Columbus is DOING IT!
Not really.
Lots of action about Columbus this week. There must be a fundraising mission there…
This org seems to have been designated as one to be on the line up for a Miscavige ribbon yanking ceremony and they are trying to squeeze as much money out of the suckers before central reserves foots the bill.
It’s always an indicator when you see the same old Flag whales giving money…
Space for 370 New scientologists
They couldn’t round up 370 new , OLD or deceased scientologists in Columbus…
168 Students
I can almost guarantee you that today they do not have ONE student on any Academy level course.
If you build it they won’t come.
Going for the win?
Definition of a win: an empty building.
Freedom is realized?
By the ideal org alliance?
What this actually says is: Freedom comes about by giving money to ideal orgs. It’s WAY better than auditing. More case gain per dollar…
Is it just me?
Or is this horrendously UNappealing.
Even the photoshop sucks.
Experience OT
All you need do is write a check or ring up your credit card and you will discover what it is like to be an OT. Endless regging.
Now if there was an OT level to get rid of regges rather than BT’s it would be a big seller. And they wouldn’t even need to reg for it!
The place to be…
Sure doesn’t look like it every time I drive by.
Because of the case gain of course
Why did we do it? Why wouldn’t we do it? Makes sense.
Scientology will be big and stable enough
It’s an interesting thought. If there is enough MEST perhaps it will conquer theta? Or something?
A seminar for the ages
Dave and everyone else needs to be there…
They don’t seem to be able to create any safe-points.
This is embarrassing…
Or it should be.
At least you can sort of explain an ideal org.
But an event venue that is smaller than Ruth Eckerd Hall that they have been using for 30 years. Why?
I don’t even know what this means?
Make it go right
Wonder how long you can keep saying that when things are just not going right?
Something completely horrid must have happened…
This took a TR’s course in 1990. After 28 years this is their “stat-push” letter?
Competent. Confident. Truly Free.
Bet those speakers are none of the above.
Top Blokes?
Is it because I am Australian that these ads seem to weird to me?
Sea Org life here we come…
Do you really have any idea what you are getting yourself into?
Wonder why every scientologist is in debt?
Aqua that is well said my friend. It’s possible that I still feel pity because I was never in and they didn’t steal years of my life and my money! Lol. I came to this blog because I had so much anger after watching Aftermath that I couldn’t sleep and had no one who wanted to discuss it. At least here everyone has made me feel like I can ask questions and share my thoughts and feelings . So thank you for that! ☺
Looking at the pictures of the future Columbus Org I like how Scientology rips off ideas from other religions. In this case, it’s Christian Science.
Look how the course room has quotes from LRH tacked to the walls. This is exactly what you see in a Christian Science church except that the quotes are from Mary Baker Eddy.
Assholes! Plagiarists!
Re: Extra hand on Buzz’s shoulder:
That’s what happens when sleep deprived Sea Org Members attempt to do Photoshop.
Re: the Doug Pringle letter.
Looks like a goldenrod for dear Doug(yay!)as that letter probably made its way to Ethics.
Reminds me of a time when I was on staff. I wrote a letter to a blown public and she wrote back with something like this:
I dont want nuthing to do with no syintology or no sulebruties.
A load of good Study Tech did her.
I am Doug Pringle and have been hoping for years to get a goldenrod. I just hope they get my name right
Thanks, Doug, but it looks like, given the sorry state of Scientology, that you’ll have to try a hell of a lot harder than that.
Not fair, I deserve a goldenrod as much as anyone.
But, Doug, Scientology is in dire straits right now! They need bodies in the shop real bad! In their opinion, no matter how enturbulated and SP we are, we can still be recovered and gotten back on lines! That means both of us!
So, what do you say?
We can probably be recovered, but I am afraid it will not be cheap. So can you loan me a few hundred thousand dollars?
As a part of my ethics cycle I once had to cover credit card expenses of a girl who joined SO.
