Next time around…
Wow, that’s some foresight.
The Final Moment?
Who wants to take bets how long after this final moment they have another fundraiser? It will probably be announced before this one is even held…
Food, glorious food
Gosh, they couldn’t even drag old Michael Roberts along for this apparently. Dallas is so dead they don’t want to spend the money to fly anyone there…
Nothing says service…
Like an empty HGC.
Is that a funny light fixture or did they actually send this out with whiteout on it?
Foothills Mission is going “ideal”
Just as soon as they figure out how to keep their doors open more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week.
A wooden footbridge…
This represents the majestic state of clear?
Professional Career Services?
Is this a WISE company?
The NY Alliance
Maybe these folks should try to get the NY and Harlem “ideal” orgs going before trying to resuscitate the long-since-deceased New Haven and Long Island groups.
Just a thought.
Special Bonus
Learn his tricks to becoming an “elite” FSM. Trick #1 get orgs to pay you to put on events where anyone that pays for anything gets you a commission and counts on the phony stat of “number of people gotten onto a Bridge step.”
Trick #2. Repeat trick #1.
Of course you qualify
If you can breathe and sign at least an X on the contract, you’re in.
Pay for your breakfast…
But the company will be sublime, so that makes it worth it.
But how come the Charter Committee that oversees the thousands of exponentially expanding businesses applying all that LRH tech doesn’t have a few dollars for breakfast?
I’m very curious about the reference in the first piece to paying for a “status” as “a guarantee for the future next time round.” I would think that Scientology’s promise of reincarnation would be getting harder to sell, and would be downplayed, since after the passage of quite a bit of time now, there’s no evidence of any early scientologists who died, showing back up at the orgs in new bodies.
If reincarnation is a real thing, the best hope of a good next lifetime is the accumulation of good karma through helping others, and paying bad karma when necessary. Scientology is only a way of paying off bad karma. They sure are accumulating a lot of it.
“…the acumulation of good karma through helping others, and paying bad karma when necessary.”
I agree that this is the best hope of a good next lifetime if its true that we live again and again.
Just a thought: if David Miscavige TRULY believes that he is an immortal being who cannot die but who has and will continue to inhabit a new body each lifetime, can you even imagine how he shudders at the thought of his own eternity?
but….if DM had the capacity for that degree of self-awareness, if he could actually have awareness enough to shudder at his own actions…. he’d have to off himself for being such an awful liar….wouldn’t he?
Which can be explained two ways. Either reincarnation is bullshit or the memory of the Scientology experience from the last lifetime is sufficient to disabuse anyone’s idea of joining the cult ever again.
Jim & Carol: ‘I’ve never looked back’. Hopefully one day you will & realise how taken for fools you were.
Jim & Carol: ‘So where to from here’. You will go exactly where the cult tells you to go guys.
So freaking sad.
As usual, nothing out of Nashville.
Are they still operating?
Or are they still burying their heads in the sand over the whole Marc Vallieres debacle?
Jim and Carol: “…we learned admin tech and used it to expand our business so we could afford more bridge.”
That so totally sums up scientology. All of life revolves around making more money to give to the cult.
“After completing new OTVIII…” Yeah, just when you thought you were done giving money to those leeches, some recruiter gave you a severe reality adjustment – oh, noooo, baby, your travails are just beginning! Joined staff, gave more fucking money, turned their kids over to the cult, more “status.”
So now giving money and getting jack shit = status = experiencing “the thrill of expanding out along the dynamics…”
Jeeezus H. Christ, what a fucked up way to live.
Huh! May 9 came and went. NOTHINGhappened in SCN on that day?
As a never-in, it took me awhile to realize what “Move up in status today!” really means: “Give us a lot more of your money today!”
And this line from Jim & Carol’s testimonial is truly sad: “We learned admin tech so we could expand our business and afford more Bridge.” They actually wanted to make more money just so they could hand it over.
The Foothills Mission has a gofundme page. ?
