Armageddon is coming…
Only the true believers will be saved.
I guess it’s lonely then…
How is “Target 2” working out for you? Because Target 1 is a big lose.
Check out the “Driver License Training”
First up speaker.
Tough Enough?
Or stupid enough?
Something stinks like rotten fish.
An empty org…
It’s the “ideal” scene.
Come for afternoon tea
Stay to be regged.
We have to get someone to show up to this place in the boonies somehow…
I thought those floodgates were already open?
Didn’t the SuMP bust open the floodgates?
And then the CSN?
Now it’s “statuses” that are going to do it?
There is NO tech for this. Other than sneaker tech — run!!!
4X Retread
Apparently he ran around that pole AGAIN. It used to be 3X. Like this was a plus? You pay for this, do it, then get to do it again? 4 times? And that’s good? He was not “cause resurged”?
What About Thailand?
Rohn Walker was bringing hope to an entire nation. He got that medal for “bringing the tech to Thailand”. But that was 20 years ago. Those missions he opened seem to have closed down. In all those years, there is STILL no org in Thailand. So, what’s so good about hearing him talk?
Once every 6 months…
TC has a completion. And it’s usually at the VERY bottom of the Bridge.
I wonder if they have made either a Clear or a Classed auditor in this “ideal org” in the last year. I would put money on “No.”
Food, glorious food
Well, maybe leave the glorious out. This looks lame.
TonyMo is the Man…
Amazing, they are actually using this guy to get money for the IAS.
I am under the radar lurking and looking and decompressing.
The Divorce Stats in our small, tiny and insignificant little Org – is straight up and vertical.
I moved away from the org – far away – so I could get my shit together. I was in for a long time – served on Staff and was spun into confusion.
I am mortified as to what I am discovering about the truth of what Scientology really is.
I was betrayed and lied to.
Scientology does not work and it is only benefiting David Miscavige and a few private investigators and attorney’s. They are living high on the hog from the money they manipulated out of all members. They use the tech to get members not to look.
It was all an illusion and a delusion. Scientology was nothing but snake oil and parlor tricks.
The tech on how to not kill your partner is needed and wanted in Scientology because Scientology is THE 3rd Party to all conflict and the leading cause of Scientology divorces.
If only the Scientologists would use the “tech” ON Scientology – they could see it. But – they are not allowed to and therefore remain clueless.
I should know – I was one of them for many years. I never made any progress while on staff. I did nothing but work like a slave and I have nothing to show for it. I finally left and got far away from the entire bubble of lies … I started peeking at the internet and I could not stop.
I am grateful you had this blog here and that you and Leah did your show. It woke me up out of the bubble. I have friends that are also out hiding under the radar so we don’t get spied on and harassed by the Church of Scientology.
I hope the government shuts this cult down. I witnessed a lot of destruction to the members of this tiny fake religion.
Welcome, Donna! Very well done on realizing ALL that you’ve shared. You’re going to be OK. You are far above the deluded people you left behind. GREAT ON MOVING FAR AWAY FROM YOUR OLD ORG. We’ve all been thru this. I hope you’re not suffering from the Disconnection policy. If not, count your blessings that you escaped that pain, as I do, every day! Glad to have you here and sharing with us, Donna!
I know what you’re saying, Donna. I let someone talk me into joining staff and, while some good did come out of it, it was, essentially, two and a half years of hell. All I got in auditing was some Book One processing. Most of my contract was spent in a ghetto mall running a Dianetics booth trying to get people to buy Book One. Lived in a house with six other people because staff pay wasn’t enough to get your own place. And all that time succulent carrots like Saint Hill Size and Universe Corps were dangled in front of us. Nothing promised was ever delivered. I finally got out and I’m glad you did, too.
