Christmas Bizarre
So, THIS is what the “ideal org” in the “first scientology city” is up to…. Selling jewelry, flowers and trinkets. At least there is some exchange.
Freedumb Mag is recruiting…
I would normally have made this its own article, but there is no much to cover that I put it in here. I was sent this email by 9 different people yesterday. Apparently LD Sledge has quite a mailing list of former church members!
What is so amusing about this is not just that “Freedom” is opening a “full newsroom” (?) but they are using a public scientologist to try and recruit for them? And offering “upstat people” “upstat pay.”
Things have gone downhill for Freedom since the untimely demise of Jim “Bozo The Clown” Lynch which was reported by Tony Ortega at his blog.
From: LD Sledge [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 9:11 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Freedom mag needing writers and talentFreedom Magazine is opening a full newsroom needing writers. Also it will be a full functioning organization doing media of all kinds, including videos, movies, etc. If you are interested in working for them in any of these capacities, call me, 727 667 1191, and I will put you in touch with them. This is a great opportunity, especially if you are willing to move to Sunny California and work with some really upstat people at upstat pay. (write me at [email protected])
Turkeys apparently…
The Mighty “101st Airborne” OT Committee
So far, there are 7 members.
This org has been around since 27 January 1972. One would think that in more than 40 years (including the last decade or so of straight up and vertical 47X expansion) would have something a little more impressive….
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:24:34
From: Claire Taylor <[email protected]>
Cc: ‘West US Events Unit’ <[email protected]>, ‘Sydney Thompson’ <[email protected]>
Subject: Inside scoop. read the whole email.Scientology New Year’s Event
Saturday, December 27th
LIVE in Los Angeles
Shrine Auditorium
Pre-Event Reception with refreshments and live music starting at 5:00PM
Doors open at 6:00PM
BE SEATED by 6:30PM (this is a LIVE Event, being filmed for export to every Scientology Church around the world, and the cameras are going to roll right at 7:00PM!)
Starts with an opening medley performance of Scientology classics, with powerful performances by Jesse Stevens, Elena Rogero and others!
The event presentation will include MEGA announcements for the Pacifica Bridge, an international review of 12 EPIC months since the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II, our International Power FSMs awarded on stage, and plus some BIG SURPRISES about BIG NEWS!!!
After-event party in the Shrine Expo Hall including live music, food and dancing. And YOU WON’T BELIEVE what you’re going to be able to catch a larger than life glimpse of when you get in there!!! 😉
(like LRH Way right in the Expo Hall!)
Be ready for a FLAT OUT PARTY! There is SO much to celebrate in this last Scientology year.
A Christmas Present
Speaks for itself. One of the “Secret Santa” gifts exchanged at our recent XMas party.
Things are rocking in Nashville:
Shot taken by a Special Correspondent at 1pm on Thursday.
Note, even though this “ideal” org is open, they too have window covering tech in full force.
And I must say, that fence is really inviting.
Also, those yellow VM Ford vans sitting unused in the parking lots of every org are a nice touch. Shouldn’t the world’s largest private humanitarian relief force ™ be out and about at this time of year doing something for the underprivileged or something? Anything?
Mountain View is crumbling
Another “ideal” org clearing their area.
This building was bought 7 or 8 YEARS ago and they are still trying to get the money to renovate it.
Meanwhile, like so many others, it is starting to fall apart. The awning is looking a little the worse for no wear.
More Good News
EUS service starts (for the ENTIRE continent, all services anywhere in all orgs) is “uptrending” at 39.
Straight Up And Vertical Baby!
From: John Stout OT Ambassador <[email protected]>
Subject: EAST US OT COMMITTEE EXPANSION NEWS 2014: Week-ending 11 December 2014Dear East US OT Ambassadors and OT Committee Members:
The bigtime news in East US is that Atlanta is just a few bucks shy of completing its Ideal Org renovations fundraising and, in fact, may well done by the time you read this! Atlanta was way out in front this past week in all of East US Ideal Org Fundraising and the continental stat was in Affluence! Very Well Done!
East US Service Starts totaled 39 and is uptrending now on several weeks. Almost every OTC had multiple starts, and Boston led the continent with 7. The wins from Golden Age of Tech Phase II are astounding and exactly as LRH intended!
East US IAS support was UP, and New York OTC was #1! Very Well Done!
East US Volunteer Hours shot way up and was over 1,000 for the week!
