Who can you trust?
I would hazard a guess that it’s probably not someone that doesn’t identify themselves in the ad they place…
This poster just creeps me out.
And why is it that LA Org doesn’t have anyone other than a “Pre GAT II” Class IV? How demeaning is this…
Reserve the date…
Rabid Clive will be back in town to brief on the progress towards the target of 10,000 people on, through or declared while auditing Solo NOTs. Should be quite a wild show.
What Does It Take?
I wonder what “It” is?
Somehow, this is one of the least inspiring silly posters I have ever seen trying to convince people to hand over money.
Looks like Glen got out of the “pass the pen” with a slick promise of $100.
Confusion Reigns
Well, it’s a bunch of kids — without any logical reason.
Then it says its the “Year of Valley”…
Followed by promoting some guy from Inglewood.
To be held at Pasadena org.
Perfectly sensible.
Drew Johnston
He is making half a comeback to being a Class IV auditor (I had earlier posted how this “Class VIII” was now not promoting himself as an auditor at all). Funny, he still isn’t “auditing,” just being an FSM.
Join the “Theta Potatas”
Sounds like a heel of a good time postulating some money into existence…
Pathetic in Pasadena
This is what they are using to promote their success in the “ideal” Pasadena Org. A picture showing they have 14 people on their Objectives! Fourteen total. And you can be certain virtually every one of them is Flag public, redoing this at their “local org.” And this is the biggest thing happening in scientology — the jewel of the GAG II crown and this is one of the model ideal orgs in the center of the largest concentration of scientologists on earth. Just think, if Valley ever becomes ideal they will be able to each have 7 public! Woohoo.
The FACT is that we are afraid to show numbers on the graph as it would prove that this ideal org had NO public and NO WDAH’s being delivered. Some Sea Org Members were despatched and they got a couple of people in and onto service and that “4Xed” their stats.
Everyone should aspire to be like Inglewood….
Valley Ho!
Some of these “teams” cannot even confirm themselves to show up! Wonder what the “Points” are? Anyone that gets a whale to show up gets triple “points”?
Gotta say, I really like the little logo for David Wilson’s team. It’s raining money!
Get em when they’re young…
You can have your children learn where the proceeds of their piggy bank should go, starting at age 6.
Ideal Graduation
Q: How can a local graduation feature someone who completed auditing at Flag? A: They don’t HAVE any completions in the “ideal” CC Nashville.
I bet that “special announcement” had NOTHING to do with fundraising. Not.
Ditto Dallas
Regraded Being
A double whammy from our old friend.
Additional Reading Assignment:
If you are not a daily reader of Tony Ortega’s blog, make an exception today.
My good friend Jefferson Hawkins has put together a list of common sense points that everyone who has ever been in the church should know. As always, it is articulate, intelligent and to the point.
Read it here.
RE; What does it take, Miami?
So many questions…What is happening to the woman in the white sweater? Is this a new fundraising game? Tickle the titty for dollars? More importantly: Who is paying? the tickl-er or the ticke-ee?
That made me spit my coffee!! I am a never been in so not sure!
But my question is, if someone passes me the pen and I don’t want to give or can’t…what happens?
The “Year of Valley – Building a Future”
The reason that children are in the background is to promote that Valley Ideal org will be the first org to have a “children’s org”. This is a rather scary thought if you think about it.
I know lots of parents who shied away from bringing their kids into the org for course because they didn’t want them to get recruited, which will happen with a certainty. They will not be immune to this in an Ideal Org either. The names of the parents and kids will be fed to the recruiters and they will show up well before the kids are 15 years old, while they are still “clean”. Kids who go on course are cherry picked into the S.O., while still minors.
What cracks me up is that now children are the “Future”. After decades of forced abortions and still today, Sea Org members are forbidden to procreate.
The “What does It take” flyers were ALL Int originated special “super duper” promo campaigns that came down sometime in 2011. I had the unpleasant task of creating some of that shit back then. Glad to say in the past. It was combined with “What Do You Get” and something else.