Great to read your posting Donna. Much agreed. I had a similar realization very early on in my decompression period that the Church of Scientology is essentially a suppressive entity in it’s current form and operating basis. And your point about the church being the source of “third party” is right on. Members are “PTS” to something that they know not of. They won’t know until they get the briefing. Then, they will likely take up a protest sign or pickup a pen and get to work. I have long held the belief that the main difference between a Scientologist and a Scientology critic/activist is that the latter knows what really happened, whereas the former has been kept in the dark. To those I urge…inform yourselves. Google is your friend, not the enemy. You should be allowed to stay in the church, WITHOUT PENALTY if you decided to research the church on your own. You should be able to do that. But the church does not trust you, and they (Miscavige) won’t trust you once they know that you found out. Skip the Doubt formula. It’s rigged for you to be made guilty of hurting Scientology when in fact all you are trying to do is find out the truth. Why would the church penalize a self determined action by an individual? An OT. Or a Clear. Or a trained Scientologist. What are they hiding so hard that you would get declared for LOOKING?? You know there is an answer.
Wow Donna. That was one of the best reviews of Scientology I have ever read. You rock Donna!!
Your comment that Scientology is the biggest 3rd party to spouse and family members is so true! You said,
“The tech on how to not kill your partner is needed and wanted in Scientology because Scientology is THE 3rd Party to all conflict and the leading cause of Scientology divorces.”
I was in for a long time too. I have seen this destructive behavior over and over of pitting one family member against the other for the sole purpose of getting more money off of the family member that has money.
When I see a family of Scientologists at a restaurant in Clearwater where I live, I know there is a 99% chance the family unit is going to eventually be destroyed by Scientology. I want to warn them, but they would not listen because this is a cult.. Instead, they have to be crushed and thrown out by Scientology and then they can go online and find out the truth. Welcome Donna, you have many friends here that share your fate at the hands of these bastards.
It’s so terribly sad that in this day, age and society that people have to hide/go under the radar when they decide they no longer want to be part of CoS (and yet so telling about the organization itself.)
I’m sorry you are experiencing this, but happy that you’re not living as you previously were.
May you heal and find joy outside the bubble in a world which while it isn’t perfect, it’s real, you have choices, true options, needn’t pretend, can be happy and not indentured to live a life based on falsities and to benefit a select few.
I wish you all the best.
The reference to “how to avoid killing your partner” is a reference to a recent South African murder case where a male at university murdered his girlfriend….they obviously recon this will strike a cord with the South African public at the moment…
Again, nothing from CCNashville.
I guess it’s still that Marc Vallieres thing.
Anyway, I made up this little song about the Dwarfenfuhrer. I hope you all enjoy it.
(to the tune of “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald “)
There’s a worldwide religion that’s run by this guy.
He’s evil, he’s mean and he’s savage.
He’s not very fun, he stands just 5’1”
And his name is David Miscavige.
He really felt joy back when he was a boy,
His dad took him to see L. Ron Hubbard.
Soon he would be a child tech prodigy
And get into the old man’s cupboard.
Soon LRH sighed, had a stroke, up and died
After that little Davey took over.
Turned that HASI mess into the IAS
And soon he was rolling in clover.
Now the boy SOB called himself COB
even though there’s no board he was over.
He led a charmed life with and without his wife
Driving around in a Land Rover.
He started to schmooze with his main man, Tom Cruise
And soon they were both seen together.
When Katie came in, she just could not blend in
So she filed for divorce in a letter.
Then that fateful day came that had no one to blame
It was when he lit the first cinder.
He had to be right and go pick a fight
With an Australian guy named Mike Rinder.
Now he watches the news and it gives him the blues
To see his church go all to cabbage
Perhaps sometime soon there will be a great doom
Called the wreck of David Miscavige.
Ha Ha!
This is great!
My favorite lyric:
“Now the boy SOB called himself COB
even though there’s no board he was over.”
The f***er truly does live in a little fantasy land. But the wolves are at the door, and he knows it.
Glad you liked it, WhatAreYourCrimes .
Oh, I forgot to add the following lyrics. They would go after the ones about SOB and COB:
Now Davey did gloat when he bought that big boat,
a rust bucket known as the Freewinds.
Folks boarded in a flash while the staff took their cash
and soon it was known as the Fleecewinds.
Thank you for very much for the flier about Minister Tony Muhammad speaking at the Church of Scientology of the Valley. This is an issue that is important to me and I try to follow closely. My first of a series of upcoming tweets on this subject:
Saturday, May 26, 2018: Scientology Freedom Medal Winner / Scientology TV personality Nation of Islam Min. Tony Muhammad (who lectures on “Why The Jews Hated Jesus & Why The Jews Hate Farrakhan”) speaking at Church of Scientology of the Valley.