No fucking way!!! If they have to resort to a ‘go-fund-me’ page, the bottom can’t be far away.
No doubt. This is some serious panhandlin!!
Yup. It’s true. I am shocked they are not getting in trouble for that trick. Lol
Holy Cow!
Mike – in response to your question about “is this a WISE company” (PCS hosting the event at Joburg North org) – yes, it is. Their full name is Professional Career Services – a recruitment company owned by Scio local whales & OTC members Phillipe Park and his wife Innes. They mainly employ Scios – particularly ex-SO and ex-staff. I can’t quite fathom how they’re hosting an event at the org that clearly will benefit their own business (there’s that policy about “not using the org comm lines to promote your business” blah blah) – so they must be wangling something by weaving some SCN crap like the PE Course in as part of the seminar (except it’s free so I dunno). I know a number of people who used PCS as a stepping stone out of the church – first left staff, then got a job with a “friendly” company (because they didn’t have to try explain 20 years in servitude for a religion on their CV) – and then finally, permanently out the door and away from the clutches of the church. Needless to say their staff turnover is quite interesting – and I believe the staff politics in the company is something to behold. I believe the wife is not above putting staff (even non-Scios) on the meter or demanding they do contact-assists and the like – and of course pushing SCN down their staff’s necks at every opportunity.
For an ex-$camologist who has finally woken up – Finding No Intelligence Now Gone.
Krono, walking away shows you truly have Super Powers!!!
“A wooden footbridge…”
I would be scared shitless to walk across that bridge. How many regges are hiding under it to rend and tear wallets and purses from unwary walkers and hikers?
“Pay for your breakfast…”
I would like to Wander Inside Scream and Exit.
ROTFLMFAO!!!! Whew! That’s awesome! Now that’s some funny shit!
Week 2 and still no ‘Chan the Man.’ Has the bs sprung a leak?
I think he was kid napped. But they listened to, two talks of Chanman. After that they sent him back to the kid nappers.
Hi David Miscavige!
How are those Thursday stats looking, little buddy?
Oh yeah, and WHERE IS SHELLY? The world is curious. Aren’t you curious? We thought so.
It could be a new children’s show on the Scio Network: “Where in the World Is Shelly Miscavige?”
Poor Shelly. It’s like she just disappeared.
IMHO Shelley is a lot better off where she is than by DM’s side while the cult implodes. If she were, she’d be the one getting the most NON STOP abuse. I could be wrong but even in what is assuredly her TOTAL ignorance of what’s going on (undoubtedly she’s being told that the cult is flourishing and expanding and about to take over the world) and the misery and guilt that this fake news is giving her, she’s still better off being away from him, isolated from all that’s really happening with Scientology. Better off in every way, not the least of which would be legally.
“Long since-deceased New Haven group”? For real? I love to hear good news about my home town. I think there was something in the Thursday Funnies last year, but not sure.
“Kat” at the Tampa Bay org has a look of desperation in her eyes that her toothy PR smile can’t hide.
Any BTW, all the sheep in these PR photos always have perfect teeth. A miracle of scientology dentisty — or a bit of photo-shopping? Or is the cherch providing dental insurance for sea org members? Or, to phrase that question another way, when will hell freeze over?
The cult providing dental insurance for Sea Org members? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha
Perhaps New Haven could be called a zombie org – it may be dead, but it’s not actually in its grave. It may even get made “ideal” and put in the tomb-like building they bought ages ago to restore (an old Masonic temple).
Thanks for that info, Pace Maker. I’ve always been apalled that presumably intelligent Yale students and even faculty could be involved in scientology – although I can seen how bright minds were attracted to it several decades ago.
Hey Carol at NY Org
Well done on all your “expansion” due to having increased your donation statuses. i can just imagine how “expansive” you feel!
But, objectively speaking, now, have a question for you: per their Facebook page, the last Clear made in NY Org was over a year ago.
What’s happening with THAT kind of expansion, Carol? Any idea?