Mike while you know my past…..I realize others don’t. I’m new to joining in on your blog topics but you, and many regulars on your page have been a HUGE inspiration and part of my daily life for years. Tonight’s Blog, Thursday funnies I honestly looked forward to in years past, but now…I just want to end this sick reign of terror and torture. I realized tonight I no longer look forward to the funnies, but I feel instead a loathing, maybe even guilt for not stepping up and sounding off earlier, as I read through. True, I may target certain Eff Pee believers in Daveys cult of scn…….but only because by doing so I know they will show their true colors and nasty intentions. The deeper I go the more I want to fight. You sir, are a true Knight and Warrior for those that have no voice. Thank you for what you do and what you sacrifice for doing it. You and your family are amazing and I thank you for letting me in to be a small part of it each day.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of a Scientology classroom with anybody actually in it. Just in the article alone, pictures of 3 totally empty rooms. Wouldn’t the advertising be more effective with a bunch of people actually in the rooms? Oh ya, they would have to do a casting call to get enough people.
It’s telling that the images of the fantastic looking course rooms are just that: the rooms. Does this mean that these rooms are often packed to the gills (hahahaha)?
Dear JoAnne,
You might have to pay the person to take those materials off your hands.
LRH defines it as a HIGH CRIME to sell your LRH books, tapes, congresses, etc. This is covered in HCOPL “Criminal Ripoff of Orgs”
“Aside from the delivery of services, the Orgs exist to sell LRH books, tapes, congresses, meters, etc. The Orgs are the only approved sales channel in Scientology. Scientologists attempting to sell their LRH books, tapes, congresses, meters for ANY REASON are committing a high crime by ripping off the Orgs.”
“I am also personally harmed when a Scientologists to sell the materials I so painstakingly wrote at the cost of decades of research which include breaking my back on the OT levels. I emerged very knocked out but alive, the only one to have emerged from the trap after 75,000,000 years.”
“To sell LRH materials, particularly by promoting them as “used” is to slap me in the face and say that my brief breath in eternity counted for nothing. This makes less of me as I lose the royalties I would otherwise collect on the sale of new books, tapes, lectures and so on and so forth to which I am entitled. I need those royalties to fund my researches as I take no salary from the Church and pay all of my own expenses.”
“Scientology cannot progress when the Orgs are being ripped off and I am being deprived of my royalties. Why just the other Mary Sue told me that the engine on the ship needed a piston rings. Where is that money going to come from if Scientologists are selling LRH materials? Piston rings don’t pay for themselves. I pay for such items out of my own pocket.”
“Someday the Church will repay me for my researches and expenses when its finances are more solid. But until that day comes when I bill Scientology the $85,000,000 I will be owed, we all must sacrifice. And that means no selling of Source materials by Scientologists.”
The Crocodile Dundee guy looks like Dieter Welte, longtime PAC Base staff.
Crocodile Dumb Dee……
The crocodile dundee guy is Errol Schmidt; Melbourne IAS reg and all-round fundraiser and husband of Ethics officer Emma
JoAnne Linsell… please GET OUT now! Don’t set yourself up for a lifetime of regrets and misery. Also, don’t you like sleep? Family? At least a little free time? Freedom???
Are Greg & Sandra Winteregg both male? Sure looks like it in the photo… not that there’s anything wrong with that… except in scientology… unless you have bags of cash.
Which Winteregg is which? In the picture it looks like two men!
The hand on Buzz’s left shoulder looks odd.
Columbus is DOING IT!
Triple Humanitarians
Which one is Greg Winteregg & which one is Sandra Winteregg? Now I’m confused again.
Creepy! That’s the only thing to say about any of these flyers. The Sydney recruitment ones were particularly offensive but the Crocodile one is way beyond puke! Oh my…
They want to “duplicate my needs”. What? I don’t want my needs duplicated. Why would I want twice the number of needs? I’m getting a mental picture of the Sorceror’s Apprentice where he keeps chopping the troublesome brooms in half only to have twice as many!
