This week seems to have a lot of “Why I donated” items. Maybe stats are down on the ideal org/IAS front? In that regard, I repeat the notice I first posted yesterday:
I am interested in hearing from anyone who has given money to scientology and suffered financial hardship/crises as a result, and especially if you then tried to get to get your money back and were unable to do so.
Please write to me at [email protected] with the following information:
- How much money in total you gave
- Which orgs you gave it to
- The consequences for you and/or your family
- Whether you tried to get your money back and what happened
- Whether you are willing to talk publicly about 1-4 above
- Best phone number to reach you at.
Now, back to the regularly scheduled programming.
It’s slim pickens…
They have a STAFF MEMBER from the Sydney org donating to the Brisbane org?
He apparently couldn’t think of a reason…
So they just threw in an LRH quote.
The Chan Man is back
Cincinnati ideal org is certainly the ideal location to be looking at the bigger picture…
Back with a Bang!
External influence camped out for a weekend right there in AOLA’s atrium. WISE, where are you?
This guy doesnt even want his face shown or name given. That’s quite the endorsement.
Bart Simpson has nothing to say
Cowabunga. She couldn’t think of any good reason?
Bubbles Champagne is joining by video…
I wonder if Gavin Potter is even OT?
He just wanted a hug…
He usually gets ignored in his wheelchair, someone is paying attention to him finally.
Revel in the crazy
An assortment of insanity from around the world… No doubt these were the staged shots sent in for the MV event.
Curious about how imagination undoes fact?
Every scientologist is a walking example of this.
Very, very quietly…
Or preferably, not at all.
12.5 humanitarians a piece
Danger, Will Robinson
A “free” event with a BBQ and “refreshments”?
And more registrars than attendees.
Oldies but goodies
Come join the retirement home.
This is the best they got. Look how much Tampa has shrunk? Maybe 75 staff for Day and Foundation? What happened to “double SH Size?”
Calling Elio…
Mr. Miscavige needs some help from you to figure out why his world is shrinking.
The “ness” speaks to us all. Long live the ness.
In legitimate charitable organizations people donating large amounts of money would be acknowledged, admired and maybe be regarded as having “status”. Assigning “levels of status” might be a scn innovation.
In my days in the 1970s and early 1980s scn only robbed people honestly and we only paid for training and “processing”. Did donations start up as a result of tax exemption of did it start earlier?
I can go with calling scn counselling “auditing”, but being “processed” sounds like something that occurs in a sausage factory. I didn’t go into the OT levels so I wasn’t totally processed. (assimilated)
Let me tell you how it will be
I reg you cuz this shit ain’t free
‘Cause I’m the chanman, yeah, I’m the chanman
Should ten per cent appear too much
Just ask me if I give a fuck
‘Cause I’m the chanman, yeah I’m the chanman
If your stats are down come hear me speak
If your 2d’s wrecked I’ll give relief
If someone died, I’ll soothe your grief
I’ll sell you Scientology
Don’t ask me what I do it for
Might be a pimp but I’m no whore
‘Cause I’m the chanman, yeah, I’m the chanman
Now my advice for those who doubt
The MAA will sort you out
‘Cause I’m the chanman, yeah, I’m the chanman
And I always to get my sales commission fee
I see that the newest Tom Cruise movie, “Midlife Crisis: Fallout”, is coming out on July 27.
What an excellent opportunity to go out to the cinema that night, and see and support ANYTHING BUT Tom Cruise.
Let’s boycott this asshole, everyone, please.
I agree. Well-known folks such as TC do have a responsibility here – impossible that he does not see that children are deprived of proper education and used as labor force (barely paid at that, and just to mention the most glaring abuse among many). What is that? Statutory slavery?
Not watching TC work is, to me, an easy boycott. Never been a fan (and mind you I was 15 when Top Gun came out). Here’s a thought though: if this thing’s philosophy has so many guidelines on “communication skills”…how do you explain that TC “Scientologist” promo (?!?!?!) video interview that leaked about 10 years ago? That was truly astonishing: the man looked mad and sounded completely incoherent (is he unhinged? A halfwit? At the very least he must have been very much under the influence of several happy pills). I’m not going for flippant or offensive here. My question is sincere: is that the poster person? Is that the best of the best? The one with superior communications and powers of persuasion by using the (gasp) “tech”?! Really?!