Let’s give our org staff and Int Management the gift of expansion for this holiday season! Target Affluences in all of your key production areas!
ML John Stout
OT Ambassador East US I/C
If this is really true, how come with more than 1,000 Super Powered Beings, things are going so badly in the world of scientology? Flag is empty. Ideal orgs are failing miserably. More dire legal and media situations than at any time in the history of the church.
I must admit the squirrel nut cracker is tempting. 🙂
“Things are rocking in Nashville:”
Well… some days it’s just cheaper to keep the gates closed than the doors open.
“Inside scoop. read the whole email.” Zzz…
“And YOU WON’T BELIEVE what you’re going to be able to catch a larger than life glimpse of when you get in there!!!” Cap’n Sociopath in two inch shoe inserts?
YSCOHB t-shirts in all colors and sizes for the new Anti Psych campaign. Your donations will bring sanity on a scale unimaginable to any previous undertaking. Only $19.99 each!!! Special discounts for bulk purchases!!! See your Bridge Service Advisor after the event!!!
Michael Mallen
So funny… “YSCOHB t-shirts in all colors and sizes”
Its so good to hear your voice here… excuse the evaluation but you are a real asset here…
This is in response to Robert Almblad as there was no reply button. Robert, thank you for the evaluation! Lol. We share a common history – would love to get in comm. Please have Mike give you my email.
Hey Miami? Do typos in LRH quotes count as MUs?
“The successful participant of a group is that participant who closely approximates the ideal, ethic and rational of the whole group”.
Does anyone have a clue if this is the original quote or if this is even a quote. And if so, could someone with an LRH/English dictionary please translate it for me. I think probably rational should be rationale, but even then it closely approximates Shermanspeak.
Val — it is taken from An Essay On Management, the section entitled “Credo Of A True Group Member”:
1. The successful participant of a group is that participant who closely approximates in his own activities the ideal, ethic and rationale of the overall group
You cannot expect anyone to use spellchecker or heaven forbid, proofread. They don’t have time for that. They have MONEY to get…
it’s always advisable to use a spell checker when you’re casting spells.
Re: “rational” should be “rationale”
“I first met Mr. David Miscavig with his wif Shelly during th Christmas holiday season in 1986 when th staff of th International Bas and Golden Era Productions went to Big Bear to ski and celebrat along with Author Services executives and staff. Tom introduced m to Mr. and Mrs. Miscavig as his new wif. They wer very warm and cordial and went out of their way to meet m having known Tom sinc th early 80s. Tom was very proud to introduc m and to let m know how much h cared for and respected Mr. Miscavig and how Mr. Miscavig and his wif took him under th wing when h first arrived to the Int Bas a few years prior and brought him with them to a football gam over Christmas and saw that h was not alon, as h was new and knew few peopl.”
Ah, Jenny, as articulate as ever. Good to see, after all your years as a sycophant, you have not lost your skill at mindless repetition. Good on you.
If you use words like: Mega News, unprecedented expansion, far beyond your imagination, never before in history, and so on you will get hired immediately for the Fraudoom, sorry, Freedom Magazine.
Apply in poison.
I am mega excited! to hear the unprecedented excellent!!! news that you in your ultra upstat beingness just delivered to ME!!! My heart has expanded far beyond its’ ability to contain the historical outpouring of JOY at the knowledge that a being such as me will have the heretofore unbeknownst to me ability to work at such a place as the Magazine you describe.
Another day, another coffee to start it and another scan of Mike’s site.
Even though I’ve been out of corporate $cn for a long time now I still breath a sigh of relief about getting out of that mess when I did. Golden Age of Tech – WTF is that?
Those inside the bubble are a perfect study of delusion, and as sure as gravity exists so does insanity.
There maybe a lot wrong with the world but as sure as heck, it’s not going to be fixed with isolation, delusion with disconnection as an operating basis and the stealing of other people’s money and time.
If there was one thing I could get through to the idiots behind miscavige’s barricade it’d be something like, wake up and make start making friends with the world, they are watching you wither and die.
Apropos of the media firestorm about to engulf Scientology, would anyone be surprised if Scientology adopted the North Korean method of shredding the freedom of speech?
Or has Kim Jun Un adopted the Scientology method?
Scary thought, but came to mind of course.
I would not be surprised to see them try, but surprised to see them succeed.
The CoS does not have something equivalent to North Korea’s bureau 121. At least not anymore. They have also always pretty much sucked at all this internet stuff.