“Why the Jews Hated Jesus & Why The Jews Hate Farrakkhan”.
Disgraceful that this “church” associates itself with the NOI. Utterly disgraceful.
And for the record, I know many Jewish people and far from hating, they just kind of shrug at the NOI.
And as for them “hating Jesus”, Its the NOI that’s full of hate!
The many Jewish people I know and do business with are far too busy living decent productive lives to be hating.
My experience in conversations with Jewish people about the anti-Semitic Louis Farakkhan has been that they are extraordinarily tolerant of him!
I’d say its a safe bet that they don’t think about Loony Louis too much and if they do they just dismiss it with a shrug.
I AM THE ONE who gets infuriated by this stuff and I’m not even Jewish!
Nor am I, strictly speaking, a Christian either, so I have no personal ax to grind about Jesus.
But Jews hating Jesus? OMFG, come ON!
OK I’ll end this rant with just another fervent prayer of thanks that I’m no longer associated in any way shape of form with the always embarrassing Church of Scientology and withal the always appalling Nation of Islam.
(Which has NOTHING to do with Islam, btw.)
Ok, I’m done.
Spot on, Aqua! The NOI has NOTHING to do with Islam.
It’s all about how evil white people are.
Miscavige has a seemingly endless supply of foot bullets. Here is yet again another, fired with reckless abandon. Does he even think anymore, or have the hairplugs been tugging away at that little brain matter of his?
I just read the first two fliers without the benefit of coffee and now my eyes hurt and I have a headache.
“Play large!” uh, my headache is starting to get worse and I don’t think coffee will save me now.
“The ideal org is the image one builds toward.” Because Decrepit Muppet ain’t going to use any of his money to make it a reality.
“Arc Straightwire – Recall Release” Why, oh why, did I read that “success story”…aagghh…
“TonyMo is the Man” (thinks. Keep smiling like it really means something while keeping an eye on the regges to my left and make sure hand protects wallet. unthinks.)
Nothing says “sanity” like a brand new modern office featuring a desk with the name and initials of a guy who’s been dead for 32 years. And chairs facing it as if ready for a meeting with him. Yup. Totally sane stuff, that.
And yet sometimes COS can be super transparent: (Regarding Rafferty Pendery) “And he has helped over 1000 individuals generate the resources to get up The Bridge.”
~Make money. Make others make money. Give it all to Scientology.
“How to avoid killing your partner”. I would say don’t let the “reg” divide you. If you decided together you can’t afford to donate don’t let the reg work on your partner and turn them against you.
And slap the shit out of the reg. Over & over again. That’s my dream…
Happy Dreams to you, OSD.
How not to kill your spouse… damn, things must be a little rougher in Joburg than I already thought.
” How to avoid killing your partner.”
“What makes a relationship explosive?”
” How do you build a relationship for the long haul?”
OMFG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! here I go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yo frickin Dave,
Here are a couple of clues for you to pass on to yer Joberg staff to help them with the free seminar:
1) Do not have the reg convince the mark that since he/she/it is a bigger being than the spouse, that they will need to donate over $100,000.00 to the IAS to make it go right and save the planet.
2) Do not then tell the mark that they should not tell their spouse about the dono because it might cause an upset. And in case you are reading this Paul Miller, don’t lie to the spouse who is on lines at Flog and tell them that during your 4 hour reg phone call that lasted until 3:00AM the evening before that the spouse said the dono was OK to do.
3) Even if the relationship has lasted 32 years, do not do one and two above.
4) Do not tell the kids who are in the See Ogre that the parent is a loser because he/she/it got upset about being lied to and sent an email to the IAS covering the ‘outpoints’ of …… among other things ….. being third partied by the very group proclaiming they are here “TO RESTORE BASIC COMMON SENSE VALUES” to the planet.
5) Do not then declare the upset spouse an Ess Pee.
6) When the spouse who has remained ‘in’ is involved in divorce proceedings because the ethics officer said they needed to do so, do not demand that they cease all personal communication and only use an attorney; and don’t threaten them with disconnection from their kids unless they follow orders and also send copies of all attorney communication to the ethics officer, in this case Julian Schwartz.