I noticed that the Inglewood org is ideal supposedly, but they couldn’t help putting “up your status” at the end anyway. I guess the idealness still needs some work. I thought the Jeff Hawkins list was excellent. One thing, in addition, for those who would still like to study Scn. or receive auditing on their own terms, keep personal, case information and evaluations off the group dynamic. Let people have privacy and don’t function off case problems or evaluations outside of the auditing environment. People are not their cases or their case problems and their spiritual journey is between them and their confessor. Evaluating a tone level is not the totality of the individual. They are very complex and some have deep spiritual suffering that you cannot see. I just wanted to say that, because I felt lack of privacy and gossiping was a huge problem for many that I audited. We need love and support when we are struggling, not condemnation.
Sounds so good Hallie Jane. A loving perspective.
Anyone else having probs viewing Mike’s blog on Android? On Maxthon and Chrome (both Android and Desktop mode) it loses all its formatting. Been like that for the last couple of days. :o(
I am appalled that children ages 6-11could learn anything from strangers. Parents, do your job and clear your own planet, (your home with your family). There is where children learn. Parents are to be guides, protectors, and educators of morales, values and ethical behavior. Not at a workshop, at home. Adults, screw your heads on straight, WAKE up and smell the coffee. L RH needs no more money, he’s DEAD. COB needs no more money as he is off ethics by being too greedy, self serving and narcissistic. Save the planet by saving you and your families, the foundation of a healthy society. OFF SOAP BOX now.
I have never teached my childs .. but I gave them an assist if needed .. but both of them wanted to go into the sea org .. wanted, forced to do that .. now I am blamed for that he did ..
My good friend Jefferson Hawkins has put together a list of common sense points that everyone who has ever been in the church should know ..
I have never done else in my 43 years in .. but surely should do it per church advice .. but did not .. but as said sometimes here, the church advices did lead me in some cognitive dissonance ,, to myself and others, so sometimes it was difficult to come over the idea what is right and what is wrong .. I decided me for what is more right for me .. no decision of others accepted ..
Lets say, I was always a scientologist with good heard .. lost the idea that scientology is a religion at all, but contributed to successful parts of it. But when The Basics came out with the order that everyone has to read this new editions if he will be a scientologist .. it broke my heard .. my protest about brought me than down to an SP declare from the church .. my basic about was my meaning: if this would be true, then LRH itself was never a scientologist and has himself a failed bridge .. did never deliver and has never received the original bridge as he intended .. I called it pure bullshit .. so I got my declare ..
I have never looked as so called suppression or enthata sides on the internet .. was never interested to get squirrel data about the tech .. have never looked at data about OT levels .. but then with the release of the Basics something changed deeply in my heard .. I had to look what others did mean about, found not for what I have kooked .. but found surely some people who had the same dissonance to that what goes on in todays church .. so finally I found that being declared as an SP is a honor .. it is not as bad as it is said from the church .. so Jefferson Hawkins could ad point 13: If you are declared, be proud of it, you are then more sane than anybody currently in the church .. hold the good things on top, and smash the bad points away ..
I wanted to say that .. it was since nice to read Mike Rinder and Marty Rathbun blogs .. I find a field sharing some strange experiences .. much better than I ever could in the church ..
for what I have kooked .. means: for what I have looked
Welcome… LOL re your EX 🙂
What’s really obvious to me about people like Clive Raby is that they are the perfect example of squirrels. And they are accompanied by the mind set of the rank & file of corporate $cientology in that are “waiting” for the people of earth to cognite about Scientology and beat a path to their door. That’s not ever going to happen, they don’t have anything even slightly workable, except for a type of hypnotism based on hope for the weak of mind.