The best option they would be for them to hire a botnet for a DDOS against HBO and/or BBC. Or outside talent for hacking. But since HBO seems to know what they’re doing at least legally, I would not bet against them not knowing what they’re doing in matters of cyber security. Also, since North Korea’s actions seem to be taken seriously, there are probably people down at the NSA who are being even more paranoid than usual. I would not plan anything major on this front right now, especially using someone who has no reason to be loyal to them once they get caught.
But they’re not rational people, so they might very well try such a stunt, with the inevitable backlash it would generate.
If so, 2015 looks like it will be even more full of lulz than we expect. I think it’s time to invest in popcorn.
Sadly, the CofS is only too happy to breakup marriages and families. Anyone with even a shred of humanity left will just breakup with the church instead. The good news is that this is the real road out.
Mike, maybe I’ve been out so long that I don’t understand present day scientology. Can you explain to me the reason behind putting paper on all the windows? Is it to keep people passing by from looking in, or, is it to keep staff from looking out? Putting paper over their windows says to me they’re scared shitless of the world.
Well OSD, I am sure they tell the seals that this is to protect the privacy of the numerous epic stars that are on lines at CC Nashville.
The truth — they don’t want anyone to see that their place is empty. But the parking lot is a dead giveaway…
It’s weird. Who knows?
Thanks, Mike. The reason I brought it up is because when my wife and I went to a musical up in Hollywood, we wandered around a bit and every scientology building we saw had paper over their windows. I found that a bit odd not to mention it giving it the feeling of a cult. Just curious…
OSD – in the world of Retail, paper-covered windows signify transition. Like the old Fat Burger joint is now becoming a Vegan Pasta Restaurant. In the world of Scientology it signifies fear. Those within don’t know why they are there or what they’re supposed to be doing and that lack of stability is a frightening force to confront. Stable data begin to fall away and confusion sets in, leaving these poor souls with that hopeless hapless sense that nothing is as it should be. And those they turn to for guidance are more confused and more useless than they are.
Nothing feels more desperate than drowning and being thrown Both ends of the same rope.
Wow, what an image, Odd Thomas—–“being thrown both ends of the same rope while drowning.”
You said it!
The Mighty “101st Airborne” OT Committee makes me Tommy Davis mad. One has to have been a member of the 101st or a relative of someone who was in to join the real 101st Airborne Association. They used to let civilians who had 50+ parachute jumps join, but that period appears to be over. If the OTC wants to steal an appropriate name, the ‘1959 Edsel’ is probably available.
The ‘wins’ expressed by no name on the Stupor Powerz stuff is an adventure in word salad that actually says, “I can imagine a lot’. Unfortunately imagining a life without Lroon and regging is right out.
What kind of particiPANTS does one wear while trying to be a turkey cow? Inquiring minds want to know.
Jimi Hendrix was in the 101st Airborne and the proud history of the 101st stands in honour to the fighting spirit of US forces. I find it insulting that any part of the Cof$ uses such associations to position itself.
They tried it with ANZAC and it was instantly rejected by the people of Australia & New Zealand and made the national news.
What a sick little man miscavige is.
Speaking of Freedom Magazine, does anyone know what happened to Tom Whittle? He was in charge of that enterprise from the beginning and then disappeared about 5 years ago, right after the magazine became a personal puff piece for the Dwarfenfuhrer. I suspect a certain “hole that does not exist” out in Hemet.
Perhaps Miscavige could convert the Int Base to a golf course and finally make that hole in one.
His Hole is for ALL.
Re: “The Dwarfenfuhrer…
…has treated me with kindness, compassion and understanding that knows no bounds.”
REGRADED BEING Cartoon. Almost the same thing happened to me at Flag more than once. This is a real world example of the insanity that Scientology has become. They do not deserve anyones support. REFORM or CLOSE THEIR DOORS. Miscavige has no choice in the matter, his rudder is frozen and it’s “iceberg dead ahead”.
Regraded beings makes me shudder today ….
It is happening to me right now so it is a pretty realistic scenario unfortunately. My 2D is moving out in order to finish OT7.
Combining the term “IDEAL” in the same context as the statement “delivering on our promise to LRH” is more of the same misleading and alter-is bullshit. No wonder the church is collapsing, it’s like the Pre-Clear losing faith in the auditor because the auditor has violated the trust of the PC. Goodbye case gain. Good god these people are unethical liars and bullshit artists.