Mike I’m not Austrailian but I’ve been there enough to be offended by the Crocodile Dundee insult. Only a idiot like DM could have approved of this piece of unsulting imagery. I’ve been to the outback so far that I hit ocean at Port Hedland where BHP has a mining operation and never saw anyone who looked like Dundee – probably never would. Wow! DM is an asshat!
Buzz Newman is from north of Boston and is a veterinarian. His bio says he used to own his own clinic, now seems to be an employee. 617 is Boston area code.
I was trying to make sense out of the explanation on why they are donating and it was all goobledegook…..It made absolutely no sense whatsoever and it just made me think they were both freaking nuts. Its sad that he’s probably lost everything and is in debt up to his eyeballs….And it’s horrible to think all the years that have been wasted on this.
He is probably working at Int Base. Seems an emergency call went out for someone to come treat the head pit bull because He was frothing at the mouth.
They bought a building here in Boston for their idle morgue and are now re-regging everyone for the renovations.
Yeah bizarre,
Used to be training was promoted a lot.
Did quite a bit myself and know many others who did too.
Did not meet too many dissatisfied people.
Although OT III and up is just nuts,very few people ever complained about the grades.
How a group that was kind of usually somewhat on par with say EST and NLP and other technologies of the day got hijacked by an Evil Dwarf to build empty buildings,got staffed by people who were reeducated cleaning toilets with toothbrushes,and stopped delivering what sometimes had some value is puzzling.
That must be Miscarriages hand on Buzz Newman’s shoulder because it is not Tracey’s ………………unless she just completed the double jointed elbow rundown!
Crocodile Dun, Sir!
Thanks for that loud bark of laughter for the day!
Mike’s comment on the last picture is spot on, I did’nt know a scion who wasn’t in debt, including me! My personal debt grew each year and I deluded myself by saying I’d tackle it eventually, I only got rid of it once I left them completely.
Same with me. I believe most commentors on this blog are familiar with my ‘from staff to Goodwill’ success story.
I’m really not sure they could gather 370 Scientologists who are really currently active, in the whole central US between the coasts – the heartland, including up into Canada, seems to be where they are weakest of all, though even some of their locations in large East Coast metro areas like Philadelphia seem to be doing just as badly. They’d be lucky to get 37 even if they bused in all the newbies from every org for 500 miles.
That “stat-push” or “recovery” letter is another strange one. Like some others we have seen before, it is very curt and sort of passive-aggressive – what do they think that accomplishes?
“…though even some of their locations in large East Coast metro areas like Philadelphia seem to be doing just as badly.”
Based on the throngs of people we saw when in New York’s Time Square – hundreds of thousands of people (per Wikipedia) traversing this area each day – I check in with NY Ideal Org’s Facebook page regularly, because this org is LESS THAN 1 block from Time Square and there is NOTHING, but nothing, but “foot traffic” in this area!
Well, according to their Facebook page, the last Clear made in New York Org was over a year ago! From his black vest and white shirt he’s wearing most likely he’s a staff member there, and if he’s a staff member very likely his family paid for his auditing.
That’s how well NEW YORK org is doing; no Clears made in well over a year.
In fact, nothing new has been posted on this org’s Facebook page since March of 2017!
That bears repeating:
So what does that tell you about how exponentially the cult is “expanding” ?
And the Still Ins there – they don’t see this, I guess..? They don’t wonder…?
See, its possible that some people are just too stupid to live.
Last time I went by the NYC location, two young people were outside smoking. The placed was totally dead, no one looking in, walking in….nothing. We’d had a quick lunch in the nearby Pizza place & took out some leftover. I gave two slices to these two kids, who wolfed it down……sad.
That was kind of you, Balletlady. It is sad that they wolfed down the pizza like that. Even sadder is that they couldn’t even buy their own slices and saddest of all that they’d be so hungry as to accept food from a stranger on the street! (No matter how respectable someone looked, its not something I would do)
Thank you Aqua….they were young kids, maybe late teens, near 20. They looked so sad, we had ordered a six slice pizza, had two slices left which the establishment boxed up for us with our asking them to do so. Not wanting to insult the owner by tossing it, & not wanting to carry it around NYC the rest of the day…as we walked past those two young ones again, I said simply “Hey, I’ve got extra pizza slices here I don’t want to carry around all day, would you guys like it”…. They smiled pleasantly & nodded yes…so I handed them the small box with the two slices which they nearly inhaled……felt good to know at least they had something to eat.
