donating a set of lectures to me because “all OT VII’s should have them.” And that the terms of the enforced have on me were that I had to then sell sets to others to pay back Flag for giving them to me for free. Talk about enforcing mest on someone. I didn’t even want these things if they were free but I had to take it or be kicked off the level.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any stupider. The friendliest place on the planet, huh?
I never thought I would hear the word ‘friendliest’ relating to the cult.
Holy Shit! This really shocked me!
Another financial crime that should be reported.
I actually think Leah could do a show on the agregious ways the church gets money out of its parishioners.
Wow Cindy. Eye opening. This was mid 2000 I’m assuming? I got off easy I suppose since I was a SO member on ‘LOL’ when I got my NOTS 04/05. The crew knew I should not run up bills or I could not come back. But then you were at FSO where that crap probably happened before AOLA went all ape-shit.
Wow! That dude who “just joined staff” in San Francisco looks EXACTLY like the homeless guy I saw sitting on Mission Blvd a few weeks ago!!! Amazing the level to which the cult will drop just to get a stat up!
To: Glenn
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: recruiting homeless people for staff
Listen up, Glenn! If my idle, I mean Ideal Orgs want to recruit the homeless for staff, I won’t stand in their way! It’s just one more step in clearing the planet!
So there!
There was a homeless guy in Hollywood who got recrutied at least 3 times to various PAC orgs. AO had him for awhile. He was a Dylan freak and used to send me news paper clipping of Bob for years knowing how much I loved Dylan too. Nice guy but not a lot upstairs. He never seemed upset about getting kicked out. PAC guys would likely remember him – 5’6′ slim and wore his hair in an Afro. Steve was his name.
Of course they recruit off the street – ”Many are called – few are chosen. Only tigers survive etc.
To; Alcoboy aka Davy Miscabbage
Fr: L Con Blubbard
Re: Cramming Order
Go to Cramming and word clear the terms; developed traffic, non production, rewarding down stats, degraded beings, lower conditions, dilettantism, out exchange and out ethics. Oh wait. Just realized you know all these terms quite well as you have been continually demonstrating each and every one all the time you since you took over. Beware, Davy. I promised I would come back and when I do you will be burnt toast.
Much love….(ha,ha,ha) LCB
To: L Con Blubbard
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: you coming back
Oh, no you don’t! I’m the one who sent you to Target Two back in early 1986, remember? If you make any attempt to come back I will use my powers as Supreme Ruler of Teegeeack to send you back there! So go make yourself a bologna and cheese sandwich and audit OT49 or whatever!
Ah dwarf-en fuhrer. Your assumption of the valance of Xenu is so, so appropriate. Only a DB such as you could do so with such impunity and idiocy. It is also interesting just how soon you forget the facts. You flunked your auditor training back at Saint Hill, or don’t your recall? The only work you were ever capable of performing was checking crew’s quarters during “white glove inspections”. As I recall that was the only position you were ever qualified for. Truth be told I should have listened to your father back when I mentioned the notion of promoting you to the mess hall. Ah, yes. You failed me there too so it was back to white glove inspections again. I even permitted you to retain that post despite numerous KRs disclosing your taking bribes to overlook conditions that were the source of all those nasty aromas I am so sensitive to. I should have listened to my intuition and convened a Fitness Board and had you expelled from the Sea Ogre as unfit for duty. I promise it’s going to happen the moment I return. You’ve made such a mess of things while I’ve been away; you will never be forgiven by me or anyone else.
To: L Con Blubbard
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: your return.
And I just told you what would happen if you DID return! Hi ho,hi ho! It’s back to Target Two you go!
So, have you made that bologna and cheese sandwich like I told you to?
Ha, ha, ha. This has been fun. Thanks!
It would seem one person added on staff warrants the production of a propaganda document, email or whatever. That speaks volumes. It also explains the complete lack of pictures from successful events that I have yet to see on ANY org. page anywhere.
As far as success, I believe in giving credit where credit is due. However, I also call bullshit when I see it. I commend someone that has done well. Say someone has been successful at selling hamburgers (or pizza), I can see their hard work and say “great job.” But when they start into the bullshit about being the biggest at selling hamburgers (or pizza) and they are clearly not, people see them and say “you are a fucking idiot” The hard-core scientology people can really be fucked up in the head. I don’t think they know what is real and what isn’t.
Mike, it appears to me that the internal events are getting more and more insipid.
Is that just my perception? Are you seeing that as well?