Only because making Clears and training auditors are your org’s actual PURPOSES. Clears, auditors, clearing the planet, you know, that sort of thing.
Your org’s Div 4 doesn’t seem to be doing too well if it produces only one Clear a year, wouldn’t you agree?
So, tell us, Carol – is there a problem? Like, not enough foot traffic, maybe?
But, hey, don’t mind me. Just keep forking over all that dough, Carol. Just keep increasing your “status”.
That’ll clear 9 million people, alright!
“Status IS Case Gain. So forget about auditing! You don’t need the OT levels! You don’t need to be Clear. All YOU need to know is Status is Case Gain. You should probably chant to it.
Dear Jim and Carol,
I imagine your life is like a bowl of cherries these days. Jim’s business keeps expanding but there is nothing to show for it except for some of those paper status thingys. Those donos will really help on the tax returns though….. good reason to continue.
Carol keeps on keepin on at the mORGue despite those pesky thoughts about ‘where the f%^k is everyone?’ I’m sure the pay makes up for the lack of activity but nonetheless, you can at least avoid ethics interviews that might otherwise occur due to ‘non participation’. The good news is that you don’t have those six month sec checks to look forward to. So keep the blinders on folks and don’t get into too many ‘outside the box’ thoughts.
But what about those family gatherings? Since you are in good standing I’m sure the kids always show up for Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially the ones who joined the See Ogre. What a happy time to be able to spend some time with your kids, especially now that they have left the nest.
Yep, I’m sure it is a wonnerful life for all concerned. BTW, are the kids who didn’t join the SO going to pursue college or do something more ‘on purpose’ like helping Dave to clear the planet? If they go to college, it will look poorly on you as parents of $cientology kids.
IMHO, the planet will be cleared of $cientology long before Dave establishes even one more new mORGue, ideal or not.
The “Service” poster is really strange.
The sign seems to say “HUBBARD VEILEDNINGS CENTER”. Veilednings is “guidance” in Norwegian. So I guess this could be a rendering from the Oslo Org. Or even a shot. But everything else seems to be in English. Too bad you can’t read the magazine covers.
The “whiteout” is definitely not a lighting fixture. It was definitely done to the shot, possibly in Photoshop or possibly a damaged print. Or even actual whiteout. But what are they trying to hide? The surveillance camera? Some kind of mistake? Masking tape for painting?
But the strangest part is that they are pushing Service and showing the HGC, where the Scientology services are delivered. The odd Hubbard quote, which is really about quality of service and is meant as an admonishment to staff, doesn’t clarify things much. Then at the bottom it says “Move up in status today!”. With a New York, USA phone number.
I guess they are trying to tell the whales to donate for an Ideal Org so they can some day have a chance to get some service.
It goes from the old days, where the auditing rooms could be trashy but lots of service was going on all the time, to the days when you could get some kind of service but mostly mechanical robotic GAT 2 with lots of expensive redoes, to today when all you can do is donate mountains of cash for the hope to have some service someday. They write success stories about how great it is to become a triple bypass humanitarian.
Well, it’s all they’ve got. At least they are not gong crazy or catching cancer doing the real Hubbard Scientology. But what a waste of time and money.
A: “as a guarantee for the future next time around” I’ve heard rumor that if you say that three times really fast it will make sense.
B: How can Dallas copyright a poster of photos of food stolen from the internet?
C: Whiteout aside, can someone please explain the reason for the “Service” promo? There’s an empty HGC, there’s a title saying the flyer is about service, there’s an LRH quote about needing to get better trained, then they say at the bottom “Move up in Status Today.”
D: Well, Foothills Mission, since you use LRH study tech and all, I’m guessing everyone is dressing up as their favorite roll for the Birthday game and I’m sure that George really wants to know what *roll* I want to play. I choose a nice potato roll or if that is taken, a Kaiser.