Interestingly enough, the “abilities” he does seem to have somehow acquired (creepy intensity, manic stare, general aggressiveness) work very well for… comedy. Have you seen him in “Tropic Thunder”? It’s brilliant. I do believe this man has missed his true cinematic calling. My 2 cents is that despite his many millions he’s sadly wasted as a (now rather geriatric) heartthrob or an action hero (VERY geriatric now).
PS – “Midlife Crisis – Fallout” was PRICELESS. Touché.
Tom, I know the history of Scientology, you don’t.
Maybe he should learn about it then.
MJM, you are glib.
This particular quote from LRH was the only one that ever truly spoke to me:
“The havingness in the WHY is the beingness in the NOW. What is true in your WHAT is only as true as the truthiness in our WANTS. And so forth.”, LRH lectures 5.16.2b Kansas City Symposium, 1954
This is WISDOM people! Now loosen your wallets.
Brisbane cult chick:
“… an amazing journey to the opening… with COB!!! OMG!!!…”
Somebody has been kissing the pages of David Miscavige’s Teen Beat Magazine a little too much, and at such an advanced age.
Oh, Asden Posthouwer. Remember these days well, mark them well in your memory banks. The days you thought David Miscavige was something good. You poor, poor wretch. I wish you well in your recovery.
Why is David Miscavige like the old ad for Lay’s potato chips?
Because I’d bet he can’t beat just one.
God. Please. Tell me this shit ain’t real. I swear to God I must be living in some sort of fucked up Matrix reality that this Scientology insanity has manifested. I’m looking at these pics of all these people in these posters and saying PINCH ME this can’t be happening. I want to laugh and throw up at the same time..
The real Clear cognition: Ron was mocking up the whole thing.
Bingo! It’s all made up! There’s nothing there.
How to talk to your friends about Scientology:
1) Quit Scientology
2) “I used to be n this crazy-ass cult. Glad that’s over. Want another beer?”
totally agree, and people are fine with it, one for one.
I have one sentence answers. I try to also get outsiders to know the value of the taboo words Xenu and “body-thetans” and the exterminator insecticide power that those words have to fend off Scientologists’ efforts to snag anyone. Xenu and “body-thetans” are great words to get off mailing lists.
Sure! I’ll take another beer. Beer is better than Scientology.
Sure, I’ll have another beer! The good times last longer and the aftereffects are not nearly as debilitating
AND there ain’t nearly the level of guiltif you have money in your pocket when the night’s done.
True dat!
Let’s not forget the added bonus of being unsessionable and unstudentable by said consumption. For those never in, these two unique words are part of sciospeak.
Weird that for the Twin Cities event, you have to RSVP to Jakob at a California area code.
Little Davy’s near the end
He sure ain’t got a lotta friends
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while he was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in his brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
And the sheeple bowed and prayed
To the god of Ron they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, ‘The words of Miscavige Are written on the bathroom walls
And odorous stalls’
The Orgs are dead, the sound of silence
MJM, this is perfect.
“How to talk to your friends about Scientology.”
Dig a small hole in the ground.
Open wallet and threw all the cash in it into the hole then bury it.
Erect small sign, “This belongs to CoB, do not touch under under pain of death.”
Twirl finger around ear, go “Blblblblblbl.”
Let jaw dangle and eyes glaze over.
Do zombie walk at friend and grope for their wallet/purse while saying, “Flee…give me…run away…money.”
How in the name of Tubolard do you “…dynamic or your bridge.”? Agh, the pain, the pain.
I’d try sign language.
Thne appropriate sign consists of a single finger.
Been there, done that…over & over again.
Geezers, and another Thursday, “do I puke or laugh at the silliness” Moody subject the response to Scientology advertising, especially with experience to relate to.