7) When the still-in spouse finally loses it because they are simply trying to follow Julians orders and get through the divorce (by communicating with the long fuckin gone spouse) that is not contesting the divorce, do not then declare he/she/it a suppressive and have the still-in kids then disconnect from them.
These are kinda, sorta BASIC COMMON SENSE VALUES Dave. These are also things Dave, that will help to achieve the goals you mentioned above. Pass it along dick breath!
Newcomer, what you’ve shared in detail above is so far out and beyond the beyond horrible that words of comfort and solace fail me.
All I can offer is the postulate that your new wife is a level headed, strong minded, tender hearted woman who loves you completely, someone who could never be persuaded for any reason to betray her love and commitment to you, or her own integrity.
That would be a very true statement Aqua.
Then you and she are very, very lucky, Newcomer, even though you found one another later in life. Joy to you both every day.
“We have the tech to restore honesty, morality, productivity, and bring calm.”
If I could describe ANYTHING that is the polar opposite of scientology, these are the words I would use.
I would assume their “how to avoid killing your partner” title is a lame attempt at “tongue and cheek” sarcasm….very insensitive and insulting to those (mostly women) who have been killed in domestic violence. So EFFING tacky. yuk.
I would assume their “how to avoid killing your partner” title is a lame attempt at “tongue and cheek” sarcasm…
Always entertaining to see Scientology make a belated attempt at J&D. They manage “degrading” pretty well, but they long ago lost the connection to basic humanity that enables people to share humor.
I am still getting over the shock of a family member of mine who was raised in Scientology and murdered by her abuser a few weeks ago.
The horror pain and outrage I feel right now — hundreds of thousands of dollars that were extorted by the cult and yet Scientologists all turned their backs on her “because she had withholds!”
It was probably also out PR that she was in that type of relationship to begin with..
I am so sorry and angered, Mike to hear about what’s happening with your daughter and she’s being USED as a mouthpiece for the cult. I wish she could know what the cult did to this beautiful young woman who probably felt in the end she deserved to die.
All domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment victims, women’s shelters, Advocates of the Me-Too Movement, and others should know; L Con Hubashit says, “The only reason a person leaves is because of their own overts and withholds!”
The cult does not believe that rape and abuse exist AT ALL!
How dare they try to position themselves as champions of women’s rights when in fact they leave them for DEAD!!!!!
Only Clears and OT’s will be saved? They might want to ask Jesus about who’ll be saved and who will not. Seriously, God wants everyone in heaven (R6 implant), but only those who have received Jesus as Lord will be saved. All others will be in the smoking section.
Saved from what, exactly?
Right there is bullshit that gives CO$’s bullshit a run for it money.
Yeah… I don’t think so. But that’s just me.
Rod M, please don’t forget that ole’ yeller himself, L. Ron Hubbard, said that he is the antichrist in the revelations of the original OT VIII.
Google it!
I would strongly suggest you share this information with all of your Christian friends and family if you haven’t already.
I really need to see the Christian population fighting against the evil of scientology, founded by an occultist.
The Christian community is always sounding the alarm about cults but scientology has been around so long now it would take a major criminal action by this cult to motivate them again. Hopefully with Leah and Mike’s show on A&E this cult will get higher scrutiny again. We’ve been trying to sound the alarm about Jehovahs Witness and others for years with very little help from our society which is preoccupied with cell phones and facebook, etc. to care about churches – good or bad. Ya know?
Well, if your Christian Denomination hasn’t taken up the flag against scientology, others certainly have.
The mind is easier to fool than the heart, even people still IN know that something doesn’t feel “right” even though they support the cult. I believe when the heart has had enough pain it will override the mind and get “out” of the cult. So no amount of religious condemning will get people to leave, they’ll leave when they can no longer deny what their heart feels. IMO
Unless you’re Carlton Pearson, Brother …
/End Sarcasm
The fillings in those wraps in the Stevens Creek promo look barfed up corned beef hash with some added lettuce.
Good, workable policy as re attendance at any cult event: Eat before you go.
Yes, and stay away from the Kool-aid. : )
Yes, true. Forgot to add: “Always bring a bottle of water”.
Way far away. Where they don’t have Kool-Aid.
I always wonder if the doomed people were informed that refreshments would be served prior to being called to that final meeting in Jonestown.