There’s a lot of criticism and downright condemnation of Hubbard and his works getting about but from what I have seen personally (without having to be told or towing some popular line) is that there are some pretty handy tools in that technology to uncover unethical practices. The Data Series is a brutal set of tools sometimes, particularly the 5 reasons something is illogical, the monitoring of an ideal scene is another sobering thing to apply if it is APPLIED AS WRITTEN. Let’s not forget management by statistics or the laws of exchange,302 Debug’s etc. They all expose the criminal activities of miscavige and his cronies at a casual glance.
Even study tape 1 – better than 50% of the subject of Dianetics and Scientology is HOW you do it. But miscavige has gotten rid of everyone and I mean everyone in that organisation that could do anything positive a long, long time ago.
It’s pretty mind numbing to observe what the people inside the bubble are up to, the lights are sort of on but sure as heck there’s no one home.
Wonder if I’ll be attacked again for daring to suggest there’s something in Scientology that just might just work in some small sphere.
The stuff in Scientology that works is the stuff L Ron knicked from others…..
Please enlighten me, what exactly works in Scientology? Irrespective of the original author.
Ron didn’t knick the ARC Triangle, Comm Formula/cycle, Tone Scale, Auditing processes (among other things) from anyone.
I don’t think anything works in Scientology other than the ‘wins’ one gets from auditing, which can be likened to talk therapy. Or, one could argue that auditing wins are nothing more than euphoria induced by hypnotism
On the Narcolong Poster – a good one – we could add:
“And the leader of the expanding religion of Scientology comments that, as far as Narconon goes “it has nothing to do with me:.
When you say Pre GAT II OT II out loud, it reminds me of another code language in the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still when the lady had to stop the robot from destroying the world. She had to say: klaatu barada nikto
She had 20 seconds to save the world using code language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIaxSxEqKtA
Most bubble dwellers think they too have 20 seconds to save the world….. Little do they know… it’s their own world that needs saving.
It’s a day like today that I am even more grateful for Regraded Being. Even as a ‘never-in’ I recognize the humor and the sadness in your work. I hope you will continue with your work for as long you can. What you do is important.
Thanks NOLAGirl. I am grateful to Mike Rinder, Debbie Cook, Tony Ortega, Gayle Smith, Luis Garcia and a few other close friends for their willingness and courage to speak out against what they see to be wrong without needing to shove their viewpoints down my throat. I only hope my cartoons might encourage those in to just open their eyes a little bit more and go on ahead to look into those nagging little doubts that keep popping up. In Scientology you are asked at the end of a successful auditing action you write a success story stating your wins then are asked “Would you like others to have those wins?’
I guess that’s what I’m trying to do now. Separating myself and my family from what the Church has become was a big win for me and, “Yes. I would like for others to have those wins.
I am very glad you had good people around you to support you. 🙂
After what has happened in Paris, satire has become even more precious. Wishing you the best in the future. Thank you again for what you do.
Just as an aside: I knew Bob Kaye when he was an Engineer on the Bolivar in 1970. He was the sweetest kid, all he wanted to do was help people and get his bridge.
Later on at Asho Day, he was the very best examiner I ever saw because he was THERE and happy the PC was there. His exam data always matched my worksheets (i.e. the PC’s TA was similar, the indicators were similar, good or bad, etc.). I was always happy to bring my PCs to him.
One day he got into a very bad motorcycle accident, and the story going around was that while going in and out of consciousness he kept saying to the EMTs and doctors: “Gimme an R-factor. Gimme an R-factor.” He did recover and go back on post and I lost track of him over the years.
For me, he was a lovely, lovely being. I hope he got up the bridge before the little man “improved” it.
Edit: “e.g.” (for example), not “i.e”.(that is).
Mike, I love Thursday Funnies and all of your witty commentary, i.e. “…the jewel in the GAG II crown”. I love Regraded Being also. Thanks for all of your efforts in furnishing data in formats so that I can laugh and not cry at the insanity of waste of it all. Reading your Funnies and your daily satire is so workable for me because I need the real facts but I don’t necessarily need or want to plunge myself downtone confronting them when they are depressing. The self-destructive actions of the Co$ and its koolaid drinkers are, to my mind, ripe for satire. Look, if Mel Brooks could satirize the Holocaust and make THAT funny, with “The Producers” then these benighted, deluded Sheeple are fodder for anyone’s humor.