Had a thought of a dark nature while reading those fliers. Many decades ago I read a book called ‘Wheels of Terror,’ by Sven Hassel (pen name, real name of Børge Willy Redsted Pedersen and he was Danish. He became popular after the success of his first book). He was German soldier in WW2. He deserted in ’39, got caught and was assigned to a penal battalion. He became a panzer tank crewman and off to the Russian front they went. His story telling prowess mixed with the horrors he was a part of is also a bit of a history lesson. He actually made it back from Russia, he was caught there and escaped, quite the story of unbelievable hardship and survival.
One simple sentence he wrote sent the chills through me and still does today. Being in penal battalion in the Nazi army entailed all the nasty and worst duties imaginable, firing squads was right up at the top of the list, they all had to participate or get shot themselves. “We got the Russian peasants to dig their own graves before we shot them, they knew the value of a simple shovel, they wiped the dirt off them as they handed them back.”
For someone to join staff or the SO, they had no idea just how evil their new regime actually is. Emotional reactions to the lies and social responses blind them to what is actually happening to them.
Oh, “my bad.” The first book he wrote was ‘Legion of the Damned.’ Wheels of Terror was made into a movie later on. Horrifically brutal & cruel times, facts get lost. altered and ignored but that sort of shit does happen.
Does that extremely small print at the bottom some of the fliers have a disclaimer stating anything like “not everyone taking these courses will have the same results”, or anything similar to that?
LOL! Right, Peggy. “Results not typical.”
LOL YES! Also, reporting that this didn’t work may result in a hoard of zombie-like cult members showing up at your doorstep, dr. office, workplace, or PIs following you. Just one of the possible side effects.
Thought of another thing : (*& if you have a workplace, that means you have a job so you need to come in for auditing and bring the money you made!)
Hehehe… disclaimer should be required. And, like drug commercials, a list of possible side effects: “extreme feelings of loneliness, harassment, guilt, poverty, confusion, difficulty sleeping. If you experience thoughts of suicide, do NOT call your doctor immediately.”
I’m so here for the picture of all the Columbus-ers with their hands in the air fist-pumping like extras from ‘Jersey Shore’ five years ago, bro.
Maybe the Situation can do a prosperity seminar, and Pauly D can DJ their next fundraiser.
There’s nothing like operating in a state of total on-trackness.
I was on trackness once. But the track endedness.
Derailingness is the fate of all SPs, but there’s so much attractiveness to it. Are you tracking with me?
I probably should have provided a tractor beam.
That’s what we’re lacking, a tractor bean.
In totalness
I cannot stop laughing. This was the absolute bestest of them all.
I think it’s, bestness of them allness. But, i could be wrong.
Sure is wasn’t a circle in disguise? They do that you know. Gavin can supply the time and Chan the Man the location. Between the two, all will be revealed and you’ll be so grateful you’ll give them all your money, your kids and all. The Scientology circus always has room for one more.
Hey, I went to the trackness today. To do my Super Power Rundown, obviousness.
I’m tracking.
But, are you trackingness?
Testing, one, two.
Mr and Mrs Spence, if “the primary goal is to clear Earth” then why does a full course in scientology cost well over a quarter of a million US dollars in an age where three quarters of the earth’s population* live below the US poverty line?
If, as Hubbard himself said, “there is not much Earth time,” that “every minute counts,” that your “chance is slim at best,” then why isn’t there an urgency in making scientology broadly accessible to the masses?
Could it be that the primary goal is not to clear Earth but simply to accumulate wealth? If, as Hubbard himself said, “it will be found that those who will pay…have the greatest value to others,” and “their worth as persons is greater,” then what of the circa 5.5 billion other people who can’t pay? What then?
If beating “Deadline Earth” is so vital, then how exactly are you going to achieve this with a world population of 7.6 billion that is currently growing by 83 million each year?** In the amount of time it supposedly takes for your church to produce a single clear (every 90 minutes)†, the world’s net population has outgrown you by over 14,200 people. That’s shit.
You’re like Dastardly and Muttley in the wacky races of religious crusades. They might have won the damn race if they hadn’t been so preoccupied with cheating.
* World Bank / PovcalNet
** United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
† International Scientology News, New Years edition, 2017/18
“That’s entheta.”