E: Re: Tampa Org. There is an established company in our town which advertises for a new front desk person every 3-5 months. It’s become a standing joke. Only people new to town would be silly enough to apply at that company. Now, as to Tampa Org, If you were looking for a job and a company that had been around for quite some time had openings in 18 different departments, wouldn’t you be just the slightest bit worried about why? If not, you’re qualified to work there. Sucker.
F: The WISE meeting had me roaring with laughter. “Free, but you pay for your breakfast”. Nope not free.
For a meeting that supposedly has to do with business smarts, “Free, but you pay for your breakfast” is an incredibly stupid thing to say. In all the spam, newspaper flyers and the like that I’ve ever seen, the word ‘FREE’ is never followed by ‘but.’ Lots of more intelligent ways they could have ‘handled’ this. Even something like: “breakfast donation requested but not required,” or whatever. Morons; no way to run a business.
I’m having a PARTY and YOU’RE ALL INVITED.
This is so exciting!
We’re going to have just the BEST time!
You won’t to miss this!
It will be a very theta evening!
Please bring soda, your favorite booze, or a thermos of coffee or tea – in case you get thirsty!
You might also want to tote along some snacks, too, like chips and some dip, and then maybe a casserole or some other hot food, possibly a cake or a pie , your favorite cookies etc. – in case you get hungry!
Note: Don’t bring water as the tap water at my place is amazing!
So much for the refreshments! Sounds terrific, eh?!!!!!!
But that’s not all!
You can expect AMAZING ENTERTAINMENT at my party, too, folks!
Bring your guitars, drums, harmonicas and banjos and WE WILL HAVE A BLAST.
Right after a few of you move my 8 foot long iron couch and 300 lb oak table downstairs so we have the room to play.
NO WORRIES ON PARKING as there’s a garage right down the street from my place that only charges $15 per hour!
So, have I convinced you?
Date and time and address of my fabulous party – FORTHCOMING! Stay tuned for updates on these!
Please confirm your attendance below and let me know how many guests you’ll be bringing!
The time is now!
“I did my next Ideal Org status as a guarantee for the future next time around.”
Here are your guarantees:
1)You are now poorer this lifetime than you were before and you’ll be getting no return for your money in any way shape or form, and, 2) Once you’re dead your heirs will be poorer also.
Now that’s what I call a truly shonky time share deal!
Make it a large pepperoni for dinner…can always refrigerate the leftovers.
That, ‘Call Kat’ person looks like she’s thinking, WTF did I get myself into! Help!
That’s one kitty that sure won’t be purring.
Yes, she does 🙂
Yes indeed. There’s more than a soupcon of fear in those eyes.
That wooden footbridge has a very steep decline. Into the pit of Hell?
For the Montrose, CA birthday game the “ROLL” that I want to play is a jelly roll. Now maybe if they asked about “roles”, they might, and I mean might get a semi intelligent answer.
As sung by yours truly with my swing quintet: “Ain’t gonna give nobody none of my jelly roll.”
“I did my next Ideal Org status as a guarantee for the future next time around.” What makes you think you get another turn on this Merry-go-round?
I love how Tampa wants someone experienced in ‘Estates’. Can’t strip Grandma of her assets without an expert.
Estates refers to the maintenance of the building, groundskeeping, cleaning, painting, repairs, etc.
I guess Rod heard LRH talking about one-life Clears.
Yep, that’s right, Rod’s gonna need that money to Clear his mucked up case next lifetime. That is, you know, if there is a next lifetime with all the impending nukes and all. Better get it right this lifetime, Rod!
Somebody at the Org count-intentioned your case by throwing a barrier called ‘Ideal Org Status’ at you, buddy. Next time, ask them to name one reference in LRH’s words mentioning status. It will nullify their CI. Next get in PT and use that money for a nice vacation far, far away from the BS.
“What LRH says on how to become unstoppable in any activity”
So … why doesn’t each org simply do THAT?
It’s a puzzlement.
Maybe if each org hired a WISE consultant to help them apply the greatest “admin tech” ever developed ….
From the King & I. ”Tis a puzzlement.
Parody Alert!
Inspired by OSD, sung to DM by the Sea Org Slave Chorus:
Getting to know you
Getting to know all about you,
Getting to hate you,
Getting to know you hate me.
Getting to know you,
Thinking you’re so fake and cheesy!
When I am with you
Never know what I should say!
Haven’t you noticed
Suddenly I’m sick and queasy?
Because of all the horrible and new
Things I’m learning about you
Day by Day.
(Thunderous Clapping). Outstanding post, Aquamarine! Bravo! I’m still laughing! Whew!
Thanks OSD. You’re very kind 🙂
Lasagna, salad, bread and veggies??
Hope they didn’t hurt themselves spending as little money as possible on food.
Xenu forbid Miscavige spring for the meals provided.
Oh Rod Warnecke, I feel so sorry for you. Please just walk away.
Now there seems to be an FNing Life?
Well, if that is the case, have an FNing day, ok?
🙂 Silvia.
In my area, if you were to tell someone to “Have an FNing day”, you could be risking a punch in the nose 🙂
What the heck is a F/NING life? Why would I want one of those?
Simply put, its Scientologese for “happy” or “no problems” or “everything going well”.
It mean that everything is so OK that you wear a shit eating grin from morning till night and never ever worry about your finances or whether some reg will come calling for you.
Short ans: Because you have one compared to those in the Cult!
I’ve never been involved in this nasty cult, but I believe F/N stands for a “floating needle” when auditing.
And, no….you would never want one of those…ever.
“Go up the bridge”
This irritates me every time I see it.
You go *over* a bridge, not *up* it.
Up Yours, Elron.
That’s what I always thought.
Ha Ha, good point Miss Q. And yes, UP YOURS LRH!
Up your “Stat-Asses.”
“Let us know what roll you’d like to play…”
Hoagie, Kaiser, or Sweet?
Can I be Kaiser, Miss Q?
A long baguette because as you play you start out with a richer sound and as you get hungry and start eating it you eventually end up with a mini bread roll which sounds like a picollo.
Yes, the bridge to “TOTAL BONDAGE”, mind-numb robots. Wow! Hubbard was a pathelogical liar, if telling the truth was actually easier he would still tell the lie! Sad.
I was duped by Scientology back in 2000 and was a faithful member for many years.
I worked on Staff.
I was a died – in – the – wooler for sure.
Did my Bridge at Flag and the “L’s – which was nothing but a RIP OFF.
I had nothing but financial ruin after borrowing money to pay for my so-called Bridge progress – which was nothing but a road to confusion…
Then donating a lot of BORROWED money to the Ideal Org Scam
We saw Leah’s show and it finally woke us up out of the hypnotic trance we were in.
I have been lurking and looking for a while
I think we need to have legislation enacted to protect innocent victims of “non profit” organizations masquerading as “religions” to obtain money – Scientology does NOTHING to help humanity. In fact – it is hurting people and ruining lives.
I have been reading the internet and am in utter horror that I was so duped by this fake religion.
Scientology Inc is a criminal organization hiding behind the religious cloak.
The briefings are nothing but “Merchants of Chaos and Fear” Briefings.
They put people into FEAR and the normal stiumlus response of normal human beings – is to “do something about it”
Scientology capitalizes on this parlor trick. It is sitting on BILLIONS of dollars and the leader lives a lavish lifestyle while he beats and abuses the slaves trapped in the Sea Org. It is disgusting to think the government won’t interfere. It must!
So people are bilked out of milllions of dollars each and every month.
It is MIND CONTROL and it is manipulation and it is deceitful.
Our government needs to help shut this down.
I have to hide under the radar because my extended family is drinking the kool aid.
I pretend to be in so I don’t lose my extended family – but I am keeping my kids far away from this cult.
“We saw Leah’s show and it finally woke us up…”. Score!
I hope soon you can fly high and no longer be under the radar.