Scientologists should be wary, especially now that the house of cards has collapsed around Miscavige’s little flailing body.
From what was found during the investigation the parents knew what was about to happen but the children did not. The adolescent members probably also knew and most likely were murdered by the Jones guards. I have a feeing that if DM feels his world closing in he may either skedaddle with the bank accounts or have the Sea Org board ships again just as LRH had before. 3 billion can buy “a few” cruise ships filled with fuel and provisions. He can set sail and if needed he can scuttle them with all on board in the middle of the ocean. We’ll see!
3 billion, my ass.
Even if that was true, what a failure of a so-called superior organization when Mark Zuckerberg exceeded that amount in a few years starting from a dorm room at Harvard.
” look [like] barfed up corned beef hash with some added lettuce.”
Yep …. another success story from Flog.
The “Avoid Killing Your Partner” poster made me wonder. Does anyone think that this is a dig about Arnie Lerma?
Dunno how much “satisfaction” his death gave the scino world. But………………
RB… I think Scioland is trying to put you out of a job. This bunch of funnies would crack a mirror, bizarre, absolutely bizarre!
Dracula would be very disappointed.
“How to avoid killing your partner.” Yes, it does sound a bit extreme.
The original topic proposed was “How to disappear your partner.” An influential party in the “church” hierarchy who wished to stay anonymous vetoed that one. Strangely, “how to send your partner to prison so you don’t have to” didn’t fare any better. Nor did “How to ignore that you had a little daughter with your former partner.”
With Rinder’s Funnies blog approaching rapidly (and very few prospective attendees to worry about anyway) they finally had to settle on something…
“Rohn Walker was bringing hope to an entire nation. He got that medal for “bringing the tech to Thailand” …
I prefer to bring the “tech of Thailand” here, Thai Stick, that is.
Also am I missing something or did that TC babe forget to thank corn on the COB?
Thai stick. Some of the best cannabis I’ve ever had.
I remember those… wrapped in foil. Geezers, Vietnam was happening at the time.
I am HOPING that the A & E Memorial Day presentation of “Cults & Extreme Belief”….will be viewed by millions of people & maybe, just maybe someone will think to themselves….”Hey, I’ve heard that about Scientology….hmmm….I think I’ll look into what’s been said…..I am going to tune into Aftermath #3 to see what’s up”…..of course…it’s only my hopes & dreams it will wake up even ONE person.
Balleylady, many more than just one will be awakened, a mathematical certainty.
“Crimes” I honestly hope so…..any little tidbit of info…..the coming attractions show a woman who says “stay away from people like me”…..Holy Schnikies…….so so true.
So many brave ones here who actually found out the truth, for years loyal, for years not believing the rumors, used, abused, lied to…….so glad so many set THEMSELVES FREE..
Sadly for extended family members who CHOOSE to remain in….we can’t save someone who does not want to be saved….even if it was handed to them in black & white…..or any other way, they STILL would not believe it……
Much love & blessings to all.
P.S… sorry for mispelling your name, BalletLady! Sometimes I just type and move on without a proofreading.
I advanced in status once. It was seventh grade. I bought some Arrow broadcloth button-down shirts in bright pastels, and matching socks. Five shirts at $4 each, socks $1 a pair, two sets to last the year. The were all the rage with the rich kids. I spent paper route money on clothes, then toiled over them at the ironing board all year long. Mom was into no-iron wash and wear about then. I wanted to be in with the in crowd. Neighbors in their 99 cent shirts from Woolworths bargain basement thought I was ‘popular’ because of my 100% cotton pastel shirts. Status, popularity – how fleeting. Such an empty way of thinking. Call it what it is – copycat living, kidding yourself that you can spend money on visible trappings and it will somehow make you more than you are.
Isn’t that the Scientology way? Spend money, toil daily, learn to mimic behavior of your ‘betters’, and in the end getting not much of lasting significance.?
Kristen Anresen is one messed up lady. I have to wonder how many staff helped her write her ‘success story’.
How to avoid killing your partner? Worse TV who didn’t do it show ever.
Kristen Anresen had one of the many EP’s of Scientology – a divorce.
Kristen used to be married to a chiropractor in the twin cities. She was sweet as can be.
She is guzzling the kool aide now.