Mike, you could offer to write the op-ed for Freedom. 🙂
Atlanta’s just “a few bucks shy,” eh? Odd…I seem to remember in Sandy Springs, they claimed 10,000 members in the Atlanta area, which is why, they said, they needed this new building.
10,000 members and still a few bucks shy? Things that make you go ‘hmmm.’
Windhorse, to add to your post about LD, his ex who joined the SO has been an IAS reg there for a long long time. She knows how to suck the money right out of you. I think her name is Michelle in the IAS. He has been on OT VII an all money is gone and he now tries to make money by renting rooms out in his house, an by selling gadgets on his web site and advertises to get ghost writing jobs. Another casualty of the C of $. He is about as Kool Aide as they come.
Maybe LD Sledge should take one of those upstat paying jobs:
This was on his Facebook timeline:
“LD Sledge
45 mins · Edited ·
Friends: I have to go to Vegas on the 4th of January and may stay a couple of weeks, maybe more.. I just learned that the place I had planned to stay is not available. Can anyone out there connect me with someone who can accommodate a poor wayfaring stranger for a while, or put me with someone at the org who could help? I can’t handle hotels, motels, etc. Need some place I can fix my own eats that I can afford.”
Wow, this is very telling. Read between the lines on LD Sledge’s email and you see that he is a broke flat broke man from being on the level and donating. I mean can’t afford a hotel, can’t buy a meal out, begging for a place to stay… very bad PR for a man on OT VII. Maybe someone should tell him to go to a Time Share presentation and he may get a free hotel stay just for being a time share shill.
I understand there’s plenty of unused space at the org. He could probably stay there for months before anyone noticed. Unfortunately, there’s no food (or TP).
LD Sledge = Lawrence D Sledge Ghostwriter (former attorney)
Seems like a likable chap. What do people get involved with this publication?
LD Sledge was an extremely likable southern gentleman with a bit of a wandering eye. He was a personal injury attorney/ambulance chaser and made some serious money back in the day.
He married a good looking younger woman who worked at the Baton Rouge Mission. Then tragedy struck his life and one of his two sons was killed riding his bicycle in their neighborhood.
The family was given a large settlement which he in turn donated to the Baton Rouge Mission to buy the building OR another one. Can’t really remember those details.
His wife didn’t recover and left LD with her one son and joined the SO. AND demanded and that LD pay her a great deal of money while in the SO. Which of course she was able to get since SHE was the upstat and had joined the SO.
I doubt that she is still in but who knows. Perhaps the son is still in and that is the TIE that binds LD.
He remarried some babe years ago and last I saw LD — probably close to 20 years ago he was living in CW.
He isn’t a bad writer btw and had some decent fiction. None of which made him rich or famous …
His youtube videos don’t get many views.
Seriously sad but he continues to pour kool aid into the wounds of others including himself. I cannot imagine that he has 2 real friends in the world when once he was liked by many. BTW — I am not one of those 2 real friends … I no longer like LD
Claire Taylor sounds like a real “piece of work”. She tries to make everything sound so inviting, so big time, but then her irrelevance kicks in, and she demands that you read the whole e-mail!
The lady that says Super Power is not “false advertisement”, you got to think must know what false advertisement means at least. And she’s got that going for her! Which is a good thing. It is so amazing to me though, how in these “testimonials” that they say absolutely nothing, with no examples, no facts, no nothing, just vague narcissistic prose injected with a dizzying array of textbook superlatives.
Received my “gold ticket” for New Years event. I was given and exact section, row and seat. Now that is interesting. I had to fill out case level, training level etc when ordering ticket. Now reges will know who is sitting where. It has a bar code. Anybody want my ticket? Im not in so cal.
Daisy, Daisy give me your ticket do
I’m half crazy all for the New Year’s news
I won’t give a big donation
Need help with immigration
But what a treat to see the sheep
And the seals clapping at the zoo
Catchy! You got it.
Is there some way that Mike can give you my email?
Responding to Daisy. Mike has permission to give you my email.
That poem is really funny! Made me laugh. Please share the news with us if you do go.