The Spences
🙂 MJM.
Don’t forget “Enemy Line”. My personal favorite.
I think Scientologists need an enema line to flush out all the Hubbard kool-aid.
No bout a doubt that!
OMG 🙂 🙂
N Westin
You have to understand how mind control and hypnosis works….
First you make claims of OT Super Powers
Glossy promo
Attests from celebs like Tom Cruise etc
You create the
Whalla….“MUST HAVE”
Then you spirinkle in more hypnosis
Use small phrases that will impinge
This words will get into the subconscious mind and the being will have to have it
Use the repeater technique with short phrases commanding with tone 40 command intention
Get rid of your reactive mind!
Achieve your goals!
Go Clear!
Go OT!
Join staff!
Move up in status!
Obtain Spiritual Freedom!
Then……put the CAN’T HAVE on it…..
Price it out of reach for people
Whalla……CAN’T HAVE
It’s that simple
“Invitation to Freedom” Pay $15.00 to come. Wow! You have $15.00, we have a hot one here, did we mention the rest of the event title.
Freedom from your money.
Hand it over.
I looked through all those pictures and I don’t think I see a single person under 50. It won’t be long before the last Scientologist dies off.
Is there no limit to the amount of exclamation points that can be used in Australia?
🙂 Chuckles.
You’re not talking about Chuckle, the evil puppet are you? Cuz if you are, I’m outta here.
Lockness & Loadness ! ! !
Dave F.
My hero (big sigh).
No, there’s someone on here named Chuckles and I was smiling at his/her comment.
But now that you mention it, OSD, Gavin Potter has that “Chuckie” look, IMO. What do you think? His face creeps me out for some reason. That synthetic smile…the eyes, maybe…not sure what it is but he creeps me out.
I meant Chuckie, the little manakin guy. He creeps me out big time.
It’s like the eighth dynamic – infinite.
This was in reference to exclamation tech.
Im Australian, I was embarrassed reading the first one. Apparently we are all bumbling gushing idiots if her statement is anything to go by.
Damn, they still haven’t found Rupert Murdoch’s ruin.
Will you PLEASE stop being so freakin’ funny so I can get off this blog and get started doing the little boring things I promised myself I’d get done today?
Just trying to take responsibility for my own condition here, but if I don’t, it will be all your fault
I’ll try to restrain myself Aqua. Can you imagine my warped sense of humor in a Scientology Org? I didn’t think so.
MJM, if I knew you were still in a Scientology org, I’d just have to do my A to E – for the laughs.
Hey!!!!! I’m Australian!!!! What’s wrong with explanation points?!!!!
Geezers, what’s wrong with you, it’s such a little key on the keyboard and it’s partnered up with #1!!!!
Poor Micky Chan, eternally on the road and collecting 10-15% of the take. Then he has to spend that ‘take’ on getting to the next show and next hotel room. Still, a decent hotel room and a decent restaurant are 47X better than working at Big Blue or Clearwater or any $cieno facility.
Only the IRS can get blood from a stone and the ‘field’ of who’s left in $cientology must be getting thin. $cientology has become the abattoir of personal finances.
Yes, bone thin and bankrupt.
Bone Thin & Bankrupt: A band that’s strung out.
Hi, Mike !
QUESTION : How do Scientologists “know” each other ?
For example, when attending an event, going in to use library resources at different Orgs, etc, etc, etc . . .
Is their some kind of I.D. Card, password, “secret handshake”, etc ?
Basically, how do they identify themselves as being a Scientologist , among themselves ?
Thanks !
Dave F.
Dave F. They surreptitiously sniff each other noses… If it smells like DMs behind…
Damn, and all this time I thought Dave’s shit didn’t stink. ?
Eeeewwww, Wynski, TMIness!
” Basically, how do they identify themselves as being a Scientologist?”
1) They are disconnected from their families.
2) They have a haunted look.
3) They have financial problems.
4) They are arrogant
5) They have a staring problem.
6) They start all responses to you with the word “Exactly!”