My doubt finally got solidified and I completed the doubt formula when Scientology opened the monster Ideal Org building and NO ONE CAME IN.
So many twin city members went broke donating to the sham of Ideal Orgs.
I am watching Mike and Leah’s shows, reading everyones books and combing the internet each and every day.
I needed ALL of the data to have the whole picture.
Lurkers – you need to look at everything.
I am out of doubt and am crystal clear.
Scientology is nothing but a scam.
Ok so those of us who made it to clear and OT before we escaped are going to survive this planet. *Phew* nice to know. Bwa ha ha ha.
My question is: if you walk into an org and tell them you’re clear and OT and they shake their head sadly and say oh, no no no no not any more, you’ve got to start all over, if the planet blows up while you’re re doing it, am I safe because I didn’t buy into it but you’re not? What a pack of lies the whole mess is.
Good old Criminon NZ , that Flyer just didn’t gel with me , something is amiss,
First was the name Shane Dargaville ,I thought that Dargaville was a town about 1xhour from home, I’ll give the benift of the doubt , next was the President Eileen Honour , now one would think that ,as a President she would open the meeting, It would be the right thing to do, may be she didnt have time to prepare, just back from Flag Newly OT5 and now doing the Purif in NZ again,
Next Bruce Gibson,….. shit is he still around, Makes me feel old, Theres a new meaning to Dept / office of Special affairs, Its like a Monty Python Skit,
So I look up Criminon NZ , web site , One takes me to Narconon Arrow root , (oh no thats a biscuit,) there is no Criminion NZ, ( Sandwich short of a picnic ) Even the Flyer has no event place, But it has a time table ,some speakers get 15 minutes ,
Now for something that has been going since 1970 ;they should apply the Policy Jokers and Degraders
They certainly know how to apply it..
I carnt help but take the piss out of them , Scientology the the Cult that keeps on Giving .
Geez I hadn’t even noticed Bruce Gibson was on there….yeah he basically had to go back to NZ (much to his disgust) when the last round of certs cancellations occurred with GAT2 and he could no longer making a living auditing as he would have to completely retrain….at least in NZ he can get some pension grants and free medical….
Wow, that Rohn Walker sure is one creepy looking dude. If he wasn’t busy setting up a functional org, I really hate to think what he was REALLY doing in Thailand.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?!
“Rohn Walker was bringing hope to an entire nation. He got that medal for “bringing the tech to Thailand” … So, what’s so good about hearing him talk?
Uhh, to learn perseverance while trying to do something completely useless? Hey look, I’m trying the best I can to make SOME sense of this!
Look, if we survived the abuses carried on Sea Org Members, if we survived the tantrums of Miscabage and his physical attacks, lies and criminal acts or the covert OSA operations where good people’s reputation gets smeared and, if somehow, we have gone through the toxic policy of disconnection and still keep going, well then, we sure can survive this planet and more.
So don’t try to instill fear where there should be none. Wrong add.
Beautiful, Sylvia.
Now that was wonderful!
Best way to avoid Armageddon.Tr W,(just walk )
Ability gained:Freedom from fleecing.
Spot on, Silvia!
It sure is nice you have been keeping track of this madness.
Insanity Archives: “in their own words”.
Mike, How many years have you been collecting?
Oh. Well, if only I’d known about the ‘How to Avoid Killing Your Partner’ workshop LAST WEEK…
LOL. I have so much to say about how to avoid killing your partner.
– Lock up the knives
– Sleep with restraints
– Move out of the house
– Aim for the apple, not the Adam’s apple
– Bright orange hunting gear
– Anger management
– Cook the chicken to 165°F
– Run in circles around a pole
– Endlessly recursive dictionary use
– Model your urges in clay
-Hide the checkbook and credit cards
-Don’t get into the church of scientology; your chances will sky rocket
Dying over here!
I can’t get over that flyer. Apparently, $cientologists killing their partners is so prevalent that they simply must have a seminar about it.
Takes “Playing the Birthday Game for blood” to a whole new level.
Playing the Birthday Game for blood? I am so there!
I laughed so hard when I saw that flyer I took a screenshot and sent it friends. Of course they are now worried I am joining or am already a Scientologist…we are going away on weekend girls trip tomorrow so this should be fun?