Got it on everything. Sounds like they were staff or in that they were smoking, more likely young Sea Org from the CLO around the corner. They “inhaled” the pizza, huh? My money is on them being Sea Org kids. Very sad.
You know what’s the saddest of all, Balletlady? These kids, trusting food from you, depending upon “the kindness of strangers” for their lunch, would have refused that pizza if they had known that you communicate on an Anti-Scientology blog with SPs! Which makes YOU an SP btw. And if they ever discover this, or are somehow informed of this – unlikely, but if this ever occurs they’ll either be reported to Ethics or they’ll have to report themselves to Ethics. They’ll be in real trouble if this is discovered. But don’t worry, this is unlikely.
I keep adding comments because this pizza incident does blow my mind. In a nutshell, two slices of pizza eaten these two hungry kids has the potential of getting them into severe ethics trouble, if they’re Sea Org. Pizza. Blows my mind, I tell you!
I actually found that letter offensive. I can’t believe they think that would recover anyone.
“Something completely horrid must have happened…”
Wait…I can’t even *begin* to understand this letter. Please explain what on earth that is about?????
The letter was sent to me. In addition to being a stat push as Mike noted, my take was she is hoping I will respond to tell them what about my experience went wrong to explain why they can’t get me to come back. They have been writing and calling for years and will not give up.
But what really struck me was that the group that has the tech to solve every problem in the universe can’t get my last name right.
Thanks, Doug, for the explanation. It makes (somewhat) more sense as part of a long run of letters from them. But if she thinks a snarky note like that will get anybody to respond, she’s nuts.
What a bunch of idiots!
Why do all the people in the photos in the “why we did it” flyers look like they’ve been wrung through the wringer, not bright and shiny.
Rhetorical question, no answer required.
Mike – Can you do a post about Marty Rathbun? I remember him being out of Scientology and being a critic, seeing him on some tv programs, but then I see the CoS using some of his material to criticize you and he seems like maybe he’s back in..? What’s the story there?
Davey owns him now ……. for good.
If you search Rathbun in his posts and look at the 2017 posts, you will see what he has written. Mike has addressed this situation.
Right. And the less attention Marty gets, the better.
Hmmm…… read Mikes blog often? Do me a favor MarcAnon…….ask Marty that question on HIS blog.
Very true, MarcAnon. On this blog, the name of Marty Rathbun is persona non grata.
In fact, I don’t know if I should even be saying his name.
Please Joanne Linsell, don’t walk into that pit of hell willingly. Preserve your basic human freedoms now and run as far as you can away from the greedy jaws of scientology. They will eat up all your life force and spit you out again. From someone who’s been there – you have no idea what you’re doing!
Joanne Linsell joined the SO thinking she would be regged no more since she cannot resist the hard sell.
Joanne, listen to me! Go online right now and read Thomas Weeks’ account of what he encountered in the Sea Org!
It is…………quite………informative and I’ll leave it at that.
That will be your mystery sandwich.
“Please private message me if you have any ideas that can help me.” Help you! You’re completely fucked. That’s all there is to it. You just jumped into the lions den. They’re going to chew you up & and spit you out. And you’re out there selling the last of your MEST? Girl, you fucked up big time. Have you ever heard of ‘circling the drain…’.
You sure about this?
Well, OSD, don’t be so hard on the girl. She’s joining the Sea Org. She’s going to be a Blood Sucker for the next billion years. So she needs money so she can pay off all her own debts so that she’s freed up Blood Suck OTHER people into debt. And of course, the way to get money in the cult is not to do anything so boring as to EARN it. That’s just so square and besides it takes too long. So what you do is mooch it out of your family and friends and strangers! Its good practice. She’s just doing some practical drills now, to help her be an effective Billion Year Blood Sucker.