So, if I simply walked into an Org off the street, looking like a destitute zombie with an attitude. stare off into space, and throw out a couple of “exactly phrases”, they would give me complete, unfettered access to all of their library resources ?
Sounds like a “fun project” to me . . .
Somewhat like this…..
“I’m sorry, I just came into your lovely store front because it’s too cold outside…..Ummmm, mmm, no I don’t have any money to buy that book,…No, I don’t No I don’t have a bank account, checking account, credit cards because I am homeless you see……Whoa whoa whoa….I thought you’d give me a FREE test, now you’re shoving me OUT the damned door”….
LOL! Exactly, Newcomer.
They recognize each other because they speak in code, using words like “beingness” and “out-ethics”. It’s all dog whistle because none of those words have any meaning.
It’s indeed interesting to see how they’re having to resort to trying to suck money in from all over to help the remaining, struggling orgs with their “ideal” facility fundraising. And how does a staff member have money to give to something like that, unless it comes from assets they really ought to be conserving, like money that could be used for the retirement that Scientology is not going to provide them?
And speaking of Scientology asset-stripping, I don’t even want to try to think of how the guy in the wheelchair came up with the money that he implies that he couldn’t really afford to – and if he’s already disabled in mid-life, he certainly can’t afford to. Part of what’s saddest to me, is that much of the money Scientology has raised at terrible cost from its members for fancy facilities, just ends up wasted, going to the mundane costs like maintaining decaying buildings they bought but can’t afford to start work on for years or decades (and in a few cases, have abandoned entirely), or even raided for other uses like keeping the lights on in the existing facilities that the orgs can’t afford as it is.
The “ideal” org promo has two interesting tidbits. The first is apparent further confirmation that Chicago is high on the list for getting an “ideal” facility – not entirely surprising, as they’re in the third largest metro area in the US, but have a ratty old-school style org in a retail space that looks like a thrift store going out of business. The other is the reference “with a new building in Edinbugh” – it can be hard to parse Scientology PR weasel-words, but if that means they have a building and aren’t just “postulating,” I think their project may get prioritized ahead of others like Plymouth and maybe even Sunderland/Gateshead, leaving the old buildings those orgs bought to continue to sit and decay.
I noticed one of the big conributors is a SO member. Where does staff get money to donate?
From an inheritance.
Inheritance or family money aside, staff or sea org with that kind of money should immediately be suspect.
Here’s why:
Speaking from personal experience: Local Oh Teas got local staff and sea org members to join them in their money making “Get rich quick” schemes, bilking their unsuspecting public out of hundreds of thousands of dollars…
The poor public persons who fell victim to the “fraudness” and “undue influenceness” got sent to ethics, sec checked (at their own expense). While those involved in the scam with their “greatness “Oh Teaness” enjoyed their new condition of “affluenceness” thus flowing money ($ 1M from one person ) into their Idle Org fund and upped their “statusness.”
Trueness storyness.
Those Idol orgs are literally built with blood money.
Org staffs have very intimate knowledge of their public’s financial situation– and their deepest emotional vulnerabilities.
The crush regging is horrifying enough. Add to that the betrayal when one realizes their most trusted course supervisors/ auditors are involved in fraudulent financial schemes as side income.
It’s called “using org comm lines for personal gain” — which is a high crime.
However the person that “pulled it in” AKA the victim who ends up broke is treated as the criminal, everyone who made money gets a pass, esp if the money is then donated to Scientology.
I’m guessing money comes from asset-stripping the same as happens with members who do have some earned income as well – retirement funds if they worked before joining staff or SO, family money, inheritances, property interests, etc. And of course staff and SO are the ones who really most need to hang on to such resources, since Scientology leaves them nothing to fall back on like normal retirement or health care benefits.
I’ve never seen a specific answer to this question, but it would be quite interesting if someone with direct knowledge of what goes on could provide some answers. My guess is that there are sad and ugly stories of staff and SO pressured and harassed into give up assets they had or came in to, and possibly even SO who signed powers of attorney and never even really knew about funds and assets that had their names on them.