LOL, disco! I’m sorry for your loss 🙂
Wow. After destroying thousands of lives the hubris of these organizations to print Hubbard’s outrageous statement “Only clears and OTs will survive this planet”.
Where are all those clears and OTs now? Dead? In wheel chairs? In Prison?
Mike I see a pattern here. You used to display Scn promo pieces that showed real people, celebrities and a broad mix of speakers and FSMs.
Mike you are falling down on the job. Stop giving us Scn promo with the same stupid business men and women, pictures of empty orgs and really inane LRH quotes and to top it off pictures of “fast food”!
What’s your problem?
It sounds like Kristen Anresen from the Twin Cities Ideal Org had some great wins from her ARC Straightwire auditing. Good for her. She sounds very ‘keyed out’ in her success story. That can easily be remedied by a quick (and mandatory) trip to the reg for her next services. We don’t want her basking in her wins now, do we? While she may be feeling pretty good about “being me”, she is in for one hell of a surprise down the road when she finds that she doesn’t always feel good about “being me” cuz there are a shit load of disembodied “other me” beings hanging on in the form of ‘body thetans’ and ‘clusters of body thetans’. There will always be something else to pay for that will bring about that great feeling of simply “being me”. Welcome to the scientology hamster wheel where there is always another ‘reg cycle’ or ‘ethics cycle’ to make you feel foolproof about yourself.
“How to Avoid Killing Your Partner”…..? Jeez…..Just the title of that seminar alone is so F’ed up, I can’t even think of anything to say….
Yes, “How To Avoid Killing Your Partner”…that this title for a seminar would be even considered leaves no doubt as to the level of desperation being experienced in getting anyone to show up for anything.
This is a “Tone Level” ploy. Their Sheeple are in APATHY. This title, in the higher fear/covertly hostile band which reaches a bit upward into the anger band with the word “killing” is intended to “command” their apathetic asses into attending this thing.
Ooooh, are they desperate!
On another note, Hey, Captain Miscavige!
No doubt YOU’VE got some ideas on how to avoid killing your partner, right? Why not share your solution with the group?
And of course that makes all of us ask the question, “Where is Shelly”????
Why does he not just trot her out for a 5 minute showing? He could so easily dispel the rumors, but NO, he can not understand or comprehend that people who do not even know her are concerned about her well being. I’m sure he views concern for others as a sign of weakness-.
Currently there is a court case prosecuting a man for killing his girlfriend….i think they are trying to push this button….
How to Avoid Killing Your Partner: COB Salad recipe for a happy marriage.
Send them to an isolated secure facility. Enjoy meaningful visitations once every 24 to 36 months, if you so desire.
Oh my goodness Kyle, I was just going to comment on that. I very very rarely burst out laughing at one of their posters but this one just had me going. Oh my gosh. What an idiotic – ok, I don’t have the right words for that one, but oh my gosh.
Expect it to get worse. More and more desperation as they implode.
“How to avoid killing your partner”?
I guess DON’T do OT VII like Rex Fowler who then murdered his business partner.
Maybe Rex was being “cause over his partner’s life”?
I remember that shooting. Two very stanch cult members, the husband and wife.
mmm… Rex literally dramatized speed of particle flow alone determines power, 9mm style.
Ha ha! Perfect, Wynski 🙂
That Stevens Creek food would run you about $.6.95 at Chipotle. Just postulate a parking spot, and have at it!
Oh dear Ron, we don’t want you to be lonely in the sky. Oh look, there’s Ron, he’s sitting on an asteroid and super lonely because so many have left his mindfuckery.
Poor Ron, a victim of sky loneliness. That makes me so sad.
Look what you bastard SPs have done to the most powerful man in the universe. You made him feel all alone in the sky.
Maybe we can capture him on an electronic ribbon and take him to Disneyland where he won’t be so lonely.
We put our mental, emotional and spiritual lives in the hands of a complete raving loon.
Floating in the sky…………….. what a loon!
He wanted religion and hence, eventually became a sky pilot. Problem is, he left the address of Tgt 2 in his other coat that never got collected from the cleaners! He’s out there somewhere friggen round, completely lost. Gives a whole new concept for “Lost in Space” hey? Danger Will Robinson, Danger!