Aqua, You certainly have my vote!
Me too! AND,..IT’S THURSDAY! If you listen closely, you’ll hear the scrambling all over the world to pad their stats!
Power to the cartoonists for freedom of speech
I don’t get the meaning of Bob Kaye and Gat II ad. Can you not audit if you are not GAT II?
Is Bob Kayepre the pre-GAT II auditor saying “GAT II training is very good, but I have not done it yet, so you are going to get a pasty faced/half dead pre-GAT II auditor?”
Seriously, I don’t get it. What they hell are they trying to advertise here in this brochure… Can you splain it to me Lucy?
I think it means they have no GAT II auditors.
I think you do get it Robert! Your second paragraph is pretty much a wrap!
Though it definitely was not obvious, I figured the Bob Kaye thing. He was one of my co-audit twins on the Briefing Course in 1974/75.
He’s not staff or SO. He is bragging about retraining at the LA Org.
Thanks Sheldon
I get it… someone had him write a success story for “being on GAT II training” course room and then pasted it on a photo him giving the cans instead of him sitting on the course room…. They are creating their own creepy and degrading brochures…
Drew….I used to be a Cl VIII but now I’m a CL IV.
Sheeple….How did that happen?
Drew…..I don’t know.
Sheeple….How can being a demoted auditor be a good thing?
Drew….I don’t know.
Sheeple….Isn’t CL VIII the pinnacle of a trained public? How can you now be a CL IV?
Drew….I don’t know……I guess I’m more valuable to COB doing seminars as a CL IV to raise money than
being an active CL VIII auditing in the field like I used to do.
Sheeple….That makes no sense.
Drew…..Yes but I’m self determined.
The headline picture is my Flag MAA when I was approved for Auditing and training at Flag.
I’m thinkin Bob Kaye could do well getting out in the sun a little more and perhaps some cardio-vascular activity. Too many late nights studying GAG XII on 2 hrs. sleep has got to take it’s toll.
Yo Bob,
You can keep the cans good buddy…………..
Bob Kaye is a vampire. He’ll never see the light of day.
What exactly happens when these Scientologists get together to have ‘postulate’ sessions? Do they all hold hands and try to postulate something awesome or is it just Scieno-speak for making new year’s resolutions?
Well, you kinda close your eyes real tight, grit your teeth a tad, squeek out a grunt or two and voila…..there’s your postulate. Watch out because sometimes it is a fart with a lump in it……………..
They’d have more success with a Ouija Board.
Boy, Coop, don’t I know that situation! You just can’t trust farts at our age.
Coop, you’re a bad man 🙂
Keep up the good work!
Reminds me of when the Hippies tried to levitate the Pentagon
Body routing is listed as 1st standard action? What? Not books? Are people not just walking into Org for services? Oh, right, they now have to lie about being Scientologists and body route them into a self help group (bait) and then tell them they use Hubbard’s technology (switch)…. sure that’s going to work… a real model of organizational sustainability for an organization. GM, IBM, DuPont take note of this important discovery of bait and switch for sustainability of an organization.
That MAA just oozes with caring.
Oozing yes…caring? Bahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Good Post again Mike – love Regraded Being’s Cartoon. It is all about the bat shit crazy the stuff we put up with whilst trapped in the Cult of Scientology and it is so good and healthy to laugh about it now. Do MORE!!
The Narconon Ad needs to be spread far and wide to every Scientologist on the planet for clearing to actually occur. (clearing out all Org’s everywhere).
Lert’s get up to GAG II speed here IM ………………. it’s now known as Narcalong! We’re throwing out the Narcos and the Bulls and going with the Narcas and Dave’s ………………as in Narcalong is another Daveshit ponzi scheme……IMHO!