My one sister who has been in the SO (Int Base) since 1981 (she was only about 15 at the time) – received an inheritance in 2009 when our step-father died, it was most probably about $25,000. She ended up giving the money to another sister to go up the Bridge (2nd sister was not in the SO). So she has nothing now and is around 52 years old and still at Int Base. I am sure these type of things happen all the time with the SO members, either give the $ to another family member or donate it to the Org.
Another example – I ran into Dave Englehart at AOLA around 2012 – he is an OLD TIME SO member from the early 70’s…by 2012 he was old. He was in the HGC and he told me that he was getting onto his OT levels as he had just received an inheritance and in all the 45+ years he had been in the SO he had never gone up the bridge, so now he was paying for it with his inheritance! SO members are supposed to receive all the auditing for free.
And Scientologists are supposed to achieve total freedom. Do you suppose they’re lying?
Lois, let’s hope Dave Englehart can get a metab to go in session now at his age. It’s a shame and criminal that the hard working SO members never get their own Bridges. The closest they get to it is student auditing for little bits of each Grade, but never the whole grade. And when they leave the SO, they are charged pro auditing rates for their freeloader debt from that student auditing. It is criminal exchange.
Peacemaker, My own story kind of answers your question. I was hounded 24/7 until I signed to go in the SO “in five years when my kids are grown.” They said yes to it and then forced me to route into the SO right away, thus breaking their agreement with me. I routed onto the EFP just to get them off my back. I got through most of EPF and then came to my senses and realized I couldn’t leave my kids, so I didn’t go through with it. But while I was in they tried to get ALL of my divorce settlement money, they tried to get me to give every last dime so that, “there is no back door for you to leave from cuz you won’t have money to leave, and so therefore you have to make it go right in the SO.” That was said to me by a NOTS auditor.
BUT interestingly, one of the OT VII admin people when she heard I joined, she made it a point to follow me to the ladies room and once inside she said in hushed tones to NOT give them all my money and save it so that if I don’t make it in the SO I can leave. She warned me and looked plenty scared telling me this. That was the best advice I ever had. I ran home to my kids and was so glad I dodged a bullet and didn’t go through with joining the SO and glad I never gave them any money.
There is actually an LRH reference we read on the EPF that is for staff only and Ron says in it that you shouldn’t reg SO for money, donations etc, because they give of their time and energy so no one should ask them for money. Ha! Again, they don’t follow their own scripture.
Mr. Gavin Potter wants us to attend his seminar about the ‘Mastering the Secrets of Time’ where the questions are posed:
“What is time exactly? Is it real or is it an illusion?”
“How do you start, change or stop time?”
This sounds like some pretty lofty philosophical prose and I’m sure that Mr. Potter has the answers that he will share with anyone foolish enough to attend. Of course, all participants will be expected to show that they “fully duplicate” this material by coughing up some money at one point or another because this seminar is nothing more than a regging opportunity. What I would really like to see is Mr. Potter in action putting these principles into action later today around 1:59pm. This would be a good time to remember that time is nothing more than an illusion. In fact it would be a good time for anyone still in to remember that the whole cult and its grip on your mind is nothing more than an illusion and head for the very real exit.
Well, I’m not going to any of their prosperity gospel seminars until they get a real Prosperity Pro, like Creflow Dollar or Kenneth Copeland! I mean, let’s just shed the veneer and get right to it.
The whole concept is so idiotic – “Come learn how to be rich so you can afford your religion.”
The comments that could be made about each event… Oh my.
Just one: Giving assets to the IAS, which does not need money, does not use it for any wise purpose, and will never be satisfied no matter how much cash they have stashed away, is truly a fruitless enterprise. The entire scheme is MLM without product – you donate, someone gets their cut for hard selling you to donate, and the product you receive is a worthless certificate. Even if the product received is a giant trophy, it is worthless, too, when compared to the price of the donation.
I expect the hard core lifers will wise up one day. I hope they do, for their own sake.
Any rational person would not say “less time than when I found the tech” because a rational person wouldn’t string together such inane gibberish.
How imagination undoes fact…..thousands of schizophrenics can’t be wrong.
This comment is in regards to the first picture posted. Sciloons think that the more exclamation points they use (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) makes it true. Hilarious.