OSD… rock brother! Keep speaking the truth! ???
Looks like Crocadile Dundee must have had a sex change operation. How does that fit into LRH tech.
I’m glad you said that first David. I was thinkin’ it.
It just means that he was a woman in a past life!
I just feel so sorry for all these people – giving every penny they have and then being “poor” for what?? So sad – so sad!
It sure is Sue, and they do it because they truly believe they are going to make the world a better place. If/when this all blows up they are going to need a lot of moral support from people who know what they have gone through.
Why are you sorry for them? They’re purposefully, willfully blind. They’re not innocent. The evidence of the scam is all around them, and they ignore it. They KNOW the truth, and still choose to stay. They deserve to get scammed. Scammed again and again and again until they decide to LOOK at the evidence all around them. If the cult were not scamming them, someone else would be.
I got scammed, several times, and finally I looked, and didn’t get scammed again.
This cult has scammed THOUSANDS of others, causing them to PAY ATTENTION afterwards. They got scammed, paid attention, woke up and LEFT.
Why not these people?
Pity them? I used to. No more.
When they reach their scamming limit, they’ll pay attention to what they should have been paying attention to LONG before.
In the meantime, they’ll be milked for all they have and they deserve to be.
I trust I’ve made my point!
Aqua I do still have pity for some mixed with anger for sure! Just depends on the circumstances. Like the ones who are still genuinely brainwashed. But you have every right to feel that way! ?
Thanks. I suppose I got tired of feeling sorry for them. Even an animal won’t take that for very long. Even a dog, if it is abused enough, will run away. Like a wife who’s continually beaten or otherwise abused by her husband. She just keeps taking it and taking it and making excuses for him. to herself and to others. Going back for more. After a while you look at this person and think, “Ok. On some level, you must need this, want this. Ok. Get abused! Enjoy yourself!” That said, I still support the truth getting out there as much as I can.
But I lost my emotion for these people. I’m not proud of that. Its just the way it is. I’m not good at pretending to feel what I don’t feel.
It would thrill me to be able to know if and/or when each of the Still Ins confronts the truth. How it occurrs, what causes each person to look, details like that. It will be great when those who have eyes to see, see.
But the ones who don’t, who won’t, well, then they don’t and they won’t, that’s all. What good will my pity do them? Or anybody’s pity for that matter? They will be the casualties. Que sera sera.
Dear JoAnne,
Here’s some free advise – run! Save yourself.
“Is it just me?
Or is this horrendously UNappealing”
I doubt it’s just you Mike. Really really unappealing IMO. Actually freakish.
Columbus wouldn’t be too too much of a drive so I’ve been thinking it may be worth it just to drive by and see what the hoopla is all about.
Joanne (last posting),
You have gone from being a debtor to selling your soul to the company store (ala Johnny Cash). My idea to help you is: Turn around and walk out of the door.
1. I’m not sure the Columbus poster should be pushing football with the problems the Ohio State University football program is having right now. Do they really want to associate themselves with abusers and cover-ups? Oh, never mind.
2. Is a “Naming ceremony” (their capitalization, not mine) something that takes place in Scientology? That flyer about weddings lists one of the things to celebrate is a “Naming ceremony.” Did not know that was part of Scientology.
Yes, the Naming Ceremony is basically the Scientology version of a Catholic christening. Normally, LRH would have written a christening ceremony but when you believe that Jesus was nothing but an implant……………..
We “EXECUTE” cult leaders here in Ohio – Don’t say you weren’t warned!
In other words, you guys are making mincemeat out of Westboro Baptist Church.
Amazing, before the posters were about an Auditor made, a Student completing courses, promoting the Red or Green Volumes.
Now is just funding, donating and begging to help with other’s debts.
A very, very low level of degradation.
AND she’ll be required to sell those “basics” packages AT FULL PRICE soon as she joins staff, so she should offer her ‘used’ ones at a significant discount right up front.
No, Mike, it isn’t just you who is turned off by that lunacy
Scrapings off the bottom of the barrel, meet sunlight…