Always nice to see promo from Saint Louis. To give you an idea of how lame this org is I’ll tell you a little story. I called the org not long ago looking for old Scientology publications. After letting the phone ring at least 15x the person who finally answered was told by someone near them to refer me to American Saint Hill. I was like, “Oh ASHO right?” No response, they were stumped. She had to ask the other person near them what ASHO was! I have a strong hunch they were Afro American which means that chances are they were NOI. Implications here are that there aren’t even enough regular Scientologists in STL to rope someone onto staff and they have to recruit NOI volunteers who don’t know jack squat about Scientology to answer their phones. Epic Fail on all counts!
Sorry for my poor use of pronouns. I was trying to hide the sex of the person I spoke with but let a “she” slip through. Oh no OSA, I’m busted!
The phone number on the St Louis flyer is a Chicago area code. I suppose it could be the cell phone of a former Chicagoan, but perhaps the number actually is in Chicago.
— Scientology to English Translation Service —
“THESE RUNDOWNS MADE MY HUGE IDEAS REAL. I mean REALLY real. I’ve had the big ideas before, but part of me never thought they could happen or occur. But now, they seem possible. They seem CERTAIN.”
In English: Still not living my daydreams, but now I’ve been led to believe that dreams really can become reality.
“The primary barrier being ME and my false ideas. Only TRUTH remained.”
In English: Once I was stripped of my individuality and reprogrammed, my fantasies took flight. A persistent trance state has finally achieved.
That really nails it! +100 🙂
Back in the day in Brooklyn, I knew men who made sure their children went to church (Catholic) every Sunday; participated in Holy Communion and Confirmation when they were old enough, and took time out from their workaday world to go to an old friend’s funeral. They also sold stolen goods out of the trunk of their cars, ran book and used their fists to “enforce” their own sense of group ethics.
Everyone has a belief system. Everyone can find some good in something and if they do, will hold onto it, sometimes long after the “goodness” has actually faded.
People’s wins are personal and reflect where they are at, at that moment in time. They are neither good, bad or silly, they just are.
And yet …. I despise made up wins and feel that they are deceptive and do damage to the poor soul who feels compelled to deceive others and themselves.
What category these fall under, I don’t know. I’d rather err on letting them have their win, their moment of reflection. Even when insincere, they may yet nudge them to their senses.
— Scientology to English Translation Service —
From the Miami cow-print turkey clown flyer, this gem from Source: “The successful participant of a group is that participant who closely approximates in his own activities the ideal, ethic and rational (sic) of the overall group.”
In English: Conform!
And the German translation: Gruppe uber alles
The Church of Scientology steals utterances from Hubbard and twists them for their own self serving purpose. They use the term “group” but OMIT DATA that the “group” is no longer the same “group” it used to be. Pretending to be Scientologists while being something else. FIND OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Miscaviges abomination of Scientology is in CONFUSION or lower. The society at large is putting their ethics in on them.
Perhaps you can clear something up for me. How was the value proposition of the Hubbard quote in question altered by Miscavige? Are you saying that if it’s the right group, then Hubbard’s message is admirable to you?
Thank you Doug, I agree 100%!
Excellent summation, Doug! The church doesn’t know who it is. It is Confusion or lower if there is one lower. And now society is putting ethics in on the very group who says they are putting ethics in on the planet. How ironic is that?
This is very true, Doug Parent. When I read this quote from LRH I thought, “But what is the group?” Now the group activities and ideals are what Miscavige says they are. And this flyer was used to promote donations to the Ideal Orgs which are not what LRH described in his policy on ideal orgs. That flyer on the Christmas Bazaar too — LRH said to solve it with Scientology. What a novel idea for a supposed church of Scientology.
Regraded Being… this story is so true and often repeated… Friendship and family are the foundation of any civilization.
This is how the cherch makes civilized people uncivilized.
A group of uncivilized people has no chance of survival simply because they are themselves uncivilized. They essentially destroy themselves, which is what is happening today with the cherch of Scientology.
Unfortunately Regraded Being has once again connected the hammer to the nail. It describes my experience to a tee. Wife, kids, in-laws, nephews all now lapping up a fresh batch of kool aide.
I remember my ex brother in law commenting that ‘Coop better be careful or he won’t be left with anyone.’
Rod Daniells, my ex brother in law who has been in the Cee Ogre twice, (was a GAG I Class VII auditor and C/S, his son Adam Daniells (was a GAG I class IX auditor and C/S and is ex Cee Ogre, his other son Kenny Daniells (was married to Brook Jones (Flag FSM Penny Jones daughter who is now happily living with Catherine Bell) and Rods wife Lori Daniells (also twice Cee Ogre but no training or processing other than as an MAA at Pac) ……………..are all gone now and I have no one.