The extended family is a mess
After years of giving everything to the cult of Scientology
They gave and gave and gave for many years
They now have nothing – nothing of any value
No family
No money
No mest
No state of clear or OT
Invalidated and nullified
By the tech
The state they are in
Fear and confusion
They gave all
Their lives SUCK
free slave labor by working on staff
The result of being Scientologists are financial ruin and shattered families
In the past few years, divorces are shattering our family
I hate Scientology
I’m so sorry. I’d be willing to guess that’s the state of most people still in, reaching for the non-existent carrot, afraid of the repercussions of stating that the emperor has no clothes.
Your statement. A true “success story” for scientology.
Please…don’t hold back, Traveler! Just let ‘ER rip! Outstanding post!
“We saw Leah’s show and it finally woke us up out of the hypnotic trance we were in”…”I have to hide under the radar because my extended family is drinking the kool aid”…”I pretend to be in so I don’t lose my extended family – but I am keeping my kids far away from this cult.”
Totally understood and fabulous, Traveler!
You had the courage, the intelligence, and, at the at the core of your nature, the self-honesty to LOOK.
You’re on your way to being officially out, no doubt. This is frequently a process.
In your heart, though, you’re OUT – that’s obvious!
So glad you’re with us, reading and posting!
Welcome Traveler! Thanks for sharing your story. Sorry you lost so much time & money to the criminal cult. Be grateful that you kept your kids out. Hopefully your extended family will wake up and see the truth.
Traveler the gov’ts job isn’t to protect people from obvious falsehoods like religion. Come on, water to wine? people rising from the grave? Body Thetans? Et al.
Just take responsibility for having fallen for an extremely stupid religious hoax and spread the word.
Wynski —
I know you mean well, but that was a bit harsh to someone who recently woke up.
I think Traveler meant that the govt should intervene by finally taking down this criminal cult that is guilty of massive crimes, abuse, fraud, etc; not protecting people from religion and silly beliefs.
Kay, there is not enough to prosecute to do what you are saying.
Wynski, if the government grew a pair and removed tax exemption, the rest would follow.
Naw Valerie, the way it is run now removing tax exempt status wouldn’t shut down the CoS.
I’ve run a large multi-national business and there are TONS of ways to limit tax on profits to the point of paying almost nothing. On top of that, being a religion means being able to have volunteers working.
Word of mouth and what Mike, Leah and the like are doing is how you shut it down.
” I have been reading the internet and am in utter horror that I was so duped by this fake religion.”
You are among friends traveler. Most of us have been there and done that!
” Our government needs to help shut this down.”
Don’t count on it. That ‘group’ has some similar characteristics ….. unfortunately. Try reading ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’ by E. Griffen for starters.
” I pretend to be in so I don’t lose my extended family – but I am keeping my kids far away from this cult.”
Excellent choice IMHO! With some luck you will help others leave as well. Wishing you all the best.
Lurk no more, Traveler. A very hardy welcome to the club.
And, you proved that you really do have Super Powers by walking away. Congrats on that! You’re now free to do what you want to do! I look forward to more of your posts.
Thanks OSD and everyone for the great comments. I am getting a good education thanks to the internet, Leah’s show and several books written by ex members.
The Libraries have so many books written by ex Scientologists.
We checked several libraries around the globe and they DON’T have any books written by L Ron Hubbard.
The entire Basic Book library campaign was a scam and a cruel hoax.
Isn’t that fraud?
They all have books written by ex members: Ruthless by Ron Miscavige, Couterfiet Dreams, My Billion Year Contract, Blown for Good, and many others.
Also – Going Clear and Inside Scientology.
We are reading them all.
Congratulations Traveler. And a pat on the back to everyone involved in A&E’s Aftermath. Traveler’s story is the goal, and any notch for the good guys is another loss for the thugs like Miscavige.
Traveler, I have a feeling that many in your extended family that still drink the koolaid have their own private doubts, so there is hope.