“The degree of the truthfulness of any given datum is directly proportionate to the amount of exclamation points utilized in communicating that datum in writing. When imparting the vital truths of Scientology to a benighted world, make liberal use of the exclamation point, and you’ll win, and we’ll all win”.
L. Ron Hubbard HCOPL 1 April 60 “Exclam Tech”
I’m an ex-clam and I prefer the use on one!
Please, can someone give me the definition of ” knowingness” I keep seeing this word pop up in different ads for these fundraisers and I just don’t understand. I really would like to know so it is clear when I read this utter fiction that LRH and his followers keep dredging up. Thanks
ness definition, a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.
Our friend LRH in his unique way decided to create a world of words that would lock up people’s thinking. So that once your mental state synched with Hubbard you became trapped in his Hubbardness. 🙂
Jim, without indulging too much in too much praisingness, I’d say that your definition of “knowingness” attains a degree of correctness and thoroughness that places it, as definitions go, squarely in a condition of exemplariness.
Yo Mike, God, Somebody –
We are officially out of control here.
Please apply Stoppingness.,
Aqua, you’ve just got to increase your no-ingness.
Sorta close
Has any one of them considered the idea that Hubbard was wrong?
Get yourself to ethics right now buster!
And please bring your 1st born child, your complete bank information, any retirement savings information and all credit cards you currently possess.
To consider Hubbard wrong would be a wrongness. Of magnitude. (Seriously.)
I suggest a name change: Thursday Dummies.
I decided just like LRH I’m going to start adding “ness” after my words, to make new words.
Almost time for lunchingness. Then later I will experience drivingness when I head home from work.
I acknowledge your commentingness.
Pardon – Correction: ‘ . . . . when I head home from WORKINGNESS’.
Understood on all, Moopness.
The churchiness of $camology is harmful to the happiness of the rest of us.
Too funny! ☺. I’m having hilariousness!
I’m having foodness right now. What a cool game we’re playing!
OSD, eating can only be beneficial if done with sufficient chewingness.
Wow! You’re an expert at this.
I have devoted many years to the study of eatingness somebody help me I can’t stop…
I’ll be right over!
You’re making funningness! LRH suffered from way too much gassingness.
I’m experiencing hilariousness! ☺
Lovingness this. Fab techness.
Hubbard copied the idea of “ness” words from Helena Blavatsky the famous 19th century
Occult founder of Theosophy. In fact, Hubbard’s key term “beingness” was first used by Blavatsky in the 1890’s. Hubbard was nothing more than a child.
In other words, what you’re telling us is that Hubbard’s writings are suffused with Blavatskyness?
No wayingness
Laughterness. Wake up Aquamarine!
🙂 🙂
Well then, Scientology is unknowingness.
What about readiness?
Readyness for aftermathness …. if that is possible -ness.
As regards this particular opportunity for TV viewingness I am in a state of total readiness.
Shouldn’t that be, “…when I head homeness from workness.”??
With Scientology, you’re always in the wilderness.
Watching Scientology TV makes sleepingness much easier
Yo Dave,
And how is Your shittyness today good buddy? Statnesses should have some downness round about tooness.
WTF did he just say?
Looks like we’re in a state of we’ve-got-it-going-on-ness!
They need to be investigated by the likes of Eliot Ness.
Yes, we’re all in Spirit of Playfulness today. Or, rather Joking&Degradingness, right, OSA?
Do you fellows ever have any fun reading our shit here?
Come on, tell the truth; do we amuse you – sometimes?
Ever? Just maybe a little eensy teensy bit?
Certainly not on any regular basis, because Putting In Ethics On The Planet is a Deadly Serious Activity.and There Is Not An Infinity Of Time…and so on..
But every now and then, do we DBs and BDAs provide you with a secret little yuck or two?
Hope so.
Much love,
“We are not amused. You’re all stopping freedom, the only chance man has in all the endless trillenia of the past as this is everyone’s last and only hope. This is deadly serious business. But, yeah, thanks for the yucks.
How the hell do I escape the HGB? My senior’s all over my ass!
OSA Rinder Blog I/C HFA