How about making FaceBook Page and invite us all to be friends and post Coop! We can reach many, many, people!
“I’m a Pre GAT II Class 6 Auditor.”
In other words,
“There was so much out tech before GAT II that COB had to correct or get rid of, that there is no more Class 6. So, now I am nothing.”
Re the LA Org Pre GAT Class VI auditor, Bob Kaye in the promo…. why is he in a T shirt? Don’t SO wear uniforms? And isn’t LA Org supposed to be ALL SO now that they came and took over the org? So if LA Org is ALL SO and the only auditor they have is Non-SO and not even a GAT II auditor, that is really bad and pathetic. So many outpoints. My friend has a story about Bob Kaye that is shocking. But I”ll encourage him to post it himself on the blog.
I love it! Can’t wait for the ‘Scorch Mag’ issue ….. and ‘Narcalong’ …………priceless! LOL a lot.
Cheers to all and may your day be a humorous one.
Cooper, I Should be near your area code later this month. Would like to meet you. Say, Starbucks?
Check with Mike for my email.
You’re on RB. Looking forward to it!
!st time poster…but had to. been reading a while and lurking.
I had to laugh at Miami’s flyer…That’s my EX…donating money she don’t have!
Hope that’s not YOUR money she’s donating!!!
That was the problem. I wouldn’t give a damn dime to those people! When ask if I was interested, i said nope… Wasnt looking into any cults right now. After 4 years I guess she figured she couldn’t change me and I couldn’t get her out. I tried. And when she got Cook email she told me she was doubting her religion. Her answer to that was go to the org. They talked her right back in.
great to hear from a 1st time poster! Are you talking about Lisa T?
If so, she gave a lot of money she can’t afford! I know 🙁
Yes, and she is the nicest person in the world!!! They take such advantage of her. So many times I seen it and it wud hurt me to the core. I don’t get it. She is so smart. I don’t know why she won’t get out of there. Some times I think she gives just so they accept her.
I’ve heard her mention your name. Aren’t you still in?
Is Lisa T Lisa Twede?
No it’s not.
Just a wog,
yes she is. I’ve known her since 1997. She married my wife and I in 2007. I’m shocked to hear she mentions my name. I tried to communicate with her and gave her some of the info in Debbie Cook’s email latter part of 2011. She eventually slammed the door on communicating with me back then. No, we’re not in – been out since end of Feb 2011 after reading Cooks email AND thinking for ourselves! We’ve heard through the grapevine we were declared last year.
She was probably telling me the people she married. She is in deep, I think her only way out is if they close. And what you said did have her thinking abt leaving ( thank you) unfortunately as I said she went to the org and they justified it all. I called it a cult and she was going to LA and I ask her to promise me she wudnt donate. Well she went to the org for interview?? Came home after 4 years and ended it. . In 4 months made 2 huge donations. Unreal. And I am positive she was told to disconnect from you. I now remember this whole story. That’s how I know ur name. She was very very upset but would do what the cult wanted. I’m sorry
I tried. Glad it had some effect. I’ve struggled to understand what it takes to get someone out. This organization that claims to make people MORE aware, actually has the opposite effect. Unfortunately those that remain are becoming the hopelessly most unaware. Those out are the most aware and able to think for themselves, unlike those still in. Believe me, I donated a lot, just like many others that have posted here, elsewhere, and are suing.
My wife and I also like many others got to OT 8 and were able to still see the light. There is certainly one basic problem: those in claim that LRH is source, yet in the face of obvious blatant contradiction to his policies follow DM blindly. Do I hear “CULT!”
My wife and I have come to the conclusion that Scn has to really do something to “ruin you,” a characteristic on a scale of awareness, to get you to need of change, meaning to get out!
Just know you did what you could, we’ve tried too.
Good morning Mike,
Cartoon seems to be missing second frame.
So sorry — now fixed….
Love the regarded being cartoons. Very real.
this is a great blog 🙂