Also, I am positive that this tax free status will be yanked for such a criminal enterprise. But you can help, in fact everyone reading this can help, just follow the directions here, compliments to Jeff Augustine:
Kick ’em where it hurts, everybody, because all scientology cares about is money, and this “clearing the planet” nonsense is just bullshit to fleece its members.
I agree. Well said. Don’t worry about your family, you need to stand up for what is right. Something can be done about it.
A wooden footbridge? Goshdurnit, I wooden wanna cross that un too fast.
Definitely something not right about that ‘What do you get’ poster, the writing on the wall looks like ‘Ijaid vfilfdnings center’ also the glasses on the side are very strangely distorted.
After reading all that, that clap trap, I need a stiff drink. Talk about complete insanity and detachment from reality.
No you don’t 🙂
I know you’re joking but don’t ever entertain the possibility that these nutjobs can make YOU nuts.
Remember, its only insanity BECAUSE no sense whatsoever can be made of it, by ANYBODY.
How is the girl doing, btw?
As well as possible, I hope.
It was too early to read the stuff Aqua. Just kidding about a drink that early. 🙂
The girl is doing great. She is growing like a weed and is healthy. Thank God as it is so hard because they get scared and don’t understand why they hurt and don’t feel well. All you can do is hold them and try to reassure that way.
Got it on all, Wynski. So glad to hear this! All that is good and right is rooting for her, and for you.
What is a ‘clap trap’ anyway? Someone with VD?
Maybe it’s a faulty nose ring?
Must be OSD!
You expected someone else? Yes, ’tis I. I’m going to go back to sleep…
LOL, They’re playing rolls in Hawaii.
Shouldn’t they be baking their rolls in Hawai’i? I might suggest the word ‘role.’
To the “silver humanitarian” Rod:
Don’t throw away your life and savings to a conman’s cult, with hopes of having a better life next time around.
You are better than that!
And to Jim and Carol:
I feel so sad that you mixed your children up with this despised organization. It is all going to end in unhappiness, like it does for everyone else in scientology.
It’s their choice to make…
You tell this Ideal M’org sucker donor that “he’s better than that”.
No, he isn’t, unfortunately.
Nor was I, nor were you, nor were ANY of us, back in the day when we fell for this and other cult scams, and gave over our money, our effort, our time.
WE were not “better than that” either, back in the day;
But we BECAME “better than that” by deciding to LOOK and confront what we saw
David Miscavige is a soulless sociopath who lives and breathes to abuse anyone who’ll let him. a con artist who will steal from anyone who’ll let him.
We realized this truth. Are we geniuses here?
With all respect, I don’t think so. We were just willing to look, willing to deal with what we observed
We stopped being suckers. So can he.
We MADE OURSELVES “better than that”. So can he.
Until that time, he’s just another sucker who doesn’t “deserve” an even break from Miscavige.
Per Miscavige, no sucker EVER does. Remember who we’re dealing with. This is not a normal person with a conscience and compassion. He is a SOCIOPATH. Anyone who presents himself to be lied to, abused, defrauded and swindled is obliged!
Aqua, well, let’s hope Rod can take that step to wake up and indeed be better. I wish him well.
As for all you said about Miscavige, nobody could have said it better. He is a menace to all he touches, the biggest SP who has ever walked the earth, and the world is waiting for the perp walk he so richly deserves.
He HAS TO wake up, WAYC! There is NO other choice! Because Miscavige is NEVER going to grow a conscience and “go easy” on him. No mercy, no compassion will be forthcoming for ANY sucker which is how he views every one of the Still Ins. So long as Rod stays in there will be no mercy or justice for him. That applies to every Still In. They’ll be bled for whatever they have – if its not money, it will be their effort. But the good news is again, WE left! MIke RINDER left, for crying out loud! How unlikely did THAT appear as occurring,, back in the day! Traveler on this blog just shared that he watched Leah’s show and woke up! To sum up, it HAS BEEN happening, IS happening, and WILL BE happening!