True, I now have no one on my lines that wishes me poorly or otherwise exudes a ‘holier than thou’ attitude. I hope the Daniells family has a nice Christmas in LA (where they live most of the time except when Lori is here in Sonora at her house across the street from mine usually during times when events occur in LA).
And I expect that the whole family continues to give profusely to the cherch now that they are cranking out the big bucks in LA.
Yo Julian,
You may want to have a conversation with Lori as she has quite a button on the dono thing, especially when it cuts into her landscaping allowance and I suspect there may be a few cobwebs developing along the flow lines there. I’d recommend an intensive or two of sec checking to free things up. You could preface the process with….”regarding donations to the cherch …………….. has anything been suppressed?” You will want to use a nice general catch all kind of a question. Follow it up with ” regarding attending events ………. has anything been withheld?” They are both likely big time reading items…………….
Merry Christmas everyone. Kudos to Regraded Being today!
True, I now have no one on my lines that wishes me poorly or otherwise exudes a ‘holier than thou’ attitude.
And now, if you reach out a hand, there will be someone there to grab it, not someone there to see how much money is in it.
Very true NOLAGirl. And there are many many of them and I have only thank yous to say about it all. The exclamation from the movie Independence Day comes to mind ……”I’m Baaaack”!
Unfortunately, too many of the victims blame themselves. The criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology depends on this mental manipulation that turns victims into self-blaming victims.
If more of the victims figured out that they had been manipulated(1) in order to be made to pay money (often obtained with blackmail or physical coercion) and complained, the police would have something to work with.
(1) yes, they did stupid things, no that doesn’t mean they were stupid, it means they were emotionally manipulated
All of this IMHO, of course.
Be ready for a FLAT OUT PARTY! There is SO much to celebrate in this last Scientology year.”
That sounds about right…2014 might just be their last Scientology year! lolol Someone out there writing this drivel seems to have the Soopah Powah of foretelling the future. :0)
I thought it said ‘flat line party’. My mistake.
I do wonder if they really believe in EPIC and MEGA? Unfortunately, they’re running out of new words which go beyond these two overused ones. Perhaps they’ll begin making such words up? As they make up so much more.
Don’t worry, soon everything will be ORGASMIC!
Mike, do you think Freedumb Magazine might have an opening for a cartoonist?
I think they’d read the above cartoon and NOT REALIZE what is funny/sad about it. Sigh.
Re: “Freedumb Magazine…
…is committing suppressive acts, full time suppressive acts, full time. You guys do nothing to help mankind. You have no facts. It’s unbelievable. You have zero facts. Wow. You’ve had zero effect, none. You guys are embarrassing and pathetic. Why don’t you just stop committing suppressive acts?”
They definitely need a cartoonist! And perhaps some of us should offer to write articles? I’d do mine for free and they can donate the upstat pay I would be getting to an atheist charity 😀
Dear Mr. R. Being;
Thank you for submitting your resume; and undertaking the four hour phone sec-interview. I regret to inform you; that you do not meet our qualification requirements. While we find integrity and inability to lie an interesting Wog phenomenon; they are entheta here at our world liberating magazine. Also; the fact that you were anticipating a salary makes it prohibitive; for a non-profit organization like ours to hire you as we operate on an extremely tight budget with a tiny staff and diminutive boss .
Mrs. Hilda Doolittle
Secretary to the 4th I/C Semi-colon Editor
FreeDumb Magazine
RB — not so much an “opening” as a large theta-sucking hole. Best to whistle and walk briskly past.
“Upstat pay” could be anything north of $50.00 per week. So $60 a week could be a relative avalanche of wealth, 20% more than those poor Sea Org folks who didn’t reach for the big bucks and take advantage of this wonderful offer to join the staff of Freedumb Magazine.
Of course, the way I understand Hubbard’s “Admin Tech,” your stats are supposed to go up every single week for you to remain “upstat.” So if the pay is upstat, does that mean that you get a raise every week? That would be a first in the history of this organization!
More seriously, I wonder if this means that John Sugg, who was hired to run Freedom after the death of Jim Lynch, has left and they’re now going to do it all in house, without having to resort to hiring wogs who actually have the unmitigated gall to quit when their job turns out to be a rolling disaster. Here’s Tony’s article on the hiring of Sugg a year ago: